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/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.19377347 [View]

I see. Unfortunately I'm already at what I assume is the end of the game. You kind of get used to lack of voices. Thanks anyway though.

>> No.19377224 [View]

I read that the later versions had been censored or something compared to the PC98 release.

>> No.19371473 [View]

It's the first part of 6 Angel Beat games. Except they never released any other parts. It's not necessarily bad. There just isn't enough content to differentiate it from the Anime.

>> No.19370568 [View]

I haven't finished the true routes yet, but it feels more to me like someone tried to make a Key style game, than a true Key game itself, if that makes any sense. I would say it is a good charage. One of the main things missing for me from the good Key titles is the music. It's just not on the same level.

>> No.19370559 [View]

I haven't finished the true routes yet, but it feels more to me like someone tried to make a Key style game, than a true Key game itself, if that makes any sense. I would say it is a good charage. One of the main things missing for me from the gook Key titles is the music. It's just not on the same level.

>> No.19360326 [View]

I seem to have gotten a bad end on my first play through. Think I need to use a walkthrough.

>> No.19347158 [View]

Currently reading YU-NO, PC98 version. It's enjoyable but not really what I was expecting.
Forgot this came out. How is it? I've been disappointed by Key's recent works (Rewrite, Angel Beats (VN), Charolotte).

>> No.18606297 [View]

Yes. The first place I lived in was 20,000 yen a month rent and included internet. This is in a city of 2 million. Sure the place was rather shitty, but Japan is hardly expensive unless you are for some reason dead set on living in the middle of Tokyo.

>> No.18602339 [View]

If it is an option for you, I'd suggest a working holiday visa to see what it's like to live here. Then if you like it, you can try looking to live here permanently. Otherwise, I would suggest a language school. This would also allow you to try living and working in Japan, while learning the language. If you already know Japanese though, it's kind of a waste of money (was for me at least) but it would still let you come here.
If you're in your 30s with a career and maybe even a family or something, then yeah, dropping everything to come to Japan isn't the best idea. But if you are a dude living at home still, then why not? Even if you end up deciding to go back home, at least you have the experience and can say you did something.
Also Japan is not expensive at all.

>> No.18601997 [View]

Finally finished Rance X. It was OK, but I was expecting something more like Kichikuou. The second part felt unnecessary and I wish they had instead fleshed out the first part more.

>> No.18478619 [View]

I have no problem with multiple playthroughs getting stronger aiming for the true ending.
If I have any issue it would be that I kind of feel like the bad ending came out of nowhere. There isn't really any indication of where I was failing or what I needed to do better. All the countries were still fighting, I had just downed my 4th 魔人, and then it's like, nope bad ending time.

>> No.18471511 [View]

The main reason I like Rance is the story. The world, history, characters, everything has quite a lot of thought put into it. The games could have zero H scenes and I wouldn't really care.
The gameplay really depends on the game, some are a lot more fun to play than others. It'd be nice if instead of just creating a completely different system every time, they expanded on and improved on what people like.
Rance himself is kind of hit and miss. In the older games he was far more of a scumbag than he is now. In the more recent games he has rather mellowed out somewhat. I can see why people don't like him though.
Honestly, there aren't really any other games like Rance being made. So if you like this kind of game, then it's the game for you. I also have to give Alicesoft props for continually updating the series with new installments over 30 years, instead of some other companies that just make a couple games, then milk it for a decade+ of spinoffs and remakes.

>> No.18461562 [View]

It seems rather cheap for an eroge of this caliber to me. 8000 yen on Alicesoft's website. There are regular console games that cost more.

>> No.18461360 [View]

No worries.
I am in Fukuoka.
>And one last question - do you think that it's possible to pull off studying at a language school and working part time?
Absolutely. In fact most people work part time. Many people (particularly those not from first world countries) work over the 28 hours a week as well (illegally of course). Also long breaks like summer break and spring break, you can work more than 28 hours a week legally.
The Japanese language schools I know of don't have school all day. It's more like 4 or 5 hours a day (though obviously this probably depends on the school) so you'd have lots of time to work.
When you look for a job for after you finish the language school, you would generally be searching before/after you graduate. I believe a student visa gives you a leeway of a few months to search for work even after you finish school. I'm a student though, not here on a work visa, so I can't give you all the answers.

>> No.18460481 [View]
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It arrived! Now I know what I'm doing all day.

>> No.18460433 [View]

Sorry I was asleep.
It is very possible to change from a student visa to a work visa. Many people do it. You just apply for a change of status or whatever at immigration. You have to prove you have a job etc.
Really, it is up to you on where you study Japanese. If you want to go to maid cafes, and Akiba, and do Otaku shit, then you might want to choose Tokyo. If you just want to experience life in Japan, then you could choose somewhere else. Keep in mind, Tokyo is very expensive to live in compared to many other places. If money isn't an issue, then whatever, but if it is you will probably want to shop around.
In my opinion Tokyo is fun to travel to, but not a place I would want to live.
Dialect shouldn't matter. It's not like they are teaching you the dialect in language schools, they just teach standard Japanese.

>> No.18454041 [View]

It's a national university so yeah it should be good. I'm pretty far away from Hokkaido though so I don't really know a whole lot about it.
It's my understanding that having a bachelor's degree is important, not necessarily what you have it in. Obviously if you want to get into a science field then an arts degree probably won't cut it, but if you just want to be a salary man it shouldn't really matter.

>> No.18446738 [View]

Cool man. I go to a 旧帝 as well. I wish you the best of luck.

>> No.18446698 [View]

Yeah it is hard to say just going off the PDF. It says it teaches you up to intermediate in the first 6 months, then you continue taking Japanese courses throughout the 4 years. If the goal is to get a job in Japan, and you are able to graduate from a Japanese university with N1 and also fluent English skills, then it shouldn't be that difficult. I know guys in their mid 30s who have graduated from shit tier Japanese universities with Japanese skills worse than mine that were able to get jobs in Japanese companies.
Basically what I want to say, is the guy shouldn't let his being 28 the factor that makes him not pursue this if he really wants to.

>> No.18446652 [View]

According to the PDF the course teaches you Japanese before entering the actual bachelor degree program. And you will be taking courses in Japanese as well.

>> No.18446421 [View]

Not at all man. I am 28 years old as well and currently attend university in Japan. It's cool man.

>> No.18446292 [View]

Looking forward to Rance X. Should be here on the 22nd.

>> No.17608712 [DELETED]  [View]
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JP (Sep 26, 27, Oct 14, 15)

Street Performance Class (Sep 18)
Autumn Semester Test (Oct 9)
Sakura Gakuin Festival 2017 (Nov 18, 19)

BM: https://youtu.be/hEzdlD9Li0M [Open] & https://youtu.be/WmrhpGeFaVU [Open]
SG: https://youtu.be/-617PVlY720 [Open] & https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5vyigv
Ciao: https://youtu.be/JfqD96S-1GI [Open] & https://youtu.be/My9kfjQiEEY [Open]
Grads: https://youtu.be/tFTc_sNCFJg [Open] & https://youtu.be/2lQb8wEKO68 [Open]

さくら学院の顔笑れ!!︎FRESH!マンデー (Mon 19:00 JST)



>previously on /bmsg/:

>> No.17478392 [View]

something when wrong with the title. Do I need to escape the # symbol?

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