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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10856028 No.10856028[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10856037

Africa is a disgusting dog.

>> No.10856036

Fuck both of them. I don't need to clean an animals shit.

>> No.10856041

who cares both are shit! there's only one thing going to be shitting on my floor and it aint no cat or dog

>> No.10856046

I literally just punched a hole in the my wall in rage after reading that article.

>> No.10856044

yo i already gots 6 mouths ta feed i aint gettin no pet fool

>> No.10856050


>> No.10856051

I would eat the meat of a cat or a dog just to prove a point!!

>> No.10856063

Something that has been bothering me for a while: why does the dog never try to eat the food?

>> No.10856064

My Japanese exchange sister hated cats.

She didn't like me much either. And it's not because I was weird or anything, we never talked much. Because I was always in my bedroom.

Well maybe she thought that was weird.

>> No.10856083

She was expecting for her exchange onii-chan to fuck her hard like in her japanese incest comics, you fucked up good nerd.

>> No.10856085

Meh, birds are the way to go, anyways. They can cook spaghetti for you and stuff.

>> No.10856112

Dogs are bros. Cats are hoes.

>> No.10856115

No they can't newfag, Japanese bird cooking spaghetti is just a bird with fake little tiny models, it can't actually cook.

If you don't like cats you aren't otaku. Straight up legit just not otaku at all.

>> No.10856119

It's us or them.

>> No.10856123

or better, didn't fucked lol

>> No.10856125


>> No.10856133
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ucking owned

>> No.10856132

Also, cats make you crazy.

>> No.10856149

not this toxyplasma shit again

>> No.10856152

Does this explain the ``crazy cat lady'' phenomenon?

>> No.10856175

Isn't that something that's just bad for pregnant women?

>> No.10856185

>I don't like uncomfortable truths.

>> No.10856183
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i like japanese bird

cat too

very cute

>> No.10856188

My cat is very friendly. I love him. Dogs are great too!

>> No.10856219

What a fucking retard.

>> No.10856231

mad becuz got ownaged?

>> No.10856233

Don't want to admit that your hikiNEET ways are due to brain parasites?

>> No.10856245

Truly fucking retarded.

Don't own pets.

>> No.10856255

>no cogent counterargument
>resorts to childish namecalling

>> No.10856256

Whom are you greening?

>> No.10856260

Please point out the post you are quoting, crossboarder.

>> No.10856291

I have 2 cats and they've been more bothersome than enjoyable. I've taken care of them for 2 years and they destroy everything. Here's some of the things the cats have done
-destroyed my Nintendo Wii wire sensor
-destroyed my playstation 2 controller wires
-destroyed my playstation 2 color cable twice
-destroyed the wiring to my computer speaker
-destroyed my couch
-destroyed my carpet
-puke all over my floor
-destroy my chairs
-piss on my clothes bag
-countless other things I'm forgetting

My mom said she wanted the cats at her place so I will soon let them over there and I'm done with cats forever

>> No.10856304

They're trying to tell you something, dude.

>> No.10856320


>-destroyed my Nintendo Wii wire sensor
>-destroyed my playstation 2 controller wires
>-destroyed my playstation 2 color cable twice
>-destroyed the wiring to my computer speaker

Are you somehow confusing cats with bunnies? I've never heard of a cat chewing through wires, unless maybe you dangle and jitter it in front of its face to make it attack it.

>-destroyed my couch
>-destroyed my carpet

Did you not give them something else to dig their claws into? Get a scratchpost. If they don't take to it, sprinkle some catnip onto it.

>-puke all over my floor

Yeah, they do that.

>-destroy my chairs

How? Unless you mean like recliners, there's not a whole lot for them to stratch/destroy. They can scratch up wood over time, but not enough to do significant damage.

>-piss on my clothes bag

Clean their litter box more often.

>> No.10856348

I want to live alone with a cat named Diana

>> No.10856987

fuck ugh I had a cat that destroyed my carpet. she had plenty of things to scratch, scratching posts and cat houses, but she clawed at the carpet if she wanted in or out of a door. She would stay at it for HOURS-- so you couldn't ignore her, she would do it until you opened the door for her.

>> No.10857035


>> No.10857045

You suck at handling cats, you wouldn't be able to handle a dog if your life depended on it.

>> No.10857053

>I've never heard of a cat chewing through wires
Pfft, really?

>> No.10857096


>> No.10857134
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But look at this cozy dog.

>> No.10857131
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I'ma dog guy myself but I must admit that bikecat is one suave motherfucker

>> No.10857219

Shiba are basically cats, though.

>> No.10857230


>> No.10857389
File: 1.67 MB, 350x253, post-19465-Shiba-Inu-stfu-gif-Dont-Speak-oKcT.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The breed also interacts fairly well with cats.
>The Shiba is a relatively fastidious breed and feels the need to maintain itself in a clean state. They can often be seen licking their paws and legs much like a cat.

>> No.10857394
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I got your back here.

>> No.10857416


I have a Chow, which wikipedia also compares to a cat. She's also a territorial psychopath who wants to murder everyone who gets within 50 yards of our house. For what I've read about Shibas they sound kind of like terriers with a couple of personality quirks. The only dogs that are even close to "basically cats" are your most fat and passive working dogs. A small, energetic dog isn't even close.

>> No.10857421

because dogs can be trained and taught to respect their masters unlike dipshit cats.

You have to be mentally challenged to think cats are a superior pet.

>> No.10857451


>> No.10857468

Check out this delusional cat freak.

>> No.10857475

Nice namecalling.

Nice assumptions.

Nice retarded you-are-forced-to-choose mentality.

>> No.10857477
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>isn't even close.
Okay, mate.

>> No.10857490

Nice 'wrong' response that had nothing but scientific facts. i.e you are delusional.

take your xanax freak.

>> No.10857498

Nice namecalling again.

No one mentioned any scientific fact, not even you.

Nice "you are in denial" argument, which was improperly used since you don't have anything to back it up.

Stay asleep.

>> No.10857506

everything in my post was a fact and you would know that if you weren't, guess what, delusional. Actually scratch that xanax just take a razor blade to your jugular instead.

>> No.10857516


they aren't like cats you dumb fuck

>> No.10857519

The fact that cats can also be trained to properly respect their masters proves you wrong, mentally challenged being.

Stay asleep forever.

>> No.10857522
File: 34 KB, 500x371, sharing-a-nap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you so angry?

>> No.10857524

This is what mentally ill cat fanatics actually think. So wrong.

>> No.10857529

This is the kind of person you see on 'True Story: Cat Hoarders'

>> No.10857539
File: 35 KB, 450x341, toypoodle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

our toy poodle IS a cat. He claws at things, runs away from strangers, jumps and sits on high furniture...

>> No.10857544

non- NEET get out of /jp/

>> No.10857548

Stay with your retarded mentality.

>> No.10857617

You guys fight over the dumbest things.

Anyway I like both.

>> No.10857904

Does anybody have more videos of cute japanese kids eating things like this http://youtu.be/C9VLm7McBDs?t=2m30s<wbr> ?

>> No.10858288

Notice how dog lovers only really like dogs because they had a bad past with cats. Truly a normie mindset.

>> No.10858294
File: 272 KB, 801x1200, Nepeta_cataria_Sturm24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, catnip is like a recreational drug for cats?

I always assumed it was powdered food or something.

This is pretty funny.

>> No.10858303

Please do not misuse the quoting feature.

>> No.10858299

Notice how /jp/sies only really like 2D because they had a bad past with women.

>> No.10858315

I never had a bad past with women. All my interactions with them have been positive.

>> No.10858329

I've never had any interaction with a women other than my mom.

>> No.10858345

That's what most would consider a "bad past with women".

>> No.10858350

Did you fuck?
Serious question.

>> No.10858351

Nay, I'd say "no past". It reflects the reality better and avoids the implication that a person should have a certain type of past at some point.

>> No.10858418

Cats are fucking creepy.

>> No.10858791

meow meow kitteh
bark bark doggeh
