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>> No.15063213 [View]
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I can tell you that since I have been in and out of hospital 30-40 times since 2004.

It has its ups and downs. Tl;dr'd this blogshit mess.
Also, referring to NHS Scotland.
Overall, besides the being ill, it is fairly comfy. Being taken care of by nice nurses, hot student nurses, nice food.

I drew a sickly Raymoo.
Drew her happy and vacant, which is what most visits are usually like for me.


Fantastic food.
Got me back in to some foods: soups, fish.
Got me in to new foods, fungi like quourn, mushrooms.
Only ever had one bad meal. (preference thing, I asked for cheese sandwich, was out-of-my-face ill, got those disgusting savoury cheese sandwiches, threw up after eating)

Great staff. Love talking to them through the day, nurses, helpers, cleaners, porters.
Doctors occasionally when waiting for things. (like x-rays)
Meeting people in the wards in general *

Comfy ass beds. I need a new mattress.


Bloods every morning around breakfast.
Makes it annoying if you shower after breakfast like I usually do. Silly plasters / wool + plaster.
I don't mind needles, just those things.

Snorers, sleep talkers, sometimes sleep walkers, rare sleep screamers.
Sometimes people that refuse to sleep.

Being ill. For me, it is mostly the first few days, the other 4-8 being ensuring that the steroids take.
This is why I wish hospital dormitories came back. They'd save so much money and prevent so much bed-blocking. (which is much worse in England now thanks to Jeremy H(c)unts changes. He destroyed the NHS down there)
IVs. Gotta get swole, steroids right in the veins brah.
Feels awful. Couple times has made my legs swell. Not in the good way.

* Random blogshit non-essential crap.
I talked to many people over the years.

Talked to this 92 year old overly religious guy once, telling him about learning languages and so on.
Dude was all kinds of shit, probably died after I left, wasn't doing well at all.
It was certainly interesting. I've always loved researching different cultures.

Met another guy with mad hallucinations. Helped him out by teaching him some meditations to help control. (I can force hallucinations through sheer will, so I have a lot of experience in controlling them for beneficial uses)
He is doing fairly well these days.
He was one of said sleep screamers.
He had a hallucination where doctors were around him with no faces, that then turned dark and sucked in things around him. Fuck.

Met a cool male nurse once.
We were talking about gaming and stuff, he found an old Commodore just by chance when looking through a market. Him and his girlfriend are avid gamers.

Also met one of my friends friends. Top banter.

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