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>> No.43861420 [View]
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I don't know why you keep harping on about her innate power that only applies to how strong she is as if they apply to the rest of her character. Especially since HM itself goes against what Kasen said and WaHH explicitly says that if Reimu didn't take the lazy route and put effort in her ploys, she would stop being poor, the complete opposite of your theory.
>And just because the manga has Reimu not explicitly mentioning that she's worried about Marisa every chapter means she doesn't care anymore?
Going from screaming her name and searching her everywhere only to abandon that chase and possibly letting her die? Yes actually. Again, Reimu had never ever acted this way before towards Marisa, almost like this is a serious situation that she has zero confidence in and not a comedic one or one that she's confident knowing she'll succeed.
>And a comedic scenario Marisa being downed in FS it is not
Yes it is, that's why the manga makes light of the situation and Reimu jokes about Marisa being dead, because she wasn't seriously hurt at all. There is no humor at all regarding Reimu being worried about Marisa in CDS because this time Reimu fears it's actually dead serious.
>Reimu simply handles it in a lighthearted manner, and that's their relationship,
Then how come Reimu never acted this way regarding Marisa before? Why joke in FS but not joke at all in CDS? I'll tell you why, because in FS Marisa was only scratched whereas in CDS Reimu actually feared for her life. Also, Reimu stopped caring before she even reunited with Marisa, so that shit about hiding your true feelings in front of the other doesn't even apply here. Did you actually read this manga or not? Also, what you said regarding their relationship is not true, Marisa screams Reimu's name while trying to save her in FS from what she thinks is fire for example.

>And yes, they are, and guess why she struggled quite a bit with those incidents too?
Uh, she struggled with Kasen because all her firepower was literally sucked away from her, she couldn't even fire danmaku. And she didn't struggle with Kosuzu, she was extremely confident that nothing bad would happen and smugly told Mamizou that she knows the latter could save her, which she did. Then Reimu goes to get lectured by Yukari and the incident ends.
>The more she cares about something, the more she sucks at doing things about that something.
Not true, pic related.
>Of course she puts effort, but practically the bare minimum.
Fighting with strong characters is not bare minimum effort, sure as hell as miles ahead of what she does in WaHH. Again, you're confusing apathy with lack of effort. SSiB is when she has given the least shits possible and she lost. Limbo is when she has been the most passionate in-game and she won.

>But she does put effort in them?
Nnnope, pic related. WaHH itself proves me right.
> They fail because she CARES about making money
Except she also cared about making money in the Aunn chapter and she succeeded thanks to hard effort according to the narration.
>You're starting to get it.
You're the one who said that things always go her way, I was correcting you by pointing out it's mostly the complete opposite.

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