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>> No.43814739 [View]
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“I always had suspicions about what you did whenever you ran off, but I wanted to trust you. Now I know. I guess you can’t care about your family anymore, do you Anon?” Mother said, turning off the stone and letting it drop to the floor. “Guess this is for whenever you want to call her over, right? How shameless you two are. How long have you been doing this?”

Marisa was the first to speak up. “What? Reimu no, it’s not like that at all! Just listen to me.”
Mother snorted, not impressed by Marisa’s attempt to explain. “Why else would you have a secret way of calling each other, huh? Go on, give me an excuse” Neither Dad nor Marisa gave an answer, thinking of the right way to phrase it. As they were thinking of the best way to tell her, Mother turned over to me, leaning over and looking me in the eyes. “Now Hana, tell me the truth. Did you ever see Dad and her get close? Did they ever hug or kiss each other? Did they ever send you away while they spend time with each other?” I remember being confused by this question and trying to understand what she was getting at. But even then I understood that saying “Yes” would make things much worse. So I just told the truth.

“Nope, I never saw anything like that”

Mother stood up, a little annoyed at my answer. By then Marisa had figured what she thought was the safest way to phrase what she wanted to say “You see? It’s nothing like that. It’s just that sometimes you treat Anon too rough, so they have to come over to my place until you cool off. I just gave him a way to stay in touch so that if they ever needed me they could contact me. Reimu, you’re hurting them, please understand that. I just can’t stand seeing you like this” Marisa turned her gaze away from Mother, as if it didn’t feel right to just confront her like this after all this time.

Mother seemed to mull over these words, seeming a bit mournful even. But then the familiar look of anger returned to her face. She moved towards the witch. “Oh, so you abandon me for over a decade just like everyone else, and then you expect to swoop on in to play the hero and scold me about how I treat my family, something you know nothing about. Are you that oblivious or did you expect he would let you on his dick if you acted nice enough?”

Dad was quick to interject ‘Ah, Reimu, Hana is listening, maybe you shouldn’t say something like that”

Mother looked back at him and dismissively waved her hand at him “It would be just like you. The thief that always takes from others. Just like you to come on in and steal someone instead of taking the effort to find someone yourself. You haven’t changed since I’ve gotten married!” she flings her arms over her head, getting worked up “I’ve got an important job and duties, a husband, a daughter to raise and teach. You don’t know anything about responsibility! You still live alone in the woods, running a shop nobody goes to. You always leech off the hard work of others, and you always butt in other’s businesses. Why would I listen to you on how to run my life? Just get out”

Marisa tried to act tough and stand her ground, but it was hard to project a confident image when were eyes were welling with tears. Despite that, she got into a stance, right to launch an attack at any moment. “I...You...” She tried to say “You changed too much! If you not going to listen to what I’m saying then I’ll have to make you, I mean it!”

Mother just chuckled. “Oh yes, fight me. Be a homewrecker, destroy the shrine, maybe even get them killed in the crossfire, we all now how you love to hold back. Just know they’ll always wonder why you waited so long to bother to get up and save them. But fight me, then lose. See where that gets you”

Marisa’s will seemed to break. She slumped down. “I...need to head home. I’ll just see you guys later, okay? I need to think about some things” Sniffling, she heading outside, jumped on her broom and flew away. My heart sank. Even if the chance of being saved was slim, it was still a chance. Now that chance was flying away. Mother watched her disappear then she turned her attention on us.

“Now for you two. I’m sure you know what you did. I don’t want anymore secrets, and you better not see the witch again. She’s a bad influence, understood?” We both nodded, almost by reflex. “Anon, you know prove your fidelity to me. I’ll be in the bedroom. Don’t disappoint me, I need this. Hana, you do the rest of the chores around here and don’t interrupt me or dad, understood?” I started to tidy things up in the room as Dad obediently followed Mom to the bedroom. After a few hours had passed and I had finished up my chores, they had left the bedroom to make dinner. I noticed Dad had a few more bruises.

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