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/fa/ - Fashion

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10471846 No.10471846[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>girls that like frat guys

>> No.10471870
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>seeking validation from sexual attraction

>> No.10471891

literally the point of human existence

>> No.10471897

nope. sex is fun but it's not the thing to which all other things are a means. you're on a fashion board. for most people here fashion isn't a means for sex, it's an ends in and of itself. this is art in general as well. the point of existence is up to the individual

>> No.10471915

Cringely put, this

My sick fits won't be getting me as much pussy as a normie fit would for sure, but fashion is fun and interesting. Still, it gets me the kind of chick I'm into.

>> No.10472032

>not fucking hot AI sexbots

>> No.10472148
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>> No.10472475
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we go out a lot, play sports, and have fun. We tend to have more money cus of family / networking. We have a lot of friends. We're not total autists and generally know how to talk to girls.

Why shouldn't they like us?

>> No.10472491

As the resident old fuck on here, I can assure you that fraternities cease to matter about a year after college.

There are admittedly a lot of guys in my area (DC) that try to kinda keep that thing going - lots of partying, drinking, living with roommates, etc. - but it comes off childish and kinda weird.

>> No.10472500

>Why shouldn't they like us?

because you have shit taste

>> No.10472805

idk if the living with roommates is frat-nostalgia, but it feels more of a product of the intense living expenses locally, especially if you don't want to commute into DC from manassas..then again i haven't experienced the real world yet

>> No.10473113

Good points. Should a black person join a white fraternity or is that just a horrible idea?

>> No.10473147

Just because someone wears something other than autist black shiny jeans does not mean they have shit taste

>> No.10473170

do you want to get beaten by some of the least intelligent, most violent and most insecure people on the planet? if so, then go for it

>> No.10473194

No, not really. Oh well

>> No.10473205


sure man! It'll be a blast :)

>> No.10473272
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>> No.10473293

The ironic part is that my school's SAE chapter has like 2 niggers and a couple gooks

>> No.10473388

What state though?

>> No.10474431 [DELETED] 


yes, I'm a Sigma Chi in the South and several of my brothers are black.

>> No.10474436


I'm in Sigma Chi at a chapter in the South. Several of my brothers are black and they are glad to be a part of it.

>> No.10474813

Still not SAE

>> No.10474952

wait you're in the district? hmu famm
>all those fucking try hard bros who show up to a casual saturday afternoon rooftop drinking party wearing fucking chinos and blazers
what the FUCK
i'm so glad I don't see that shit regularly mainly because i dont have a life and dont go out because i fucking work as a bartender

>> No.10474961
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hot preppy white guys makes me wet tbh.

>> No.10475088

Isn't the whole point of a fraternity social networking so you can get a good job out of college?

>> No.10475098


That's the idea, being in a fraternity definitely helped me a little bit. The thing is though, is that you can't just be in a fraternity and expect doors to open. You have to prove yourself with accolades and E-Board positions, and run them successfully. The president of the hospital I work at has a younger brother who was a founding father of my chapter in the 80's, and his older cousin was a professor of mine as well. It wasn't EXACTLY what landed me the job, but it mosdef did not hurt.

>> No.10475105


fucking this. if youre a cuck who just joins a fraternity and slaps "brother of such and sch fraternity" on your resume, even if your interviewew, boss, or whoever is in the same fucking frat, they're going to be like "why weren't you motivated, why werent you the president, VP, secretary, pledgemaster, rush chair, SOMETHING that shows you can have responsibility and and manage a bunch of half retarded, drunk man-children for a year or two", and that you weren't just one of those manchildren getting babysat.

>> No.10475112

I require your coordinates so i can punch you in the face, you slut.

>> No.10475118

Jelly skelly kek

>> No.10475122

do not make it worse for yourself

>> No.10475127

That's actually the exact face I make when I see frat or fuccboi fashion on campus

>> No.10475136


That is also the same face we make when we see your black emo ninja style or smelly hippy dreads and hemp poncho

>> No.10475192

This tbph

>> No.10475247

a normie fit would get a normie laid. you're not a normie so you compensate by creating an outfit that will make you seem more complex which should give you an advantage to get laid. regardless if you're aware of it or not, everything we do no matter what is done to pursue sex. EVERYTHING.

>> No.10475665

>getting laid

>> No.10475680

>everything we do no matter what is done to pursue sex. EVERYTHING.

not suicide

>> No.10475722

fucking pedantic dickwit

>> No.10475753

>wahhh dont point out flows in my stupid logic

>> No.10475836

I have a fun story from the other night lol. So my friend and I were chilling in my dorm, watching birdman. We were both at least 10 or so drinks deep, but we both function very well on alcohol. However I did have a bit of Xanax left over in my system from the night before, so I wasn't sloppy drunk or anything, but definitely super relaxed, and not in any sort of angry or aggressive drunk mood. Anyway, we finish the movie and I accompany my buddy downstairs while he smokes a cig. We're sitting there on some steps out by my dorm, and some dude hops out of a car and starts walking in dressed in neon green booty shorts, and a neon pink crop top. (There was both a Riff Raff concert and a rave that night so there were a ton of frat dudes dressed up like that.) Anyway, the kid actually looked pretty good, he was pulling it off. I was wearing some cut up acne jeans, some old school adidas, a bandana, supreme flannel and a shitty cut up tee I drew myself, so I'm being a pretty mothafucka but I'm hiding my power level, and my friend's super good looking but just decked in basketball shorts and a "funny" graphic tee. We're both looking at this kid as he walks by, and my friend says "nice fit dude" (my whole group thinks I'm some breed of mega hipster, but they've picked up on some of my slang) and this dude just immediately spins around and starts just getting all up in his face going "what's that's suppose to mean bro? you being fucking sarcastic? you trying to start something pussy?" Now the kids an attractive enough dude and all, and his pupils are diliaded a bit and he's grinding his teeth and twitching like crazy, so he's obviously coked out (cocaines super prevalent around here) but I kid you not, the kid is maybe 5'5 in shoes. Now I don't really take life seriously in the first place, and have been the class clown since a fetus, but just the pure inferiority complex oozing out of every pore of this guy just made me start cracking up.

>> No.10475841

Like laughing uncontrollably in his face, and eventually my friend started laughing too. So this kid is just yelling at us a foot away from our faces while we die from laughter. I may have stopped to throw a few witty remarks and come backs in, but I'm barely able to breath from how hard I'm laughing. Eventually the dude just starts to walk away, but when he's like 15 feet away and at the door of the dorm, I just can't help myself and I yell out "Hey!" and when he turns around I just blow too little kisses at him. He basically just does a war cry and starts sprinting towards us, and when he's like an foot away and ready to clothesline me I pull out my switch blade and pop it up right in front of his face. Which in retrospect may have not been the greatest decision... but I just do not fight. I'm quite capable and even boxed for a few years, but I've had 3 concussions in the last 2 years or so, and my whole personality revolves around my speaking abilities and my weird ass wittiness, and concussion just ruin me for months, so I'm not going to risk it again. I said something along the lines of "I'm not going to make the first move, and I'm not going to fight you. But lay a finger on me or my buddy and I will happily go ahead and kill you." (my memories fairly fuzzy at this point) But the kid basically falls over backing up like 10 feet, but then he just starts skipping back and forth yelling "I CANT BELIEVE YOU JUST PULLED A KNIFE ON ME BRO YOUR LIFE IS OVER I CAN MAKE ONE CALL AND HAVE 20 GUYS STOMPING YOU TO DEATH ON THIS CURB BRO YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU JUST GOT YOURSELF INTO BROH BRO BRO" And he retreats to the other side of the dorm and starts yelling at some guy on the phone.

>> No.10475845

Now my friend is perfectly calm, and still laughing a bit, but looks over to me and says "you probably shouldn't have done that" and tells me to go ahead and just walk away since I escalated it so far, and just let him calm the kid down. So I start walking towards the parking garage with my car in it just incase, but it's a solid 5 or so minute walk. And I actually walk by this group of 6 or so big guys from my dorm that I'm cool with, and almost considered going back with them as backup but I figured my friend wouldn't appreciate another escalation of the situation from me, so I just talked to them for a minute and told them some dude was being a dick to my friend, and asked them to jump in if anything psychical was happening. Finally I get to my car and my buddy calls me and says that this kid has calmed down and just wants me to shake his hand and apologize to him now, so I drive back to the front of my dorm. Well the kid is just standing there with his hands behind his back just shaking with impotent rage still, and just says "get out of the car bro" and I tell him that I'm pretty comfortable where I am. And he tells to to roll my window down all the way, and move it maybe a centimeter down, and then he starts just yelling at me again and I slowly turn my music up louder and louder and just assorted other antics (I promise I'm not as big of a cum-filled asshole as I sound, it was a lot funnier in person)

>> No.10475849

nyway, I keep telling my friend to get in the car and he keeps telling me to just leave again, but then all of a sudden three cars pull in behind us and maybe 12 guys jump out and the short dude just starts jumping up and down saying "you're dead now bro." My friend just looks back and looks at me, and tells me to leave right this second. So I skirt out of there to go receive my biggest pussy of the year award. Like 10 minutes later I get a call to come pick him up and he says everything's cool. Apparently the 12 drunken idiots just surrounded him and pushed him up against a car yelling just unidentifiable shit at him while he calmly denied knowing anything about me and said he just bummed a cig. They let him go whilst swearing that they'd find and kill me, and then him and I went and crashed at my friends house for the night. Anyway, I'm not scared in the least of the actual original dude we had an altercation with, but I know the only way he's going to try and do something to me is with 12 guys he paid to be friends with backing him up.

>> No.10475853

I'm still not going to fight a soul or instigate a thing, but I will happily end some lives if they try to do anything to me or my friends, as I had a concealed weapons permit (even though I'm not 21, but have a special one signed off on by the sheriff due to situation earlier this summer that I don't want to get into right now) and a nice little pistol. And checked my liability in shooting anyone that assaults me with my super cool lawyer uncle, who thinks the whole thing is hilarious. Plus I have a huge group of friends up here that includes many rednecks with guns, and many black kids with guns, so if anything actually went down I could get a tremendous amount of backup on the spot. So I've been strapped up 25/8 since then, but I'm probably just being extremely over paranoid about the whole thing. But it just is ridiculous to me how these kids pay to be friends with a group of kids exactly like themselves because they lack the social abilities to make any of their own or extend their horizons, and then just feel that they are above anyone else they run into in their lives. Frats are nothing more than primarily white, legal gangs. Sorry to ramble on but I just wanted to share my tale of the fratboi with all you lovely people :^)

>> No.10475866

>not knowing how to greentext
>wrote a fucking essay instead
autism off the charts

>> No.10475877

I got that pre-doinganythingacedemicewhatsoever adderall in me boobie

>> No.10475945
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You decided this belongs on /fa/ why?

>> No.10475990
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Sigma Deuteron Charge of Theta Delta Chi reporting in.
>mfw most kids in our charge don't dress frat but fuck with streetwear and other cool shit instead

>> No.10476681

>for most people here fashion isn't a means for sex
This is an incorrect statement.

>> No.10476694

This. Unless you're actually doing something with the group you're just a dickweed who might get an interview once in a blue moon like the rest of us GDIs.

>> No.10476736

Stop frontin', you're skelly fist would shatter if you tried to punch that slut's delicate face.

>> No.10476888

Delete thread

>> No.10477657

>he can't greentext
>he must be autistic
You ever think maybe you're autistic and the people you call autistic are actually normies?

>> No.10479210

>I was wearing some cut up acne jeans, some old school adidas, a bandana, supreme flannel and a shitty cut up tee I drew myself

stopped reading there.

>> No.10479292

as an european, what the fuck are frats and why are they named like special attacks in naruto