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3546334 No.3546334 [Reply] [Original]

tips to avoid laziness and procastination? or tips for making a routine drawing session.

>> No.3546340

Just draw already

>> No.3546389

Discipline, cues... something

>> No.3546390

just have fun and have drawing be the default thing you want to do all the time
so the other things you do have to be boring and irritating like work

>> No.3546391

Schedule breaks, and follow them. It's a lot easier to draw for extended periods with short breaks

>> No.3546395

Try drawing right when you wake up. Literally do it before you do anything else in the day.

>> No.3546460

and go back to sleep when you stop

>> No.3546509


dont post of 4chan. turn off your computer and get rid of your internet. will increase productivity 10000%

>> No.3546514

Only fap once a month

>> No.3546537

This except it’s only like 500% increased productivity.

>> No.3546555

Are those bullet proof panties?

>> No.3546559

>turn off your computer and get rid of your internet. will increase productivity

For me it would instead make me go out and see people, read or write. I don't have any need for art that is difficult to share and I don't want to mess with actual paint. A computer is the superior tool for making visual art.

>> No.3546564

for me is
>stop shitposting on /ic/
>go on /a/ drawthreads

>> No.3546688
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This thread is full of shitposts,I'll share what I've learned and actually helped me.
Basically we need all the energy we can get out of out bodies

>You have to want it and be hungry for it(art podcasts help with this)
>DON'T MASTURBATE(do it monthly)
>drink 1,5L of water daily
>Take cold showers(Scottish showers if you are a pussy)
>Work out 3 times a week (30min is enough)
>coffee is good but don't get addicted to it ( its hard not to I know)
>KNOW WHEN TO TAKE BREAKS,if you get frustrated do something else or go outside( obviously don't play video games or start watching movies)
>make a schedule and follow it
I haven't figured the social part yet,I got rid of all my friends and my gf broke up with me.I now have no one but I'm more productive than ever. It does suck but I could not see myself putting time into socializing while putting grinding on hold.

>> No.3546717

bretty much same boat here frend except I do masturbate and I am addicted to coffee.

Really most important is to follow schedule

>> No.3546719

Get out of the house. Motivation is 90% environment.

>> No.3546724

>>3546514 this is hard
Thanks guys ill try these out probly except the no fap thing
I cant turn off my computer, its where i draw but yeah i get what you mean
Haha its weird

>> No.3546727

This is too hard for me

>> No.3546731
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not OP but. how to build up patience? i tend to want my drawings done with as quickly as possible.

>> No.3546732

Yeah only masturbating once a month is hard at the start, but you'll get used to it and believe me it's crazy how much more shit you get done and how much more motivated you are even after one week

>> No.3546844

what is with you faggots and your god damn campaign against jerking off?

It's so god damn weird.

I mean, you don't HAVE to watch me. You can like, look away you know.

>> No.3546858

I'm not saying masturbating is bad, but it has benefits to only to it once a week or month, especially if you work out.

>> No.3546879

what are some podcasts that you'd recommend? I only know savvy painter.

>> No.3546997

Go to bed at 10pm and wake up at 6am. Only spend 20 minutes drinking coffee or green tea, if you do that, and eating breakfast. Force yourself to sit at your desk and get started working.

>> No.3547003

Nice mental gymnastics you cuck, I'm cumming all over your waifu while you draw

>> No.3547004

This. I've followed a lot of these tips for a while (except for nofap) and it's kept me producing work on a constant basis yearly. Gotta be careful with the social aspect though, Naturally as artists we tend to isolate ourselves and sometimes this can actually help us get the work done, but it can also cause your mental health to deteriorate. Hope you find a better social circle anon!

>> No.3547010

how do podcasts make one more hungry? sounds like something an enthusiastic high schooler would say.

>> No.3547046

it will make you more enthusiastic. he doesn't mean it will literally make you hungry, anon.

>> No.3547095
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>> No.3547097

Not that anon, but I’ve been listening to Chris Oatley’s podcasts. He talks with industry pros (mostly in animation) and they talk about their failures, how they made it to where they are, and just about being in the industry and creating art.

I’ve also been listening to the art side of life because she interviews a variety of artists on her podcast.

Listening to other artists talk has motivated me. It has let me know that I can be an artist and to not give up through all the failure. I know it should be a no brainer, but it is inspiring to know how other people pushed through. I would highly recommend them to anyone.

>> No.3547103


Why would it not? Listening to pros in the industry is always motivating.

Can't finish one episode of the Collective Podcast without wanting to crunch 5 hours of art

>> No.3547112
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guys not fapping and exercise are the most important ones! I'd say try it for 1 month and see for yourselves.

Dan's and Rapoza's "Acceptable Comics "
Some of Ash Thorps " The collective podcast"
"One Fantastic Week" with Pete Mohrbacher and Sam Flegal

Take all of these with a grain of salt,some great stuff but also some things that you should not bother listening to lol
I didn't know savvy painter but I'll give it a listen!

yeah pretty much >>3547046
it's not hard to loose track of things and where you want to be.Also makes you realize other artists went and are going trough the same shit we are

>> No.3547147


I always found pretty much every single collective podcast great, what about it you think is not worth listening to?

>> No.3547166
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femanon here
why is it so hard for the rest of you to not fap on the daily?

>> No.3547182

Because for a lot of them it realeases a quick shot of dopamine, and it's difficult not to crave it when you are tired or bored.
I don't fap daily now but for periods I do, and I think all of these /r9k/ memes of how not faping will improve your life are retarded unless you were wasting 4 hours a day masturbating.

>> No.3547184
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>Listening to other artists talk has motivated me
>Also makes you realize other artists went and are going trough the same shit we are

usually listening to living artists makes me depressed by how bad and naive their lives are. there's practically nothing to relate to. their perspective always comes off somewhere between a year of forced art history for the credits and philosophy 101. you can find more inspiration listening to a bunch of scientists talk, as they seem to enjoy structure and beauty over being desperately clever or skillful.

>> No.3547186

I sort of agree,but fro instance,he had some feminist animator on that gave an 1 hour rant about gamergate and how men do this and that.
Then Ash,after mentioning "muh daughter" on every single episode reveals she is his stepdaughter ,not his biological daughter ( nothing wrong with that ,but the way he talked about bringing her up and so one made it weird imo)
But it's a great podcast

that's just how young men are I guess
A lot of the urges settle down after 10 days of not masturbating,but It's a constant struggle to keep your lizard brain silent

>> No.3547189


Hormones ting. Plus the typical short-term-reward-system dopamine releasing addiction that people have with many things.


I mean there's no evidence to support that it actually does anything physiologically so it's pretty retarded technically speaking, sure, but people use it as a sort of stepping stone to get their shit together. The change in mentality that makes you commit to being disciplined enough like that is exactly the same kind of mentality that will direct you towards other productive habits and activities.

Look up habit chaining

>> No.3547191


Haven't listened to all of them but somehow suspected it would be about politics. Oh well. The rest of it is fantastic as far as i know though

>> No.3547192

what's this nonsense
>drawing without constantly googling refs
it's like coding with no internet

>> No.3547203

It's not political at all. Just that one episode.
Which is surprising because he is from Hawaii ,living in California ,working for Hollywood.

>> No.3547223

yeah that's why it surprised me that you mentioned some of it is not worth listening to. Was wondering if there were some unruly guests or something

>> No.3547239

>mfw i have a gf
Should i break up with her to be more productive in art? I tend to get really frustrated after hours of grinding anatomy

>> No.3547292

not that guy but you're ngmi

>> No.3547422

Never heard it called a Scottish shower before and I live in Scotland, thanks for teaching me something new

>> No.3547858

wtf? no.

>> No.3547921

It comes with time. For longer works maybe just put them aside if you're not feeling it and return to them the next day

>> No.3548134

Why are Asian girls so attractive?

>> No.3548483

make yourself accountable to someone else. start a blog, get a few follows. It will pressure you into wanting to post there to keep it alive. or go into draw threads and start fulfilling requests. You'll have a reason to start and finish a piece because your not doing it for yourself, your doing it for someone else. That's what works best for me.

>> No.3549293
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>> No.3549324

>gay for not wanting to touch dick


>> No.3549332

panties look nice

>> No.3549342

they arent - you just look at the beauty top5% of their population

>> No.3549372

turn off the internet while you work. get all your reference & podcasts/background noise beforehand and then unplug that shit. have prescheduled break points designed around how long you can hold focus & draw deliberately. the goal should be to avoid mindlessly noodling.
be sure to stretch/exercise throughout the day

>> No.3549376

>tfw having fun drawing
>only fap once a month so every fap actually feels amazing and you cum tons
>fit because i work out and the increased testosteron from no fap helps even more
>everyone else is just screaming and calls everyone a cuck
You'd be surprised how much 30-40 minutes of workout every 2 days can do and how many hours you save by not fapping each day.

>> No.3549667

>once a month
how do you maintain focus and not get so horny you can't concentrate? i wanna fap less but i feel like i'm losing productivity from being so pent up
also curious about your workout program desu

>> No.3551417

That looks like the anime girls that get posted around here as an example of irrealistic and simplistic body that doesn't require you to study anatomy beforehand to draw it. Good lord she's perfect

>> No.3552664
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>> No.3552683
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messed up the arm positioning and don't feel like fixing it lol

>> No.3552866

she's probably photoshopped out the wazoo

>> No.3553997

Does any good Samaritan out there happens to know her name?

>> No.3554031
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>> No.3554537

You know, I gotta admit, I'm a lazy fuck and don't have a workout routine, but that post workout high feels better than cumming. Seeing the veins on my arms pulsing, and feeling the tightness of my muscles as if they're just barely held in check by my skin is fucking amazing. On top of that, just mentally knowing that I pushed my body to its current limit feels great too. Kinda reminds me of when I push past my plateau after jumping back into drawing after stopping for a while.

Does not fapping actually increase testosterone and alleviate mood swings? I'd legit put in effort to control my dick if it meant I could be more productive in general.

>> No.3554542


>> No.3554584

Good job Mr Ducky.

>> No.3554929
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>> No.3554947


>> No.3556008


>> No.3556590

Make it a habit to do at least one study before every creative work. Get up early, take a cool shower, and don't do anything else until you've completed one drawing. Your body and mind will really fight to resist, but if you can stick to this for two months, you'll build all the discipline you need.

>> No.3557023

Just doodle when ever you can, itll become second nature.
When you hit a block practice with whats around you

>> No.3557349

Most people have hypothyroid these days which would explain why people are "lazy".
When you have hypothyroid, your hormones are out of balance and I don't have to tell you how powerful hormones are.

You will NEVER win against what your hormones make you do, never.
You can say allll the stuff you want to try to force yourself to make you do something that you want to do, but you will simply never ever win against your hormones.
Want to know why people can't lose fat even though they are eating good?

Guys are losing their hair and are also set up for a heart attack 4 times higher than normal because of the increase of cholesterol that comes from having hypothyroid.
It is a serious medical condition which fucks up your hormones and going around saying "I WILL DO(Insert activity here) TODAY!! is never going to make you "unlazy".

>> No.3557354

Lift weights. Gives you tons of energy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GhSwihMeXxk

>> No.3557833


>> No.3558446

Join an artfag discord... :3

>> No.3558599

James Bond takes em

>> No.3558734

think about how that girl will never fuck you unless you're a master artist.

>> No.3558778

there's tons of prostitutes who like just like that, not even in asia because they're imported sex slaves

>> No.3558800

But the prostitute will love you if you're a master artist.

>> No.3560631

Kim Jung gi Masturbates.

>> No.3560684

that's kinda silly considering Kim Jung Gi masturbates a lot according to his own interview. I guess most of the advices in this thread are by non-artists

>> No.3560689
