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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 55 KB, 500x763, moz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12313052 No.12313052 [Reply] [Original]

It's safe to say nice jawlines are effay as fuck

Is there any way of getting a chisled jawline. What are your tips /fa/?

>> No.12313090


Lose body fat
Drink more water
Chew Gum (Falim gum if you wanna be autistic about it)

In that order

>> No.12313118


>> No.12313188


>> No.12313241
File: 409 KB, 525x543, fcuq0m.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too much to write here but basically:

Mewing is not a meme, shit actually works. went to a dentist and he said my teeth and general mouth area are straighter and better than ever recently. Its essentially the correct oral posture leading to maxilla growth and widening of the palate (roof of your mouth). Maxilla is essential in facial beauty as it holds the majority offcial features upwards, a recessed maxilla will ruin your life.

Bone is fairly malleable more so than most people accept and so can change shape, evidence of this is children in puberty and the fact we see mouth breathers slowly get weaker and weaker jawlines due to lack of support from the tongue. basically if your ugly a lot if it is your fault for having shit posture and not providing the support your face needs leading to terrible development during puberty obviously though bone structure isnt everything and for best resultsyou should have done this when you were at least 15

Dont believe it? if not then you have literally nothing to lose by mewing, its just putting your tongue on the roof of the mouth





if you want proof some guys on lookism have doicumented there progress, im sure some anons here have too.

also drink a fuckton of water, atleast 2l a day if not more but not enough that you die of brain hemorrhaging and low body fat. proper spine posture can also lead to better development of the jaw. And chew lots of gum

>> No.12313249

>automaticlly always had tongue up in my mouth all my life
>Have chin, yet its round and big and looks like peter griffin balls chin
Fucking end me

>> No.12313258 [DELETED] 

1 thanks dr mew = 1 gf for a year

>> No.12313260

1 thanks dr mew = gf for 1 year

>> No.12313261

a big or cleft chin is nothing to be embarrassed about, its a high testosterone masculine trait, cleft chin itself is a highly favored genetic mutation. atleast you have a strong/ noticeable jawline anon . personally i have a strong clear jawline but my chin is tiny so it looks really angular till you see my minuscule chin lmao. honestly anon its boubt your chin is that bad or bad at all

>> No.12313265

thanks dr mew

>> No.12313266

if your not mewing what r u doing

>> No.12313284


>> No.12313294

thanks dr mew

>> No.12313298

I have braces rn, and I'm 18

is it ogre for me?

>> No.12313312
File: 602 KB, 520x508, scoobert.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just adding to this, hopefully the majority of /fa/ isnt underage (i know i doubt that) but for anons past puberty all is not lost, you can still change bone it will just take longer due to closed platelets (i dont quite remember honestly if thats the correct term) and less bone elasticity, but both bone and cartilage are still moveable at any age. Most models with high cheekbones and hollow cheeks noticeably practice this posture. mewing will also tone the fat under your jaw near your neck as your essentially pulling up your entire lower facial area with your tongue.

http://claimingpower.com/how-to-great-cheek-bones-by-tongue-posture-following-the-tropic-premise/ this page and this site also have some interesting information.

pic related is from lookism, from 20 to 22 years old.

braces are a meme, obviously im a guy on the internet so take what i say with a grain of salt. but they are an invention geared around correcting teeth so your smile is "pretty" rather than proper jaw development. braces fight the symptons (jagged, uneven teeth) whilst ignoring the cause which is weak oral development. braces lead to a narrower palate whilst this isnt too bad, narrow jaws are still very attractive its essentially worse..

imagine that your entire hand is twisted or crooked, so a doctor decides the best course of action is twisting your fingers to be straight and leaving your hand to be crooked. its fucking insane.

>> No.12313320

wow his jaw kinda looks a little ridiculous desu


Also for gods sake if this is painful for you or doing damage to you see a fucking doctor or orthodontist, dont fuck up your jaw. i have a dentist who can tell me if anything is going wrong.

>> No.12313336

fuck i keep adding more shit, i know my last post on braces is very opinionated but im not a orthodontist so i im obviously not the best guy to give out advice anyway Braces can help and do good, it may make you more attractive so dont immediately fucking regret it. some braces can lead to great development and cheekbones, its not always a terrible idea to get braces basically. just as a kid it could restrict forward growth but at 18 you are probably fine so dont worry about it.

really braces can help people or do damage to people, straight teeth are incredibly important too to facial structure though so its most likely ok you got them

>> No.12313348

Damn he's ugly.

>> No.12313352

When I mew I get a really weird taste in my mouth. Sort of like a plastic-y taste. Anyway to stop this other than brushing my teeth and tongue every hour?

>> No.12313358

again please take what i say with a grain of salt i dont want to ruin your life unintentionally. can you describe what you do when you are mewing?

are you sure its not just the taste of your saliva?

if you are srsly concerned about anything please see a doctor

>> No.12313368

How hard should my tongue be pushing my palate?
I feel under my chin getting a bit sore while doing it. Also, should I be going for maximum area touching the palate or just the tip of the tongue?

>> No.12313396


in fact definitely see a doctor, could be (according to google) dysgeusia which is distortion of taste and could meean you have some form of deficiency or other disease.

dont brush your teeh or mouthwash more than 3 times a day, over cleaning teeth isnt good for them

honestly im not certain, i similarly was not completely sure for a long time and got frustrated because its not very clear. just make sure teeth are together BUT NOT CLENCHING just close together and tongue is touching the bump behind your front teeth rather than pushing against the actual teeth as you really dont want to push your teeth. lips closed and breathing through nose.

personally most of the time my tongue is just rested or i am consciously sucking upwards with my tongue like when clicking your tongue but without releasing though i may be doing this slightly incorrectly. as long as you have lips sealed, teeth touching and tongue on the roof of your mouth your good. Dr mew says its important to have the lower third ofthe tongue up there too, when you swallow you should feel the back of your tongue momentarily moving up and sticking to the back of your mouths roof, try to preserve that, many though can feel as though the tongue is in the airway.

im not sure about soreness to be honest with you, if its really painful you are probably pushing too hard or maybe should consider stopping. again i dont want to lead you to harm. you can ask dr mew on youtube, he sometimes replies or someone else might too.


Maximum tongue if you can, but dont touch your actual teeth if you can avoid it. tongue against palate probs not too hard, probably just resting but you can push if you want watch more of his videos to get a clearer idea.

>> No.12313436
File: 77 KB, 938x384, jaw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have a pretty good jaw and i got it from chewing gum and drinking pepsi

>> No.12313446

entirely genetics pretty much but lose body fat, grow facial hair to either give the illusion of a jawline or cover it entirely

>> No.12313469
File: 55 KB, 615x817, Anatomy-of-human-mouth-cavity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna do it. I'm 20 and already have great cheek bones but no great jaw line ( and a shitty neck posture at that)

Could you mark a dot or area where my tongue should be? I not sure if it should be above my front teeth or like straight up

>> No.12313472

whole tongue against the whole roof of mouth naturally pushing upwards

>mark a dot

watch some mew and learn, a dot wont do.

>> No.12313482

yeah other anon said before i could reply, its kinda difficult to show. You want your entire tongue on the roof of your mouth not just the tip of the tongue, i know its difficult from a side view the entire tongue (the front back and middle) are up touching the palate (roof of the mouth) but dont touch the front teeth with your tongue as you dont want to push your teeth forward.

>> No.12313499

to clarify again sorry i know its not that clear, the bump between your front teeth and the rest of your mouth is where you want the tongue to touch and then the rest of the tongue (the back and the middle) should also be touching the roof of the mouth. the back may go into your airway, this can be worrying but a lot of people experience this, you should breathe through your nose.

so to reiterate the basic steps lips sealed,teeth together but not clenching, entire tongue on the roof of your mouth.


>> No.12313513

doesnt interfere with breathing at all. I was never a mouth breather.

thanks man

>> No.12313525

No problem dude take care

sorry i know im spamming this and it may be insanely annoying but please take care of yourself and address any problems however unblikely if they occur, i don't want to be responsible for ruining your face somehow. Make sure to watch his videos and ask any questions but as long as your being safe and mewing correctly not using too much force youll be fine. it is just in the end moving your tongue a little bit so whilst its incredibly unlikely anything goes wrong take care. also im not a dentist or orthodontist i just had this autistic looks obsessed phase which im pretty sure made me a narcissist lel and learned a fair bit. Take everything i say with a grain of salt and look after yourself.

>> No.12313557

I'm lucky I've got a nice jawline - I once had a girl try to 'take bites' out of it during sex which was weird but whatever. At the same time however, it is the very first place on my entire body to gain fat - so the low body fat thing is a must. If I start to notice my jaw getting a little flabby I start skipping breakfasts and hitting the black coffee and it tightens back up after about a week.

>> No.12313558

Is this worth doing if you already 25 old ?

>> No.12313566

Yes, bone structure is moveable even after puberty but takes considerably longer than teens in puberty due to bone elasticity fading. please be careful though, theres little to no risk but take care none the less. guy ipiosted from lookism was 20-22.

i mean look in the mirror and breathe with your mouth hanging open and teeth apart. you look pretty bad huh

now put your teeth together (not clenching just have to reiterate because clenching teeth is very bad for them) place your tongue on the roof on your mouth and breathe through your mouth, youll look instantly better

>> No.12313568

how to fix short face lads

>> No.12313572

>tfw strong jaw but not as strong cheekbones

shoot me senpai

>> No.12313598

I already have a decent maxilla and jaw but may as well try. How do I mew when my tongue is fucking huge. I can't fit all of it along the roof of my mouth

>> No.12313599

My teeth were already really straight. I'm just getting some minor stuff, and it's widening my arches. So, idk

>> No.12313628

>Take loads of ecstacy/MDMA.
>Gurn like fuck for a year straight.

Fucks your teeth up though of course.

>> No.12313701

probably mostly genetics.
I was a huge mouth breather my whole life, used to have a fat ugly face. Now people say I have a strong jawline. Still ugly.

>> No.12313767

>Chew Gum (Falim gum if you wanna be autistic about it)

I chew 3 pieces of falim for several hours a day, 5 days a week. I've been doing it for about 2 weeks and see no difference yet, but I do feel the difference when I touch my jaw muscles. Gonna keep at it.

>> No.12313828

thanks dr mew

>> No.12313837

>also drink a fuckton of water, atleast 2l a day if not more

why the fuck would you do that?

>> No.12313844


thanks dr mew

>> No.12313916

thanks dr mew

>> No.12314314
File: 88 KB, 1080x1080, wife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks dr mew

>> No.12314375
File: 318 KB, 646x1095, viggo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>(voice over)
>"I know you".
>"I used to be you".
>"Until I discovered Falim Gum".
>"The gum of kings".

>> No.12314464

If my tongue blocks my airway when i try mewing, do i just use as much of my tongue as i can ( that still allows me to breathe)?

>> No.12314495

thanks dr mew

>> No.12314534

thanks dr mew

>> No.12314548

it's what i do

>> No.12314618
File: 1.75 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20170313_235532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mexican guy here, do you guys have these 1 meter long gums? Great for jawline. Sorry for the shitty quality btw

>> No.12314640

>Most models with high cheekbones and hollow cheeks noticeably practice this posture

What posture?

>> No.12314667

Guys why the teeth shouldn't be clenching?
I did it for like 2 weeks and it gave the ilusion that i had hollow cheeks

>> No.12314669


>> No.12314673
File: 61 KB, 400x400, Jaw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is me
I started mewing and chewing gum about 2 years ago, jaw looks kinda like pic related
Left side is flat, like from my chin to my jaw is a straight line.
Right side is straight up until half way, then it kinda goes in. If I press into my skin with my fingers it feels like there's a little dent in the actual bone, the other side doesn't feel the same way so I think I might've hit it or something when I was a kid and it just grew it out like that.

Is there any way that I can fix this? maybe chewing with only the right side instead of alternating? Don't really want to get surgery or anything like that because I'm a poorfag but I could def save up for it if there's no other way to fix it

>> No.12314683

are closing your teeth properly? this happened to me at first because my teeth weren´t propely closed, also my chin went a little to the left but it all fix went i closed properly. ikd if it's the same 4u

>> No.12314689

Thanks dr mew

>> No.12314712

I'm 18 but a fucked up biological mutant and still in puberty (noticeably, got taller over the past couple months alone). I have an overbite that was treated through braces about seven years ago and still have a tiny fucked up jaw, I have sleep apnea (in the process of being diagnosed). I'm also overweight (BMI 27-28), losing weight the normal means. I've always breathed through my nose, no mouth-breathing at all.
What exact posture do I need for this? I'm kinda doing what you describe in >>12313396, but it's really hard for me to not clench my teeth when doing that. Swallowing especially is a bitch. My tongue seems to be too large for my jaw (c.f. sleep apnea), so I'm also not sure how to avoid touching my teeth while doing this.

>> No.12314722

I'm 22 and started mewing around 8 months ago; can already see a noticeable difference from then compared to now. Still isn't great but there is hope, friends.

>> No.12314733

what is mewing? I've seen it mentioned on here and /fit/ a few times the past couple of years

>> No.12314737

It's been talked about in this thread in the posts above. Its basically just keeping your lips closed/teeth together/tongue on the roof of your mouth. This was created by "Dr. Mew".

>> No.12314741

I've been doing that for years naturally, looks like whatever benefits I would get from it I already have

>> No.12314752
File: 135 KB, 1203x1600, Hair 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure I'm closing my teeth properly, dont think its related to the way i've been mewing or chewing though

>> No.12314762

I like your jaw anon
It's really pretty

>> No.12314765


>> No.12314827

2 weeks wont make a difference you autistic fuck, besides the cheek bones dont hold water, lose fat sure, your face will sink in, but also good diet and cardio will do that aswell, genetics does place a role on how your bone structure works, water helps flush your system so drink lots

>> No.12314976

Does injecting test (like the bodybuilders do) help?

>> No.12315122

>I've been doing that for years naturally
yeah lol that's just the way my mouth/tongue sits... and hey I have a nice jawline so maybe it works!

>> No.12315134

thanks dr mew

>> No.12315146

same man
>hubby growing up so constantly had tongue on the roof of my mouth to hide my double chin

>> No.12315150
File: 111 KB, 700x700, zAu0arXPEVDsaRtiL_32ZVaFZpb0SGhy4UXojetzWfg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12315160

>basically if your ugly a lot if it is your fault

Poorly worded. You could say it was in your power to prevent this if someone had taught you it was a thing. Your mileage may vary but I don't think anyone I know would have any idea about any of this.

Unless you want to actually blame children for not spontaneously knowing this?

>> No.12315250
File: 1.76 MB, 2221x2730, IMG_7328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just acquired some autism few hours ago. my jaws are already sore

i like this a lot

>> No.12315353

thanks dr mew

>> No.12315385

I don't understand this mewing shit. Is it just resting your tongue on the top of your mouth?

Where else are you supposed to rest your tongue?

>> No.12315395
File: 274 KB, 650x381, desmong harrington.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing that is actually going to work is to lose weight. Pic related.

Notice the average jaw on the left and the large, masculine jaw on the right. This guy was way passed puberty too.

>> No.12315411

>tfw fucked up my face because of mouthbreathing
>tfw this mewing shit doesnt help after trying it for 2 years
also how the fuck am i supposes to do it in my sleep. im pretty sure i sleep with my mouth open

>> No.12315419

Not everyone has every section of their tongue resting against their palate. Plenty of people are mouth breathers or have their mouths naturally hanging open.

Your lips should be together, teeth touching but not clenched and as much of your tongue resting against palate without pushing against or touching your teeth.

>> No.12315423

Say that in the UK and you'd be lynched
>muh smiths
>muh Morissey

>> No.12315499

His jaw is godlike in both pictures and hasn't changed in either of the pics, just the skin sits tighter when there's less fat

>> No.12315573

thanks dr mew

>> No.12315591

thanks dr mew

>> No.12315610

thanks dr mew

>> No.12315757


thanks dr mew

>> No.12315770

I've been a mouthbreather my whole lifetime and my jaw is great, so is my chin. This is bullshit

>> No.12315797
File: 14 KB, 200x269, harrelson2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a pretty decent jawline, but also teeth gaps on my upper jaw mainly due to my big jaws.
Right now my dentist suggested not removing my upper wisdom teeth immediately in case they push the other teeth and fit there somehow.
Is there something else I can do to fix my goofy ass smile?

>> No.12315816

Falim or mastic gum? Whats better for facial gains

>> No.12315821 [DELETED] 
File: 46 KB, 540x960, 17275030_1121158144673073_16980551_n[1].jpg_oh=c89c39e3093b86702c09a6b66a009f51&oe=58CACB1A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's mine look?

>> No.12315828

shit bro, shave so you wont look like a nu-male

>> No.12315858
File: 763 KB, 800x800, 1463821477719.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol did you just suck your cheeks in?

>> No.12315883

take a picture of your profile.

>> No.12316553

thanks dr mew

>> No.12316588

>flush your system
I love when people who have clearly no clue about hoe the human body works AT ALL want to educate others about how the human body works.

>> No.12316720
File: 42 KB, 448x676, Sodapop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12317217

Falim or mastic gum?

>> No.12317571

thanks dr mew

>> No.12317656

Got swollen tonsils at the moment so my jaw has been nicely blended with my neck. The things don't even hurt. They are just there. Looks like I'll be wearing a scarf till they fuck off.

>> No.12317658
File: 35 KB, 530x356, M2000094-Swollen_glands_lymphadenitis_-SPL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12317713

I hear mastic is harder

>> No.12317836

Thanks Dr mew
Thanks Dr mew
Thanks Dr mew
Thanks Dr mew
Thanks Dr mew

Next 5 years sorted

>> No.12318136

Thanks Dr mew

>> No.12318139

thanks dr mew

>> No.12318141

thanks dr mew

>> No.12318162
File: 492 KB, 638x1694, P70315-154338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been mewing without realizing what it was until the age of 16 (got braces for half a year) which fucked up my habit ,but im happy with the jaw I have.
Pic related

>> No.12318199

thanks dr mew

>> No.12318926

thanks dr mew

>> No.12318933

Hej Scott

>> No.12318947

thanks dr mew

>> No.12318952


>> No.12318956

Looks gay now

>> No.12319071

that doesnt sound healthy desu

>> No.12319113
File: 2.88 MB, 5312x2988, 20170305_155323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12319120

Go to a pharmacy or w/e is called in english and ask for shit that helps you
There are many nose breathing devices out here that costs about 10$, just buy one and sleep well

>> No.12319189

maybe im a brainlet, but i dont fucking get how im supposed to do 'it'

>> No.12319282

The clenching is obvious as hell

>> No.12319413

wtf is "to mew"? like just putting your tongue on top of your palate?

>> No.12319431

I know a girl with a very strong jaw line. She also has lots of body hair.

>> No.12319441

thanks dr mew

>> No.12319450

Thanks Dr mew

>> No.12319647

thanks dr mew

>> No.12319698
File: 71 KB, 301x502, 2017-03-15 21.41.21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would do all this shit, but i think my jawline is already sufficiently powerful and I don't want to look like a freak.

Greyed for yellow teeth.

>> No.12319741

thanks dr mew

>> No.12319747

Yikes you seem really dirty whiteboy

>> No.12319765
File: 191 KB, 620x310, before&after.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

18/19 years old
6 months of exercise, improving diet and mewing
draw your own conclussions

>> No.12319788

before looks better

>> No.12319805

Please stop shilling for Mew

Your jaw doesn't grow after 18-9, only on HGH (human growth hormone). Gravitropism or whatever he calls, the pressure related bone growth is incredibly slow and unnoticeable even after 5 years from this method of clenching. Building up a huge masseter from falim is also a meme
>doesn't make your jawline lower or sharper
>instead makes your cheeks fatter even when resting due to bulking the muscle that runs UP TO YOUR CHEEKBONES not underneath the corners of your jaw
>early onset arthritis IN YOUR FUCKING MOUTH. enjoy your liquid meals at 60 you goobs.
>expensive as fuck. Just regularly eat meals you have to chew to have a normal person masseter, not these hamster muscles that don't even square your jaw.
If you want a bigger jaw, get a nosejob to proportionise what's already there, or get implants of some description. Or build your neck muscles so you have a wider face in proportion, and a more masculine appearance.

t.jawlet who tried all of these things when they were popular 2 years ago on lookism and sluthate. I also came to realise along this journey that normal sized jaws are pretty appealing anyway, and morissey is a fag.

>> No.12319814

>eating breakfast

>> No.12319819
File: 42 KB, 466x411, IMG_0595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. There are NO legit before/afters for Mew, only natural photos of puberty progression and weight loss. Walk around and sleep like a fag with your jaw permaclenched for nogains, or get an operation.

If it were this easy people would have stumbled across it decades ago during the whole fad of plastic surgery and bodybuilding.

The only positive thing about mewing is that it encourages you to have a decent airway opening and breath through your nose, which is good for posture and respiratory health anyway.

Wake up sheeple.

>> No.12319820

Thanks dr mew

>> No.12319891

i think its because of the angle, not the best pics to compare but its all i have.
on the pic on the right, the right side of the jawline looks much stronger than it on the left pic but the left side of it looks weaker.
I felt some improvement (mosly because of reducing bf%) but seeing these two pics side to side makes me think it might all be psychological

>> No.12319912

thanks dr mew

>> No.12320011

thanks dr. mew

>> No.12320105

Check the ingredients on that shit. I was chewing it for a while, but it's really soft and if you chew for too long it starts to break down into fibres which you end up ingesting.

Would recommend mastic (what I'm using).

>> No.12320114

Never used falim, but mastic is really nice.
I get the pebbles and warm them in my mouth a bit and then chew them. Really subtle pine flavour.

>> No.12320153

Hey jimmy

>> No.12320253

>psychologically changing your physical features

>> No.12320255

get your old haircut back, slick

>> No.12320282
File: 296 KB, 1578x1171, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not profile but whatever

>> No.12320319
File: 18 KB, 436x312, IMG_0344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fat my entire life
>mouth breath my entire life
>lose weight

I'd like to try the mew shit to capitalize on what I already have but I see it's conflicting

>> No.12320332

thanks dr mew

>> No.12320576

thanks dr mew

>> No.12320664

You look like a loser in band class.

clenching too hard.

>> No.12320824

Please tell me your secret
I'd give my left nut to have a jawline like that

>> No.12320896
File: 11 KB, 350x263, 1400987343453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That chin tho

>> No.12320904

You have to be born with it. I'm blessed and laughing at you fuckers that look like little boys

>> No.12320909

thanks dr mew

>> No.12320994

wtf that looks like straight outta some greek sculpture lmao, can look good, can also look ridiculous

>> No.12321023

this is correct

this is incorrect. Any "results" you see are from weight loss/picture quality

>> No.12321409 [DELETED] 
File: 167 KB, 609x792, chico.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope you are Search Results
demonstrably wrong, there is so much evidence against what you have stated its ridiculous.

Ever heard of wolffs law? The tongue is comprised of 8 muscles and considered one of the strongest muscle groups in the body, its evolutionary purpose is to support the cranium by pushing up against the maxilla driving the face to have forward growth, the maxilla itself supports the entire mid face holding up the eyes nose and cheekbones. great forward development leads to the protruding of cheekbones causing hollow cheeks and positive canthal tilt. a forward maxilla will lead to a smooth nose ridge aside from dorsal humps as they are due to excess cartilage and bone.

look at human ancestors you can see their palate was essentially a flat surface, thats why the majority of reconstructions of our ancestors all feature strong masculine jaws. and their diet was very tough and rough foods like meats combined with lots of physical excersize. You are claiming environment has no impact on facial features which is entirely incorrect, i doubt you have any understanding of human facial development at all. Why do siblings of supermodels generally look a lot worse, compare toni mahfud and his brother Jan mahfud, the difference is nothing to do with weight or haircut, but bone structure

Look at a boxer after a long career, the force of the punches they have received morphs their entire faces, right down to the bone as the impacts they are receiving have enough force to permanently change their facial structure.

Look at children and adults who mouth breathe, the force of gravity leads their mandibles to be recessed, down and inwards.Why the fuck else do you think mouthbreathers are so ugly, its not genetics you retard.

also did you not fucking see this post, look at the difference in face i even have the thread link.

now fuck off

>> No.12321447
File: 167 KB, 609x792, chico.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope you are entirely incorrect, in fact there is a mountain of evidence to prove you are wrong

heard of wolffs law? The tongues is comprised of 8 muscles, and considered one of the strongest muscle groups in the body, the reason for its excessive strength is it has the evolutionary purpose of supporting the entire cranium by supporting the maxilla. mewing encourages the maxilla to provide forward growth which has a positive effect on the entire mid-face (cheekbones, nose). Look at a boxer you can see their entire face after a long career has noticeably changed after receiving multiple blows that are strong enough to affect the bone and the entire faces structure

you have essentially stated that bone cannot be molded or changed and that environment has no effect on the development of the face during puberty which even a retard could tell you is demonstrably wrong.

Why the fuck do you think toni mahfud and his brother look so different or brad pitt and his brother? They have the same genetics don't they?

look at human ancestors, you can see the palate is essentially a flat surface, which is why all our reconstructions of them feature broad masculine jaws, their entire lifestyle comprised of rough and chewy, hard foods. When you take modern day tribals into a modern lifestyle their facial development takes a noticeably worse turn due to the consuming far softer foods.


hint: there is nothing providing support to their skull leading bones to sag under the force of gravity

its clear you are coping with your poor facial development and have no understanding of facial development so shut the fuck up

>> No.12321500

>they have the same genetics don't they
Never talk to me or my science again

>> No.12321566
File: 22 KB, 640x480, 1598325_10151817975975938_143459104_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fair jawline yet no stable gf

>> No.12321603

why tf r u smiling? did reddit tell u to smile in ur pics lmao

>> No.12321608

left, average college kid who plays LOL.
right, greek exchange student.

>> No.12321662

What really hard gum should I be buying in the UK? We don't seem to have Falim and when I google Mastic you get a bunch of different results usually described as 'capsules'.

>> No.12321744

Buy on eBay, both from greek or turkey, they've got the hardest gums

>> No.12321764

We need a jaw maxing discord

>> No.12321982

thanks dr mew

>> No.12322760
File: 35 KB, 600x399, 1472219802371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pissing is fucking fun

>> No.12322772
File: 298 KB, 408x384, 1486083519492.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't talk trash about band

>> No.12322773
File: 61 KB, 360x640, Snapchat-279215233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that mewing is helping. Thanks Dr mew.

>> No.12323426

i can proxy you FALIM gum from Berlin provided you pay for everything.

I bought a 100 pack the other day for around 4€ I think it was.

>> No.12323497

Fuck I'm trying to chew at least 4 hours every 2 days, but are your temples supposed to like swell and get tensed after said time chewing? Im afraid i might be doing it wrong

>> No.12323510

That anon again, what I meant earlier was chewing bubble gum

>> No.12323595
File: 177 KB, 540x539, 1487337770241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I get headaches when I chew gum. I'm really thinking of buying so mastic gum but what can I do if it causes me to get headaches?

>> No.12323849

Nice jaw but you need to fix your eyebrows mang

>> No.12324952

u lowkey look like an android

>> No.12324958

what about girls with strong jawlines? Mine makes me look so masculine

>> No.12324960

ok this is summa the dumbest shit i heard out here,

>> No.12324998

holy phuck that is a JAW

>> No.12325101

hi robert

>> No.12325118
File: 48 KB, 640x260, face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same here dude
here's a timeline of me

>> No.12325123

thanks mr mew

>> No.12325141
File: 87 KB, 640x723, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did my face grew foward?

>> No.12325185

Nose is upturned which indicates maxilia growth, so I think yes.

>> No.12325224
File: 47 KB, 587x876, 1489063657480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well it depends
are you a dime

>> No.12325226



>> No.12325271

Please explain how

>> No.12325643

all the flavors are equally hard yeh?

>> No.12325645
File: 39 KB, 405x720, falim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12325763

thanks dr mew

>> No.12325775

just ordered some of that greek mastiha, I hope it does the job

>> No.12325780

all the 'flavors' dont have any flavor at all and they're all the same yeah haha

>> No.12325807

thanks dr mew

>> No.12326356

no difference in jaw idiot

>> No.12326366

moot lol.

>> No.12326368

thanks dr mew

>> No.12326372

How did it look before?

>> No.12326373
File: 77 KB, 667x659, 1487549232924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks Dr mew

>> No.12326389

>ISlL Brand

Did you get in trouble with customs for this?

>> No.12326530

I live in Berlin. Theres tons of turkish markets / shops.

A pack of 5 pieces falim gum cost me 0.30 €

Think i paid around 4 for a 100 pack

>> No.12326796

I think it always looked like that, I tried mewing thought, but just for 1 month.

>> No.12326800

That is Françoise Hardy righr, she had a beautiful jaw.

>> No.12326810

thanks dr mew

>> No.12326878

thanks dr mew

>> No.12326912

you have to suck cock to maximize gains, this picture is all the proof you faggots need

>> No.12327082

thanks dr mew

>> No.12328035

Thanks dr mew

>> No.12328294

who dis nigga

>> No.12328382

thanks dr mew

>> No.12328419
File: 60 KB, 1280x800, ak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand if while mewing you have to push the tongue against the palate, or just stay with the toungue in touch with palate, but without pushing up against it.

>> No.12328463

Why are you clenching so hard dude. Lol.

>> No.12328489
File: 434 KB, 862x862, 20170319_120532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a way to get rid of this extra skin beneath my jaw or am I just fucked?

>> No.12328504

you arent mewing

>> No.12328545


how old are you?

>> No.12328566

Do you even mew, bra?

>> No.12328586

Yeah me too. Can someone make it clear?

>> No.12328705

As I understand you have to push the tongue against the palate by your back part of the tongue and push forward by your front part of the tongue,

>> No.12329665

thanks dr mew

>> No.12329725

thnx Dr Mew

>> No.12329765
File: 125 KB, 456x545, 555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i feel like my chin is too big

>> No.12329803

This has got to be the first time I've seen someone that I know posting on /fa/.

>> No.12329866

Thanks dr mew

>> No.12329885
File: 185 KB, 747x1328, 20170319_150450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its more bout the chin than the jawline imo

>> No.12330201

I'm in Aus and I bought this one.

Been chewing a few pebbles every two days since the start of February and my jaw strength has increased by a heap. No more of that mouth hanging open shit when I sleep.

>> No.12330209

It takes years.

>> No.12330214

Nah it's nice.

>> No.12330252


Why falim gum?

>> No.12330391

thanks dr mew

>> No.12330813

Can I chew carrots instead?

>> No.12330821

thanks dr mew

>> No.12331590

Thank you dr mew

>> No.12331609

thanks dr mew

>> No.12331769

ty dr mew

>> No.12332569

Left looks great, right looks horrible.

But I guess u already knew that.

>> No.12332655

I just bought this senpai, I got a box of mint ones. It's fucking great.

>> No.12333142

might try this mewing shit

>> No.12333693

Thank you Dr mew

>> No.12333928

i have a decent jaw but would braces help in any way?

>> No.12334465

thanks dr mew

>> No.12334864

Thank you doctor mew

>> No.12335189

it looks fine

>> No.12335250

I don't even think huge jaws look great, but this gum looks cool as shit, i'm going to train my jaw anyway

>> No.12335371

thanks dr mew

>> No.12335601

thanks dr mew

>> No.12336070

i had braces and it really did fix my jaw and general face stucture. but i had them from age 13 to 17 dont know if it will make the same effect with you since youre already 18. it did fixed a lot of my face really
dont listen to this guy, probably never had braces himself