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/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.131738 [View]

In my opinion, it is the most fun and easiest when just beginning to get a Japanese manga (if you're cheap there's always piracy) and read it over and over and over and just sort of work your way through it. Works well in conjunction with the other methods described. But it's kind of like a reward. Every time you go back and reread the manga you understand a little bit more, like you might get a joke you didn't understand before or some nuance that didn't make sense.

Yotsubato is excellent for this, seriously.

And for kanji, self-made cards are better than bought ones anyway, it helps you learn the stroke order.

>> No.131711 [View]

Why do you say that?

I haven't said a thing against touhou, Japan, or pedophilia. What would make you think I was a troll?

>> No.131687 [View]


>> No.131683 [View]

Yeah, like an American police officer pulls you over, for a split second there's that, Oh god, is he going to kill me?" thought. With Japanese police officers it's more like, "If I pushed you over I bet I could run away while you struggled to pull your frail old man body off the sidewalk."

Neither are the Japanese policemen. You'd never see a badass american cop directing school children across the street or waggling their finger at you when you ride your bike with an umbrella. They're too busy doing drug busts and shooting black criminals. Or so I hear.

>> No.131667 [View]

shinanakereba narimasen yo.

I hate that kind of weeaboo with a deep, oily, brooding loathing.

Which only reflects how deep my self-hatred goes. ; ;

>> No.131635 [View]

I doubt that. Well, not entirely, but in my experience the police have been generally very helpful to foreigners. Then again... Well, either way, I doubt that the large majority of the police force is nationalistic to that extreme.

>> No.131603 [View]

I've never seen them harass anybody. And Shinjuku is Tokyo so there's plenty of foreigners around. I stopped and listened to them the first time I saw them wondering what the hell was up ( I am very obviously foreign, have the Aryan complex going on.) and they didn't make any notice.

I suspect the police currently tolerate them on the condition they don't hassle the tourists. Also the spot where they usually park is kind of across the street next to a concrete island type thing, so you don't really walk that close to them. They're usually just there shouting crazy xenophobic shit and everyone just keeps walking by pretending like they're not there.

A lot of Japanese people, and especially english language schools that specifically want to attract native english speakers (i.e. foreigners) speak at the very least a little english. Japanese people study english from middle school through high school, mandatory. Really, the main gaijin gig is teaching english and rarely have I personally heard of anyone else working in Japan not at a school who doesn't speak very very good Japanese. Sometimes there are sort of "novelty" positions where you can get hired at say, a host/hostess bar, because a lot of Japanese people find gaijins novel and/or want to practice their english.

>> No.131401 [View]

I direct you to: spankwire, swap.avi, 2girls1cup, tubgirl, goatse, and well, 60% of the internet.

I guarantee you someone, somewhere has done it, taped it, and posted it on the internet. Multiple times. I think you just want free porn.

>> No.131374 [View]

Wow, these are awesome.
"Put it in gently, please"

>> No.131353 [View]

The guys in front of the Shinjuku JR station are like from Hokkaido or something. Say some really crazy shit. "Thank your mother for not marrying a foreigner and keeping Japan pure, thank your father and your grandparents for marrying another Japanese...Japan should return to old days..."

No one seems to listen to them. Last time I saw them in Shinjuku they had like a whole camp set up with lawn chairs and stuff, but people just kept walking by. They use the loud speaker on a van delivery method for lots of things, I'm sure people are desensitized enough to it. "Be careful of fire in dry weather, it's garbage collection day, Vote for mayor Tanaka, Expel the foreign barbarians." Just business as usual in Japan.

>> No.131024 [View]

Thank you, I've tried the party scene and I go out every once in awhile, but unfortunately (or fortunately) large amounts of alcohol make me very sick. Veeeeery sick.

And being a woman really does bite sometimes. A lot of the time, really. Sometimes, I have these moments of realization, I think, "God, I am really crazy. I don't even really care, but the hormones have taken over." I hate to go with generalized stereotypes, but speaking personally, I really can be unreasonably emotional, cranky, and in occasionally in the habit of unconsciously instantly hating other girls because they are prettier than me.

Granted, I think I prefer it over the alternative. At least I have an excuse for being crazy.

>> No.130712 [View]

Had a tech support job, $11/hr, took a year of Computer Science at community college, quit my job, moved to Japan for a study abroad program, but I don't really go to school and all study is self motivated. So I frequently end up on the internet all day. Sometimes I do study.

Planning on heading back to the states in a few months and attempting to major in Digital Arts and Experimental Media if I can get accepted into the program I want, Computer Science if not, but I don't really want to major in CS as the year of it I found to be sort of dull, but there's nothing else I want to major in either that will actually be useful. Minor in Japanese, hopefully too.

So at the moment I'm not really doing anything.

>> No.129162 [View]

Tacos are fucking delicious, is what I think.

>> No.129142 [View]
File: 19.00 MB, 2272x1704, lunch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My lunch today is both delicious and awesome.

How was your lunch/dinner today, /jp/?

Pic related.

>> No.107266 [View]

:O Anonymous has a conscience?!

I still like her. She impresses me.

>> No.107239 [View]

TV champion is awesome! The recent cake one for valentines day was really good, those cakes looked so delicious. ; ; Especially the multi-layer, chocolate, hazelnut, liquor, tower one.

I've been regularly watching ちりとてちん, which I wasn't into at first, but it's kind of grown on me. I've come to accept the marginal acting. XD;

>> No.107185 [View]

Japan is so retarded relationship-wise. I'd say Japanese girls are the same as westerners, but show it surprisingly more secretly and later in life. Sexual things are a lot more open than in the US at least. Like, sometimes you find eroge games in arcades (who the hell wants to play an eroge in public?!), sometimes you find porn and pornographic pillows and shit in UFO catcher machines just out in the open (I know the Don Quixote in Akiba has a few of these just sort of hanging out among the other UFO catchers on one of the upper floors), Condomanias, Love Hotels, and some of the weirdest sex toys ever.

But when it comes down to it, Japanese boys are so shy and submissive in comparison to western boys and the girls are even worse (the boys still need to feel more masculine than their girlfriends) so when it comes down to relationships and sex...it's a lot more difficult than in the US, I'd say.

Also women have an expiration date of 25 to get married.

TL;DR, Japan is pretty fucked up sexually, if you couldn't already tell from the tentacle porn and lolicon.

>> No.107121 [View]

I miss Hard Gay being on Japanese TV all the time, he was certainly more funny than the current guy.
そなのかんけね、オポッピイー! Just isn't funny. Even if you're wearing a speedo and making rapid punching movements. Bring back Hard Gay!

I love the huge-mouthed eating girl though. She ate like a huuuuuge heaping plate of chahan that was meant for like six people on a show the other night. You go, eating lady! Why is she not fat?

>> No.97710 [View]

Chu-hi is awesome. Found grapefruit flavor in a train station kiosk once- best thing ever.

>> No.97606 [View]

This morning, I saw some yakult in the fridge. I thought it looked disgusting and didn't have any. But now...I think I am going to go have some. Thank you, /jp/.

As for presents...would you have access to a shrine charm? Otherwise, the lucky cat and a daruma are the only easily accessible things I can think of...I mean, there's always mikans and mochi and then the different types of gifts with the bows tied differently...but those are hard things to give/find outside of Japan.

>> No.97562 [View]

I;ve never heard of Daifuku. What is it? Sounds like chocolate.

>> No.97535 [View]
File: 19.00 MB, 2272x1704, snacks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: favorite Japanese snack!

Mine is Jagarico, salad flavor. I had two weeks where I ate like three canisters a day of it.

And Collon, just because the name is awesome, and the fact that they're tasty and yet strangely suiting to their name...

>> No.97489 [View]

Incorrect. De would be explaining how, ni is simply stating I ride the train.

Every day I ride the train.

I to go school by train.

I ride to the train (by some means I am not mentioning).

Densha ni noru is perfectly legitimate. And you are correct about he, but I didn't say anything about he (and regardless, in most situations, ni and he are interchangeable). Ni does not describe how or a means, it is used to denote that you are riding the train (as opposed to something else).

>> No.97439 [View]

Volkswagons are popular over here and they're just seen as nice cars, probably owned by someone with a bit of cash. I personally have seen maybe one or two Fords (Tauruses I believe), a smart car or two, a decent number of Audis (TTs in particular, it seems), and a Jeep Cherokee, but the market here is almost ALL Japanese/asian cars.

Cars are expensive to own in Japan and have to go through rigorous and expensive testing for emissions and condition every few years or so, so when people own cars, they're usually what would be considered high-midrange cars in the US. Of course here and there a rich business man may have an import Porche, but the vast majority or people have Toyotas or Hondas, it seems.

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