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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 45 KB, 675x340, bracelet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11073707 No.11073707 [Reply] [Original]

Are wristbands and bracelets on men /fa/?

>> No.11073714

If and only if you wear no more than two on one arm and one arm only.

>> No.11073737

What about wristbands on one hand, watch in the other?

>> No.11073755
File: 1.49 MB, 2707x2446, 20150206_190255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11073761

not if you want to look like a trashy stoner

>> No.11073763


>> No.11073767

yes, because i carry googly eyes, a sponge and a small branch with me everywhere i go

>> No.11073768


>> No.11073773

please no

>> No.11073783

You should not go overboard like the op pic.

Maybe just one that actually means something to you.

>> No.11073809
File: 220 KB, 347x440, 1457714538223.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get a load of this guy. not prepared for every possible situation

>> No.11073824

christ that looks terrible.

can look fine in limited circumstances, and in limited numbers, and on a person with a lifestyle that fits.

when i see buttoned up office-types in suits or business cas with bracelets... it's as out of place as an earring is. a desperate attempt to signal their carefree attitude or past rebellious lifestyle. unless your daughter made you a friendship bracelet wear a watch and grow the fuck up.

on young people, it looks tryhard as fuck.

looks fine on surfers and old dudes, but not this mass-produced bullshit. either diy or from a friend/child/grandchild or bought while traveling in some far flung locale.

glad i could help, everyone. i'm sorry you don't all have my impeccable taste.

>> No.11073860

That's usually how I wear mine. Watch on one arm, and one of the bracelets I've made on the other.

>> No.11074069


that's my p-spot buttplug, faggot. i carry it with me everywhere i go. usually in my ass, but i had to take it out for the picture

>> No.11074175

That's an antler.

>> No.11075775

A branch? Damn city boy. It's a fucking shedding

>> No.11076401

As long as you like them and don't pile them on like a scene girl circa 2008 you'll be fine. But.
Let me set the record straight
>is xxxx /fa/ means, "Do white boys on a anime forum think this is cool?"
>is xxxx fashionable means, "Do fashionable people think this is fashionable?"
Being "fa" is short for: "An arbitrary thing being fashionable", so when you ask:
>Is an old school barbershop effay
>What's the most fa anime and why is it Cory in the House
>Post fa pens
>Is xxxx fa?
>What's the most fa deodorant
>Post fa ducks
You are not getting an answer from a regular person that might know some shit about fashion. You're asking the wrong people entirely. /Fa/ is filled to the brim with guys who just want to dress cool and don't really know much about fashion, which is fine, but they end up getting told by fucking tripfags who literally wear skirts and clown shoes, who literally suck Kanye West's dick because he made graduation once, who literally stand outside of stores for DAYS just to "cop" a fucking tee shirt or even worse fucking shoes they won't wear, who think that Rick Owens and his goblin of a wife are literally god for starting the trend of wearing black and gay techno 90's goth rags, and once they realize how fucking stupid the trend is, they dismiss it like it never happened and it becomes a giant fucking circle jerk.
If you want an inspo thread, awesome, start that, but please stop piling on the fucking is xxxx fa?
What answer do you want? Use common sense. A pencil bag is not fashionable. A backpack can be. Deodorant can't be fashionable. Going to an old-timey barbershop is cool. Ducks are ducks. Come on now.

>> No.11077105

I've worn a bracelet like pic related for the last 5 years or so, because it is said that the stone will keep 'evil looks' and envy from other people away from you. I just think it looks nice, but if so, that's a bonus. I suppose most of you would classify this as homo-core.

No one cares about what you wear on your wrist, as long as you don't go overboard retard with it.

>> No.11077109
File: 32 KB, 480x401, large_2241_b_8092802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.11077114

Not super faggy unless the beads are huge.

>> No.11077137

they're small, like 5mm

>> No.11077149

Not faggy.

The bracelets with walnut-sized beads are Ultrafag-tier.

>> No.11077942

It it if you have a story for that shit. Like, if you got it from some witch doctor in southeast asia on one of your many travels not when you buy it online for $90 to look more interesting.

>> No.11078681

lmao nice anal-beads brethren

>> No.11080377

That's a fucking antler duckweed

>> No.11080394

>Anal beads.

>> No.11081967
File: 14 KB, 236x149, Pats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As long as they aren't silicone concept bracelets. I just want to bludgeon anyone who wears one of those.

>> No.11082008
File: 378 KB, 450x447, Piti.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes very, that's why i always wear a few.

>> No.11082015

Good for kissing pranks but demi-fag tier for anything else.