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>> No.43777691 [View]
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She pulled out her gohei and for a second I could see her pour energy into it to make the impact hurt. She swung it, striking him in the side. With a cry of pain, he crumpled to the ground as she continued her assault. Aunn ran forward, her voice warbling “Reimu, you said you wouldn’t do this! You changed! Stop it!” Reimu stopped long enough to point her gohei at Aunn.

“This is a family matter, I choose what to do, so back off!”

Aunn bowed her head and backed away as my mother turned her attention on dad again. I’d like to say I handled this with maturity and dignity, but I was still a child. I cried. It seemed like my whole world was falling apart. If mom and dad hated each other, what would become of me? Would I be forced to choose one or the other? Would I be an orphan? As I loudly sobbed and the tears rolled down my face, mother froze up. Looking at me, she looked a bit shameful and tucked away her gohei and brushed herself off. “Sorry, Sorry. I lost my temper there” she said awkwardly “I’ll just go inside and get something for myself. Anon, We’ll talk about this later, and Hana...” she looked at me “I still still love you and daddy very much. I’m sorry for hurting him” With that, she went inside. I ran around to dad to see if he was okay, but his injures weren’t too severe. As he got up and adjusted to the aches and pains, I cried into his clothing, asking if mom hated him, if they were going to break up, if it was my fault.

He did just best to comfort me, telling me everyone gets angry sometimes, and it wasn’t our fault for any of this. He gave me a reassuring pat on the head. “I think mom needs some time to herself today. Why don’t we go off to Aunt Marisa’s for tonight okay?”

Of course, she wasn’t related to me at all, but Marisa seemed to really like being called that. She always liked me, but she always saw me outside the shrine grounds or had an uncanny knack for visiting me when mother was away. She had seemed to take me in as an unofficial student, teaching me a few things about magic when I was old enough and slipping me a few treats when my parents weren’t around. Spending time with her tonight was very appealing to me then.

I followed Dad as we slipped in through the back. He told me to pack some things for a night as he got ready. I spent some time packing some clothes into a small sack and returned to him to find he was ready to leave and had bandaged his more severe wounds. I must have looked awful as well as he took my hand and lead me outside. It was a long walk to the Forest of Magic, but an uneventful one. Even if a normal human and a shrine maiden in training would had made for easy targets, we were still the family of Reimu. No youkai would have risked it. After following a forested path for a while, we found our way to Marisa’s home. After knocking on the door, it took a few moments after a shouted “I’ll be there!” for the door to open.

Marisa opened the door and her mouth fell open as soon as she saw us. A battered and sad looking husband and his puffy faced daughter were on her doorstep. She knew what happened. “Well...come on in” Letting us inside, she weaved through the mess and lead us to a table that she swept clean of clutter. Somehow locating a box of toys she kept at her place for me in the mess, she placed it on the table “Okay Hana, just play for a bit. I need to talk with your dad, okay?” I didn’t feel like playing, but I also didn’t want to listen into their discussion, so I nodded and half-heartily played as she and dad made their way outside to talk. Now, I have some idea on what they talked about, but back then the adult world was still a mystery to me.

After some time of trying to play, the both of them came back. Marisa had a serious look on her face, which seemed almost out of place “Hana? I was talking to your dad. You don’t have to leave mom, but if she every hurts you or dad, or does anything that makes you feel scared, come to me, understand?” I nodded, I didn’t really understand, but I knew she was trying to help. “So, uh how about dinner? You guys eat? I’ll make something” She started to what could be a kitchen and started to hunt around for something that could make a meal. Dad, with an almost supernatural ability swooped in to assist her and managed to find enough to whip up a meal for all of us. After a quiet dinner, Marisa somehow managed to find some guest futons and cleared enough floor space for us to go to bed. After all that had happened to me, I quickly passed into a dreamless sleep.

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