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7160582 No.7160582 [Reply] [Original]

We've heard of aphantasia and how it can hinder your artistic abilities.
But what about prophantasia? It's the ability to actually project what's in your mind's eye into your vision.
Apparently it's trainable by looking at an image for a while, then looking at a blank screen.

>> No.7160587

>Apparently it's trainable by looking at an image for a while, then looking at a blank screen.
Great. Now I know what I'm going to do for the next six hours.
Got any links to the study that says it can be trained? Is it one of those things where you start with simple objects then build up to ones with more complexity?
I heard there's a field of meditation that's like this as well. The conjuration and sustainment of ultra complex imagery in trance states and the like.

>> No.7160591

I've found this:

The creator of the app said that you should start with "Access" mode (the button down there that says Access) which will very quickly flash colorful images followed by a black background.
You will see an afterimage and your goal is to somehow consistently get that afterimage, and if you succeed, you can move on to "Projection" mode which I am guessing is a mode to control what you want to see.

>> No.7160594

Oh by the way, this is probably the worst thing ever for people prone to epilleptic seizures and my eyes started getting tired like 10 minutes in so use at your own precaution lol

>> No.7160621

I have afriend who isn't an artist but he can apparently SEE the objects he imagines, like if you imagine an apple on the table he literally pictures it as if it's there, I can imagine an apple on the table but in like an internal world and not literally there

>> No.7160624


>> No.7160625

yeah i can imagine a simple object like an apple, but something complex like a human figure is way too difficult

>> No.7160630

This is some tulpa-level shit that will fuck up your life, isn't it?

>> No.7160632


>> No.7160636

ngl this "projecting stuff into the fiel of vision" shit is what I did when I made a tulpa back in the day
also tl;dr a tulpa was an interesting brain experiment and I didn't experience any schizo shit or anything like that

>> No.7160679


>> No.7160682

This is completely made-up (probably by people that also self-diagnose themselves as autisticor things like that)

>> No.7160703


>> No.7160709

You mean just imagining and visualizing something in front of you? The more I hear about this shit the more and more I become convinced you nodraws are literal fucking NPCs.

>> No.7160712

Like Ishard.
He too is an npc. A box shaped npc.

>> No.7160977
File: 38 KB, 680x659, ebb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aphantasia does not exist. It's a "meme-disease" of generation z. If you were unable to create shapes in your mind, you wouldn't even be able to record them and remember what you find in front of you. If a person with this problem saw a cat, for example, they would have to mentally list the animal's characteristics, then access in their memory a type of catalog to define the animal's species. This doesn't happen because they obviously remember what a cat looks like, like everyone else does.

Aphantasifaggots usually think that everyone, when remembering a scene, can project it in 4k in their heads with surround sound.

>> No.7161009

it exists dude. I had full visual abilities rotate apple in head etc but I slowly developed aphantasia over the years. I used to be able to sit in a chair in college and go on entire LOTR length daydreams with entire movies in my head and now the only time there's visual imagery in my mind's eye is in my dreams when I'm sleeping, apart from that it's all black. i can think about something and have a inner dialog but not picture it anymore.

>> No.7161012
File: 582 KB, 888x574, 1698787800238451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i also think its a failure to communicate what actually goes on in imagining things. for example someone with high visualisation might say "i can see the thing in my mind so well, it seems like its really there," would lead someone stupid to think "oh these people see straight up pictures," but they really dont. its abstract visualisation due to memory that exist within the confines of the brain.
it would be very awkward if you saw images that potentially block your field of view when driving or some other safety sensitive function, (this does not include lapses in attention)

>> No.7161015

Most people I know don't have it. It doesn't matter in the process.
Those who do still need the same amount of practice.

>> No.7161026

Having visual snow helps

>> No.7161044

I really have to wonder if your friend is actually seeing at a higher level than you or if it's that he's describing the same phenomena but in simpler terms.
Like, I can "see" an apple on a table if I want, but it's more that I'm forcing my mind to "sense" that it is there, as if I'm recalling the data in it's most distilled, raw form that's compatible with my brain.
The thing is that I think most people really only see things insomuch as they reconstruct "concepts" within their brain. I bet a true test of prophantasia would be to draw an unfamiliar shape that you "know" but haven't internally deconstructed yet, like a weird animal.

>> No.7161063

You can bring it back if you meditate. The problem with this visual loop is that it's difficult to have both the output and input channels of the imagination open at the same time, inevitably you're going to favor one over the other. You could probably daydream deeper because you weren't constantly inputting visual information.

You have to allow yourself to be bored. Sit in an empty room for hours and just daydream until they get vivid, then dive into it and hang on, making a deliberate, conscious decision to flesh out each element of the daydream. Be patient and stay with it and over time you can relearn visualization.

>> No.7161269

I swear this is meant as a communication channel for some sleeper agent

>> No.7161272

For aphantasia to be real you'd have to not be able to remember how someone or something looks, absolutely retarded cope

>> No.7161292

Sounds like early stage dementia, no thanks.

>> No.7161296

Or do drugs, I’ve seen detailed images and even rooms when my eyes were closed. Mdma, 2cb, LSD and weed can cause this

>> No.7161393

What is the animation version of this? And prophecy making kind.

>> No.7162915

Same here. Just before I'm falling asleep I have the most vivid images in my head. In the day I can't do it. I can still imagine images, but never to the detail when I'm in that state. There has to be a way to unlock it.