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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12495597 No.12495597 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.12495603


I am actually genuinely mad.

Well done OP you fuckface.

>> No.12495604

We didn't actually get any Gaga-related fallout, even though she's like queen of pop or something.

It'll be like the time some idol group went on CNN and the nobody cared.

>> No.12495609


Letterman is horrible. RIP Miku.

>> No.12495610


>> No.12495613
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Vocaloid is in the decline.

If this shit happened back in 2009, I'd be pissed as HELL.

Now? I'm indifferent.

>> No.12495619
File: 222 KB, 600x400, 1367077035585.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What the fuck. It's a program, not a stupid application.

Application, app, APPS, all of this is fucking bullshit.

They are programs.

P R O G R A M S.

>> No.12495623

>We didn't actually get any Gaga-related fallout, even though she's like queen of pop or something.
Gaga's not relevant anymore is why.

>> No.12495628

Do people care about Letterman? I don't actually know.

>> No.12495629

> she's like queen of pop or something.

Gaga's popularity is nothing compared to Britney.

>> No.12495631

Can we say that Vocaloid sold out or is it too soon yet?

>> No.12495632
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>> No.12495633

Vocaloid sold out ages ago, dude.

Do you remember the whole Pizza gig?

>> No.12495634


His retarded monologues and idiotic questions serve as eulogies for anything that was once good.

>> No.12495640

Yes. I have no clue how anyone found him funny but they still care.

>> No.12495645

Jesus that's going to be awkward. The only people I know that still watch Letterman are old as fuck and they will not understand what's happening.

>> No.12495648

yeah I don't understand this, they're trying to pull in the weeb audience?

>> No.12495649
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How can this be worse than pimping Toyotas?

>> No.12495651


The worst part is I will probably watch it and rage out at how bad Letterman sucks.

>> No.12495652
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thy're going to make fun of her :(

>> No.12495653

Just how dumb are you? It's an APP store not a PROGRAM store. smh

>> No.12495655

Isn't that Rustle's Miku?

>> No.12495656

>she's pops biggest draw

that fucker probably chuckled as they wrote that.

>> No.12495657

That's probably the better route anon. Make fun of her and leave it alone.

>> No.12495658
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>> No.12495659
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I hope they do so it'll force it back to true fans. I heard she's going to perform with tupac too

>> No.12495660
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>> No.12495661

Letterman is still alive? the guy has 600,000 viewers and Colbert is practically taking over him.

>> No.12495666

Vocaloid sunk already.
This isn't 2006-2008 anymore when nicoboom was at the height of her popularity.
She is at a much worst position than 2hu thus needing to whore herself out to gaga and the western audience.

Truly sad she is being turned into a commercial whore to stay relevant. Even GSC is reporting that miku isnt their #1 cashchow anymore.

>> No.12495668

Is Perfume next?

>> No.12495670

>Truly sad she is being turned into a commercial whore

But Miku was like that from the beginning.

>> No.12495671


God, I remember all the fresh content back in her golden age.

That's commercialism for you.

>> No.12495674







>> No.12495675


>> No.12495676

>Miku performing with Holo-Pac

>> No.12495680
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>Letterman runs two minutes making fun of vocaloid and playing 30 seconds of a squeely high-pitched song to prove his point that anime is for weirdos
>mainstreamization of anime and manga

>> No.12495681

>actually wanting this

>> No.12495684

>Sticking your head in the sand
ok anon

>video games will never be mainstream
-you, in the past

>> No.12495686

Only if its lewd.

>> No.12495687

Is it Metro?

>> No.12495689



The guy's career is being blown the fuck out by his younger look-alike and that brit guy with his skeleton puppet.

>> No.12495690

>Not liking 2pac

lol what a nerd

>> No.12495693
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>> No.12495694

Okay dude, David Letterman is like 80 years old and his audience is comprised of peoples' dads. I'm totally sure he'll promote the shit out of it and talk about how much he loves K-On and how Mugi is best girl.

>> No.12495696

I hope it's not awkward

>> No.12495697

Letterman is the only good name in late night and it's been that way for years, what are you talking about. This is still going to be really bad, though.

>> No.12495699

>Mugi is best girl.
Get outta here eyebrows

>> No.12495700

Pac was a fake ass nigga and a wannabe philosopher.

>> No.12495702

Did i say this was a turning point? I said it was a step

First you ignore them...

>> No.12495705

Reminder that you, an anti-social shut in nerd/NEET, have utterly no standing or information to talk about what's socially acceptable or not.

Reminder that you, as part of the worst demographic of anime and manga - niwaka - have a skewed and fucked up view of what constitutes "anime and manga" owing from your SHIT taste.

>> No.12495707


A step to what? a bunch of old people grumbling and something about WWII along the lines?

>> No.12495713

A step towards your grandma watching Boku No Pico. Letterman plays to the oldtimers and they like to point and laugh at weird shit. This is pretty much the same as when some talk show runs a segment about furries or bronies or whatever.

>> No.12495714

Letterman is the master of awkward humor. He's old and unfunny, his failing mental capabilities make him unable to think of of new joke for a while and he knows it, so he masks that by feigning awkwardness (long pauses, snickers, etc...)

>> No.12495720

This is why I am glad that kancolle will never catch on with the waito piggus due to pearl harbor.

>> No.12495722


But that happens all the time or did you forget that Americans get lazier by the second and will barely nudge a reaction?

>> No.12495724

Kancolle is shit

Feel free to have all that shit to yourself

>> No.12495725

/jp/ how does this make you feel?

>> No.12495726

I wonder what she'll be wearing

>> No.12495727


commercialize everything. throw money at it to cheapen it. destroy anything any minority holds dear. they'll all conform eventually.
there is a reason /a/ is so elitist, and honestly I can't blame them. welcome to how things work these days. this is just business as usual.

>> No.12495728

Oh that's right, you're all retarded NEETs here, you're not familiar with the saying.

I'll give you a hint. it ends with "Then you win"

>> No.12495733
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/a/ is elitest because they're bullied permavirgins who never fit in anywhere in their lives and see their only "hang out" being taken from them

which even if it is true (it mostly is), i have no sympathy for them, because nerds are terrible (as are the SJW who coined this phrase)

>> No.12495734

Imagine the scandal of what would happen if what she was wearing was, analog.

>> No.12495736


You are giving attention to something and then complaining that it's getting attention?

Does your brain function correctly or are you one of those people who think replying to bait threads, for example, is going to stop them?

>> No.12495738

You put the first line backwards: it would end with ``Then they win''.

And it doesn't really make sense in this situation, because of the laughing bit in the middle. (You are correct, though.)

>> No.12495739

why would she wear a clock?

>> No.12495740

LOL nice try that shits so far in the past we're already making 9/11 jokes

>> No.12495741

>/a/ is elitest because they're bullied permavirgins who never fit in anywhere in their lives and see their only "hang out" being taken from them

Sounds like /jp/

>> No.12495742

that's right, /jp/ is the next step along on the sterotypical NEET life

>> No.12495743
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She's also appeared in a talk show or two. That dreadful French one for example.

If you mean the newspaper I have no idea. Might've been mentioned in an older thread.

>> No.12495743,1 [INTERNAL] 

you're terrible, faggot

>> No.12495745


Why the fuck is this board so cancerous.

>> No.12495746

why is her name still backwards

>> No.12495748


>> No.12495751

>Then you win

I don't want to win if the prize is mainstream warping.

>> No.12495751,1 [INTERNAL] 

In this generation it's normal to start f*cking cute babes at age 13, gramps.

>> No.12495753
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Oh no, the corporate mascot with a cipher personally intentionally designed to appeal to as many people as possible is *selling out*!

>> No.12495759

I do, because I like to see human suffering on 4chan, as you all deserve it oh so much

>> No.12495763
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Hm, maybe you're right.
still, when pic related is promoting a reality tv show like that new hit 'utopia', don't say I didn't warn

>> No.12495764

Underrated post

>> No.12495766


um but shes cute and the people that like her make good music. this will change when the gaijin get involved

>> No.12495770
File: 52 KB, 499x499, happy frog 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Any Vocaloid music

>> No.12495775

I thought you guys were supposed to be the best shitposters on 4chan

man i guess that title really does go to some /vg/ threads

>> No.12495775,1 [INTERNAL] 

fatboys lmao

>> No.12495779

>I thought you guys were supposed to be the best shitposters on 4chan

Maybe 5 years ago

>> No.12495780


i remember this meme!

>> No.12495782

miku fucking sucks lol rin and seeu are superior

>> No.12495788

Wrong it was meant to appeal to the niwakas at Nicovideo, and it worked for some time. Seeing her being "enjoyed", let alone being forced upon people outside of this target audience is tantamount to gangrape.

>> No.12495789

>make good music
Miku best music was around 10years ago when nico nico medley got out.
Rest of her music are just meme music. Now that no one actually make cute flash with miku music anymore and her music only get made to be part of project diva game, she is irrelevant.
Miku was finished long time ago, this is the final nail in the coffin.

>> No.12495790

Oh tell me what was Miku's target audience again?

>> No.12495793

Why the fuck would they play vocaloid songs to a bunch of Normies? This can only end with insults or some shit.

>> No.12495795

When will you fucking retards learn that Japan is a Capitalist country and thus will inevitably "sell out" and "go mainstream"

especially coupled with the "i'm such a nerd XD" cultural zeitgeist

Mark My Words Anon. By the end of 2020 Anime and Manga will be fullblown mainstream. That Tokyo Olympics will be when not even /a/ can deny it.

>> No.12495799

To raise awareness on Japanese basement dweller "culture"

>> No.12495800


>> No.12495801
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maybe you're right, maybe you're not. I think that's missing the point though.

>> No.12495813


she didn't exist 10 years ago. and the music has only improved.

and people don't make music to get on project diva...they make music to put on albums and sell; because lots of people enjoy the music and >buy it.

>> No.12495815

I don't understand. Hasn't she stopped being relevant five or so years ago? Why would they revive her for something like this?

>> No.12495818

That doesn't even need to be known though

>> No.12495822
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You're probably trolling but I do like these two

Miku's okay.

>> No.12495828

Wasn't SeeU's voice person arrested?

>> No.12495830

I've maybe heard David Letterman's name once in my life outside of this thread. I absolutely detest all pizza. I've heard of Lady Gaga before, but I think she's pretty cool her music is pretty good.
I don't feel the need to keep the things I enjoy completely closed off from the things I don't like. I like Lady Gaga and Miku, so that was cool. Maybe someone out there likes Miku and Letterman, I won't judge.

>> No.12495834
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anyway I have class tomorrow, but yes this is an inevitability, but yes this is also terrible. probably nothing will come out of this event in particular, but it's a another step. this is bad.

>> No.12495838

Are you serious? Was she really?

>> No.12495839

I like pizza, Lady Gaga, and Miku
My parents watch the Letterman Show though

I found the Toyota thing kinda funny though

>> No.12495846

mfw there IA's latest voice sucks, Miku and the rest of the V2s aren't like they used to.

Voiceloid crash when?

>> No.12495862


>> No.12495865
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Ever since my parents started watching The Big Bang Theory, they've started to think that anime and other "nerd" things are "hip" and "cool."

Seeing Miku on David Letterman is only going to affirm this viewpoint.
I wonder if older folks like them are the intended audience...

>> No.12495881


Yes. He isn't going to be hurling insults and screaming weebs btfo. He will say "isn't this fascinating and amazing..golly look at that. You people aint gonna believe what we have coming up tonight!".

Like Ron Paul and the Sex Pistols on Leno.

>> No.12495883

Why are we angry?

Mikuloid has been reclining for years now anyway and if this does get some kind of world wide popularity, you can now be the fucker who can truly claim to like something before it became cool...

Assuming you even like it at all.
Which none of you even do.

Vocaloid was always only good for porn and this only means that we'll probably have more of it.

>> No.12495888

>wanting western porn

>> No.12495890

But there's some pretty good songs out there, like ODDS & ENDS

And AA2 will always have more quality porn than any vocaloid can dream of

>> No.12495891

My grandma is the only person I know who watches that show.

>> No.12495893

I believe some of her best songs have only come out in the last 3 years.

Unless you've downloaded the 13,000 + song torrent and have listened to the majority of Miku songs, you have no right to say whether she has "good" music or not. There's way too much you haven't listened to otherwise.

>> No.12495900



>> No.12495945
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>> No.12495965

>Why are we angry?
Because there's no such thing as "integrity" anymore. Everything is just a desperate attempt to make money off of something, but it's only going to kill the scene faster. The flame that burns twice as bright burns half as long, they say

>> No.12495968


>> No.12495989

Why couldn't they wait till Colbert took over to have Miku.

>> No.12496025

This post is about Miku, the character created to sell vocoloid software

>> No.12496031

>Even GSC is reporting that miku isnt their #1 cashchow anymore.
gonna need to see a source for this one

>> No.12496037

Will she be singing in English, like http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nO4w6-VJbc4&t=1m50s ?

>> No.12496042

It's possible; her VA's been doing english lessons for a while now. Her english voice bank has improved a lot over the past few years

>> No.12496062

Official list isnt out yet but for 2014 Miku is not going to be #1 unless something drastic happened.

>> No.12496085

miku's voice bank remains the same whether or not she gets a letterman appearance

no company turns down free publicity

>> No.12496121


are you implying being big in America is the only way to be "mainstream"?

anime was already mainstream, it's like you people received a blow to the head and forgot the late 90s

>> No.12496166

agreed or at least have Conan watch her
this might be good for all you and you "much secrit club" nobody watches Letterman so she'll still be somewhat niche

>> No.12496179

Conan reactiing to that would actually be funny. Unfortunately the Late Show isn't comedy.

>> No.12496182

ur gotta be kidding me

>> No.12496189
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>> No.12496190
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Hartsuney Meku is my favourite hot anime girl.

>> No.12496292
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maybe letter man will get a boner and he'll admit it and it'll be super funny

>> No.12496304

Just let it die. I fucking hate Vocaloid and all the people who listens to this nasal garbage.

>> No.12496309

What's the lowest the Bocaroido franchise can possibly go now?

>> No.12496310

Muh sofisticated humor engboos that crave for starbucks coffee (it doesn't even try to sell in Italy for obvious reasons) here love it.

>> No.12496311

Comcast ads.

>> No.12496313


The obvious reason being that you'd need a loan from Germany to afford a cup of coffee.

>> No.12496314

Where were you when Microsoft 8 decided to call any kind of program app? ;_;

>> No.12496315
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>> No.12496319

Seeu's voice sucks. Nothing can top that design though.

>> No.12496324
File: 44 KB, 58x130, 798563969_1053841.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want Miku to perform with Snoop Dog

>> No.12496326

Snoopy doesn't have time for virtual hos.

>> No.12496332

What's the hell are you talking about dude?
Nobody is talking about what's socially acceptable here, no really what.

>> No.12496335

too bad real hos dont have time for him

>> No.12496337
File: 266 KB, 926x625, 1408125702955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm fed up with this "socially acceptable" bullshit. It's normies dictating everything, and norms never produce anything that isn't garbage so why do they get to make the rules about what is produced?

>> No.12496338

>785 overall
>10 boards
>At least 60 entries needed each

So basically that chart doesn't say anything precise, and that's without considering the shitposting factor.

>> No.12496350

Miku's voice isn't nasal at all. It's high pitched, perhaps sometimes squeaky, but it's not nasal. Try cleaning the small animal semen out of your ear canals.

>> No.12496353

I really really enjoy your image.

>> No.12496363
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fucking chiptunes

>> No.12496375

The next thing you know, Miku will not be able to wear miniskirts and show her pantsu...


>> No.12496399

Remember Miku only sells because Vocaloid understood that you can sell anything with moe marketing. Nobody would give a shit otherwise.

>> No.12496402
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Technically, if the program helps a user perform a task, they can be called applications. Calling them programs isn't wrong though.

I can relate to your frustration with the word "app" though. Call them tools if you need a short word so badly.

>> No.12496413

It would be fun if Dave interviewed her and she ripped him all to shit on national TV.

>> No.12496419

I'm legit sad about it.

>> No.12496422

Miku has a very distinctive and appealing character design. She's not just "generic moe character #334298737". Miku's voice matches her design quite well. Popularity is a holistic phenomenon, so yes, if she looked boring and forgettable then she probably wouldn't have become popular. The same could be said about almost anything ever, so at least you've found a pointlessly cynical approach that can be applied to dismiss all comers.

>> No.12496437

Now that everyone's had a chance to shitpost in reaction to this news, may I ask why?

I'm a sincere Miku fan, but I just don't see this changing anything. Miku has always been commercial. She opened for gaga and has had other international exposure.

Ultimately her voice is something of an acquired taste, so the mostly old viewers of TV news will probably have a dismissive chuckle about it and everything will go on.

Vocaloid music is going strong. Most of the poeple who say otherwise don't even listen to it. As long as the music scene is alive, it's all good.

>> No.12496441

This is great, I'm extremely happy, and I hope lots of people will learn about Miku as a result of that.

>> No.12496455

99% of those who watch this won't even remember the name "Hat-soon Mih-koo" anyway.

The remaining 1% with a predisposition / proclivity toward it will just blend in to the fandom, so I agree insofar as the minimal impact this has will be positive.

>> No.12496457

I think most people won't take otaku culture in general seriously and socially acceptable especially when it's a holographic virtual idol even if it's portrayed in a positive light.

>> No.12496469

I don't think the segment is going to be a primer on "otaku culture." Viewers will consider Miku just another "crazy japan thing."

>> No.12496484

It won't change anything. Vocaloid is available to everyone, so it's only natural that there will be shit music alongside the good music.

I think it's more a problem of "normies like my shit, now I can't like it anymore or I'll be a normy too". It's not an irrational line of thought though, the general public has a way of tainting things when they become popular.

>> No.12496485

Exactly, I don't get why /jp/ is making a big deal out of this

>> No.12496495

I used to be an A class shitposter, but then janny didn't like playing around anymore.

>> No.12496496

As I hinted in my post, I'm not worried about mainstream American popularity fundamentally changing the character of the miku fandom. Why? Because mainstream popularity in the West will never happen. Miku's voice type is like the antithesis of every quality that makes for a popular female voice in current American popular music.

>> No.12496501

People need things to worry about, otherwise their lives become too dull.

>> No.12496508

Sometimes I have nightmares that /jp/ is full of retards who latch onto every new development like it's the end of the otaku world.

I hope I wake up soon.

>> No.12496520

Might I suggest aging? Not enough people worry about aging relative to other stuff, given that it kills 2/3 of all people and causes horrible diseases, suffering and economic calamity. Strangely very, very few people voice any concern about this.

Pretty much all fandoms, even "normie" ones, deal with a constant flood of "X is dying" catastrophism.

>> No.12496521

Take it easy.

>> No.12496527

Are /jp/sies then not so different from normies?

>> No.12496532

it's almost like /jp/sies are people

>> No.12496558

The taking it easy maxim tells us not to worry

>> No.12496613


>> No.12496635

Ironically, it came at the time when I was getting back into Vocaloid music. I'm not bothered to be honest, Miku is barely relevant in her own genre these days and I prefer using Avanna over her in my own music. Nothing to get worked up about.

>> No.12496649

I'm not sure why myself. It's not a logical thing. I have bad feelings associated with Letterman and good feelings associated with Miku. Joining the two makes me feel bad. I'm sure a lost of people who whine about it simply feel the same way and don't actually think it's something horrible.

>> No.12496673

They are going to bully her.

>> No.12496764

>/k/: It's not a clip, it's a MAGAZINE
Jesus there's one for every board it seems.

>> No.12496791
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>> No.12496799
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And then she gets her own show? Not sure if want.

>> No.12496946

>anime was already mainstream, it's like you people received a blow to the head and forgot the late 90s

These people are morons. The popularity of anime and manga peaked in the mid 2000's in North America. It's nowhere near as popular here as it used to be.

>> No.12496968

I studied at a school where half the school was anime fans.

>> No.12496987
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They could at least of chosen a good vocaloid rather than the crypton international weeaboo mascot.

>> No.12496990

>it's the normies ruining my life

That special snowflake logic.

>> No.12496997
File: 79 KB, 369x243, 1393079706602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

americans are truely the butthole of otaku media: anime conventions, 2hu conventions, vocaloid live concerts and david letterman

>> No.12497000


please stop using that word incorrectly

>> No.12497002


Have mercy on him, he's not a native.

>> No.12497015

>have mercy on him

fuck no. /jp/ shouldn't be affected by high-school tier tryhards who'd rather spout how special they are rather than taking it easy and enjoying their hobbies. this is the truNEET generals all over again.

>> No.12497019


I've always stayed away from the NEET threads. Since they were generally cancerous as fuck.

>> No.12497024

Letterman is trash. Its all about based Tonight show with Jimmy Fallon

>> No.12497060

Im so buttmad rn. But i have been for about 3 years now since the things i like keep becoming mainstream. Ill admit it i feel like a hipster

>> No.12497064

He did not use that word incorrectly.

By the way, both of you please start using proper punctuation.

>> No.12497081

yes he did
otaku is not a super unique anime specialist, it's just somebody who is really into their hobby. it's not uncommon to see "car otaku" or "sports otaku" (the later of which is actually really, really common in burgerland)

>> No.12497090

Anime, Touhou and Vocaloid are all very good examples of media people are really into.

>> No.12497094

The holy trinity of the cancer killing /jp/? You faggots even ruined 2hus for us in an attempt to show how different you are.

>> No.12497095

Stay out of my hobbies

>> No.12497098

are you stupid, what's wrong with calling anime and 2hu fanatics part of otaku media than

>> No.12497100

I-Is Len confirmed?

>> No.12497104

Because "otaku" media isn't limited to shit from Akihabara. Otaku can literally mean any hobby that somebody is devout to.

Can you just move to Japan, get your NHK delusions crush, and then stop shitting up the baords with this truNEET garbage?

>> No.12497105

Idc because the only vocaloids that matter are Luka and GUMI.

>> No.12497113
File: 9 KB, 221x225, 1367077335585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank heavens Luka is safe from being mainstream.

I love Luka, all the other vocaloid are completely shit.

If this would be Luka I would be FREAKIN' MAD, dude. But thank heavens it's not.

Miku is washed out, good ridden.

>> No.12497114

It is, however, generally limited to things from Japan and for the Japanese, and that's the only use this loanword ever sees in English. For domestic hobbies, there's already a perfectly useful native English term "geek", and you'd have to be some kind of extraordinary weeblord to call yourself a "computer otaku". Or "Marvel otaku". Or any kind of otaku for that matter.

>> No.12497128

Muh nigga

>> No.12497146 [DELETED] 

Damn, that's some epic stutter typing.

>> No.12497153

High-Five, Broseph.

>> No.12497181

Because Letterman's audience of old farts will be appalled at the sexualization of a teenage girl (while secretly enjoying it), and will demand the criminalization of anime art style in the West. This will usher in a new moral crusade and result in the banning of other things /jp/ likes, such as idols, 2hus, and dolls.

>> No.12497190

it's a fucking anime music robot, not one of your doujin hentai

>> No.12497204

Old people with nothing better to do will make a case out of anything. Like video games make instant killers. Rap music leads to gang banger life

>> No.12497216
File: 192 KB, 1177x720, 14104556295583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

scan the qr with nintendo 3ds and turn 3d on, post reactions

>> No.12497247

Miku was always shit on around here. Remember when those mikufags were trying to send her to space, she sure got told.
Teto is the only one that deserved our love.

>> No.12497259

Miku isn't shit.

The problem is that she's a fucking WHORE.

There has never been a vocaloid that sold herself out more than Miku. It's fucking disgusting.

This Letterman shit is bad as it is, but Miku has hit the bottom of the barrel long ago with the whole Pizza gig.

I mean, associating yourself to promoting a Pizza is the lowest of the low, dude. I would rather die than to even work at a fast-food place, let alone promote it.

>> No.12497264

Did fast food kill your parents or something?

>> No.12497274


I just hate fat people and I associate fast food to fat people.

Plus fast food is fucking disgusting as well.

>> No.12497286

Have you ever had a hamburger?
Theyre pretty nice

>> No.12497288

Fast-food hamburgers are shit.

Home-made and local restaurant hamburgers are good though.

Learn the difference, fatso.

>> No.12497290

Did fat people kill your parents?

>> No.12497300


I just hate fat people.

Fat people should be eradicated out of the face of the planet.

>> No.12497301

Epic reality disconnect there, bro.

>> No.12497308


Miku was pretty popular to begin with. It has been getting more attention because of faggy youtubers like pe*d*epie and teensreact who copy one another for views. She is now the spongebob of the western world.

>> No.12497319

Cute, got any more?

>> No.12497321

nope no more mikus

>> No.12497324


Miku shall take over the world x dee.

>> No.12497331

No fuck you, I'm just beginning to enjoy it after being indifferent for years.

>> No.12497333
File: 72 KB, 440x406, 1305535355885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Though luck, nerd. It's your fault for being slow to catch up.

>> No.12497353

Dear /jp/,

where does one get Vocaloid Editor 3 no torrents allowed

>> No.12497358

>no torrents allowed
If I was thinking of spoonfeeding you before, I sure as hell am not now. There's a limit to how much of a leeching, dependent mongoloid you can be, even on the Internet.
Go fuck yourself and then learn how to do things on your own, in that order.

>> No.12497360

The internet.

>> No.12497363
File: 646 KB, 295x221, 1309517196431.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow way to be a bitter faggot anon (´・ω・`)

>> No.12497370

>anyone who disagrees with me or questions what I do is a bitter faggot
That won't get you far outside of your basement-

>> No.12497371

this is 4chan m8, we don't need to discuss who has the longest neckbeard

>> No.12497377

Please go back to /v/

>> No.12497382

>this is 4chan
lol 4chan is place full of special people just like me
Go fuck yourself. Off of the Tumblr idea of "lolsorandom" 4chan, you're only going to be treated worse because it's 4chan.

>> No.12497390

You are miserable human beings and your hate feels so good please hate me more /jp/, please :3

>> No.12497392
File: 201 KB, 1185x415, 4chanfunlevels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everybody in the thread mad
>look in archive
>half the thread's posts mysteriously 404'D


>> No.12497395

I'm just asking you politely to go back to /v/. It's obvious you didn't even lurk before posting..

>> No.12497399

And I'm shitting on it, here is a passive aggressive emoticon for you to be able to continue your cute rage :^)

>> No.12497405

If you're going to respond to a polite request with aggression I don't know how you can even live in normal society.

>> No.12497407

is that chart accurate?

>> No.12497409

What do you guys expect to happen? Letterman namedropping /jp/ on air?

>> No.12497412


Yeah, it was collected over multiple years and archive research.

>> No.12497413

You obviously don't know how a normal society works :^) xD :DDDD

>> No.12497414
File: 29 KB, 250x233, cirnofascinating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You do realize that /jp/'s influence on Miku is barely 1% of 1% in the entire spectrum of Miku's popularity, right? Hell, they probably won't even mention nico or 2chan. It'll just be "popular holographic superstar from Japan" with him cracking jokes for half the time and her song for the other half.

Stop deluding yourself.

>> No.12497415

Back to Ylilauta :DDDDDDDDDDDd

>> No.12497417

I think I'm going to culturally enrich you instead :DDDDDDD

>> No.12497419

david letterman is otaku cullture

>> No.12497420

please don't avatarfag here

>> No.12497429
File: 10 KB, 125x118, cirnohmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's /jp/, not /jpt/ nerd. I'll post pictures if I want to.

>> No.12497434

That's...exactly my point.

Why are you condescendingly agreeing with me?

>> No.12497435

This is direct orde'r from Aspergærde :DDDD

>> No.12497436

it's just kog doing his "advanced trolling" thing. please ignore him.

>> No.12497438

I'm pretty sure he left in 2013 bro...

>> No.12497441

>Fast-food hamburgers are shit.

Lmao this loser obviously didn't go to the good ones

>> No.12497451

Any more non-miku ones?

>> No.12497453

There aren't any good ones you shit eater.

All fast food is vile.

>> No.12497455
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>> No.12497459

it's not that hard to fry ground beef

>> No.12497464
File: 32 KB, 640x480, sexycharizard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>All fast food is vile.

Again, you clearly didn't go to the good ones.

>> No.12497465

>Otaku can literally mean any hobby that somebody is devout to.
While I agree with you generally, considering that every thread we have here is related to Japanese media and that the board itself is called /jp/, with the implication being that it relates to Japan, and not say /ot/ or /geek/, suggests that you shouldn't be surprised that people have an interests originating from Japan in anime or 2hus. If we really wanted to be super anal about it we wouldn't have both /a/ and /co/, considering that in Japan Anime and Manga related to any and all cartoons and comics respectively.

>> No.12497470

What the fug are the good ones then, you fucking Amerilard.

>> No.12497476
File: 2.87 MB, 1280x720, 1401166455579.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know, I think it's kind of nice if people can see Miku and fall in love with her. It's just fine right?

You guys don't have to worry in the end no one is going to accidentally understand or relate to you because of this.

>> No.12497478

It's hard to not make it taste like industrial garbage.

>> No.12497481


Theyre in America

>> No.12497485
File: 2.58 MB, 1280x720, 1401166387914.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also when is the last time anyone wanted to listen to someone rant about how awful fast food tastes? I mean Jesus Christ it's tiring. If you guys so desperately need to feel superior to people go spend some time volunteering at a soup kitchen, at least you'll do some good.

>> No.12497488

just like how comics and video games are doing "better" from all the the casuals who watch the movies or play the watered down sequels




nothing good some from it, youll just be average but still be isolated from society and social situations

>> No.12497516

>Theyre in America

Well fuck that. America has no gastronomy culture whatsoever.

Keep eating shit and drown in it.

>> No.12497540

fuck that, i would rather this shit stay more plain nerdy then becoming trendy

>> No.12497550
File: 49 KB, 500x255, muh meta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Well fuck that. America has no gastronomy culture whatsoever.

And Japan will still continue to eat Moss Burgers and KFC.

>> No.12497552

you put the meat in the oil and you fry it

i don't see where the industrial taste gets injected

>> No.12497554

I don't give a shit. I don't live in Japan.

>> No.12497555
File: 33 KB, 685x452, Spurdo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He talks shit about Japan
>In an Anime and Manga website.

>> No.12497567

Aww man, I just know they're going to make fun of her, play World Is Mine, say something about how wacky Japan is then make fun of her some more. Its gonna be horrible.

Who thought it was a good idea to have her on that show anyway? I don't really see the point in showing technology to a bunch of old Americans.

>> No.12497577


>> No.12497579

You're making it seem like she's a real person and could decide whether she wanted to be involved with any of this at all or not.

Its pretty obvious that she's the most popular Vocaloid. Would you use a less popular character from your franchise in advertising? No, if course not. That would be like using Charmander instead of Pikachu when advertising Pokemon.

>> No.12497583

excellent taste sir. not only that but she's the only vocaloid that knows english

>> No.12497589

You know what I mean. Try looking at this from a middle aged to old person's point of view.

>> No.12497596

There are a lot of English Vocaloids, they were around before Miku and all those. They just sound like shit.

>> No.12497600

This thread is so edgy. When did the /jp/ I know get so edgy?

>> No.12497601


I don't think the lawyers over at Yamaha or whatever the fuck would agree to.."lolz we are gonna talk shit about your product and then run clips of Jerry Lewis in yellow face all day all night!"

>> No.12497605

inb4 Microsoft Sam

>> No.12497609
File: 120 KB, 1000x800, 1291007380756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but she's the only vocaloid that knows english

>> No.12497611


I'm sorry i don't understand what that word means.

>> No.12497613

>That would be like using Charmander instead of Pikachu

Charmander and Pikachu's popularity aren't far from each other.

More like using a Gen 5 pokemon than Pikachu

>> No.12497626

I want Miku to strip naked during her show and wow the audience with her assets!

>> No.12497672

It means "nervous". As in, people are getting really anxious about this.

>> No.12497699

>people are getting really anxious about this.

Which people?

The 2-3 die hard miku fans?

>> No.12497725
File: 386 KB, 840x1200, 42441895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a returning student. You should hear some of the shit that comes out of the 'trendy nerds' or whatever you want to call them.
>>starcraft one was pretty good, it came out in like 2002.
>>starcraft two is amazing though
bitch I was owning at sunken d while you were being potty trained.
anyway, that's not entirely relevant, but I think it's a good example.

>> No.12497762

Everyone is a 'gamer' these days. And game developers tend to these 'gamers' and their interests ruining the overall quality.

>> No.12497776
File: 86 KB, 419x377, 42725721.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>everyone is an 'otaku' these days. And anime developers tend to these 'Naturo fans' and their interests ruining the overall quality.
soon if not already

>> No.12497789

Fuck you, I'm not Otaku.

Otaku is vile, bad seen by society.

>> No.12497794

Same shit, nerd. They both sound horrible anyways.

>> No.12497810
File: 1.87 MB, 400x209, 1410080150340.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12497816

You've already been demonstrated to be deaf, so your opinions are invalid. Keep thinking that anything with a high pitch sounds "horrible" and listening to women with bigger balls than you because that's what the jews have programmed you to like.

>> No.12497824 [DELETED] 

The genuine fans are way belong giving a shit.

It's the people who latch onto it as a status symbol that are up in arms.

>> No.12497829

The genuine fans are way beyond giving a shit.

The people who care are the latch-ons who make a big fucking deal about everything.

>> No.12497838


Cute .gif, dude.

>> No.12497866
File: 393 KB, 708x1000, 43432303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why thank you.

I disagree. My interests and hobbies are part of what makes me me. Since I don't latch on to passing fads, and I don't define myself by what t-shirt would look cool to that brunette at the coffee shop, turning my genuine interests into passing fads makes me feel bad.
Anyone can read the Brothers Karamazov, but that doesn't mean they will understand and appreciate it.

>> No.12497891

Your genuine interest can't magically become a passing fad because of what other people do. The people who won't care won't care and the people who do care will continue to care, unless they choose to run away of their own accord.

You're never going to see hipsters running around with Miku T-shirts under their tweed jackets anyway.

>> No.12497901

Genuine interests can change over time, maybe you're just using the fact that this is happening as justification for your own outgrowing on this hobby.

>> No.12497927
File: 649 KB, 840x700, 44971244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys do make a good case. I admit that my initial knee-jerk rage when I saw this last night is fading. You've raised a reasonable doubt in my mind.
I don't know if my interest is waning though, perhaps it is.
Miku's top hits is still on my 40$ imitation ipod, and I do still listen.
Anyway, I'll still vomit in my mouth if the potato-scrubbing peasants catch onto this, but you've made me feel better.

>> No.12497958

High Pitched voices can be good

Miku is not the good kind of high pitch

>> No.12497964
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>> No.12498362


October 8th? Huh a day before the Miku art exhibit in NYC opens up. Going to go there since I could'nt get my hands on the concert tickets.

>> No.12498386

I hope they at least play some legitimately good Miku songs like Jishou Mushoku or something

>> No.12498408

>your opinions are invalid
Ironic for the weeb who listens to robot shit and jacks off to holograms.

>> No.12498572

Get ready for World is Mine!

>> No.12498576
File: 260 KB, 650x650, jew33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


When did we allow evil to become stronger than us?

>> No.12498610

At least a couple centuries before we were born but that's not important right now.

>> No.12498698

5/10 sass from the irony identifier man
please, may I have some more?

>> No.12498819
File: 16 KB, 171x225, .1410165428939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a reminder that all the flak that Letterman gets is fair and deserved. It's not saying much when the entire job is devoted to endorsing celebrity culture.


>> No.12498838
File: 438 KB, 1216x1632, .double hover hand I actually snorted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>murder someone with a gun
>get off lolthanks jewlawyers
>make antigun song jumping on the bandwagon during the shooty djibouti happenings of 2012-

>> No.12498887

Oh hell no. World is Mine... It isn't a bad song, but they could at least play a song with a bit more meaning and less high-pitchness.

>> No.12498904

I think he was being cynical about it, not saying they should play World is Mine.

>> No.12498910


>> No.12499113

Why miku is going to this program? Who is the retarded behind all this?

>> No.12499362


>> No.12499615

Anime and manga are shit anyways.

>> No.12500349

I'm fine with Miku being on Letterman. What I've avoiding is all the normalfag opinions and comments.

I'm cringing just thinking about them.

>> No.12501879

It ends with "slippery slope fallacy"

>> No.12502652
File: 18 KB, 300x225, foreigners.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But, Vocaloid in English will sound wierd...

>> No.12502864

Lets be honest here, vocaloid needs wider popularity, for some time now they've been churning out too many products instead of focusing on improving the rooster. If Miku will take the bullet for the whole project I personally don't mind, there are many better ones available.

>> No.12504134
File: 120 KB, 555x713, 268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I heard she's going to perform with tupac too
no way, Awesome!

>> No.12504378

I'm not against new fans or increased popularity. I just want fans who like Miku on her own merits and not because talking heads praise her and she is celebrity approved.

I guess I hope she hits it out of the park with her performance but that Letterman is mildly dismissive. That way, any new fans it brings will be people who have at least a modicum of independent judgement.
