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>> No.45431829 [View]
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And I really knew that I was done for then, because even in that situation, I still thought she looked good. Well - Not good, because I didn't think anyone could look good after something like that, but it didn't make me feel anything less for her. "Ugh..." She groaned, gasping for breath again. "That was - The worst. Just...Bad." She mumbled, sniffling . She looked down for a moment, then spat before getting to work wiping her eyes. "I must look like a mess." I ran my fingers through her hair, sweeping it back and out of her eyes, then said that she was fine, and I couldn't imagine anyone who was hungover looked much better. "Ha." She replied dryly. "Thanks." She continue, smiling weakly. " I guess I do feel a bit better now. Headache's still there and I feel like I need to sleep for twenty hours, but...Yeah." I felt the urge to kiss her, but Yamame pressed a hand against my chest. "Maybe not until I've cleaned my mouth out." She told me, and I snorted.

We decided to vacate the alley as quickly as possible. "It's alright." Yamame told me. "Not the first ones to throw up around here. Probably not even the first ones in that alley. We're probably not even the first ones this week." That made this whole place sound a little more sordid, but I guessed that a whole town dedicated to drinking and hot springs could cause the place to be a little...lax. "They'll dump a bucket of water over it and think nothing of it. Not that it wouldn't have been better to do that somewhere private, but..." I got it. Wasn't exactly something you could schedule, and I was a little worried that I'd be next in line. "You need your coat, don't you?" Yamame was saying. I nodded, since I'd left it in the storeroom in the Kurodani building and had no idea what had happened to it. "Yeah, it's...Uh, down here." She continued, grabbing my hand and pulling me along no matter how much I complained about how my head still hurt.

Of course, I wasn't allowed to have good things without something going wrong, so we got within viewing distance of the street that would take us to the Kurodani building when we bumped into a soft, fluffy wall. Said wall stumbled forward, then spun, and suddenly I was staring into the business end of a cannon. I could even see a dimly glowing ball which was starting to grow brighter. "Okuu!" A voice sharply called. "Stop that." After a moment, the ball began to dissipate and I breathed a sigh of relief, especially when the cannon lowered and I caught my first look of the day at Utsuho Reiuji. She looked like she'd had a hangover too, if the way one arm was pressed against her head was any indication. "Now, what has run into you, hmm?" A heard footsteps as something passed around Okuu's massive wings and cape, which were what Yamame and I had crashed into in the first place. "It sounds like...Ah." The figure rounded the side of the cape and I felt my teeth begin to grind unconsciously, because there stood Satori Komeiji. "Well, now. It has been rather a while, hasn't it?" I opened my mouth and- "Yes, yes, you're upset with me for wanting to learn about your memories. Save me the headache - Oh, my, and you are experiencing quite the headache, aren't you? - and don't open your mouth." Satori told me with a dismissive wave. She hadn't changed, then. Still didn't really care about how it affected me as long as she got her ans- "And there you go again." Satori muttered, shaking her head as her third eye blinked at me. "This may come as a shock to you, but I do care. Exceedingly so, in fact. I know your hopes and fears with a look, and I know them as you know them. I feel them as you feel them." I didn't believe her. "And I didn't expect you to."

"Er, is there a conversation happening here?" Yamame asked, looking between Satori and I. "I think it would be a lot easier to understand if I could hear both sides of it."

"Yes, Yamame. Your human, as you like to call him," She called me that? That was adorable. "Hush. Stop thinking so loudly, you spider-obsessed idiot." Satori snapped at me. "As I was saying, your human is upset with me for unlocking his buried memories." Yeah, I was, and I was happy to show my displeasure- "Even though he's also thankful for having them. You humans are walking bundles of contradiction, aren't you?" Satori continued, giving me a sharp look. "Now, why don't we skip all of this? I am not, as you might wish, a nightmarish creature hell bent on your suffering, even if it would make it easier for you to hate me. I am hated enough already, thank you very much. No, I am here to pick up my two pets, who are usually rather adorable but are now as hungover as you are." Satori turned to Okuu, who was still holding a hand to her head and whining quietly in pain. "And do not think I missed you, Orin."

"Lady Satori must be mistaken." I heard the voice of Rin Kaenbyou mutter, but I couldn't see her anywhere. She sounded like she was coming from Okuu. "Her cutest pet kasha was quietly sleeping."

>> No.41320526 [View]
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>> No.20167692 [View]
File: 568 KB, 726x1025, __reiuji_utsuho_touhou_drawn_by_jan_lightdragoon__a80f5239ec641759936f07f6d358d763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, she's very few actively malicious characters in the series, with the power and the desire to bring about The extinction of mankind.

She also eats humans.

>See, your body's getting burned up pretty nicely now. I want to eat you up right now, but it's not good to rush. You have to let it fry just the right amount for it to taste the best.

>> No.19001753 [View]
File: 568 KB, 726x1025, __reiuji_utsuho_touhou_drawn_by_jan_lightdragoon__a80f5239ec641759936f07f6d358d763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

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