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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 58 KB, 1229x1160, confess.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4851038 No.4851038 [Reply] [Original]

Have a confession to make as an artist or a d/ic/k? Air your dirty laundry here.

Keep it art related, or related to the hobby/lifestyle/career/education of art.

>> No.4851047


>> No.4851086

Each time i think i finally grasped my projects the way i want, i stumble upon another faggot with something similar and it makes me to throw and burn everything.

>> No.4851097

i’ve been /beg/ for 5 years

>> No.4851111

Sometimes i wonder if i will GMI or if im deluding myself.I never went to an art college and this worries me because i always thought and kept believing that there might be some advanced art secrets that are not shared randomly

>> No.4851124

I think my boss browses this board. I'm not 100% sure, but I saw a thread on here about some internet-art-scandal bullshit and then I saw the exact same topic crop up on his Twitter a couple days later. He's a freelance artist with a day job, so it's absolutely not a stretch to catch him on here. I have no idea what to do with this information.

>> No.4851140

Blackmail him for a raise, obviously.

>> No.4851146
File: 215 KB, 1699x700, work.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took a break and haven't done art in months and my mental health is better than ever

>> No.4851150

I haven’t grinded fundies or read Loomis.

>> No.4851159

I bought Alphonso Dunn's book after the plagiarism scandal. Don't even use ink.

>> No.4851161

Give it a shot.You might have fun.

>> No.4851166

I'm losing interest in art because I got some twitter "friends" who keep asking me to draw their oc and I'm too shy to say no, and they're the cunning type, they try to get me into a conversation and by the middle of it they come with "so I have this really great idea for a drawing" and i be like oohh really? And then I end up with an unwanted request

Now I announced a hiatus but they keep sending me PMs and I'm trying ignore, but I really don't know how will I cope when I feel like coming back, I'm desperate to get back to drawing but I don't want to draw to them

>> No.4851170

Just draw and ignore them. Or learn to say no.

>> No.4851178


How is it? Worth the price? I've been wanting to buy some physical books for a couple of months now and Dunn's channel is pretty comfy.

>> No.4851183

It's a genuinely beautiful book. I've never held a book and admired its graphic design before. If you're interested in ink drawing it seems like a really good choice, informative but not overwhelming like Guptill's book.

>> No.4851192

I tried once, they always manipulate me to the point of saying "yes", so I'm avoiding talking to them, because when I get a request I can't stop thinking that it's my duty to do it.
I'm considering opening comissions even though I don't have many followers just as a form of intimidation and to give me an excuse to not draw for free.

>> No.4851194


Based. Thank you, anon. I'm gonna grab a copy from Amazon so they'll ship it to me quick.
Its funny you should mention Guptill. I was looking at that massive tome a couple weeks ago and thinking about just how daunting it looked. Beautiful, but far too much for me to absorb at once.

>> No.4851196

I get a weird feeling those "friends" of yours aren't friends, and just want stuff.I might be wrong though since i'm an outsider and i don't know how your relation with them is going.Personally if i was in such situation i would just try to get the fastest way out of it if i was used for free doodles.

>> No.4851228
File: 360 KB, 479x487, 1592227487180.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in a similar situation with a friend that keeps asking for designs for their shitty ass furry garbage since they know I'm on my art grind and drawing allthe time anyway. My work around is to shit out a flat color sketch and keep it pushing since they aren't paying me anything. No guilt, no drama, and minimun time dedicated to terrible drawing, hell do it as a warm up to your actual workload if you're really feel the relationship is worth keeping, or just tell them to fuck off altogether if it's not.

>> No.4851245

i never read loomis

>> No.4851251

This anon gives a good advice.

>> No.4851465

I don't even draw, i just collect pirate artbooks as an extension of my data hoarding.

>> No.4851467

This is a weird question but what's your Twitter handle? I'm curious to see your artwork and you seem to have the problem I have with it being hard to say no.

>> No.4851546

Bruh, just charge money. That’ll either make them go away or put money in your pocket.

>> No.4851553
File: 860 KB, 2083x2083, twisted sketches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I almost completely lost my motivation to make art for 2 or 3 months. Only recently has it begun to return.

I think it's because I had to bite the bullet and get a normie job, and since the world is so screwed right now, I was happy to have that, that I kind of went into survival mode. All I've been doing is working and slacking off/playing vidya when I get home.

Probably doesn't help that I'm in California, which is still like, 70% shut down, so I don't have anywhere to go and sit and draw, unless it's outside, in 117 degree weather...

>> No.4851554


Both of these posts are good.

>> No.4851555
File: 299 KB, 854x1600, Kazumasa+Uchio-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm hiding an average of 112-127 threads per day whenever I visit /ic/.

>> No.4851557

just stop visiting. Place is getting progressively worse anyways.

>> No.4851562
File: 42 KB, 430x489, 1580392873424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i make copies of photos and call them "studies"

>> No.4851607
File: 85 KB, 1600x926, Piotr Jabłoński-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I managed to leave 4chan for about 4+ years prior to the Pandemic, but dammit, now that I cant even loiter outdoors, I have nowhere to be.
I know its sad, but with most social media heavily commercialized and ephemeral, there's precious few places where I can post about art, or anything really.
I've had a Pixiv account for the longest, but I cant speak Japanese.

>> No.4851609

I can't stop fucking around on the internet long enough to draw and I hate it

>> No.4851620

I've been /beg/ for 6 years, pushing on 7 soon

>> No.4851622

This office looks like it turns you suicidal

>> No.4851627

i'm still beg and i'm about to turn 25.
considering suicide unironically

>> No.4851628

I'm about to turn 28 and am >>4851620
You should at least wait with suicide until you reach my place

>> No.4851645

Lot of us did go to art college and are now worse off because of it. Feels like not a single penny I make will ever actually be mine. There were no secrets, no holy art texts being passed around. You go to one class, draw/paint a nude figure for a couple hours, go to another class, paint some blocks and bottles or whatever, go to an art history course where you retain anywhere from 0-10% of what you're learning because your mind is overloaded with what you're going to do for your thesis project, work your shitty food job a couple nights a week to pay rent on your shitty apartment, run out of time to work on art, get drunk a few times, fall in and out of love, sleep for an hour a night, and repeat. And when it's all over, you'll be burnt out and more broke than ever. Art college. Don't bother. Look at the art you like, learn what you like about it, and try to do that in a new way. You don't need to drop 30k to have pretentious fucks tell you everything you could learn on your own time.

>> No.4851666

They don't teach you anything, they just check tickbox tasks to the lowest standard and give you a degree.

>> No.4851668

I keep drawfagging but never really improve

>> No.4851676

I signed up for a figure drawing session so I could see some real titties, I'm too much of an autist to get along with women like a normal person and I thought using my drawing hobby as an excuse would be a good idea.

On the plus side, the girls I've seen there were cute and it actually helped me a lot with drawing.
But I still feel a bit of shame because of the intentions I had in the first place.

>> No.4851683

last time i tried to nolife and grind to the top, my favorite imageboard got killed and i had to come back to this hellhole.
rip /cuteboys/ ;_;
places like picarto and pixiv sketch can be pretty comfy if you find the right streams/ artfriends to chill and talk shit with
go sketch outside.

>> No.4851703

oh I am not alone, also 28 here, my plan is to be able to make money with comissions or however before I turn 30, only after that I consider ending myself

>> No.4851707

I´ve interviewd for concept art jobs at tripple A studios.
They love rhe work but I lack in studio experience.
All this work to end up there in a brand new industry

>> No.4851714

I've been focusing too much on studying for University and doing work rather than studying fundies or even just normal drawing. Because of this I've been /beg/ for the last two years. In that time I've barely completed any actual drawings. I have noticeably improved, but considering how dogshit my initial drawings are, that's not saying much.

>> No.4851731

I cum here only to coom

>> No.4851741

I can't figure out an appealing style

>> No.4851742

absolutely making it
i feel you brother

>> No.4851773

It'll come naturally if you just focus on gitting gud.

>> No.4851847

You can't say no because you know them in real life?,this is a golden opportunity,now that we are all quarantined you should tell them:
1-you have to give me money
2-i wont draw your requests
(you won't be able to do it face to face probably)

If those people are just your internet friends i don't think it is just shyness your problem.

>> No.4851856

Any art priest in this thread? It seems like no one is being forgiven for their sins

>> No.4851862

I was you at age 19 on ic and said I would kill muself at age 25 if I didn’t make it. I’m now 26 and look, still alive. I pushed the date to 30 and then I’ll really consider it. For now I’m going to take that Japanese advise and draw 1000 pages copying out of good books.

>> No.4851900

I don't care about making it or getting good with art anymore.

I just draw for fun now and art has been much more enjoyable for me.

Not struggling to draw the perfect loomis head. Not worrying about getting a career in art. There's no way I'd want to be an artist full time.

I'm not popular on Twitter and I'm thankful for it. I bet the amount of bullshit and spergs asking for stuff or demands is unbearable.

>> No.4851932
File: 29 KB, 128x128, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's up

and why would you go from cuteboys to ic?

>> No.4852436
File: 21 KB, 612x407, 7E89F8B4-C560-4E4A-815E-F7F2711CC552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can you be a /beg for several years? Even if you don’t do any structured study you’ll brute force into improvement as long as you’re drawing with some regularity. Unless you draw but don’t look at your work with a critical eye ... ever. But I don’t see how it’s possible to remain at the same level for years so long as you practice.

>> No.4852469

it was actually one of the happiest times in my life, just to have an office desk at a workspace like that

>> No.4852489

Based and gmi

>> No.4852548

I really enjoy oil painting but I am terrified to do it. I paint once every 4 months. I just can't get over it.
I've been wanting to learn to draw better so I can become a better painter. But I keep delaying it. It's been years now. I come to /ic/ once every few months to try and find motivation.

>> No.4852559

just fuck up canvases and oil.
Anything you make is better than nothing bro.

>> No.4852604

I know.. I have dreams of painting like the old masters but I don't even paint. I fucking hate myself.

>> No.4852608

I trace. Only a little bit, but damn does it help.

>> No.4852610
File: 414 KB, 1920x1611, kwon-pmo-4-zombie vaccine hunter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>places like picarto and pixiv sketch can be pretty comfy

I'll have to try those. Thank you, anon.

>> No.4852655
File: 190 KB, 285x329, 1594270327376.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 30 and im still /beg/ the answer for why and how its possible is quite simple: You get hard stuck in drawing one style/limited subject matters , you don't have resources most of your life so you're just doing it all on you own, or when you do flat out don't study, you aren't putting in the hours if studying, ylu serlcerly underestimates how much you are drawing, you mindless grinding short term because you're a hobbyist with no higher goal, and life happens. The only upside is that you ability to pick up new art techniques when you do decide to take art seriously is in my experience quite fast as you're already accustomed to drawing and have the fine motor skilled to do so compares to a true beginner that pick up a pencil a year ago.

>> No.4852722

I don't want to draw anymore, or do anything at all really. Don't know what happened.

>> No.4852825

I spent my entire life self-taught and full of shit about my skill level. Just because I was the best artist all throughout school doesn't mean I'm good enough to enter a prestigious art school, it just meant that everyone around me sucked.

Those same art kids who I looked down upon ended up going to college for art. Now they are so much better than I am and I totally got my just-desserts.

I have the line confidence, I have my own style, but the fundamentals are garbage. My artwork is just a polished turd. I'm turning 25 soon and the only realistic option for me is to grind on my own while working my shitty desk job.

>> No.4852839

How can people avoid being you guys? No offense.

>> No.4852842

just draw

>> No.4852879

I used to trace most of my commissions, I really hate drawing I'm only in it for the money.

>> No.4852883

Do you at least make a living with it?

>> No.4852889

just read the big sticky and draw everyday

>> No.4853376

I was thinking I'd just draw porn of his likeness and post it on the board until he recognized himself and was creeped out by somebody clearly stalking him

>> No.4853423

Fuck you're literally me. The only difference is that I got a minimum wage job, but its only 6 hours long so I probably got more time for practice

>> No.4853507
File: 178 KB, 540x720, 1597865004602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has shitty habit of leaving a lot of tabs open
>forced to segregate the art relevant stuff (art refs, tutorials, etc.) from everything else
>goes on a pixiv binge and loses track of them
>out of sight, out of mind, never gets anything done

>> No.4853516

I only ever draw SFW furry art and have done some paid work in the past but I’m increasingly tempted to open a stealth NSFW account to see if I land some easy commissions.

>> No.4853593

I unironically love looking at bad art on deviantart.
What I mean by bad art, I am talking about it being comparable to my current art skill or worst. Then when I see its a stupid fucking teenager or kid. I get excited for them. Man they have soul, more importantly they have hope. I try to remember what it was like to have hope. Its been so long.

>> No.4853607

i actually like having chicken scratches on my work

>> No.4853634
File: 14 KB, 511x288, images (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I try to remember what it was like to have hope. Its been so long.

>> No.4853635
File: 20 KB, 331x445, images (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4853654

sometimes I don't turn off my sketch layer because the messy strokes look better than whatever shitty lineart I put on top of them

>> No.4853661

is traditional chicken scratching excused?

>> No.4853744 [DELETED] 

>drawing any furry art on your main account
This small mistake will bite you hard in the ass one day without warning

>> No.4853807

actually examine what you're doing and think about it.
>hmm this doesn't look quite right, why is that?
>maybe if this was placed over here- ah yeah, that looks a bit better, but still off somehow
>maybe i need more fundie grinding to really get a grasp on it
>maybe if i visualize the contour/form on the paper before my hand moves, my hand will follow the shape in mind
these 5 year /beg/gars never think this. they don't think about it at all. they just mindlessly grind through drawings, mindlessly grind through exercises, symbol draw all day without putting any thought or foresight into 3D and how it feels naturally. they don't put in the work and effort, they just go through the motions hoping to improve, without mentally doing anything. realizing what you're doing wrong and analyzing why it went wrong, and how you wont go wrong next time is most of the game. meanwhile these brainlets move yet another line across the paper never realizing that they have to ask themselves why they do so.

>> No.4853814

you're tired anon. stop cooming, stop abusing drugs, sleep fully without setting an alarm, smile more at little things, imagine yourself 5 years down the line. it will come back to you.

>> No.4853821
File: 63 KB, 942x500, D9B63555-3D29-4A18-8FA1-7AE74354CAD4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im starting to hate myself because I lack creativity completely.
I grinded my fundies for so long and finally improved but now i have no fucking idea what to draw and everything i draw feels like im not pushing past my comfort zone and applying all the perspective and anatomy that ive learned. considering just drawing easy bullshit basic appeal of random characters to get clout

>> No.4853823

Creativity is a muscle anon. trust me. you CAN become more creative. Don't lose hope. Just use your creativity more and you'll find ideas can come to you instantly

>> No.4853836

I fucking love drawing.

>> No.4853853

Nice. I love you drawing as well anon.

>> No.4853856
File: 62 KB, 1024x752, 19B07679-CAEB-43A2-B335-4C9947F66F60.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

draw your dreams anon. last night i dreamt my whole extended family visited some abandoned amusement park and looked around the attractions. after rambling around a while we came to a short silver bus and got in. we were looking around and when we went to get out, we realized we were locked in. we ended up tearing the roof off and getting out that way. once we were out we realized the whole park was a trap set by a witch that wanted to kill us, and the bus was the trap. we ran from the witch, only to be cornered at the haunted house attraction. my cousin grabbed an object (uncertain) and hit the witch, who then deflated like a balloon. we all milled around laughing at the close call, then we switched over to the supermarket i used to work at. it was early in the morning and i was milling about the shopping cart pen, then looked at the bar next to the supermarket. i went into the bar and ordered a pizza, eating it while i got trashed with my old friends i haven't seen in years. we go outside and smoke cigarettes while the moon is rising over the mountain in the distance. a cold wind blows as one of the patrons needs help starting her car since the battery is dead. my friend gets in my truck to jump her battery, but burns out the tires first. then i wake up.

there are dozens of scenes to draw from this single night's dreams, anon. what do you dream? go ahead and draw them. if you don't have a conscious desire to draw something from your active imagination, draw your dreams, your sleeping imaginations. 100% original and unique.

>> No.4853859

i draw everyday but it feels like i don't actually have any kind of goals or even any reason to work towards something besides being incrementally better at drawing.
i don't want to work in a studio
i don't like twitter & don't even really want a following
i'm too autistic to make artfriends

>> No.4853872
File: 182 KB, 1000x707, 3794E9AF-D566-48CC-947F-EED73EE9A5ED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>something besides being incrementally better at drawing.
that's one half of the equation anon. take a look at other artist's works you enjoy, that really give you pleasure to look at. want to be them. want to make something just like that. no. something better. something tailored more to how you want it to look, want it to be. your goal is to be even better. do it faget

>> No.4853953

please dont end yourselves anons. regardless of how good your art is it is guaranteed to make at least 1 person happy, and thats all that matters

>> No.4854011

As in the infinichan cb? I know it's glory days finished in 2015 but didn't know it was killed off. Did admin get tired of people making fun of his weight gain? I thought it looked good on him.

Also good question. Was it for ref?

>> No.4854143

I'm a girl who draws what guys like.
I claim that it makes me "quirky" and "different" and "not like other girls". I claim that I do it because I just like it.
But that couldn't be further from the truth.
In actuality, I'm very lonely and just want guys to notice me. Guys like looking at boobs and butts, right?

>> No.4854147

>Guys like looking at boobs and butts, right

Not yours fatfuck

>> No.4854238
File: 281 KB, 850x1205, 1597346889659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feel like /v/'s better for that, unless you meant
>I cum here, only to coom.
in which case that is very relatable.

>> No.4854320

nah your just retarded and can't think critically. Art is not for everyone.

>> No.4854330

I never learned construction. Now what”

>> No.4854344

I'm the one drawing in pixel art thread.

>> No.4854465


>> No.4854517

>"quirky" and "different" and "not like other girls"
Yeah yeah every other girl with deep seated insecurities thinks she’s *****not like the other girls***** as if looking down on every other girl in existence makes them more appealing. Just makes you look desperate. Develop some self esteem and a personality that isn’t ‘I’ll do anything even if I hate it just for a scrap of validation’ and stop being retarded to please literal whos. Guys will notice you now but not the good kind; you’ll just attract fuckboys that are willing to bang a sad desperate sack of shit and bounce

>> No.4854647

I’m miserable whenever i think of all the work ahead of me if i wanted to make it. I’ve got almost no skills and no followers. Can’t pander to anything and have social issues.
Really hate art but can’t stop coming back to it.

>> No.4854820

Could you tell that to every other female coom artist who claims she's doing it "for herself"? Surely they all seem to have those same issues. They could use the advice
I'm just the only one who's willing to admit it.

>> No.4854916

I draw coom art because I'm a cumbrain who wishes I had a dick so I could fuck cute girls. Transitioning isn't real so I just draw instead.

>> No.4854924
File: 260 KB, 349x175, 6E16A5F9-08EB-4A92-A03B-7A731D167BED.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just doodled a furry OC, then drew her getting fucked, and I’m not even a furry. The stress of this existence seems to be crushing my mind underneath the pressure.

>> No.4854937
File: 151 KB, 500x281, D89D449E-3294-49E7-BC81-55070F1E1F65.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To clarify, I wasn’t even aroused whatsoever while doing it, but I find that drawing coomshit that doesn’t turn me on is actually enjoyable, it’s like a slow, methodical practice in which I’m trying to create an abstraction which I loathe. I just put stylus to screen and drew, without so much as thinking anything besides what colors to use and lighting

>> No.4854940

I mean a lot of female coom artists do have fun with their work. Many also only do it for the money and that is totally acceptable but you just have to be honest with yourself and not fall into the self deprecating/hating all other women trap. That usually requires some soul searching and life experience though.

>> No.4855180

I’ve finally formed a habit of drawing hours a day and became much happier with my life, my mental health has greatly improved, but I can never fully fight the strong feeling of deep shame, failure and injustice seeing someone six years younger being better than me. I‘m always about to tell myself that mental health is a huge privilege, but I know I’m just trying to excuse myself. I wish I could fight this feeling and stopped feeling like a worthless failure every time someone extraordinarily good has <24 written in their bio, but I don’t know how.

>> No.4855193

But how many of them have fun vs how many of them "have fun"?
All the ones I've seen that draw coom as girls seem to really want guys to notice them even if they won't admit it.

>> No.4855216

i'm working myself to death in art to repress being a tranny

>> No.4855222

How much do they draw attention to themselves vs. their work? I used to draw coom regularly until I burned out and realized I HATE attention on me, but I'm slowly getting back into it because I want people to see stuff I draw.

>> No.4855234

oh my god you are me

>> No.4855238

i have based the entirety of my art (that's a LOT of art) and my colossal fictional universe (which i am basing all of my work on) on the person i want to fuck

>> No.4855239

Why? How?

>> No.4855272

just used the person as a "muse" by which i mean a visual + thematic inspiration for the hero of my story, then crafted the whole story around that hero. my art is quite stylised so you can't tell. you can picture it like ilya kuvshinov who always draws the same girl although our art is very unalike (and his art is not my taste). oh well.

>> No.4855280
File: 76 KB, 1280x720, norris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you already made it anon

>> No.4855350


Didnt know Dante Alighieri was still in the art game. Nice.

>> No.4855430

I'm addicted to drawing Shortstacks.
Like, seriously addicted. Like I can't stop addicted. Like I ruined a relationship over it because I kept doing it in secret and making up excuses addicted. Years into this addiction I still feel the overwhelming urge to do it every day, nothing in my life has made me feel so passionate as drawing these stupid little cock goblins doing cute and slutty things. Everything else I've loved in life I eventually burnt out on, but not this. I'll do it til I die and I can't stop.
I originally wanted to be a great artist with strong fundamentals, to really develop a skill set that would get me respect or at the very least get me out of /beg/, and then one bored day I fucked around with anatomy and I just ended up with the right aesthetic to make my brain short-circuit I guess. I was struggling to practice every day before, years ago. To be disciplined and diligent. Now I have the opposite problem. I have to consciously, agonizingly will myself to do anything else than draw. If I lose track of time I may finish three complete and colored pieces in a single day.

How do I cure this sickness for the thickness

>> No.4855453

I mean a lot of them seem a little too content with men using them as shields. For example "It's not sexist if a woman drew it!"

>> No.4855604

I hate niggers in coom art or any porn in general. When I see niggers dick I just close the tab.

Damn I hate naked niggers.

>> No.4855634

first anon you quoted, here. my advice is the following
>draw everyday
i’ve suffered simply from giving up too often. it doesn’t matter what you draw, or how long. just train be it observation, perspective, line control, whatever
>actually learn shit
just about all of /ic/‘s recommenced teachers will give you the information you need. process that info correctly and don’t complain. use this place for critique when you’re stuck, even after days when it seems like no one wants to help
>don’t overwhelm yourself or lose focus
work on different fundamentals on different days to avoid getting bored. also take time to draw what YOU want to draw. if you like animals, study pics of animals. if weebshit is your goal, then study and learn what you can about your favorite mangaka. there’s no “i’m not ready yet.” the faster you start, the faster you’ll be where you want

>> No.4855636

I’m mostly larping when I make lonely and horny posts. I don’t really have trouble with women.

>> No.4855681
File: 141 KB, 828x766, 1599172188601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm holding myself back because I like this body type too much to deviate from it and as a result I suffocate my own growth, even though I aspire to turn it into a foundation to build off of.

I don't know what route to take to my style after when I finish mastering the fundamentals and the burn out is catching up with my pace.

>> No.4855861


Damn, I gotta remember to post some BBC in some of the more annoying threads around here. Thank you for the good idea, anon.

>> No.4855881

I can only find the motivation to draw when I'm on drugs. The good news is I'm on drugs a lot, but the bad news is that heroin is getting pricey

>> No.4855957

Post work for so many reasons.

>> No.4856013
File: 78 KB, 400x416, 1540153763994.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've ignored my s/o for 3 weeks at a time now. We have been dating for 3 years but he moved away during covid. I basically ignore him and go completely dark on him for weeks at a time and he sends me messages every few days and I never respond. I'm a fucking awful person. I'm so fucking terrible. I don't talk to anyone anymore I just shut myself in and draw and draw and draw for the whole day from the moment I wake up to when I sleep since covid started.
What the fuck is wrong with me.

>> No.4856014

i kill pepole for anatonmy ref

>> No.4856056

Instead of writing this post you could've just responded to him.
Open his latest message. Now.

>> No.4856060

This is the 5th time I’ve done this already. I message him apologizing so so so much about being terrible and then the next few days I begin ignoring him again. I really think I have a genuine problem outside of just this.

>> No.4856068
File: 128 KB, 1564x1564, 28235631_149496709058058_591528898666634257_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no job (I'm hunting, though), I'm on N33Tbux, I have no debt, and all the free time a wage slave could only dream of. Yet I spend most of it watching YouTube and not working on the things I've wanted to work on.

>> No.4856075

do you see his messages, laugh to yourself, then ignore him purposefully? Do you just not want to have a conversation? Or are you just so absorbed with your art you forget about him? Do you hate him?

>> No.4856115


>> No.4856122

oh no you are me.
i am so sorry

>> No.4856148
File: 127 KB, 384x512, 1349314398781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see his messages and ignore him purposefully. I do not really want to talk to anyone so I don't want a conversation. I am absorbed in my art but of course I can always have time to message people but I cant do it.
I'm sorry for you too

>> No.4856208

Why don't you talk to him and tell him what's up or come up with a schedule when to talk to him? Honestly, it just sounds like you're keeping him around because you have to.

Get your ADHD or whatever in order m8

>> No.4856231

>an artist found immerse popularity by drawing sexy girls and cool mecha
>kobe earth quake happened
>from that point on he mostly draw giant nigger dicks

Being a shirow masamune fan is pure suffering

>> No.4856281

is this a symptom of Adhd? i cant even keep up to any schedules at all because I'm a failure neet.

>> No.4856308

If you're hyperfocused on a task to the point where you ignore shit around you then it ((could)) be. Also the fact that your schedule is fucked could allude to that....

....or you could just be a retarded autist. Pick your poison anon

>> No.4856775

I don't really see myself anywhere 5 years from now, and I already do the other stuff, but thanks for the advice. I'll wait and see if it comes back.

>> No.4856878

Dave, that you?

>> No.4856890

Yes, ADHD is an impairment in executive functions of the brain.
>Activation: Organizing, Prioritizing and Getting Started on Tasks
>A student with deficits in this area of executive functioning has difficulty getting school materials organized, distinguishing between relevant and non-relevant information, anticipating and planning for future events, estimating the time needed to complete tasks, and struggles to simply get started on a task.

>> No.4857672

100 boxes my son

>> No.4857704

whassat do for my piece overall

>> No.4857769

What's that going to do for my piece so far?

>> No.4857771

just finish em dummy

>> No.4858008

I don't want to make money I just want to send drawings to people I like so they like me back

>> No.4858011

well you won't be drawing it for starters

>> No.4858062

send me a drawing qt

>> No.4858460

There is too much different artsyles I love, I can't settle for one

>> No.4858526

Good thing you found yourself a little baby dick simp. No real man would put up with your shit at all. Count yourself lucky you where born a woman.

>> No.4858527

I hate faggots like you that have to make know what you don't like. No one asked you insecure mongrel.

>> No.4858954

Pyw faggot

>> No.4859096


>> No.4859121

based, i was thinking of doing the exact same thing. how do you come up with so much creative subject matter based on one person?

>> No.4860785

Heavy guro and ryona is my guilty pleasure although I don't really draw it

>> No.4860798

What? Post examples.

>> No.4860839

Same, except i like cute nigger girls. But only in 2d

>> No.4862141

The world is going to end and I'm excited by that fact

>> No.4862148

art and artistic talent doesn't have to be the only reason for existence anon, if you find pleasure in it then that's good enough. if not then you should consider stopping

>> No.4862160

No one cares kys.

>> No.4862161

none of the male attention you will get from coom will be meaningful anon. you're going to be much happier if you take better care of yourself, work on your appearance, charisma. fitness etc and use those skills to make yourself more desirable to men. use the skills you already have to draw art you're really passionate about and stop drawing coom if it makes you unhappy

>> No.4862164

Go to therapy. Seriously. You already know you're addicted and it's interfering with your life

>> No.4862334

I spend more time collecting references rather than drawing even though I know how much of a detriment it is

>> No.4862337

i actively sabotage my artist GF's gains by giving her bad advice. She looks up to me like i know a lot, and she definitely has a lot of potential. she's been getting more and more frustrated with her art to the point that she told me it's making her feel suicidal that she's not getting anywhere.

maybe i'll throw her a bone, one day.

>> No.4864227

I was at figure drawing class and the girl was really cute and I had a boner the entire time to the point it even started leaking. I could barely speak to her during the break.

Please forgive me father!

>> No.4864255

My fit friend did the same thing to me with bodybuilding advice. One day she'll find out you were lying to her, and she won't trust you again. You're really going to lose her if you keep doing this

>> No.4864298

I have aphantasia

>> No.4864351

It takes me twice as long to take notes as it does for me to listen to a lecture. I write everything down and make diagrams everywhere.
It helps, but Im still looking for a way to streamline this process.

>> No.4865123

Stop lying.

>> No.4865138

They are not your friends you fool, fuck them, take care of yourself and value your time, they are taking advantage of you, can't you see it?

>> No.4865142

i don't even like people so why does it make me sad when i think about how don't have any friends?

>> No.4865145

How the fuck do you deal with this situation of being taken advantage of all the time?

>> No.4865149

It's just a primal human instinct/emotion dude, that's why. It doesn't mean jack shit, it's just hardwired into your DNA, so you can just ignore it.

>> No.4865160

You are scum, I hope you end up alone and hated for the rest of your life

>> No.4865163

You said yourself they are internet "friends", I'd understand being difficult if they were real life friends from many many years ago but you have literally nothing bad to lose from getting rid of those shitty internet randoms that are making your life worse

>> No.4865179

Do it

>> No.4865302

i think vanity is literally the only thing keeping me alive. i want to kill myself but i don't want to die as a failure

>> No.4865315

I wish that I had never heard of this board. All I can do these days is compulsively refresh the catalog and hate myself for not practicing while looking at art that's better than I could do in years.

>> No.4865318

go draw outside. unplug and commit to a certain number of hours a day that are purely dedicated drawing time, even if it's just one

>> No.4865377

Block the site, use a parental protection program if that's necessary, this problem has a very easy yet radical solution

>> No.4865711

A friend keeps drawing a character I used to love and now they drew them in the same clothes as one of my own original characters. I never do character stuff usually and it feels like they’re doing this stuff just to show off to everyone how much better they are than me.
I’m annoyed at myself that it doesn’t pump me up or make me all competitive. It just makes me feel sick and I want to avoid them. It kills my desire to draw too or at least to ever post my work again.

>> No.4865720

My advice would be to just shut out everyone else that tried to influence you or your progress and just work on improving yourself.
There are always people better than you out there, you shouldn't see them as a challenge to you. The only real challenge for you currently is your mindset.

>> No.4865861

>you don't have resources most of your life so you're just doing it all on you own
nice try but loomis has been up on archive since you were 20.

>> No.4865868

i started drawing shortstacks recently, there's something oddly satisfying about it.
thankfully I can quit any time i want.

>> No.4867860 [DELETED] 

I'm taking care of my child by drawing porn and furry stuff, then he noticed, and now is so uncomfortable and told everyone what I do.

>> No.4867864
File: 9 KB, 250x250, images (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm taking care of my child by drawing porn and furry stuff, then he noticed and told everyone in the family and friends, now is so uncomfortable being around.

>> No.4867893

holy crap are you me. Im ngmi but still got pestered with requests to a point where I couldnt do my own art. I suck at saying no :(
Now I dont post my art anywhere outside a small discord group. Ive stopped caring for praise and its helped me stay motivated to study and improve, but it is getting a bit lonesome.

>> No.4867907

Do you enjoy drawing porn or are you only in it for the money?

>> No.4867915
File: 956 KB, 1280x913, drink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I somehow left my sketchbook at the house of a tinder hookup. I lucked out and got ahold of her, so I can get it back today, but I'm pretty ashamed that I could leave something that important with someone I didn't even plan to speak to again

>> No.4867918
File: 7 KB, 234x154, 1600095774069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been drawing for 3 years almost daily. I just do sketches, my colouring is shit and i'm nowhere near where I thought i would be.

>> No.4867920

I enjoyed doing it as a hobby, but since the child arrived I do it for the amounts of money it makes. I can't do the same amount any other way.

>> No.4867921

Can't you be clear about that with your family, I know it's a difficult topic but sometimes making clear why you do it might ease some of the stress you have among your family.

>> No.4868055
File: 146 KB, 605x345, 1593724736462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bateman is a furry confirmed

>> No.4868090

I keep stocking images of beautiful women for future reference but deep down I know that it's just a way to justify searching for porn "productively".

>> No.4868312

I once posted someone's doxx and claimed they were a pedophile because they tried to pay me in exposure. He had to leave town.

>> No.4868750


>> No.4869691


I think he means someone didnt pay him for a commission, so he said the customer was a pedophile and posted his address online.

>> No.4872489
File: 204 KB, 1280x1807, 1590940664737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i ask people for crits & feedback on drawings that don't actually need it because i don't know any less autistic way to say "i like you and want you to talk to me please'

>> No.4872522

Uhhh just talk to them normally? "Hi, how are you?" is a pleasant way to start a conversation. People love to talk about themselves, so you just gotta tease that out of them.

>> No.4872524

Great idea. I'm stealing this.

>> No.4873110

I save refrences of peoples OC's incase I want to draw porn of them

>> No.4873114

Not that faggot but usually when someone tells you hi how are you that means they want something to gain from you nobody talks just for the sake of small talk either they're setting you up or you have something they want otherwise you wouldn't exist to them.

>> No.4873218

I get anxiety whenever I see an artist with a higher follower count than me who's roughly my age. I started drawing 2 years ago and I know I'm way in over my head, but I often feel like that I started too late and am gonna be washed into a sea of obscurity.

I know we're all gonna die one day and none of our legacies will matter in the long run, but why do I feel this way?

>> No.4873224

All I ever draw is rule34. I love it but I wish I could make my own characters. I wish I had the fortitude to make sexual comics with those OCs that looked consistent.

>> No.4873246

When it comes to making characters, make something you like, and try to personify it. I know it sounds stupid at first, but think about it. Do you like skateboarding? Make a character revolved around that concept. Everything else will fill in kinda like a domino effect once you start with a really simple premise.