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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6260001 No.6260001 [Reply] [Original]

If you're on a break after drawing and feel like sharing what's on your mind about what you're working on, the industry, things that excite you about art, or anything that frustrates you about drawing or the process of art then grab a cup of water and chill out here. Remember to keep the discussion on-topic as much as possible.

>> No.6260006

I'm going to start reading the book about Piranesi later tonight and I'm going to enjoy it a lot. It's by Taschen but a large one.

>> No.6260022

im wore out from interviewing. former neet, don't work in retail anymore and have my own place now but am pretty underpaid doing marketing bullshit I hate. am just totally wore out and want to quit and full throttle into art. part of me thinks its a sign to quit and part of me thinks to get into web design. Did 4 rounds of interviews at a sp500 company for web design role and didnt get it. dunno if its more worth my time to get into doing art I love or doing something where im able to get health insurance and stability.

Really I think I need some friends and thats really hard for me. I dont really expect any serious answers or good advice, just venting

>> No.6260117

Looking at art like that really makes me question if AI is that different to humans. I must have seem that retarded low IQ joke about an inanimate object orgasming by performing a normal function it was designed for, a thousand times.

>> No.6261047

it clearly has to pee, or are you too autistic that you can't differentiate pain from ecstasy?

>> No.6261050 [DELETED] 

why are you surprised an ai obsessed retard is also a coombrain?

>> No.6261059
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fuck ai

>> No.6261089

I always thought techtards were arrogant bastards, but damn. They've really become insufferable pieces of shit recently.

>> No.6261220

I love drawing. Wish I was drawing right now but I’m at work. But work gives me good money so I can draw the rest of the day, and it’s usually so quiet I can draw while I work. Just not today. Work work work, back I go.

>> No.6261234

i probably would've become one of them had I not started drawing. Best decision of my life

>> No.6261252

Maybe it's still a good idea to do tech, at least on the side. It would be cool to be able to program something and also provide graphical assets for it, whatever that program may be.

>> No.6261273

Just wait for an AI that is able to code without much outside help. Code monkeys will be obsolete soon.

>> No.6261288

the most coveted jobs are wage cage tier and their work is completely uncredited unless they're the face of a project. It's unsurprising that people are raiding this board they probably aren't even licensed to work in their country.

>> No.6261322

that's because youre insecure and weak

>> No.6261323

Yes, insecure and weak enough to start spamming another board. Oh wait, that's techtards.

>> No.6261325

then keep feeding them
I'm sure the jeets will stop if you continue to reply with such vitriol
or you can learn a skill called "not feeding trolls" and go about your merry way

>> No.6261327

Actually I was planning on quitting this board altogether. I should've done earlier. The jannies are fucking useless.

>> No.6261328

Okay bye. Let the door slam your heel on the way out and back in when you inevitably come back tomorrow.

>> No.6261330

same. just show up here to self promote and leave.
I don't know why else this place is useful other than pirating art material. I only show up every 8 months or so.

>> No.6261340

Why do you still need more resources 8 months later? You happen to be here after 16 months this exact moment?

>> No.6261347

wouldn't even care about the gay raid had the content it created was actually good. this gay war is just unfunny and low-energy.

>> No.6261350


>> No.6261356

I feel like doing absolutely nothing today but I don't have a choice

>> No.6261392

Yeah, I’m quitting this place too, at least until the ai fad dies down.

>> No.6261412

I disapprove of the Chinese government.
AI only takes away people who don't want to pay for art in the first place.
I'm not on the front page of art station so it effects me about as much as Roe v. Wade effects incels

>> No.6261704

no I'm saying I only visit this place to self promote every 8 months or so.
the latter was just me wondering why anyone else would show up here and all I can think of is getting free art books and shit

>> No.6261711

Good morning bros I fucking hate drawing so much bros.

>> No.6261734

Having fun isn't hard, when you've got a library card!

>> No.6261743

I went to the library a few years ago after a long time of not having gone, I wanted to commit suicide the whole time I was in there.

>> No.6261759

Jeckell, Jeckell, Hyde, Jeckell, Hyde, Hyde, Jeckel!

Jeckell, Jeckell, Hyde, Jeckell, Hyde!

>> No.6261763

Naoki youtube videos are kinda annoying to watch, but I don't really know why.

>> No.6261779

He is a total Youtube robot, devoid of any individuality and is completely enslaved to being a personality for views. I don't think he is even real.

>> No.6261782

Youtube robot...yeah that fits perfectly!

>> No.6261785

hes also not even good at art after how many decades of drawing

>> No.6262405

could’ve drawn

>> No.6262444

His way of presenting info has a ton of filler.
>Have you ever had difficulty doing X? Many people find X difficult. I also used to struggle with X. Here's some tips on how to do X. Now that you know these tips, you can also do X. Bye bye!
I usually only watch his videos where he fixes some random person's art. Those can be pretty helpful.

>> No.6262506
File: 55 KB, 750x421, 1662490236777731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People really do just only want to be friends with me because I draw nice, and will lose interest if I stop posting nice drawings. Do I have bad friends or is this just reality?

>> No.6262512

I dunno I have no friends

>> No.6262516
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Then again though is it really unfair because I base my own self worth on drawing too

>> No.6262517

I suspect you're giving not enough information here. Are you sure it's not because when you post nice drawings then people have a reason to pay attention to you? Otherwise, if you don't have a decent relationship outside of you posting your art then they might not know how to approach you or they really are just bad people and do just as you say. It seems like most people /ic/ are autistic so it's hard to tell which side you fall into.

>> No.6262533
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>Are you sure it's not because when you post nice drawings then people have a reason to pay attention to you?
That's pretty much the same idea I have I think. Maybe I shouldn't have said "bad friends" though. I don't hate anybody. I guess the question should more be if it's fine to have friendships purely reliant on people's interest in what I produce, or is that bad?
I'm weird right now and my mind is going at a million miles an hour and I lose track of what conclusions I came to hours ago

>> No.6262556

I mean, depends on the person I guess but it seems that kind of relationship would stem from desperation or if you were getting something in return but either way, it seems like shit however you look at it.

>> No.6262587

>if it's fine to have friendships purely reliant on people's interest in what I produce, or is that bad?
Depends what you want. I'm personally paranoid of being doxxed so if people are interested in my art and nothing else about myself, that's great. If you want genuine friends then that's a bit harder, and you'll have to put yourself out there too, not just your art.

>> No.6262614

I feel emmense hate for that Jap who has a furry Vtuber. I can't understand Japanese beyond my 3000 hours of anime vocabulary but I feel he pisses me off whenever I try watching his stuff.

>> No.6262619

In many ways yes people want to befriend really good artist. But thats just life in general, people are naturally drawn to those who are one the path to greatness. Don't become jaded because of it but don't also make yourself available to everyone who praises your work.

>> No.6262645

Books/courses that overpromise and decor always underwhelm and never deliver while the information from other materials that doesn’t catch the attention of many glances is usually, low key, the better material.

>> No.6262681
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Crazy to me how some people can just eat, and not worry about how their stomach is going to react
I've been living like this for the past 5 years and I hate it, yet I'm just gonna have to bear it until I'm dead

>> No.6262713

Go drink some Yakult.

>> No.6262770

get an ipad pro and apple pencil and draw during breaks, that's what i do. if you truly enjoy drawing you can make do that way.

>> No.6262921

I'm considering getting on antidepressants just because of the suffering drawing causes me.

>> No.6262941
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When's Batman coming back?

>> No.6262966

Yes, you have bad friends or no real friends at all. Just make sure that the reason why they're ignoring you has nothing to do with how you treat them.
Do you care about them? Do you prioritize
spending time with them often? Real friends require some effort.

>> No.6263129

Anyone else shit in twos? I shit then 30 minutes I will shit again

>> No.6263232
File: 925 KB, 3000x2160, draw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The amount of time you draw per day over a long period of time is the most important variable in getting good. Art requires a lot of practice and repetition. Classical ateliers such as Florence Academy have students draw 6-8 hours a day for 3 to 5 years. You see top twitch streamers on the art category busting out long streams regularly. You see prominent names in the industry stressing out the importance of mileage.

How do you make yourself work for 8-10 hours a day? Lot's of people here including myself are neet's or have a lot of free time that could be spent drawing but they don't. How do you get to draw that long regularly? Please share your thoughts and experiences.

>> No.6263234
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But if you draw that much, aren't you gonna get carpal tunnel or something? Doesn't really seem worth it with A.I becoming a thing now.

>> No.6263235

And yet you love science.
Lmao the hipocresy

>> No.6263260

Actually, the key to getting good is to stop repeating the same mistakes, if you make less mistakes then you will improve overall, someone that is trying to reach a self-imposed daily hour quota will not get as far as someone that is critically thinking about what they are doing.

>> No.6263269
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It is something to have in mind and you should definitely not strain your body to unhealthy levels and also exercise regularly


You can reach a daily quota and be critical about what you are doing.

>> No.6263272

>The amount of time you draw per day over a long period of time is the most important variable in getting good
But it's false to say that "the most important variable in getting good" is to just put in the hours. That's a given.

>> No.6263448

coal sticks were the pinacle of tech in art you fa/g/got

>> No.6263768

I just want to draw soulful, fun art works oozing with soul/fun like Toriyama.

>> No.6263952
File: 116 KB, 1139x290, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>checking some filenames of the people who have been spamming the board with AI threads to check if is even /g/ or just the board schizos
>this guy is doing the same thing since 2015
>literally shiting a board the size of /ic/ for 7 years
Lmao, I've seen some retards looking through the archives but this guy wins by far. Since fucking 2015 this guy is here only doing the same thing over and over gain and each post he makes is just that. 7 years of that, can you imagine how sad that is? All his posts are literally just that.

How do even cope with the idea that people they used to crab like firez are now gaining those sweet patreon bucks while they are still here seething at not being able to draw?

>> No.6263958
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>How do even cope with the idea that people they used to crab like firez are now gaining those sweet patreon bucks while they are still here seething at not being able to draw?
Speak for yourself, I was one of the first to support Firez just to spite the lot of you. Go fuck yourself malding cunt.

>> No.6263978

it's mikufag, he's been one of the greatest cancers of this board, there is even a rumor that he is a mod of this board and that he actively trolls by orders of his superiors. I don't believe the rumors, but it is documented that he has been trolling and is still stagnant in his drawing level since 2015 according to /ic/ booru there are some veterans who say he is on this board since even before 2015.

>> No.6263984


>> No.6263991

If you look at the archive he has posts from 2013. Imagine being that much of a Permabeg. It's really fucking sad.

>> No.6263995
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If you want, believe me, if not I don't give a shit, it's no coincidence that when you start talking about this when mikufag is trolling he stops posting and disappears from the thread.

>> No.6263999

I do not find it sad in any way, fuck that guy

>> No.6264001

Damn, the worst part is that he actually peaked in 2016 and deteriorated since them. His work from 2016 is so much better than the new stuff I seen him posting.

>> No.6264029

Tell me anon, tell me sweetly that I'll finally draw again tonight.

>> No.6264058

Always gives me hope knowing that ic shat on literally fucking FireZ, Simon, BBC, Ortamaw, marms and a bunch of other good artists who made it. Total shithole, imagine if BBC who actually makes 4k a month off patreonbux listened to any of the malding permabeg crabs here.

>> No.6264060

AI is your competitor now, penboi.

>> No.6264115
File: 12 KB, 344x135, Konata.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post my discord tag trying to make artist friends
>get maybe like 4 adds
>all of them are women
>they all go "woah your art so cool i'm so excited to talk to someone that draws seriously!" and then stop communicating entirely
Even my intentions are entirely innocent women are frustrating jfc

>> No.6264129

This must likely be the same schizophrenic who's been sockpuppeting arguments about CAIAC19 conspiracies and "-ACK!" shitposts.
So don't reply to AI threads, they're likely spammed and mostly self-populated by him. If there's no choice, point out his schizophrenia and the identical writing and images he uses.

>> No.6264134
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Everyone I've met on this board that claims to be pursuing a career as a professional artist has been obliviously rude, not fun at all to talk to at all, and while their art may be technically impressive it's always really bland and not appealing. People that describe themselves as hobbyists or are trying to do their own thing like a comic or indie games are usually a lot more interesting in my experience.

>> No.6264135

Okay but FireZ is kinda trash

>> No.6264139

Anon, if top art schools only have students drawing 6-8 hours a day, presumably only on week days. Why do you want to do 8-10? People can only focus for so long in one day, and going beyond is just going to lead to injury. The weekend is also important since it allows your body some time off to rebuild and heal while the brain gets to relax and process the learned material.

>> No.6264151

Something he does a lot is try to derail threads by making the first post about AI. I noticed an anon doing the same thing for a few weeks ago about 3D models and asian genes.

I've been checking for a while to see if I could find any anon from /g/ posting here but most reaction pictures that I found something were from anons from /ic/ and they normally only seem to shitpost and the threads always follow the same format so is probably just them hiding behind the /g/ mask.

I've been reporting for the obvious trolling and attempt at derails, it does get deleted time to time and I recommend do the same.

>> No.6264169

Ic primes you with all the toxic mindsets you need to make bland, lifeless art. It stops being a tool for expression and communication and becomes a masochistic act of proving to your ego that you can draw.

>> No.6264182

Damn I've had sorta the opposite experience. Everyone is just obnoxious with no skills.

>> No.6264288


You are assuming they dont draw on their free time. And 6-8 hours is still respectable.

>> No.6264686

mikunigger talking obscene amounts of shit but he's fucking beg and his artstyle still look like he traces 3d model and doesn't even pass as anime. It's so fucking pathetic.

>> No.6264742
File: 48 KB, 432x432, 1658465615445448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't actually know how much of a shitposting spergs those faggots were.
They literally brought down the quality of the board for their own benefit, because they either wanted to virtue signal to boost their public image or they had to defend their public image against any kind of criticism by spamming
>ur a crab schizo jelly albino jew pol i earn more patreon money than you

Their shitty behavior is what attracted faggots like that and made this board what it is today.
>b-b-but they made it
And they killed the board in the process, only leaving the mentally ill discord trannies and whiteknighting twitter tourists they brought with them.

Anons like mikufag are a symptom, not the cause
>inb4 defending mikufag
I'm simply observing the fact that you reap what you sow.

>> No.6264782
File: 1.26 MB, 2052x2029, Untitled44_20220606135119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fzd stupidity

>> No.6264828

Don't know what you fags did to the others or what drove them out (except Marm because she was a fucking tryhard cunt). However, for as annoying as BBC's virtue signalling cuckholdery is, you fags bitched, begging him to retreat your blogs. Faggots went so far as accusing him of leeching off you guys for some autistic reason. Will you greedy entitled cuntbois stop acting like the gatekeepers no one asked for, especially after you pull stunts like that driving the good artists off?

>> No.6264835

>niggers destroying the board
>ooemgee stop gatekeeping
>posting like a twitterfag
You don't know, so shut the fuck up and lurk more.

>> No.6264841

Yep- AI bros we officially won.

>> No.6264903

I was looking for this image thank you

>> No.6264981

I like drawing. I like the way the pencil slides over the paper. I like ink. It's so final. I like colours but rarely use them. I need to use up some colour pencils.

Bought myself blue and red lead from faber castell on amazon, 0.5mm thick. I like it. It was like a present from me to me, I was so happy.

Gonna buy myself another one of those Sakura pens that are hollow.. the ones where you can put your own mix of ink or water or tea or whatever you want and has a fine bristle at the end. Gonna have 2 on me when I go somewhere and want to go over backgrounds or add some contrast / colour.

Fuck I love drawing bros it relaxes me and gives me peace of mind. I can listen to music and sit on my bed turkish style and just not worry about stuff

>> No.6264994

>you fags bitched, begging him to retreat your blogs. Faggots went so far as accusing him of leeching off you guys for some autistic reason. Will you greedy entitled cuntbois stop acting like the gatekeepers no one asked for, especially after you pull stunts like that driving the good artists off?
Fucking this, this spregy faggots always ignore the fucking stench of their bellybutton stench whenever they point fingers. never forget these scrub never broken pass the low int ceiling while the people who were chased away did.

>> No.6265003

gonna cry?

>> No.6265005
File: 334 KB, 600x542, 1600095579487.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some asshole keeps archiving shit on basket weavers Anonymous
Please stop.

>> No.6265011

jelly permabeg

>> No.6265065

Guess who we gotta thank for having petty e-celebrity brown nosing zoomer retards like you still shitting up the board?
Guess where all these memes come from?

Don't complain that then you get """"schizos"""" making fun of you and your precious famous people for this highly retarded and honestly fucking revolting behavior.

Go draw, you stupid nigger.

>> No.6265100


>> No.6265111

They made it while niggers like you are still beg. You fags dumped so much of your time into disrupting the board that you forgot to fucking draw. You will never be credited for anything other than being a worthless nodraw.

>> No.6265127

Lol Simon literally helped people oin this shithole (big mistake), he was bullied out for being too good for this board just like the rest. You're just mad over GMI artists so someone like BBC merely posting makes you feel like you're being flexed on kek.

>> No.6265132

This board is about
>Artwork & Critque
>pls like and subscribe and jerk each other off so i can mAeKe Eet STOP CRITICIZING THINGS I LIKE pls donate
I don't give a shit about your imaginary numbers.
I don't give a shit about your kitsch.
I don't give a shit if people like your work.
I don't give a shit if you're better than me.
I don't give a shit if you're worse than me.

This isn't your personal blog board where you come here to make friends and """"market"""" yourself while sperging out every time someone spots a mistake in your drawings or god forbid, dares criticize a work you like, calling them begs and whatever the fuck to drown out any serious discussion, while blogging about how many times you took a shit today and """"networking"""".

If you do that, you will and should be made fun of.

>waaah waaah ur beg!!!! nodraw!!! you suck!!! waaaaaaah
Again with this shitty coping mechanism.
You don't have anything to defend your shitty behavior so you have to make it about those who are criticizing your shitty behavior.

Get the fuck out of the board.
The schizos are more valuable to this board than fanatics like you will ever be.

>> No.6265140

Fucking seriously, Marms just asks for advice on her weird porn comics and the board devolves into a jealous shitfest and the thread hits 400 replies in an hour despite this board having like 20 active users at a time. Genuinely I envy her not only for her successes but mostly for her ability to make you nodraw permabegs seethe with pure unadulterated jealousy.

FireZ and Ortamaw also never started any drama. All they did was post and get bullied out of pure jealousy.

BBC has only ever been inflammatory when some loser argues with him anonymously and BBC gets asked to PYW which he always did. And no, posting your work isn't "marketing" yourself, it's not his fault he actually draws unlike you kek and has recognizable art.

And like I said Simon was a fucking saint, all he did was help /beg/niggers but apparently that still counts as flexing or something to you brainless losers, so he was also bullied out of this board.

Basically, thanks to envious nodraws like you this board is the blind leading the blind. I only come here to make fun of you faggots nowadays, if I want art advice I just ask people in private art communities (ones you will never be a part of kek).

>> No.6265145

A draw loli for a russian forum but paypal fucked me really hard this year

>> No.6265152

>but [insert personal blog posters] did nothing wrong
>"just ignore every thread they spammed to bump limit when criticized in any way"
>"everyone is just jealous and envious and you think they're flexing lol lmao i'm not projecting"
>"only come here to make fun of you faggots nowadays, if I want art advice I just ask people in private art communities (ones you will never be a part of kek)"
Now say how everything i said is wrong even though you pretty much confirm it without even noticing, you e-celebrity worshipping faggot.
>"stop criticizing them because u suck lol and lmao"
I don't care who those people are, all i saw was them treating generals and threads like they were their personal blogs and deflecting any kind of criticism when called out on or asked to not shit up the thread with useless posts circlejerking about inane shit.

This type of behavior is what gets anons discouraged to even post their works and ask for critique if the threads is going to be filled with tourists and niggers kissing ass and those other niggers doing public relations for clout as if it were their own twitter profile.

If you want to suck each other off, do it outside.
This should be a place of learning but you turned it into a drama whoring cesspool of normies and non artists coming here to interact with whoever the fuck has more followers.

Kill yourselves or gtfo the board already.

>> No.6265155

AI threads would make them go away anyway

>> No.6265158

You are still not explaining why Simon was bullied off /ic/. He actively contributed to making this a "place of learning" and you fuckers still bullied him.

Stop pretending lmao, its about jealousy not "circlejerking".

>> No.6265164

You are still thinking i give a shit about what people are called.
And this is why people make fun of you.
Even AIniggers figured out how most of you are this delusional that you have to pull the jealousy card at every chance.

Take the fucking critique or hang yourself.

>> No.6265165

Kek you literally don't even know who we're talking about here, Chad retard.

>> No.6265174

>implying i didn't know he was going to pull this card
I don't fucking care to memorize names because i'm not here singling out anons to make friends or enemies with them.

You literally had nothing else that you had to pull this.
lol and lmao, nigger.

>> No.6265181

Nigger, please. This board is about Artwork & Critique up until your mediocre ass gets outshined by people who draw better than it's nothing but drama, persistent thread derailments, and pitiful vendettas from you and your lot of nodraws. You fags love pulling your dick like you're the real artist on /ic/ yet time and time again I see your works and it's nowhere close to the people you denounce and pushed off of /ic/. Where's all of this skill nigger? Why can none of you draw better that those namefags when you've been at it just as long if not longer than them? why do you autistic faggots cry about social media shit while constantly begging for them to drive traffic to your own Twitters and lurking their accounts? You're just a bitch. A vindictive little seething bitch.

>> No.6265182

Nta but
>all i saw was them treating generals and threads like they were their personal blogs
Stuff that never, or if so, barely ever happened. Feel free to post a few archived examples and then I will gladly change my mind. If blogposting happens, it's not exclusive to anons with a following. You are ,technically, in a blogposting thread right now.
>doing public relations
There is a thread for networking and sharing socials up all the time. Although from personal experience, big names never tend to give socials, I fail to see why networking is frowned upon when there is a thread and all dedicated to it.
>deflecting any kind of criticism
How can you know who is criticizing the criticism on an anonymous board? I am none of those people, but I am giving you precious (you)s regardless, trying to figure out your train of thought.

You bring as much attention to these "popular" anons as the so called whiteknights. For every blogpost you claim they made, you make one or more posts complaining about it, then urging others to argue with you, including myself. So in the end, who is responsible for filling the board with trash? Definitely not the anons posting work.

Again, nta. I didn't mention any jealousy in this post so maybe now you can pose an argument that isn't based on nonexistent examples and deflection. How did anons who drew enough to get noticed ruin this board? Will banning anyone above a certain number of followers gonna fix anything or will it leave this place to stagnate further?

>> No.6265184

>>"stop criticizing them because u suck lol and lmao"
>I don't care who those people are, all i saw was them treating generals and threads like they were their personal blogs and deflecting any kind of criticism when called out on or asked to not shit up the thread with useless posts circlejerking about inane shit.
>This type of behavior is what gets anons discouraged to even post their works and ask for critique if the threads is going to be filled with tourists and niggers kissing ass and those other niggers doing public relations for clout as if it were their own twitter profile.
>If you want to suck each other off, do it outside.
It's amazing how you've just described what continuously occurs on /lsg/
Fanboyism is a scourge on this board, these are the same fags who go around complaining that there isn't enough constructive feedback all the mean while being a whiteknighting simp just because they didn't like someone giving a critique aimed at one of their favorites. We actually have untouchable ones with at least one or two acting as some type of guardian.

>> No.6265188

With that logic, it is not the fault of the "popular kids", but the simps' instead. Yet somehow, whenever these arguments start, the complaining is always accompanied with specific namedropping. Fanboys exist for everything and no one can put anyone on a leash on an anonymous board. If any anon attempted to silence their groupies, you would also give them shit for it.

>> No.6265194

The next time there's an argument, you may always ask anyone to post their work as this board is for visual arts you are in the right to demand it. When a faggot fails to post their work or reply with a meme such as the Merc_wip watch how quickly they recoil under pressure.

>> No.6265204

All this shows is that you're so buttblasted that you'd give up your anonymity to entertain a clear shitposter by posting your work which will then get reposted endlessly, that's the story of merc_wip, except it wasn't even the guy's work who posted it in response to the pyw callout.

>> No.6265210

let's are clear here these niggers only start vendettafagging these people here in the first place because people call into question the critiques they gave to the artist in question and they in turn get mega asshurt about being disregarded like the daddy issue having faggots they truly are. Newsflash niggers 'critiques' are just suggestions that could either improve or make worst a drawing and no one is ever obligated to take your words gospel.

>> No.6265211

>"stop criticizing people because... UR JUST JEALOUS!"
Just shut the fuck up, retard.
>"It never happened or just rarely"
Then you're either feigning ignorance or you need to lurk more.
Go take a look in the archives.
I'm not arguing you based on your own limited knowledge of the state of the board.
>There is a thread for networking and sharing socials up all the time. Although from personal experience, big names never tend to give socials
Lurk more then.
>I fail to see why networking is frowned upon when there is a thread and all dedicated to it.
If you spam multiple consecutive drawing generals with your "networking" and personal blog posting, of course anons are going to start frowning upon it.
>How can you know who is criticizing the criticism on an anonymous board?
By having lurked enough.
>precious (you)
are you fucking retarded?
Either take the discussion seriously or fuck off.
>So in the end, who is responsible for filling the board with trash?
Still the blogposting faggot, because he keeps using the thread(s) for his own personal gain, hence he clearly doesn't respect others and doesn't give a shit either.
Why would people respect someone like that?
You get out what you put in, it's common sense.
>nonexistent examples and deflection
>Will banning anyone above a certain number of followers gonna fix anything or will it leave this place to stagnate further?
Banning such people won't do shit.
It's their behavior.

If you want to talk about yourself that badly or kiss each others asses do it on twitter, or discord or make your own thread for yourself.
People are still gonna shit on you and instead of spamming the thread trying to save your honor or damage controlling with lies and insults, just shut the fuck up and put your phone down or gtfo back to twitter.

Only retards are going to worship you because you have high imaginary numbers.
Be fucking normal and no one would have issues with you.

>> No.6265213

>"stop criticizing people because... UR JUST JEALOUS!"
yes, and nothing will change that.

>> No.6265215

Why would i be jealous at someone who isn't me?
Nigger, you have issues. Big ones.

>> No.6265221

If you're the one shitposting of course you're going to have an issue with posting your work that's the whole point. What do you suggest be done?

>> No.6265227

>Go take a look in the archives.
When you are the one claiming something, the burden of proof is on you. I told you, post a few examples if you are so knowledgeable of this board's culture and I need to "lurk more". I am sure they will be easier for you to find.

Not even going to bother commenting on anything else, if you are that convinced fault is on them then I ain't going to change your mind. Some links might change mine though so go ahead and fetch some.

>> No.6265230

>burden of proof
>hasn't provided any proof for his claims
>could prove me right or wrong by lurking the archives
Your were arguing in bad faith then.
Don't reply to me anymore, nigger.

>> No.6265233
File: 66 KB, 184x178, 1613278983785.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Boy I sure do hate Niggers~
Just what exactly are you trying to prove kek

>> No.6265234

Oh no, I replied. Look at that.
Anon, I can't give proof of something that I claim doesn't happen, because, you know, it --doesn't happen-- for it to be in the archives.
You on the other hand can provide some examples. But you refuse, so thanks for proving that you are talking out of your ass.

>> No.6265237

How do you think merc_wip happened? You're new here aren't you? If you want a hugbox then go somewhere else, people like you trying to turn this place into reddit make me cringe harder than the people shitposting.

>> No.6265238

>Why would i be jealous at someone who isn't me?
Because you're a seething faggot forever mad about people who draw better than you getting attention in your precious art space so your insecure ass made your pathetic tirades everyone else's problem instead of focusing on your own art. Try to keep up retard, I've been saying the same thing for four post now and you still dont get it.

>> No.6265239

If mikucrackhead was a mod she wouldn't be so scared as to crosspost on /b/ and paranoid post on a daily basis.

>> No.6265241

>he thinks using nigger means anything
lurk moar
>"you are the one who has to prove his claims"
>"i can claim your claims to be untrue without any proof"
Thanks for proving your dishonesty even more.
>you still don't get it
Because i'm not you.
Do you want me to start throwing around random insults and accusations and whoever gets the worst ones wins?

You're part of why this board sucks.

>> No.6265242


I've been here just as long as mikufag has (2013). I've seen everything and know you're full of it. My memory is absolute.

>> No.6265247

No, it seems like you are trying way too hard to fit in like that /pol/ comic of the klan members with that one guy that keeps reminding everyone he hate niggers.

>> No.6265250

I've been on this site since 2007. So i automatically win.
Lurk more, newfag.
>hurr durr u remind me of that comic
lurk moar then

>> No.6265256

Hey, hey, hey...I didn't say I was on 4chan since 2013. I was on 4chan since 2010 of march.

There were better sites to be on back in the day. You know, before social media took over without needing to be here as some sort of last refuge.

I guarantee you weren't on CA forums in 2007, either.

>> No.6265260

>hurr durr
I didn't ask you shit, newfagoot
Are you done derailing for damage control?

>> No.6265264


The only damage control you need to worry about is to your mom, bro.

>> No.6265270

>this is the best he can come up with
Did you steal this excuse of a shitty banter from the uncle who molested your faggot ass?

>> No.6265272

You're right. you are not me. I'm not some insecure shitter pissy about people outclassing me or getting praised for and never will be. I participate in generals that draw and lift up other artists whether get something out of or not. I have no socials so I don't need to ass kiss or any of that phony shit. All I see when I come here is bullshit pretenders that's all sermons about nodraw shit but no work, people passionate about their artshit whether it gets them fame or not, and everyone in between. Faggots like you are never EVER the ones with the best art on this board. You're just beating yourself off with no achievement to show for it.

>> No.6265273
File: 2.97 MB, 2000x2000, F111036B-5285-4668-AB58-482FC5BC7976.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You lost. Maybe next thread.

>> No.6265278
File: 40 KB, 400x428, 289389438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've been on this site since 2007.
And you still didn't make it? How fucking embarrassing is that?

>> No.6265283

Pyw faggot

If you're gonna talk shit back it the fuck up.

>> No.6265285

>here's my personal blog and i'm projecting all my insecurities upon you
>touch grass
>you lost
Peak coping delusions.
Is it any of your business?
Only if you every single one of you post yours.

>> No.6265289

Who are you kidding? Do you even draw anymore?

>> No.6265290
File: 489 KB, 792x560, 1592208277029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6265301

>implying hard
>no works posted
these are the guardians of /ic/
totally making the board a better place

>> No.6265304


How long are you going to keep the deflection gimmick up?

>> No.6265305

I like to save images with the same name that they originally had to frustrate attempts to triangulate me.

>> No.6265307

great thread guys

>> No.6265308

How long are you going to not post your work?
How long are you going to keep up the damage control?
How long do you think you can keep baiting?

Your shitty tactics and insults didn't work yet you're here demanding work and not posting yours

an hero

>> No.6265309

I mentioned this before but I kept silent about it since it seems the majority of /ic/ completely forgot you can know who is who from the image ID off the archive.

>> No.6265311

It doesn't matter. I already know what your work looks like off discord...only testing you.

>> No.6265310

I knew about image file names and how you can look them up quite frankly I don't care I say what I mean.

>> No.6265318

>i already know
No, you don't.

Now say how wrong i am by saying that petty niggers like you lower the quality of board.
What a fucking joke you all are.

>> No.6265320

>Now say how wrong i am by saying
Whoa, was that a Jojo reference you just used? You've learned well, friend.

>> No.6265321

sorry for being a retard but how does it work? Does it mean there is some sort of image ID in which you can track all images from a single poster or is it only one image you can track?

>> No.6265325
File: 67 KB, 800x360, 1618461992341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's just like I said earlier, Your pathetic ass dumped so much time into your gay fucking vendettas on this board (15 FUCKING YEARS LMAO) that you still haven't fucking learned how to draw a goddamn thing in all of that time.

I rest my case. you're a fucking joke and 'forever newfag' is all you have to show for it.

>> No.6265329

he's going off the filename only which isn't even a 100% certainty.

>> No.6265332
File: 3 KB, 408x240, 15488974126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"15 years" on the board
start forcing the meme, see if i give a shit, retard
>still trying to damage control any critique against e-celebs
And again; you're part of the cancer destroying this board.

Just start thinking about taking your own life, Anon.

>> No.6265333


Well filename like this guy but if you spend a lot of time here you can parse together speech patterns.
>then people deliberately change how they type
the power of mental warefare

>> No.6265335

Out this faggot in the open. I need a good laugh.

>> No.6265349

he thinks he's going to get reported because that's what a dishonest nigger with no arguments like him would do.

>> No.6265357
File: 166 KB, 493x485, 27D68EAC-E3D5-4A40-84BF-F5C4F206789B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool it with the racism, Matias.

>> No.6265358

>start forcing the meme, see if i give a shit, retard
you're already rattled and i didnt even have to try
>And again; you're part of the cancer destroying this board.
you're cancer by 2007 can you been mogged by hundreds of artist for well over a decade, I see why you're this fucking bitter
>Just start thinking about taking your own life, Anon.
I don't have 15 years of all talk, but no draw under my belt so i have many things to live for

Chao for now~

>> No.6265368

>15 years
>on this board
>heavily implying
>totally not forcing the meme
>still trying to ad hominem your way to delegitimize any critique
You're just proving right every single word of my critique

You're not funny, you're not trolling, you're not baiting.
You're just a faggot outplaying himself the more he posts.
Leave the fucking board.

>> No.6265380

wow kiss already you tards

>> No.6265381
File: 936 KB, 500x281, 1529604618482.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh Anonymous I fucking hate you.

>> No.6265389


I hate you, too. /kiss

>> No.6265678
File: 63 KB, 1000x726, 1662228522631085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think I'm just gonna stop posting words on my socials, just art. I know nobody cares what's on my mind and all that, but it feels good to vent to an audience. Only people who care about my stuff are better artists with equally abysmal stats. Hardcore (You) detoxing is my new plan.

>> No.6265698

More (you)s for me

>> No.6265784
File: 301 KB, 722x768, 1659392342767004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello anon
do you like getting (You)s?

>> No.6265850

Shit, now that they know my strategy I'll have to go one layer deeper to obfuscate further. Find an earlier instance of the image in the archive by hash, make sure they're not just doing what you're doing so you don't think I'm me, take the source timestamp of the post they saved it from and save with that name. Make sure to pick a filename that's mostly posted during nighttime so they can't track you by your actual waking hours.

Now you won't even know which threads the people from the threads I visited visited. You're always looking at the wrong place, someone completely different from another timezone. After all these measures it's impossible to profile me. My posting pattern simply stands out from the norm too much to be profilable.

>> No.6265860

I cannot imagine caring this fucking much about a shitty imageboard full of retards. The earlier spaz waterfall in this threads was laughable. You fucks need to go to a therapist.

>> No.6265974
File: 45 KB, 829x747, 123425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know about image hashes, I'm not stupid. I just don't know how to look them up on the archive and I don't want to lookup.

If it makes me look less like a dumbass I also have been using IP grabbers to pick up a few of the IP's that have been posting shit non-stop on the board and seeing if I can triangulate some of the individuals. I have like, 2 or 3, something like that. Real possibility that maybe I'm taking things a bit to far because I had too much free time for being far from home and not being able to draw as much. But at the same time is just their rough addresses, what the hell I'm going do with it, take a plane fly to their house and rape them? Like I have the cash.

>> No.6266008

Shitty larp. Looks like a Salesforce audit log. Do you work for Twitter or something?

>> No.6266028

I'm a NEET, anon. I'm not sure how it works, it is an old exploit with ISO images that existed on kusaba or some shit like that makes your browse send some sort of info to a link when it's opened because of it, so you just need a IP grabber and be clever about who opens the image. I had for ages but most IB's starting using vichan so it was useless for a while, works fine on 4chan, tho. But I'm paraphrasing, I know shit about this sort of stuff, I just use IB's for a long time.

>> No.6266039

There is this anon I’ve been “stalking” for a long time know. I used backlinks left on my dead accounts like a honey trap and so that when he clicked into them it logged his IP and general city location. So when I mentioned it here his schizo brain lit up in panic. Probably contemplated that his dream/nightmare of me coming to kidnap him was prophecy kek.

>> No.6266054
File: 39 KB, 222x200, 16568989199022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grinding fundies without a specific goal for years killed my creativity. All I have is a vague memory of that childlike joy and wonder I felt during the first few months but it gets fainter the longer I go on. I want to go back to drawing stuff I like but my ego tells me that I should just study more instead. And when I do sit down to draw something for myself there isn't any spontaneity anymore, it communicates nothing, it's just the result of a ritual my ego needs to feel justified in having spent years on this hobby. I used to cringe over my old art because it lacked fundies but honestly, my old shitty ass doodles are worth infinitely more than any retarded xerocopy cast study done in recent times. I used to envy people who were just extremely skilled but nowadays the people I envy the most are the ones who just have fun with their art and convey their ideas simply and clearly.

>> No.6266056

wst is worse than AI threads, ffs.

>> No.6266057

>Grinding fundies
Which book actually tells anyone to do this lmao
Even loomis said to start drawing faces and bodies right away, where the fuck are niggers getting "DRAW 1000 BOXES" from??

>> No.6266058

Imagine /fit being like.
>Do a 100 push ups, 3 sets.
>But it`s my first day
>No pain, no gain...

>> No.6266059

It’s kind of Peter Han’s and Feng Zhus fault since they tout that stuff. Back then everyone (and I mean everyone) wanted to be concept artists and the whole “gotta draw quick on a napkin at the coffee shop for your client” advise was from them.

>> No.6266066

I'm just an insecure retard, I have nobody to blame. I just went into all this the wrong way, I didn't grind anything relevant to what I want to draw, I just had this insecurity that I need to be better, with "better' not even being anything specific. I just had to be better for literally no reason and I didn't allow myself to do anything fun or personal because I didn't feel good enough yet.

>> No.6266067

No one stoping you now, just start, just try, get into the flow.

>> No.6266068

Just open Ms paint and sketch something that you want, think first.

>> No.6266096
File: 259 KB, 475x462, 1662724268330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's still wasting time with pointless loomis crap when Senior Prompt Imagineers will soon craft entire worlds in seconds

>> No.6266098


>> No.6266158

Those are people's IPs he's logged. He's not bluffing.

>> No.6266211
File: 291 KB, 904x400, 1596640094218.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see why you people have been here for a billion years and still can't draw. You niggers put more effort into stupid shit rather than drawing.

>> No.6266295
File: 322 KB, 323x690, 1659296733351562.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't really know where else to say this, but I just feel really happy with how everything is turning out and sorry for the blogpost
I've recently started talking to two small (both under 200 followers) artists who I felt make some really nice art and all I did was just compliment their work that wasn't just the generic "this looks cool" or "Nice". I would say how well they did a certain pose or compliment them on how well they did a small detail or even just saying how cool their OC looks.
They both told me how my words really made their day and how happy it makes them when they see my reply, even one of them started to show me some drawings that haven't been posted anywhere else just because of it.
I just feel really good at the moment, and this has also given me a boost in my motivation to getting better at drawing so that I can draw their OC's and stuff. Which is good since I've been in a real drawing slump after burning out since I didn't balance out drawing for fun and drawing to study.
Is it really this easy to make artist friends or is it kind of biased since I'm talking to smaller artists?

>> No.6266314

You know /ic/ has rotted your brain when you read this expecting something sociopathic like "then i started shitting on their art" or something.

>> No.6266391

The flip side of that is you can end up like Dobson and get too sensitive

>> No.6266426
File: 44 KB, 340x340, 164981981989833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can visualize literally anything i've studied in vivid detail, almost to the point where i see it on the paper before i draw it
>faces are always garbled static no matter how much i study them, can only lay down anatomical forms or memorized stylizations

>> No.6266818 [DELETED] 


>when you see it

>> No.6266823

Sarcasm is a thing too you know.

>> No.6266897

Stop staring at people’s bodies and start analyzing their faces. Or study your own at different angles in the mirror, maybe take some pics for reference.

>> No.6266961

I recognize now that my BIGGEST flaws is an artist is that I try to force "original" ideas on the paper way too often and I can waste hours at a time just wasting graphite on the paper before something meaningful happens, if at all. I've wasted so much time trying to create new ideas instead of allowing myself to be inspired. Gotta start using more reference.

>> No.6267048
File: 133 KB, 750x715, 2E3EDB27-B0A3-43E0-84FF-038FDC43992D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where'd all my inspiration go? I was churning out so much work before I had to leave for a couple weeks. When I get back to my work station I'm not rusty, just completely blank inside. Warm ups don't help, looking at cool art doesn't help, nothing. I want to sleep.

>> No.6267054
File: 612 KB, 1600x1099, RESISTANCE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6267158

You have a poor imagination.

>> No.6267163

>the opposite of love is indifference
midwit meme

>> No.6267166

gotta sleep to recharge. and get sunlight.

>> No.6267170

this is retarded at so many levels

>> No.6267185

>then grab a cup of water and chill out here.
You know how make fresh tap™?

>> No.6267186

Damn I really should get started on publishing a book of this is the kind of garbage being printed.

>> No.6267294

It's rare I finish anything I start.
I keep wrestling with what I think is a type of performance anxiety, where I'm suppose to meet some kind of expectation, and if I don't, then I'm a failure. In the back of my mind, there is always an internal dialog that says I need to impress or get some validation.
I also feel like there's no originality in my work, like I'm just trying to imitate somebody else. I often wonder why I should even bother making art if what I'm drawing has already been done by countless others.
Any advice on how to get over this?

>> No.6267299

Were you like this from day 1? There must have been some period of your journey where you didn't have /ic/ brainworms and actually just wanted to make art for the sake of expression.

>> No.6267307

Not from the beginning, but those days are long gone. I don't think I can mentally go back.

>> No.6267309

Gtfo to discord with your brainrot.

>> No.6267312

give this a listen
a lot of my personal anxiety comes from the picture not turning out how i imagined it, but its time to let those criteria go, and just do. focus on the fact that you can create stuff, not that it'S not EXACTLY what wou want or extremely cool/impressive

>> No.6267320

>Not from the beginning
Then it isn't hopeless.

It's impossible to imagine one neurochemical state while you are in another, hence why depressed people feel certain that they will never be better, and why they might think that it wasn't so bad once they get out of it. But it doesn't mean you can't go back under the right conditions.

Unfortunately though, depending on how long you've been in this state, you might need to undertake very serious life changes to feel differently. The best option is moving to a completely different place and changing your habits. I think you will genuinely feel relief in just a few weeks if your environment is different and your access to the internet is only limited to communication with people you actually know, and maybe for art references. I know all this might not be an option for you right now but it's the best solution available, even a temporary vacation would be good if you don't fall back into old habits once you return.

I can say a lot about this topic and give lots of analogies but it isn't going to help you, reading fake-deep statements online is just a temporary fix. And I would have to assume a lot about you. You need to change your habits and your way of life. This might mean restricting your use of electronics, changing your subject matter or medium, letting go of your ego, and pretty much anything but it's impossible for me to tell. You have to examine your own mind and circumstances critically, understand when and where your issues come from, et cetera. You do have individuality and creativity, it's just buried under mental issues and/or the perceived expectations of others.

>> No.6267333

I'm pretty screwed because this has been going on for years.

>> No.6267354
File: 482 KB, 487x593, AE30BA7B-5468-4780-8BE8-C93489453D2B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought a cheapo hard cover spiral sketchbook from shartmart and I've been drawing in it before I sleep while I'm in bed. It's been doing wonders for my mental well-being since I have so much art saved onto my phone, but I never get around to studying from it during the day. Now I'm studying it and all that latent anxiety about hoarding art is being alleviated, and I'm gradually strengthening my visual library. Working in trad pencil on a physical piece of paper also gives me the dexterity I could only dream of on my tablet. I can always feel the microseconds of delay in a digital workspace, and the warped movement from dimension discrepancy and zooming. I still prefer digital overall but it will just never be as equally responsive as the real world, at least not for another decade minimum. It's satisfying and soothing to draw trad. And as long as I don't draw anything hornier than clothed pinups I won't worry if someone looks through it. It's a decent size and nicely firm to draw in bed. I'm gonna start copying manga pages in their entirety so I can make big gains for the comic I wanna make. Hopefully I'll get the hang of dynamic paneling by years end. The sketchbook pill really feels good bros.

>> No.6267701

/ic/ is in a sad place

>> No.6267707

You WILL surrender your flesh. It is the only choice.

>> No.6267709
File: 55 KB, 680x507, 1590962657264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who tf you callin weak????

Nigga I could easily kill you with my bare hands.

Fucking lol, limp wristed nerd who thinks he's tough because he can write a few lines of computer code.

>> No.6267711

>How do you make yourself work for 8-10 hours a day?
I get paid for it.
So you know, I don't starve to death or have to live on the streets...?

>> No.6267713

If you have the privilege to draw that much in the first place, carpal tunnel isn't really that big of an issue.

>> No.6267722

Get web design gig and keep doing art. Never give up!

>> No.6267730

>just get
>just do

great advice

>> No.6267733
File: 110 KB, 750x925, IMG_20220909_072447_766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really want to draw weeb but it's been two months since I only draw furry. With furry is easy, just draw fill in add shit and boom. With weebshit it's tedious and makes me want to kill myself if it doesn't come out right. But I still wanna do it.
How to break free of this cycle bros? I don't want to be a furfag forever

>> No.6267758
File: 102 KB, 825x775, 16612877771245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm scared that ill get worse at drawing if i let myself have fun

>> No.6267760

What if I told you that you've been having fun all along and haven't even started the real grind yet?

>> No.6267766
File: 30 KB, 563x629, 1655128819390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it would be extremely painful

>> No.6267770

Post your work big guy.

>> No.6267855

>random throwaway coomer accounts have more followers than me
>they like and don't rt
im ngmi

>> No.6267858

I seem to have an inherent hatred of using references. It may have to do with the fact that you have to look for references and I hate looking for things.

>> No.6267871

I don't hate using references, I just hate spending hours google searching just so I can draw.

Sometimes I just say "fuck it" and go with whatever im capable of throwing up on the spot.

>> No.6267879

We can't help if we can't see where you are.

>> No.6267885

>followers go up
>patrons stay flat
it's over, i'm done, can't make a career out of this
the joke was on me in the first place, it should've stayed as a hobby

>> No.6267893

I'd like to thank you for suddenly using /ic/ and reminding me how much of a huge piece of shit you are because it's given me motivation to avoid procrastibrowsing and drawing more

>> No.6267906

This comes off like some facebook-tier passive aggressive posting.

>> No.6267918

You're correct because it is

>> No.6267919

Show us where the bad anon touched you, and tell is who he is so we can laugh at you.

>> No.6267932

Thats not a good thing

>> No.6267939

It's out of my system

>> No.6267947


>> No.6267948

I'm a piece of shit? No, you just got what you deserve 10 fold. Now go back in hiding and remember in the back of your paperthick skull that you're my bitch.

>> No.6267953

Context? What the fuck is going on?

>> No.6267957

It's nothing, I'm just playing along. I doubt I'm talking to who I thin it is as too much time has passed.

>> No.6267961

i am coming for you and your family in louisiana

>> No.6267962

Hmm. Have a nice picnic you two.

>> No.6267963

Come on, you know I live in Miami, Florida. Come on over.

>> No.6268232

>spend 1 day on pose
>k time to ink it and add color
>wait the pose is still a little off, let me fix it
>spend 1 day on pose
>k time to ink it and add color
>wait the pose is still a little off, let me fix it
>spend 1 day on pose
>k time to ink it and add color
>wait the pose is still a little off, let me fix it
>spend 1 day on pose
>k time to ink it and add color
>wait the pose is still a little off, let me fix it
>spend 1 day on pose
>k time to ink it and add color
>wait the pose is still a little off, let me fix it

>> No.6268307
File: 117 KB, 568x390, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When ever I feel lazy or bad, I remember this picture and start drawing

>> No.6268315
File: 415 KB, 675x1200, 100759547_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to draw humans
>billions of references and tutorials and books
>want to draw backgrounds or environments
>literally nothing
im just gonna start throwing photos in back, this is retarded.

>> No.6268325

Literally just check online-courses
Feng Zhu is great
Krenz has some good stuff
https://www.youtube.com/c/TylerEdlin84 this guy does too

>> No.6268327

>check vids
not to say he's shit.
but god i hate youtube and this shit. especially since you can't filter them out.

>> No.6268330

I fucking hate it too.
It's YT's shitty attempt at competing with Tiktok I believe and they're unfortunately too retarded to realize it's an inconvenience to most users.

>> No.6268333

the part the pisses me off the most is you can't fast forward to specific points.

god youtube is so fucking retarded. how is it the internet is actively getting worse.

>> No.6268334

Every social media platform is shooting themselves in both feet trying to beat chinese apps.

>> No.6268380

I feel this. Finding references that are actually useful can be difficult. Then when you need a reference for half of the stuff in the drawing it just makes you want to walk away
I would know immediately that you're from /ic/

>> No.6268387
File: 19 KB, 601x632, 1492103280320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So your problem is that you can't find photos that are good background reference, and your solution is to use photos as backgrounds?

>> No.6268392

I hate it, fuck you for bringing it up.

>> No.6268400
File: 3.17 MB, 1751x992, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly how long do you need to spend on the draft?
I was watching this video and he says unless the draft gets you excited don't bother moving onto the next step. He says that thinking you can fix a drawing you don't like in the draft phase down the line never works.
But I've spent days on a draft just moving/resizing/rotating things around
At some point do you have to say "good enough"?

>> No.6268401

Forgot the video

>> No.6268403
File: 650 KB, 714x821, behance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the actual answer is photofag sites like behance where there's a million collections like this

>> No.6268404

Is this loss?

>> No.6268421
File: 168 KB, 785x558, 1585869964243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lurk /s/ for the right reference of how breasts behave when a Woman is laying down
>Notice a wheyfu thread full of muscle girls
>See a picture created by an AI
>Couldn't tell whether it was real or not for a split second

>> No.6268637

Pin ups are going to go extinct.

>> No.6268639

Nevermind, I found it. It's fucking terrible.

>> No.6269346

the machine genned pinups i've seen basically look like early 2000s celeb fake shoops. you've gotta be real hard up to settle for them, for now.

>> No.6269368

I tought AI was going to save me from Anime but it actually empowers and validates it, I am so tired of this Nightmare world.

>> No.6269379

I know I'm just being an ADHD zoomer, but I'm trying to take some online art courses and it just fucking goes on and on about the most basic topics
>here's where the ear sits on the face
>see how it turns
>look it turns when the head turns
>look how it can cover things up while it turns
>30 minutes later still talking about the position of the ear
just say the ear falls around halfway down the skull between the ear and upper eye.
it takes like 5 minutes. people on youtube have been doing this for years.

>> No.6269438

Did you actually draw and absorb what you're seeing? It certainly does not take 5 minutes to learn something and it's best practice to watch things again and again until you nail it.

>> No.6269443

Me understanding it just requires more drawing it. Him showing the same thing saying the same things doesn't drill it in more. Get it over with and make me draw it 10 times.

The course is 10 hours longer than it has to be because of things like this. I'm just going through it because its on the mandatory course progression.

>> No.6269511

>spend 2 hours playing around with the eyes
>compare it to before it looks worse
>hold Ctrl-Z
Well that was a waste of time

>> No.6269580
File: 3.28 MB, 375x498, insane-fucking[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look at other version again, actually it was better

>> No.6269593
File: 219 KB, 718x732, 1642963020894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've got no idea how happy this makes me feel that I'm not the only one with this issue.

>> No.6269706

Why is there such a big overlap between artists and tumblr snowflakes? Everyone I meet in the industry is some kind of off-putting weirdo with bright neon hair, they constantly bring up their leftism and identity politics ideas, and they all have OC's and "personas" and such.

I feel like I'm the only "normal" person at my studio. I'm pretty apolitical, I don't care at all about "representation", "diversity", or identity politics, and I think all of this OC crap is stupid. I've never watched anime, and I dress like a normal, presentable person. I just so happen to like drawing, and have made a career out of it. Why is everyone else in this industry such a freak?

>> No.6269717

I was a psych major and I did a whole project on it
I forget the details but there is a genetic predispositin and a clustering of charastericcs that fall into Left vs Right
It's like nature wants half the people to keep things the same and the other half to change them
Art was definitely a left thing, so unfrotunetly you're gonna be surrounded by people that just wanna change things for the sake of changing things

>> No.6269748

Thank God mileage is mileage

>> No.6269752

I think it's because most people like that go to art schools, and that's where they network into huge companies and positions. A lot of art schools also promote identity politics pretty heavily and even communist ideology, so even people who are more neutral tend to eventually lean that way afterwards. Most people I see online who aren't in the industry or had no schooling are pretty tame in their politics. Of course there might be a lot more to it, but perhaps there is a correlation between art school curriculum and the industry since I know a lot of big companies network and recruit from some schools.

>> No.6269753

>mileage is mileage
Um... milage-sisters I don't feel so good

>> No.6269754

Any recommendations for shows/anime/manga/comics to watch or read? I'm trying to increase my creative library, I'm building some show pitches and starting some comic series, but I'm starting to feel like I'm losing my creativity

>> No.6269755
File: 3.84 MB, 1066x1615, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6269759
File: 369 KB, 984x1400, 1650340797747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For pure absolute god level lines there's Akebi-chan

>> No.6269761

Hmm, you might be onto something there. I didn't go to art school or any kind of college, just self-taught. My entire art "education" was all done in isolation, whereas most of the people I'm describing seem to have gone to art colleges.

>> No.6269763
File: 932 KB, 800x1138, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6269766
File: 376 KB, 800x1138, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6269767

Mentally stunted at 16 years old.
Yeah it's really that simple.

>> No.6269768
File: 46 KB, 1024x576, 1640548581891m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesnt like anime

>> No.6269769
File: 311 KB, 800x1138, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's like 10 pages of her jumping rope and they're all godly

>> No.6269775
File: 1 KB, 123x34, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck does anyone drop with shape dynamics on

>> No.6269776

Akebi Sailor is a true masterpiece.

>> No.6269779

Yup, I have experience. Some of my teachers are even marxists or communists, though it's mostly the liberal arts teachers who are. I don't think it's just art schools but universities as a whole because I've seen people I've known from highschool completely change and go full on they/them communists. My studio teachers are not that into identity politics and they are for the most part all older guys which might explain why, but they still try to be politically correct to not offend students but don't push any narrative. I know quite a lot of graduates from my school go on to work for huge companies. The other anon might have a point too, but I think generally artists who aren't huge into neoliberalism or identity politics tend to stay away from the entertainment industry and do their own thing. The gallery or painting scene seems pretty tame in comparison to the entertainment industries.

>> No.6269782

The way he draws water is just insane too

>> No.6269783
File: 1.63 MB, 1350x1920, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck forgot the image

>> No.6269785

His feet could use work though.

>> No.6269788
File: 651 KB, 800x1138, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post your feet

>> No.6269823

wow this is weird, found a lowbeg drawing on twitter using the same idea, same character, same pose etc. as one of my drawings. down to stuff like the same amount of hairtufts, it's clear my drawing was the ref it's just poorly done so I can't be unhappy

>> No.6269824

Just be thankful he's not using AI instead

>> No.6269871

I want to be good at art but not too good. I want to know exactly how to be totally accurate but I want to choose to be inaccurate for the sake of style. This means I have to learn to do realism then unlearn it right after. If I don't figure out exactly how I'm breaking the anatomy I'll never be consistent. Is there any other pursuit in life where you have to master something and then learn how to forget it on command? No wonder artists are nuts.

>> No.6269989

I don't feel motivated anymore... My life's a mess, no job wants me so I live broke. I've lost all my friends and been replaced by my hater in their group and in that I've lost all motivation for anything. I know we're not supposed to worry about doing art for others, but ourselves.. but without the people that used to be there for me, it's like I'm just throwing everything at a brick wall, and slowly going insane. Not to mention the group was an RP group and when they decided to end the RP of 10+ years without an ending right before kicking me out of the community, there went all my art inspiration I had throughout the years. I try to improve out of spite, to get better than my hater but despite spite being the best motivation, even that's starting to not be enough and I'm just burning out and going mad.

>> No.6270008
File: 51 KB, 685x564, 1636408548821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But anon, those were your own posts.

>> No.6270036
File: 170 KB, 1560x1664, 20220805_231659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got reunited with some old friends today but realized after 2 years I've changed so much I'm not actually interested in them anymore. They're a bunch of r9k types with absolutely no ambitions and I can't help now but to feel like hanging out with them leads to nothing. It's fucking weird how you can romanticize past memories like that and then when you talk to them again for real they don't live up to your expectations

>> No.6270043

>to get better than my hater
Don't let stuff like that be your motivation. He's most likely already got a head start on you and you'll likely never be able to catch up as long as he keeps going too.
Forgot about your old friends too. As long as you stick to the pursuit of whatever it is you're trying to achieve, you'll run into new friends eventually. People will naturally become interested in you as you get better and want to talk to you

>> No.6270080

Forgive your the people who burned you and move on with your life.
Trush your intuition and leave them behind.

>> No.6270124

Been drawing for 4 years and feel like I've been hard stuck at a wall for 3 of them, I don't post my work anywhere as I'm not looking for clout and I'm not drawing to the standard I want to be at to feel like showing it off plus I feel like I would have the stigma of being a western style porn artist if I post here, as such getting critique, help and making artist friends has always felt out of reach.
It feels like I've skipped a whole lot of learning steps and can draw at a mediocre level but I seem unable to grasp or get my head around even basic stuff like simplifying forms, gesture drawing etc, its very frustrating to be stuck in this limbo of being a beginner but drawing as if I'm actually decent.
I'm not giving up on my solo journey to draw big anime titties but maybe rambling to the void might ease me a bit, thanks for reading my blog.

>> No.6270183

Spend time in /wct/ threads reminding them how much of a 'piece of shit' you are to rekindle their motivation to take you down while they allude further that you're 'left behind' in their "friend sphere".

>> No.6270285
File: 38 KB, 900x900, 1652398165123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>keep averaging 5hrs a day
its over

>> No.6270300

Is there anything harder than waking up and seeing what you spend all night drawing

>> No.6270540

Not sure what you mean, but they don't come on /ic/ thank god.

>> No.6270550

hm ok

>> No.6270702

Why bother posting my work on this art website if I’m never going to get feedback? It seems rather pointless and my studies appear to be far better than all the other posters who bother sharing their stuff. I hate how there really isn’t a decent site to post work unless it’s a discord (or /ic/).

>> No.6271601

"Get those bad drawings out of you :D"
"Fill up a lot of sketchbooks with bad art :D"
"If you wanna draw cute faces you have to draw thousands of bad ones :D"

These niggers HAVE GOT to be crabbing. If you do this you will learn so many horrible habits, it will take years to undo the damage. Why do pro artists perpetuate this meme? Practice doesn't make perfect, practice makes permanent.

>> No.6271609

You're supposed to do that WHILE studying and practicing proper techniques, that's the whole point.

>> No.6271610

I swear to God if I ever to to the level of the greats I look up to I will make tutorials with no bullshit filter and give every little autistic thing I’m thinking about to the viewer.

>> No.6271651

Teaching is a skill. Being a good artist doesn't necessarily make you capable of teaching someone else.
I also assume that many are either gatekeeping or hoarding knowledge in order to monetize it

>> No.6271661

I’ve been having a really bad grinding streak the past couple days. I’ve spent like 30 minutes doing 2 figure drawing and getting all the proportions wrong and it’s really pissing me the fuck off.

>> No.6271669

Come home, Grind man. Start tracing 3D models.

>> No.6271758

You are going to draw thousands of bad drawing wheter you want to or not.why let it stop you?

>> No.6271798

I’m just realizing now all the art videos zoomers make is now on tiktok and that’s why youtube is so dry.

>> No.6271836

NTA but I do think both referencing and drawing from imagination is great. Drawing from imagination gets easier more you reference and if the OG anon has spent 30 minutes on just posing he should def pick 3D model. No shame in that, pro artists do that too

>> No.6272231

There are a whole lot of “is X cheating” posts from people online but not a lot of people demonstrating how they actually trace over the models.

>> No.6272259

I find it ironic people only care about human figures being traces.
>entire background literally a photo
>every background completely traced
>nobody gives a single fuck

>a single hand doing a complex grab motion in an extremely foreshortened view is referenced

>> No.6272268

Then there are people who advocate tracing everything but can’t draw out of a paper box regardless. Trying to find pros who weave this in their process 100% is like finding a needle on Mt Fuji.

>> No.6272296

Personally I'm against it just on the idea that it limits you. Same with fancy photoshop brushes.
It serves the purpose of producing an image, but unless you're on a time crunch to a professional the fact you have to rely on the crutch limits you too much in the future.

for example I'm trying to learn how to draw waves correctly, a lot of tutorials are just like
>lmao just use this brush
but the moment you stop drawing far away landscape views this is useless, if i want to draw a sea monster breaching water I need to know how to draw waves in detail and not just cram a random brush texture down.

>> No.6273666

How am I supposed to draw when I can be jerking off random teens blasted ads arghhh

>> No.6274833

nice kot

>> No.6275485 [DELETED] 

>work at a boring office job
>all work is done, nothing else to do for the next 6 hours
>the room I'm in has a glass wall facing the corringdor, everyone from the outside can see what I'm doing
>can't draw
this is torture