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>> No.45539913 [View]
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Meiling and Biten arrived at some sort of rustic building at the outskirts of the city, Meiling was starting to think Biten didn't exactly like the city life that much
"Here is where we come to relax, sadly miss i've got to watch my soap operas didn't want to show up"
As they entered the building, Meiling quickly realized this was a sauna and began to get a bit fidgety
"The biggest public room you got please" Biten said while approaching the counter
"WHAT?!" Meiling came here to relax! Not for a panic attack!
Biten pointed and laughed at Meiling "Hahahahahahah! Aah i'm joking junior settle down" she turned to the girl at the counter "get us a private one"
Meiling definitely had to get Biten back at some point, it's like that girl wanted to piss off everyone she met
"Okay thanks. Junior let's go to the dressing room" Biten waved Meiling to follow her
"This wasn't exactly what i was expecting when you said something relaxing"
"What? You were expecting a spa?"
"We kind of have to economize a bit you know but hey maybe we'll get to do that if you help me and ki out with a little something"
"What something?"
Biten looked around and then got closer to Meiling "Let's talk about it we are alone"
Meiling was the first to enter the sauna, Biten went to get some booze before entering.
While not what she wanted she had to admit the steam was doing wonders on her body, she was having so much fun she hardly realized how badly she needed a break, just sitting there made her feel like her whole body was turning into clouds, she actually started nodding off a bit, thankfully Biten entered the room before she fell asleep
"Wow, you're wearing a towel, so you do have shame"
Seriously? It's never ending with this girl!
"I also shaved my legs you hairy chimpanzee!" wait did Meiling think or say that?
Biten was just looking at her, shock written all over her face
Realizing that she indeed say that, Meiling slowly tried to make some distance between her and Biten
*Pfft* "Of course not, i came here to relax, not to get ogled at miss gigatits" Biten looked at Meiling as if expecting an answer
Meiling wasn't sure if she should retort at first but the longer she remained quiet the bigger Biten's infuriating smile grew
"It's called being hygienic, no wonder the boss calls you a fleabag, i bet you didn't even take a bath before coming here" this is okay right? right?!
"Hah!" Biten sat down next to Meiling and began pouring sake into two dishes "Glad to have you on board Meimei"
"Would you rather tittymonster?" Biten took a sip of her dish
..."How about hongkers?" Meiling began smirking
*Phbt* *cough cough cough* "hahaha that one sucks!" *cough cough*
"Whatever" Meiling took a sip
"Does that make me bittytitty?"
*Phhbt* "Ahaha-" *cough cough cough*
A bottle of sake and several jokes about breasts later Meiling and Biten began setling down
"Hey Sonson? What did you mean when you said we'll be able to afford more things if i helped you"
"Oh right that, see we have this chance of challenging the wolf family for one of their business coming up, we weren't going to do it before but with you here we are starting to reconsider"
"The wolf family? But isn't the Saki's?"
"Yeah i know, i talked it over with Ki over the phone this morning and she believes you might be able to keep her stuck on a stalemate while the rest of us get the jump on her troops and kick her dog"
"She really thinks i can pull it off?"
"Well first she wants to fight you herself just to measure you or whatever, personally i think you'll do great, but hey, it's up to you, we aren't going to force you"
"I'll do it"
"Are you sure? You still got some time you know"
"Sonson you've been doing nothing but hype this girl up for me since i started working with you, i really want to get a feel for how strong she actually is now"
*snrk* "Yeah, i'm sure you wanna get a feel"
"She probably shaves her legs at least"
"Fuck you too Meimei" Biten smiled

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