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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 292 KB, 904x400, 1596640094218.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4995408 No.4995408 [Reply] [Original]

IF YOU ARE A /BEG/INNER IN ART, please use this thread to post pieces for critique or ask for advice. We should not have to make new threads or post in the Drawthread with our fundamental exercises.



1.-screenshot the image and post that instead

2.-change camera capture settings to something smaller

3.-send to computer and resize in picresize.com

There's a new (and cleaner) sticky in town! You can see it at:


Take your time, you can do it.

Previous Thread >>>4992216

>> No.4995414

me on the right

>> No.4995434

I prefer to just download coomer pics left and right and think "Damn I wish I can draw my own coomer pics".

>> No.4995463 [DELETED] 
File: 229 KB, 1024x739, sampsons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

member the sampsons?

>> No.4995473
File: 334 KB, 1542x522, egg two.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am reposting my egg

>> No.4995475
File: 47 KB, 640x480, 8C0F09D7-79BB-4081-A4A4-542907F77DE3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, I miss her.

>> No.4995488

You didn't listen to the last anon's advice? Soft brushes my dude

>> No.4995492

me in the middle

>> No.4995502
File: 30 KB, 410x328, hole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is me when I look back over my attempts to learn art

>> No.4995503

darn, thought i used a soft enough brush
i should use an airbrush for the entire thing then, right? and i shouldn't go back over some edges with hard round?

>> No.4995515

Look closely at the reference pic and ask yourself where you see the hard edges that you imitating. Looks more of a gradient to me. Try blending more, I think.

>> No.4995542

The more I look at this the more I realized I should have drawn it with the girl on the same screen like the end result here. I had it on two different monitors and I think that's why the idea is there but every single detail is wrong.

>> No.4995559

Also Jesus Christ how did I not know you could open two apps at the same time on an iPad. I’m so retarded.

>> No.4995598
File: 1.64 MB, 6071x6810, cigsarebadmmkay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Draw a smoking cigarette (from imagination) without using black lines or using the color black at all (in the finished product you can use in the sketch, but you might find it easier not to use black lol)

this will train to not use black lines in the final product

Then you can put a red NO sign to indicate whether you currently not smoke or you can leave it open if you are a smoker (no shame, i'm currently on day 2 of quitting)

and a friendly reminder that if you smoke weed there is a trade off, yes you gain some psychosis and access to mental illness you might not have otherwise activated, but your pineal gland (responsible for imagination and naive creativity) and various other parts regulating impulse control and maturity will suffer from having inhaling/vaping burnt plant matter into your brainz.

Even acid, a single drop can affect one for a lifetime. Unless you are borderline ready to pull the noose out/trigger think that you are affecting yourself for the rest of your life and that the only way out is through big pharma aka antipsychotics which suck.

No drug is without it's side effects. There will always be social stigma. Everything but food and sex is cigarettes. (former NEETscum)

>> No.4995599


>> No.4995603

The reference is the far left photo of the girl???

>> No.4995604

A decent size?

>> No.4995608

see >>4994521

>> No.4995620
File: 974 KB, 1361x1899, 20201113_161717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I know, it's cringe, I just want a little direction with the hands before I ink.

>> No.4995622

//The face too honestly, there's something off about it.

>> No.4995642
File: 2.14 MB, 1361x1899, beast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


my two cents for what its worth

>> No.4995647

Why does it feel like some days I just forgot completely how to draw? Whats the psychology behind this?

>> No.4995656

Maybe from trying something new?

>> No.4995657

Lack of experience

>> No.4995695

Bless you kind sir

>> No.4995698
File: 1.77 MB, 4032x2268, 20201113_140955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first attempt at organic forms since starting drawabox. Rate my neko.

>> No.4995703

cute pussy/Ur ma

>> No.4995706
File: 4 KB, 204x248, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My first attempt at organic forms since starting drawabox.

>> No.4995715

I'm gonna be a homie and remind you that I've been struggling with drawing for years and have been called sub-NGMI many times, with someone saying I'm the least talented guy on this board.

My drawabox studies have garnered me some of the only compliments I've received here and desu have felt like some of my only decent work after so many years of struggle. I'm confident that if you give it a shot, you'll produce similarly satisfactory results.

Talent is a myth, my friend. You're GMI.

>> No.4995718

Memory is based on connections and meaning, I guess some days you never go down the neural path of meaning that reminds you of how to draw.

>> No.4995722

gmi high skill if this is real.


>> No.4995724

You worry about GMI that's the first sign of NGMI.

>> No.4995763
File: 2.26 MB, 4032x2268, 20201113_150148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moar pussy

>> No.4995782
File: 429 KB, 900x597, 013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any feedback on the anatomy?

>> No.4995792
File: 68 KB, 957x643, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I came home drunk last night at 3am and drew this with a mouse in mspaint before I went to bed

>> No.4995798
File: 400 KB, 1200x900, bad cam sorry guys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

started studying morpho book and applied everything.
Is this fine.

>> No.4995812

Same problem as last time, it seems like you can’t feel the form. Everything is virgin stiff. Massive heads. Weird perspective. Like you have all the parts to a car but refuse to read the book on how to put it all together.

>> No.4995820

Can something like this work in real life?

>> No.4995822

It would be a huge mash of flab and skin everywhere and wouldn’t be nearly as photogenic as the drawing puts it out to be. God and I just be scared of bending my dick.

>> No.4995823

If everyone involved is Korean levels of flexible, yes.

>> No.4995826 [DELETED] 

Can someone please tell me what they think of muh pusseh?

My man.

>> No.4995830 [DELETED] 

>>4995408 (OP)
Can someone please tell me what they think of my pusseh?

My man.

>> No.4995831

I bended my dick when I was 12, now I have a sideways dick and women love playing with it

>> No.4995832
File: 49 KB, 426x928, 1596436260485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4 months and I don't dare to study construction, and it shows

>> No.4995833
File: 85 KB, 768x1280, IMG_20201113_164238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>4995408 (OP)
Can someone please tell me what they think of muh pusseh?

My man.

>> No.4995836

You're certainly more clean than I am. Line confidence is something I struggle deeply with.

>> No.4995838
File: 56 KB, 303x619, fuk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4995841
File: 100 KB, 600x600, Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei Fuura Kafuka 254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4995846
File: 231 KB, 557x843, cloth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

crit pls

>> No.4995848
File: 766 KB, 1234x831, Screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4995851

Thanks! Your kitties are cuter tho, desu
>line confidence
it took me 90 minutes and the first 30 i used the eraser as much as the pencil. my lines are usually scraggly and crooked starting out, but once my had warms up i get more confident. also, i use a set of drawing pencils, starting with higher density 2H or 4H then selectively darken areas with HB or B.

>> No.4995853

your getting some of the proportion wrong, like the head is too small for that body. Other than that keep up the study and you'll learn it.

>> No.4995855

lol i kept forgetting to add pic related
>AD fucking D

>> No.4995859
File: 238 KB, 913x788, 145.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I got some amazing advice yesterday, does this head look better? does anything stand out as awful?

>> No.4995861

"Walk Slowly, but Never Backward"

>> No.4995862

whole head is out of perspective

>> No.4995863

Certainly looks quite good. Remember though that lips do not have hard outlines.

>> No.4995867
File: 700 KB, 648x1080, IMG_20201109_190333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else use crayons sometimes?
>inb4 underage banned
>inb4 they're tasty

because you'll make progress AND you won't trip and spill all your spaghetti.

>> No.4995868

no way that is his dick. it looks more like he is siting on the face of the dick owner.

>> No.4995872

clothes are a real mess, what is she wearing on her waist? The perspective is a little weird it looks like she is leaning forward but only from the waist up also the arms look a little too long.

>> No.4995873
File: 544 KB, 564x752, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks man, i think when i sketch i prefer the look rather than the implication like pic related but its kind of hard when i dont really render or shade

>> No.4995875
File: 114 KB, 800x1067, 1594297268060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ye i see that

thx. imo the bottom eyelids are too curved. nose too straight.
also note that the "dent" thats right above the cheekbone should be under the eye, not over

can you redline pls i'm not sure what you mean

i think i might've messed up the legs so she looks like shes leaning

>> No.4995887

>i prefer the look rather than the implication

that's the idea :3

>> No.4995893

that looks like a neat concept.
the details don't stand out very well so it was hard to tell what was going on for a sec, otherwise it looks pretty fuckin rad, lad.

>> No.4995924
File: 231 KB, 1361x1899, k7g75u9x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quick tip on mouth, and please learn the anatomy of the shoulder, you completely pushed her left shoulder in to her back

>> No.4995930

probably something fucked up your brain, like drugs, food, social media, sleep etc. brain is just a organ after all.

>> No.4995932
File: 2.12 MB, 4032x2268, 20201113_164311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the guy who uploaded the first cat.

Why do my humans turn out like THIS? Should I just grind anatomy now and stop worrying about forms/reference?

>> No.4995933
File: 2.88 MB, 954x1697, bruh person.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also fuck 4chan for the orientation of iphone images

>> No.4995941

you need to know anatomy to draw bodies bro...

>> No.4995943

I was told to learn anatomy but then my anatomy studies were cited as lackluster, saying I have a poor concept of form. I took drawabox and managed to do that cat within a few days.

It seems like even attempting to learn how to draw humans is impossible at this point. I can learn anything else but not humans.

What the fuck.

>> No.4995945
File: 165 KB, 557x843, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didn't realize she was supposed to lean her head forward, so this is wrong, whoops. but either way you should see less of her head at this angle. and I'm /beg/ too so idk

>> No.4995949

did you try the video course? I find that it help studying it with the books.

>> No.4995950
File: 354 KB, 561x613, 1593262557846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4995952

I'm taking the proko anatomy course but people say my studies are bad and that the course is out of my reach.

But I drew that cat so shouldn't I theoretically be worthy of taking that course?

>> No.4995956
File: 359 KB, 490x892, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


imo you shouldn't learn detailed anatomy like individual muscles etc. but get a hold of the big structures and landmarks like clavicles, ribcage, asis and psis

>> No.4995962

I tried doing that and people told me to learn more detailed anatomy first.

I'm going in circles here.

>> No.4995963

>the course is out of my reach.
Do it anyways, find out what is too difficult, isolate that problem and find the solution to it by refining the simpler fundamental that best applies to that issue

>> No.4995964

You just need to keep on with the course and rewatch them whenever you get stuck, you shouldn't expect instance results. Also try to do timed gesture videos to help remember the major details of the figure.

>> No.4995966
File: 1.23 MB, 1801x888, f104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep doing that. I can shit out ten dozen highly-detailed pussies easily and follow it up with five rather nice F-104s.

Should I see a therapist about this? It seems like when I look at a human reference, my brain cannot comprehend or empathize with it.

>> No.4995967
File: 1.03 MB, 1536x2674, 482FB725-F566-4872-93D5-B5BA4F7FC788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that’s what I did u can decide if it worked, but in my opinion there is no point in learning individual muscles if you can’t copy the general form from a ref

I just learned the very general landmarks and then drew a ton from reference. I don’t think the drawing you posted is even that far from looking fine, you just need to clean up ur lines and measure more

>> No.4995968

Im being ignored again

>> No.4995969

what are we supposed to tell you lol go draw more

>> No.4995971

One head length from chin to sternum. One more to navel. One more the buttom of the torso. Double that whole length for the feet.

Shoulders are two head lengths apart. Hips are about as wide as shoulders. On women, ribcage is smaller than hips, and on men, it is the same size about.

I know how to draw stuff and I have the knowledge about humans but I cannot combine those two for whatever reason.

>> No.4995974

May I ask. Where is this page from?

>> No.4995975

vilppu drawing manual

like i said you're not even that off just draw more and clean up your lines, my figures used to look like that too. if you are really struggling check out the vilppu book or figure drawing for all its worth

>> No.4995977

ok bro listen people praise your cat because it shows some basic understanding of form that is already well beyond "absolute beginner". the cat is not actually great if you really want to compare it to a fundamentally sound cat made by someone who knows what they're doing. you're being praised on the fact that you're making progress, don't get a big head

as for your question about anatomy, nobody gives a shit if your studies are bad. they are supposed to be bad, the point is to learn something from them and improve for next time. if your study is bad, it's not because it's impossible But muh cat, it's because you're still in the early stages of learning. keep making studies, keep taking notes from proko and internalising and practising his simplifications, and they will get better

>> No.4995979

I don't mean to sound like a broken record but I already took Vilppu's course and Proko's course as well as a few others and read plenty of other books on the matter.

I'm concerned there is a hidden problem here.

>> No.4995981

close 4chan rn and draw more lol

>> No.4995982

the hidden problem is you need to draw more. you don't become good instantly by taking the course, even if you've "finished" it you need to keep observing and keep refining and keep practising

>> No.4995984
File: 298 KB, 929x600, Murasaki01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys i think i hate drawing
also head too big?

>> No.4995985

Yes, I actually mirrored the cat and yeah, it's kinda lackluster. Like you said though, it does show at least a basic understanding of form. The problem is that this basic understanding came after 3 days of practice; with humans, after 3 years, I cannot get to that basic understanding or even close to it.

On that second note, I saw Proko's beginner students make work that looks like absolute masterpieces. This is what deters me from taking his course.

>> No.4995986

for every page you read you draw 50 pages worth of drawing and for every minute of a video you see you draw 200 pages

>> No.4995988

head too big or hands too small

>> No.4995992

why do you care what other people are making? like honestly, you think mirin other people's work and using it as an excuse not to study is gonna get you anywhere?

>> No.4995993

that is a bad mindset to get yourself into, when you see good art you should feel motive to create your own.

>> No.4995995

Just draw mon amie. You spent too much time shitposting.

>> No.4995998
File: 500 KB, 1145x843, crusty cock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm convinced that if I study cats, I can draw a perfect pussy in two weeks. No question at all.

This "go study" thing is something I doubt will work with humans, because whenever I try to do so much as draw the circle for a loomis head, it comes out wrong. It's like my brain tells me "you are drawing a human, stop using all logic lmao".

Idk, this is getting weird at this point. Have some crusty fuckers

>> No.4996000

yeha buddy humans are probably one of the most complex forms in existence. your prawn is solid but it's a very simple form compared to a human head, much less a human body. you have to keep studying, it's not some voodoo black magic

>> No.4996001

thought so, not enough info to say only one of them is disproportionate? or maybe both

>> No.4996002

Take a human fingernail for example. Just a flat U-shaped thing.

If you tell me that it's a plate or something, I can draw it. If you tell me it is a human body part, my brain refuses to comply.

Does my brain just hate humans or something?

>> No.4996004

Hahahahahahahahaha get fucked nigger

>> No.4996005

also it sounds like you have some obsession with only drawing things that look good and deathly afraid of drawing something that looks bad. if you're not willing to allow yourself these imperfections in the process of improving, you're gonna be stuck in your comfort zone for a long time

>> No.4996006

Idk man those crusty bustaceans look good go me. I can at feel them as 3D objects that are maybe alive on some level. They're not perfect but for my purposes they're awesome.

I just wanna do THAT but with even a single human body part. A single spinal disc even.

>> No.4996011

its one or the other but If I where to change something it would be making the hands a little bigger. Just remember proportions when drawing.

>> No.4996015

try drawing instead of complaining on /ic/ perhaps

>> No.4996017

OK fine. I'll draw vehicles and insects my whole life then.

>> No.4996018

tfw you actually just gave me a good idea

>> No.4996019

if you want to draw humans youre gonna have to draw humans. if youve never drawn a human no shit your figures look garbage

>> No.4996020

Or you could draw some figures and post it hear so we can see them.

>> No.4996021

is there a reason you don't want to watch the vilppu anatomy videos that are available for free in the video courses thread? too much work?

>> No.4996022

Ive drawn approximately 300x more humans than cats (a few thousand vs like 3) yet my cats look better.

Btw I'm not complaining here just to complain; I'm doing it because I'm determined to find my issue.

>> No.4996023

try applying organic forms to a human

>> No.4996025

theres no issue or secret just draw more already

>> No.4996026

I watched his whole paid course and drew along. Hell I still do his exercises and that figure I drew was a culmination of what I got out of his course.

Like I said, if that thing was any other creature, I could draw it. :(

>> No.4996027

God, your drawing reminds me of my ex even more than the original photo. Keep it up anon.

>> No.4996029

Give me one isolated human organic form and I will draw it right now.

>> No.4996031

aye, proportions' definitely an issue with me, gonna try fixing the hands then be done witn it, thanks anon

>> No.4996032

this is your work yes? you're not approaching it in the same way as you're approaching your prawns. there are no contours on anything, you're just doing a halfassed proko pelvis and a ribcage and what you claim is a coomis head when again it's really just the sphere part.

once you've laid in these three basic forms, you then just freestyle a load of lines around them, and it's clear that you're nowhere near as confident with these as you are with the prawns. there's chickenscratch happening, lots of unnecessary reinforcement trying to find the right line and fix your mistakes, to the extent that the whole face is just totally symbol drawn as a 2d profile on top of your sphere.

there is none of your prawn form on the ass or the legs or really anywhere. anatomy is lacking completely and this is no doubt one of the reasons that you're unable to construct the form - because you don't actually know what the form is supposed to be.

go do proko, go learn his simplifications, and then grind it nonstop for a week on new drawings from ref and from imagination. you don't have to post them if you're worried about them looking like shit. just do it

>> No.4996034

np, the best way to get use to proportion is to just draw and fix the errors and move on to the next one.

>> No.4996039

This is a very helpful response in that it directly confirms that the disconnect occurs at humans. So thank you for this, first of all. Seriously.

I opened the Proko anatomy tab during this discussion, and now that you finally brought it up, I'm gonna do exactly what you suggested, seeing as you clearly understand my problem.

I guess I'll report back in a week, or maybe more. I'll try not to prematurely post my work before I've learned everything.

Cheers, mate.

>> No.4996054

Try looking at the face or head the same way you look at an F-104. Its a machine, its just a series of lines and shapes to form a concept. Its not what your brain thinks it is. Draw lines that resemble a face, dont draw a face

>> No.4996073
File: 43 KB, 474x697, 89c0ae2eccc60da2c46768803fd62c28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you tried any Bridgman?

>> No.4996077

no but im scared to

>> No.4996112
File: 37 KB, 480x640, 60751cd6ea9c986eb457ff20b55ce5ef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

other anon is also right in that my response can be summed up as this: you're symbol drawing everything past your basic forms and not doing any construction.

bridgman is also good; another good exercise aside from just practising your observation with this in mind is to go find any pic of a naked human and trace cross contours along the form like picrel (random google example). You can literally do this over the top of a photo to start with so you can understand how the form actually works and how to build it instead of making inaccurate flat shapes

>> No.4996114

don't be, I really think you would benefit from it. like in >>4995998 you clearly show an understanding of depth and perspective, yet in >>4995933 you completely disregard that knowledge (why did you draw her right arm larger than her left? why did you draw the outline of a rib cage just to go totally off grid. so you might have a bad case of symbal drawing. bridgmans abstracted and exaggerated forms might be exactly what you need.

>> No.4996117

Me on the middle

>> No.4996122

i will do proko first and then do bridgman. only then will i report back

>> No.4996269

you've improved a lot
how many heads are you planning to do?
right eye is smaller/lopsided than left

>> No.4996277
File: 2.71 MB, 1439x1147, twowatercolors.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two watercolors today, still trying to do at least one a day and on week three. Any critique is appreciated, trying to learn to do tones and figures properly.

>> No.4996291

there's nothing wrong with posting your progress y'know. unless it's some kind of psychological thing for you.

>> No.4996299

the problem is people will do one drawing and come back to post their "progress" when they haven't actually internalised anything. often they will ask exactly the same question and the same feedback will have to be parroted to them again

>> No.4996314

why the fuck am i still called el baldismo

>> No.4996321
File: 468 KB, 1750x1750, box mess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nerve damage guy here
So I decided to do a page of box people, but I decide to draw the poses from imagination, AND sometimes in the craziest/hardest poses I could think of.
Why the fuck did I do this, I can barely do a box. Even after draw a box.
I think some of the poses are okay but a lot of the boxes arent right.

>> No.4996325

Looking at this hurts my eyes.

>> No.4996327

Because you’re a balding old man

>> No.4996328

Weird, because red on dark grey is more soothing on my eyes then black on white

>> No.4996334
File: 717 KB, 1750x1750, box mess.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe better on your eyes?

>> No.4996338

try black/light gray pal

>> No.4996339 [DELETED] 
File: 159 KB, 694x1015, Illustration58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

time to do some studies on legs/

>> No.4996343
File: 155 KB, 694x970, Illustration58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pain peko

>> No.4996346

putting inaccuracy and perspective mistakes aside, your poses are all very stiff and unnatural. try some figure drawings with your boxes in mind

>> No.4996347

Oh god...

>> No.4996353

I've seen a lot worse on /ic lmfao

>> No.4996368

stop drawing dwarf children

>> No.4996370

I feel like everytime I do figure drawing, it doesnt click with me at all. Is there a specific mindset I need to have while drawing figures? Last time I did some, I had 2 or so that looked good and the rest looked abysmal and I really didnt understand why

>> No.4996381

yea it's because you're not good yet. the figures you do will also be poor and inaccurate, i have no doubt, but that's totally fine - what i'm trying to get you to do is to start relating your drawabox shenanigans to actual construction, and to start seeing how you cubes fit with ribcages and pelvises and heads

>> No.4996386

aren't children like 6-7 heads tall

>> No.4996393

Thanks, So I should just do 2-5 minute figures, and aim to build them with boxes while also trying to "feel the form" or the flow?

>> No.4996396

Anime children are 4-5 heads tall

>> No.4996405
File: 1.46 MB, 3612x1880, 2323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you SEX SEX SEX my women?

>> No.4996406

neither the flow nor "the form" yet (as in, try to incorporate your box, but we're not talking vilppu level cross contours or anything)

slow down and aim for accuracy. before you speed up it's important to figure out how to observe correctly, otherwise you will just rehash mistakes over and over. observe very carefully, constantly compare with your reference, and repeat this a lot. later on, you can think about speeding up and doing gestures - doing it now would be unhelpful when your form and basic anatomy is still so janky

>> No.4996414

anon that cat is not good... just shut the fuck up and draw dude

>> No.4996425


>> No.4996427

Gotcha, thanks

>> No.4996429

if you want you can also think about ideas like flow or gesture as you draw, there's no harm in this. but what i meant is don't make them the sole focus of your study just yet

>> No.4996435

Yeah my Intent is to just draw construction that looks proportionate and fluid, learning about gesture is if anything a side effect of that. Is there any harm in drawing construction directly ontop of a figure if I cant copy it properly?

>> No.4996438


>> No.4996440

you should do both. drawing it on top can help you understand roughly how it would work, but the larger part of your time should be spent drawing it from observation so you can start to build it yourself

>> No.4996453

Thanks again

>> No.4996460

no problem, good luck and draw a lot. if something isn't clicking it's likely just a matter of mileage. people in figure drawing classes sometimes stay beg for years, but they draw once or twice a week and never try to improve their knowledge, observation or construction. stay mindful and keep trying and you'll make progress

>> No.4996464


>> No.4996473

oh so fuck what everyone except for your pseudoskeptic ass said then?

>> No.4996477

anon stop playing defense on a cum drinking forum and go draw

>> No.4996478

im gonna do that, improve, come back with results, and i will receive the same words of discouragement.

do remind me how the fuck im even supposed to enjoy art at this point?

>> No.4996479
File: 856 KB, 2160x3840, dancingcyborgs6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still working on this lol

>> No.4996484

not that anon but latch onto someone else that doesn't have a developed critical eye and always praises your work, if not your mom find any other human
why would you post here if you don't want to be stepped on by fellow anons

>> No.4996488

it goes the other way too. just as you can arbitrarily praise someone's work, you can arbitrarily step on it also. why do i say this? look at what the actual helpful people said about my work, one of which said in great detail why the human sucks ass compared to the cat.

>> No.4996496
File: 375 KB, 1018x1000, rex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4996497

yes but why do you want validation from an anon board? please, for your own sake, ignore crabbing and go draw. you're here for critique, not to get nonconstructive "gmi!!! nice pussy!!!" comments

>> No.4996498
File: 433 KB, 1080x1093, Screenshot_20201113-235337_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disregard crabs

>> No.4996504

You didnt read the enormous paragraph that one dude wrote.

>> No.4996513

gmi!!! nice dino!!!

>> No.4996521
File: 75 KB, 618x741, Apu_with_Jesus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see good artist
>get upset that I'm not as good as him
>realize hes been drawing for 5-20 years
>realize that's such a great amount of time theres no point in worrying about
>I should just draw as I'll eventually hit that point without even realizing the amount of time

>> No.4996527


>> No.4996550


>> No.4996555

>>realize he's been drawing 5 years
>realize he's been drawing 5 years

>> No.4996556

Hablo no englis

>> No.4996559
File: 464 KB, 1373x601, delete immediately.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am once again asking you to look at my egg
tried to go ham on blending and reduce edges as per advice

>> No.4996564

Edges are still rough and the reflected light at the back looks a bit iffy. Still better than your first attempt

>> No.4996571

thank you for the feedback
what does "rough" and "iffy" mean in this context

>> No.4996573

Not as refined, you really need to look closely at the reference more and try to get it close as possible to it, see how smooth the transition in the midtones in the ref compared to yours?

>> No.4996576

(Cont) you probably need to master the hard round brush and it’s many tricks, like instead of a small brush size you use change to something bigger and repeatedly color pick between the gradations

>> No.4996578

i do, and will be better next time

>> No.4996584
File: 242 KB, 912x393, head practice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been trying to practice muh head construction and expressions

>> No.4996585

whenever i try to draw something from imagination i want to kms from the embarrassment because of how shit i am.
thanks for reading my blogpost AIEE

>> No.4996591

nice talent

>> No.4996594
File: 406 KB, 757x674, 777A8083-92DE-48D9-9ECE-7F930CF978A0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4996656
File: 162 KB, 602x1126, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4996662

back leg is badly foreshortened

>> No.4996813

>the eye level virgin
>the buried chad

>> No.4996816

Kek, study more perspective lolibro

>> No.4996846

Does anybody have a guide on drawing pupils from different angles?
I know the eyeball is round but i can't visualize drawing the pupil from more angles

>> No.4996847

Damn nigga you can’t draw an ellipse?

>> No.4996848
File: 437 KB, 770x1215, ic_tier_iceberg_meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4996855

I don't know what side is bigger or how it changes since it's on a circle

>> No.4996860

*on a sphere

>> No.4996863
File: 54 KB, 576x428, 407FE407-628E-469C-B1FA-E031334B89DC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how to draw and how to render

>> No.4996895
File: 182 KB, 387x412, Screen Shot 2020-11-14 at 3.16.43 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the pupil and iris are flat, the cornea spherical but clear. Just draw the iris and pupils as if they were coins.

>> No.4996942

>you've improved a lot
thanks man this keeps me going, im just going to keep doing it until i dont i guess, dont have a goal, just until i die, i would love to hit 1000 and now ive got such a streak going i couldnt ever bring myself to stopping so in a way im kind of stuck but in a good sense

>> No.4996972

not really what i meant but I kinda figured it out anyway. Thanks though

>> No.4996987

as a random bystander I can say that you are definitely improving egg-anon, keep it up

>> No.4997001

Really cute face. I like the aesthetics.

>> No.4997038
File: 1.70 MB, 1242x1630, 976AB0D3-4323-4C1C-9F70-138E2BE29F1A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4997039
File: 1.47 MB, 1242x919, 0EA036DA-1D4C-4C65-BFBD-41562B7E6DFF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4997041
File: 2.22 MB, 2160x1620, 7B77B94D-1DCC-45F5-883D-725F51A7798E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4997063

This is an absolute travesty against framed ink, delete immediately

>> No.4997081
File: 899 KB, 1079x1677, Screenshot_20201114-223906_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god this reminds me of the snak i drew back in 2016

>> No.4997090


>> No.4997099
File: 87 KB, 343x303, 0hwR1AH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sick of seeing this clickbait shit

>> No.4997142

Then don't look at it jeanius

>> No.4997145
File: 869 KB, 4450x2354, Untitled_Artwork (25).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 3 after realizing how much I suck and trying to anatomy. My main problem is that I am too slow and spend hours on a single reference trying to get it right. By #3 here I was faster, but I can't tell if it's just because I had tried to draw the same thing twice before. Does it make sense to keep drawing the same reference or should one jump from one to the next?

>> No.4997146
File: 3.07 MB, 2160x3840, dancingcyborgs7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I'm done.

>> No.4997154

overdose on soul my brother

>> No.4997158

Eggbro you're getting better but there are still some edge issues (reflected light as other anon pointed out, you've drawn it as a bar where in the ref it transitions into the shadow much more smoothly; the outline of the cast shadow is still softer than you've done it; look at the edge of the egg at the bottom in the ref, it's a very sharp edge where yours is still getting smudgy, same can be said for the rest of the egg aswell dbh)

Aside from that your shape is still off, you should be able to see this from the thumbnail, and you've got some muddy blending and patchy values happening in the background (eg at the top, above the egg)

The form shadow on the whole egg is still softer than you've done it, but you're getting better at this than before. Keep pushing. it's a very smooth and rounded form and this affects how soft the edge of the shadow is

>> No.4997159

Nice piece, love the imagery and the colors. Not a big fan of the lines and BG though, I would say you could still ink it more and make the spotlight and shadows around their legs much better

>> No.4997160

Oh god just let it go. Please. Draw something better.

>> No.4997162

You should try the timed gesture videos to help quicken up your process. Look up croquis cafe on vimeo.

>> No.4997163

This is fluff critique. Inking it more is a waste of time, and there are much greater issues here in terms of construction and anatomy than the spotlight and shadows

>> No.4997164



>> No.4997171

Great resource, thank you anon

>> No.4997175

You can fluff my dick, that piece has too nice thematic imagery to be crabbed down by /ic/, OP just fix it pls so I can hang it on my wall because it's awesome

>> No.4997176

Your main problem isn't that you are too slow, it's that it's still inaccurate. Overlay your drawing on the ref and you will see a whole host of mistakes which I'm not going to list. Don't rush, in fact slow down and observe more carefully. As you've noticed yourself, you will naturally speed up with repetition, so make sure you're repeating accurate drawings and not inaccurate ones

>> No.4997179

He wants critique and the critique you're giving him won't help him get better. You're doing a better job of crabbing him by ignoring the issues than anyone who is pointing them out

>> No.4997181
File: 766 KB, 1125x1350, Animoz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does she look like a a Japanese cheerleader or a Harlequin?

>> No.4997182

Interesting, I overlay everything and #3 seemed to me to be more or less correct, can you take the time to list at least one mistake on it? Thanks

>> No.4997183

2 mins

>> No.4997185

I'd say my critique was still more useful than
>"there are much greater issues here in terms of construction and anatomy than the spotlight and shadows"
>"hurr durr it's problematic and that's all I'm gonna say, I'm so good kthxbai" no one cares

>> No.4997187

thank you

>> No.4997199

your proportions have improved a lot

>> No.4997200

your ribcage is missing
you remind me of nessie.

>> No.4997203

alright i'm gonna try explain this to you with the help of a greentext

>draws something that has glaring issues at the drawing stage, the forms aren't constructed properly or even consistently within the image, perspective is off, the lighting as a whole shows no real understanding of light and shadow and tries to save it with random speculars everywhere,
>"you should ink it more"

if you can't see this you are too beg to be giving critique

>> No.4997214

Thanks pal. I think I deleted the layer. Who is nessie? a fellow artist?

>> No.4997215
File: 97 KB, 720x1480, ooohtryagain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, I think the mouth looks a little less dog-like now and her shoulder isn't as dislocated. I appreciate the given ref made me realize I wasn't following the original ref enough.


Fuck, I love the detail/crosshatching on her. Cool piece, anon.

>> No.4997216

I think it's hilarious you criticize my critique while you seem unable to give any meaningful critique yourself. By the way, I didn't say everything else was perfect, I said what glares at me most is the lines. What did you say, exactly? Nothing other than "I know things you don't". That's not only not helpful, it's downright sad. Apply those things then and give something concrete?

>> No.4997220

Thank you anon

>> No.4997222
File: 193 KB, 492x800, dfsgs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the proportions are much better as the other anon pointed out but the issues here are many. the most obvious thing is the breasts, which are completely in the wrong place and misshapen. anatomy is missing on the arm, the other shoulder doesn't line up with this pose at all and as a result the other arm ends up in the wrong place and much longer than her left. the hips aren't accounted for, the feet don't rest properly on the ground (wrong perspective) and are both way too big. hope this helps, pay more attention and observe more carefully

>> No.4997224

oh my bad i overlayed 2 instead of 3, but do the same with 3 and see if you can spot things.

>> No.4997225
File: 262 KB, 812x860, figure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How accurate should my copies be to the reference? Should they be able to slot in seeminglessly or is it okay if some pieces stick out a bit?

>> No.4997227

Thank you but I'm talking about #3 (the one on the left of the picture), you posted #2 which took me ages and is admittedly quite wrong (it's #3 I thought was good on the overlay).
Still thank you for taking the time and I believe a lot of what you said applies to #3 as well. It's an uphill battle but the fact I'm getting better is everything. Thanks again

>> No.4997230

More accurate than that. Go for that curve.

>> No.4997231
File: 450 KB, 1280x958, 4077CDB6-0016-47EB-9DCC-94867C4943DA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4997232

IDK like I said 3 seemed okayish to me but certainly not perfect - I do think I fixed the breast placement somewhat, but the rest of what you said I think stands for it

>> No.4997235
File: 195 KB, 389x800, dfsgs2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for your convenience.

>> No.4997240

also a disclaimer: while i'm doing this, the point isn't to get it to line up in a pixel perfect way, it's just to point areas where your observation is lacking and where the anatomy/construction doesn't appropriately address what you're seeing in the reference. if something is off in the overlay, don't just try to correct it to copy the ref, try to understand why it's off and look out for it next time

>> No.4997243

Thank you, this is actually super useful

>> No.4997252
File: 231 KB, 842x809, figure2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I to focus on that curve, I end up over-exaggerating it and its goes out of proportion with the reference...
Is this one of those things I just have to keep trying till I get it right?

>> No.4997254
File: 260 KB, 827x1300, C944847A-20D3-4E11-A299-306A7ACB4B79.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/beg/ really is hell, can’t even fucking see the gesture lines that runs through the figure.

>> No.4997259
File: 237 KB, 842x809, bdfs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every single thing in art is something you have to keep trying til you get it right, bonzo

for your curves, look at where the apex of the curve is (the furthest point out or in.) lining up angles against an imaginary straight vertical or horizontal line is a nice measuring technique that you could employ when trying to observe angles

>> No.4997270

Ill try this, thanks
I drew one but I always end up getting it messed up in the skew of lines and I accidently erase bits of it, I might try making it red and bolder this time though

>> No.4997276

thank you all :) i'll do better next time.

>> No.4997297

dios mio... las creaturas

>> No.4997316
File: 1.19 MB, 2637x1752, rottatuilla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something I drew a while ago, since I haven't drawn anything for a while desu. Only Finnanons will get what the image is about

>> No.4997319


>> No.4997334
File: 2.46 MB, 2789x3719, F8C78346-14BB-4A67-B952-A0BDD2595801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4997393
File: 453 KB, 909x1000, hinokaLil copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this still considered /beg/ level?

>> No.4997397


>> No.4997400

lol yes anon

>> No.4997401

High beg but still lots of issues

>> No.4997407

what would be the number one? (I didnt use any references for this one...)

>> No.4997422
File: 398 KB, 909x1000, sdsds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anatomy, shortly followed by construction and perspective

>> No.4997424

I have his constructive anatomy book. So you just copy whatever is drawn in there?

>> No.4997428

lot of issues with this, I'm no expert so I'm not going to touch on anything except what personally bothers me the most which is the almost nonexistent effort put towards the feet, and the awkward simple shapes of the hands, and the way the legs fail to correctly connect to the body on lilith(?). Use some references next time and pay attention.

>> No.4997431

you can eat it if you want, whatever helps you learn the concepts

>> No.4997466
File: 280 KB, 901x863, figure3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Im starting to get it. Arms arent right though

>> No.4997489
File: 389 KB, 1324x1723, 4F492C9A-A853-4EBC-BEB1-C09D60AA8646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4997507
File: 393 KB, 1600x1200, sat8 fluff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just started using Clip Studio Paint and I heard it has stabilizers in it.
Where and how do I get them?
Alternatively, does anyone got a crack of Lazy Nezumi?
I got one from 2016 but it does not seem to work at all.
And my trial ran out ...

>> No.4997511
File: 213 KB, 758x712, figure4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, Im gonna stop blogposting and try different poses. I think I kind of understand what Im doing

>> No.4997512

I copy, I do some of my own construction and I try to draw his drawings from a different angle. I also try to isolate the shape of individual muscles and draw them a bunch of times in order to memorize them and look up pictures on the internet for different mutations of that muscle (flexed, unflexed, trained, untrained etc). Biggest problem with the book is the lack of direction so you kind of have to find your own way. But I do think it's critical to do some construction and not just copy drawings.

>> No.4997517

y-you too

>> No.4997520

I just started using csp too, the only place i noticed stabilizers was in individual brush settings.

>> No.4997523
File: 297 KB, 901x863, sdsa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's better. keep going and keep tightening your observation. picrel is some more imaginary lines to help you notice your own mistakes. what im doing here is exactly what you might do in the first lesson of figure drawing by holding your pencil up and measuring against it, or using a weight on a string, or whatever. it's literally just about learning to see where your drawing is off by relating things to each other.

once you figure out basic observation, you can start thinking about the actual form

>> No.4997539

I found that option too but it feels like absolutely NOTHING even when I crank the stabilisation to maximum.

I just want to draw some longer lines without ugly ass bumps in it.

>> No.4997546

Okay that makes sense, Ill try this again with this in mind in a bit

>> No.4997553

Well it works fine for me when I turn it up so idk man. Only other thing I can recommend is using your shoulder if you aren't already. Personally I keep the stabilization low so that I can get better at making smooth consistent strokes.

>> No.4997561

try it again lots of times, you won't see any real improvement from one drawing to the next. mileage mileage mileage

>> No.4997566
File: 272 KB, 943x728, ss+(2020-11-14+at+07.53.31).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well it's not fucking working on my end.
Look at all the little fucking zig-zagging, it looks like shit.
And I am keeping a very steady and fast line, I don't have that problem drawing with a pen and paper.
I've seen so many people drawing online and their lines are just always perfectly straight, I'm 100% sure there is just some fucking option hidden somewhere that I don't have enabled.

>> No.4997572

>I'm 100% sure there is just some fucking option hidden somewhere that I don't have enabled

the option is mileage, stabilizers are useful for speeding up inking but you can draw smooth straight lines without them if you have mileage

also is your pen pressure even on?

>> No.4997577

It's on in the tablets config but apparently not in Clip Studio?
I didn't notice until now.

>> No.4997610
File: 419 KB, 1305x586, egg 7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

an egg for these trying times

> softer form shadow
> egg itself more accurate
> smoother reflected light
> larger brush (didn't go below 20px)
> edges of egg sharper
> tried to fix muddy blending on egg and in background
> watched proko video and applied iten's thoughts about eggs

>> No.4997614
File: 260 KB, 750x1000, 2EA4626A-AEDF-4C5B-BB57-EC0BA0470B0E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How we doin, /beg/?

>> No.4997621

are you guys really working on one study for hours? just take notice of your mistakes and move on to the next thing.

>> No.4997629

dont forget begs has 0 muscle memory

>> No.4997635

brother if i could do that i wouldn't be here

>> No.4997636

I'm doing great. Your skull is a little wide and your limbs are a little too long.

>> No.4997646

>Are you guys really fixing the same car for hours? just use some duct tape and move onto the next car

>> No.4997653

do whatever you want, all I'm saying is that you're never going to get any mileage this way.

>> No.4997676
File: 745 KB, 2000x2000, dbld2yp-3bd7cadb-f8ec-46cd-aee1-3aa63e29ced7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mileage has its place but when you're making mistakes and you can't see them it's much more beneficial to slow down and figure out what they are. This is mileage without study

>> No.4997678

Tbh, Id rather spend 1 hour on 1 decent figure drawing then draw 10 really shitty onces and not realize what Im doing wrong

>> No.4997681
File: 221 KB, 879x731, ss+(2020-11-14+at+08.42.36).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my fucking god, I just fumbled around with ClipStudio for a while and managed to get the pen pressure to work.

I told you there was a hidden option that was not working me!
Or well, more or less.

Goddamit, I feel stupid now.

>> No.4997683

This image is painful

>> No.4997702

Horrible analogy.
What matters most for /beg/gers is quantity. Polishing a turd isn't productive.
Nobody is saying go fast. Go as slowly as you need, be deliberate. But don't sit and stew on an image. Keep moving. If you know you're struggling with something, have what you work on next focus on that struggle. Cut out the rest of the noise.

>> No.4997704

What you described is exactly what these people are doing, which you'd know if you hadn't just walked in here 2 minutes ago and said "omg you're spending an hour on a study? no mileage lolol"

The only turd polishing has been that guy who said "ink it more" to the cyborg skellingtons

>> No.4997707

Spending an hour and a half on an egg is polishing a turd.

>> No.4997715

idk, if you want to get good at hands for example you need to draw thousands upon thousands of hands. pros may have specific tips on how to make it easier, but it all comes down to mileage in the end. that of course doesn't mean you can just scribble down something of resemblance in seconds a bunch of times and expect that to help either. it's a balancing act. but you should be able to sketch like 30 hands in an hour. repeat every day and over time you'll start to get decent. we all learn differently though, like I said do whatever you want. you look at someone like kim jung gi and he's the best because he has drawn the most and he'll tell you this is where his skills came from.

>> No.4997716
File: 418 KB, 600x802, 1603734973705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>notice mistake
>make no effort to figure out how to correct it and do it properly
>move on
>make the same mistake again
they're working on improving underlying issues and basic skills, what does this have to do with turd polishing?

>> No.4997720

>go as slow as you need to and be deliberate, focus on what you're struggling with
>but don't do any of these things, just hash out more incorrect turds with arbitrary time limits
Ye ok, thanks teach

>> No.4997721

I was responding to a horrible, counter-productive analogy, not anyone's work here in particular.
Also I've been responding to the egg guy for a while now, for several of his eggs, and I was the one who told the guy doing the figure drawing to go for that curve.

>> No.4997726

You sound like an art teacher
(and thats an insult)

>> No.4997733
File: 270 KB, 891x836, figure5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear you guys are always arguing about something
I moved onto another figure, I understand staying attached to project for too long is bad, but I dont think half hour or an hour is considered that.

>> No.4997739

It's not bad, Bargue would be proud of people taking their time

>> No.4997743

where's the ref from? can't read the text at the bottom

>> No.4997744

There is good practice and there is bad practice. Kjg is one example of endless mileage, but there are literally countless deviantart begs who just draw mindlessly all the time and produce the same beg shit 5 years later. If they kept drawing just as long as kjg, they'd still be just as dogshit awful and nowhere near his level. When you realise you are practising badly, repeating mistakes and not thinking critically, it's time to step back and redirect your mileage, and a few one hour studies is absolutely no sign that you "never get any mileage" (what? what a random claim). Once you figure out what you're doing wrong, you then put your mileage into the right thing until it's second nature and carved into the inside of your skull. If you never address your issues, all your mileage will be completely clueless and most certainly not efficient

>> No.4997745

how long did it take you to do one of these drawing?

>> No.4997747


>> No.4997748

I just googled "nude model pose" and grabbed whatever

>> No.4997750

the face of the right one is almost cute

>> No.4997751

Each attempt took me about 10-15 or so minutes? I would layer it onto of the ref and compare and see if I could find out what I did wrong and how to fix it a bunch

>> No.4997753

it looks like some design you could find on redbubble

>> No.4997761

the face is nice! she looks a little crazy, because you can almost see her full iris, either push it more or tone it down. so it is not ambiguous.

>> No.4997775

turd polishing is trying to cover up flaws with flashy colors and rendering, not practicing shading fundies on a basic solid. you absolute fucking moron.

>> No.4997777

>make no effort to figure out how to correct it and do it properly
Nobody said this. Drawing mindlessly is worse than polishing turds to be sure, but that doesn't make the latter ok. If you notice yourself spending an excessive amount of time trying to correct something, stop and start again with what you were trying to correct kept in mind. Building up a poor foundation only introduces clutter that you have to keep brushing aside to get at what you're trying to fix.

>> No.4997780

An hour and a half is excessive.

>> No.4997787

Turd polishing is anything that keeps you working on a flawed image for long periods of time in the hopes that you can eventually make it look decent.

>> No.4997788

My opinion > your opinion

>> No.4997794

Remember too zoom out and flip the image every so often, especially when you're working on something for that long. It can help you see which areas need work, the most obvious here being the edge of the shadow how dark the shadow is overall. You're getting there.

>> No.4997800

agree with the others anons. but also it is boring, because everything has the minimal amount of detail possible. ideally you would at least have a focal point with more detail to create interest. but you should worry about the structural problems first

>> No.4997801

based on what? you're literally just talking shit with absolutely no context

>why is it taking you an hour and a half to do this rendering study? it should only be taking you 20mins because i've decided based on [?] that that's how long it objectively takes to learn what you want to learn

they're not trying to make bad work look decent, they're trying to figure out why their work is bad and addressing this in followup studies. if you've seen his multiple eggs and what exactly he has tried to do with each one you would understand why your buzzword bullshit is completely off target. if he tried to do one egg and spent hours on making it look "perfect" to his eye despite its basic flaws, that would be turd polishing - this has quite evidently not been the case. other anon stated it very concisely: you are an absolute fucking moron

>> No.4997811

thanks for the feedback, anon. i zoom out, flip and use the thumbnail view a lot, but i suppose i should take small breaks away from the screen to refresh my eyes
not sure what you mean by "the edge of the shadow/how dark the shadow is overall", so it would be great if you could elaborate
thanks again :)

>> No.4997829

meant for >>4997794

>> No.4997849

>if he tried to do one egg and spent hours on making it look "perfect" to his eye despite its basic flaws, that would be turd polishing
That's what's happening with these eggs. He's in the right by doing multiple studies and coming here for help and he's making progress as a result of that, but that doesn't justify how long is spent on each one. There is no need to spend that long on something as simple as a value study for an egg and doing so speaks to underlying problems that can be ironed out, not condoned.
In this case it looks like a result of using too hard a brush that he's trying to soften up after the fact as you can still see the hard lines on the egg and in the shadow. That's great for the edge of the egg, but not for any other value. Fixing that by using a different brush or making the most of the blend tool has nothing to do with studying value and will save him time.

The edge of the shadow is too sharp. Compare the edges of both shadow in your thumbnail. Notice how much softer the reference image is. And while the shadow may look pitch black here, it isn't. If the reference hasn't been doctored in any way I guarantee it's a little lighter if you check. Try and avoid using pitch black for normal value studies (same deal for pure white), especially for something that takes up a considerable portion of the image. You could also go a little harder with the reflected light, especially near the top of the egg. You're wise to avoid trying to deal with the texture of the egg at this stage.

>> No.4997853

does warming up makes any difference?

>> No.4997856

Some people swear by it, some jump right into what they want to work on. I'd recommend at least trying it and see if it does anything for you.
A better way to warm up in my opinion is to jot down small, simple concept thumbnails for what you're about to try and draw.

>> No.4997879

thank you for the detailed feedback. you're right that i use a hard brush initially and then go back to soften it up. i think that's because i start by blocking in six or seven values and then blending them together. how do you feel about this?
also, do you mean the form or cast shadow is too hard?
ty again

>> No.4997884
File: 449 KB, 2732x2048, 4238B6D6-1E3B-448A-9423-2613678F4361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drew my friend. It was fun.

>> No.4997911
File: 65 KB, 700x545, 20201114_170924_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trying watercolors for the first time. any tips?

>> No.4997913
File: 149 KB, 583x360, skull.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time trying to draw a skull. I think drew the guidelines slightly wrong at the start and it made the whole thing out of proportion.

>> No.4997915

*I think I drew

>> No.4997923

If I had to guess you're using an opaque watercolor type of brush with the hardness cranked up and you're going over it many times. A hard brush is fine for the base of the egg to establish the edge, however you'll want to lower the hardness or switch brushes as you build value. Opaque brushes are great, but it can be unwieldy for those trying to learn as the values it puts down can feel fickle and difficult to control. You can lower the hardness and stick with it, or you can use a soft brush that will always put down the exact color you're using. These are studies and should be treated as nothing more than stepping stones. I recommend doing many quick, simple studies and experimenting on each with different types of brushes and settings to see what you like best. Don't rush, that way leads frustration, and be deliberate, but if a certain part is taking a long time, try something new.

If you really like the feel of a hard brush and want to stick with that, that's fine too, people can make some interesting value studies with those, but by the looks of it you're going for an accurate gradation, so use it in conjunction with the blend tool. Don't go overboard as it can turn everything into a blob, but in moderation it will help soften those values and achieve the smooth gradation you're currently trying to get manually with a hard brush.

The actual values you're putting down are getting pretty good. You're learning to see, so keep that up.
There's many reasons you don't want to be spending an hour and a half on a value study of an egg, but a simple one with perhaps the most devastating long term consequences is that it's boring. I mean maybe you love doing it, I don't know, but you can quickly burn yourself out this way and such lengthy attempts at refinement will translate to much frustration when moving on to more difficult subjects.

>> No.4997932
File: 1.00 MB, 1200x1553, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biggest issue I see is the nose is a little off center and it isn't a simple triangle. The bridge protrudes down further and there's more curvature around the base.

>> No.4997938

I was just copying from the illustration and did not actually look at a real skull the whole time and now I feel very dumb for not even thinking to do that.

>> No.4997948

you're allowed to move on to another reference.
spending hours on a drawing is not a bad thing. or strange. but if you feel like you're spinning your wheels ('speeding up' when you're still inaccurate / not improving), or that you're really bored, don't stop yourself from mixing it up, i don't think.

>> No.4997953



>> No.4997955
File: 159 KB, 1173x586, b4esvdim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cast shadow. Specifically, the edges.
Try comparing it here. I just went over the edge a little with the blend tool.

>> No.4997981

gotcha about the soft brush and blend tool. i'll explore and figure out what brushes i like the feel of.

regarding eggs being boring: i'm not sure if i like painting eggs, but i do like that i am improving a lot on these basic fundies. maybe other subjects would be more "fun", but they'd be hell to do at my current level

regardless, that sounds like a good reason to do shorter studies. for these current egg studies, they take like an hour and a half, and i put 100% effort into them (i make sure every egg is the best it can be at my current skill level before i ask for crit). what amount of time and effort do you suggest for these shorter studies? also for the shorter studies, do you recommend like these still lives, or something else?

again, thank you for your patience and consideration. the advice you're giving means a lot.

>> No.4997983
File: 47 KB, 401x656, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i tried to use references but I know the clothing is wrong but dont know why. i didmt have a proper reference for the shirt/suit and dont know what I can do if I cant find one for the exact thing I am trying to do. why does it take so long? im constantly trying to correct the enormous amount of errors of the sketch

>> No.4998075

I can't see shit

>> No.4998212

yeah i guess i have to experiment a little more

>> No.4999169

Do you have some kind of weird artist blindness or something?

>> No.4999274

ive read that spanish perspective shit so many times, amazing book

>> No.4999774

i have all the books but haven`t opened even half of those.

>> No.4999797
File: 84 KB, 827x1177, 61BDcH7ZGsL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would change the viewpoints book by bärtschi perspektive books, mostly the one about shadows. (it's on libgen btw)

>> No.5001087
