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>> No.43861242 [View]
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Don't think you know what asspull means. Or does it need explicit pointing out for something to not be an asspull?
Reimu's powers and concept is her being able to "float" for a reason. This is not some random factoid plopped into her character bio, this is the basis of her character. Musou Tensei is even stated outright in Grimoire of Marisa that's it's an INNATE power of Reimu, it's not even something she learned. Her ultimate, strongest move is her closing her eyes, letting everything go, and having everything done automatically, without effort of her own. It wasn't even a spellcard before Marisa named it.
Does that sound like hard work or effort, to you? That should already tell you the concept of Reimu, but let me explain further.
Reimu's powers is called "floating", not "flying" or "phasing out" or "intangiblity", for a reason. Her "floating" through life, with no care, isolated from others, undefined (which, mind you, is what 浮く, or "float" in english, also means) is a constant for Reimu. With ZUN's extreme love for wordplay, this connection shouldn't be too hard a pill to swallow. If you've also watched Kara no Kyoukai, it almost spoonfeeds you the very concept. It's a very Buddhist way of thinking.
This is the basis of her power, and so when Reimu stops "floating" through life, aka when she starts putting more effort and care into something, the less her power takes ahold of the situation, and she simply actually has to try instead of just win without effort.
Kasen's "cheer" is a great example of that. The moment Kasen cheers Reimu on, her thoughts become distracted, she starts to care more, and her power to "float" is rendered far less effective.
And just because the manga has Reimu not explicitly mentioning that she's worried about Marisa every chapter means she doesn't care anymore? And a comedic scenario Marisa being downed in FS it is not, it's literally the first thing Kosuzu does after she becomes a proto-youkai, arguably the climax of the final arc.
Reimu simply handles it in a lighthearted manner, and that's their relationship, as per A LOT of anime rivalry friendships. It's a classic trope to not show your proper emotions in front of your rival. In just this anime season, in the KonoSuba spinoff, it was the way Megumin treated Yunyun for literally every episode.

>Kosuzu and Kasen are her friends, those incidents were personal to her too.
I said "games" for a reason. And yes, they are, and guess why she struggled quite a bit with those incidents too? Kind of like... the incident here.
>I'm unsure what an incident being personal to her or not has to do with what we're talking about.
The more she cares about something, the more she sucks at doing things about that something.
>She still puts effort in them and usually succeeds
Of course she puts effort, but practically the bare minimum. And her being apathetic, yet succeeding, is the point.
>They fail precisely because she DOESN'T put effort in them
But she does put effort in them? Would be disingenuous to say she doesn't, a lot of chapters and arcs in WaHH is her thinking and planning ways to make money. That's not "not putting any effort", it's simply her trying to shortcut.
And it's also besides the point. They fail because she CARES about making money, and thus her power to float ceases to guide her to automatic victory. Again, Reimu's thing is that she succeeds in near everything she does, but the things she cares about she cannot simply get. It's literally why the concept of "hard-work" is almost unseen with her, and again, the entire dynamic that differentiates her and Marisa. Or do you think Reimu's lazy because she's simply lazy? Everything goes her way, one way or another... as long as she doesn't think about it too much. Sadly, she thinks about money too much.
>Reimu's innate talent only helps her win fights, and she doesn't even enjoy doing that. It's like she's cursed with a life she never wanted.
Hey! You're starting to get it. She's incredibly competent on things she doesn't care about, but sucks at things she cares about!

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