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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 620 KB, 503x515, ethan becker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4262838 No.4262838[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.4262847


>> No.4262878

He hates Proko which makes him based in my books.

>> No.4262887

His technical advice is good but the vhs schtick is overdone and his his personal work is kind of cringe.

>> No.4262888


>> No.4262894

He's a /beg/ that talks a lot of shit, a bit like d'angelo wallace.

>> No.4262911


>> No.4262915

cringe retard

>> No.4262922

slow month, ethan?
i remember when you used to post here. not sure why you'd bother coming back

>> No.4262923

>used to post here
Good joke. Like if anything but coomers and ngmi browse this shithole.

>> No.4262926

D'angelo doesnt even count as an art channel anymore.

>> No.4262929

Ethan actually draws. D'Angelo obsesses over racist 9-year-olds nowadays.

>> No.4262977

>actually following him
kek, obsessed

>> No.4262989

This guy is trying to be the Pewdiepie of art Youtube. And it's not gonna work because too many people do art and he's gonna end up triggering some big tumblr artist and get canceled.

>> No.4262999

he already triggered ModernDayJames
i actually found it hilarious

>> No.4263009

art is ok, persona is cringe

>> No.4263012

>hating someone online is so dope anon!

phew hehe anon

>> No.4263017

>Like if anything but coomers and ngmi browse this shithole.
so.. just like him? lol

>> No.4263019

It is, you bitch ass faggot. Proko can't draw yet pretends to be an art teacher but everyone is afraid to call him out on it. Atleast he does it.

>> No.4263021

art is shit, ok advice, not worth my time watching

>> No.4263025

this guy is /ic/ personified. it's very obvious he used to post here.

>> No.4263027

>Not hating someone
>Saying that on 4chan
Go back to discord, reddit, or where ever hug box you came from. NGMI

>> No.4263057
File: 1.36 MB, 342x316, 1356487365.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pewdiepie of art Youtube.

eh that doesn't make sense; first artists are not really charismatic or interesting and the whole community of interested ppl is not that large, neither are they enthusiastic compared to other stuff like gaming etc. Secondly pewdiepie is at least a likable person and doesn't throw with feces at random mutuals just to farm attention

the only thing you see on yt for "art" is proko and that pink haired bimbo who sometimes somehow show randomly up and get some clicks. d'niggelo and this faggloid barely show up which means yt is doing it's job. Bucci is pretty based tho and I guess the cubebrush guys stuff is decent

>> No.4263059

ok bitch, next time don't out yourself that easily you retard faggot lel

>> No.4263062
File: 5 KB, 429x80, legit idiot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just go back.

>> No.4263071

yikes how can someone even unironically watch up-their-ass faggots

it's usually these semi-begs who try making it as an artist for a few years and after they've failed to generate any heat they resort to being le edgy shitposters and truthspitters, so they can at least get a few of the underage toxic followers into their pond lmao

>> No.4263074

>being this much of an retarded newfag

>> No.4263080
File: 989 KB, 1280x720, 1575399860685.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is from his Tumblr QnA
>From about 12 to 18 I read nothing but holocaust books. This is probably one of my cornerstones. After seeing one film about sex trafficking I spent months watching documentaries on the subject, and did the same with molestation and survival stories- it’s just something that interests me, and I guess that’s what it came down to- what interests you? It doesn’t have to be anything complicated, but allow yourself to delve deeper intowhyit interests you.
>I’ll admit, at such a young age, the Holocaust (the Jewish Holocaust) only interested me because of the violence and death. I liked how dark it was- I destroyed toys and drew bloody pictures- it was something I could relate to because young kids can be pretty destructive sometimes. But after spending years of reading and understanding, I began to get to the real questions and the stories underneath. That’s just an example of how my interest in one thing (violence) turned into my interest in something so much more productive (spreading stories that put people outside of themselves).

>> No.4263084
File: 274 KB, 720x1280, 1575383038586.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of his work is pretty kino and his Tumblr is quite funny
>Delinquent 41555:Helped establish and run her father’s sex trafficking syndicate at age 11. She was arrested years after he sold her to a client.- Life sentence
>Delinquent 545432: After inciting a race war, she and her father ran an illegal arms trafficking ring, supplying weapons to both sides. At age 17, she killed him to become the sole proprietor.
>**Delinquent 47593: She’s been bailed out of jail 27 times by her wealthy father. Her 4 other siblings were disowned.
>Delinquent 90908: at age 9, she began stealing from her neighbors to pay off her sister’s medical bills- at 15, she was stealing from the wealthier bordering town- four years later, she runs an embezzling operation that covers multiple wealthy divisions.

>> No.4263085
File: 53 KB, 386x460, 1567124603352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know how Proko always tries to act extroverted but is always spilling spaghetti and making others uncomfortable?

This dude is that, but instead of being an awkward beta, he's a sociopath normie, a social parasite with no soul or morals, trying to wear a human skin.
And that somehow is even more annoying.

Not to mention his zoomer style of scatterbrained "information".

>> No.4263096

>This dude is that, but instead of being an awkward beta, he's a sociopath normie, a social parasite with no soul or morals, trying to wear a human skin.
I think you are erexagerating. Most people in the world aren't social parasites (and the people here are no exception either). Also how the hell does he have no morals? Is it just because he likes to act extroverted?

>> No.4263155

>Also how the hell does he have no morals?

>> No.4263166

Oh yea that

>> No.4263183

>an retarded
>retard faggot lel

>> No.4263193

Proko is shit

>> No.4263196

A faggot I never want to see in my. YouTube recommendations. Watched half of a video from him and it was unbearable

>> No.4263233

>doesn't throw with feces at random mutuals just to farm attention
That's how you interpret his videos where he playfully calls out other artists? This is incel level of fragility

>> No.4263254

This is why people shouldn’t leave their hugboxes, but for some reason sensitive fags keep coming here. Like the one you talked about.

>> No.4263312

If he did a video actually explaining the topic and demonstrating it would probably be good. But he goes of track and Larps too hard. so he's the focus rather than the art

>> No.4263424

>Also how the hell does he have no morals? Is it just because he likes to act extroverted?
Nigger have you seen the way he's "ironically clickbaiting" to get a following?

>> No.4263455

what's the under/over for him to release a course?

>> No.4263474

kek the only difference between ethan and d'angelo is that ethan actually draws. both are shitty youtube personalities who rely heavily on clickbait.
i'd actually give d'angelo credit for being less cringe than ethan. he knows when to dial it back in vs ethan who is the type guy who makes penis jokes at funerals.

>> No.4263482

How is any of his advice credible if his art looks like shit?

>> No.4263488

Majority of /ic/ artwork is shit yet they still give advice

>> No.4263526

It is likely mutually beneficial.

>> No.4263557

At the collective good's expense, so fuck anyone giving him the audience.

>> No.4263648

Personality can be a bit obnoxious, but definitely more charismatic/interesting compared to the majority of artists who are low confidence and always put themselves down.

>> No.4264418

What about Andrew Tischler?