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/fa/ - Fashion

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13275915 No.13275915 [Reply] [Original]

What are some /fa/ drinks?

>> No.13275923


>> No.13275924
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>> No.13275929
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>> No.13275941
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>> No.13275946

Belgium is the nigger of Europe

>> No.13275963

literally only this

>> No.13275982

Water with a squeeze of lime

>> No.13275991 [DELETED] 

IPAs are the soymilk of beers.

>> No.13275998

Stolichnaya vodka
Johnnie Walker Black Label
Green Spot Irish whiskey

>> No.13276005

>black coffee

only things worth drinking only soyboys will disagree

>> No.13276007
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>> No.13276008

Fuck IPAs so hard you lemming.

>> No.13276060
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>> No.13276086
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Плeб. Drink spirit.

>> No.13276103
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Never been into alcohol. Explain why picrel mixed with water is not at least the same as your super duper $$$ vodka.

>> No.13276107

I bet you in a blind test you will not be able to pick out the most expensive vodka (if you weren't previously familiarized with each specimen's taste).

>> No.13276112

stay hydrated /fa/m

>> No.13276233

Whatever the fuck you like as long as your not an asshole about it. It also may depend o your look and what you're going for.

>> No.13276250

quebecois is the nigger of canada

>> No.13276265

IPAs blow and they always have

>> No.13276277

>Green Tea (none of that disgusting sweetened stuff)
>Cocktails that aren't designed to get you immediately drunk

>> No.13276341
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>> No.13276385
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only right answers here

molly water

>> No.13276413


>> No.13276439


>> No.13276483

absinthe fucking sucks. only fedora tippers and people that think it makes them hallucinate drink it.

>> No.13276569

black coffe, straight fucking black no pussy shit

>> No.13276576
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>> No.13277055

What's the point, guy? That's another benefit to vodka. You don't have to spend a lot to get something good.

>> No.13277063

I'm far above the levels of /fa/ and can vouch for this.

There are only three (3) drinks that a fashionable person may drink. One is black coffee, another is vodka, and the third, and most important, is water, filtered from a glass jar.

>> No.13277252
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in Canada, on average, Quebec
>Has the highest IQ
>Has the tallest men
>Has the biggest dick
>Fittest men
>Is the nation with the highest percentage aryan genes
>Is the most creative
>Is the most talented in all fields
>Has the best soldiers
>Is naturally bilingual, thus superior to monolingual Anglo scum
>Has the best aesthetics on both women and men
>Has a carefree attitude, no stress, longer lives
>Has strong nationalism, compared to the rest of Canada which has zero
>Best hockey players (their national sport)

Some bonuses:
>The strongest man ever came from Quebec
>Quebec has the second highest gdp after Ontario, tied with Alberta (even though its economy is about to crash)
>Has some of the laws considered the most racists by (((them)))
>Quebec was Canada before any other province, thus making it the country's founding nation
>Quebec has the strongest culture and started every single stereotype about Canadians
>Quebec is Canada's masterrace

>inb4 butthurt Albertans
Sucks to suck, oil ain't payin much now, eh? Faggots.
>Inb4 angry Brits defending their old colonies
This isn't your fight: Canada is rightful Quebec's clay, gtfo

>> No.13277263


>> No.13277264

black cofee is awesome

milk and sugar for the pampared

>> No.13277266

i love kaybek but trudea is from kaybek so i hate it

>> No.13277288

I drink my coffee black 99% of the time (and I drink a shitload of coffee), but goddamn do I fucking hate people who turn a preference on how to prepare a beverage made from beans into a fucking statement about their masculinity.

>> No.13277310

I only drink 2 cups of black coffee a day and my eyelid won't stop twitching. wtf?

>> No.13277315

>eyelid won't stop twitching
additional info: it doesn't twitch normally, but only when i touch it or sneeze or blow the nose

>> No.13277341

>didn’t include sips
I think we know who the real soyboy is

>> No.13277346

it might be a meme but arizona ice

>> No.13277733

IDK why it bothers you so much retard. People load coffee up with pounds of sugar and "cream." Defeats the whole point.

>> No.13277766

Duno dude I get that shit though sometimes

>> No.13278058

I think it does make you hallucinate a little bit
But I can't imagine it would be fun to drink. It is a bit hipster but I still might try it someday.

>> No.13278064

Defeats the whole point of getting addicted to caffeine
Please don't turn yourself into those
>LOL Don't get between me and my COFFEE in the morning
it's just a drink, I can make it taste good if I want to, enjoy cowering to social quo.

>> No.13278306

the white monster energy

>> No.13279096

either top tier b8 or you are the biggest quebec faggot ever, I hope you know that you are the biggest joke of Canada kys.

Either way kek

>> No.13279181

could just be stress

>> No.13279335
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>> No.13279403

You sound like someone who would argue a white t shirt from hanes is the same as one from a high end retailer.

Everclear mixed with water tastes like alcohol mixed with water. Everclear is distilled to such a high proof that it loses any flavor the grain or still might impart in it. There are pricey vodkas that taste like shit, but there are also pricey vodkas that taste good. Palette plays a role like it would in any food or drink preference. Texture also plays a factor. Some vodkas are watery and some are silky.

>> No.13279418
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Still water from glass bottles and overpriced matcha tea from japan all day, every day

>> No.13280021

Add glucose to everclear & water

>> No.13280031

decidedly unmasculine to have to prove your masculinity through fucking beverages. 21st century alienation 101

>> No.13280149

nigga no

I'll take a grey goose, thank you

>> No.13280179
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Yerba Mate.
Tastes like shit, but it's effay as fuck.

>> No.13280185
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>> No.13280212
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How has nobody posted the most /fa/ of all time drink yet?

>> No.13280219


>> No.13280225
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>> No.13280231

back to >>>/ck/

>> No.13280238
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>> No.13280400

Even better, put one jolly rancher in the cup and let it dissolve.

>> No.13280457

I don’t care if this is the tastiest beer in the world the fucking gay 2014 era hipster skeleton just deters me so hard. The fact that that image attracts people makes me sick. Can anyone vouch for how it tastes?

>> No.13280468
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>> No.13280485

Water unless youre in a casino with your hair slicked back, Hawaiian shirt mostly unbuttoned on top with
High waist black trousers or real short shorts then its a jack and coke

>> No.13280490


>> No.13280535

>store brand
Instant Coffee

>> No.13280537


>> No.13280552

Looks like even they agree

>> No.13280553

What do you mean it tastes like shit mate it's fucking great. Not /fa/ at all though

>> No.13280606

How is it not fa? Stylish cup with a straw, together with a cool thermos

>> No.13280616
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>a cool thermos

>> No.13280638


>> No.13280667


>> No.13280747

Frozen water, preferably in cube form and flavored with a significantly larger amount of whisky.

>> No.13280783

Hasn't been made with woodworm in years, due to its illegality.

>> No.13280808

>coffee (black if good, white if typical coffee chain quality)
>yerba mate for best and longest stimulation
>vodka for heavy drinking
>wine and good beer for light drinking
soda is for manchildren

>> No.13280813

too tryhard, and it's very hard to get the real stuff

>> No.13280855
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>ribbed for greater satisfaction

>> No.13280984

this has nothing to do with belgium

>> No.13281006
File: 87 KB, 600x566, C7C6C4F9-BAF9-454B-BDE4-41FFD6348208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NyQuil and Fiji Water

>> No.13281022

The beta sip

>> No.13281030


>> No.13281061
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Sorry yall this is as /fa/ as it gets.

>> No.13281069
File: 264 KB, 929x367, Screenshot-2018-4-5 Old Milwaukee - Dry Cans 6 9% Beer IGA Online Grocery.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old Milwaukee > PBR
less conspicuous hipster shit

t. knows shit all about alcohol

>> No.13281091

Hey man, that's a classic too.
Just harder to come by where I'm at.

>> No.13281141
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tf wrong with y'all

>> No.13281159

Wine is the only /fa/ drink. The amount of heart, practice, know-how and research that goes into a fine wine, is unmatched with any drink in the world. Anyone who says differently is underage or a barbarian

>> No.13281308


I personally love absinthe but have to drink it in private because of its fedora status.


It does not make you hallucinate. Its a distilled alcohol infused with herbs for taste. One of those herbs was wormwood (Artemisia absinthium, hence the drinks name). In wormwood is something called thujone. It is also found in sage. It has no hallucinogenic properties at all.

The reason for all the myths is boring and simple. It became hugely opular during the Belle Époque (beautiful epic/era). A time of bohemians and poets and people generally running counter to society. These people were demonized, and so was the drink, same as prohibition in the USA. Or like Reefer Madness.

You can buy real absinthe in the USA now, not excluding original ingredients. It tastes like anise and is good. But dont tell anyone or they'll say "no it rly makes u hi i knw dis" or they'll do shots of it at clubs then claim to be high. Just drink it alone.

>> No.13281320

i already posted that, faggot

>> No.13281337

there was no sip the way you said it

>> No.13281423

Fuck le anglo

>> No.13282155

You can buy alcohol online!??

>> No.13282157

Like regular IPA. It's mostly bought to support small Brewers

>> No.13282468

why has noone posted cum yet

>> No.13283159
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>> No.13283224 [DELETED] 
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Was just about to post this wtf

>> No.13283234
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Was just about to post this wtf

>> No.13283354

>ctrl+f semen


>> No.13283923

water, coffee, a nice bourbon on the rocks
and the for the working man, a cold ale

>> No.13283950


>> No.13283953

nigger juice

>> No.13285087

>fuck IPAs because my opinion

>> No.13285121

rum and cock

>> No.13285122


>> No.13285198
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Banana Daiquiri (non-alcoholic) is as /fa/ as it gets.

>> No.13286346

Are Martinis /fa/ ?

>> No.13286393

If you wear a suit and theres an obligatory olive on a stick inside

>> No.13287657
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I have enjoyed practically every one of these they have released.

>> No.13287689
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>> No.13287722
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>> No.13287966

literally the opposite of /fa/

>> No.13287972
File: 93 KB, 1024x1024, JP-270_Sangaria_Royal_Milk_Tea_9.2_fl_oz._272_ml.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for when yur not getting drunk on wine or Hennessy

>> No.13288006
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Most /fa/ canned coffee

>> No.13289029

found these at the asian supermarket where i live, shits kino

>> No.13289116
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>The year of our lord
>Being this wrong

It's okay Anon, we all make mistakes.

>> No.13289146

truly. i could down 20 in one day