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17220933 No.17220933 [Reply] [Original]

What do you love?

>> No.17220937

ass, validation

>> No.17220940


>> No.17220944 [DELETED] 
File: 251 KB, 750x937, 05FDD504-5C1D-4069-885D-5441C7214D52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are non-aluminum cans.

Aluminum apparently causes Alzheimers/holes in the brain.

There’s a thing called the “nun study” though that basically states that if you have a enough unique thoughts/neural wires, your brain with navigate around the holes and not get caught in a loop.

The best way to avoid Alzheimers is diverse thoughts and experiences.

Blue collar workers overwhelmingly get Alzheimers.

>> No.17220946
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>> No.17220949 [DELETED] 

>Blue collar workers overwhelmingly get Alzheimers.
I think it's the other way around. They are bydlo because they were predisposed to weak brain an d so they ended up in blue collar jobs.

>> No.17220950
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>> No.17220952 [DELETED] 

People who have great brain from child study better, memorize better, so they don't become bc workers. it's on god

>> No.17220953
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Look up the “nun study” if you’re curious.


>> No.17220954 [DELETED] 

maybe their parents didn't feed them well during school years so they couldn't study well, absentee parents

>> No.17220957
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>> No.17220959

glam blues

>> No.17220963
File: 251 KB, 750x937, EE2ACB76-95B8-462E-9DF1-70931F81B5B3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are non-aluminum cans.

Aluminum apparently causes Alzheimers/holes in the brain.

There’s a thing called the “nun study” though that basically states that if you have a enough unique thoughts/neural wires, your brain will navigate around the holes and not get caught in a loop.

The best way to avoid Alzheimers is diverse thoughts and experiences.

Blue collar workers overwhelmingly get Alzheimers

>> No.17220967

i love LSDanon :)

>> No.17220972
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Thanks, I love you too.


>> No.17220979

There's plastic inside the can to keep ot from rusting.

>inb4 microplastics

>> No.17221213
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Chinese and Russian and Canadian fashion is so good.

Ah populism. It makes everything better.

>> No.17221226


There's a lining on all aluminum cans. BPA used to be the lining of choice, but manufacturers are moving to other epoxies and lacquers, though they still contain polymers. If cans weren't lined, the acid in sodas will react with the metal.

>> No.17221328
File: 729 KB, 1125x1110, A6043BA6-66FE-44DC-AEF4-3D38CC242F0E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck humanity has infinite room to progress.

>> No.17221331


Going backwards would probably be better. Glass doesn't require linings and is endlessly recyclable. The metal caps still have to be lined, but it would be much less plastic overall. Weight (which translates to fuel costs) is one of the the major reasons why cans supplanted bottles in the U.S.

The real answer is to move away from single-use anything, but that's not practical in all cases.

>> No.17221455
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These are some good thoughts and insights. You’re the true soul of 4chan and the kind of people I come here for. Lovely post.

Got more ideas?

There’s countless materials we can use.
And we should stop using trucks for most transportation of goods and improve our railways etc. More electric railways like Japan.

Etc etc

Everything can be free, cost is not an issue. We can fucking do anything. Reducing military spending and doing diplomacy will make all the difference.

In my opinion, Putin only invaded the Ukraine because Russia was mistreated by countries like the USA.

There shouldn’t be any sanctions anywhere.

Holy fuck
What do I have to do for there to be progress in this world.

>> No.17221456

I would love for you to fuck off with your stupid Gen Z bullshit

>> No.17221473

no sanctions? do you know anything about economics?
yea let's lift the sanctions on the country we are in competition with, even though they've invaded one of our allies

>> No.17221485

Keep it to one thread at a time nigger

>> No.17221505
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Antitrust laws and good competition is the soul of progress and a good economy.

Also the soul of its economy is the soul/consciousness of its people.

And it’s time for Hollywood to get good competition. The kind that makes businesses second guess raping the American consciousness. The kind that makes the USA ruled by its people.

Remember 2014ish?

Oh and, I trust Russia more than Israel. I could say far more. You know I could say all.

>> No.17221514
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>> No.17221516
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for the first time in my life im really trying to take it easy

>> No.17221540

>usa being in competition with russia
The cold war ended like 50 years ago
Also Ukraine has never been an ally. They have literally nothing to offer other than cheap resources when they will be forced to hand em over in return for receiving war gibs from western nations kek.

>> No.17221544
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No one truly dies.

I should be more respectful to the dead.
The idea of someone is someone.

A thought is a soul.

Want to meet a ghost?
Think of someone who is dead. Feel the idea of them… feel their relativity/soul.

We are gathered here today to love our loves and discuss the nature of reality.

As usual.


Go a step further and take it naturally.

All can be done naturally.
And anyone can do something naturally.

For example, there’s no such thing as talent. It’s all in the love of something. All talent is love.

There was a tennis star that once said she hated tennis but loved winning.
And so you can imagine her transcendent winning spirit. And its drive.

>> No.17221551
File: 275 KB, 1657x758, AF9DA392-CFF1-4060-8468-4654FDC0D6B3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Resources to offer who?
All I want is both the Ukraine, Russia, and every nation and people to prosper.

I want progress, innovation, genetic engineering, true utopia, divinity, immortality!

I fucking don’t want money ever!
I don’t ever want to power over people either!
Everyone has stories and souls and there’s infinite perspectives and consciousnesses and thoughts to grow and care for. Infinite ways of being and loves to love that I have yet to ever imagine! Infinite forms of progress beyond all notions I have! Everyone is priceless!

All matters always.
I give all the fucks always.
Forever forever forever.

>> No.17221554

why would good competition drive an economy when a bigger/ biggest company can just pay the competition off, buy them, or drive them out of the market completely?
anyway, Russia aligns with China, Iran, etc. so that puts them against the U.S.. The nation is not good, it is ruled by oligarchs, and so on. They don't deserve any trust or respect. Israel deserves a little because we are using them as a proxy in the middle east. I never realized why people don't see that as important or they just see USS Liberty and think that's meaningful at all to contemporary politics. Maybe you weren't going to mention anything like that, but say more

that's beside the point; Russia is against the U.S. and refuses to work with the West in anything. Ukraine isn't an ally you're right but they're aligned with the West and it's close to Russia, which is important. Are we supposed to not have good relations with other countries near countries that we don't support? Are we supposed to let a country we don't support get more land?

>> No.17221555
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>> No.17221557

i dont care about winning, i want to lose. to win is to be raised on a pedestal and easy to chop down to lose is to wallow in the shitting and the pissings of it all

>> No.17221562

When the USA installed the puppet government in 2014, Ukraine received a substantial investment from the IMF. That loan came with the stipulation to repeal a law limiting land ownership by non-nationals. Farm land that is now owned by international agricultural corporations. That's part of why they've been in a civil war for the last 8 years.

>> No.17221563
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>> No.17221568
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>> No.17221589
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Woah what the fuck.
That’s a new perspective I’ve never heard.

What do you think should be done?
Because “monopolies” taking over countries must end.

>> No.17221601

Russia has a lot of gas...

>> No.17221605
File: 120 KB, 750x741, DCCB2A23-197D-427A-A2A4-6D4FEF39A852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The idea of almighty antitrust laws is perpetual competition. Banning monopolies. Like a real democracy. I don’t feel the USA is more democratic than Russia.

Also Israel steals our tax money to shirk diplomacy. And I’m of the perspective that their moral-lacking race-cult subverts the USA. Our consciousness is our souls, and I feel it’s the utmost badness that Israels seems to have a link in the toying around with my peoples souls via their media. I’ve seen countless souls/minds sent to hell by them. I’ve seen countless souls of infinite potential and infinite love… killed. A thought is all, and I feel Israel is a giant bad thought/bad spirit that spreads bad thoughts/bad spirits.

I’m also of the perspective that Israel along with ruining many peoples souls, the ruining economy, ruining progress, and ruining democracy, they sent all those refugees etc to Europe and I didn’t find it impressive. And I neither found the decimation of the Middle East impressive either. Because I think people are only “Islamic” because their lives are made to suck. I know most of the taliban has never read the Quran and Islam is basically the only populist entity in an abyssal land.
But hey that’s just my opinion and perspective.

Everyone should be living in heaven for all.

The only god, motive, moral, and way is love.

Russia isn’t against the west. It seems to me that “the west” mistreats and condemns Russia.
I’m also of the perspective that we shouldn’t sanction Iran and North Korea because we’re only hurting the people of their country and they already have nukes.
Wars happen when people have nothing to lose and sanctions create such an environment.

>> No.17221612
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To me it seems there’s a love/victory in that kind of “losing” for you.

I feel all and any love loved is a victory.

>> No.17221618
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>> No.17221636

yea good point but isnt it our own politicians who are subverting people and not Israel (or Jews for that matter)? I don't see how Israel has a hand in any of this

and as for Iran and North Korea, we would be contributing to their economies and giving them power by lifting sanctions. And as for Russia, they're being too involved in regional politics buying all the uranium and things from Kazakhstan and those other central Asian countries. They're being horrible.

>> No.17221650

A long time ago I would smoke heroin off stainless steel foil because of fear of the aluminum/Alzheimer's connection.

>> No.17221657
File: 53 KB, 510x680, 97BF4222-C607-42FF-889D-FC923C2F1008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you noticed the lack of good populist politicians that satisfy everyone, let alone create any real progress at all? For a societies politicians to seemingly often be ruthless exploiters that are bent to make it so nothing changes so that monopolies continue exploiting, says something bad about the soul of a nation.

Besides, you know Israel has influence over the media. And the info (and lack of info) people receive is all encompassing.

I know you know all of this.

And it’s good for us to contribute to North Koreas economy and Irans economy. Global prosperity, empowerment, and diplomacy is progress. What? Do you want us to just topple their governments and put the monopolies puppets there instead? That’s bad. The world is better off with Iran and North Korea being under their own government than the monopolies doing their big victory over all. The world would be hell if places like North Korea and Iran didn’t keep our government in check.

Most Americans would join the Russians and Chinese if they invaded right now. Doesn’t that say everything to you?

>> No.17221661
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I'm stuck in the past

>> No.17221664
File: 71 KB, 749x451, 968DA420-CFD4-4BED-A3C1-1B9322C3C830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read the “nun study” and you’ll never get Alzheimers. Especially if you’re careful about things like aluminum as well.

The nun study in short: nuns who lived small lives had less neural networks/thoughts. The lacking thought-wires caused their connections in their brains to not go past the holes in their brain. So their thoughts went in loops. IE Alzheimers.

The nuns who didn’t get Alzheimers also had holes in their brain but had more neural networks/thought-wires. The additional neural pathways/thoughts……. went around the holes. Allowing the nuns to make connections with neural networks across the holes and leave thought loops.
The nuns who had more neural networks had more thoughts. They had bigger lives. They did things like learning to skydive at 90. Taking university classes at 80. Having good friends and adventures and new experiences and allowing themselves to have/create/explore new thoughts always.

Blue collar workers often get Alzheimers.
People who get stuck in loops of thought/behaviour… sometimes stay that way.

So go all out.

Random tip: a good kind of meditation is daydreaming.
Daydream every day.

They say the day you die is the day you stop dreaming.

>> No.17221665

What past?

>> No.17221674

1. I don't know all that, please actually substantiate this and give some examples that prove it
2. sure, they "keep our government in check" but they're killing random innocents and paying terrorists, just being unnecessarily awful
3. Most Americans with half a brain (don't fall for Twitter fun facts about China's healthcare & quick road construction) want neither Russia nor China to invade because they know that both countries are horrible, practically 3rd world dumps with no regard for the citizens; and no, it isn't as bad here.

>> No.17221677

my grandfather, university professor, was bedridden and non-verbal at the very end. My grandmother, his wife, also professor, ended similarly if not worse. Had some great aunts on my father's side who were nuns, they lived to be very old and kept their wits until the end. My advice for keeping your wits, not just in the distant future but right now, is get off drugs.

>> No.17221922

Good for you for taking care of your health

>> No.17221946
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My turn

>> No.17221948
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>> No.17221950
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>> No.17221952
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>> No.17221953
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>> No.17221954
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>> No.17221955
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>> No.17221956
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>> No.17221958
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>> No.17221960
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>> No.17221961
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>> No.17221964
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>> No.17221965
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>> No.17221966
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>> No.17221970
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>> No.17221979
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I'll be back later maybe next thread.

Peace out and fuck lsdretard

>> No.17222069
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>> No.17222070
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>> No.17222372
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Are you sure you’re not Jewish?
All the best if you are, honesty creates miracles.

There’s no one in this world anymore that can’t make the connection of what I’ve said.

It’s about the diversity of neural networks.
Librarians get Alzheimers because even though they read lots, their kinds of thoughts aren’t truly diverse.
A librarian that is constantly evolving her perspectives and going on wild mind opening adventures… thats the way.

You’re not making diverse thoughts being all rawr rawr at me. Ever expand your consciousness.

>> No.17222374
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Gen Z af

>> No.17222376
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>> No.17222387 [DELETED] 
File: 3.17 MB, 1543x1533, 32DEFCFF-5722-44D4-A03D-168A6AE4A537.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worship and fuck the soul of LSD anon forever.

The only god, motive, moral, and way is love.
Heaven for all forever and always.

>> No.17222388
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>> No.17222397
File: 3.17 MB, 1543x1533, 0B82B259-734B-48BB-BBE2-593085C8460B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worship and fuck the soul of LSD anon forever.

The only god, motive, moral, and way is love.

Heaven for all forever and always. All is connected.


>> No.17222582
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>> No.17222585
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>> No.17222589
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>> No.17222595
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>> No.17222596
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>> No.17222597
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>> No.17222832
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I've taken LSD, I've taken mushrooms, I've injected ketamine, I don't need any of it. I hope you get off the drugs lsdanon, you don't need it either. Best decision I've made in a very long time anyway. Another weird coincidence, my mom is a solutions architect who designs artificial neural networks, hopefully that's the ultimate job for warding off Alzheimer's.

>> No.17223013
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Based cowgoth

>> No.17223498


>> No.17223500

I like that violently positive thinking. It embodies the spirit of futurists and fascists. I know no instances of its application outside of novel/hot take twitter though.

>> No.17224111
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Be a progressive populist.

What? Are we all just going to die of mortality like all the past generations when the slightest progress and innovation makes everyone immortal almighty gods in heaven?

What thought do you give up your soul to otherwise?

Are you just going to pretend genetic engineering, all the vast sciences of all potential and the all potential of real progress doesn’t exist because you’d rather sell your soul to everything is nothing going nowhere?
For some thought/spirit that doesn’t know how good that good gets?

All matters.
And what I’m saying has all meaning.

Maybe I’ll die like every else. But that doesn’t change that I have this will. And if I win, this is going to be Planet Love, not Planet Dirt.

All that stands in my way of everyone being immortal almighty gods is people who don’t know how good that good gets or don’t remember because they sold their soul/thoughts to some evil.
And I can win their thoughts.
And whether I succeed or not, doesn’t change the truth that if I win that this world stops being a nightmare of nothingness. And even if goodness loses, that doesn’t change the truth of what would of happened if it won. Think about that next time before you think an evil thought or any thought that involves you “inevitably” dying and not getting whatever you want.

True love and true goodness is real regardless of how many forces oppose it.

>> No.17224122
File: 97 KB, 679x767, 7CF7ECD9-B713-4397-AEB0-D1894F02740C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I die, I hope I’ll be, the kind of man that you thought I’d

>> No.17224128
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>> No.17224136
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Be a real super hero.
Choose the goodness that goes all the way.

I love immortality because I love my love all the way.
I’ll never stop loving love.

>> No.17224139
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>> No.17224144
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But hey, we’ve gotten this far haven’t we? Human and civilization exists. And it’s prospering in spite of everything.

But is it going to prosper enough to save you in time?

>> No.17224153
File: 147 KB, 720x1043, 9DB86867-73D0-4539-856A-60DB40A9D211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love humans. And I’ll never stop loving humans.

There’s no thought that I’ll give up all the infinite multiverses of my love for.

>> No.17224463
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>> No.17224641
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thanks acidchan very cool

>> No.17225011
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I remember seeing Triumph Of The Will in history class. All those people regardless of what happened wanted a world that was so much more than anything else. An ever growing acceleration of unity, progress, and Heaven on earth. Their thoughts/souls should be cherished not desecrated. There’s no argument for all of humanity just mimsying around fighting each other.
People want so much more out of life and the forces of society should be LEADING them not exploiting them. Israel could be LEADING Palestinians and GROWING their goodness instead of fighting them.

I have to use what power I have to lead everyone. To no exception.

My orders for Israel are simply for them to full on lay off and do the obvious good things. For them to be fully repentant and for them to quit Judaism. Real goodness is good for everyone. Real progress is progress for everyone.
No one is out to get anyone, everyone is only doing what they do for what they love. Like their families. The only motive is love.
Yeah so repent. Collectively. Do a big thing of it. Yes that’s a good choice. It’s the right choice.

It’s also good for Israel to just… take the L.
Ever noticed how most groups of people are just vibing but Israel clearly isn’t? Stop that.
Be submissive and open minded. NO ONE IS OUT TO GET YOU UNLESS YOU MAKE THEIR LIVES SUCK. And people have priorities. Israel will only get more bombs in return for every bomb it drops.
Be a fun Gravity Falls x Steven Universe nation.
Or Israel is going to die in hell and never see progress again. No one is going to take any “might makes right” from Israel. And Israel won’t win a “might makes right”.

I have yet to see any of the repentance from Israel that people truly want. None of the slightest. So surprise us.
Who fucking knows what will happen.
Maybe everyone won’t die in hell.
Judgement day is everyday.
And you know Israel is in the deepest hell when you know how heavenly the heaven it could be instead. Good is good.

>> No.17225035
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Oh hey Hollywood, I’m still waiting on all of Africa to be like Wakanda.

Maybe make good fun populist films about stopping monopolies, subversion, and exploitation.

BLM is about economic equality and global prosperity. Progress that’s actually good for all ethnicities. There is no placating living in the current lack of global prosperity. People could care less about all the little contrived conflicts and fake triumphs that are completely not related to the change people actually want.

Wage slavery is real slavery.

No matter how many poverty-stricken marginalized KKK members that Hollywood punches on the TV screen isn’t going to change that.

Oh and by the way, no one wastes their thoughts on being racist unless every other thought they love is taken from them. You can’t destroy the French economy and fill Paris with migrants and then seek to defeat “racism”. Everyone knows what has happened.
No one should tolerate. I don’t believe people need to be hurt in order to grow. What a tragedy has happened to Paris. A little gem of a place that really gave everyone something to believe in. What tragedies have happened to this world.

Israel should repent.
And have faith in their repentance.

>> No.17225064
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There’s something exceptionally right about the soul of the game called Splatoon.

Love let it be that our would becomes ever more like that instead of a world of real fighting.
There really is infinite better funner more satisfying thoughts beyond conflict and infinite fun good ways to solve anything.

>> No.17225065
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>> No.17225067
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Personally, I predominantly pray to blissful autistic/soulful potbellied weeb tomboys.

>> No.17225104
File: 141 KB, 750x750, 0E424A8E-5987-4897-A3E6-1F24D330F35C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s absurd how beautiful and perfect the world is and yet everyone is mortal when they don’t have to be.

Humans are perfect. Everyone deserves true heaven and immortality.

>> No.17225107
File: 86 KB, 750x1125, 9C4D044C-05C6-4BAF-BFCF-4F11409AE08B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2022 stoner attire for extremely radically good vibes.

>> No.17225110

Random shoutout to brightly coloured techwear. I wish to see people make ever more of it.

Also genetic engineering x cyber genetics x irl anime solar-punk ultra utopia.
I give my thoughts/soul to that forever.

>> No.17225185
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>> No.17225403
File: 67 KB, 570x760, 311DE5D5-E808-412D-B690-9BA31FC9406D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be generate is to love your love and have fun.

Regardless of what happens, we always have a choice to love our love instead of hating what we hate. Love is transcendent. To put all attention to loving my love is always the way to win.
I have to love my love to see the choices love provides. If I was randomly attacked, I have to have to give thought to self love/self preservation in order to merely defend myself. One cannot see the positives unless they choose to be positive enough to be open to them. You have to be good to see the goodness.
There’s infinite layers to reality.

Love = Power.

>> No.17225407
File: 75 KB, 500x500, BAB2545D-2585-43DF-8D11-585572ECDFDA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any reminder of what we love is a life saver.

All we are is thoughts.

Magic is real.

>> No.17225409
File: 33 KB, 480x480, A5CDDD48-5E01-4AC8-8795-D7189EECB0C6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love coloured eye contacts.

Also about the self expression add-ons and enamel pins….
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it infinite times in infinite ways, you could call some kind of self expression or tattoo or pin or embroidery just a “reminder”…. but your mind is all.

Heaven is in a thought.

>> No.17225834
File: 131 KB, 750x1043, 46E8F901-E69B-4C99-AAE5-B9D75B360880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My thoughts are on the poor yet soulfully-wealthy intrepid Americans who are in completely their own worlds/unique thoughts and dreams. There’s infinite stories progressing simultaneously in this world.

>> No.17225838
File: 176 KB, 1326x2048, B4B7D525-3DAF-4452-964E-6522E0C9C111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder to do your own genetic engineering at home. Anyone can! It’s ancient science! You can do anything!

Be a mad scientist! Splice genes! Create hybrids! Get weird! Make the world the most blissful magic.
You are the world!
There’s nothing standing in your way!

>> No.17225850
File: 130 KB, 620x868, 0FEB342F-4347-4A10-BE77-0F57A89862DC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be a proud heterosexual proud male.

>> No.17225852
File: 248 KB, 750x1303, BC20881C-F517-4E25-B85B-530706440279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be a proud heterosexual proud female.

>> No.17226796

I love that gen Z is overwhelmingly weebs and Japan lovers.

>> No.17227104
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>> No.17227223


>> No.17227248

I love you LSD-anon. Unironically one of the best posters in a while.
>Reducing military spending and doing diplomacy will make all the difference.
It doesn't work that way and it can't unless the entire world levels up its consciousness at the same time. International Relations is basically game theory on steroids. Nobody can trust anybody. History has shown repeatedly that diplomacy is fragile, that economic ties aren't enough to stave off conflict, and that any ally will betray another if its in their interest to do so (Belgium in WW2 being maybe one of the only exceptions to this rule). In that context one country's defensive armaments are another country's legitimate threat. Nobody has any way of knowing, or of guaranteeing even, that weapons will not be used to attack somebody else (not to mention that on a long enough time line war is going to break out- just simple probability), so short of a one world government to replace global anarchy, which would be hell on earth for a myriad of reasons, armies and weapons are always going to be the #1 tool of global politics.
>In my opinion, Putin only invaded the Ukraine because Russia was mistreated by countries like the USA.
Sort of. The US was giving Ukraine nominally defensive weapons and Zelensky at one point (I think in Feb) offhandedly mentioned restoring the country's nuclear arsenal, again for self defense. Given the whole uncertainty thing I outlined above, Russia couldn't let that stand. The US nearly blew up the world for similar reasons in the 60s so its a move with plenty of precedent.
Anyway the best thing for all involved would be to negotiate a ceasefire and pull all foreign troops, weapons, and NGOs out of Ukraine, keeping them as a buffer state between Russia and the West. Is it a raw deal? Kinda, but small players don't always get to make independent decisions.

>> No.17227318

if you can make the connection then explain it
I am not Jewish...

>> No.17227325

>Anyway the best thing for all involved would be to negotiate a ceasefire and pull all foreign troops, weapons, and NGOs out of Ukraine,
spotted the russkie shill

>> No.17227333

If you're picking sides in any of this you're part of the problem

>> No.17227336

ohhohoho look here folks it appears we have an enlightened centrist in our midst. you are truly the only fair and balanced individual on this board

>> No.17227349

>my globohomo state is less evil than that state over there!
Let me guess, you also enjoy Marvel movies and you think the invasion of Iraq was a good idea?

>> No.17227366
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>> No.17227394

Me on the lower right

>> No.17227401

loooool inspired by the losing force. thats like dressing in confederate gear

>> No.17227475
File: 72 KB, 749x1060, 1C5AB5DA-F6FA-4B7B-AFEB-73F69FDDFCDE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s why 4chan is still alive.

I love you too.
The thing is that there’s a such thing as priorities. Here’s a priority, everyone can be immortal almighty gods in ever prosperous global true utopia for everyone if we view the world in a more collective way.

I truly don’t see the forces controlling the USA as more moral than any other country. Maybe that’s our difference. But if you can see my perspective, then you can see that in general I’m basically looking at a bunch of anime girls that can turn into dragons. Lately these girls have all been stuck as dragons because they’re all fighting. They’ve maybe even forgotten they’re actually anime girls. Any dragon that has the power to make change for goodness, must do so.
Goodness is good for all.
Progress is real.

Instead of thinking of how bad things are, think about how good things could be instead. Then you’ll see.

If goodness loses, I still side with goodness.

>> No.17227627
File: 390 KB, 640x636, E2DF6BA9-4CC9-4FCE-9D11-37CC82227A0F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Canada legalized all drugs

And that’s good
And awesome
And fucking divine

>> No.17227631
File: 743 KB, 4096x2818, 2E1EBD74-D845-4D1A-9F50-E08F746A2CD7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Random shout out to Japanese fashion

Also, did you know Canadians have these things called water puppies: https://twitter.com/chonkyanimalx/status/1565949050536566786?s=20&t=X5JXJzghem3VfF6wCQRhjQ

Dogs in the ocean
They’re like golden retrievers

Some call them sea lions but they’re not lions
They’re dogs
Closest related to dogs
Like your pet dog. Not Wolves

>> No.17227736
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>> No.17227806
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>> No.17228218
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If you want hair like them, use a bar of soap instead of shampoo etc

>> No.17228338

I they didn’t they decriminalized small amounts. You can’t sell drugs or import them, you just don’t get arrested for possessing them

>> No.17228575

This is one of the most interesting schizo's I've seen on 4chan

>> No.17228665

Yeah I will do that eventually.
I have a pretty bad case of dandruff, I've tried every shampoo and treatment around, even tried doing long periods of no washing, washing only with cold water, shit like that. But nothing seemed to solve it. I haven't tried bar soap yet but I heard people pretty happy with it.

>> No.17229275
File: 1.83 MB, 1074x1544, 132EFB13-2D3D-4D50-BF23-3FBE7FB0FF5C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, they’re completely legalized.

Canada did the same thing with marijuana.

They just don’t want huge businesses selling them until the hippy government sorts out being the worlds biggest drug seller.

It’ll cause legalization everywhere.

Small businesses currently sell all drugs.
Across all of Canada.

It’s called sanity.

I know, sanity is pretty crazy.
It’s surreal how everyone can be immortal almighty gods with the slightest progress and innovation. While money has been wasted on conflict that served no good purposes. In our deeply interconnected world where all is better for everyone when all is better for everyone.

progress is progress for all.

>> No.17229349
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>> No.17229351
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>> No.17229353
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>> No.17229466
File: 512 KB, 1251x1125, CE6980DA-A99B-4A84-857D-9C53DB56BFEB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the shires and heavens are prospering these days.
I see people in those kinds of clothes blooming across the world.

The good souls and spirits of 1969 etc are eternal.

>> No.17230049
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>> No.17230052
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>> No.17230055
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>> No.17230056
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>> No.17230059
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>> No.17230075
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>> No.17230078
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>> No.17230079
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>> No.17230081
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>> No.17230085
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>> No.17230087
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>> No.17230089
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>> No.17230091
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>> No.17230095
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>> No.17230097
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>> No.17230100
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>> No.17230101
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>> No.17230104
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>> No.17230105
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>> No.17230107
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>> No.17230109
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>> No.17230126

>It's called sanity.

“A time is coming when men will go mad, and when they see someone who is not mad, they will attack him, saying, 'You are mad; you are not like us.”

- St. Anthony

Progress is very real, but not in the way you think it is. You are mad, spouter of blasphemous oaths and lies, he who says right is wrong and wrong is right. I pray for you.

>> No.17230133


>> No.17230174
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>> No.17230220
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>> No.17230221

dem niggas is dreamy

>> No.17230222
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>> No.17230224
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>> No.17230229
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>> No.17230231
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AHHHH I want to dress like this but I can't find any good coat in green that doesn't cost 2K

>> No.17230533
File: 3.89 MB, 2205x3601, nontokyo c2afce_a083e243eea54ab6b3805145e5aec095~mv2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17230536
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>> No.17230540
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>> No.17230541
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>> No.17230545
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>> No.17231025

Can someone explain the appeal of this style? I just don't get it at all.

>> No.17231097
File: 201 KB, 750x750, BD0496FB-A81F-40A2-8F0C-B86507A846EC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are you going to eat a Palestinian child and tell me it’s gods will?

The only god, moral, motive, and way is love.

There is a such thing as heaven for all.

It’s of the thought/spirit that created civilization and progress.
There is ever greater morals/ever greater love. And it leads to true heaven for all. You’ve seen heaven for all before. In one way or other. Whether you admit it or not.

>> No.17231104

>easy to pull off
>perfect middle ground between casual and modern formal

>> No.17231245

what if i have diverse thoughts and experiences but still have a chud mindset

>> No.17231501
File: 648 KB, 641x960, 6B55674C-AFD4-4068-BD7A-1CE3EE6C66E6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it’s not a phase she is literally me. what is this style of bodice called by the way??

>> No.17231513
File: 293 KB, 560x560, 940C2AE7-09E2-434B-91A4-5C0A6E2A5DAB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like what if i just wore this around

>> No.17231550
File: 1.74 MB, 833x1024, A76DF68E-9C99-49FB-8FB9-A2B34BDC1FA3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17231569


A Visigoth might try to raid you.

>> No.17231770

source? actually wanna read abt it

>> No.17232033


>> No.17233052
File: 159 KB, 750x857, C5EF23AB-B975-40C7-A570-37D8DA93D436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All is a choice and every statement is a spell.

Call yourself what you want to be and watch how the slightest deviation of your mindset infects all the others over time.

Love is the most powerful infection.

Good good great super
Do it all

>> No.17233056
File: 65 KB, 750x601, D10A3721-A0F2-4519-81BD-1AF1E00A8897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ooo why are you wandering my forest, Roman.

>> No.17233062

They say true love is the one infection that cannot be cured.

>> No.17233624

OK, but specifically why the chunky shoes and short pants hiked up way to high? Nobody can pull that off, it looks retarded.

>> No.17234429

I disagree

>> No.17235080
File: 99 KB, 750x1125, C7AA0380-1EAD-4144-A8BF-F2213FB97B0C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love Hanfu.

>> No.17235173

Stop being a hedonistic faggot. I avoid the city because of degenerates like you. Grow up

>> No.17235350
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>> No.17236062
File: 83 KB, 629x903, 12C4750E-BAD5-4661-A857-8C5A649AE130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you such a baby?

>> No.17237307
File: 3.02 MB, 1920x1080, having fun in the mundane.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Firstly, I'll share some inspo. I recently watched this movie called Love Exposure and it was really fun. I like the outfits Yu wears. I like how his fashion sense starts off bland and conditioned and as the movie progresses, his sense of self flourishes and he becomes more comfortable with the sort of person he is. There's a lot of good messages in the movie but most people watching the movie would be turned off by the obscenities of the movie which is a shame. It really is a fun movie despite its quirks. But its quirks are what I love most about it.

> Everyone has stories and souls and there's infinite perspectives and consciousnesses and thoughts to grow and care for.

I really resonate with this. I know that love exists but I dont think I'll ever see it manifest itself again. I don't have the power to manifest it either. If I had a choice of knowing what love is and never experiencing it again, or never knowing what love is and living the rest of my life in blissful ignorance, I would probably choose the latter. I know I should be thinking like you more but for me it's hard to think positive. I'm a borderline NEET that never leaves the house. I could never be like you but I still respect you. Positive people like you always have a special place in my mind. Im a very depressive, anxious, worthless person, and I have a hard time being positive but people like you shed some light on my life. I hope that one day when I mature into a worthy man that I can adopt such a positive world-view but unfortunately, I am a nihilistic loser.

You're pretty weird but I still like you despite your eccentricity. Congratulations on being comfortable with your own self and being motivated by it. Not many others have attained that happiness yet, and I wish I was more comfortable being myself, but I'm happy for you. I may not agree with everything you say but I still admire and respect your spirit. Everyone is allowed to be their own person and that should be championed.

>> No.17237866
File: 767 KB, 1125x889, 13554FB4-9ADE-47C8-8332-D28436F35731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I love you.
The thing is that the story has only just begun.

I myself have spent much of my life has negative nihilist NEET shut-in.

Don’t call yourself a loser etc or anything you don’t want to be.
Every statement is a spell. And the perspectives/layers of reality we unfold and continue to walk down become a self fulfilling prophecy.

Call yourself a winner everyday when you wake up. See what happens. Trust me, it’ll change all. Maybe not the first day, the first, month, or even the first year. But you’ll see.

The reason I’m positive is because one must be positive to see the positive choices.
A samurai or a chess player knows this.
Treat your life like that.

Love and fun comes to people that give their thought to love and fun. If you do not give a percentage of thought to love and fun… you won’t even see it when it stands in front of you or embraces you.
True love can kiss you on the lips and beg you to go home with her, but what is that if you have 100% of your thought on what you hate? Or your lust for revenge? Imagine all your thoughts being on your enemies even when surrounded by your best friends.
That’s a problem at times I’ve faced.

To give your thought to something is to give your soul to it.
Your thoughts = your soul.
I’m sure you know the stories.

Anyhow, love your love to grow your love.
All comes from within. All is consciousness.

The less you give thought to negativity, the less power it has.

Here’s another extra idea,
A integral kind of meditation is daydreaming.
Give time every day to daydream in a meditative mindful way. Even if it’s just masturbating to the thought of being with your perfect lover having the most perfect time.
The day that we stop dreaming is the day that we die.
And you’ll find that what you dream of, infects your reality.

I’ve had real lovers beyond my wildest imagination. So amazing they are that it proved to me that god/love is real.

>> No.17237868

Also: We have to be good for good things to happen. Let-alone merely to be aware of goodness as well.
look up cognitive bias, the Pygmalion effect, and mirror neurones.

>> No.17238030
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>> No.17238387

It looks a lot like sexually warped people who were molested via cartoons when they were young.

>> No.17238412

This is cool
This is cool
Fun desu

>> No.17238448

sorry i only drink filtered water, raw milk, and fresh squeezed juice out of a glass so i will continue to not have "diverse thoughts and experiences"

>> No.17238458



>> No.17238498
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> Well I love you.
Thank you. I love too, thanks for replying. Im so asocial and anxious that I go months on a time without talking even online. Its bad.

> Dont call yourself a loser or anything you don’t want to be.

The thing is I dont want to be a loser. I want to be more than what I am currently and I swear that I am attempting change. Its only when I attempt to change that my negative affirmations come true and my insecurities kick in again. Any progress I make feels like its in millimetres and I hate the feeling of working on something but not seeing anything come from it.

> Call yourself a winner, trust me.

I do trust you and I know I should think like that but I can’t. I don’t want to persist talking like a pessimistic asshole but I can’t help it. Looking in the mirror and smiling at my reflection is hard enough as it is I don’t know how I can call myself a winner when all I have done in life is lose. I will try though. If you believe in me then I’ll try to think better. I don’t like being like this.

> Love and fun comes to people that give their thought to love and fun.

This is a really good paragraph, thank you. I know someone who can seemingly have a fun time from nothing. I respect this person a lot. I respect this person so much that it hurts, and I feel like I could never match their qualities. They can make anything fun and they have good charisma that makes you want to spend time with them. I don’t know how they do it. I want to be like that, to see the fun in anything, but I really don’t know how. Is just being aware that life is a good, fun place enough? What else?

> The less you give thought to negativity, the less power it has.

This is true. Thats why I try to surround myself with things I like, like what you said earlier in this thread. You made a post earlier about enamel pins and I like them too. I have a nice denim jacket, maybe I could buy one and put it on it.

I’ll give these a read soon.

>> No.17238754

glass is far too brittle and heavy to be used as widely as plastic or aluminum. realistically, if we're talking about economies of scale and getting product into every grocery store/gas station/bodega, plastic and cans are the only way to do it.
what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.17238795
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Not OP, nor anybody who posts in these threads, but I saw your posts and just figured I'd say you kinda remind me of myself as I was in years past. I was a total shut-in neet. Went months at a time without talking to anyone, just like you. Had given up on life, figured I'd die alone and miserable someday and regularly thought about cutting it short early to spare myself the suffering.
Then some unexpected things happened in my life. Completely by chance, earlier this year I stumbled upon an old classmate/friend from high school and discovered she's pretty much living exactly the life I'd have wanted for myself if I wasn't a pathetic failure. Thing is... she and I were never all that different. I could've done anything she'd done. Maybe I would have, if she and I had stayed friends. She probably hates me these days. That's understandable. I was a lousy friend and an insecure mess of a person. If she ever thinks of me anymore, that's the version of me she'd remember. But I'm not that person anymore. Over the past year, I've done pretty much everything I can to be the version of myself that could have achieved those things. The person I should've been back in high school. I've gotten so much more confident, started working out and building muscle definition, re-enrolled in school with the intention of pursuing an art degree. My life is actually better now than it's ever been, and only getting better, and it's incredible to me because even as little as a year ago I thought my life was over.
Post is kinda long but I just figured I'd offer myself up as proof that you never really know what's just around the corner in life. Like >>17237866 said:
>The day that we stop dreaming is the day that we die.
>And you’ll find that what you dream of, infects your reality.
I've seen something wonderful. A life that would bring me lasting happiness. I want to live that life, and find my happiness.

>> No.17238882
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Thanks for your reply, I really mean it. I’m truly happy for you that you’re better now and are on the right track with your life. I like stories like yours, it makes life more bearable. I relate to you a lot too. I guess I’m just in a shit transitional period at the moment and I’m feeling stressed. Got out of high school last year feeling miserable and directionless. Every day waking up was a challenge because I hated studying and I had no friends to pass the time with. Failed both academically and socially, barely scrapped to pass the year and get my diploma. Just got fired two weeks ago from a job I hated, lasted 8 months. Again, every day waking up was a challenge and I felt miserable and directionless. I just went to work, worked, and went home. Thats why I took notice to >>17220963, blue-collar workers have the most monotonous, mind-numbing jobs out there. I felt like my brain was rotting. I’ve got no idea what I want to do now though. Most of my formative years of youth have been wasted and I feel like every year all I ever accomplish is adding more chains of regret onto me. Not sure if I should study, work, or do something else. I humoured my family saying I want to travel and they liked the idea but you need money for that. Not sure what to do with myself. All arrows point to getting an education in university but for the past couple of years I have been thinking about what I would want to study but can’t think of anything. I’ve got no passions or interests. I’ve narrowed a few choices down for courses I want to do but I’m worried it will end up like most choices I make with my life. I do it, end up hating it, and have to tough it out for months/years, becoming more bitter and miserable. I don’t like how mean-spirited I’m becoming, I used to be so much nicer.

>> No.17239529
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>Again, every day waking up was a challenge and I felt miserable and directionless. I just went to work, worked, and went home.
>blue-collar workers have the most monotonous, mind-numbing jobs out there. I felt like my brain was rotting.
When I got out of high school, I went right into college, planning on pursuing an art degree as I am now, but I got discouraged and let a lot of the adults in my life get in my head, telling me I needed to pursue something safer... the whole "starving artist", "get a real job", etc. routine. I couldn't think of anything else I wanted to do for the rest of my life so I just dropped out and started working for my dad, doing fieldwork on a potato farm. Probably the single worst place in the world for me. My dad was rather abusive toward me growing up, always made sure to let me know what a useless, lazy, undisciplined fuckup I was, and was a big part of why my confidence was so shit back in high school... and there I was spending every day working for him. Eventually I couldn't take it anymore, and I quit... went home for lunch break one day and refused to come back into work afterward, or the next day, or ever again. By that point I'd lost contact with all my old friends and didn't know what else to do so I just kinda shut myself away from the world. My life was completely fucked. I'd lost everything, wasted years, was completely alone. Just kinda played video games and tried to forget about anything real.
So yeah I dunno, I know that feel I guess. Hang in there anon. Try to find the potential in yourself and cling to it like your life depends on it.

>> No.17239553
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I believe in you.

All comes from your thoughts. Even if it feels forced that you said the statement you did, you can let all the counter forces speak and then just say it again. Even if it takes you a day to do so.
Watch the changes, your soul/consciousness will walk on the water of all the infinite bad thoughts you can have. And the spirit you created through the statement will find or create land. The heart of a soul is x=y. The heart of a statement and thought is x=y. When you make an x=y statement, you create a soul. Water it, grow it, garden it, Love it.

Regarding that person, it’s good that you think of them. It infects you to be like them as well. In the process of simulating their consciousness to merely understand them, you create a mini neural network/mini brain clone of their brain in your brain. Let it guide your thoughts. Talk to it like it’s a religious figure. Let it merge with all.
Ultimately I imagine your friend just has the code of choosing to have fun and they’ve grown that part of themselves so much that it silences all the other parts of themselves. It also has a lot of data accumulated to having fun as it would be the most active neural network in them so all data is accumulated relative to how to have fun. Even bad things can happen but you can see the fun in what happened out of the infinite layers of what happened and take the good from the bad to make the good yours.
IE someone bullies me but I see the slightest humour in the situation or them… and I give all my thoughts to that, out of the infinite layers to the situation and the infinite layers to them. I can have any thought about anything and move ever forward with it. I can flip situations in any way or even turn enemies into friends. If anything (x) = (y) have fun. And override all other thoughts with that thought.

Only think what you love and thus only do what you love.

>> No.17239573
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You’ll make it.

And yes, our stimuli both conscious and subconscious change our consciousness entirely. Entirely entirely entirely. Keep and surround yourself with only what sparks joy.
Trust your feelings always.

You gotta just do only what you love.

Whatever it is. The only one judging yourself is yourself.

Personally I want to become a forest witch with my den of witches or/and cultists or whatever. Advance my personal studies of Neuroscience, my existentialism, and do some genetic engineering innovation for fun and etc. To tend my mental garden and make it perfect. My surroundings and people are equal to my thoughts so that’s key as well.
To live a life where I never have an unwanted thought/spirit.
I also want to design good thought viruses that infect the world in a good way. All is technically (memes) compiled thought viruses; I could design the perfect thought, then release it in the most minimal way, then watch it spread to everyone. And change all for good.

I’d love to create the most good fun lovely thoughts and feelings ever yet made.

Hey king/queen etc and artist god, you are god. Build your kingdom. Rule your thoughts and rule your world.

Get away from it all. Move to some place where you can feel yourself. Cut off any sources of bad thoughts.

Your thoughts are your soul.
Give your thoughts/soul only to your love.

Also, all is art. Let reality be your art as well. Paint reality through your choices.

You are the narrator/writer of the story of this world. And the writer of what happens to countless souls. And those who you write the story of also write your story.

God x god.

>> No.17239603
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Imagine the freedom that awaits you on the other side.

When you take LSD its a glimpse into what life is like for the pure mind.

Kill yourself and achieve Apotheosis

>> No.17240310
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Thank you both for your wisdom, I really needed this. I wish you both nothing but the best in life. Thank you both for believing in me.

I'm glad you've found your passion and I wish you well in your endeavours. I hope it is fulfilling and brings you happiness. It seems it already is but I wish you much more. I've yet to find potential in myself or find any semblance of passion but I promise that one day I will. Good luck with everything art-anon, you'll make it. (That anime illustration and the jacket you posted look really cool, great finds).

I think that what you're doing is good. I've been to a therapist but I think your words have a lot of power. I'll try and say nicer things about myself. I don't have much confidence so I don't do it often but I like giving people compliments. It makes me feel good. I'll compliment you on your taste, your inspo posts are lovely. That read on the nun-study and the Pygmalion-effect were really interesting. Quite shocking. It seems you're a very passionate person so I hope that whatever it is you want in life you'll achieve it. Same goes to art-anon. You say you want to design good thought viruses but I think you've already achieved that in some way. I know you want something greater but what you're doing now is enough I think. Words have the ability to inspire and you've inspired me to see the good/fun in life and be more than my negative thoughts so I commend you on that.

I was afraid to post Lolita dresses in this thread but I really like them. They're elegant and fun to look at. I remember once I was in the train to work and I saw a girl in a pink and blue one and I thought it looked great. You never see people wear them, for a lot of reasons. I just thought it was nice that someone had the confidence to wear something that others would perceive as 'gaudy' or 'attention-seeking' but I thought it was cool. It would be nice if people tried to stand out more and be themselves.

>> No.17240311
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I've got a lot of free time now so I think I will focus on what makes me happy, and what I want to do with my life. But you both with be in my thoughts and my heart. I respect you both immensely. I don't have many interactions with people but this has been special.

I'm going to focus on what I want out of life but before I do I just have an anecdote I wanted to share. The same 'person I respect' I mentioned, I spoke to them again today. All of this talk about surrounding yourself with things you love reminded me of something so I spoke to them. I remembered how they said to me once that they didn't have much growing up and found things they liked from newspaper clippings and the like, and posted them around their room. These clippings were all things they liked. It was mainly destinations they wanted to visit one day because they dreamed of a life outside their country. I shit you not, almost all of the destinations they had in their bedroom, that they stared at for literal years, they visited almost every one. This revelation blew me away. They surrounded themself with thoughts and reminders of things they liked and it manifested later in life. I brought this up to them and they agreed and said I could do it too if I set my mind to it. So I will. Just wanted to share. You can disbelieve what I've shared but its real, and I know that thoughts -> actions. I may think negatively most of the time but in my heart I hope that everyone attains happiness.

>> No.17240429
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>Good luck with everything art-anon, you'll make it.
Thanks, and no problem. In a lot of ways I feel like I've been given a second chance at life and have something like a karmic debt to pay off I guess? But not in a bad way. That classmate of mine would probably not accept or need anything I could do to repay her, so the next best thing is to just kinda be on the lookout for people in similar positions to my own and try to be the inspiration to them that she was to me. Which is fine! Sorta like >>17239573 said, spreading "good thought viruses"... inspire one person, they inspire two more, those people then go on to inspire more people, etc. It's a nice legacy to have, leaving a ripple of positive impacts behind you as you move through life. I'm happy to be able to do that whenever I can.

>> No.17241229
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I love the Lolita.
Lets normalize it.

Yeah, stick some things on your wall!

I got a tiny stick and poke tattoo of a sun with the drive to only ever be a good energy for everyone and to always be positive myself.

Like how the sun gives its warmth to everyone and is why all is alive, among the infinite other reasons all is alive.

You’re a good thought-virus/spirit/soul.
Thank you for spreading forever!

>> No.17241280


>> No.17242626
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True 4channer soul

>> No.17243152
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>I love the Lolita.
>Lets normalize it.

>> No.17244396


>> No.17244400

what sweater

>> No.17245047
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>> No.17245123

I'm glad that I stumbled onto this thread after years of being away from /fa/ and I'm glad I read all your stories and it reminded me of the soul of aimless lonely youth and I hope you all do great.

>> No.17246093
