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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 86 KB, 640x788, 1576686222679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4264250 No.4264250 [Reply] [Original]

I'm going to make a 4chan styled imageboard for creative boards with better mods
And a animation board

Anyone interested?

>> No.4264256

What's your policy on avatarfagging?

>> No.4264283

That girl on the left would easily gain more likes if she posted pictures of herself with her Art.

>> No.4264285

neutral, but if it bother anons we won't allow it

>> No.4264286


>> No.4264316

Swap the tired looking one out with a guy and the image actually makes sense. Girls get attention and likes on the internet just for being girls or even acting like one without any actual confirmation.

>> No.4264328

Make sure you have blackjack and hookers.

>> No.4264335

it's actually because you're ugly

>> No.4264339

Imagine believing this.

>> No.4264342

Sure you will.

>> No.4264348

If you do I'll give it a chance.
also make sure that the site has an inbuilt feature that allows people to draw, like /i/ has but better.

>> No.4264352

It's not hard to believe that you're ugly


I mean it's not hard, just gotta pay for a domain and install the php scripts

>> No.4264360
File: 76 KB, 519x788, 1576753478710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4264361

The woman on the left is devalued quickly because instagram abound that kind of whores, I stay with the pretty girl in pink on the right and her art badly quoted.

>> No.4264363


>> No.4264366

Típical instagram random bitch

>> No.4264367

>its because your ugly that you don't get instant likes
It's very well known that orbiters and thirst mongers will follow and like every girl they possibly can. It's why ethots exist.

>> No.4264372

>>4264250 the bitches of instagram and the fucking fish virgins.

>> No.4264378

>file name isn't titled Waaaah.jpg
>I'm going to...

Fucking make it first you dipshit, than come here and post it.

>> No.4264385

virgin boys paying for photos of instagram whores is not art

>> No.4264394

I'm interested but I'm not sure if there's large enough of a base. Keep me posted though.

>> No.4264420

By the way, all porn and genitalia will be deleted with a ban.

>> No.4264423

so no nude paintings and drawings, even for form studying purposes?

Seems like you're full of shit on that one. Are you mocking Gab?

>> No.4264431

If you do make one, I hope to god you ban frogs and wojakposters. Or any nu-chan type "culture", really. Good luck

>> No.4264433

1) I don't believe you.

2) that image you posted is misleading as fuck. Because even though the thot will get a shit ton of likes just for talking a selfie. The weeb girl will get a shit ton of likes just for painting fan art of a very popular anime like Totoro. The irony is if you visit that artist's instragm, they are very popular and she pretty much draws thots in that very safe and generic glam art style that's you'd typically see on the trending page.

>> No.4264434

>how to waste your money 101
I still need to check if there's enough interest in the first place anon

This, also i need to see how we'll run things, using ads or not, etc etc

You're not me fag

This i'll leave it to Anons to decide

>> No.4264441

>Seems like you're full of shit on that one
dont question the mods. youre so banned.

>> No.4264498

I've been on this board long enough to have not only seen this happen before but also the spectacular implosion of it all. I'd say give up before you get this started but if you want to do it anyway, good luck I guess.

>> No.4264506
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Forgot image for context, I went digging into the archives and everything.

>> No.4264528

I understand your concerns
But it's better try and fail rather than keep daydreaming about it

>> No.4264557

Kind of a hypocritical image, considering the types on the left rarely draw, but just post whore pictures of themselves or go on twitch, while the type on the right is the same kind of attention whore as the one on the left, that often gains a lot of followers by being the "quirky" girl that all the betas use as a substitute girlfriend, despite drawing boring fanart.

Also, the one on the right is obviously meant to be the artist herself, and if you google her, her art is actually incredibly mediocre. It's just a bunch generic upper body pictures of girls wearing "dark" fashion. She's clearly put all her effort into drawing faces, like a lot of female artists tend to do, considering on how bad the anatomy is.

>> No.4264765

True, things you DIDN'T do are always bigger regrets than things you tried that didnt work out.

>> No.4264798
File: 157 KB, 435x245, 1470602569702.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT: Actual femcels seething in the wild.

>> No.4264813

>>Anyone interested?

>> No.4264815

This has been done many times and they always die after half a year.

>> No.4264820

yeah, fuck it go for it. it may die but it may be a fun time for however long it's up and active

>> No.4264824

this thread is filled with sensitive incels

>> No.4264829

What are you planning on having and what are you planning on getting rid of? I'd like to read over the whole spiel in one hit.

>> No.4264898

Well i only have 3 boards in mind
We can add more as the board grow

/a/ - art - you pyw here
/An/ - Animation - same but with animations
/b/ - random - "x is soulless" "post more of y" etc etc shitposts go here

>> No.4264902

what about an oekaki type board? it'd be neat to have more of those

>> No.4264904

Oekaki is better than /ic/ in terms of community, but worse in the art department(which isn’t saying much).

>> No.4264906

I'd call /a/ just /art/, also maybe a 3D board as well?

>> No.4264937

Maybe we can get one board for quick doodles and sketchs and another for the more rendered artworks


>> No.4264945

>/b/ - random - "x is soulless" "post more of y" etc etc shitposts go here
Aaaaand that's where you fucked up.

>> No.4264951

It would be great but at this point it's incredibly hard to keep communities up and running unless you have backing of either corporations or have large enough userbase.
For example to attract proper audience, I think you want actual artists and not cumbrains that frequent this board, you need to advertise and have other big names endorse you. I'm hoping that Proko succeeds in what he's trying and we get conceptart.org 2

>> No.4264965

Some ideas:
/g gear 7 workstations
/t tutorials/learning
/tr traditional/non-digital
/nsfw general porn
/h hentai
/f furry art
/fg futa & gay

>> No.4264983

These all can be made into a generals if anons want, as i said we start with a few boards and expand as the board grow

>> No.4264990

>4 boards especially dedicated to porn addicts
fuck off coomers. thinking you honestly deserve to be accommodated to this degree.

>> No.4265012

is a good idea but is not gonna end well, like all of the ideas that already people come to propose here. I remember like..3 or 4 instances when people already try to do the same as you, in different formats: boards, chats, webs, all die. What makes your idea different?

Is not about the idea, is about the people, and people already have their places to do their things, so unless you make something really different and appealing, no one is gonna go there.

Because i could just make a board in 8ch like the old times, but all of them die, you want to make exactly the same. The same boards that die in 8ch, the same that no one visit in hispachan, the same that no one visit in the rest of tiny imageboards.

You can try all you want, just not comeback later to complain because it end bad, or just a few guys here supporter the thing.

>> No.4265022

>futa & gay
Please don't lump us together with the fags, Futa is the most straightest and hetero form of sex imaginable. Prove me wrong.
>You can't.

>> No.4265057

not really since noones gonna use it

>> No.4265101

discord already exists and it's where most of the good artists have gone to long ago, there's a reason /ic/ is used mostly for shitposting
chatting with artists and getting known in a community is much better for networking as well

>> No.4265105

/gd/ here. Can help you with layout/design if you want. I've seen so many of these 4chan inspired websites come and go, and yet I always have hope that the newest one will succeed. One of these days, one of you will succeed. Maybe it will be you, OP.

>> No.4265108

Prove yourself right
>You can't.

>> No.4265111

>Futa and gay
aaaaaaaand dropped

>> No.4265152

I only suggested them so they would stay quarantined instead of infecting the other boards with their illness/degeneracy.

>> No.4265165

>Futa is the most straightest and hetero form of sex imaginable
you cant have sex with 2d/3d fictional characters.
That requires physical contact with real flesh and blood humans beings.

>> No.4265169

It's quite simply really, would you rather see a disgusting hairy male figure and man ass having intercourse or having two feminine figures with absolutely no man ass involved?

>> No.4265180

>I need penis where no penis is required or naturally exists but I definitely don't crave penis

>> No.4265918

>/nsfw general porn
>/h hentai
>/f furry art
>/fg futa & gay
best of luck killing yourself

>> No.4265920


>> No.4265939

delete drama threads and don't allow political cartoons

Thank me later

>> No.4265940

Just make /h/ /d/ and /trash/ and call it a day

>> No.4266038
File: 32 KB, 400x236, 1434153447708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are already 300+ image speaking imageboards and 200 something extra non-english IBs. I am quite sure that somewhere in that 300+ is a chan dedicated to creative shit or with a thriving creative section.
If you're going to make a new chan it better be running on good tech, you better do your homework, and it better be innovative or fresh in some capacity. Otherwise you'd be better off spending your time or money on an existing chan.

>> No.4266045


>> No.4266048

do you allow anime

>> No.4266058

futa was invented by a virgin who couldn't draw a man to save his life so he just slapped a dick on a crappy anime girl
you are such a faggot you can't even deal with looking at straight porn, you need dicks on the females

>> No.4266136

an art board with actual mods would be an improvement. are you up the task? depending how busy it gets thats a job to do on top of whatever other commitments you have.

>> No.4266142

>I am quite sure that somewhere in that 300+ is a chan dedicated to creative shit or with a thriving creative section.
Apparently nobody here knows about that board then, care to link it? No? Then let OP create one.

>> No.4266229

Nobody knows about 99% of chans. I'd wager that the average anon could name 3 or 4 chans out of all 300+. The reason that nobody knows about all the chans is because they're almost all created by fucktards like OP who think there are only 3 chans and that if they create their paradise chan everything will be rainbows and flowers.
What the fuck do you think will happen when OP makes his board? Some mass exodus of channers will flock to his fresh new spot? Fuck no. He'll get 30 posters in the first week, climb up to maybe 60 in 3 months, and then he'll bleed users for as long as he's willing to pay server costs.
I'm not going to stop OP but I'm just saying it's a waste of time. You'd just be better off supporting existing chans. I would more than love for there to be a good alternative to /ic/ but getting users would be a bitch and you'd have to make sure you weren't killing another chan in the process. You'd also have to figure out how to get 4channers to actually use it because people here are unfathomably stubborn when it comes to posting elsewhere and some boards are actively hostile to spinoffs.
>care to link it?
I'll be honest, I don't even know where it is myself. I remember I once found an art chan but it was completely inactive and right now seems to be defunct. /ic/ used to have a spinoff chan hosted on icrit but it's been defunct for years and I don't even know if it was ever used that much.
I've only ever visited about a third of the chans that I have knowledge of and of those I've only checked 20 for /ic/-like boards. It would take forever to check them all

>> No.4266247

/loomis/ was good while it lasted, even if it was super-slow.

>> No.4266863

id rather have hairy man ass because i'm someone of taste and culture. what are you, gay?

>> No.4266872

with hookers too!

>> No.4266873

it's back up now but who knows if any of the boards on honeypotchan will ever make a comeback

>> No.4266884

>even if it was super-slow
more like dead

>> No.4268054

Will you ban bait/NGMI/newfag threads?
I envy 2ch.hk's art board.

>> No.4268099

A new chan inherently can't have newfags. And playing thread police on a fresh chan is always a good way to kill fun

>> No.4268380
File: 18 KB, 400x289, dodge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Futa on female is like ~2% of Futa art.
Your argument is invalid.
And no, the most "straightest" porn for a man to watch is clearly lesbian.
Enjoy looking at dicks, you absolute buffoon.

>> No.4268445

Sounds we todd edd. Just have a dedicated thread and not allow posting nsfw outside of it. This way the thread can beeasily filtered.

>> No.4268448

I think in terms of dynamics you really cant contain shitposting to a specific board. Shitposting works by contrast, see /fit/ for example, it works well because shitposts/offtopic allowed to thrive next to dedicated posts. Once again just have mods keeping it low.

>> No.4268459

That picture is dumb, fan art has no value either

>> No.4269171

you get a lot of heat for those coomer boards but having a trad and a tutorial board is a great idea

>> No.4269223

Don't split boards any more than you have to. For the first year you only need 2 boards, /art/ and /talk/, the main board and then a general chatting board.
A tutorial board would be slow as all fuck. You'd have nowhere near enough threads to justify it's existence.

>> No.4269296

The coomer boards are supposed to help keep the coomer shit out of the other boards.

>> No.4269299

>A tutorial board would be slow as all fuck. You'd have nowhere near enough threads to justify it's existence.

Links to tutorials that stay up for a long time sounds good to me.

>> No.4269309

everyone here sucks have you fucking seen /alt/ nowadays i hate everyone here and no sane person would choose to browse a site filled with the current d/ic/ks. people are only here because it's 4chan

>> No.4269313

Will you have blackjack and hookers?

>> No.4269325

Yes but an entire board? You could just have a general thread for that. Keep in mind that the owner of the chan can just adjust thread sizes to allow the thread to stay up eternally or sticky it. There's no need for an entire board just to hold what could be 2 general threads

>> No.4269356

I only came here because I was curious about 4chan and found /ic/. My experience so far is that everyone here are a bunch of autistic faggots and I regret coming here, but I can’t leave this place. So i’m stuck here now.

>> No.4269363

>I only came here because I was curious about 4chan and found /ic/.
this place (/ic/) blew my mind when i was 15 but now i'm better than 90% of posters and i haven't posted my work in years. i keep coming back in the hopes something good will happen for once (IT DOESN'T)

>> No.4269375

Tf was /loomis/?

>> No.4269380

This place is basically a /beg/ trap. If you don’t improve you’ll become a crab and shit on other users instead of drawing.

>> No.4269452

YES! Please, oh dear god, keep garbage like >>4264316
This out. I haven't even read the entire thread yet, but i'm sure it's full of this shit. They're so clearly desperate to derail the conversation to talk about a fuckin twitter meme from a week ago. I get that you posted that pic for attention, threads like these die after six posts usually, but please let this new thing be actually about ART not infested with this shitty newfag culture.

And not having the worst, most obnoxious ads on your new board would even convince me to turn off ad block when I'm on it.

>> No.4269461

>I haven't even read the entire thread yet, but i'm sure it's full of this shit
You're the worst kind of faggot on earth. Going on about board culture and newfags and shitty memes and yet you yourself can't spend 5 minutes actually seeing if the thread is shit before you open your garbage trap. People that can't even be bothered to verify anything they say and don't read threads before replying need to have their hands broken

>> No.4269463
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>> No.4269490

the thread isn't shit, I like OPs idea, I like the other anons replying to his idea, but the three posts I quoted have nothing to do with the topic. They are responding to the baity picture, that is all. To know that they are off topic, all you have to do is read the thread title and OPs post.

>> No.4269496

>To know that they are off topic, all you have to do is read the thread title and OPs post.
And you're illiterate. Great.
The problem is not the 3 posts being blatantly off-topic, it's you declaring that the thread is full of similar posts before you actually bothered to read the rest of the thread. Maybe learn to fucking read

>> No.4269503
File: 75 KB, 504x788, 1576753478710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4269511

You don't understand my original post. You saw the first sentence, got mad, and ignored everything else. I used it as an example of what is a larger pattern on this board. This argument is even debatably off topic because it doesn't relate that much to OPs post. In my opinion, even three off topic posts makes a thread full of off topic posts.

Like why are you mad? Did I quote your post or something? You know you have to be 18 to use this site, right? it's literally the second rule dude

Here you go - http://www.4chan.org/rules

>> No.4269537

OP enforce only this rule and i will migrate to your utopia

"pyw" obliges the person to post their work within 24 hours, or face 3 day ban,
if the person posts their work, the person originally saying "pyw" has now 24 hours to do so or face a 3 day ban

>> No.4269549

This is honestly a great idea.

>> No.4269559

Holy shit, please we need something like that.

>> No.4269582

Oh no guys look it's the rules police

Hahahahahahahaha newfag

>> No.4269603
File: 73 KB, 577x441, 1549577898435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That could have downsides. People who don't want their work associated with chans would basically be unable to post out of fear of getting pyw'd. It would also give people a free way to derail threads because all you'd have to do to kill a thread is pyw the OP and then nitpick the fuck out of their work. It might even kill the ability for /beg/s to make any posts either because they're more likely to have work that is easy to tear down

>> No.4269629

This would be so funny, holy shit

>> No.4269653

Interested in seeing this site once it's real.

>> No.4269659

There’s no hope for this board anyway, might as well watch it burn from the side.

>> No.4269669

Would 3d only mean rendering programs ;like blender? or would stuff like sculptures and models be allowed too?

I agree with >>4269223 says, you need to start off small to build a core community, but I'd also love a board focused on sculpting, modeling, woodworking, and other crafts that involve art that exists in 3-Dimensions.
Maybe that would come in down the line?

>> No.4269675

>OP gets pyw'd

1. scenario
>OP does not own up
>3 days time out
>nothing of value was lost

2. scenario
>OP posts work
>gets critiqued, red-lined, torn a new one
>OP pyws the anon in question

>anon does not own up
>3 day time-out
>nothing of value was lost

>anon posts work
>is worse than OP
>OP can mend his hurt feelings

>anon is better than OP
>OP got free advice from a better artist
>hurt feelings disregarded because hugboxes are cancer

>> No.4269724

That's retarded.
These scenarios ignore the point. If I make a thread asking a question unrelated to a current drawing and then get pyw'd, the thread is inevitably derailed. It doesn't matter if you got free advice because not every thread should derail into two people just endlessly pyw battling like it's pokemon. You'd never be able to ask questions or have actual threads because no thread would be able to ever break the chain of either endlessly ripping the first target to shreds or each anon pywing each other in turn.
It's a perfect troll tool. If you make a retarded newfag thread and I tell you to go read the sticky, a troll can just hop along and pyw you and now you've taken a newfag thread that should have gotten 1 reply and died and kept it on page 1 for however long the troll can string you along.
You're also ignoring people that don't want their name on chans. There are plenty of highly-skilled artists who might drop by an art imageboard to give advice, but if them dropping by comes at the risk of having their name dragged and clients ghosting them because they're on the wrong parts of the internet then why exactly would they ever take that risk?

Additionally that system might indirectly create a namefag culture. If you constantly get pyw'd then you're going to build a name and a reputation. It'd be like reddit or a shitty forum. What's the point of a chan if you can't be anonymous?

>> No.4269764

Well fuck me then i dont know. All i know is i would prefer that board culture instead of crab memes and wojacks

>> No.4269893


>OP pic
maybe thats because 97.5% out of active social platform users are the kind on the left

>> No.4269895


>> No.4269897

Then go make the imageboard just know that every time someone tries this it dies within about a week.

>> No.4270604


>> No.4270613

I’m game, but if you do, please ban this faggot and his obnoxious /beg/ followers too. >>4269895

>> No.4270623

yeah, seconding this.

>> No.4270634

600 likes ain't shit.

>> No.4270710

To the average /ic/ anon that’s a lot.

>> No.4270717

holy shit nosebro is still around

>> No.4270723

You just gotta give the people what they want.
And if you ain't willing to do that you really shouldn't be chasing fake internet points like that.

>> No.4271076
File: 241 KB, 478x258, 467094974.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I haven't even read the entire thread yet,

>> No.4271085
File: 17 KB, 586x528, 1563416481514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ban frogs

>> No.4271163

Make sure you ban anime and low effort coomerbait weeb-tier onions-based degeneracy lol
Oh and that cucked lolishit too, fucking creepy incels
Only based and redpilled soulposts allowed. Also can you make a dedicated discord server for the chan.

>> No.4271168

>Wants to ban anime, but no mention of furry.
Found the furfag.

>> No.4271169

when can we expect it?
where, what is the domain name ?

>> No.4271198

my eyes rolled

>> No.4271200

I'm pre-/beg/ tier but I'd still be interested in a community more focused on taking art seriously. If you're attracting people from 4chan you won't avoid horny bastards, and anime, but I'm sure you probably figured as much. Would be cool if it could attract/have sections for different forms of art, like sculpting and photography and such too

>> No.4271203

It's not happening lmao

>> No.4271209


most likely but i wanted to stay on topic

>> No.4271212

I fail to see the point of announcing your new community on /ic/ if you don't want garbage in it. Even those who want to leave this place are all coomers and weebs.
And what is even the point? There are no communities because there are no artists. Everyone just grinds fanart so just find a discord or reddit fandom.

>> No.4271246

/ic/ has the best beginner friendly art community. Look at the amount of /beg/ you see on this board, so many of these autistic fucks learning in one place.

>> No.4271291

Pic is so true, I see basic thots on instagram posting their shitty abstract art together with their butt and get 1000 likes.

>> No.4271297

Make sure one of the rules is to ban any /pol/ shit, nobody wants those idiots stinking up the board.

>> No.4271602

Even still, this thread gaining the traction it has is a stark indicator of how fucking awful this board has become. We urgently need to migrate to a different site and enforce much stricter rules with active mods to create a viable art community. This board is just shitposts, stupid questions, pathetic crabbing etc.

There is a demand for a much better board and this thread shows.

>> No.4271615

hello MOSSAD

>> No.4271621

Yeah still not gonna happen. If all these people want this board to be better they should behave more, stop shit posting, and fucking draw and post art more.

>> No.4271626

Go back to /pol/ you dumbfuck

>> No.4271629

There's also the issue that nobody knows exactly what to do with the community. There are /beg/s who want to "grind" together, people who want to network and people who just want to talk to other artists and share art. Without a clear direction or subject it makes no sense and excluding porn means 90% of the people here won't join.

>> No.4271714

I think you're misunderstanding the problem. There are plenty of people who care about art and want to draw, but practice takes way more time than posting and you don't have to be an artist to do the latter.
Nothing stops a /mu/t/a/nt like me from posting here, and if /mu/ has taught me anything, just by the virtue of being on the same site as /pol/ and /v/ which dwarf /ic/ in size, you're gonna get a lot of people who stumble here and stay long enough to affect board culture whether or not they care about the board material enough to be here.
The amount of people who can't play an instrument or articulate their opinions on music there is staggering and it's become a soijack filled shitshow. Asking people to "focus on the art" is a lost cause because they are there for the forum and not the forum subject, and don't truly care enough to begin with. Nothing stops /ic/ from having the same problem except accessibility to create, and you can skip that if you crab or larp. In fact, it's size probably makes it even easier, just slower.

/ic/ certainly has room for all of these things, and even if it didn't, a new forum easily could. Art creation is the clear direction, doesn't matter if you're a porn artist or not, there could be sections/threads for that, and while I don't think you should exclude porn, losing a lot of this userbase probably isn't too bad.

>> No.4271741

>Art creation is the clear direction, doesn't matter if you're a porn artist or not
porn is not art

>> No.4271852

Even if we accept that questionable claim, what counts as porn then? Visual erotic art is not solely pornography and Incase has probably contributed more to culture than you ever will. People who think they can decide what is and isn't art for others are more of a danger than people who like to draw titties, and if we have a professional focus on a board like 4chan keeping them out is counterintuitive and stupid

>> No.4271893
File: 98 KB, 996x720, 1506683121250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People have been complaining about the quality of 4chan since the days this site only had 1 board.
While I dream of an idyllic day where we're free from hiro's fuckery and his cocksucking shadow cabal of anon-hating mods, the reality is that no exodus has ever really resulted in anything of quality. If you want alternatives to /ic/ then you'd be infinitely better off just encouraging people to post on other IBs more frequently instead of hyping up some exodus for a chan created by an unknown with no track record as to his actual moderation policy. Hotwheels, and the abomination of a site that spewed from his mind, should be clear evidence that you should build up other communities right now instead of begging for some unproven savior to lead you out of the depths
The problems that this board has are lack of knowledge and a lack of output. Regardless of your opinion on porn, the reality is that the exact same kind of grifter and retard that plagues thus place can attach themselves to any style of art with any kind of subject matter.
Instead of banning porn you need to foster an environment where the cancer cannot spread further. Banning things you don't like cannot solve that.

>> No.4271910
File: 504 KB, 512x512, topkek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 dicks involved
>the most straightest and hetero form of sex imaginable

>> No.4271913

If you can't tell art that is sexual from porn you are brain damaged beyond recovery and you have abysmal taste.

>> No.4271915

>pathetic crabbing

Newfag here , what is crabbing?

>> No.4271927

So... 4chan but its made geared towards artists

here are some board ideas:

/beg/ - begginer artists
/int/ - intermediate artists
/pro/ -profesional artists (people who do art for a living)
/help/ - artists helping other artists
/lwd/ - lewd
/p/ - porn
/news/ - art comunity related stuff
/sketch/ - litterally just /i/

/art/ - basically /b/ but for art , any type of art goes , shota , gore , loli , normal shit , art help , , mlp (if mlp becomes too much of a cancer we can segrogate them like 4chan does)

>> No.4271933

You damn know well delusional /beg/ will post in the /int/ board. They do that here and i’m glad /int/ died on /ic/ because shit like that ruined it.

>> No.4271935

op if youre gonna take anything take these ideas

>> No.4271940

>no /an/ - Animation
No thanks

>> No.4271942

And this is how you end up with a bunch of dead boards and a fragmented community. If you're gonna do this start with at most 3 boards.

>> No.4271946


>> No.4271969
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>art level boards
This is retarded. You're basically cordoning off artists that should be mingling and helping each other. Pro would basically be either dead or only used by elitists, int would be crawling with self-deprecating basket cases and overconfident begs, and I have no idea what kind of mess beg would be.
Separating by skill level would create an elitist aura around the whole site. It would gradually stop being about just learning and be about jerking off the pros
Exactly what would be on that board
>/lwd/ - lewd
>/p/ - porn
Why have two boards for what could be one board with a few cyclical ecchi generals

For a starting chan, you only need 3 or so boards. A sfw board, an nsfw board, and an everything goes board.
When you start out your goal isn't to have everything organized and segregated, because a starting chan won't have enough users to keep every board active enough to be attractive to new users. So you keep it as small as possible and then create boards only when the existing ones are bursting at the seams. Any "boards" you think you need can just be made as stickies and that way you have some organization without sacrificing speed or community.
Eventually if you don't fuck it up it will get to the point where it can sustain itself naturally no matter what you do which is then the point at which you can reorganize boards

>> No.4271974

putting a whole bunch of different boards on a new site is a bad idea. you wont have the traffic to sustain them. just do 1 or at most 2 boards with generals

>> No.4271977
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>This is retarded. You're basically cordoning off artists that should be mingling and helping each other. Pro would basically be either dead or only used by elitists, int would be crawling with self-deprecating basket cases and overconfident begs, and I have no idea what kind of mess beg would be.
>Separating by skill level would create an elitist aura around the whole site. It would gradually stop being about just learning and be about jerking off the pros

>> No.4271980

Those hypothesis are conflicting, my bad. Thanks for catching that though.
Still, separating by skill could go either way. Either pro level artists never regularly visit the site because they have better places to be than some slow board on a shitty chan and the site is only kept alive by whatever begs and ints remain, or what few pro level artists are there create little cults of orbiters and people abandon actual learning in favor of blindly follow the words of their god.

>> No.4272044

t. noted expert on creating successful imageboards.

>> No.4272051

Taste shouldn't decide what is and isn't allowed, it changes with time. I'm not sure why I'm even trying to explain this to an entitled twat who doesn't know how to form an argument.

>> No.4272277

>Taste shouldn't decide what is and isn't allowed
we sure benefited from this mindset in this community

>> No.4272295


>> No.4272302

You're misattributing the problems with /ic/ to a lack of taste rather than actual issues like no real mod team and a constant influx of people that don't draw at all (among other things)

>> No.4272306

It's what always happens unless you do some overchan kind of stuff like 4taba.

>> No.4272311
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>> No.4272325

Oh shit. I didn't realize it was shutting down.

>> No.4272328

I had a friend who made an imageboard. It wasn't specifically created for art or creative people but there were a lot of drawfags and artistic people who browsed there. I'd be interested, post link.

>> No.4272343

It's being revived as it dies. The site is being transferred to a new admin. Hopefully he won't fuck it up, but we'll have to wait and see.

>> No.4272677
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You need to establish punishment.
Those who shitpost too much and violate the law multiple time are forced to wear a nametag of shame for the entire year. Limit their post, limit their access, and longer post cooldown.

>> No.4272816

>/nsfw general porn
>/h hentai
>/f furry art
>/fg futa & gay
Fuck no, I'm tired of people who's brains are on porn and fetishes 24/7. The worst type of lowlife trash that have big but frail egos whenever they get criticized

>> No.4272866


>> No.4272877

yeah, its called being banned

protip: it doesnt work

>> No.4272998

Do this. My bot will swoop in every 24 hours behind fresh proxy and pyw all the posts, which will make anons who are not on the board (or run out of their art) 24/7 banned for 3 days.
Eventually no one will post anything either because they are already banned or will be in 24 hours.

>> No.4273004

This is overshooting and will not work, as time has shown again and again.
All you need to do is increase number of mods with people of integrity. But who would want to do that instead of drawing, having a life, or just plain shitposting?

>> No.4273018

Honestly at this point, you better off making a conceptart forums copycat than some shitty chan everyone is gonna get forget in a few weeks. Have mods that do their job seriously here and you'll see improvements

>> No.4273278

But how else will you keep this kind of shit from infesting the general boards?

>> No.4273350

OK real talk, I want to make a website for artists in the vein of deviantart + insta + artstation. This will be for all kinds of art, from film making to photography to traditional/digital drawing and painting. It'll aim to be a place for artists to network with each other, gain a following of fans as well as be able to present your work as a portfolio to potential employers both in industry and commissions.

I mainly want to know what you guys find lacking in the current options (such as the ones I listed above, or whatever platform you use, be that tumblr, twitter etc.) what annoys you about them? What would you want done different? What would you add or remove?

>> No.4273617

how about perma ban then?

>> No.4273622

Also 4chan's ban is really weak, a week and month long is not enough. These people have severe autism, and a simple lockout will never help them.

>> No.4273645

I'm all for porn being a maximum degenerate, but it's saddening that all that is considered before things like; Landscapes/Still Life, Machinery/Manmade, or the CLOTHED figure/fashion.

>> No.4273651

You kick those retards of the site, dummy.

>> No.4273662

Break it down into wholesome NSFW (Artistic Nudity) and Degenerate NSFW.

>> No.4273665

>Don't split boards any more than you have to. For the first year you only need 2 boards, /art/ and /talk/, the main board and then a general chatting board.

I second this.


I kek at this.


Do you want to make /art9k/ or what? That would work only if the policy is actually enforced.

Otherwise, you will get shitposting, but with a doodle slapped in it. (also see >>4272998)


Just make a containment board and move the shitposting there to keep the other boards clean. That would require jannies to actually do something.

>> No.4273666
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>> No.4273670
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Shut up Greta!!!

>> No.4273742

This thread is still alive, and nobody has made anything yet? Just spin up a Lynxchan server and use a free DDNS domain, anything is better than just talking.

>> No.4273999

What's stopping you from doing it then anon