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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 118 KB, 868x648, loliconsoninternet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1130864 No.1130864 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone have some /jp/ related stories involving lolis?

>> No.1130866

I raped my loli imouto tsundere sister but that's not /jp/ related so no

>> No.1130879

A loli touched me when I was a shota. I didn't like it and made her stop. Now I want to go back and beat myself in the face.

>> No.1130883

When I was 12 I had my first sexual experience. At the time, I lived in a little suburb outside of Cleveland and anyway, the girl next door and I were really good friends. Our parents were both gone for the day and she was over playing Transformers with me. So anyway, we kinda got.. Bored I guess? And we started playing truth or dare, which turned into 'you show me yours, I'll show you mine". So anyway there I Was, 12 years old, heart pounding, blood rushing in my ears, and the chick (who was a year older than me actually) takes off her panties and hikes her little skirt up. So What did I do, you ask? I whistled for a cab, and when it came near, the license plate said "fresh" and there were dice in the mirror. If anything I could say that this cab was rare, but I thought "naw forget it, yo home to bel-air!" I pulled up to the house about seven or eight and I yelled to the cabbie "yo homes smell ya later!" Looked at my kingdom, I was finally there. To settle my throne as the prince of bel-air.

>> No.1130892

Back in high school everybody had to do 10 hours of community service, there's a kindergarden near my place so that's where I went.

I went there in like 2 hour shifts over a week and on the second day, I noticed this little brown girl who had her eyes totally fixed on this elephant soft toy during play time. The other kids seems to be hogging it so I went over there and grabbed it off them and gave it to the loli. Not quite sure why I did that, guess I felt a bit sorry for her.

From then on she really took a liking to me i guess, following me around, always trying to get me to play with her, waving me goodbye when I'm leaving.

I kinda miss her nowadays

>> No.1130900

Back in elementary school I had several lolis confess their love for me. Being the asshole that I am, I told those lolis I hated them. I got blank stares from the majority of them, one even cried.

I also remember how I made fun of a loli on the day before I moved away from the state I was in. The whole class turned on me, she cried, then I had a stroke of luck and my mother arrived to take me home early for the move.

I'd say I deserve the life or roneryness I have now.

>> No.1130902


lol awwwww

That wasn't a loli. She was an undercover agent for the FBI. Good thing you got out of there.

>> No.1130909

Well, I haven't discovered 4chan back then so I wasn't as big of a pedo as I am now.

That said I wasn't exactly an outgoing person back then and I never smiled, so I never figured kids would actually like me.

Fuck, thinking about it is making me SO RONERY

>> No.1130912


Everyone here in ronery in one or another.

>> No.1130913


Everyone here is ronery in one or another.

>> No.1130914

>Back in elementary school I had several lolis confess their love for me. Being the asshole that I am, I told those lolis I hated them. I got blank stares from the majority of them, one even cried.
Oh god, I did this. What the fuck was wrong with me.

>> No.1130924

Thinking back, I only did it because I couldn't come up with any other response; I'm as socially awkward now as I was then.

>> No.1130932


shoulda killed her and stuffed her in a duffle bag

>> No.1130943

I remember this one girl developed the largest crush on me. I'm not sure why exactly, I think it was because I told some girls who were teasing her to fuck off. But she clung to me for ages, I was two years older and in a higher class so it was embarrassing for me to have this younger girl constantly clinging to me, people teased me about it once or twice but not like a lot so I don't know what my problem was. I didn't really tell her to go away but I just ended up ignoring her a lot, she'd constantly join in whatever game we were playing at the time and we just sort of let her join but never very seriously. I think I broke her heart she tripped really badly and I laughed because that's about when she stopped clinging to me. I felt horrible like, instantly afterwards, it was just a physical response "person falls, laugh" I didn't fucking mean to. Can't even remember her name, just her face.

She'd try to hug me a lot and wanted to always hold hands and stuff. I was such a faggot.

>> No.1130939

What does that accomplish?

>> No.1130946


>> No.1130947

A loli came into my line at the checkout stand and told the cashier "Is there penis?" The cashier said "what?" the girl asked again "Is there penis?" the cashier asked what again. So the loli asked a third time "Is there penis?" to which the cashier answered. "No hon, there's no tea in this."

It's related to /jp/ cause I thought it was funny and posted about it on /a/ before /jp/ existed. The thread got saged and deleted.

I guess it deserved it.

>> No.1130952

I kicked a loli once and then she cried

>> No.1130958

I have a bruise on my leg from a loli, cause I hurt her nose.

>> No.1130955

Shit, you think it's because of things like that that we became ronery?

Missed like the one chance in life to do some tender loving?

>> No.1130959

I had a similar problem, but she was fat and ugly so I didn't feel so bad afterwards. Also, she was not a loli.

>> No.1130976

Yesterday I helped my loli sister with her math homework and put my hand on her shoulder while I was looking over her. We get along pretty well and I'm sure it won't be long until I start getting hugs.

inb4 u guise shud incest xDDDD

>> No.1130980

Stick it in her pooper

>> No.1131045
File: 246 KB, 1115x1600, 1218813236207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to play house with my neighbour loli when we were both 5.
However she would often play naked. As a 5 year old I was too ignorant to exploit the situation. The memory remains engraved into my mind permanently.

Pic somewhat related; she looked similar.

>> No.1131048

I wish life had a do-over chance. Just one, one would be good enough.

>> No.1131071


>> No.1131083

...I wasn't trolling.

>> No.1131096

I don't appreciate you accusing me of being a dirty pedophile OP.

>> No.1131114

I just spent the last twenty minutes rubbing a twelve year old girl's bare chest.

"How?" you ask. Well apparently there are a select few contexts within which such an action is acceptable. For instance, if your niece has a hacking cough and your sister asks you to "put some of this on her" while she calls the doctor.

"Putting some of this on hear" meant using my bare hands to rub this vapor ointment #### all over her BARE NAKED CHEST. My heartbeat is still all erratic from it. I had a boner the size of manhattan the entire time. She's sleeping now and I guess she feels better because she stopped coughing.

Details: She's about 5 feet tall, has long brown hair, a cute face, a thin waist and long skinny legs. She's in jammies I think because although I'm pretty shaken up right now I know I unbuttoned something before I went at it.

God I feel so great. I just rubbed my hands lal over her #######ING TITS, you guys. Well the puffy parts of her chest anyway. Her nipples got hard. I just about wept tears of joy.

I didn't do anything else because I'm a coward and rubbing was enough. Plus it was legal and I didn't technically do anything wrong, so I'm in the clear.

I'd write more but I seriously have to go fap while the memory is fresh in my head.

>> No.1131117

I haven't read that in a while

>> No.1131122

Yeah, I thought it was obligatory in a thread like this.

>> No.1131123

What the fuck?

>> No.1131157

source on your pic op?

>> No.1131159


>> No.1131164


>> No.1131168

Everyday is repost day.

>> No.1131170

thank you friend!

>> No.1131171

This thread is stupid.

>> No.1131178
File: 629 KB, 974x1400, 1218815994673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1131183

shit, then FUCK, I think.

>> No.1131186

What I find humorous is 95% of these seem real because they're totally gay, and not the good kind of homosexual gay

>> No.1131190

How about an upload for OPs picture?

>> No.1131193

But you don't HAVE tits.

>> No.1131194

Delicious potential tits.

>> No.1131196

She will one day, and then sensei won't love her anymore because he only likes little girls.

>> No.1131198

I fondled with my cousins a lot. The ones my age and a few older ones (when I was about 8 or so).

I thought babies came out the butt back then and never found out the truth till I was 13. Even then, I had my suspicions.

>> No.1131213

I used to think women got pregnate by pissing in them.

>> No.1131226
File: 428 KB, 974x1400, 1218816765920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1131236

>the good kind of homosexual gay

>> No.1131235

One time a loli, about 3 years old, got naked in front of me.

I didn't do anything.

>> No.1131244

I didn't even know only men had penises until the 2nd grade.

>> No.1131255

You're a faggot, get out.

>> No.1131266

No, you're a faggot
"good homosexual gay" my ass

>> No.1131270


>> No.1131275


>> No.1131280


>> No.1131333

I didn't realize this until the end of kindergarten.

I've always had artistic talent, so even as a little kid I could draw people that actually resembled characters from cartoons/comics and not some shitty stick figures. Also, I have always liked women.

So, around the time I was 4 or 5, I became fixated with drawing naked chicks with big breasts. The problem was that I didn't realize that women didn't have penises. Thinking myself really clever, I would hide my stash of naked dick girl drawings under my bed, completely oblivious to the fact that my parents knew about it and got a great laugh at looking at them when I wasn't around.

Eventually, they finally felt sorry for me and gave me the whole "the birds and the bees" spiel and bought me some art books on human anatomy.

My mother still has those drawings locked up in a safe place to humiliate me by showing them to a wife/kids if I ever have any.

>> No.1131339


>> No.1131345

That is so fucking awesome. Do you still draw these days?

>> No.1131349

>My mother still has those drawings locked up in a safe place to humiliate me by showing them to a wife/kids if I ever have any.
I wish my mother was like yours.

>> No.1131362

i lol'd

Reminds me of the time I gave a girl I liked, back in the 2nd grade, a picture of a naked fat guy I drew. I just kind of stuffed it in her desk and when she found it she told the teacher. The teacher stopped the class and went around asking all of us who drew it. I was never found out.

>> No.1131363


Yes, post them please.

>> No.1131371

How about posting some good loli mango instead of shitty story

>> No.1131372

Me and my cousin used to
"play" a lot as kids; natural curiosity caused such a thing I guess. It continued till we were about 14 and high school started. We joke about it every now and then but other that it's all in the past.

>> No.1131397

Like hell my mother would give me access to them. I'd burn them to remove any evidence that they ever existed.

Yes, but I draw females that are anatomically correct instead of dick girls. It is interesting to point out that I tend to draw women with mole holes as opposed to big breasts like I did when I was young.

>> No.1131430

Draw cute young girls with penises kissing ordinary girls. Gigantic breasts and dicks are ugly and there's an overwhelming amount of that.

>> No.1131450

There's already over 9000 touhou doujins like this jesus haven't you had enough.

>> No.1131451


>> No.1131464


>> No.1131470

Because no one likes /u/, hence why the board has like 20 posts total.

>> No.1131483

That's like saying all animu is terrible because /a/ is a shithole.

>> No.1131493

That;s why I love softcharm.

>> No.1131501

I didn't say /u/ was bad, I'm just saying its not popular.

>> No.1131518

I rike it.

>> No.1131521

I downloaded and jerked off to the doujin from OP post, but I immediately felt bad afterwards and deleted it. There's just a point where lolis are TOO young!

>> No.1131538

>There's just a point where lolis are TOO young!
As long as it's not toddler or younger, I'm good.

>> No.1131543


The girls in this doujin practically do look like toddlers though. The particular shot in OP actually makers her look older than she ever does.

>> No.1131537


>> No.1131558

/u/ is an excellent board with all the textposts turned off.

>> No.1131640

i had a crush on these 2 girls in elementary

i still know one of them but she was changed by the whole gangster type

the other disappeared after 3rd grade, i wish i could see her again

>> No.1131664

I was shopping for some school supplies and shit the other day and a "loli" although she isn't much younger than me so I'm not sure what to think of it... was like... following me around the store and shit. Just happening to look at the exact same items I was. I couldn't get away from this girl.

>> No.1131740


>> No.1131764

How old are you? 14?

>> No.1131823


You don't belong here.

>> No.1131967

how is this /jp/

>> No.1131984

I hope you mean you were shopping for school supplies for your daughter.

>> No.1131997

Why is loli in quotes? Was it just someone who was named Lolita? That doesn't count.

>> No.1132023

Any Anons successfully adopt a Russian loli yet?

>> No.1132052

the girl who disappeared played pokemon yellow with me

she'd scoot in close to see me play, and i'd do the same to her

>> No.1132057

Show me yours I'll show you mine, and then her dad was arrested a few months later. Her parents were both abusive. Afterward she moved to Florida. I lack childhood friends.

>> No.1132074

That's almost exactly the same story as mine. Except her parents weren't really both abusive, just her father. Her mother was a weak sack of shit, she'd come to us in the middle of the night while it's raining with her daughter, swear it would be different this time and then go right back to him the next day.

>> No.1133039

i love thread

>> No.1133046

This is a terrible thread and you should feel terrible for bumping it.

I like threads like these, but this is a bad example.

>> No.1133077

So, back to stories. Last night at work (I'm a waiter) there was a mother and her daughter at one of my tables. The kid was wearing one of those children's one piece dresses that basically looks like a really large shirt, with tiny straps. It was rather loose fitting so I noticed immediately when I walked up that it was barely millimeters from exposing her nipples. Halfway through the meal, I check back, and the dress is now around the girl's waist. Whether it fell down or she took it partway off, I don't know, but I got a quick glance at her bare naked chest while she had this "oh shi-", slightly embarrassed, expression, so I think it might have been accidental.

Throughout the rest of the meal the straps on her dress kept slipping off her shoulders. Basically every time I walked past and looked over, she'd be putting one of the straps back where it belonged, not quite covering up her nipples in the process.

She was young though, I'd wager 4 or 5. Too young for me to get a boner over, but I did think it was extremely cute.

>> No.1133087

>too young

>> No.1133091

Doesn't mean I wouldn't hug and cuddle and caress. I just wouldn't be getting hard over it. See, I like the girls when they're more independent of their parents. When they start becoming actual individuals, rather than their parent's children. Usually, 9 or 10 is the perfect age.

>> No.1133104

What a revelation. That makes sense.

>> No.1133121

9 or 10 IS the perfect age. Actually, I think 9 is the average age of child molestation.

>> No.1133129

I would have had a boner immediately if that happened and I saw it.

>> No.1133133

Back when I was in kindergarden we used to ask this girl to come into the boys bathroom with us then we would pull her dress up and her panties down and take turns sticking our fingers in her vagoo. Dunno why we did it, god I was a fucked up kid.

>> No.1133144

Me and this girl in 1st grade used to take turns dropping our pencils under the desk then we would look/touch each others dick/vag this continued for a long ass time and the teacher never saw it. Or she just didn't want to report such an awesome thing.

>> No.1133211

As a kid I used to play around with these two sisters (one my age, one a year or two younger). We would pretty much do nothing but that kind of stuff actually, and it happened quite often. We actually used to all get together in sleeping bags and mess around in there. We also had a bunch of naked sleepovers together too. I'm not much of a storyteller or else I'd write one now for you guys.

>> No.1133219

Everybody I seemed to have met and really fucking liked as a friend moved away like a month after.

I hate my life.

>> No.1133264


>> No.1133286

At my job a mother and daughter as well as her two sons are frequent customers. The daughter is 11 while the two sons are around 8 and are twins. I've always wanted a little brother so I've become good friends with the twins. I didn't notice until recently how "mature", if you can even call an 11 year old that, has become. I was always nice with the daughter as well and she also took a liking to me. She often has stories of her male friends at school even at one point about a boyfriend she had. I got a kick out of it until she recently has been, from what I can tell, flirting with me. She greets me with a hug everytime I see her and has gone as far as to give me her cell phone number and begging for mine (I of course gave in). I should have stated it earlier, but I am 18. So not entirely on the creepy level from someone's outside perception of the hugs, but still not favorable. I am on good terms with her mother, she is a single mother like mine so I became friends with her quickly. I was friends with her two sons before so I think there is a trust factor, but I wouldn't want to get vanned or anything so my fantasies have stay that.

>> No.1133291


>> No.1133301

Fuck the mom and daughter as the twins watch.

>> No.1133305

I wanna have a loli friend.
Do you have less chance of being suspected of stuff if you're female?

>> No.1133307

I stuck my finger in a loli once, when I was like 5. I may have done the same thing with my penis, but I don't really remember.

>> No.1133310

A sex change operation just to get loli poon is going a bit too far, wouldn't you agree?

>> No.1133343

Thats the thing. I'm a girl.
Makes things even weirder.
Why do I find them attractive. ;_;

>> No.1133355

I'm just waiting for science to be able to make me into a loli. Then I can get all the loli poon I want.

>> No.1133359

Stop trolling. But let's say I bite the bait. Yes, it's much more acceptable for you to like lolis. You can even sleep in the same bed with lolis and "instruct" them and get away with it in most cases.

But honestly, stop trolling.

>> No.1133361

They're already talking about robot rights, and you think you're going to get away with making a little girl to become a sex toy?


>> No.1133366

i was in boston this summer. while i was there, i was passed by some park in the city that had all of these water fountain things that shot up from the ground. out of the corner of my eye i noticed that there were 2 lolis, prolly about 7 or 8 both playing the water without their shirts on. to top it off, the little shorts they had on didn't leave much to the imagination anymore when they were wet. so basically, i sat there for like a half hour watching them. good summer

>> No.1133368

He wants to be the loli. Then have sex with himself.

>> No.1133371

Oh god.
I wish I were.

>> No.1133377


I bet you do.

>> No.1133384

I didn't say make a loli. I said make ME INTO one.

>> No.1133429

I don't expect anybody to take me seriously, especially here. I'll grow out of it eventually, I guess.

>> No.1133426

You have a 0% chance. Enjoy yourself and tell us about it.

>> No.1133444

Female pedophilia is so underreported that it's practically a myth.

>> No.1133450

No. I take you seriously and you won't grow out of it.

Now make use of this advantage you have and post the stories on /jp/ so we can have some nice fap material ok.

>> No.1133465

I know of at least one female lolicon (not pedo.) I asked her out. It didn't work out.
We trade loli doujin now. She also absolutely loves fucked up shit like bondage fairies but doesn't like ONII-CHYAN stuff.

>> No.1133471

>I know of at least one female lolicon (not pedo.) I asked her out. It didn't work out.
Well ya, she's not interested in men she's interested in little girls.

No seriously why didn't it work out?

>> No.1133476

She was 11 years older. So not going any further into that trainwreck than that.

>> No.1133485

Such details only make my curiosity stronger!

>> No.1133493

How is she considered pedo if she's eleven?

>> No.1133496

Eleven years older than the poster. The poster is over 18. So this woman was probably in her 30s.\

Learn to read plz

>> No.1133498

I touched a girl's vagoo when I was in preschool. We would play "doctor" and I would taker her panties off. This is when I was 4. It was also the last time I had a female friend. ;_;

>> No.1133505

Well allow me to quench your curiosity with a huge bucket of cold ice water. I was 23, she was 34. She wanted to be treated like the little girl and dominated. I'm 6'6" (roughly 2m.) One night of awkward, overweight, unfulfilling passion and infidelity to her husband later and we decide it is far better to keep it to cyber and doujins/porn. But you can't get the fantasy back.

>> No.1133529

She should have told you that she was into BDSM earlier, and that should have set off warning flags.

>> No.1133532

You mean you fucked a woman 11 years older than you? And you call yourself a pedophile?

Get the fuck out, faggot.

>> No.1133536

>won't grow out of it.

I feel like a horrible person, so I'm really trying to change my ways. But if I ever do get involved with something, I'll be sure to post.

>> No.1133537

Dominated as in made a sexual object. You know, the whole objectification that is rampant in the fantasy world? Not beaten to a bloody pulp.

I haven't been attracted to a 3d woman since then.
The fantasy is where it is at. Do not be lonely. Be imaginative.

>> No.1133549

Actually I am a fan of many delicious fantasies. Not a pedo at all. Loli is fine sometimes but why limit yourself?
Just masturbate and enjoy it. You're not harming anyone. Keep it in fantasy and be happy. Unless you're going to go after real little girls, in which case I hope you live a long life as a repressed crazy cat lady.

>> No.1133569

"I don't like real girls, I just like 2D loli. Anyone who likes 3D girls should be raped in prison" <-- God, I fucking HATE that guy.

>> No.1133577

Agreed, and I don't generally like 3D.

>> No.1133595

I like women between the ages of 8-35.

Big and small breasts.

One time when I was at my uncle's house, my loli cousin got on the couch with me and sat her soft loli ass right on my crotch.



>> No.1133602

I wish to be the crotch.

>> No.1133613

And she didn't notice the huge boner?

>> No.1133615

And what was her reaction when she felt the huge erection?

>> No.1133611

That's it. I will now have to figure out if I have any loli cousins.

>> No.1133623

She shifted off, reached down and grabbed it between her index/middle and thumb. Then she looked at me.

I put my finger over my lips and was like "SSSHHHH." Then she gave me a weird-ass grin and went back to watching cartoons.

That's enough for me. In fact, that's enough fap material for the next decade.

>> No.1133627

Oh, uh, by the way, she let go.

She didn't sit there grabbing it while watching TV, lol

>> No.1133625

>She shifted off, reached down and grabbed it between her index/middle and thumb.
Lies. You should have responded by asking "wanna go upstairs and have some 'fun'?"

>> No.1133637

you guys should be more careful admitting stuff on the internet

most people can't comprehend that someone might like little girls and NOT want to rape and kill them

>> No.1133633


>> No.1133645

Way to be a newfag. Welcome to /jp/, pedophile central of 4chan.

>> No.1133639

Dammit, whenever I hugged my cousin and pressed her up against my boner she just move away. I guess she was just not as curious.

>> No.1133650

Probably your penis is too small for her to notice.

>> No.1133652

I have no desire to hurt/injure little children physically or emotionally. I could really never bring myself to do it.

I am perfectly content with masturbation on the subject. I support laws to protect children from predators.

>> No.1133659

Nah, I'm pretty sure she noticed. The movements were pretty well guided enough to keep hugging, but to avoid the erection.

>> No.1133660

doesn't mean moot hasn't hired a female mod who will report your IP to your ISP with logs of what you've said

sure you can say "it was the internet, of course I was joking" but wouldn't you rather not have to bother.

That's why I'd never admit the fact that I'm a pedophile on the internet. It's just common sense.

>> No.1133663

>That's why I'd never admit the fact that I'm a pedophile on the internet.
Way to break your own rule.

But honestly, much worse goes on in /b/ than being a pedophile.

>> No.1133661


>> No.1133670


>> No.1133672

>I'd never admit the fact that I'm a pedophile on the internet

Is that a joke ?

>> No.1133673

Yes, since the FBI will do something without a single shred of evidence except what someone claimed on 4chan.

You're a retard.

>> No.1133664

>I support laws to protect children from predators.
I do to an extent
but not when the laws are in place to make it harder for me to be around little girls


>> No.1133666

Hahaha. Oh wow.

>> No.1133668

Yeah, we just want to rape them! Guro is sick!

>> No.1133690

Funny. I have a 7 year old cousin and protecting her is the reason I am against cp/pedos rather than being apathetically neutral.
Though I still appreciate loli.

>> No.1133691


Female anons are so cute sometimes.

>> No.1133696

Stuff like that is stupid as hell.
1. Pedophilia is a disorder.
2. Pedophilia is not illegal, only acting on it.
You'd think the pedophiles are having a hard enough time resisting their urges without being demonized and persecuted like witches.

>> No.1133694

FBI are too busy dealing with terrorism, it would be local police. You know you can get jailed just for making eye contact with a child without her parents permission?

if you have to ask, i pity you

>> No.1133701

so wait, you are opposed to people who are attracted to little girls, yet one of your hobbies is masturbating to fantasies of fucking little girls?

>> No.1133703

Threads like these are why I still come to 4chan after 3 years.

>> No.1133711

>You know you can get jailed just for making eye contact with a child without her parents permission?
Maybe in Britain. I'm >>1133077 and I get to mentally undress lolis all the time. I've gotten maybe one dirty look before, but I still have my job.

>> No.1133717

>FBI are too busy dealing with terrorism

The FBI has plenty of personnel to deal with tons of bullshit.

>> No.1133719

It's like drawing guys with huge wangs, or girls with huge tits. It's pretty much cute fetish porn. It's an art style, harmless and victimless.
Real 7 year olds who've been abused? Victim? Check. Harm? Done.

>> No.1133709

Yeah, same here.

Looks like it was true. The people that made /a/ good are all here.

>> No.1133720

I never doubted for a moment that /jp/'s users were the only reason /a/ wasn't absolutely horrid before.

>> No.1133724

don't mess with football, etc.

>> No.1133727

/jp/ is just old /a/ without all the cancer
and less animu/mango, but it's not off-limits.

>> No.1133733

>I have a 7 year old cousin
Admit it. If you walked in on her spreading her legs and inspecting her own pussy or something equally innocent yet arousing, you'd get turned on.

>> No.1133738

Trying to get mental image...

>> No.1133745

>I've gotten maybe one dirty look before, but I still have my job.

See, I smile at lolis all the time, because for some reason they like to look at me and smile. The mothers always look at their daughter and see her smiling so they also smile at me. Never had a single dirty look ever. Maybe because I don't have a creepy pedophile grin.

>> No.1133751

if you like loli, you're a pedo.

it's that simple.

no, that doesn't mean you want to go out and fuck your neighbours' kids. that's not how it works.

>> No.1133750

I would roll for initiative, genuflect, and put it in.

>> No.1133762

Well, normally it's the same. The girl smiles at me, and I smile back. It was the one time that the girl's panties were exposed while she was climbing over a booth (you know, one leg up high, other one on tip-toes trying to reach; perfect view of the crotch - covered by the panties, of course), and I was trying to assess whether or not she was going to hurt herself. I wasn't actually looking at the panties, though I do remember the image well enough that I can still fap to it.

>> No.1133769

It's okay, I don't hide myself.

>> No.1133770

Probably would have a reaction. I'm not trying to put myself on some infallible moral high ground here. I'm not perfect.
But having seen what abuse/separation from parents does to kids I can stand quite firmly against the crime itself. The sadness of knowing the result is enough to quench any reaction pretty quickly.
It may sound dumb, but I wouldn't care if you fapped to my cousin in your own fantasies in your own world. Your mind is your own empire. But I will stand the line to keep people from crossing beyond that.

>> No.1133774

I've said it a million times, loli girls are not the same as real little girls. They're highly sexualized and generally more mature than their supposed age.
I say this as someone who can fap to lolicon but not CP.

>> No.1133778

well obviously

pedo != child rapist

>> No.1133787


>> No.1133780

You need more pedophile beard.


>> No.1133791


>n. The act or fantasy on the part of an adult of engaging in sexual activity with a child or children.


>> No.1133806

You know what I want most in the world?

In the entire world, the thing I want most is a little girl to hug me at least once per day. I want her to say "I love you daddy" and I want to say "I love you too sweety" and then she hugs me even harder, then I put her down and we go for ice cream, or just watch cartoons and she holds my hand or lays with her head on my knee.

I am just hopelessly pathetic around women (I'm 20) to the point that I literally don't care anymore. I have lost all desire to interact with them, but that's the only route to my little girl dream.

I guess I could look into adoption, but that's crazy-complicated for a single unemployed wreck.

>> No.1133807


>> No.1133820


an adult who is sexually attracted to young children.


>> No.1133830

Pretty much all of /jp/'s dream.

>> No.1133834

I'm not a pedo. I've never gotten an erection from lolicon or a little girl. But ever since going to 4chan I notice people and things that I wouldn't have seen before.

And now I'm worried that people are going to think I'm looking at someone's daughter funny and assume things. God damnit 4chan.

>> No.1133828

well at least nobody here likes little boys

that would just be fucked up

>> No.1133837

In before someone tries to link shotacon to pedersaty

>> No.1133840

I'd be the best single-father ever.

I bet I wouldn't even forget to feed her.

>> No.1133836

Being sexually attracted to young children is the same as having a goddamn fantasy about children. And yes, cartoons children count as children.

Jesus Christ, there we go, another fucking thread about this bullshit.

Saged & Hidden.

>> No.1133841


If you live in Britain, they assume that anyway.

>> No.1133842

stop arguing with yourself

>> No.1133843

Gtfo moral-fag!

>> No.1133844

In before someone tries to link shotacon to pederasty

Go ahead and hide it, faggot. A cartoon is inspired by life, not life itself.

>> No.1133850

only on 4chan is righteousness a flaw

>> No.1133852

What the hell is wrong with you? There's no mention of morality in that post.
Also moralfag is one word, newfag.

>> No.1133855

Agreed. I know flat chested 25 year old women, they are not children. We've all seen pictures of Saaya Irie, she is not an adult.

In the real world loli is an age in anime and manga loli is a BODY TYPE.

People seriously need to know how to distinguish between reality and anime.

I've never done any of the things people have in this thread. The only girls I knew lived blocks over and I never spent time with girls outside of school.

>> No.1133854
File: 9 KB, 249x244, 1218849350489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god, that's rich.

>> No.1133857

Good thing I'm going back to college soon where all the girls I'll have to look at will be over 18.

>> No.1133859

Way to ruin a good thread. Can't we just get back to the whole loli experience discussion? No one actually cares whether the girls you are fapping to are 2D or 3D. In the minds of those who actually care both are equally as disgusting.

>> No.1133861

>code geass

>> No.1133865
File: 5 KB, 214x209, 1218849429778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1133867

Enough pedo angst. I want more fap material.

>> No.1133870

So you like girls like Koanta?

The personality needs to go along with the body type, the innocence and such. If an anime girl acts like a little girl and you're attracted to her that's pretty pedo.

>> No.1133871

Autosage reached just as the thread became very shitty. Thank you, 4chan.

>> No.1133880

Whenever I'm outdoors for some reason (e.g. buying food) I always see beautiful girls.

I probably see "the cutest little girl I've ever seen" about once per month.

Proportionally, more little girls are adorable than their adult counterparts. In fact, the majority of little girls are adorable and pleasant, pretty similar to the proportion of adults who are cancerous and awful.

I don't even pay attention to women anymore, unless they smile at me, or try to strike up conversation in which case I smile back or respond (I'm not rude after all)

>> No.1133877
File: 173 KB, 1280x1024, 1218849571014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah seriously what the hell happened?

I don't think I can save this thread with loli but I'll give it a go.

Kooh, cause she's awesome

>> No.1133892

Konata is still sexualized. All anime characters are. Humans are not that perfect.

>> No.1133894

So once when I was around 16 my parents friends asked me to babysit this girl. So we played board games and such and then I sent her to bed. There was a thunder storm outside and as I was lying in bed I felt her cuddle up next to me. So I sat back and relaxed and was finally there sitting on my throne as the price of Bel-Air.

>> No.1133895
File: 221 KB, 557x800, 1214519850079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1133901


I'm kind of like that.

I often wonder if people notice that I only look at little girls while refusing to make direct eye contact with anyone else.

>> No.1133904

Anyone care to make another thread? Despite all the stupid shit at the end I thoroughly enjoyed the thread.

>> No.1133906

Well, this one has a while to go before it 404s.

>> No.1133907

4chan caused me to do this too. I always worry about whether I look creepy or if people may think I'm a pedophile for some reason, even though I'm not.

>> No.1133923
File: 70 KB, 380x500, kg_lumiere0334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absofucking-lutely. Konata is awesome, not as perfect as Tsukasa but awesome.

My pefect lolis of all time are Lumiere and Flonne, NEITHER of which are children and both of which are very loli.

Admit it, your argument fails.

>> No.1133929

These kind of threads somehow give me motivation to do something about my current shitty life.

>> No.1133946

Anyone actually seen naked lolis?

One time I was at the community centre and I was way too early for badminton. So I sat on the bench in the hallway and played my DS.

And then suddenly, I noticed that I was surrounded by lolis who were about to attend their ballet class (and their parent) and then they started changing right the fuck there in the fucking hallway.

I wasn't sure if I was scared, aroused, amused or what.

Flat chests, hairless slits, cotton panties, holy shit.

They were too young for my taste though, pre-puberty. But I still stole a few looks.

>> No.1133957


Just fuck off with the trolling.

>> No.1133972

>They were too young for my taste though
yea, that's why you were excited enough that the image has been burned into your mind

>> No.1133984

If you can guarantee that it won't be complete shit like it is now.

>> No.1134189

Just wait until it's that time of day where there is less /b/ around here.

>> No.1134335

Sadly that time of day has become less and less.

>> No.1136184

i was baby sitting 2 girls

they were bored so they wanted to play hide n seek

....with the lights off

so yeaa i got a chance to snuggle with them
