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/fa/ - Fashion

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6980152 No.6980152[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Lets discuss some general self-improvement tips, from improving your hair to helping with self-esteem

Here's something that I'm currently doing for thicker/darker eyebrows (Pic related)

1. Wash your your eyebrows and the area around them
2. Using clean fingertips, massage Castor Oil into your eyebrows. If you want your eyebrows thicker or wider, apply some castor oil a bit above/below/to the sides of your eyebrows to thicken them/extend them. Make sure you don't put too much.
3. Allow a few minutes for the oil to absorb into your skin.
4. Using a cotton ball/pad, remove excess oil. Do not rub, just pat them down a bit to remove the oil.

Do this every night and within a week or two you will have very noticeable results. Max results will be around a month or two. At this point, you can stop doing this altogether or maybe once every few days. I personally did it twice a day, once at night and once in the morning but it's probably a bit excessive. Be careful not to get the oil anywhere else on your face, you might break out.

My eyebrows used to be very thin/sparse but since I've been doing this my eyebrows have been nice and thick and much darker and healthier looking (aesthetic as fuck) to the point where I get plenty of compliments from women about my eyebrows (I'm male). This'll work for both men and women.

>> No.6980165


Forgot to mention that you need to wash the oil out in the morning (pretty obvious if your not an idiot)

>> No.6980174

Bro this board is for clothes. This isn't a "le turn your life around XD" board

Wearing nice clothing won't improve your life

>> No.6980186

who the fuck wants caterpillar tier eyebrows anyway

>> No.6980195
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>Wearing nice clothing won't improve your life

>> No.6980208

does this actually work? my eyebrows bother me because theyre lighter. not blonde but light brown

>> No.6980243


OP here. It definitely works. Like I said, my eyebrows used to be very thin and sparse but are now much thicker and darker.

If you do not want your eyebrows bigger, only darker, just ignore the second half of step 2. This way, they'll still get a big thicker, but only where you already have hair growing.

>> No.6980250

the insecurity and nitpicking of you retarded neckbeards knows no bounds

>> No.6980246

thats crazy
so i put the oil on, leave it for a minute, then wipe the excess off of my eyebrows? or just around the eyebrows?

>> No.6980259
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>not wanted beautiful cara tier eyebrows

>> No.6980286

Insecurity builds greatness.

>> No.6980290

I just want a clear skin ;_;

>> No.6980296


Wipe off the excess. Doing this will leave a thin coating/layer in your eyebrows skin, enough for it to take effect. Be careful not to spread the oil when you remove the excess (that why you pat to remove, not rub).

>> No.6980342



Follow this exactly as laid out for clear skin.
The important part of this regimen is that it emphasizes the importance of touching your skin as little as possible to minimize any possible irritation.

Also, remember to exfoliate your face 1-2 times a week. Doing this removes old dead skin to make way for new skin to grow. Do not exfoliate to harshly as you want to minimize irritation as much as possible.

Change your pillow case everyday or every other night.

Use a separate towel for your face and change it every day or two.

Avoid touching your face at all times.

Do all of these things persistently, do not get lazy a few times and think "Oh, I'll just do it next time" since those few times you fuck up are probably the main cause of your skin problems.

I've had bad skin all my life and following all these steps has cleared up my skin. Good luck brother.

>> No.6980352

What are your guy's skincare regiments(what a weird fucking word)?

>> No.6980358



>> No.6980369

I just stopped washing my face with chemicals and it cleared up.

>> No.6980378

I mean in general, have no acne but how do you guys care for your skin?

>> No.6980405

Cold water, cetaphil and multivitamins.

>> No.6980462

Looking to buy some pomade, which brand should I buy?

>> No.6980475

American Crew Fiber

>> No.6980510

RetinA at night, repair cream in the morning. I cycled accutane for 6 months to get rid of it, now I'm just keeping it down.

Oh ye and and a peel mask twice a week. Rinse with cold water at the end of showers and drink a lot of water.

>> No.6980527

op post before and after pics or nobody will believe u.

>> No.6980545

I have curly hair, what kind of hair product should I use, also how should I cut it?

>> No.6980584

>American Crew Pomade


next question?

>> No.6980606

>tfw accidentally shaved a bit of my cara tier eyebrows off

>> No.6980663

thanks, how should I style it with the pomade in my hair? any pics or referrences?

>> No.6980674

you dont need the internet to help you with everything anon

>> No.6980682

youre right anon, that is a great piece of advice

>> No.6980718

why were you shaving your forehead

>> No.6980853

I think clear skin must be something to do with genetics as I don't touch my face often, drink plenty of water, eat healthy etc, but often forget to wash my face and get maybe 1 or 2 spots a month that disappear the next day.

>> No.6981058


>often forget to wash my face

there you go
/fa/shion is a 24/7 job

>> No.6981067

it's called being a teenager, it stops

>> No.6981102

I dont understand how putting oil on your face grows more eyebrows

I don't need it ;cause I already have cara tier eyebrows but I just dont understand

>> No.6981125

google castor oil on hair and scalp

its full of vitamins and shit and is really good at conditioning hair

>> No.6981136

can I get it in like a shampoo form or something 'cause my eyebrows are all good but my hair is quite fine

>> No.6981147

had a slight unibrow forming

>> No.6981148
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Castor oil is rich in omega 6 fatty acids, vitamin E, minerals, proteins and other things. It also helps improve circulation and has antibacterial and anti-fungicidal properties. All these things contribute not only to hair growth but to having healthier hair in general.

>> No.6981151



>> No.6981682

dog, dont shave, for real.

>> No.6981703

omg it's like she has keloid above her eyes

>> No.6981710

so glad i decided to f5 once more before heading off to bed.

copied into a notepad, will be getting castor oil asap

thanks so much. got blonde, small, unnoticeable eyebrows. it makes my face very dull looking

>> No.6981755

np dude
remember to take before and after pictures

>> No.6981758

Or better yet, wax

>> No.6981780

cool can you post before/after pics? very interested

>> No.6981789

You guys are fucking retarded. Castor oil is just gonna irritate your skin, maybe even make you lose some eyebrows.

>> No.6981818

Might actually try this.
Castor oil is pretty cheap right?

>> No.6981855
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eyebrows /10
also, what shit should i do with my hair? Trying new stuff out..

>> No.6981876

I've followed the routine for 6 weeks now. Acne is more manageable, but it's by no means gone. Still in high school though.

When did /fa/'s acne go away (if you had it in the first place)?

>> No.6981884

I just started the same thing about a week ago and it's already improving nicely. I graduated two years ago.

>> No.6981914

I had really bad acne my senior year, but then I started getting facials and going to this face lady who gave me really good stuff to clean my face with.

It took me 4 months to clear up, but thank god it did.

>> No.6981939

bump yo

>> No.6981971

when i stopped
>drinking milk
>putting stuff on my face that i couldn't eat

>> No.6981998
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will castor oil help mine at all?
I'm also trying to raise the front of my eyebrows so they slant downwords in a more masculine way

>> No.6982043

I don't have any castor oil in the household currently but I do have some vitamin E oil. Would that work just as well?

>> No.6982072


It wouldn't hurt to try.


Just go buy some tomorrow or something, its like $3 for a small bottle that'll last you forever

>> No.6982450

Why not just use minoxidil?

>> No.6982577

What pant waist size should I be? And how much should I weigh? Medium frame, 5'9

>> No.6982584

I've had trouble with acne, but every time I try to fix it, I get nasty flaky dry skin then. I found a moisturizing acne treatment that sort of works on both counts, but I feel like I'm doing something wrong.

>> No.6982608

you're supposed to use moisturizer u idiot

most acne medication has stuff that dries the fuck out of skin

apply moisturizer every day and something with spf 30 if you're going in the sun

>> No.6982621

most of my acne is gone i just have a lot of scars, is there a routine to get rid of em

>> No.6982623

can't get help without pics

>> No.6982625

get some sun

they will eventually go away

>> No.6982630

>tfw big ass white puss forming on nose bridge
>tfw it's under a layer of skin so it makes the bump extremely big
>tfw take a needle to squeeze some of it out and deflate it
>tfw some is still in there
I hate putting needles in my skin

>> No.6982634
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>> No.6982655

Yeah, I've been moisturizing the trouble spots. Should I moisturize it all and before or after I out acne medication on?

>> No.6982671

Should I put anything on my face after showering?

How do I stop getting red ingrown hairs / irritation marks on my neck?

>> No.6982761

does anyone else have a parallel hypothesis with acne as the do with greasy hair? allow me to greentext:

>poo erryday, astringent erryday
>greasy hair and face if no product used
>no poo in summer, notice improved hair
>stop using astringent
>no more breakouts/shiny skin

it would seem the chemical stripping of the astringent is to acne as shampoo is to seebum. by not removing natural oils from the horny layer everyday, my skin began producing less oil.

on a sidenote, the only acne product i have ever found to help clear out skin and not increase oil production is tea-tree cleanser. that shit is gold (and smells good).

>> No.6982814

I've had similiar experiences.

>> No.6982893

I tried that... and my acne got 15 times as bad over the course of 3 months, and I tried a cleanser + Benzoyle Peroxide long lasting cream, and it cleared right up. I'm a fuckin' before and after shot baby.

>> No.6982909

i suppose some people are just genetically predisposed to having bad skin. if it works for you, keep doing it dude.

>> No.6982923

Yeah, it's genetic. My Dad still has some Bacne, my Mom had facial acne until she was 25. I'm 20 and I still have both, though moderate since I bought a years worth of Salycilic Acid and Benzoyle.

Though, moisturizers fuck my skin up really bad. I've tried oil free, extra gentle, prescribed, etc... they all just make everything worse. So I just got used to the Benzoyle and shit, and my skin cleared right up and stayed that way with a daily application in the shower each morning. Minimal dryness, too.

I could also attribute my clearer face to changing my pillow case every day, and drinking a lot of water as well. I'm sure it certainly helped.

>> No.6982935

i used to have reaaaally bad acne till i was around 17.
then i started eating super healthy and it just went away.
now i just use a dove white soap bar in the shower to wash my face.
the benzoyl shit didnt help at all

>> No.6982937

>tfw red acne scar wont go away even after 1 year.
can laser treatment remove red marks?

>> No.6982963

>dove white soap bar in the shower to wash my face
tat shit makes ur skin wrinkle i think

>> No.6982976

Can I use this thread to ask a dumb /fa/ related question?

>> No.6982985

i have pretty damn good skin since starting this

>> No.6982997



>> No.6983007



>> No.6983252

a dermatologist visit is probably the best thing to do if you are able, people have different types of skin in certain areas on their faces so they're going to have different problems/solutions

>> No.6983272

My dermo suggested Doxycycline oral pills, a moisturizer, and Retin-a. It fucked my skin and is the reason I turned into a videogame hermit for 3 years. I couldn't get in the sun because of the meds, and not only that, it made my acne blow up for months when I was like 13 or 14.

Worst mistake of my life.

>> No.6983355

around how much money is a visit? I'll definitely save some for it

>> No.6983562
File: 4 KB, 175x247, oblongface.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have oblong face and I'm getting a haircut. What would be the best hair cut/style for my oblong head?

>> No.6983774

Male or female?

>> No.6983783


>> No.6983788

why do you want thicker eyebrows man. I've got thick and dark eyebrows and I look like I'm bertstaring 24/7 (not even monobrow).

>> No.6983796


Do you have curly hair?

Curly hair is a nightmare for shaving because you get unavoidable ingrown hairs constantly. The only real solution I've found - aside from simply trimming my stubble other than shaving, is to simply hold a warm washer over my neck after shaving and before I go to bed that night. It seems to stave off the worst of it.

>> No.6983827

I'm trying to get past my bad habit of biting my nails. I often do it subconsciously though so it's a pain. Anyone have any tips?

>> No.6983835

post face so we can help you out

>> No.6983847
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o-okay here I go ._.

>> No.6983854

Inb4 dermatologist

I have light freckles on pale skin, unnoticeable, with a few dark ones. I can also grow a beard. Besides this, I have dry skin as a result of unprotected time in the sun. What can I do to make my face have equal tonality and lighten up on the dryness?

No pimples, just want better looking skin

>> No.6983869

nigga u need some glasses just to "fill up" your face more, you have strong cheekbones but your eyes are way too small compared to the rest of your face and also since your nose is so long your eyes are so high up

get some round keyhole frames or something

>> No.6983876

whelp cat's out of the bag. You got me. I actually do wear glasses.

>> No.6983881

let me guess are they a flat rectangle shape

>> No.6983886


but effay isn't full of neckbeards

why are u even posting

>> No.6983909
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Yep. I know right? bad idea. I suppose I can get round keyhole frames on my face or something.

Also, any suggestion for what haircut I should go for?

>> No.6983915

no responses? why use castor oil when you can use minoxodil (rogaine)?

>> No.6984000

Might try it for my beard as well then

>> No.6984032
File: 111 KB, 960x720, 45961_647910958576222_289771132_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need help with my hair

what would be the best hairstyle for my head shape/face, /fa/?

>pic related, it's me

>> No.6984063

Should i shave my arms and legs if im a bit hairy?

or is that gay

>> No.6984072


>> No.6984131

Can you do no poo while using castor oil for your hair? I'm thinking it would get really greasy if you used it once every day and didn't wash it out with shampoo.

>> No.6984168

>this guy judges your fits

>> No.6984209

Cheaper, no shed, etc

>> No.6984237

/fa/ pls

>> No.6984270

it sounds retarded but it worked for me... band aids on your figure tips.... it stops you 2100% from biting them.. also rubber band on the wrist.. every time you think of biting them or you bit them hurt yourself lel

>> No.6984291


I did it once

I got ridiculed. it also felt really strange and cold. I felt like a woman whilst lying in bed, and the irritation when it grew back was unbearable

not worth it

>> No.6984314

I shave my arm pits every few days, too feminine?

>> No.6984344

>mfw relying on other people's opinions
>not removing unnecessary hairs for cosmetic reasons out of fear of ridicule

Tell me, do you also sport bushy eyebrows and a full beard? Don't worry so much about people's opinions. Removing hairs (unless it's your entire eyebrows) never looks bad.

Also, dat feel when shaven legs and silk bedsheets.

>> No.6984360


there are no upsides to shaving your legs

you have to do it constantly if you want to keep them shaven, and its homosexual

>> No.6984358
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>> No.6984374

Once every couple months stop being a pussy and do what you want

>> No.6984384
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Thanks I now realize that I'm not a pussy for shaving but that I'm a pussy because I was curious about stranger's opinions. I love the internet!

>> No.6984411

i always forget to do my skin care regime and stretches to fix my APT. Wat do

>> No.6984425


Shut up you goddamn pussy.

>> No.6984433
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>on /fa/
>calls others pussy

>> No.6984440

I have incredibly thick (not curly) hair which doesn't respond well at all to being placed anywhere. It also grows really fast. What's the best thing to do to prevent it from getting unruly? It's already pretty short, and I don't want to have to use loads of product if it can be avoided

>> No.6984442


>> No.6984448

>dye your hair blond
>acquire terrier
>become tintin

>> No.6984475


Stop forgetting. Do memory exercises and get better sleep

>> No.6984494

serbs pls go

>> No.6984526

i do literally forget alot of shit it so annoying. Get one person to ask me to do something then 10 seconds another person asks me to do something i will forget one of them.

>> No.6984585

wait guys do this? ive never shaved my arm pits

>> No.6984966
File: 66 KB, 699x606, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What exfoliator should I use?
I currently use Nivea Face Wash twice a day (once when I shower and once at night). What are the long term effects of this? I've been using it for around a year and I get less acne but my face is more oily.

>> No.6984977

Oh god comedy gold

>> No.6985027

she's so hot....

>> No.6985127

Alright, I've never had an acne problem, but still I have a minor blackhead problem (nothing noticeable) and a shiny nose. I wash my face twice a day (after I shower and before I head to bed) and use moisturizer. I change pillowcase every other day and avoid touching my face. Those pesky little blackheads won't go away.

wat do?

>> No.6985224

nivea for men sensitive face wash? I've been using that twice a day with dove moisturizer for about a month and my face has been a LOT clearer and my skin hasn't got any oilier at all

>> No.6985233

I just use a mixture of honey and sugar

>> No.6985245

made me lol. thank you anon

>> No.6985248

yeah those steps are to stop getting more acne, not to improve acne/get rid of blackheads

>> No.6985356

Who's the qt in your pic? Google isnt helping

>> No.6985380


>> No.6985404

Alison "HNGGG" Brie

>> No.6985423

Goddamn now I know what I'm doing tonight

thanks anon

>> No.6985446

/fa/ PLS

aightsWh deliver

>> No.6985914

fuck you

>> No.6985960

How to nopoo effectively

my hair grows really fast and i hate washing it with shampoo because it goes all dry and fluffy and I can't style it at all, but I don't want to have greasy hair all the time either y'know

>> No.6985976

not joking lemon juice

burns for bout 2 seconds then feels cool and dries matte. squeeze some fresh lemon juice into your clean palm and use 2 fingers to apply it on your face. sleep on it, repeat for a week and your face should look 100% better


>> No.6985982

baking soda diluted with water

1/10th baking soda is the standard dose, you can add more or less to get the effect you want

>> No.6985989

proper nutrition and topical treatments can

>> No.6986005
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Dye your eyebrows light brown if they're blonde.

I use beard dye.

>> No.6986028

fuck that's a good idea. im bout to try this

>> No.6986048

I think shorter sides would balance things out. Say, a straight edge up from the ear instead of the outward curve.

>> No.6986066


i hope ur seriously not this retarded

>> No.6986082

just fucking suck it up u pussy

when u start no poo its going to be ridiculously greasy for the first few weeks and theres nothing u can do to prevent it

>> No.6986089

sry4urface m8

>> No.6986179

what do you mean?
Fapping or what?
>doing no-fap and awaiting results/changes

>> No.6986556

My thoughts exactly

>> No.6986792


>> No.6986788

People who don't want to look like they're 12