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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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>> No.8888564 [View]

I haven't lied about my proficiency in japanese.

I can understand most rōmaji and spoken, but I am completely hopeless in kanji, hiragana, and katakana.

>> No.8873389 [View]

You can't cut off their resources. you can't build a temporary base, the "attacking in waves" Was supposed to be first attack, fall back to tile you attacked from to rest and attack again.

You can take all of the land around him to cut the shared land bonus, but they can live without that. The only base you can build is a full base, if you attack out of a second/third base, you can't attack with the same force you marched there at once because of command center so you have to spend a ton of time and resources to get it to level 10, you can't attack in waves as your entire army will march back to their base, unless you build your full base right next to their base.

You're trying to defend game mechanics that doesn't even exist.

>> No.8873330 [View]

>Your interpretation of a siege is simply not the game's interpretation.
That's more called poor game mechanics.

A siege is surrounding the target to prevent reinforcement, escape, or resupply. Winning either by starvation or taking it by force. The siege only ending when the defenders are overwhelmed, starved out, or forced to surrender, forcing the attackers to retreat, or the attackers decide the siege is not worth the losses and return home.

Not tickling the enemies walls then walking back to home base.

>> No.8873303 [View]

That's way too unreasonable. You're supposed to continually destroy and rebuild your base to have any sort of reasonable chance to destroy a base?

Bases are already incredibly hard to take out with how the wall and castle system works, if you attack with a large force that takes thirty minutes to get there and manage to destroy one level of wall, they could just rebuild it before you even get back from your period.

What I expected from the game was when you attack and win but don't destroy it, you'll go back to the last tile you were in if it was still your kingdoms territory. Not attack, win, walk all the way back to deployment base.

>> No.8873262 [View]
File: 269 KB, 1252x711, AGH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After marching for 6 hours and garrisoning in an allied base I decided to go hit the enemy that was four tiles south. I absolutely crush him, obviously and then see

>Period 1 ≫ 6:06:58
I...I don't...WHY

The territory I attacked from wasn't taken back, I didn't use attack and return home, we win the battle, and they just walk all the way home. What the fuck. So I can't even hit enemy bases? All I can do with this army from rear guard is dick around with vacant and resource tiles.

I think I'm done. That was just completely retarded.

>> No.8869251 [View]
File: 29 KB, 945x60, food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I most certainly will, since I'm down to only +3 from having such a massive army that has no worth really.

Which I just now noticed. I have to get to work upgrading my farm a lot.

>> No.8868804 [View]

Tier 3 cavalry, up to 50%.

Honestly though, at this point between a 3 hour travel time and a 6 hour travel time, it doesn't matter. All it takes is one territory you're trying to attack be taken and you are sent all the way back. It's just not feasible to try to fight on the front line as a rear guard unless you build a base there.

The tier 3 cavalry also don't have much attack, should you fight an actual army, you'll be at a disadvantage.

>> No.8868779 [View]

It was pretty lonely back here when I first started, but now it's just boring. Nothing to do but dick around with the emperor. I'm probably the strongest force in rear guard, not like that's worth anything with no one to fight though. I've tried marching down to the frontline twice, garrisoning in a allied base only to be met with the territory I attacked from there was taken over before I could get there and then a 6 hour march back.

On my battlefront account though since there's so many people picking it, You struggle for both territory and experience. Having a hard time finding anything to attack, at least on Wei. Of course I'd imagine the same would be said for anyone else who spawns near me or any of the early start rear guards too, as we have no opposition to retake the territories. The only ones being left are the ones we are too lazy to get.

Just in general this game is harsh for late starters.

>> No.8868432 [View]

Pick rear middle guard Wei.

Wei is the best, so no one will be able to even come near you.

>> No.8868100 [View]

Huang Zhong. I remember this since I've been playing RTK.

I forget her true name though.

>> No.8867641 [View]

March giant 12k+ power army 6 hours down to Wu, garrison in a allied base, go to attack a Wu territory, oh nope that's already been taken let's go walk 6 hours back home, yep, that's clearly the best idea.

.......what the fuck. Welp, I've given up on doing anything to other players from the rear guard.

>> No.8866117 [View]

I know there's Wu a 5 hour march south, so I guess I'll send my army down there while my two generals I don't use go dick around with the emperor commanding cavalry.

>> No.8866059 [View]

It was back when I thought a mini-castle was the hardest thing ever.

Doesn't yellow land only give like 15 points or something? It would be better for me to just march the army to Shu or Wu and fight until they have to come back than have my powerful warlords dick around with the emperor.

>> No.8865997 [View]
File: 70 KB, 287x492, Karin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Betray my cute Karin? No way, no can do.

Besides, I'm pretty sure you lose a bunch of shit if you do that, and don't even stay in the same spot.

Yellow land is way too easy. What would be the point in marching a 12k+ power army to take over resource and vacant land?

I already built my second base 9 squares to the south east of my main base, it supplied my main base when I was struggling with resources building a army.

As for why I chose rear guard, I dunno. I thought there'd be a ton more action. I wanted some time to prepare my forces before being under attack. But that clearly didn't come to happen. I could march my army to Shu or Wu territory, but without a base there it'll only last so long.

Don't have a third base available yet. Need a higher rank.

>> No.8862707 [View]

You should see crazystats Shuyu then.

8 hp, 12 attack, 8 defense, 14 skill. Level 0 general. It's absurd

>> No.8862507 [View]

More cards to tease me with.

I'll still enter my beta key, but I won't receive

People who play on their beta key login won't get cards due to beanfun being incompetent.

If you enter your email to your beanfun account you'll get a card on it, but a lot of people have already played too far on the beta key to restart before the wipe.

>> No.8862027 [View]
File: 63 KB, 718x473, 12363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? 6000 attack power? Pretty easily honestly. At first it seems like a lot, but I easily doubled that.

Get three level 2 warlords, make about 120 spearmen, 40 halberds, and 80 archers. Equip 40 halberds and 40 spearmen on a spear spec warlord, equip 80 archers on a archer warlord, and then throw the other 80 spearmen on your highest attack warlord. Or if you want, 80 scouts on a infantry warlord, only making 40 spears total. And tada, you have a 6k army.

Put all your level up points into attack. Each point adds 25 attack. Defense only comes into play when you're being attacked, hp isn't as good as attack, and skill only increases ougi chance, which would be very very low because of all of the enemy warlords in a mini-castle.

The only trouble you should really have is getting command center to 10. It costs a ton of resources.

>> No.8861330 [View]
File: 10 KB, 210x104, Menma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's too bad I don't have Sei because of card beta key bug.

>> No.8861142 [View]
File: 263 KB, 1257x705, minicastle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me correct that.

A really heavily harassed one having 150.

>> No.8861129 [View]

Anywhere between a really heavily harassed one having 300, and a untouched having 5k.

Personally I waited until I had a 6k army before I did. Good thing too, as I went up against a 4900 power one.

>> No.8861079 [View]

Cavalry aren't that great at attacking mini-castles. They have decent attack but the reason to have them is the high mobility stat. Spearmen, archers and scouts are the best for mini-castles.

Since that doesn't appear to be the 8 every stat Gengen, I'd suggest waiting for Cao Cao to be level 1 to command 60 spearmen.

You could probably take a low-middle mini-castle, but you could get really unlucky and encounter a 4-5k one. It's up to you if you want to push your luck

>> No.8861044 [View]
File: 370 KB, 1268x735, base.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pretty easy once you already have an army really.

Spend excess resources reinforcing your army while you build and upgrade stuff. I constantly have 30-50 archers, scouts, and halberds training, and I still have enough resources to do pretty much anything else I want.

The key is to get your army built really. When I was building my army I struggled with resources, now I have a surplus of everything.

>> No.8860451 [View]
File: 207 KB, 1291x687, ehh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ehh.. it'll take 5 hours for just a fraction of my army to get to the nearest Wei base.

Sorry, can't help you there.

>> No.8858561 [View]
File: 62 KB, 723x466, mission.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It may look like it only gives 5, but it actually gives 85.

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