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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 287 KB, 1500x2120, photographs-of-girlhood-thatll-get-you-feeling-nostalgic-body-image-1475510358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12382210 No.12382210 [Reply] [Original]

Any advice? Seems to be something a lot of people struggle with m&f, short & tall. Feel free to share any advice/inspo.

>> No.12382212
File: 255 KB, 1031x1024, 1467129120202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hard to find good info, lots of buzzfeed/bait out there.

>> No.12382223

from experience I say that... Take a LOT of pics, a fuckin lot. You will end up discarding / editing 80% of them. Its difficult to get a good 1st shot if you don't know your angles yet.

>> No.12382373
File: 256 KB, 1280x1280, 1483501668558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


appreciate the advice, like anything I guess it takes a while to get gud

>> No.12383114

Model here,

I've always had huge trouble with posing, there's no good advice out there at all. The basic concept is

>make tense pose look relaxed

You always have to check what the photographer is looking for tho, for example people used to ask me to lower the angle of my face a bit, so I always do that on photo sessions, but on my last shoot the photographer kept asking me to do the opposite. It felt a bit counterintuitive at first.
In summary you have to try and not get over your head, just have fun, feel your body move and try a lot of different things (even really dumb things), people will tell you what's working and what's not.

Some tips:

>Loosen up your jaw, and try to avoid having your mouth totally shut. A good tip is blowing some air through your lips.
>Pose with your fingers, don't let them dangle like loose spaghetti. Bend one, twist them, make them touch, etc.
>Make sure your body isn't pressed against itself, your arm for example, even if it's against your chest or something, leave a little space in between (if you press all the fat will be pushed forward and your arm will be twice as large, it'll look awkward)
>Same with your head, try and 'pop' it out, like a turtle. It's weird but it helps define your features against the rest of your body, plus slim neck/no skin wrapping
>Add intensity to your eyes, 'smize', make them 'sharp'. A good tip is to sometimes try and look 'beyond' the camera, try and focus your sight through it.
>Practice with a mirror, look for some interesting poses onlne and then copy them, in time muscle memory will do the work for you.

In essence just a lot of practice, trial and error, having talented people give you good directions. Also, most of the times you won't like the end result, don't be discouraged by this, it doesn't mean they are bad pictures, just that you want to get better at it.

>> No.12383763

thanks for this.

do you have any selfie tips besides "don't take selfies you monster." i haven't taken one in 5 years and i feel completely out of touch.

>> No.12383767

>be attractive
>know your angle(s)
>find good lighting

>> No.12383772

Tell the photographer to take pictures without telling you while you are doing stuff

A lot of the times it looks natural

>> No.12383803


>> No.12383918

Not really, I personally have a very hard time at selfies. It's mostly:

>Have a good camera/lighting
>take many different angles and gestures
>see what works best / you are comfortable with
>rinse and repeat

>> No.12385029
File: 497 KB, 1584x962, simone-palm-trees-near-1975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12385063


ty 4 tips

>> No.12385167

what's the best camera app for android for taking selfies? stock one is shit

>> No.12386111
File: 766 KB, 2320x1389, 40_41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12386483

The right girl is just 11/10 please where do i find these. :(

Also to bring some usefull stuff to the thread Stuff i think is impossible:
>Learn how to lightning
>Get to know your features which are good and bad
>Learn to avoid your "bad sides"
>Feel good while posing, it makes your face way more relaxed
>Skincare and all that stuff ;)

The rest is just as everybody said, trial and error and just practice.

Good luck famalam.

>> No.12386894

I think Square InstaPic is pretty good

>> No.12388048
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>> No.12389473
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>> No.12389574


far left is 10 out of 10

>> No.12389594

I look good in flash photos and like shit in everything else

>> No.12389616


>> No.12389655

w2c jacket on left?

>> No.12389665

its just a faded denim sherpa jacket, it looks like millions of other faded denim sherpa jackets

>> No.12389672

I have trouble with doing all things apart from posing. Just clear your mind and tell yourself you're attractive, then believe it and every picture looks so much like yourself you get surprised

>> No.12389712

Since we're on a fashion board I'll tell you how to pose for fitpics. I am clueless about actual modeling though so it would be irrelevant for that matter

First of all determine what kind of fitpic you want. Do you aim at getting criticism on your fit or do you simply want to show off ?

If your purpose is to get criticism, make sure you're directly facing the camera. Otherwise, go for a 3/4 position, it generally makes flaws less apparent (so it's better for showing off, but not really clever if you want to get advice)

Do not spread your legs too much

No need to do anything with your arms, you won't look awkward if you simply keep them relaxed

Keep your head high, but don't pump your chest

You don't really have to care about your face since you'll usually want to blur it anyway. But if you don't, then you can simply look at the camera and smile. If you feel uncomfortable doing that, you can also look on your side

Also make sure to get lots of natural light on yourself when you take the picture. It makes all the difference in the world

>> No.12389745
File: 236 KB, 1116x1485, okk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kind of like this?

>> No.12390743
File: 320 KB, 2000x1333, 1473907876544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

outta nowhere

>> No.12391252

benis X-DD

>> No.12391256

I think that's just a thumb

>> No.12392863

bump because i haven't read this yet and i'm too add to start now