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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1304284 No.1304284 [Reply] [Original]

Isn't it the msot logical thing to do? Look at this sentence: "嫌韓厨"

It could mean several things, because the middle kanji is a word in itself, and so is the other kanjis. Spaces would solve problems like that.

>> No.1304293

You hate Korean kitchens?

>> No.1304295

that's not a sentence

>> No.1304298

Best up and coming troll of the last month
Your works keep getting better and better

>> No.1304301

>Anonymiss of /jp/ !eCTfkXXvok

>> No.1304309

Nope. Got it from another thread. I honestly don't know what it means, but according to RikaiChan it could mean:
Hatred of Korean Kitchen.
Detestable Korean Kitchen
Hatred of Korean Posts
Detestable Korean Posts

>> No.1304322

In other words
>lol Korea

>> No.1304323

It's not ambiguous because of no space, it's ambiguous because it's not a complete sentence.

厨 = either kitchen, or posters, depending on the context, which is obviously missing in this case

>> No.1304324

Not a sentence, "韓" isn't a word by itself, OP is an idiot, niggers, etc.

>> No.1304329

1. That's not a sentence. Context is important.
2. It at times depends on what's used more.

For example, if given 大人気, I'd more immediately read it as popular rather than maturity, simply because it's usually used as more often than not as the former.

Given this, spaces become unecessary and ugly.

>> No.1304338
File: 74 KB, 1153x460, 1221401732394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's the idiot now you racist chauvinist?

>> No.1304342

Spaces work in every language, why wouldn't they work with Japanese? It'd make learning reading easier for everyone.

>> No.1304348

Stop learning Japanese.

>> No.1304349

why would spaces solve the problem of the lack of context in the OP?

>> No.1304351
File: 264 KB, 1385x1099, 1221402001846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>every language

>> No.1304353

No U!

>> No.1304354


haha you really are stupid

>> No.1304362



>> No.1304366

Just because it has a meaning doesn't make it a word. Take pre, for instance. Pre means before, but if you go around claiming it's a word, people will give dirty looks and for good reason. Just stop; you don't have the right mindset for this.

>> No.1304367
File: 32 KB, 420x350, 1221402288162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, what the fuck does this mean?

>> No.1304371
File: 40 KB, 211x203, 1221402389300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Japan will never dumb itself down for the rest of the world, much less for you.

>> No.1304374

Easier != not dumber. In many cases it means smarter. Compare computers from 2008 with computers from 1988.

>> No.1304380


gj ignoring everyone else's damning posts on your complete lack of knowledge in japanese.

>> No.1304389


>> No.1304391

Today, I've turned 30, but as an unemployed magician.

>> No.1304396

successful troll thread

>> No.1304399

It won't work in a language where the basic writing elements have variable length.

Technically that would include Japanese, but they based it originally on chinese where each element is a defined block character, so they don't use spaces either

>> No.1304405

still doesnt change the fact that japanese is the most "moe"-able language.

>> No.1304407

Oh. Thanks.

>> No.1304408

I guess they have enough problems needing gigantic font because they refuse to do some work on their overly complicated kanji. Don't blame the kids for getting worse when you're piling even more shit on them every day.

>> No.1304412

The Japanese language has three alphabets and a particle system. If you can't understand something, it's because you probably don't understand the vocabulary, grammar, or context. It's not because of spacing.

>> No.1304420

Some kanji are unreadable. I keep a monocle in my room to read kanji. Sometimes they're just too small and have way too many strokes.

>> No.1304423


>> No.1304432

May I ask why you needed that translated?

>> No.1304436

>Anonymiss of /jp/ !eCTfkXXvok
『 』おっぱい
『 』出て行け

>> No.1304442

キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━ !!!!!

>> No.1304437


look at him he keeps on soldiering on, ignoring all cries that he hasn't near the knowledge to comment on the japanese writing system.

>> No.1304449

This is /b/. In /jp/, it's keep quiet or get out. I prefer the latter.

>> No.1304454


>> No.1304462

Isn't. Damn, I need to read over my posts before I post them...

>> No.1304465

『 』お静かに
『 』出て行け

>> No.1304470


>> No.1304491

『 』だまれ!
『 』/b/をかえれ!

>> No.1304498

Very funny. Whatever the case, keep the 3D mammary glands in /b/s/.

>> No.1304495

no i'm pretty sure you were right the first time

>> No.1304504

lol no
lern2moon before you post in moon

>> No.1304507


>> No.1304513
File: 190 KB, 768x950, 1221404195255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3D for your enjoyment

>> No.1304515

Well, at least she's clothed.

>> No.1304528

わたしは日本語有識者ではあません ;_;

also; what's some good software for typing in Moon?


>> No.1304531

OP, why don't you ask a Japanese native and look at their reaction. They'll think you're an idiot, and so they should.

>> No.1304535

It's not a good software, but it does the job.

>> No.1304537

Is that a serious question?


>> No.1304551

the only reason i have to hate /jp/

i want to talk about girly japan things sometimes.

>> No.1304558

Just stop it, OP. You're fucking retarded if you think that could be a sentense in Japanese.

And you're making the other girls of /jp/ look bad. Shame on you.

>> No.1304566



>> No.1304574

We had a thread about wearing panties earlier. How girly do you want /jp/ to be?

>> No.1304576

okay you got me there. i enjoyed that thread.

>> No.1304589

that thread was good

>> No.1304597

Troll or completely ignorant.

If you've studied Japanese for more than a year or two you become quite adept at recognising kanji. There will be kanji you don't know, just as there are words you don't know in English, but you won't see them in any normal modern day usage.

>> 嫌韓厨
Someone who trolls a forum with anti-Korea drivel. We have them too.

You see? I didn't need spaces for that.

>> No.1304834


Exactly. It's a term or a phrase, but not a sentence. It's just like saying 'Faggot' is a sentence.

This is a sentence:

The OP is a fucking faggot.

See the difference?

>> No.1305405

All Japanese learners should get JWPce. It has IME, dictionary and various kanji finder functions.

>> No.1305429
File: 3 KB, 693x93, jjjjjj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop using rikaichan, retards.
