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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10059520 No.10059520[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why you didn't talked with that shy, quiet, cute, friendless girl from school?

Maybe liked you but you will never know.

>> No.10059524

Why don't you suck my dick you normie?

>> No.10059531


>> No.10059543

She did but she was ugly

>> No.10059553

I did, we dated for 3 years then 2nd year of university she cheated on me and went out with the older jock type. I haven't been able to make friends because of trust issues.

>> No.10059558
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>tfw she started talking to you one day for no reason
>tfw she stops talking to you after a couple days
>tfw years later you realize she was down 2 fug

>> No.10059567

me liking another girl would probably be looked down upon.


>> No.10059582

>me liking another girl would probably be looked down upon.
you just made me look UP upon you if you know what i mean LOL

>> No.10059594

I don't... Could you please explain?

>> No.10059595

A few years ago when I took a Japanese class, there was a girl in the class nextdoor who was taking an Arabic class. Our classes started about ten minutes apart and I always showed up very early for my class, at least forty-five minutes early, and she was always there reading books by herself.

>> No.10059600

I talked to your mom instead bitch

>> No.10059605

I had this happen from 2 cute girls in school... not blonde bomb shell entitled bitches but nerdier but cute girls.

I froze the fuck up and went thousand yard stare mode like a fucking nam vet with the flirting.

Now I am balding quickly at 26 (buzzcut tier), massive bags under my eyes and tweaked to shit due to being a hiki for 13 years.

what a fuck up.

>> No.10059611

Theres always suicide anon.

>> No.10059615

If you're 26, why are you so dumb like a teenager?

>> No.10059617


>Our classes started about ten minutes apart

Weird... at my uni pretty much all classes have to start on the hour, and last either 50, 80 or 120 minutes.

>> No.10059632

This was at a community college, not to mention the last class of the day. Theirs got out about a half hour before ours. Ours was 7-11PM.

>> No.10059654

are all for relationship whining.

is for suicide advice

>> No.10059687

I didn't know anyone like that. I sort of knew a kinda, what I guess now would be autistic, nerdy looking girl people kind of avoided.(By which I mean, I let her talk to me.) I don't remember how she looked but I don't remember her being hideous. I'm the kinda bitch that would push her away if someone noticed her hanging around me and made a comment though... I hope she's doing well nowadays.

I had a decent looking, to my memory anyway, tsundere(the old type that ends at dere) after me in highschool, but being a spiteful bitch, I continued to ignore her after she went full dere mode because of her prior annoying me and her being unable to outright confess despite her clinginess. I don't even want to imagine what kind of perverted things she's done thinking about me back then. I also hope I never see her again, because I didn't actually dislike her.

>> No.10059697

The friendless girls looked like dykes or where morbidly obese. The rest where always around their friends, even the shy bookworm types.

>> No.10059711

>Not making love to your friend that's a trap

>> No.10059731

School was a warzone. Talking to a girl would have been a social suicide.

>> No.10059739


>4 hour class that late in the evening
Holy shit, anon.

>> No.10059741

We only met three times a week, and I wake up between 2-3PM.

>> No.10059744

I didn't because I was either in class or off school grounds so I didn't get my ass lynched in the hallway or field.

I was the obese punching bag white boy who was too scared to throw a punch.

>> No.10059751


>> No.10059782

i am 95% sure at this point that there was this one girl that probably liked me
buuuuuut i was all beta and shit and never really went for her
then she literally did a 180 on her personality, but eh, if she's happy honestly i'm happy for her.

>> No.10059817

There was a cute, social, Italian girl that apparently liked me when I was 15, played with my hair, wrote me love letters, and all that jazz.
But back then I was to autistic I never noticed a single thing and literally asked me, why is she doing this? I didn't even have much place for spaghetti because I was completely oblivious to social interaction. Not only that, I had a decent face but was overweight, had bad hygiene, and dressed week-long in the same dirty clothes. I don't get why anyone of the opposite gender could like something like me.

Yeah this might sound like /r9k/ but I'm not wistfully reminiscing, I find it funny.

>> No.10059823

Please return to where you came from.


I put a link so you could find it easier.

>> No.10059827

Ass master.

>> No.10059869

His penis, I think he's talking about his dong.

>> No.10059888

Damn losers.

>> No.10059896

There were no girls like that at my school.

>> No.10059912

Somebody like that enrolled for my Senior Year of High School, about half way through the year. She was really close to me when we first met (would follow me around and text me) but then she started avoiding me more and more as the year progressed. Turns out she was a complete normalfag. Drinking beer, going to bond fires, likes music etc.

Never again.

>> No.10059913

I don't pay attention to people, so I wouldn't notice a person like that.

>> No.10059915

They don't exist.

>> No.10059919

I went to school to learn, not to be a social clown.

>> No.10059932

Because it's impossible for a girl to be cute and friendless at the same time.

>> No.10059987

... But it's possible for a boy to be cute and friendless at the same time.

>> No.10060013


Oh come on, do you find /jp/ cute?

I don't think so

>> No.10060016

There literally was no one like that in any of the schools I went to, at least in the classes I was part of. All the females would be heavily involved in long-standing social circles; that is the normal way of things.

That's not to say I never spoke to any girls. Just making a point.

>> No.10060027

I do. ;_;
>You'll never meet another NEET to cuddle with

>> No.10060052

She wasn't exatly shy but I did try to talk to her. She told me to stop so that I wound't make her any more unpopular.

All it took you to be friendless here was pretty much to be good at studying or hang out with other unpopular students, no matter how good-looking you were.

>> No.10060055

I'd get a part time job if she was happy working one as well, we could come home and cocoon it up.

>> No.10060062

Holy patron saint of crossboarders.
All that is missing is >tfw no gf threads and porn dumps.

>> No.10060083

No such girl existed. Plenty of normalfags wanted me though. It was just a few steps away from being like one of my japanese harem animes.

I just hope my ignoring them won't bring about misfortune like the first three Zatoichi movies.

>> No.10060107

>shy, quiet, cute, friendless girl

But there wasn't a single person in my school who would've fit in this description! Especially not the friendless girl part.


>Maybe liked you but you will never know.

You're funny OP

>> No.10060114
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I did. That was a mistake.

>> No.10060182

Do tell.

>> No.10060219

But I was that girl...

>> No.10060228

Why would you play with me feelings like that, you whore?

>> No.10060248

/jp/ is slowly turning into /v/2.0 /r9k/lite

>> No.10060268


>> No.10060271


>> No.10060275

/jp/ is /v/2.0 /r9k/lite

>> No.10060279
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Why can't we talk about sucking dicks like in the good old days?

>> No.10060330

I did.


The first one turned out to have a scrapbook full of pictures of car accident wounds.

The second asked me if I had found Jesus.

>> No.10060335
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I miss 2011 too. That was the golden age for /jp/.

>> No.10060351
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I never saw one. Otherwise I would.

>> No.10060352

Thanks for reminding me that /jp/ could be much worse right now.

2011 was nothing but pigspam and Tokiko talking to his friends in 20 different threads

>> No.10060355

I did, and she confessed to me. But I declined because I'm a fucking badass who just doesn't give a fuck.

And because I was nervous as hell.

>> No.10060361

Now it's 20 very active meta-threads and blogging from other boards (:

/jp/ is so good right now (:

>> No.10060367

She pretended to like me. In retrospect it's probably for the best that she dumped me, because she went on to be chuuni as hell at an adult age and a female brony.

>> No.10060368

I didn't said it's good, just that it could be much worse

>> No.10060387

There was a dick thread yesterday, it's probably still up.
