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/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.16581547 [View]

Well, if I wasn't getting inside your mind and having a little fun with it, I wouldn't be doing my job very well would I?


Here'es the latest little bit of progress, stopping here for the night to let me sleep on a bit that's giving me a little bit of trouble.

I'm at the point where I'm trying to fill ourr hopefully empty heads with little bits and pieces of reimus habits and memories, and I think I'm doing that decently, I just need to figure out how to link it being familiar to reimus name being familiar -> both of them feeling like they belong to you -> reflection in water seems even more familiar to you, blinking when you blink -> start to think like reimu -> get reimus body -> you are reimu -> slowly work towards conclusion.

I'm just trying to think of the right way to make this next link in the chain binding you to Reimu.

>> No.16575596 [View]
File: 178 KB, 850x1258, __hakurei_reimu_and_yakumo_yukari_touhou_drawn_by_terimayo__sample-a09999065118511550b8e7f08e67ab98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


More slow progress, at the point where I'm starting to try and blur the line between you and reimu so it's easier to merge the two.

>> No.16572409 [View]

I've been putting in some notes but I can go back and do a bit more detail in the notes to make it easier on anyone trying to do a voicing project for it.

Hopethings get better for you anon, I'm just not got the right sort of voice for doing a yukarivoice- even if I got around crappy mic and managed to fake female voice, Im not sure a gap youkai fits having a bit of a scottish accent

I'm normally on the receiving end of things re my desires, but I have to say it is interesting doing things from the giving side.

>> No.16569968 [View]
File: 88 KB, 850x602, __hakurei_reimu_and_yakumo_yukari_touhou_drawn_by_ichiba_youichi__sample-f3ba90dd448e0c36702ddbe10c5420c3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Another day, another little bit of progress to keep thing ticking over here.

I think the biggest worry I might have with the script right now is that people might snap out of it in the tf stage but if I keep things nice and soft in that bit they should hopefully keep under from induction, with maybe a few little motes to blankness etc to keep them topped up.

Although that would only be an issue if this thing gets voiced after its done which would be a whole new set of problems to deal with, specially as cant do it myself.

>> No.16566626 [View]
File: 203 KB, 850x1202, __yakumo_yukari_touhou_drawn_by_xing_qq512276613__sample-cdce37dd7972a8910d2a2beffcf05908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm. Well, having Yukari be there in a more physical sense than just being the one talking to you throughout would work, I'd just need to sort out the transition here as having one bit of narration when the rest of it has all been voiced by Yukari might not fit, but the alternative would be her narrating her arrival. Maybe if I was to make it as a more conversational "Oh, you just noticed me? I've been here from the start." style.

As for the reflection, I'm thinking it's going to be a slow reflection from her reflection to reimus reflection to your reflection as you get drawn into being reimu more and more.

It's definitely an interesting challenge writing this scenario as a script rather than simple fiction style, as it being a script does impose a few little technical limitations as you can't have a narrator, everything has to be done by one of the characters.

>> No.16563258 [View]
File: 126 KB, 850x850, __yakumo_yukari_touhou_drawn_by_egawa_satsuki__sample-ec893ecf14a025afe8d4cd53a4e734cf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's todays bump/ update. It's been quite interesting trying to write this latest part as I' a bit less experienced with the tf side as opposed to just the hypno side.

I've been thinking that the way to go about it is to try tying a sense of familiarity to reimu, and then slowly working from there to pull you and her closer together until you're one, but I'm still figuring out the best ways of doing so.

As always, I hope you enjoy, and any feedback or advice is appreciated.

>> No.16558568 [View]
File: 79 KB, 800x800, __yakumo_yukari_touhou_drawn_by_60mai__6a3067d3c1ffb3daa34104e53b24f6f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Latest version of it- started doing reimu physical description pre full transformation start, and reworked the intro to that segment as I wasn't happy with last version, it felt too much like narration less like voice.

>> No.16554355 [View]

Yeah, canon reimu is best option. As for age... while I don't think we've ever been given an official age for reimu unless I've missed something, if I had to guess I'd put her somewhere in the late teens maybe? Mainly as fair bit of drinking and such, so she's over the drinking age, and she's mature / responsible enough to do a lot of organisation stuff relating to the shrine and affairs there, and she's trusted enough as the Hakurei miko, which in both cases makes me think she's in the older bit of the teens. I would say 20 as the max as I'd say she's younger than yuyuko (well yes) in body age, and we know yuyuko wasnt that onld when she killed herself so I'd put her as being low-mid 20s maybe. Seem about right? Or am I blind and theres official ages for them I've missed?

Well, it is my home board, so that's a bit expected. Sides, there's nothing wrong with having something productive come out of a thread

>> No.16552869 [View]

I do think that canon reimu is best to go for, it's just how to best describe her personality so I can do the change properly.

Going from the games and mangas, current idea I'm working with is along the lines of
"Might not be as knowledgeable about things as she could or should be, also a bit lazy at points. But at the same time, when something some shit is going down she will get right on it and do things properly there. Might grumble about youkai showing up around shrine / marisa freeloading at times and would prefer a few more human visitors, but doesn't really mind the youkai being around that much, even if you probably couldnt get her to admit it. And despite lack of knowledge about things shrine related, she does care for the shrine and the job in her own way- see all the stuff she does trying to get cash to keep herself and shrine afloat."

So the rough summary being "someone who definitely has a few flaws, but her heart is very much in the right place and that when the chips are down and the stuff that really matters is happening, there's noone better to have on your side."

Seem good there? Any suggestions people have on that?

>> No.16549784 [View]


I'll be out most of the rest of the day so here's a little update for everyone here. Had a little trouble thinking of how to avoid the world forming maybe snapping people out of the trance they'd hopefully be in at this point in the file, so I'm hoping the idea of tying the worlds formation to the mindless state we'd all be in will keep us nicely hypnotised, blank and empty.

Now all I need to do for the next bit is properly define the reimu we'll end up becoming, as after all, who else would we be seeing as our reflection when we gaze into the lake.

I might rework the world forming bit slightly so it sounds a bit less like narration and a bit more spoken though, as it's supposed to still be yukari talking to us here.

Also, I must say that I've been feeling a little bit out of it all day today- maybe I didn't get the best sleep or something, as I've been finding it just a little bit hard to focus today, my thoughts just drifting around in circles before spiralling into spaced-out blankness. It's been quite nice, like my own little trance. So hopefully when the scripts done it'll be able to send everyone else into that nice state.

>> No.16549108 [View]

What can I say, sometimes an idea strikes me and I just end up going with it, almost like I don't have any choice in the matter...

>> No.16547067 [View]


Here's tonight's update for everyone. While the proof of the script is in the trance it induces and I can't really test that like this, this should be the induction and deepening all finished up, so that you'll all be nice blank slates ready to end up as reimus. Next part should be the bit where you find yourself by the pond in the shrine, reimu reflection and you feel everything flooding into you.

Also, holy shit this thing is 1500 words at the very least and shows no sign of stopping. I'm not sure what I've created but I think I like it.

Also, I've found that a surprisingly good way of getting inspiration for this is to start repeating the phrase "I am reimu" to myself while lying half asleep in bed, let my mind wander and see where it goes.

>> No.16545269 [View]

As a side note, A- thank fuck we didn't lose to the horsefuckers in the cup.
B- I hope the bit with"not needing to know your name" at starts works well in script, as tried to sortof tie things together as aim at end is that your name is now reimu r at least you think it is.
Also still working away on things, will try and get another good session done tonight as Im going to be out most of weekend so wnt have as much writing time then.
Also iff anyones wondering why I keep rambling like this its because it keeps the thread alive and am entirely too familiar with people who promise things and never deliver and I don't plan on being one of them so I like to keep all you lot up to date.

>> No.16543636 [View]

Well, while I went for the fog as I felt it was a better transition from the relaxation to the drifting away to mind blanking, maybe instead of the mirror its say meditating by shrine pond and seeing reflection in there instead.

>> No.16541979 [View]


Latest version of the script. I'm a little iffy on the fog imagery at that bit in the deepening section, so any feedback there would be appreciated.

Plan is to use fog to lead into pure white blankness ala canvas before painting, then into mirror, mirror shows reimu, use that as the lead in for the actual tf stuff.

Also I think it's kinda fitting that my muse for this has been striking me a lot late in the evenings, when I'm feeling so very sleepy myself, just drifting off as my hands seem to move on their own, drifting away...

>> No.16540236 [View]

Okay, so I've been having a day of trying to be productive so I've not gotten that much work done on the script so far today, but I did note that there is a voicing thread on /d/ so while it might be a long shot, it can't hurt to put the completed script up there once it's done in the hope we can attract someone who can try voicing it.

>> No.16536352 [View]

It's good to hear that I'm doing alright then. Do you have any tips for the actual tf part of the script?

>> No.16535366 [View]

You do know I'm not actually space jin right?
Also no no murder. Spell card duels maybe but that would rely on you being awake enough to do so and the thing about paying close attention to a hypnotist is that that's exactly what they want you to do.

Well, I might not be as knowledgeable as you think I am, but I'd probably call bullshit on the pic, the last bit in particular sounds a bit on the creepypasta side of things and some general seems a little too far.

As for the rest of your question, I have to admit that I've not got as much experience with files side of things so not too much help there, but I'd say that if you got good files that worked for you and you did repeated listening, you might be able to get yourself a bit more upbeat. It's just a matter of finding the right files.

As for finding stuff, while I can't be too much help here, I know there's a couple of mega packs of stuff on some of the major torrent sites, although they robably dont have many seedersso might be hard finding stuff. /d/ might be your better option for finding stuff in th vein of lewd files and such. I have heard warpmymind and esuccubus as places with files at hand, but I'm not sure as to what kind of files they are. For lightweight themed fapfodder, hypnohub is decent place for images, and mcstories has a decent load of written stuff if you're wanting something a bit shallower at any point in time.

Last bit of advice is that for any files you plan on going under to, you might want to give them a little listen to first without going with the flow to make sure there's nothing nasty in them, as there's always a couple of ones that might have nasty shit in them or just be done by low effort hypnotists and so have standard worship shit in them etc. Hope it helps you anon

>> No.16535128 [View]

Well, while being a vampire and so having a recent lot of hypnotic power yourself is a bit of a help, I'd be a bit careful there, as saying that you're too smart to be hypnotised is just asking for it really. And besides, even if you're so smart that you're going to be breaking down everything the hypnotist is doing and figur out what each bit is supposed to do, that just means that you're going to be paying very close attention to the hypnotist, and we all know what happens after that...

>> No.16534954 [View]


Still, I think I've been decent progress on writing the induction part for having never done one before, so here's a progress update for everyone.

>> No.16534551 [View]

Nah, never done anything of this sort before so never needed one.

>> No.16534296 [View]

Nah, that things would be easier for doing this if I /we were

>> No.16533837 [View]

This would be so much easier if I was a cute girl but then given what board we're on I think that's something everyone knows.

>> No.16533820 [View]

I'll definitely take a shot at finding a VA, but if all else fails I'll send the script out into the wild for everyone here and for the chance for anyone else interested to find it.

As for the spoiler, well it's not quite reimu in this scenario (yet), but yukari with true reimu is another possible scenario, as is say, Sakuya deciding that enough is enough and putting marisa under to stop her from stealing any more stuff from the manor. And maybe having a bit of fun while she's at it.

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