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>> No.46014878 [View]
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The day started with that scandalous letter in the marketplace—finally, something more entertaining than vegetables going on sale—, and though a lot of the villagers and vendors from the peripheral settlements just ignored it altogether, disregarding the letter as desperate at best and crazy at worst, some curious-cats like you couldn't leave the itch of curiosity unscratched; oh, the gossip in the literature club is gonna be good~

The walk to Keine's house was hefty and demanded a bunch of stops, considering your pregnant belly, but you managed to get there by 10am after leaving the winter supplies you bought back at home, impressed with the many others that sat around, be on the fences, the walkway, or the ground; all talking—a few calm, others angry; a majority thoughtful—periodically, one would enter the house, adding more fuel to the general air of discussion in the area.

Scrutinizing gazes fell upon you, but you ignored them as per usual, approaching a group of concerned women—oh, you know that pink-haired one; she works at Geidontei! You were rapidly assimilated in the group and learned more about what was happening, surprised to know everything that was said in the letter was true: the babies, the Youkai, though a lot was still frowned upon, like Hieda-sama's actions… And a Youkai in the village who didn’t attack anyone, who even made mouthwatering fried lampreys, and who was kind and always smiling? That was new and kind of nice, and though fear still makes your heart pound, knowing the Youkai woman inside and Keine's twins were Anon's, you couldn't help but feel your heart melt with sympathy. To think your children's half-siblings were having such hard times, when yours were going to be born to a relatively stable life…

It was gut-wrenching.

Boldly, you excused yourself and went inside, tensing as you noticed several other villagers gathered around the main couches in the living room, arms crossed, engaged in arguments that ranged from ferocious to civil, though their eyes were on the platinum-haired teacher, listening and never speaking when she spoke, a complex commanding tone working as if an orchestra to the conversation—it felt like an actual teacher's lecture.

You shivered a little when Fujiwara no Mokou's gaze fell upon you, stripping you naked with a suspicion that you swore had a pH of 1… But, oh, those grilled lampreys on the table by the side called you like a moth to a lamp, and you helped yourself to a big portion and a tiny bit of sparrow sake. Hm~familiar taste…

The good food made the ambience more bearable, and listening to the teacher's words easier: “Of course, too fast integration helps no one. A market stall can't turn into a restaurant without first guaranteeing a greater source of ingredients—it must be gradual, and that's what we're aiming for. I'll take it upon myself to train Youkai and human teachers, as well as join the Myouren effort of building lairs for the children in need. Every child under our sun shall have a home, know how to read and do math; and so will be capable of turning Gensokyo into a better place.” You find yourself nodding along; as a writer, more people who know how to read means more sales. This change would benefit you greatly~

Eating your lamprey with a grin, you find yourself looking around the room—! Oh, there they are! You hadn't noticed at first, having dodged Fujiwara no Mokou's knifelike gaze, but she held the two winged babies and… They're just so cute! You couldn't help but imagine if your own offspring would have beautiful eyes like those. Mystia met your gaze as you stared at the twins, and you felt, for a brief moment, jumpy—she giggled, and the fear faded into embarrassment, though the gentle understanding on her face oddly soothed your heart.

“The Suzunaan will happily be a part of that change,” Suzu said, confidence behind those eyes. “Books are the lifeblood of a society, and mine will be available to anyone interested~” Perhaps it won't only benefit you.

You look down, surprised at seeing your small notebook and pen in your hands, a bunch of notes scribbled about stories of love, compassion, triumph over overwhelming challenges, and… Heavy smut? How the hell did that get in there?!

Blushing, you slowly close the notebook and store it. The lewd ideas permeating your mind, though, stay.

Still, you're a busy person, and soon you had to leave—not before asking nicely to hold your kid's half-siblings~so very cute… The fear of the sparrow youkai you had when you entered the house had diminished, and a smile filled your face as you left.

You met some people you knew along the way back home and talked with them about your experiences. Some were surprised, some were uninterested, and others were curious; one even said she wasn’t interested before, but now would go there and check.

You hummed for yourself, caressing your pregnant belly… That lamprey hit just right~

… It'd be nice if Mystia sold them in the village.

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