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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.60 MB, 1477x2085, start.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1603411 No.1603411 [Reply] [Original]

Anime/Manga/Cartooning Thread

"Perspective will not teach you how to draw the figure, but you can never draw the figure without perspective!" - Andrew Loomis

Previous Thread: >>1598566

Try to keep calm, have a positive attitude and avoid making Kind Janitor-san angry!

A general message to aspiring artists: Don't ever think that you should stop attempting to learn how to draw because "it takes too long" or "drawing is just a hobby." Being shitty at your hobby is definitely not better than doing your hobby well, no matter what your laziness tells you. Have some dedication in what you love to do, damn it!

Submit your drawings, receive feedback or critique others! Share your knowledge and remember to thank those who've critiqued or red-lined your drawings. Most importantly, have fun.

This thread is meant for artists who might want to try to make stylized work in-between their studies. It is strongly recommended that you use this thread in conjunction with learning the elements and fundamentals of art. Or you could muscle through it and end up like Genzoman or worse, your choice. You can also discuss the visual elements of various professional artists as well if you keep it relatively articulate and civil.

>Fresh off the boat? Read the fucking sticky!
>Hitokaku Index
>List of active livestreams
>fellowBro's books
>Tutorial/Reference Collection
>Japanese Animu Tutorials

Keep calm, take it easy and remember the words of our good friend Glen Vilppu: “No rules, just tools.”

>> No.1603430
File: 202 KB, 462x518, Sketch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposting my quick sketch. Sorry it's shit. Can someone tell me my faults and what can I improve?

>> No.1603428

What's with the long-worded version, where you diss Genzoman and have 'keep calm' written twice? I pruned it for a reason.

>> No.1603436
File: 185 KB, 462x518, 1386309952929redline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is it supposed to be David Tennant's Doctor Who? Should have a regular tie and not a bow tie if it is.

Shirt collar could be up higher and tighter around the neck, same with the jacket collar after adjusting the shirt.

>> No.1603457

I must have copied an earlier version then, I am away from my laptop at the moment sorry.

>> No.1603465
File: 692 KB, 500x239, 1386312690152.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lololol I wrote that version of the OP and you guys are still buttbustered about it

>> No.1603479
File: 223 KB, 1226x635, IKR3zSI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just noting here that that gif you are posting is from a video I made and I am flattered at the fact that it has gotten popular enough that I find gifs being posted on /ic/ threads I regular.

>> No.1603487


Holy shit that's awesome

>> No.1603489

Yup, but I was watching the christmas special about the titanic while I did it and he had a bowtie that time. Thank you very much for the redline! will take it into acount for future neck-clothes-things-stuff.

>> No.1603502

she's stardust now

>> No.1603603

agdg pls go

>> No.1603645
File: 685 KB, 1797x2532, DSCN0905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oil over paper
somebody tell me to stop.

>> No.1603652


>> No.1603704

Nice, but did you intend for the dragon to look like a cock and balls?

>> No.1603714

that girl has some serious issues with her skull and neck

>> No.1603727
File: 1.06 MB, 1848x2065, Cal Portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need some pointers on the lighting/values...

I wanna go for more realistic color work on the girl.

>> No.1603728
File: 121 KB, 500x375, 1386354548632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's one of the reference shots I'm using.

I'm considering taking a break on that, and trying to replicate the pic of this girl as best I can as a study...


Another thing I'm consideing is just dropping this, and doing it in traditional media instead, and doing some finishing touches in digital, might be easier that way. Sometimes, going full digital is a pain in the ass... Idk.

What do you guys think?

>> No.1603739

Don't be afraid of shadows. There needs to be a lot more difference in value, especially on the skin.

The fact that your reference is pasty as fuck isn't helping either.

>> No.1603740

I stand corrected then! Well, you got the major attributes to make him look like Tennant's Doctor, so kudos.

>> No.1603790

Yeah, I know, but I want the girl to be pale, in fact, I fucked up the tone...

Too yellow.

But yeah, I know what you mean, I have a huge problem with going dark, especially in digital. I think I'm gonna do what I said in that last post, do a study in the reference girl, and then work it with color pencil+gouache, then tune it up with digital.

>> No.1603794

>Yeah, I know, but I want the girl to be pale
Pale girls don't have shadows?

>> No.1603797

You don't have any shadows, only tones.

>> No.1603821
File: 1.01 MB, 1879x2346, Ayana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, so a very grey yellowish white?

I'll give it a shot again later then.

thanks /ic/

Critique on the colo scheme?

What would you change here? I wanna go for a violet+indigo color with her. Her general theme is that 6th chakra in Buddhism and lotuses... So yeah.

>> No.1603824

Hey I just turned 26 years old and I have never drawn in my life, I do want to become a professional artist, but is it too late for me? Should I just kill myself?

>> No.1603837

hmm yeah
her shoulders look better but her neck is too thick, don't you think?
well if youre referring to Sako, yeah, that one is pending. I havent had the time to get to it yet.

>create deviantart acct
>select "professional" on your profile

>> No.1603839

It's never too late anon, you just have to practice. Many great professional artists started late

>> No.1603841


The katana should follow the contour of the scabbard

>> No.1603843

Yeah, I know, but the Katana is broken at that part. Or at least that's the excuse I gave myself when I noticed it didn't match up, and was too lazy to redraw anything. It's not her main Katana anyway, just a filler.

>> No.1603846
File: 200 KB, 1200x1680, cross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We have been over this many times and the answer is: no dumbass, it is not too late. It's only too late if you believe in that excuse.

I have a family friend who knew nothing about drawing and learned to become a medical illustrator when he was in his late 30s working as a doctor and raising 2 kids.

>> No.1603851


It's never too late if you go ham muh niggu

>> No.1603864

like the other's say: not too late.

the people who say "lel I've been drawing all muh lyfe" usually drew shitty animu drawings before their college years and didn't learn the fundamentals
good luck!

>> No.1603867
File: 273 KB, 189x189, 1385142027697.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re 26. I’d say you still have about 64~ more years to learn art.

>> No.1603896

Since it's Gally, I'll put it here.

>> No.1603921

Fix that shoulder, neck, and face nigga.

>> No.1603925

She's leaning on the shoulder, neck is fine given the proportions, and there's nothing wrong with the face afaik...

Hand is too small though, just a smidge.

I was already told about the trapezius being too shallow a while back and I fixed it, made the line less curved. Not much else I can do there lest I redraw the whole arm and side of her chest, ergo, redo it...

>> No.1603930
File: 145 KB, 1849x2066, redline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unless I redo it

Might be the way to go, the biggest problem is the unnatural pose. It may be appealing style-wise but it will never look correct because it's out of the human range of motion.

Especially the arm, did what I could.

>> No.1603933

Fug...I actually snapped my neck a bit trying to replicate that pose myself.

>> No.1603937

Really, I just did it right now, in front of a mirror, it's not that hard, and certainly doable, in fact, after taking a look in the mirror, the neck is the right length, only problem lies in that the elbow should be popping forward a little more, or... totally out of sight and covered by the head. Not the most comfortable pose, but, it's doable, and not totally uncomfortable, and... it's sexy, which is what I was going for.

Actually, what you did with the arm ruins the point of the pose, she's pulling her hair to the side. Also, her heads suppose to tilt back a little.

>> No.1603938

Oh yeah, also the angle of the shot plays into this, it's a slight "looking down" kinda POV.

>> No.1603940

about time somebody told you: it's just all around bad

redline is terrible too

>> No.1603946

how so?

>> No.1603947

about time someone told me what?

You're free to do a redline if you'd like.

I like how some people around here read two Loomis books and pretend to be masters of the trade.

Anyway, I'll take the critique. What's wrong with it?

>oddly enough, I was looking for critique on the coloring, but w/e, I'll talke what I can get

>> No.1603948
File: 409 KB, 951x687, sdfasfdsaf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that pose in your redline is kinda shit. the original pose is far more appealing. yours is stiff as all hell and kinda boring and suggests a different kind of emotion (makes me think that the character is going "oh, sorry about that, hehhehheh")

when you turn your head to look behind you (head only, as if you weren't all that interested in what was going behind you and you're feeling lazy, which is what her pose and expression suggests), you tilt your head back, not forwards like you've done.

the angle of the head is fine, but there are far greater problems in there that ruin it

>> No.1603950

I'd have no way of knowing this since the character is in a void.

And seriously, put your elbow forward, touch the back of your neck and try to lift your elbow above your head.

>> No.1603952

I'm the guy who drew the original, so I'll tell you.

The weight of her body is on her shoulder, meaning that he shoulder comes up a bit toward her head, as she leans on it. this creates a curve from her shoulder to where here neck is, pulling the trapezieus muscle. Her head is tilting back a bit as she looks over her shoulder, so it should be angled more to a 60 degree angle to the side, like I orignally had it, like I said, the angle of the shot is a slight top view, meaning, you have to be able to look at the top of her head. Lastly, the redline on the right arm is totally off. Try putting your arm in that pose in the most natual way possible, you'll notice that your elbow comes forward, not back like you drew it. Your redline also lack rythm, construction is more than putting together a manequin. You gotta have movement in the piece, gesture, everything has to flow. The way you drew it, everything is kinda pulling in opposite directions which kills the appeal.

yes you can, just look at her back, also, the fact that you can see the top of her head gives enough reason to that.

If you don't mind, I'd like to hear what problems those are, I'm not gonna change it now, but it's good reference.

>> No.1603953

Take the girl in the bottom left pic, and tilt her head a little like I did, it's doable, I don't quite see the issue.

>> No.1603954

To me it looked like she was trying to look up as well as backward, which strained my neck.

Let's agree to disagree

>> No.1603956

Fair enough, I was just trying to provide some insight, since your redline looked stiff.

I recommend you look into Vilppu, and look deeper into lines of rythm and gesture. Before you even start to construct a figure, you gotta set down some lines that show which way a piece flows, this is what gives all works aesthetic. Because rhythm is aesthetic. The hardest part is keeping proportions anatomically correct while working with gesture, and not creating impossible poses, which can happen quite a lot actually. But with practice it gets easier.

>> No.1603959

How useful is to do an experimental comic in terms of forcing you to improve?

>> No.1603961

The guy who posted those last two drawings here.

That's what I'm doing atm, though, I haven't done any panneling/storyboards. Just doing character designs, concept art, and writing the story.

I'll prolly get to doing it after we do the comic project in my art classes in June.

>> No.1603972

The way the shoulder points out, or rather, that curve following it. It looks dislocated.

Also, relating to the head tilt, the perspective of the face, I'd probably rotate it more away from the audience. As it is right now, there's some major SHAFT tier head tilting.
I would also be a bit more careful when it comes to defining the nose with lines, but that's just my preference.

If I understood the pose correctly, I would make her expression (read: eyebrows) a bit more neutral, and lower her elbow a bit (and therefore also moving the right hand closer to her right shoulder/neck), in order to give it a bit more indifferent/uninterested feel. To me, she now looks like she's irritated by the viewer and kind of angrily adjusting her hair to go over her shoulder. If that's what you're going for then fine, but I'm not sure if the head tilt compliments that well.

>which strained my neck
I did it with relative easy. sure, you wont be seeing what's BEHIND you, but that's not the point, she's barely looking past her shoulder.

>> No.1603975

kk, sounds good.

I can work the expression and line art, the construction... I'm too far in to go fixing that now.

Thanks anyway.

I'll go ahead and make her eyerows a bit more neutral when I work on it tomorrow.

>> No.1603979

when people recommend loomis, is it just /ic/ metatrolling or it's serious? Because I checked that fun with a pencil book and it's really cartoony/caricature, is there a way to learn without drawing like that?

>> No.1603980

Loomis is the God of modern illustration.

Every artist worth a damn derives their technique form him, /ic/ isn't trolling, if you wanna get into art, you need to start with Loomis, at least for figure drawing.

>> No.1603988
File: 927 KB, 2550x3507, thatonegirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just as reference, my art teachers in school teach methods derived from Loomis, and I've even gotten printouts that come from his books (among others as well).

Just as an example, drawin using Loomis' techniques.

>> No.1603990

>Loomis is the God of modern illustration.
>Every artist worth a damn derives their technique form him

Lol. Loomis was a skilled painter and a good teacher, but calling him the "god of modern illustration" might be the single most retarded thing I've ever heard on /ic/.

>when people recommend loomis, is it just /ic/ metatrolling or it's serious? Because I checked that fun with a pencil book and it's really cartoony/caricature, is there a way to learn without drawing like that?

Fun with a pencil, as the name suggests, mainly focuses to get rookie artists interested in drawing and having... fun with a pencil. If you want to learn, get his books that are actually aimed at teaching fundamentals. "Figure drawing for all it's worth" and "drawing the head and hands" deals with anatomy, proportions, construction and the basics of perspective and "creative illustration" with the basics of composition, value structure, thumbnailing etc.

>> No.1603991

cannot unsee

>> No.1604008
File: 581 KB, 1848x2065, 1386354344096redline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sheesh, OP does like to throw around the names of muscles to justify the weirdness of the body, but it still looks weird. OP is missing the knowledge of bone structure underneath that the muscles are connected to create the form that they take on (ie, the shoulder). And though it would be nice to show the far elbow, it's not necessary and makes it look unnatural as other Anons have said already.

The rest of the body is covered by the hair and the sheet(?) shirt(?) in an effort to cover up the further lack of knowledge on the shapes and forms that make up the body.

Make up all the excuses you like, but it's what one of my teachers called "rationalizing bullshit." I can't blame you for telling us that you're not going to change anything, you're too far into it to discard. So finish it up, chalk it up to experience and move on to the next.

As for the more natural/realistic coloring, pick a direction for a light source and start from there. More photo reference would be in order.

>> No.1604016


Succesful Drawing, FDFAIW and Heads and Hands

leave the rest

>> No.1604022

>rest of the body

She's a bit taller than what you drew, also I'm cutting it off a bit higher up, that's why the rest looks so unfinished.

Yeah, and you're right about some missing knowledge, I should have looked up some more info on shoulder>collar bones before drawing, but ah well.

Howeverm the scarf and hair aren't exactly there to cover up the rest of the body, I literally just wanted a portrait shot for this, not a full body shot.

I know about construction and anatomy, not a master at it, but I do know how to use it.

Reason I cover it up is because I don't want a total nude shot of the girl, just partial nudity to kinda express vulnerablity, but in a non-vulgar way. I suppose I could go around posting a bunch of drawings where I show that I know my fair share of anatomy and stuff, but really what do I have to prove...

One thing though, your redline did help me pin something that was bugging me with the neck, and it's an easy fix, so thanks for that.

And yeah, I got a bunch of pics of scene girls with blue hair as reference, so I'll be using that, I also got s number for photos of girls looking over their shoulder, so I guess I'll just keep at it.

Working on something else atm, so there's that.

Oh yeah, and sure, I'll erase the elbow.

I'm just going by what I was told by one of my teachers. Loomis is the foundation to figure drawing. Argue all you want but it's the truth.

There are others ofc, but it's still fundamental you take a look at Loomis if you're serious about this.

>> No.1604035

her hands are looking a bit big n' manly

>> No.1604042

That's cause her head's too big, her entire body is 5 heads tall.

>> No.1604098
File: 158 KB, 1024x1987, what am i doing wrong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone explain because I followed loomis but I only get shit like this ~_~

>> No.1604104

less loomis

>> No.1604102


Are you 'avin a giggol m80

>> No.1604105

Jesus Christ, bro.

Here's an idea: Find out the proportions from the profile or front view first. It should be a bit easier for you to understand...

>> No.1604106


He doesn't know how to use the Three Seashells. ;D

>> No.1604109

>but it's still fundamental you take a look at Loomis if you're serious about this.
It's fundamental that you take a look at MULTIPLE sources of information if you want to be successful, including from life. Jesus fucking Christ.

>> No.1604110

>Less loomis

Why did I laugh...

>> No.1604115

What is a giggol m80? I don't know all the technical terms
Thanks I'll try more front view but profile is worse trust me..
What is that, can you explain? I just started sorry

>> No.1604119

please go away or janitor is gonna come and clean your posts.

>> No.1604126

Is 0033 using a cintiq or normal tablet?

>> No.1604134

why draw guide lines if you don't follow them?

>> No.1604151
File: 7 KB, 187x166, 1384122399359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can you tell whether your "style" is shit or not

>> No.1604152

normal tablet

>> No.1604162

If you don't like it. As long as you legitimately enjoy how you draw and aren't just doing it to get likes, all is good.

>> No.1604164

I hope you're right. Another question, does 0033 use reference?

>> No.1604188

if you're gonna get into "style" then it's completely subjective. however, lack of knowledge does not figure in to style, so you can't use it as an excuse to keep making bad drawings.

>> No.1604192
File: 65 KB, 474x600, head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, you need to use the lines you created. And read other tutorials too, don't limit yourself on loomis.

>> No.1604197

Wow, thanks but I don't think I'll post anymore until I can see that my work is not plain shit because I see that's it's shit and wrong but I can't see what I'm doing wrong while drawing it, it's hard to explain idk..
I'll check other tutorials

>> No.1604198

Brad Rigney got serious about art when he was about 28 I think. He's a big name in the industry now.

>> No.1604199

how do you guys draw decent circles

>> No.1604201

I really don't make it perfect the first time, all the time.

>> No.1604207

common misconseption he started working at about 18 got some good job at 24 i really don't know were you guys get your info

>> No.1604209

you have to get it into muscle memory. also, don't anchor your wrist. It'll take a while of constant practice.

>> No.1604227
File: 223 KB, 839x1167, marge_0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1604231

You are washing out and flattening the shapes with the shading. The volumes don't look like they are in perspective. Pretend there is one light source acting as a single-directional rain and paint in the shadow as a flat tone.

>> No.1604233
File: 1.31 MB, 1857x2045, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know how to make hair look alive

Or how to shade

>> No.1604234

The left (her right) arm looks rather off.

>> No.1604236
File: 136 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I got pretty lost on the arms.

I was using this as a reference. It was a practice but fuck.

>> No.1604259
File: 710 KB, 1068x910, gungirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1604264
File: 130 KB, 739x1026, 1386406527144.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


anyway, lame attempt at foreshortening.
k im gonna try and finish some of the requests i've received now ~_~

>> No.1604288
File: 112 KB, 751x1041, 1386409917257.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

obviously stepping out of my comfort zone with this sketch, is there anything terribly wrong that i should fix before i put more time into it?
i mean, i know its really sketchy but can you tell whats going on?
i for one feel the bodies are too long(in before clamp)

>> No.1604296
File: 2.88 MB, 3504x2552, IMG_0001(small).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate my sketch /ic/

>> No.1604323
File: 156 KB, 531x900, ic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your angles are just way too extreme. to show this try the following:

humans can look over their shoulders pretty easily. that is true.
now do that, but aditionally try to lift your chin up to to the levels you can see in your image.
you'll see that your neck will be incredibly tense/strained. and that the resulting pose is something completely different from what you drew.
so basically: the angle her neck comes from is too extreme for the head you drew.

if you actually wanted that kind of extreme headtilting, you should've drawn the head from a angle closer to sideview. otherwise it's not possible, at least if you want to see the back in the same shot
you can also see this with >>1603948

the other issue (the much bigger issue) is symbol drawing.
if you look at the face, there is almost no hint of face structure or the angle.
by all means it should be at least a 3/4 angle (+high angle too), but you can't see any of that in the features of the face.
the nose has the same angle as a frontview nose, it lies flat on the face even though it's 3/4.
the eyes and eyebrows are also just lying there as symbols, without any hint of the special angle they are in.
same with the neck and shoulders. you are guessing around with placement, but there is no form.

>> No.1604341
File: 216 KB, 1280x720, head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My reference isn't all that great, but it's something.

>> No.1604344


>> No.1604345
File: 595 KB, 1138x706, smiling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1604346

Somehow you're drawing even worse than when you first got here years ago. It's like you're advancing backward. How do you do this? please tell me your secrets, lefty-sama.

>> No.1604347
File: 18 KB, 197x220, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this is why I barely bother to draw anymore.

You probably did that in like 5 minutes too.

>> No.1604350

tbh, it really isn't so great,

>> No.1604356
File: 793 KB, 976x850, gun-chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1604357

Why? It looks just as bad as yours.

>> No.1604361
File: 1.35 MB, 2680x2124, Teen Cal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks a lot for the input anon, I see your point, and... while I do construct when I do faces, we're JUST now getting into expression, so we're JUST now using smaller forms to shape the face, so... if it isn't showing in the final piece, then I gotta work on that.

I get what you mean though, I really appreciate you takling the time to critique it. Like I said before though... too far in to actually change anything now though.. So, I'll just finish it up and deal with the mistakes, take them as a learning experience.

Anyway, anyone mind giving me input on this one >>1603821?

Something about the color scheme doesn't sit well with me... Any suggestions?

Also, I got this one finished. Same character as in the portrait drawing. Some critique on the coloring? I wanna go for more concept art-like designs.

One thing I'm gonna do, I'm gonna ink my line art from now on before scanning. Drawing line art on digital is a pain in the ass, even with a Bamboo. Bamboo is better for painting imo.

>> No.1604362
File: 185 KB, 985x922, Final fantasy pj contept.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just as reference, what I mean by concept art like designs, I mean more color work and line art like pic related

>> No.1604363
File: 130 KB, 1067x800, 1386423878628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and pic related, prolly more like this one really.

>> No.1604420

I think it really comes down to lack of line weight and washed-out colours.

>> No.1604421

I love you, troll-anon.

>> No.1604424
File: 70 KB, 744x963, mermaid2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

inspired by some other anons mermaid(s).

>> No.1604428

Figure Drawing For All It's Worth is the book you want. Had never heard of Fun With A Pencil till I came here, you don't need it

>> No.1604429

No, he's an animator, those guys do hundreds of drawings each day.
He has drawn the body so many times he doesn't need reference.

>> No.1604436

Am I the only one who loved Fun with a Pencil?

>> No.1604438

but /ic/ said all pros use reference. did they lie to me?

>> No.1604439

They use reference to study.
Some use them while they work too, it depends on the artist.

Also animators are a lot different from illustrators and concept artists

>> No.1604443

oh thank god, i thought i was going crazy. it looks like i had the right idea.

>> No.1604444
File: 1017 KB, 1272x1604, Cal Portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, some progress.

I think I'll just go all out and do a full painting, this might be the best way to get what I want out of this. I think it's coming along quite nicely, my confidence in the piece is renewed a bit.

I'm gonna go ahead and remove all the ugly contours as I go along. I tried giving them some color, so it blends better, but it's still meh, so a full out digital painting might be interesting to work on.

>> No.1604452

damn you good

>> No.1604453

i know you want to show off your nose drawing skillz, but realistic noses don't look good on stylized faces, unless you want comedic effect.

>> No.1604461
File: 151 KB, 785x1018, 1386435889018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Show off nose drawing skills?

Anyway, your statement is not entirely true. Pic related.

Granted, I'm not as good as sakimichan, but well, I think my point stands.

That aside, a lot of glaring errors are coming to me with my piece now. So... I'll either can it and redraw it, or try to fix it with photoshop.

>> No.1604462

the nose is still flat and the eyes have random angles.

>> No.1604463

Yeah, those are the errors I was referring to...

I might just redraw it, it's bugging me too much. I'll take a look are some references from the style I wanna achieve, and do it again, all the critique here has sure been helpful.

>> No.1604464

you really should study human faces for a bit.
hell, you can even study other artists drawings.
in any case, from your drawings it's apparent that you don't have any real structure in mind when drawing a face.

>> No.1604466

no you see, even that nose shape is more simplified than yours.

>> No.1604467

I do... I just dunno what I was doing when I drew that, lol.

I've done a couple projects already where we've had to work with expression and the different muscles in the face already... Like I said, idk what I was thinking when I drew that... So I'll just redo it. But yeah, I'll do a couple other studies before jumping on it again. Like I said, I might do a portrait of that scene girl as well.

I've also go two other projects I wanna do as well (Che comic style line art, and a Joker with color pencil), so I might focus on those instead for a bit too.

Thanks anyway.

You're right, I'll take note of that.

>> No.1604480
File: 205 KB, 1000x563, Sin título.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

critiques are welcomed

>> No.1604484
File: 65 KB, 507x540, [3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1604552

I dont have time to work on a drawing for six-seven hours anymore : (

>> No.1604593

I like the guy on the right.

>> No.1604641
File: 254 KB, 400x1598, anadnos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somehow I keep feeling I'm missing the anime mark. Did I at least hit the manly woman mark I was aiming for?

>> No.1604655
File: 92 KB, 536x876, ss (2013-12-07 at 01.37.35).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think here is a good place to post. I've never posted in these threads before. What do you guys think?

>> No.1604667
File: 810 KB, 800x747, gallygoosedwip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

currently painting

>> No.1604678

needs more saturation.

not much to say, feet are wonky. looks lifeless

>> No.1604680

lower body looks too small, unless you're going for a real squatty gal.

>> No.1604729 [DELETED] 
File: 101 KB, 549x884, ss (2013-12-07 at 02.46.01).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't notice how awkward they looked. Here's a quick fix with some color changes.

Im not really sure how to get the angle right.

I see a lot of artists that have really good mastery of planes, it's something I need to really invest some time in.

Shortstock :3

>> No.1604736
File: 98 KB, 520x862, ss (2013-12-07 at 02.57.14).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't notice how awkward they looked. Here's a quick fix with some color changes.

Im not really sure how to get the angle right.

I see a lot of artists that have really good mastery of planes, it's something I need to really invest some time in.

Shortstock :3

>> No.1604741

So, what did you change in the second one you posted? I haven't got the best eye.

>> No.1604743

He added toes

>> No.1604744


I changed the rotation of the foot to see if it would help make it look less wonky. I prefer the original.

The color is better anyway.

>> No.1604746

read hampton, more easily applicable for beginners than loomis imo (matter of personal taste tbh, but worth a try i think)

>> No.1604747

My mother tongue is a language where he and she are the same word. I don't give a rats ass whether I call someone a he or a she on the internet as it bears no meaning to me online, and you yourself shouldn't care whether someone calls you a he or a she on the internet.

>> No.1604750

Sorry, I'm heavy /lgbt/.
Incorrect pronouns are my trigger. :P

Must be nice living in a place where people are just people.

>> No.1604749

The direction of the knee should be the same as the foot. Here, the knee is pointed at the viewer and the foot is pointed to my left.
The lines for the collar bone don't match the shoulders or the position of the sternum.
She has Popeye arms. Thinner arms are bigger at the elbow joint due to the size of the bones there. Her shoulders should be a bit more rounded.

>> No.1604755


>> No.1604759 [DELETED] 
File: 103 KB, 542x895, ss (2013-12-07 at 03.26.54).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, I tried to align the foot and the knee. I think this is the best version so far. Position seems to be a bit more natural.

I fixed the shoulder/collarbone issue too.

>> No.1604760
File: 102 KB, 534x884, ss (2013-12-07 at 03.30.41).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, I tried to align the foot and the knee. I think this is the best version so far. Position seems to be a bit more natural.

I fixed the shoulder/collarbone issue too.

*edit* the foot just needed to be rotated slightly.

>> No.1604761

don't worry so much about what people call you man

>> No.1604763

Hi Sweden.

>> No.1604766

Sweden has "han" and "hon". try the nearby neighbor.

>> No.1604769


Finland, is that you?

>> No.1604774

Yes. Hän=he/she (And even often in common speech the word "se"[meaning "it"] is used instead of "hän")


>> No.1604800
File: 849 KB, 871x679, gallygoosedwip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still figuring out color, this better?

Also, can we post nsfw on this board?

>> No.1604802

Nudes get posted here a lot. No idea about blatent porn though.

>> No.1604803

Blatant pornography would fit more on /i/, I think. But nudity/nsfw is pretty okay, it's not a blue board or anything.

>> No.1604811

/ic/ is a nsfw board. People post hentai in animu threads all the time.

>> No.1604814

Porn is fine, especially in draw threads. I wouldn't make a whole new thread dedicated for porn though. There used to be a fair share of futa cocks here back when chicken-legs-mcgee still posted frequently, for example.

>> No.1604818

normal porn is fine, but i'd rather have you make a separate thread for fetishes so we can hide it.

>> No.1604819
File: 684 KB, 800x1000, Double Alita.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool, didn't want to keep posting screen shots.

May start a thread in /i/, but I trust the critique here more.

not that fetish-y

>> No.1604821

horror porn is a fetish!

>> No.1604823

it's supposed to be an android (gally) recharging in a goofy way

>> No.1604832

Ooooh, they're batteries, right?
Not exactly touching both positive and negative, but still neato.

Something about the lips is really off, though.

>> No.1604834

As an artist would it be bad to post my drawn wank material here?

Honest question.

>> No.1604835

like people just said in this thread. it's an NSFW board you can technically post anything you've drawn and want people to critique

>> No.1604838
File: 1.11 MB, 1000x1857, stds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some studies + asuka fanart

>> No.1604851
File: 77 KB, 822x781, 654687122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The expression is bugging me

>> No.1604853

It looks like her nose and mouth are facing a different direction than her eyes.

>> No.1604854

reference, is anyone is interested

>> No.1604868

She looks a bit cross eyed, especially in the thumbnail. that might be what's bugging you. the expression's a tad vague anyways

>> No.1604886
File: 96 KB, 825x750, Homu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How am I doing?

>> No.1604934
File: 40 KB, 1024x576, 60e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uncanny valley as fuck man. It's half way animu and half trying to be real. Choose one and go with it.

>> No.1604946

shut up

>> No.1604955

cheek is lopsided to her right (our left)

>> No.1604958

Thanks, guys.

>> No.1604961

How did you go about the texture/lighting on the hair?
I really like something about it.

>> No.1604968

Thanks, it's mainly the default watercolor brush in Manga Studio 5.

>> No.1604978


Torso is way too long, and looks like her stomach is stretching between the upperbody to the legs and going at an upwards angle as if its going to topple.

The arms make no sense, the upperarms are bending in a curve outwards so they look broken. Knees are twig-like and are way too thin. The position of those rings on her chest, and the shading of the yellow shirt makes it look like her chest is caved inwards. All proportions look borked.

It looks like you are drawing the character bit by bit and going along without doing a rough sketch to see if everything looks right first. I used to do this a lot and although it looks fine while drawing, once you get further along things get skewed real fast. Its also easy to get lost like this if you are following reference too closely.

>> No.1604982

>Did I at least hit the manly woman mark
Totally. The size of the shoulders and the eyebrows + nose combo really sell it.

>> No.1604992

Perfect. Thanks

>> No.1604997
File: 1.25 MB, 984x1328, lowrie and sam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick sketch I slapped out of two characters from a comic I'm pulling together. Potential Y/N?

>> No.1605026
File: 27 KB, 435x580, doodle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I have trouble with eye placement.
Would drawing real people help me with this more or should I go draw manga.

>> No.1605031

Observing from life always helps.

>> No.1605033

how old is the girl in that picture?

>> No.1605037


>> No.1605045
File: 244 KB, 1037x1200, sup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doodle I did today. Still still trying to lock down this new style. Critique please! (:):3

>> No.1605051

man, don't be doin' that beet-red tumblr nose thing.

>> No.1605056

I need a way to distinguish his nose from the rest of his face

>> No.1605060

wait but even though its really good it doesn't follow loomis

look the eyes are way above the brow point like this is not loomis but good nevertheless

>> No.1605061

then make his nose a darker shade of brown or something. c'mon, get creative

>> No.1605064
File: 245 KB, 1037x1200, sup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hows this?

>> No.1605066

Lots better. Is he drunk or something?

>> No.1605069

More or less. I was practicing conveying a character being off balance and this happened.

>> No.1605075

He's not loopy-schwoopy enough. Like, he's a little too stiff to be drunk. I initially thought he was a zombie with that combination of locked straight lines and off-balance pose. He needs to be, I don't know, more fluid? Watch videos of drunk people trying to walk and see what shapes they make.

>> No.1605081

Yeah, I need to work on gesture in general. Any good resources for that?

>> No.1605084

Psh, I dunno mang. The stuff they usually give us. If I was you though I'd try gesture drawing drunk people. Just real swishnsway lines, lots of s's and stuff.

>> No.1605107

This is the kind of thing I'm talking about


>> No.1605142
File: 2.33 MB, 3238x3937, Abdu_1_1_10min1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I decided if I'm gonna start putting work on 4chan, I need to be known and get people to know me.

This was a 10 minute sketch I did during my local Drink N Draw

>> No.1605143

whats a drink n draw

>> No.1605145

it's the official name of the occasion where people meet up, drink and draw. not him btw.

>> No.1605158
File: 2.89 MB, 3200x4024, Abdu_Mod2_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically, a bunch of artist meet at a bar, talk shop or life, then a life model will show up and you draw in numbered increments. Drinking is not mandatory but it helps.

I wanna put up more, but file size issues. Have a exaggerated reference drawing instead

>> No.1605163


jesus that is amazing. i printed this picture out and came all over it. thanks anon

>> No.1605171

maybe if she was hunched?

>> No.1605172

dead fucking serrious

>> No.1605173

i always picture the ball and the face panel in 3d.

Of course after years of viguorsly holding heads trying to bust a nut, you get a nice feel for it.

>> No.1605174

its okay just start over again, and dont be afraid to get some insight on it.
>water bottles
or just circles

>> No.1605177
File: 458 KB, 840x1069, 1386498432070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was trying to help you correct it by transforming stuff, but it just doesn't work. the structure is all random as fuck.

right now you're thinking in the lines of:
>place the eyes
>place the nose
>place the mouth
but you have a very very weak understanding of what happens on the areas inbetween. like where the nose starts, how the mouth moves when it stretches/opens.
you even had difficulty with the eyebrows man.

it's all because you keep rendering on derpy drawings.
i suggest you practice drawing faces with lines and a little crosshatching.

redjuice isn't the best with faces (especially from the front, he does a lot of guesswork too) but when it comes down to it, he still has a complete understanding of how his facial structures work, like most animu artists.
you still don't. you still do it half/half and are using a lot of "placing symbols".
you really need a better understanding of that stuff.

>> No.1605178

could be your style, dont see why not

>> No.1605182


It's the mouth.

>> No.1605203
File: 507 KB, 900x987, paintover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eye balled a quick fixed. replaced some features and redrew them a bit. still wonky though

>> No.1605219
File: 870 KB, 900x987, paintovers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The problem is the entire head.

It looks like the picture wants to be realistic and stylized but can't pick between them. When stylizing the more you attempt to make it look realistic the more uncanny it becomes. Personally I'd redo the pigtails too but the goal was to fix the face.

>> No.1605240
File: 631 KB, 1214x1639, 007_s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>is there a way to learn without drawing like that?

This is a page from Touch, a CG/illustration tutorial mook series. Notice the lower left. That is the JP edition of Figure Drawing for All it's Worth, and the words in bold say "The Bible for Illustrators." I have many other Japanese books and animation course material that lists Loomis as essential reading.

Loomis has been rediscovered on ic and the greater internet as scans of his books circulated. Before then, it was mainly known to academic art teachers and animation circles. But in Japan, "Figure Drawing for All It's Worth" have always remained in print. My first copy of that book purchased many years ago is actually the Japanese edition, because an English one was not available at the time. They've been saying "Loomis" long before it became a troll/meme on /ic/. Think about that.

Loomis isn't the end all be all. You don't need to follow his proportions perfectly, or use the same cross contours he uses. If you think that's all there is to it, you probably don't understand Loomis. What you really need to learn is the process and logic of construction, which helps you make sense of the form of everything. This is important to designers and animators, who have to draw from imagination, draw quickly and clearly, and turn objects in space. It's not something that people who only learned to draw by sight measuring techniques can do easily. This is why Vilppu and Hampton and Watts, other artists /ic/ likes to namedrop, both stress understanding and analyzing the figure, not copying. This is why they go through the process of constructing a figure, even when they are drawing from model or photo.

There are different levels of drawing. If you think being able to copy what is right in front of you is adequate, then maybe you don't need to learn construction. But if you want to draw like an animator or designer, draw cinematically, and tell stories visually, then this helps a lot.

>> No.1605242
File: 463 KB, 708x765, RJG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the rendering is surprisingly ok actually, i didn't change much.
but as i thought, the only thing that really needed change was the base drawing and the structure.

rendering skills are rad and all, but work on your drawing skills too.
pencil and paper are your best friends.

>> No.1605259

In the states, Loomis isn't anything new. And interestingly enough Bridgman, who taught Loomis, is still more regonizable. The methodology that Loomis uses was abridged at the Art League. And is still considered an alternative to the formulaic method in situations that require variety with little recources to go by. It's been rehashed so times, in an environment that doesn't pressure for a standardization, that it has splintered into a wide variety of terms and conventions. But the principles that connects them are still there. And surprisingly with a lack of standardization, new approaches have risen and new technologies have pushed our idea of what drawing is.

That's why Loomis is a troll meme. Its old news, and those infatuated by it, or like to testify to its worth aren't adding anything new to the conversation of figure drawing, in fact they're ignoring over 50 years of conversation and new insight.

In the states, every time some one mentions Loomis, there is already a dozen other people publishing books about the samething. And a dozen more publishing alternatives.

>> No.1605261

buck teeth moe~

>> No.1605264

Well shit, I thought it looked at least somewhat passable. I will go through my Vilppu face videos and Hampton again. I understand the proportions and positions of facial features, I'm just bad with perspective in general. Right now I can see it's mostly the perspective of the nose and mouth that's throwing it off, I will attempt to fix that. It looked okay in the sketch but I screwed up the rendering.


I did not expect this many paint overs, I quite like >>1605242 I suppose I will come back to the face once I finish rendering the rest, and get some fresh eyes on it again. Thank you all so far!

>> No.1605267


oh god you made me lol, fuckin hell made my evening

>> No.1605268

not your personal blog.

>> No.1605274

yeah, dude, you can tell me what this is.
we all come here to tell our opinions and like that stuff
dont be a pussy

>> No.1605276

anyways, most of the time I just watch and barely post.


>> No.1605279
File: 656 KB, 706x918, SCAN0095.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to do some chibis, but i cannot figure out the form of the head. I also have trouble with eyes placement. advice?

>> No.1605280


>In the states, Loomis isn't anything new

No disagreement there. Of course, I wasn't implying Loomis is anything new, or that he is the only source for learning this approach to drawing. As I said, he isn't the end all be all, and the important takeaway should be the logic behind the construction process, not his unique brand of it. But I think his books, as a series, do have an advantage in comprehensiveness.

>The methodology that Loomis uses was abridged at the Art League.

As I mentioned in the prior post, this method is known to academic schools. It had fallen out of favor from public art education in the states for a long time, however, while it has remained in general consciousness elsewhere.

>> No.1605344

quick question about pixiv: what terms should i search for if i am looking for process/coloring stuff?

>> No.1605351


メイキング ("making" in JP)
講座 (explanation/tutorial)
描き方 (drawing/painting method)
厚塗 (thick/opaque/direct painting)
テクスチャ (textures, usually free use)
素材 (materials, mostly textures and clip art, mostly free use)

When you do a search, above the results will be more keyword suggestions. Those can lead to other finds.

>> No.1605358

thanks a bunch

>> No.1605360

The face is too manly, that way it loiks like a travestite.

To correct that you can put thick red lips and leashes

>> No.1605460

By "new" I was talking about how it really doesn't have any rejuvenating qualities. The nostaligia doesn't return with a freshness with every new generation. The principles aren't that strong given the diversity of drawing in the states. Even Loomis admits he's not saying anything new, or original, just sharing what he learned.

And the repriasial spectecale is mainly an internet phenomenon, perpetuated by a few choice quotes from favored cartoonist, who most likely learned about it from their associates on the internet.

As far as comprehensivness goes, Loomis's has been procured probably due to his books being the most popular in public domain, simply because it's the most cohesive set in public domain. All of his books are in the public pool. Saying it's THE most comprehensive is a bit of an overstament. For one that would pigeon hole drawing and picture making entirely. And secondly, as I said earlier, for every one mention of Loomis there are dozens of other processes working the same principles and being as effective, if not more. And each one has developed to fit a unique form and subject.

But is a comprehensive system really needed? No. Asking for something like that pigeon holes the whole thing all over again, and has a tendency to limit the artistic expression at the behest of a process. That's chiefly why you don't see "academic" drawing as much in academia, it had a strange retarding effect that frustrated so many artist. It works great, yes! But there are consequences.

>> No.1605486

If there is a series of books more comprehensive than Loomis, it would most likely be Famous Artist School's correspondence sets from the 50's and 60's and the cartooning course. They are more detailed and cover a wider approach.

>> No.1605501
File: 422 KB, 943x1200, AT131208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working up possible piece for a doujinshi. Really should work out the perspective for the piece before fleshing out figures. -_-

But fun!

>> No.1605517

>It had fallen out of favor from public art education in the states for a long time, however, while it has remained in general consciousness elsewhere.

That's not entirely true. Loomis's approach or the classical approach--which is where Loomis is coming from in his construction parts*--was never popular in public schools. It did have a vibrant celebritism in private academia and vocational schools, but never public. The vocational stride is due to the same reason why it's also popular outside of the states, it's great for training artisans, for homogenizing the manual arts, and not bogging the student down with that overwhelming learning curve that comes from the visual arts.

Direct observational drawing dominated the public schools, and if Art is still being taught in public schools today it is still preferred, when it comes to teaching drawing in general. Two reasons why: it has already been used extensively in childhood development research, and is more readily available due to not really requiring any outside technical knowledge like the classical approach does. (You don't have to be a superstar artist to teach the concepts effectively.)

*Loomis's approach of truncating things into simple geometrical forms is from the classical school of thought, while his approach on composition and line economy is more from the romantic school of thought.

>> No.1605541
File: 249 KB, 642x1066, cow pun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to resume lurking.

>> No.1605546

i love the message at the top and then telling us to submit drawings. Last time i did, i figured why bother when we haven't even been practicing and such for at least a year or more.

that feels like its the BARE minimum to even receive feedback or get your shit redlined and it be useful at all.

i don't like to say this stuff, but i feel like if your just starting out, its all learning and practice. but how do you know your even practicing RIGHT? you could waste a good long while learning how to do things the wrong way and unlearning it and getting back to zero is taking just as long as it does to learn in the first place.

>> No.1605554

>but how do you know your even practicing RIGHT? you could waste a good long while learning how to do things the wrong way and unlearning it and getting back to zero is taking just as long as it does to learn in the first place.

Welcome to the wonderful world of animu mango generals.

>> No.1605561

Purty, but it looks like her left arm disappears behind the boob.

>> No.1605572

Yeah, I should do something about that. Thanks for the input.

>> No.1605617
File: 199 KB, 666x1000, awhateveroc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like my cartoons AMERICAN

>> No.1605643

You're never going to go back to zero unless you stop drawing. The steps you're being told about are not THE RIGHT way to do it, but it's more like a FASTER way to improve.

In order to improve at drawing, you need to draw, but you also need to pull back your desire to throw EVERYTHING into the mix and figure out what the basics are.

The beginner exercises are so important because they teach you to see shapes, and train your muscle memory to be able to draw an accurate line without scratching and confusing the image.

It's sort of like the idea that in order to learn shading and tone, you'll have an easier time if you focus on monochrome, because learning to create light/shadow properly is hard enough without throwing in color theory, too. You need to dial it back and find the equivalent layer of focus for your current skill level, and you're not always gonna be right, but you gotta keep drawing anyway.

>> No.1605650

for process, i prefer to watch videos

>> No.1605653
File: 401 KB, 1200x800, redjuice.full.415970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man can I just say, Redjuice's stuff is fucking brilliant aesthetically/stylistically. And it's pretty cool to see how much he's improved in 5-6 years (that's when he started taking it seriously it seems from the pic)

>> No.1605656

that's not redjuice, thought, it's his imitator.

>> No.1605658
File: 864 KB, 1536x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something's wrong with this titty monster, though I'm not sure what.

>> No.1605661

How do you know that though? If you don't mind me asking.

>> No.1605664

because i've been here long enough to recognize him. i'm not the only one, see >>1601849

>> No.1605665

The chin/head area, maybe?

>> No.1605667


>> No.1605674

The pic I posted I isn't from here though. So I don't think it's the imitator that you're talking about. Not to mention the stuff I'm able to compare in that pic (2007 onwards) with Photoshop (lining it up with low opacity etc.) it's absolutely bang on with the real deal.
So I don't know, it's hard to believe you with the limited info I have right now.

>> No.1605675 [DELETED] 
File: 2.35 MB, 1536x2048, 1386555890881redline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nice breasts, but yeah, Gumby Arms and Tiny Hands. Also, no anatomy to the pelvic region

>> No.1605676
File: 376 KB, 1536x2048, 1386555890881redline sm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nice breasts, but yeah, Gumby Arms and Tiny Hands. Also, no anatomy to the pelvic region

Holy Bejeez, this time a little bit smaller file size.

>> No.1605677

Also, I just found his older stuff on his website just there:
So that definitely is him.
tbh even if it wasn't him in that progress pic I posted, you can see his progress from the website. It's pretty substantial.

>> No.1605681
File: 340 KB, 858x1200, AT131209b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A bit more progress, messy as fook.

>> No.1605689
File: 1.77 MB, 1536x2048, fixd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the ribcage is borked compared to the lower body. Here's a quick redline for u. I did this on a mousepad so ignore the shitty line quality.

>> No.1605692

focal point is the titty grab and loli butt, right? make sure the food in the foreground doesn't distract from the focus. Also, maybe make it so the silhouette reads better, so make the loli's butt stick to the side a little. Just my suggestions.

>> No.1605693

I see...a Fox girl caught pouncing in mid air looking back as if she was fleeing from something and in a panic she threw hurled breakfast in a fright but unbeknownst to her there was someone else inside the tent and the unsuspecting bystander - half asleep emerges from inside only to be an obstacle in the most comical way.

I must say, you have quite the imagination :3

>> No.1605694

She hurled her breakfast*

>> No.1605697

Nice. You are good and you should feel good.

>> No.1605701


The loli is an assistant to the older girl who's a bit more laid back. She's always picking up after her and getting her washed and dressed.

The scenario is that the assistant was bringing her breakfast when she emerged from her tent in the buff. The assistant is leaping in blocking the viewer from seeing her superior's nekkid ta-ta's.

Not my characters, and I need to get the likeness down better of the older girl.

>> No.1605706

omg, just shut up. i don't give a fuck who's real, you're just embarrassing yourself.

>> No.1605709

one day...

>> No.1605742

You're the one who pointed it out in the first place you fucking mongoloid so obviously you gave a fuck.
I just thought I'd do some digging around to see if what you said was true since I was genuinely curious if that was a real progress pic, which it was.
And now it looks like you're the one who's embarrassing yourself if anything.
First bringing up some imitator who had nothing to do with the pic and saying you've "been here long enough to tell" (lol, yea, we can see how much you can tell alright) and then being shown otherwise and now you're just dismissing the whole thing as if you didn't care.

>> No.1605800
File: 749 KB, 1936x2592, think.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there anything that's really off about the anatomy? My friend isn't too particular about how he wants this drawing done; I just want to make sure that it at least looks presentable.

>> No.1605803

Something about the rest arm's shoulder and part of the neck seems odd.

I really like your line weight, though.

>> No.1605802
File: 4 KB, 600x600, Untitled-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello! So I recently started getting back into art again after about 10 years of not doing art. I have been back at it for about a week now, just practicing doing heads, faces, and eyes for the most part, trying to at least get that structure down (only in the frontal and angled view. Haven't attempted side view yet). I got back into art after wondering why I wasn't doing my own art when people were doing it for me (though I do appreciate them doing so), and after seeing so many wonderful art pieces all over the net over the past 6 years. On top of that, I've recently gotten into a new game series (Fire Emblem) and have seen some wonderful art pieces from there, and wanted to get as good as the people I've seen.

What I'm showing here isn't done on paper and pencil, but a rough sketch (in Photoshop with mouse) of what I normally do a face (female face mind you. I haven't attempted males yet at all). In addition to the image, here's this image which shows how I approach doing the head in general. Please keep in mind that my mouse skills aren't as good as my pencil and paper skills so some things may look off, but it's pretty close to how I do heads:


Sadly, I know that this won't cut it (I'm aiming for anime/manga style, though Fire Emblem: Awakening art has inspired me quite a bit as well as some of the other art I've seen, so I try to go with that style a bit while doing my own). I do not know what it is I am doing wrong...I am trying to avoid using guidelines completely (when I first started my practicing, I did use guidelines. A perfect circle with a cross in the dead center, then used 3 lines beneath that, and then drew the jawline and chin). Originally, I was using some tutorials on DeviantArt (by Naschi) and on YouTube (by Mark Crilley and Sycra), but I do not know if that is the way to go. I do think that I can do female eyes just fine, and the eyes shown here are generally the eyes I'm going with.

>> No.1605804

Looks pretty good from my perspective, with that said the Animu thread probably isn't a good place to ask for anatomy advice.

>> No.1605812

Much appreciated, thank you guys.

>> No.1605820
File: 150 KB, 875x660, muscles.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm not too great when it comes to most muscles, but i think i understand the arms fairly well. here's how i think it's supposed to look.

it's fairly simplified, but it gets the point across, i think.

light blue: biceps
dark blue: brachialis/brachioradialis/extensor carpi radialis longus.
purple: tricepts
tan: deltoids

the deltoids are 3 muscles (front, side and back) and the biceps comes out from under them. the brachialis comes out from behind the side deltoid and is then covered by the brachioradialis which then continues down the arm toward the thumb. the biceps end a little after the brachioradialis begins so it would kinda look like the biceps would duck in and behind the bracioradialis/radialis longus. it's a little exaggerated in my picture but i hope this helps a little!

>> No.1605824

Hey, thanks! This is pretty helpful, so I think I'll keep it for future reference.

>> No.1605825
File: 160 KB, 631x619, beauty queen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perfect. I also took the liberty of adding a beauty mark as well. I think she looks like a proper lady now.

>> No.1605826

>them lips
yo what the fuck man

>> No.1605828
File: 147 KB, 631x619, beauty queen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you like them thicker?

>> No.1605831

jesus fuck man they look like carrots fused to her face

it's beautiful

>> No.1605832

Don't forget to add a nice feminine adam's apple, and a delicate, veiny, throbbing penis anon.

>> No.1605833

Needs more chest hair

>> No.1605836


>> No.1605837
File: 128 KB, 900x825, 1386572862212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1605865
File: 766 KB, 1536x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this is a little better, but I'm not satisfied with it. How do I into hands?

Thanks for the redlines.

>> No.1605873
File: 1.25 MB, 2269x2726, wipgod.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WIP ehhhhh I don't like where this is going

>> No.1605949
File: 253 KB, 642x1066, moo-over.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The angle of the hand didn't really lend itself but I think it worked out.

>> No.1605984


Hmm, I thought you were going to put the elbow of the far arm a bit under her boob instead of off to the side since both arms seemed in relatively the same position. Doing so might still have a bit of the boob contour poking out instead of muddying it up with the arm.

Overall pretty nice, clean inks. Though the definition of the lower abs might be a bit much. It's like a cross between being muscular and being fat instead of one or the other.

>> No.1605989

What the hell happened in 2003?

>> No.1605990


Weird what happened to the better defined head in the first one?

Hands are still a bit too small, and there still isn't enough definition of form in the arms.

Since it seems you have a camera, I suggest taking a pic of yourself in the mirror with your arms and body at the same angle and use them as reference. Since you can't hold the camera with both arms in the same pic, naturally take a couple pics.

Selfies do have their uses, but for god's sake, don't post them to the Internet.

>> No.1605991


That's his cubism period I guess.

>> No.1605992

Whatever it is, thank god he got over it

>> No.1605996


Big tits aren't going to be perfect spheres like that, just saiyan. As it is, they look like they're clipping backwards through her ribcage.

>> No.1606001

To be fair 5-6 years is not a short time, but it shows what dedication can result in if you don't give up.

>> No.1606016
File: 1.61 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Messed around with it a little more. With the last picture, I actually did use myself for reference. Am I winning yet? First time drawing anime figure here.

Trying to get them to look right. She was originally going to be a loli, but I found that harder.

>> No.1606019

>that hand
oh god what happened who chewed off her pinky

>> No.1606032

probably lost it in another dimension...

>> No.1606033
File: 1.51 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This better?

>> No.1606036

It still looks like she's missing a finger. Try to raise her index finger just a little bit so we can see it.

>> No.1606041
File: 529 KB, 2048x1536, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please excuse the horror of breaking your neck while trying to look at this. Here's it flipped.

>> No.1606043

God damn these iPhones.

>> No.1606047
File: 256 KB, 642x1066, revised.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, I agree I went overboard on the belly without a clear direction.

>> No.1606060
File: 1.55 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Raised it a little. I also changed the underside of the hand a bit.

>> No.1606064


Looks good. Stick a fork in it 'cause it's done.

>> No.1606067


>> No.1606069

Thanks and keep up the good work.

>> No.1606074
File: 35 KB, 362x359, depression dog rotated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1606075

hair is poor, neck band ellipse is off, shoulder shpere, all fabric not convincing, fingers are all the same length, left elbow is weak, thighs dont look attached

>> No.1606080

>le dubm dojg
>ctrl alt right arrow

>> No.1606111

oc do not steal :^)

>> No.1606115

what's that "not your personnal blog" trend?

>> No.1606122

True enough, 5-6 years is a pretty long time.
But even looking from 2006 to 2008, there seems to be a huge quality jump.
Maybe that was just when he found his style and refined it I guess.
But yea, it definitely does show what you can achieve with dedication, if only some anons would understand that and not give up.
They could end up becoming amazing artists.
It's always sad to see that light go out in people when they get discouraged and give up. ;_;

>> No.1606126

Honestly that's pretty shitty improvement, every anon here should be able to do better.

>> No.1606268
File: 65 KB, 400x1598, DSC_0042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some fan-art

>> No.1606306

why is the mouth where the nose is supposed to be

>> No.1606350


>> No.1606355

It's my style. One of the black dot is actually a nose.

>> No.1606356

pls go back to >>>/gd/ hipster faggot

>> No.1606382

just fucking

>> No.1606384

>average mtf tranny

>> No.1606393

Yeah man, all the MtFs I know are noseless cartoonish freaks too.

>> No.1606397

over your head. next thing you'll do is tell me to check my privilege.

>> No.1606401

I'm not a social justice thundercunt, despite the impression I may have given off.

>> No.1606415
File: 1.02 MB, 2448x3264, fixd2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>1605689 here,

alright cool, it looks a lot better then when u started, the only think i'd recommend working on is line weight. Sometimes u can indicate shadows with just darker line, Darken up areas of overlap, and make sure her head has more contrast. Heres a example of what I mean

>> No.1606444

neu tred: >>1606442

>> No.1607512

No, you're a cunt who uses the word "trigger" to feel like a special snowflake.

Your feelings mean jack shit to everyone beside yourself, and that includes your mom. Deal with it and stop being such a douchenozzle. People will call you whatever the fuck they want to, and you can just suck it up.