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/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.2538432,293 [INTERNAL]  [View]

You know, I'm starting to see a trend of /a/ having a much worse backlash to things than they should have, getting upset over the shitstorm caused, and blaming whatever is at the center of it.
I could have sworn it was when someone decided to take record of how often Matsuda posted and saged. That caused a huge thread where all the current tripfags were mapped out in approximate post numbers.

>> No.2538432,281 [INTERNAL]  [View]

I'm also convinced that 80% of the Toradora spammers were women. And more than half of the K-ON spammers.
Can't get a demographic lock on the GARUTO spammers though. Let's just assume they're all women.

>> No.2538432,274 [INTERNAL]  [View]

Luckily, the tripfag drama seems to be at a semi low point. During fall and winter it was the worst. Taiga posting constantly, being defended by Stein, Matsuda starting out and getting his clones, MiMW still being around occasionally, and Anonymous (Most likely these tripfags in disguise) overreacting to it all. Unless I'm missing some more annoying tripfag drama that's going on right now, it seems better now that Taiga and Stein have more or less fucked off.

>> No.2538432,262 [INTERNAL]  [View]

Thinking back, there is one raid I could approve of, and that is the Limbaugh raid. Of course, that's just out of feeling that anything bad happening to Rush Limbaugh is good for the rest of us. But /a/ wouldn't do something so ambitious. The best we could do is raid Funimation, and that would end in shit no matter how it turned out. Leave the raiding to the real internet trolls, /a/.
There are a lot of situations in which you might use the one liter of water storage provided by such an object.

>> No.2538432,256 [INTERNAL]  [View]

Oh, boy do I remember dropping Xam'd like a box of bricks 11 episodes in. Not specifically because I hated it, but because I became apathetic at that time.
I have mixed feelings on R2. On one hand, participating in the shitstorm, and making fun of how bad the show was going was the only way to enjoy it. However, it is now obvious that it cost /a/ a large portion of it's soul.

>> No.2538432,251 [INTERNAL]  [View]

Jesus. I knew I was right to sage the thread that this all started in, not that sage does anything. But still. Why should /a/ care if some fags are writing fanfics using a bunch of stolen characters and powers? And since when does /a/ raid, anyway? That's the dumbest idea I've ever heard of.

>> No.2538432,242 [INTERNAL]  [View]

I'm of the opinion that experience in anime doesn't make you better at judging a good show from a bad one, experience in any entertainment medium will allow you to be better at judging. But be careful, deciding what is shit and what isn't before it even airs is just prejudging. For example, every season preview thread I see has people talking about how much worse the next season will be than the current one, without exception. It's gotten ridiculous to the degree that this season, just before K-ON aired, I saw a front page full of K-ON threads, and only one of them was actually in support of it. The rest were "THIS SHIT IS OVERHYPED AND /a/ ALREADY LOVES IT!"
I also know I've been dead wrong about what series I'd like and dislike. Usually my favorite show of a season tends to be one I had never heard of in the pre season hype.

>> No.2538432,225 [INTERNAL]  [View]

I'm guilty of precisely one recommendation thread in the last month, and it existed only because /a/ only talks about anime from the 90's and later anymore, and I was looking for earlier shows. Thread got no replies.

>> No.2538432,218 [INTERNAL]  [View]

I've always found it kind of weird that the worst posters are the ones who have jobs. I guess they are a package deal with the immature high schoolers, and have lower power levels than NEETs, but the idea of having a job is certainly more ambitious than not having one. Maybe ambition is the cancer killing daytime /a/?

As for nighttime /a/, it gets mentioned a lot less. I remember how enjoyable it tended to be back when I was using my Picard tripcode. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to stay up late in recent months, so I've been missing out. And of course, when I am finally free of classes, it'll be summer.

>> No.2538432,211 [INTERNAL]  [View]

I watched Kino's Journey right before starting Mushishi. I suspect that has something to do with it, considering how much I love Kino, and how I see the two as similar in style, in a way. The problem being, it has been months since I've watched an episode, and the last time I started, I thought a few seconds in "This isn't what I feel like watching now." and switched to something else. Maybe I'll try a once a week approach, and I'll at least get it finished at some point.

>> No.2538432,197 [INTERNAL]  [View]

I have to confess to being a late 2007 /b/ refugee with a power level of 33 days worth of anime. Of course, I'm not going to GB2 anywhere, because this is the only place where I ever see Akagi discussed.

>> No.2538432,190 [INTERNAL]  [View]

I agree with your assessment that we should view and judge them subjectively when comparing them to other anime, but I disagree with your placement of Azumanga Daioh as the best. Maybe the first, but I've never seen that as a valid argument for something being better than something else, even if a direct influence is obvious. The quality of a slice of life is, in my experience, directly connected to how viewers react to and enjoy the characters, making it more subjective than other genres. It is, after all, impossible to analyze storytelling methods, plot, and ending in a series that has none of those. And they don't tend to have enough animation to really warrant that being a factor, so we're left with characters, and art. Both somewhat subjective.

Also, maybe I'm just a fag, but I am having so much trouble getting further in Mushishi than I am. I enjoyed the first several episodes immensely, but I've hit a snag in the middle. Is this normal? Should I skip to a later episode, not missing anything because of it being episodic, or am I maybe just one of those people who can't enjoy it's tone or something?

>> No.2538432,174 [INTERNAL]  [View]

That's a pretty good list. I approve.

>> No.2538432,170 [INTERNAL]  [View]

I, same massive SOL fag as before, (Fuck it, I'm putting my tripcode back on), agree. Slice of Life is exactly average. It can be slightly above average at best, and below average at worst. There is no plot, only characterization, and it generally relies on cuteness to make it good/enjoyable. I enjoyed Hidamari Sketch mostly because of how relaxed and good inside it made me feel.

>> No.2060536 [View]
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Sup /y/?

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