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File: 411 KB, 1280x1256, 1497226089298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17966379 No.17966379 [Reply] [Original]

How can you dress "cyberpunk" in the most subtle ways? Picrel is obviously NOT what I'm going for. I'm talking about something that's almost indistinguishable from a normal outfit but for maybe a single piece or some mild edge to it.

Reason I'm asking is because I want to larp irl but I don't want to go overboard because it'll stand out too much and ruin my opsec but a subtle twist won't do that, while still feeling pretty cool.

>> No.17966924

A broken Apple Watch.

>> No.17966967


>> No.17967015

Look up techwear I suppose

>> No.17967022

What are some techwear pieces that aren't totally autistic though?

>> No.17967041

I am actually autistic so this might be wrong, but something similar to this seems normal enough.

>> No.17967048

I might be a bit autistic as well but I just meant like not a total gay larp like you see those reddit dudes wearing full techwear where it looks like a bunch of random straps and poopypants with a laughably low crotch

that jacket is actually a pretty good amount of tech while still not being over the top

>> No.17967062

Someone I know irl wears some water-repellent pants with a lot of pockets and looks fine as well, but you might be going beyond the limit if you wear more than one of this sort of thing.

>> No.17967087

Just get functional clothes. By that I mean clothes that are durable and have features in them but aren't totally flashy about it. Then you can add a watch and other "tech" accessories.

>> No.17967185

I'd say I already have functional clothes. I WANT to larp, but only very discreetly if that makes sense. Maybe a calculator watch?

>> No.17967842

I would say try to find something more futuristic looking than a calculator watch. Those things look very dated and scream nerd from the 1990s. Check out some of the newer g shocks, some of them have nice subtle sci-fi vibes. I've also seen some off-brand Chinese smart watches that look fairly cyberpunk, as a bonus they probably ship your data straight to Beijing.

>> No.17968214

Any g-shock models in particular?

>> No.17968258
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I think I want to do very simiar to what you are doing OP.

check out the brand Veilance, I guess check out "Grayman techwear" inspo.

possibly shoes like pic related, only ppl who are cool look at shoes that aren't faggy dunks or whatever gen z is wearing.

I second getting a subtle g-shock. (I bought one for this purpose)

Right now i'm looking for a total weatherproof shoulder bag, cause I think accessories are easy to go partway cyberpunk with, people will just think you needed it because of rain and it wont look too autistic.

>> No.17968261
File: 68 KB, 819x1024, Outlier-Futureworks-819x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pair an outfit like this with maybe an orange nato-banned Casio, and a cool bag.

Also. I think its very important to be very thin and have very conservative short hair to pull this off.

>> No.17968263

based fellow larper, which gshock did you get?

>> No.17968273
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this one. its true the negative screen isn't the easiest to read, but it connects to radio to keep time and uses solar power and when tilted at night the blue lscreen light comes on,

>> No.17968297

Jailbroken phone, a credit card swiper, a gigantic magnet.

>> No.17968391

if there was some way of carrying a magnet that wouldn't fuck over the iron in your blood i'd be down to carry one just as an accessory

>> No.17968564

what's the most /cyb/ phone? There's probably multiple contenders. There'd be the ugliest ad-infested corporate shit that the NPC masses use, sure, but what do real cyberchads use? It could be many things, a regular smartphone with grapheneOS, a dumb phone that just calls and texts, maybe even payphones

>> No.17968861
File: 138 KB, 1080x1080, D96C139F-8979-4821-AE7B-66CD7FD57E1B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nomenklatura. Maharishi

Alexandre Plokhov vintage pieces

>> No.17969264
File: 2.48 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20240108_143931564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this one for cyberpunk larp.

>> No.17969333

If you want to do cyberpunk without the visually loud punk aspect then surely you just want cyber, and if you just want cyber then you want techwear.
If you want to still technically be punk on some level try DIYing something.

>> No.17969346
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>> No.17969721


>> No.17969774

I want to do cyberpunk without the visually loud aspect and also without the visually gay techwear reddit aspect though but it's kind of hard to figure out

>> No.17970085
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These remote control watches are pretty schway

>> No.17970095

reindeelusion got some decent stuff if you ignore the stuff with thighstraps
Acronym is ofc the big brand but that shit is pricey
If you want some inspo on techwear look up "this is antwon" on yt and instagram. I think his outfits are pretty good without going full larp. Might be what you were aiming for

>> No.17970096

I have this one too, this thing made me too lazy for an automatic watch.

>> No.17970102

need more cyberCHADS in this world desu

>> No.17970112

thanks some of that stuff looks pretty solid


>> No.17970114

You might be a tad late but halfway through the season retailers sell the previous season acronym for up to 50% off which suddenly makes it more attractive
I picked up the acronym J111TS-CH for 600 bucks which is still pricey but a lot better than 1100

>> No.17970191
File: 203 KB, 1000x750, Kitanica-Mark-IV-jacket-Brush-pants-review-37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This jacket is pretty cyberpunk. Not very subtle though.

>> No.17970279
File: 699 KB, 879x494, motorola.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what's the most /cyb/ phone?
Flip phones, motherfucker. Either one of those meme foldable modern smartphones or old early 2000s keypad phones. Even a BlackBerry or a Nokia slidephone fits the aesthetic if you want to larp

>> No.17970281

Or a Nokia n97 mini. Had one, great phone and much cooler than todays "black tiles"

>> No.17970286
File: 407 KB, 600x975, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to have a 4g flip phone and I lost it but it wasn't schway enough IMHO. picrel

>> No.17970547

This. Back in like 2007 I used my flip phone to hack the WiFi at taco time.

>> No.17970574

how do you like it? I love mine. not sure what to do with the 5 time zones, 5 alarms. what do you do?

sometimes I do timezone of like Tokyo to feel more cyberpunk larp I suppose.

>> No.17970656

Korea and China are more /cyb/ than Tokyo if you're thinking techno hellscape. They're a perfect blend between old and new tech that's either brand new or jerry-rigged with an accompanying culture of authoritarian/corporate dystopia and a general cutthroat attitude akin to a post-modern wild west

>> No.17970975
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The best way to do subtle cyberpunk nowadays is to take it back to its 80s roots; retro grunge/street clothing from that period but with modern fits and accessories

>> No.17970982

I love it, but I dont use the alarms and only use 1 timezone for my overseas family. But the radio time receiver, auto illumination and solar power make for an unbeatable digital watch

>> No.17970986

Cyberpunk is the new steampunk. If you buy anything marketed as cyberpunk you’ll look like a retard. Plus mainstream activewear like Lululemon Lab shit is basically cyberpunk

>> No.17971005

That's what I was thinking, do you have any more inspo?

I wear either a casio or a 60 year old wind-up mechanical watch

>> No.17971098
File: 614 KB, 1840x3558, JIN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here for the JIN-MAXXING

>> No.17971286

Embrace the "punk" part of cyberpunk.
Figure out what says "punk" to you and wear that. Then augment it with cyberware and other technology in your EDC. Even having a smartphone makes you one step closer.

>> No.17971407

>Even having a smartphone makes you one step closer.
one step further if you ask me, carrying the man's corporate slave tracker at all times is very not schway honestly

>> No.17971502

This is a myth; even industrial strength magnets won't affect the iron in your blood because it's not ferromagnetic. Shit, not even Magneto could do it in the movie without Mystique injecting his victim's ass with liquid metal.

>> No.17971794

Also OP.

I started to listen to Mandarin pop music. And these Adele and Katy Perry techno remixes they play in the restaurant in my city where the owners are from Chengdu .

It's completely disorienting, fake, sad, and happy, and junk.

>> No.17971797
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>> No.17971798

Cantonese pop is superior to Mandarin pop.
Mandarin is a tonal language, so hearing songs sung in it just sounds weird as fuck to me somehow. It's as if they're forcing themselves to deliberately mispronounce words in order to fit the melody, it rarely works imho

>> No.17971803

Not that Cantonese isn't tonal either, but Mandarin is just so rigid it often sounds unnatural in many tracks

>> No.17971826

Also if you have flat screens in your apartment play stuff like Chong Qing footage on repeat


>> No.17972504

I would rather play kowloon walled city footage on CRTs

>> No.17974188
File: 201 KB, 1211x1500, ee3f7860d2dd1ba71370eb1517b015ce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got one of these for cyberpunk larping, but I never know what to wear with it. Jeans and a tee just seems lazy, but maybe that's the point.

>> No.17974203
File: 57 KB, 474x711, c5e2b3584b5a097f03d6e283e8dc2f2b--industrial-goth-goth-guys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone wants to be a cyberpunk, but nobody talks about cybergoth anymore.

>> No.17974207

whatever you choose, the pants must of of equivalent or greater size to this jacket or there's no point. bulk the silhouette up in increasingly obtuse ways and you're gold

>> No.17974231

That's kinda the weird thing about it, because of all the pockets and hardwear it's extremely bulky in the upper half, but very slim in the lower half. I had expected it to fit more like a military coat, but it turned out to be more like a weird motorcycle jacket.

>> No.17974265
File: 169 KB, 988x1390, strange-days-year-1995-usa-ralph-fiennes-director-kathryn-bigelow-B7W35Y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you considered cybersleaze?

>> No.17974381

No, I have not. Should I? post some more

>> No.17974536

Just watch Strange Days, it's full of low key cyber inspo.

>> No.17974728

Gave me a good laugh at this late hour

>> No.17975848

lmao so fucking lameeee

>> No.17976267
File: 87 KB, 736x1128, 8cb107017e526203ac4e69cffa188e33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could dress like Harrison Ford in br2049. His Kühl pants are pretty dope.

>> No.17976268
File: 649 KB, 2048x1365, MV5BNDc5NjM5MzY5N15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNTQ5MjY2MzI@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very subtle. But add one of those g-shock watches and it would look nice.

>> No.17976275

A garmin will be 100x more /cyb/ core than an apple watch

>> No.17976283
File: 2.03 MB, 1260x1726, Johnny_Silverhand_Database_CP2077.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You really need to get cyberware installed to complete the look

>> No.17976302

I actually just got a kuhl jacket and it's pretty nice

>> No.17977216

Oh nice, which one?

>> No.17977691

not sure actually but it's olive colored and of good quality so my opinion of the brand is pretty positive. I'd never heard of them before

>> No.17979447

Great game!

>> No.17979570

I've had one of their Burr jackets for over a decade at this point, they make good stuff. They seem to cost much more now then when I bought mine, so they probably still make good stuff. It's proper dyed cotton so it will fade similar to how raw denim does, if you're a denim autist I can recommend it. I wear it all the time when doing real outdoors stuff so it's not like I baby it either, it's durable.

>> No.17979712

ID? cant find the one with the roll cage lol

>> No.17979815
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girls should start dressing cyberpunk!

>> No.17979848
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I have one of these, and original from the 80's, not the 2010's reissue.

>> No.17980215

holy kino

>> No.17980743

It's an add-on.

>> No.17981488

The CP company google hat is pretty cyberpunk. Only works during the cold season though.

>> No.17982976
File: 3.53 MB, 3125x1975, cyberpunk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got you bro. this watch literally has the words "cyberpunk" on the back of it. the pictures dont show that normally, the red LEDs are off, so its just silver with the dots. fucking dope as fuck.

looks like its now sold out (again) tho. i guess i could sell mine for $666

>> No.17984360
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>> No.17984864

Jogger pants have that teachcore vibe. Theres a brand called LAPG that has some ok stuff. pieces with utility pockets. Anorak jackets and pullovers are an inexpensive, weather resistant techie look.
mostly blacks and greys.
Thrift stores are a good source for this stuff too.

>> No.17985421
File: 345 KB, 1000x1123, Seiko UC-2000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah that watch is gay. Get yourself a wrist Computer

>> No.17985427

>cargo jogger pants
>anorak jacket
honestly, not a bad look, I'd think.

really cool, but I just know there will be like one or two vintage ones on eBay for thousands of dollars or something

>> No.17985433


>> No.17985438
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Are binary led watches cyberpunk, or just nerdcore?

>> No.17985440
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>> No.17985444
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>> No.17985449
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>> No.17985450
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>> No.17985508
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I have always found smartwatches to be ugly as fuck. I wish there were digital/smartwatches that used an oled pixel display like picrel

>> No.17985529
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>> No.17985726

nah these are all reddit dork tier, the last one is kind of cool but would just be dumb to wear, you may as well just wear a casio

>> No.17985795

Actually, I'm kind of surprised there isn't anything like this on the market now. Then again, modern smartwatches do just connect to phones wirelessly, but maybe there's some other setup that would make this work.

>> No.17985809

I mean, it should be pretty simple to make with the electronics we have now but all we have is soulless shit
looks almost like a nokia LCD. Someone who knows what they're doing could probably make one themselves, although making it compact and well-packaged would be a bit hard.

>> No.17985819

Come to think of it, one reasonable use case would be a watch which has enough power to do the basics which most smart watches can accomplish, but airgapped from wireless networks and thus aren't at risk of any sort of attacks.

Though I don't think anybody has actually tried to make any sort of attack on smartwatches. I wonder why.

>> No.17985832

Thanks for confirming, that's pretty much what I though. I like the first one and think it would be pretty cyberpunk if it weren't for the r*ddit dork connections.

>> No.17985840

Yeah they're on the cusp of cool IMO but you can already imagine the type of person who would wear a binary watch

>> No.17987086
File: 37 KB, 600x544, zipitopenwrt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post cool accessories

>> No.17987435


>> No.17987591
File: 68 KB, 401x640, 380A427A-168D-4E01-A643-E9C2807DC916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I get this?

>> No.17987867

Get a job leftist loser

>> No.17987962

>t. extremely bad at reading people
I'm a chud, retard

>> No.17987967

Damn, Ralph Fiennes looked fucking good with hair

>> No.17988258

looks like it'd be hard to pull off

>> No.17988519

what are some tennis shoes that fit into this style without being over the top or too weird to wear every day? I've seen a few things but nothing in my budget (cheap)

>> No.17988563

Maison Margiela, early helmut lang, some raf simons maybe

>> No.17988573

I'd say it depends what you mean, I think the style has a wide range and even something like sambas could work well in a more retro outfit

>> No.17988852

Go to your local Goodwill or Salvation Army and find the first pair of bland sneakers that fit.

>> No.17990260


90s helmut lang

90s prada sport

>> No.17990327

Any more input on this? It’s vintage helmut lang probably when Alexandre plokhov was in charge. With the right footwear this would look great for a subtle cyberpunk goth fit

>> No.17990334

what would you wear it with?

>> No.17990340

Maharishi or Rick Owens cargo bottoms, some type of utilitarian sneaker or boot. Military goth nomenklatura type stuff

What would you recommend?

>> No.17990342

I honestly have no idea I'm pleb-tier, just seems like a hard fit to pull off

>> No.17990345
File: 60 KB, 295x640, FB007281-D9EC-4BE9-AA5C-B825AE2FFB5D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These clothes aren’t meant to be worn to feel self conscious in.

>> No.17990346

kino metal grating

>> No.17990347
File: 1.06 MB, 1125x2040, 3DFF3078-CD53-4C49-A7E4-EAB052424E6D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also drop the pleb-tier mentality. You can wear anything and everything you want. But you have to become it and let your clothes or outfits define you, not the other way around at all times. None of this shit we get to experience even matters in the end so why let your own ego or anyone else’s or therefore lack of get in the way of broadcasting yourself the way you’d truly like to?

TLDR excuse the rant wear whatever the fuck you want. Dress like a Ridley Scott background character listening to Vangelis.

>> No.17991146
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>> No.17991304


>> No.17991359

I wish cyberdecks were also adapted to modern aesthetics. Imitating the classic look is entirely fine, but there's a point where the bulkiness and design choices seem more distracting.

>> No.17991378

If you want to be more civilian, a modified pair of modern insulated denim coveralls should do great as a base.

>> No.17991519

That's awesome

>> No.17991520

Modern aesthetics suck donkey dick. Not everything needs to look like a gay iPhone.

>> No.17991546
File: 1.58 MB, 1125x2436, 8D472A49-6693-49BE-88F8-04E3D58ECCC2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Carol Christian Poell gloves.

>> No.17991548

then it'd just look like a goyphone with a soulless chink bluetooth keyboard
or hell just a laptop

>> No.17991553

base cyberchad poster, fuck subtlety

>> No.17991561
File: 308 KB, 900x1200, s-l1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

flipper sleeper build for the ladies

>> No.17991565

Let me rephrase.
I wish that custom cyberdecks would take advantage of smaller internal components and utilize smaller form factors, rather than stuff a Raspberry Pi into a gutted Commodore 64 shell and attaching a 6" screen.

>> No.17991566

oh okay that makes sense, what size keyboard would you think is better?

>> No.17991569
File: 2.23 MB, 1600x900, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depending on size and preference, I feel like you could roll with something as small as a shitty Bluetooth keyboard to something like a 40% keyboard.
Personally, I'm now starting to visualize a cyberdeck that's just the computer parts and a screen in one unit, with a port to plug in your own keyboard and thus remove that physical limitation.

I think what I really want is more alternate form factors from modern cyberdeck designs, versus the somewhat standard "Commodore" or "briefcase" formats I always see bandied around.

>> No.17991925

i think the best size would be a device that is nintendo ds sized. Clamshell that is big ebough to have some real hardware in it, incluiding keyboard and some ports but still small enough to fit a pocket, or be able to hold with one hand and type in the other

>> No.17992237
File: 657 KB, 962x718, OOnmMIC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just get a KMFDM hoodie

>> No.17992239
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just get a nice haircut

>> No.17992295
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>> No.17992469

Trash dropshipped garbage goes right in the bin
Save yourself the time and money and never ever buy a techwear piece that costs less than 200 unless it's a t-shirt
They are supposed to be made of functional performance fabrics and stuff
Generally places like this online store send you stuff that's too big or too small and very poor quality
I recommend you get deeper into the techwear culture before shelling out. The leading voice in the scene, other than designers, is the >youtuber thisisantwon. I actually don't like most of his fits but some really pop and he mentions so mamy brands and shows pics that when something catches your eye you can go look them up
Techwear is a massively varied genre and you can and should invest the effort to find pieces that fit your wardrobe well and start making fits you like with them.
Go and browse some online stores of actual designers like rosen-x, hamcus, arcteryx, acronym
I don't mean to gatekeep, I have tried to provide resources and if you want to know more you can ask me but please do not buy from these guys

>> No.17992487

reindeelusion is alright though. It's a good stepping stone to get into techwear. I got like 3 pairs of pants that I like, but I will say my acronym and enfin leve blow them out of the water in performance and comfort, but that does come at 5 a times or more cost.

>> No.17992497

Alright, if you say so. I've never bought from them. I had a couple of bad experiences with dropshippers early on. I'm glad you liked the stuff you got. Hope anyone who cops similar gets the same experience

>> No.17992503

well I bought from reindee lusion themselves, not from some techwear.x dropshipping site

>> No.17992513

Oh I want to mention a decent entry level brand called Guerrilla Group. Most of the stuff is just a tad more expensive than Reindee Lusion and I have a couple of their pieces. They're pretty decent quality, in particular the pants, which have lasted me a full year of intensive outdoor wear including climbing barbed wire fences and stuff

>> No.17993288


>> No.17993460

I like them, but their recent collection is a bit too out there for me. Im not cool enough to pull those off

>> No.17993483


>> No.17993503
File: 687 KB, 1100x923, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about this? It's not too out there but still kinda cool. shoes would be up to you
I think if I could find a hard shell anorak in a dark teal/seafoam color I'd get one myself

>> No.17993544

Watch is a bit thick for my taste, but the rest is alright

>> No.17993560

I just threw it in because of the post above, but you could replace it with something less overtly nerdy or with some other accessory

>> No.17993732

Complete streetwear larps and looks autistic.
>"this is antwon"
He looks like a cringey little nerd and only shills his discord friends friends. Total shill.
Nothing subtle or cyberpunk about either.

>> No.17993765

based nerd detector
>dude cyberpunk lmao
>uses discord instead of IRC

>> No.17993868

anyone know where I can find similar jacket like this?

>> No.17993987

>How can you dress "cyberpunk" in the most subtle ways?
Cyberpunk isn't how you dress. It's a state of mind. Specifically 70's/80's/90's future corporate dystopia.

Pic related is my cyberpunk 2077 character. I like the shorts. I could wear this today or in 2077.

>> No.17993990
File: 1.62 MB, 953x1440, cyberpunk character.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.17993994

i have a small hole in my buisness casual pants on the knee, with that and a phone holster on my belt with a oversized hoodie, very kino imho

>> No.17994815

this just looks gay though

>> No.17994834

I look cool. You are just too normal to get it.

>> No.17994849

but that stands out way too much. I don't want to stand out, I want to mostly fit in and have a subtle difference that you only notice if you're really paying attention
I could dress like a homosexual raver with cowboy boots and shorts and carry a nerf gun around easily if I wanted to

>> No.17995019

Looks really cool.

OP, check out this article if you haven't already, though I suspect you've read it already if you're asking about subtle cyberpunk.

>> No.17995954

There's nothing punk about fitting in, anon.

>> No.17995997
File: 108 KB, 600x661, aztec sacrifice brainlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cyberpunk = literal gay pride "punk"

>> No.17996252

Look up Buckaroo Banzai and Transmetropolitan OP. I would dump some images but I am on a date.

>> No.17996291

also based during date 4chan poster