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13786937 No.13786937 [Reply] [Original]

I don't see sleazecore mentioned here anymore.

What killed it? Hawaiian shirts? H&m? Biebs?

>> No.13786947

Wtf that guy is wearing offwhite belt and yeezy

>> No.13786948
File: 210 KB, 655x405, 1389124766281.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stealth sleazecore thread
Ain't happening on my watch

>> No.13787393
File: 2.11 MB, 1200x1418, sleazecore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Formerly streetwear clad, pale, hairless twinks wearing any oversized print shirt done half way up and tucked in, in an effort to look like a modern miami vice.
Like any aesthetic, there's a niche for this one, and for this one, I'd say being skinny and hairless is a real disadvantage. IMO you gotta have some meat on your bones, be it fat (not that kind of plush - marshmellow fat), or a slightly athletic build, with at least some noticable body hair (arms, face, chest, etc.).

tl;dr n.euro kids trying to look like mid-20-mature aged mafioso/cartel/yakuza/narcos/non-black pimps.

Now consult the chart /fa/ggots

>> No.13787399

I should've left westernised/westernising asians out too, they ruin anything they touch.

>> No.13787405

it's not summer anymore

>> No.13788409

I think that sleazecore is a diverse enough look that even the skinny hairless twinks could find something that works on them. However, they seem more obsessed with doing shitty cosplays of hairy 80s dads than finding something that fits their look. Retards who follow trends and don't think about what they buy.

>> No.13788458
File: 56 KB, 720x540, MV5BYmY5MzFiN2UtYWEwMC00ZjFhLTkwNGMtOWU0ZDZmZTBjNmJkL2ltYWdlL2ltYWdlXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMzc5NzUxMzM@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who says you can't be sleazy when it's cold?

>> No.13788848

Corecaine 100%

The problem is that you have these kids trying to dress up as sleaze so they can pretend to be sleaze.

How I feel is that if you're not sleaze to begin with, you can't pull it off. Like we're talking binge drinking, doing coke, speeding and lanebombing in your car, being a savage cunt, etc.

And these fellas are honestly overcomplicating sleaze (Corecaine specifically). It's as easy as this;
1. Wear a smart casual outfit (e.g. shirt + chinos, something you'd wear to a job interview)
2. Get wasted
3. Roll up your sleeves, unbutton the shirt halfway down
4. Continue drinking until you fucking die

>> No.13789821

nothing beats Rusty from oceans 11.

>> No.13790703


>> No.13790708

based also redpilled

>> No.13790712

for me it's the transition zone between Kramercore and Corecaine

>> No.13791518

Agreed, I suppose they just haven't found what works for them.
If you live sleaze, anything you wear can be sleazecore, but there is a generalised idea of what it is. You've nailed how to get to corecaine though.
I've gone through every stage, depending on time of year/day.

>> No.13791587
File: 947 KB, 1952x2466, IMG_20181026_171217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah true, like the whole "Hawaiian shirt" generalisation that OP was referring to.

(This is me on Corecaine)

>> No.13791598

You look like how I want to feel

>> No.13791615

Anyone got that image of Justin Bieber in the blue Hawaiian shirt looking sleazy as fuck?

>> No.13791636

Thanks haha, appreciate it

>> No.13791649

This. It happened last year too when seasons changed. Now normies have coopted the term.

>> No.13791663

I don’t like how the euros try to make everything sleak and skinny. To be a true sleaze you need to embrace some bagginess as well. But of course that doesn’t look good on a euro twink body.

>> No.13791683

the 350s are so fucking dead its unbelievable. it'll never be a timeless classic like the air maxes or jordans

>> No.13791693

It was a stupid idea from the start. Wear a Hawaiian shirt if you want but calling yourself sleazy just makes it sound like you're cosplaying. People fell for it too, very embarrassing

This would have been a fine outfit on its own if you didn't admit to playing dress up

>> No.13791714

Wasn't really "dress up" my man; me and my mates went on a drinking rampage in the city and that picture was from the morning after hahah

>> No.13791731

hahaa absolute lads

>> No.13791753

Lmao I feel sorry for you senpai but all good you'll come right one day

>> No.13791882

>navy and black