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/fa/ - Fashion

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13968302 No.13968302[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Pic related is mine
Im trans and my body changes A LOT from revealing clothes to unrevealing, with boy clothes my body looks almost totally masculine, but when i reveal my legs and butt in skinny clothes or my waist, my figure is completely feminine.
How can i show waist and legs without looking too slutty?
I have rly good genetics, but my proportions look masculine if i cant show off those areas.


>> No.13968303


>> No.13968305

fake and gay

>> No.13968306


>> No.13968309
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>> No.13968310


>> No.13968325

There are occasionally good threads which post androgynous inspo. Not going to get much from the /pol/steers. Lurk more

>> No.13968326

t h i c c

>> No.13968334

you got discord?

>> No.13968337

ur cute, dont let this faggots turn you down <3

>> No.13968341

you are the faggot. Also, this isn't a tranny you fell for the bait

>> No.13968343

Wear slim/skinny fitting clothes to show off your figure. Skinny jeans and an oversized sweater is a classic, basic, fem look. Just make sure you tape your dick back or whatever so it doesn't bulge out.

Check out some female inspo threads on here and just lurk a bit and I'm sure you'll find something.

>> No.13968350


>> No.13968353
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>> No.13968365
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You already look better than anything i could recommend but i want to let you know you're so pretty so have a (you)

>> No.13968757

I'd tell you to kill yourself, but like most trannies, you faggots eventually kill yourselves whether voluntarily through suicide or through aids from being a faggot.

>> No.13968821

the only correct answer

>> No.13968866

what would a bigot be doing on /fa/, this is an aesthetic board, you're a brainlet and a faggot

>> No.13968873
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>> No.13968881

what you love and hate are mirrors of your desire

polarized people are pathetic

slaves to their limbic resonance and cognitive dissonance

reactionary brainlet

>> No.13968882

they look manly because you are a man

>> No.13968904
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>> No.13968910

or maybe he's just not a faggot like you

>> No.13968920

"i'm only pretending to be retarded"

>> No.13968933

Post ass

>> No.13968950
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nobody's pretending here. op and all the people worshiping/defending him are massive faggots.
>taking this shitty thread seriously

>> No.13969119


>> No.13969121

lol go mutilate your body permanently, take drugs for your entire life and then end up killing yourself when you realize you are a mentally ill, mutilated dickless male drug addicted larping as a woman. everyone hates you.
you have one chance to stop the drugs, never get surgery and be a clean and healthy man. otherwise fuck off

>> No.13969135


do you ever wonder why you give your time and attention to something so disgusting? Maybe its because you too steeped in cognitive dissonance to see the tip of your nose, regardless, at the end of the day, the joke is on you

>> No.13969136

Starve yourself. But don't drink water this time.

>> No.13969138

I have a lot of respect for effeminate men who don't give a fuck and dress androgynously and embrace the femboy aesthetic. I have no respect for a larping faggot who trivializes what it means to be a woman into "Wears dresses and makeup." You'll never be a woman. Women who dress like men are more woman than you could ever aspire to be. You'll never know the experience, socially and biologically, that "makes" someone a woman. Just kill yourself or stop larping.

>> No.13969143
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>> No.13969280
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go back to dumblr

>> No.13969289

i concur

that waist and stomach will never look feminine you look like a barrel, stop trying

>> No.13969296

only actual response

are the rest of you guys stuck in middle school?

>> No.13969297
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Hi Isabelle. I recommend you wear slightly baggy but form fitting clothing that shows off a little bit of skin.

I'll be posting as much trans inspo I have but you probably realize passing has way more to do with your face than it does your body imo

>> No.13969301
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It's very baggy, but she still tries to accentuate the contours of her body with her clothes

>> No.13969307
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>> No.13969308

it takes him 30 seconds

>> No.13969320
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Wear this dress

Show off those shoulders

>> No.13969338
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>> No.13969426
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>> No.13969462

pro tip
kill yourself

>> No.13969527 [DELETED] 

>> No.13969532
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>> No.13969558

I highly doubt anyone in the world beyond your keyboard gives a fuck what you "respect" lol you're pathetic and people who rail on trannies on the internet are obsessed with them, lmfao

t. not a tranny

>> No.13969563

you are a trannie

>> No.13969701

lgbt is the board you are looking for if you want advice on passing as a trap OP. not fashion board.
you know this though, you're just one of those gross trannies who tries to "convert"

>> No.13970554

You would've been better off as an androgynous male. Why'd you have to do this to yourself? One chance at life and you did that, wew fucking lad.

>> No.13970760

why do you think you can make this decision for OP

>> No.13970795

-high waisted, skinny pants
-high waisted skirts
-crop tops
-bodysuits or slim shirts tucked in
-tops/outerwear that downplay your shoulders (especially if yours are broad/masculine) - which means slouchy/non-structured
-feminine accessories (hair bands, clips, bracelet/anklet, rings, necklaces, earrings)
-tops with wide neck holes (because it's a feminine detail and also they'll make your shoulders seem narrower)
-tops with low neck or backlines

>> No.13970805

kill yourself

>> No.13970808

>I have rly good genetics
but you will never breed so it doesn't matter, you self castrating freak

>> No.13970818

Your torso looks like a fridge, your shoulders are broad, you have man hands, and I bet your jaw is manly since you are hiding it. 3/10 would not bang.

>> No.13970876
File: 114 KB, 1080x597, photo_on_23072018_at_20.01_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl is trans

>> No.13970887

and look like a complete faggot? wew lad

>> No.13970931

You look great as a girl OP!

Ignore all the hateful cunts in the thread, they'll grow up someday, hopefully

Tennis Skirts always look great imo, could work for you?

>> No.13970941

the irony of this post

>> No.13971068
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I think dresses like this could look great on transgirls OP. Don't dismiss them entirely.

>> No.13971105
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>trans girls
There's no such thing as a ""trans girl"". You're a mentally ill man.

>> No.13971125

well he looks the part

>> No.13971251

fat irl

>> No.13971262

Wear a noose

>> No.13971408

No need to bully mentally Ill people.

You are right though.
OP please get real help.

>> No.13971612

youre just a mentally ill faggot

>> No.13971615
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All women are mentally ill faggots, it doesn't matter what genitals they have

Stop putting pussy on a pedestal

>> No.13971692

fucking troons, disgusting how wide spread this disease is

>> No.13971696

>with boy clothes my body looks almost totally masculine
big surprise
a woman in man's clothes will still look like a woman
how does that make you feel?

>> No.13972098

>boy clothes my body looks almost totally masculine
This a sure fire sign that you will N E V E R pass

Any girl even at her most ugly wearing male clothes will still look female. You however will never look female.

>> No.13972116
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Do you want to be my girlfriend?

>> No.13972120
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Don't listen to the posts above you're pretty

>> No.13972126
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Reminder that instinctive hatred toward trannies is a symptom of internalized misandry.

>> No.13972353

i don't think you really have to show your waist /and/ your legs, just one of the two can work very often. trousers and a tucked-in top + belt cinching your waist. an oversized blazer over a loose top and skirt, et cetera. you might be tall, but your legs don't seem super long, so i think that you might do well following the kinds of rules that short apple/inverted-triangle-shaped cis women do - do not emphasize your shoulders, if you obscure your waist, do not do the same for your legs unless the silhouette is "even" all the way down, flare skirts, etc.

>> No.13972467


>> No.13972494

not ideal for cold weather but baggy shirt and tighter pants/shorts are great! also be sure to show off your shoulders/collarbones. am girl and im always rlly jealous of broad shoulders and collarbones, unless thats not ur type of thing. if you wanna shoe waist/legs get a good pair of high waisted pants/jeans ^__^

>> No.13972508

it's more like /pol/tard ideology but that shit is going away since hiroyuki split the nsfw and the sfw.

idgaf I would fuck Andrej Pijec or whatever the name of that model was.

>> No.13972534
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>> No.13972591


Fun fact the best way to treat this mental illness is gender confirming therapy. Stay mad I guess.

>> No.13972617

you’re disgusting
so is this dude

>> No.13972632
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>> No.13973023

I'm not mad. But transgender people still commit suicide over 40% of the time so your "gender confirming" therapy clearly doesn't work very well.

>> No.13973307

Maybe that has more to do with the hateful and vitriolic things people like you spew out on a regular basis.

If you don't agree with how someone wants to live their life that's fine, but saying such cruel things that you'd never say to someone's face is not well adjusted behavior.

If you were in a Muslim country they'd call you a filthy degenerate who should be stoned to death, who has no morals and whose girlfriend is a pig. They would say your culture and everything you idolize is trash and that everything about you is a personification of ultimate evil and that you deserve a painful death.

Now of course, Muslims are idiots. But in this case, you're being the Muslim. You cannot consider the experience of others and why they may feel their feelings and why they decide to love their life the way they do. And this moronic lack of comprehension and empathy leads you to tell people to kill themselves on the internet. In a Eugenic society you would be killed for being 4chan trash. Go ahead and tell your boss you're a 4chan regular and he will react the same way you did to this tranny. He'll, go tell ypur grandpa you watch fashion shows and see how he reacts. Fucking dumbass.

>> No.13973362

funny that this isn't close to being confirmed in the slightest but any opinion that strays from this is considered bigoted.

>> No.13973418
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akshually the study that refers to the 40% suicide rates also makes mention that gender confirming therapy alleviates the clinically defined symptoms of gender dysphoria. Taking this detail into account alongside the tendency for comorbidity between gender dysphoria and other related illness such as depression, indicating suicide doesn't stem from therapy but from other sources, such as fags like you telling already fucked people to kill themselves.

>> No.13973421
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>> No.13973422
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