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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 306 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13896185 No.13896185 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.13896258

That first game: Cirno Racing 2 is coming out?

>> No.13896272
File: 567 KB, 417x583, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Age of Ethanols
What's up with that lewd AF reimu outfit?

Looks like a triple-A game otherwise.

>> No.13896274

I need Hekatoncheir.
How much does it cost to pay someone for translations? I wish that guy's stuff would get localized.

>> No.13896288

>Looks like a triple-A game otherwise.
It really does. And I applaud them. The RTS genre is kind of dead. Seeing someone still doing it and doing it good at that warms my heart.

>> No.13896290
File: 531 KB, 1452x1024, 13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lewd Reimu is Lewd

>> No.13896301

Holy damn, RTS genre is saved!!!

>> No.13896305

Had a good laugh..

>> No.13896323

Is this Fortune Summoners?

>> No.13896333

What's with the headbutting loli game at 50:30?

>> No.13896344
File: 964 KB, 635x903, CHTlZF-VAAAzjS6.png large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yohjo Simulator.
Youjo/Yohjo meaning little girl.

It's literally the Little Grill Simulator. And is basically Goat Simulator with a loli.

>> No.13896650

God damn it why does my hobby have to be in Japanese

>> No.13896663

Touhou will save AoE!!!

>> No.13896664

Better question is why are you such a useless lazy neet to learn nip.

>> No.13896670

It seems difficult....

>> No.13896742
File: 169 KB, 579x819, tenryuu lollipop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any Kancolle games? Is there a shmup or a SRW-style game yet?

>> No.13896757

They're not allowed. Kadokawa has explicitly forbidden fangames.

>> No.13896761

Seriously, fuck Kadokawa. Why'd they have to do that?

That really hurts the fandom.

>> No.13896803

When your game works like a bland mobile app you may be afraid of the fangames looking better than the original product.

>> No.13896807

It's your fault for being in a fandom for a corporate piece of shit.

>> No.13896810

Because we'd all abandon the browser game after finding something better to play than what is mostly an extended, ridiculous grind.

Though we would lose out on all that stellar voicework, which for me carries 90% of the game.

>> No.13896812

living is difficult, how about you kill yourself?

>> No.13896829


>> No.13896832
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>> No.13896848

Totally not King's Field. Looks promising

>> No.13896853

Awesome, a new King's Field-style game? I want this.

>> No.13896892
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>> No.13896918

The in-game sprites are cuter. And just as bare-assed.

>> No.13896943

fuck yes new Siter Skain finally

>> No.13897090
File: 92 KB, 1139x507, 2hugaem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't there supposed to be a game made by some nerd from /jp/?
Is it pic related?

>> No.13897415

Why does this look exactly like Limbo with touhou characters from the trailer?

>> No.13897432

I remember that guy too. He said he had two months or something to finish the game or at least the demo.

>> No.13897520

I hope there's no multiplayer this time. It was a fucking mess, and so was the community.

>> No.13897551

Did any good games come out last Comiket?

>> No.13897565

Most 2hu doujin games are "x but with 2hu and maybe some improvements to the core gameplay" so..

>> No.13897727


>> No.13897857

Little girls dont go around headbutting things

>> No.13898626

Are you sure?

>> No.13898667
File: 164 KB, 837x473, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dat chip & dales ripoff doe...

>> No.13899272

BlackBastard's games will never see English release, will they?

>> No.13899366

Why aren't you learning Japanese?

>> No.13899371

too difficult

>> No.13899718

gensodrift looks better now. Is it an update or standalone?

>> No.13901363

So is Skydrift basically Mario Kart Double Dash?
What's the purpose of swapping Touhou? Do they have different abilities?

>> No.13901789

No time.

>> No.13901799

I don't think the story is important and you can still play it without knowing japanese.

>> No.13902252

Can you? I have read that you can't really.

>> No.13902739

Oh, you don't have time to learn Japanese, but you have time to post here? That's one of the dumbest excuses. Just DO IT.

>> No.13906543

I hope we get a crack for this game this game around.
That said. I hope the games in general this time around aren't needlessly riddled with DRM.

>> No.13906547
File: 712 KB, 837x1200, 38639729_p7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't knock it before you've tried it, it plays simply but ends up being very engaging. The artist responsible for it has also some impressive spritework, and has a track record of churning out some of THE most adorable character designs I've ever seen!

>> No.13907907

Kind of ironic seeing as you're just waiting to pirate it.

>> No.13908779

Even if I were to buy it it's useless if I have no one to play with because no one could pirate it.

>> No.13908841

Yeah, I just need 30 seconds to post here.
I don't have time to learn Japanese instead.

>> No.13909379
File: 69 KB, 400x400, 1364015898245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normies like you don't deserve to play these games. You wouldn't even enjoy it because the games are not casual-friendly or in baby-difficulty.

>> No.13909408

The text was all buggy in the demo version, even though I had the locale set to Japan.

>> No.13911142

I am almost surprised that we haven't gotten dozens upon dozens of clones like this since Dark Souls grew popular.

>> No.13912286
File: 63 KB, 1280x720, Bueno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nice to see some of the familiar items in (cinematic) action like the gym clothes and the psychic hand.

I wonder if Kunikida is riding the giant turquoise crab robot boss.

I know it's only a demo, but it looks gorgeous (or as gorgeous as the bastard child of fez/metal gear solid/minecraft can look).

So this is what Wahiko meant by a new movie function in the game. I wish he put it up for sale on melonbooks/toranoana. I'd buy it in an instant.

Ghost942, even though it's just Ghost94 with an extra scenario/items.

>I don't think the story is important

Okay. Well, after translating it in bits and pieces I must respectfully disagree.

>and you can still play it without knowing japanese.


Unless you chuck the wiki (which has guides for all Black Bastard games except Ghost942) into google translate, you should have some grasp of kana to understand menu items, and at least be able to look up unfamiliar kanji in order to understand mission objectives and item usage/manufacturing (this more applies to Ghost94/942).

It's possible to do it without it, but you'll be missing out on a lot.

>> No.13912317
File: 215 KB, 1000x1293, 41062420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got that at the start too. To prevent that from happening you need to also:
-Install the font that comes with the game on to your system.
-Change the "format" to Japanese (of date/time display: it's under the format tab in region and language).

>> No.13912326

It's goddamn normalfag godammit.

>> No.13912996

You just need to set your format to Japanese as well.

>> No.13914477

When is the new 2hu game coming out?

>> No.13916114

meh meh, last year was better.

>> No.13916129


>> No.13916353

I find it amusing that even a Japanese doujin game has tumblr nose.

>> No.13916999

If being red is the only indicator of being a tumblr nose, I hate to see what happens when you kids get ahold of old fashioned art of rosy cheeked and nosed people.

>> No.13918026

Her face is just flushed. Which is also why the other parts of her face are red too.
Her nose isn't just arbitrarily red like tumblr noses are.

>> No.13922291


He said it was going to be a Binding of Isaac clone

>> No.13922512
File: 124 KB, 448x412, 1362769028537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, hard working people that actually made a real game lose the lottery while some white pig gets the oppurtunity to present half-assed code snippets.

>> No.13923229
File: 880 KB, 1024x768, 51950681_p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right in the nostalgia

>> No.13924422

What game is this referencing?

>> No.13924554

Fucking underage kids...

>> No.13924968
File: 110 KB, 700x480, 000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hekatoncheir C88 demo trailer:


Here's a (very) rough translation of the dialogue:

00:13 真「え、おじさんが本国から?」 / Eh? Oji-san is from my country [the home country]?

00:33 真「(サイキックこうげきを受けた!?)」 / [I/She/he] took a psychic attack!?

00:37 真「お、おばぁ… …どうして… …」 /Oba-, why?

00:40 *蝉の声* /*cicada cries*

00:49 真「陸軍との因縁は分かりませんが… …」 I don't know about the connection with the military but...

00:51 真 (信じれるか!サイキック能力と使える奴がそういるかよ!) / Can you believe it? A capable psychic power user is here!

00:53 ???「目にコードが表れている、ぬしはサイキックか」 / The code has appeared in [your] eye, are you a psychic?

00:54 真「ヘカトンケイルは隣国の極秘情報です!!」 / Hekatoncheir is the neighbouring country's top secret!!

01:03 真「これから? 僕はおじさんと相談してみるけど… …」 / After this, I was going to have a discussion with Oji-san though...

01:05 (至近戦闘ならアーツが有利っ… …!) / If it's CQC then 'ARTS' are more advantageous.

01:09/ 真「2本同時に… … … …避け切れますか!」 / Can you [break through/fully avoid] 2 simultaneously?

01:09 真「三段付きっ!」 -Sandandzuki!

01:09 島尾空「ふっ、その口ぶりだとぬしは陸軍の関係者のか?」 / Hm, that way of speaking means you're a military official, aren't you?

01:10 真「と、外様大佐、生きておられたのですか!」 / and, Captain outsider, you're still alive!

01:11 真「亡き島民達の無念を晴らすため、破壊します… …!」 / For the sake of clearing away the regrets of the dead islanders, I'll destroy [it/you]

More accurate translations are welcome.

>> No.13924982

Pooyan. A classis NES game.

>> No.13925456

How many people actually care about that series? Like 2? 3?

>> No.13925489

Is the full game of Gensou Shoujo Taisen Dream coming out?

>> No.13925621

Was the psychic hand even useful in GHost94? I remember it making no damage to anything. I bet there is some trick to it.

>> No.13925629

What community?

>> No.13925688

Dunno how many people played it till the end, but I believe over 100 people at least tried Ghost94, and over 50 have tried Ghost9. Since when you upload to MF it gives you a tally of how many downloads a file had.

I think the Psychic Hand has only ever been (since Hacker9) a novelty item like the ROCKIT.

For the Psychic hand to do damage:

1) You have to have a whole bunch of shit lying around. Swords, garbage (cans, paper, bones etc..), doesn't matter.

2) Button mash.

When you do, the items near you start to levitate, and I believe trying to 'steer' the items into a direction causes them all to fly in some direction and cause 1 damage to a nearby enemy.

It would stand to reason that damage doublers would increase the damage, but it's not worth it really.

If the psychic hand were to be useful it would have item presence and range to be on a scale of, oh say, Kazehime and Tsukihime (psychic bosses from Ghost9/hacker9). Where there are 10s to almost 100 items lying around completely sweeping the screen for ridiculous damage.

>> No.13925771


>> No.13925824

Yes they do, you don't get powerups like Mario Kart, you have one for each 2hu and you wait for it to charge.

>> No.13925894

Maybe if you could remap the controls of Ghost9 people would care more for it, some things are so far apart.

>> No.13925902

I don't understand why the small group of /jp/ fans wants people to like the series so much.

>> No.13925964

Because it's a very interesting concept, and it's not just a puzzle game like Fez.

>> No.13926014

I would give it a try if I had all of the series released until now in a handy manner since I'm too autistic to playing games in the middle of a series and too lazy to scourge the internet for them, like Touhou and HRtP but being introduced to EoSD.

>> No.13926027

>Bose making another monster card thingmajigger
>Probably will be unplayable due to DRM since they're getting better
>They keep making everything much better except for character sprites, which they're making shittier

Damn, I want another more stadard-ish jrpg, bose.

>> No.13926036

I'd play all of his games if they were translated, they look very interesting and fun, but if I can't understand the majority of it I will miss out too much stuff.

>> No.13926071

Zangeki Warp
Black Maria Overdrive
Games that look amazing

Blue Revolver - makes me want to play out of pure nostalgia for graphics and fast paced gameplay

Yohjo Simulator reminds me of goat simulator

Everything else is copy cat shit

>> No.13926281

Blue Revolver looks like a cute'em up with Cave influence.

Also is the SkyLens dev really charging for an update? Or did I read it wrong?

>> No.13926310

These for me too
>Zangeki Warp
>Black Maria Overdrive

I'm also interested in the new Ethanols game as well as the side scrolling game with the crowbar.

On the other hand, I think the monochrome touhou game might be hard to play.

Finally, I'll also play the Kurt Knispel game, because Kurt Knispel,

>> No.13927343

Is there a Comiket spreadsheet like there has been in past years?

>> No.13927362

Yes, but its empty.

>> No.13927423

So, no?

>> No.13927444

Comiket makes me mad at Kadokawa for being a bunch of fucking Nazis that only want people to play their shitty browser game. Or else we'd have some cool Kancolle shmups and fighting games and stuff.

>> No.13927445


>> No.13927471

Perhaps the same could be said of all IP that's not part of the doujin scene

>> No.13927494

Thanks, broski.

>> No.13927513


>> No.13927526

Problem, brah?

>> No.13927697

The shitty browser game is not particularly inspiring to make other games

The arcade game might be better

>> No.13927758

How so? You've got good character designs and an awesome premise, that's begging for actual action games.

>> No.13927927

You mean generic character designs in the already overdone mecha musume genre.

>> No.13927967

Kirby, mahjong, everything Under the Gun does

I'm sure there's a lot more

>> No.13927995

They aren't even mecha, they just stuck some accessories on some girls then made a low-budget anime from it

>> No.13928006


>> No.13928008

Opinions, opinions. The point is, it would be great for a real game.

>> No.13928024


>> No.13928026

>just stuck some accessories on some girls

Just like Strike Witches, Sky Girls, Busou Shinki, and that thing with the tank girls.

>> No.13928040

If it actually was, then someone would have made a game of it by now

As far as playing the actual game, it doesn't have anything like a plot and the character designs could be put into fortune cookies

The VAs make it cute though so it was worth it

>> No.13928084

What about it would be great for a real game?

>> No.13928123

the characters

>> No.13928137

I'm so sorry

>> No.13928257

y-you're welcome!

>> No.13928322

What? The thong loli? The fake Beta race? The other unremarkable characters who are so generic they could be from anything?

>> No.13928366

Once again, opinions. Anyone who throws around generic like a valid criticism isn't worth dignifying with a response, so you're lucky I'm even bothering with you.

>> No.13928376

That makes it easier to make a game out of them doesn't it?

>> No.13928391

>If it actually was, then someone would have made a game of it by now


>> No.13928423

Actually, the Nazis had a rather free market going, not unlike the other western countries, but only if you weren't a Jew.

>> No.13928760


I guess you don't know that no one's allowed to make doujin games of Kancolle. So no, no one would have made a game, because they can't, despite the fact that many want to and many games would have been made by now.

>> No.13929385

I definitely wouldn't call it a cute'em up. It has the colors of one, but not the cute.

>> No.13929525

>Comiket makes me mad at Kadokawa for being a bunch of fucking Nazis
But you can read Mein Kampf for free online.

>> No.13929551

The National 'Socialists' were more free market than Communists, yet you can't say that four year plans, state-controlled car production / tourist travels and massive regulations especially on arts and entertainment were a 'free market'. If Japan was being run by the Nazis there'd be no Comiket as every single Doujin would have to be checked whether it is politically correct and fits the preferred art style.

Actually, the whole thing reminds us why Touhou is superior to Kancolle.

>> No.13929713

It'll be updated once stuff actually starts coming out, right?

>> No.13929743

God damn, Black Maria Overdrive and Biblinthump look pretty great. Blue Revolver and Zengeki Warp are pretty good too.

>> No.13930194

It's honestly pretty bland. Its only merit is that it has "touhous" in it.

>> No.13930209

>muh shitposting

>> No.13930216

Cute meme, /jp/ro.

>> No.13930281
File: 130 KB, 800x800, BUL6-_ECQAEWqQj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can remap the controls. My controler works fine.

GHost9 is an above-average doujin game series and could easily become the next Cave Story or Bunny Must Die if it wasn't for the difficulty.

>> No.13930306

Both of those are translated, so that's promising.

Anyway, I thought BMD was considered difficult, and Cave Story is famous for its hell level.

>> No.13930354


>> No.13930612

Which ones?

>> No.13930683

We live a world where Fez was a critically acclaimed mega hit while these games aren't.

>> No.13930689

You actually are very lazy, several ghos9 games are on doujinstyle, only ghost9 2 is missing.

>> No.13930701

Maria looks like a darker sparkster with better bosses, can't fucking wait, hope this doesn't become like SkyLens where I waited forever and nobody in an english site had a link to it.

>> No.13930863

Um, because they're doujin games inspired by Fez. That's like wondering why Crash Bandicoot isn't treated with the same reverence as Super Mario Bros.

>> No.13930869

Damn, does Sparkster actually let you charge up attacks and then explode into the enemy like that? I may have to play that game.

>> No.13930880

>inspired by Fez
Phil please. These games were first. Fez came afterwards.

>> No.13930885

Then why haven't they been translated? Checkmate, afezists.

>> No.13930901

I think you underestimate just how long Fez was in development.

>> No.13930917

Oh yeah. That's one of the funnest parts of the game. Definitely check it out.

>> No.13930934

These games are from before 2008.

>> No.13930951

I've never heard of Fez and watching the gameplay i don't see any similarity besides the 2.5D-part. And even that seems totally different in both games. GHost9 rooms are physically either complete 2D or complete 3D with just 2D-projected visuals, while Fez seems to physically change if you project the world into another 2D-plane. And GHost9 came out 2011 while Fez came out 2012 according to Wikipedia. This type visual projections in games are not really new.

>> No.13930965


>> No.13930971

I was talking about GHost9. I never played the previous games.

>> No.13930975

Well disregard me completely for clearly I can't read. I thought you wrote Hack9.
I have embarrassed myself and shall go offline for now.

>> No.13931019

That's awesome. All this time I've been vaguely aware of that series yet I had no idea it was like that. Looks like I have something to keep me occupied while waiting for the Comiket games to be uploaded.

>> No.13931366

Blue Revolver is made by americans.

support your fellow gaijin they made a cool game

>> No.13931451

I'm not supporting america, friendo.

>> No.13931568

I already voted it on Greenlight so we can just buy it right off Steam.

>> No.13931704

Ace of Seafood downloads when

>> No.13931869

GOTY right there. I always wanted to see Goat Simulator with a loli.

>> No.13931885

...Really? I can not imagine anyone actually playing that game and thinking "Man, I wish the goat was a loli." It's a brilliant idea after the fact, sure, but I just don't believe that this is something you've had in mind for a while. Although obviously someone realized what a good idea it is.

>> No.13932045

Gross, Steam. Fuck of to /v/ please.

>> No.13932046

I dunno man, Loli Simulator sounded so good. It probably had something to do with the fact we had shitload of clones on Steam greenlight including a unicorn simulator.

>> No.13934760

Has /v/ left yet? I thought the headless warosu shitposters were bad.

>> No.13934801

Nonuple Nine looks interesting and the demo has some decent animation and H, but it'll never be translated so whatever. Same goes for 巫女学校物語~楓編.

The Fata Morgana preview site has a really good track on it:

Black Maria Overdrive, Zangeki Warp, Hekatoncheir, Reverse x Reverse, Blue Revolver, and L.U.X. caught my eye, but that's pretty much it. A lot more than C87 though, and Hacker's Beat sucked, and I don't think VOXQUEST ever even came out.

>> No.13935241

>GHost9 is an above-average doujin game series and could easily become the next Cave Story or Bunny Must Die if it wasn't for the difficulty.
I think the bigger issue is the lack of translation. Cave Story and BMD were largely ignored before they were translated.

>> No.13936138

I actually played and finished BMD before it was officially translated if that matters.

>> No.13936318

The question is, if it's so damn good, why has not a single person stepped up to even attempt a translation in all these years?

>> No.13936454
File: 858 KB, 1023x556, CMbk6CCUsAA3KsG.png large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13936459

Because dem niggaz be lazy.

You are foolish if you believe only good games get translation.

>> No.13936468

People actually translated Tales of Tempest, think about that for a second.

>> No.13936577

Well, it's not that people don't translate bad games, but it's more like, if a game is SO good, it will inevitably attract someone attempting to translate it. So you'd think there would be something for this one by now, since it's been quite a few years.

That one is still puzzling. Apparently it's pretty short, but it's ridiculous that they put effort into actually translating what is seen as one of the worst Tales games, as an April Fool's joke. On the other hand I actually do think it's neat for "bad" games to get translated, because experiencing the bad helps me to appreciate the good. So I like that there are still people willing to translate them, for whatever reason.

>> No.13936613

Did anybody check out his booth?

>> No.13936775

When will the games be uploaded?

>> No.13936785

Most games are released on day 3, so later today at the earliest. And not everyone is gonna want to upload games immediately.

>> No.13936796

Or you could buy the game you know. Oh wait, nobody buys game here I forgot.

>> No.13936798

>Well, it's not that people don't translate bad games, but it's more like, if a game is SO good, it will inevitably attract someone attempting to translate it.
That's nonsense logic.

Look at visual novel, for example, fucking Kiminozo.

>> No.13936807

I'm not in Japan :/ if there was a way to order games online and get them shipped to France, I totally would.

>> No.13936813

A lot of authors end up selling their works digitally on DLSite.

>> No.13936816

That at least had a project. And that's what I mean, I'm just surprised I didn't even see an ATTEMPT, even a halfhearted one.

>> No.13936822

That's not physical....

>> No.13936826

Because it's super obscure, duh.

Another example is Himawari, super well-known doujin game in Japan, only recently announced for localization in the West and nobody in the West know of it beforehands.

>> No.13936830

You are being picky now, frog.

>> No.13936831

You could try looking around ebay, amazon and stuff. But that'd be much more pricy obviously.

>> No.13936835

I'm not, I said in my first post "shipped to France". I don't do digital ever.

>> No.13936840

Um, why did you call him frog?

You cannot deny that this is incredibly picky though. You have an option to buy a game, that's what should matter to you.

>> No.13936844

He's a french i.e. a frog.
Yet you pirate digitally.

>> No.13936864

I have never heard that as a name for a French person. I learned something new.

>> No.13936865


Ur welcome, amigo.

>> No.13936888

I was wondering, did this Touhou Surfing Double Dash game just come out of nowhere or had they been hyping it up for a while? The Edelweiss video was the first I'd heard of it but it seems too great to be a sudden thing.

>> No.13936922
File: 443 KB, 640x480, traitor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't do digital ever.
But you're fine with digital when pirating it. This sure doesn't show there's any interest for doujin games outside Japan.

>> No.13936930

What is this game? Google gives me nothing.

>> No.13936937

Roaming Dragon Island 2. It's a cute little game. A shame the devs don't seem to want to try selling it on Steam despite it being English translated already.

>> No.13937155

People did try to translate GHost92. Even translated a portion of the script.
It just broke no matter how they tried to re-insert the script. Making it unplayable.

>> No.13937159

They have showcased the game in previous comikets. So it's not that sudden.

>> No.13937286

Did someone uploaded GHost92 yet?

>> No.13937963

They could at least upload the second one since they were translating it, can't find it.

>> No.13938934

Any good H games come out of C88?
What happened to the usual spreadsheet of games that /jp/ has?

>> No.13938966

jp is reclining

>> No.13938985

How long until Kadokawa allows doujin games to be made?

I fear that when they do, it'll be too late.

>> No.13938993
File: 305 KB, 554x804, z-r47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long until the macaron making game gets upboated...

>> No.13939019

I wish, my chair is flimsy and I'd probably fall over if I tried to recline.

>> No.13939049

They probably never will because they're fucking retards who didn't realize it was a good idea from the start. This is why Kancolle will fade out someday (even though it has the potential for longevity) while Touhou will last long after ZUN decides he's done making them.

>> No.13939229

Nonuple Nine's demo had some decent H scenes but you'll have to wade through all the plot and gore to get to them.

>> No.13939548

dl'd a few of those black bastard games and this indeed is some confusing shit...which one is the best/should be played first? thinking of ghost93

>> No.13939648

I don't do digital either, yet I buy more doujin games than English. Besides, Steam is shit. I wouldn't buy games on there anyway.
You can buy from many doujin shops online via tenso or other services. With tenso you do the ordering yourself, ship it to your designated box, then pay tenso to ship your stuff to you.

>> No.13939694

The Snes one was so good. Dat space stage song is forever imprinted on my mind.

>> No.13939724

If they let their fans play better games, they'll realize they don't really need to play the browser game in the first place

>> No.13939727

Don't be delusional, I wasn't part of this between the PC-98 era and windows era, but I really doubt the fanworks went fine without a new game for so long.

>> No.13939771


Can anyone explain to me why Kancolle has so few fanmade doujin games? Not that I like the shipbitches mind you, but I found it odd how Kancolle has next to no penetration in the doujin game front while it's made somewhat of a presence in the doujin music front and made significant inroads in the doujin manga front. Considering its popularity amongst trend-whoring doujin circles, there's no reason why game-making circles wouldn't be interested in making games based off of the Kancolle franchise.

Is there a more detailed explanation for this? Did Kadokawa issue out tweets/newsletters/C&D notifications specifically prohibiting fanmade games or something?

>> No.13939781

The only thing the real game really has going for it is the voicework.

The post you replied to very strongly implies that Kadokawa does not allow them.

This implication is correct. Don't remember the original source but everyone knows it.

>> No.13939782

Please consider the following;
Kancolle is a game in which you pay money to interact with cute girls
The point of the game is to 'collect' these girls to interact with
Doujin games enable interacting with cute girls without giving money to Kancolles owners

>> No.13939826


>This implication is correct. Don't remember the original source but everyone knows it.

Just what is this "original source" everybody seems to refer to but can never seem to remember where it came from? A blog post? A tweet? A C&D letter? An official announcement on their website?

Even Zun has published his rules for doujin circles, and they still continue to be accesible today on his Geocities site. Kadokawa's rules on fanworks? Nobody can seem to even provide a link to them at all.

I'd like to actually get to the bottom of this.

>> No.13939864


>> No.13939995


Interesting. Not only do they disallow fanmade video games, but they don't even allow fanmade board/card games either.

Well, I guess I can take small comfort in knowing that Kadokawa/DMM's own dickishness is the one thing that's preventing the shipbitches from establishing any foothold in the doujin game front. Let's just hope it outlasts Kancolle's popularity.

>> No.13940797

Don't think so, the guy hasn't post anything relevant in his blog.

>> No.13940819

Quit being a lazy westerner and make your own Kancolle fangame.

Speaking of fangames though, it's so rare nowadays to see fangames of anything but Touhou regardless of how popular it is. Madoka and Nanoha are about the only things I can think of that got any notable games since the Touhou flood took over. Well Type-moon still has occasional games too, but some to think of it, you never see anything like fighting games based off various VNs anymore either.

>> No.13943160

So... think the games will start getting uploaded soon?

>> No.13943173

That's kind of tempting actually. I could totally just make some RPGMaker Kancolle game and put it up on Steam Greenlight. Spam it in enough places and offer free keys to voters, and it'll get on Steam no problem. They'll take anything. And I'd get away with it, because it would be just different enough for them to not be able to do anything.

I'd also just make the plot literally the plot of the Bible, because why not. Shimakaze will be Jesus. Open to suggestions for the rest.

>> No.13943176

No. Go away with the rest of /v/.

>> No.13943184

>playing doujin games

You wot, m8?

>> No.13943208

Quit abusing quotations.

>> No.13943333 [DELETED] 

>le shiggidy diggidy


>> No.13944519


>> No.13944529

Technically /v/ can only make this board better. Especially when you see the EOP idiots in that Nutaku thread eating censorship like it's the best shit ever.

>> No.13944556


What happened? Haven't been following that.

>> No.13944566

People playing a slow censored browser hentai game. That's about it.

>> No.13945148

What is Aquapazza?

>> No.13945186

What IS Aquapazza?

>> No.13945196

You serious? A fighting game based off various VNs.

Also blame type-moon and their choice to make a shitty mobile fate instead of continuing Melty.

>> No.13945324

hoping to find something interesting to play. haven't touched any games since c80 :>

>> No.13945330


>> No.13945350

It only requires one single whitey to upload his stash. Whatafuck man.

>> No.13945490

Well, they already did come out. Maybe you should get a copy on Toranoana if you are so worried about it.

>> No.13945526

Why would I buy from something called "The Tiger's Hole"? That sounds like a really sketchy porn shop.

>> No.13945533
File: 303 KB, 640x800, jevvs+_mobamas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not paying for shovelware.

>> No.13945541

No demo, no buy.

>> No.13945552 [DELETED] 

>The name, "Toranoana", comes from the name of the professional wrestling company of the same name in the anime series Tiger Mask.

Cool, so you shouldn't give a damn about whether or not its available online, if you wouldn't buy it anyway.

Fucking leech gaijin even worse than Chinese leech.

>> No.13945563

>The name, "Toranoana", comes from the name of the professional wrestling company of the same name in the anime series Tiger Mask.

Cool, so you shouldn't give a damn about whether or not its available online, if you wouldn't buy it anyway. At least have the reservation to wait quietly until something is given to you for free.

Fucking leech Westerners even worse than Chinese leech.

>> No.13945884

I wish people wouldn't upload games just to make crybabies like them mad.

>> No.13945906


>> No.13945911

You two shitters seem much more upset about this than anyone else.

>> No.13946045

Until the game gets uploaded they're winning.

>> No.13946076

Winning what, kiddo?

>> No.13946256

Da aqua lion.

>yfw it's not da zessica

>> No.13946269

Looking at it in a positive way, once the game gets uploaded they lose instantly and decisively and we can laugh at them eternally. Ahaha.wav

>> No.13946485

pls anon

>> No.13948587

I was in contact with Wahiko a few months ago regarding releasing official translations of the GHost9 series. He said that he was concerned about how the games would be received in the West and instead offered Hacker9 under the conditions that we released it for free (to test the waters). A little bit of work was done on it before our main translator vanished. If anyone is interested the help would be appreciated.

>> No.13948662


This guy might be able to help.

>> No.13950748

I skimmed through the youtube vid from OPs post and this is the only game that looked interesting to me. Is it available anywhere yet?

>> No.13950934
File: 101 KB, 720x576, BXsoIF_CAAINrRV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too bad that my japanese is too weak..

>> No.13950991

>Is it available anywhere yet?
Nope. But there's a demo on the official site.

>> No.13952258

Thanks for the tip!

>> No.13953311
File: 93 KB, 701x611, 1346722013513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why Hacker9? From what I can tell (nothing storywise), most of the game is collecting shit. Wouldn't Hack9 be a better candidate?

>> No.13953727

We actually wanted to do Hack9 instead of Hacker9 (there are some really annoying things in Hacker9 such as your save being basically wiped if you die). Hacker9 is a retelling of the events of the first game and closer to the "true vision". Also he was embarrassed at the programming in Hack9.

>> No.13953961

How do you turn the font in ghost94 into something that's actually readable?

>> No.13956415


>> No.13956427
File: 13 KB, 400x400, tp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13956432

Have you never played a japanese video game on a gameboy or famicom before?

>> No.13956461
File: 108 KB, 352x338, 1436114981648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13956493

Yeah, this has the four games I wanted the most. Sweet. Much respect to the DoujinStyle guy who uploaded it. Question is, do any of these need cracks or something?

>> No.13956499

Tag duelist, Eiyumusou and skydrift require cd keys. The rest do not.

>> No.13956506

into the gomibako is goes

>> No.13956512

You can still play local and story mode. It just doesn't save and you don't have online access. Eventually someone may crack it. I know someone is already working on Tag duelist and Eiyumusou so we'll see.

>> No.13956551

Damn, Sky Drift is the one I wanted to play the most. Ah well, I guess I'll just try a couple races or something and occupy myself with the others while I wait for said crack.

At least it's only three games and I don't really care about the other two. Let's see how Goat Simulator 2: Loli Boogaloo is.

>> No.13956553

There is no copy of Reverse X Reverse around, is there?

>> No.13956763

I forgot to grab it due to exhaustion, sorry.

>> No.13956888

Story of my life.

>> No.13957068
File: 455 KB, 1279x953, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No gamepad support for this?

>> No.13957217

Pls be lying.

>> No.13957292

Is there any way to download the entire folder as a zip without using their unreliable downloader? Since the files aren't zipped and some games appear to have been uploaded on their installed state, this makes it impossible to use things like jdownloader and preserve the folder structure.

>> No.13957298

Is that Shovel Knight 2?

>> No.13957327

There's a "Download as zip" button.

>> No.13957329

It's slower than using other software to do it though, they should implement a shared link to zipped folder.

>> No.13957377

Xpadder/JoytoKey is always an option.

>> No.13957404
File: 115 KB, 700x600, patch_pardon01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ver.1.00: boss fight was buggy.
Ver.1.12: the character now autoruns to the left.

>> No.13957411
File: 69 KB, 1033x709, jews.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13957561
File: 2.98 MB, 600x450, output.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The following events occur in real time.

>> No.13958014
File: 90 KB, 1280x720, Kitaaaaaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Based uploader.

>> No.13958035

What's this one? I didn't see it in the video.

>> No.13958046
File: 462 KB, 720x1248, br_ale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Blue Revolvers are cute!

>> No.13958051
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>> No.13958055
File: 470 KB, 1286x989, image01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black Maria Overdrive

Needs to be played in fullscreen, otherwise boss fights are too fast.

>> No.13958059
File: 490 KB, 780x1440, br_val.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13958062

Reeks of whiteyness.

0/10. Would NOT fuck.

>> No.13958137

As thanks here's another link (it's not C88 but still):

Ghost9 42

>> No.13958149

Having weak Japanese is only important if this is to be considered a strongly literary work where much of the meaning can be lost in translation.
I don't know what Ghost92 is so I can't say.

>> No.13958188 [DELETED] 


Ghost92 story wise is exactly the same story-wise except the ending (the reason why its the same is plot point for the series) as Ghost9. (I was able to realize this from the boss layout from the wiki, and seeing glimpses of the dialogue from a speedrun of the game)

In terms of gameplay it is the first major implementation of 2.5D environments, with new items.

Here's a speedrun of the game:

>> No.13958208

Ghost92, in terms of story, is exactly the same as Ghost9 except for the ending (the reason why its the same is plot point for the series).

I was able to realize this from the boss layout from the wiki, and seeing glimpses of the dialogue from a speedrun of the game

In terms of gameplay it is the first major implementation of 2.5D environments, with new items.

Here's a speedrun of the game:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80OPHDX4dMo [Embed]

>> No.13958245

I don't really see anything that requires advanced knowledge of Japanese.
If anything you would need some experience with Bash script for Linux Terminal emulators, because the dialog contains lots of it.
Looks like a somewhat technical game.

>> No.13958301

>I don't really see anything that requires advanced knowledge of Japanese.

I have can safely say that I do not have advanced knowledge of Japanese, but through being able to extract the in-game text (using notepad actually), I could stick unfamiliar terms into a dictionary and get the gist it what the story/dialogue is about.

I made some very rough translations of some of the opening text for Ghost9 (it's in the archives).

>Looks like a somewhat technical game.

You mean in terms of the story content? The game (well hack9/Ghost9 really) supposedly used real-life 'hacking' terminology/theory (as stated in the wiki).

>> No.13958352

>Have you never played a japanese video game on a gameboy or famicom before?

I have (NES emu) and they were more readable. And yes I've seen some shitty fonts. This shit is like fucking eye bleeding though and they have all these big ass long strings of smushed up kanji. For that matter the famicom games had better character/item graphics too. Why make the graphics and controls intentionally bad? This is not retro at all. It's just ugly, even for the NES where some worse games looked Atari level.

The font in this is better and the kanji actually have some level of space between them. How do I get it to be like that? Did they just fuck the font up in this one game?

>> No.13958400
File: 134 KB, 660x522, G94 003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which of the games in the series are you comparing Ghost92 to?

This is a Ghost94 screencap I took a while back.

>> No.13958462

see >>13953961

That spacing is horrible.

>> No.13958472

I don't know what the fuck is up with Black Maria Overdrive, but the boss fights are running at like triple speed of the normal stages. It's unplayable.

>> No.13958488
File: 305 KB, 1868x1148, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Touhou Gensou Skydrift Full


>> No.13958493

I agree that the kanji spacing is rather bad (having to guess radicals was quite the chore before I realized that I could rip the game text).

Unfortunately I have no idea how to fix it. Perhaps (I'm using windows 7), the formatting setting could be altered? (I remember Ankake Supa's remilia game was unreadable until I played with that setting).

Are you playing in fullscreen? Some anon in the thread said it had to be fulllscreen or that would happen.

>> No.13958496

>Are you playing in fullscreen? Some anon in the thread said it had to be fulllscreen or that would happen.
I'd just read his post while I was downloading the update too. God damn I'm retarded. Thanks.

>> No.13958778
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>> No.13958861

Da fuk is "TBK cube" in the mega link, danmaku folder? I don't see it in the PV...

>> No.13958917

Is that one cracked by any chance? I can't check at the moment.

>> No.13958934
File: 687 KB, 1920x1080, G94 001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One thing I forgot to mention about Ghost942, specifically for those who have played through Ghost94.

You can carry over your savegame from Ghost94.

Just copy save data from Ghost94's directory to GHost942's.

When you start the game and continue, the game will have a premature end (like if you destroy the 9-System manually or nuke it via software from the save room terminal before fighting the last boss), and it will ask you if you want to reset the flags. Choose yes, and you will start a new game+ will all your stats/items.

The new zone/scenario is accessible from the main outdoor hub. The rest of the game is the same.

The game has new items (two of them are *extremely* useful), and the stealth camo it back (although you'll really have to work for it to get it).


>> No.13958971


>> No.13959168
File: 444 KB, 640x480, output.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gamepad is supported. You need to go to Key Config, then immediately hit a button on your keypad. If you do it right, you can hit any button again to confirm before the game lets you bind each button.
Mine worked perfectly fine.

>> No.13959380

Fun game, but much shorter than I was expecting.

>> No.13959558


>> No.13959862

Is Ghost942 a plus version of Ghost94?

I'm wondering if I should be playing 94 first or something.

>> No.13959893

oh bby

>> No.13960124

Do you use a DS3 or xbox controller? the game wants to use the analog stick instead of the D-pad.

>> No.13960233
File: 93 KB, 894x432, setup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was going to install some games, and I remembered to share this with you guys


So you can copy text from windows and easily translate it, in case you want to be sure what the extra options in some installers do.

I've seen some installers that really are a clusterfuck.

>> No.13960256


I'm pretty sure I already played CodeR, is this really for C88?

>> No.13960427

Can't get past the wolf in the cavern on Gensoumu, am I doing something wrong or is it the game? You can't kill the wolf with your weapon, and you can't outrun it.

>> No.13960430

It's what I got at c88, not what was newly released.

>> No.13960484

I thought you could just use Ctrl+C on any dialog window and it would get copied.
Or maybe that only works for those warning windows with an OK button and not much else.

>> No.13960490

I have a feeling this game is gonna meme up like wildfire. We must contain it before the normies find out.

>> No.13960502
File: 712 KB, 871x772, true love.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13960754

No Reverse x Reverse makes me kinda sad, but Black Maria Overdrive was pretty good.

need my desunoya puzzle games though.

>> No.13961822

You can't save in Black Maria Overdrive, rite?

>> No.13961926

Your mom can't save in Black Maria Overdrive.

>> No.13961937

>brown girl
>reeks of whiteyness


>> No.13962112

fkn rude tbh... ... .

>> No.13962221

How do I save in CodeR?

>> No.13962590


>Is Ghost942 a plus version of Ghost94?


You don't have to play 94 first since the story/plot/main mission objectives are the same. It's just that if you've played first you can import your items/stats into a new game+ and then (if your stats are good enough) jump right into the new scenario.

Keep in mind though that if you simply start a new game in Ghost942, and your try the new scenario right away, I can almost guarantee that you'll get your ass kicked very, very quickly (as soon as the boss battle roll around, and there are a lot of them).

It's not so much instant death crit. but more that some attacks are almost certain to connect, and if your stats are low you won't last more than a few seconds.

>> No.13963050

>No Reverse x Reverse makes me kinda sad
Seriously, that's one of the ones I was looking forward to the most.

>> No.13963436

started playing ghost9 and got to the second area (that first 隠密 room was ass) but just heard 92 is a remake, should I hunt that down instead

>> No.13963759
File: 463 KB, 1001x1238, arisu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where the macarons at

>> No.13964250

The only game I'm really looking forward to is armed dragoons. That shit looks boss.

>> No.13964266


> just heard 92 is a remake, should I hunt that down instead

You could try (I've actually been looking for it for a while now), but as of now I believe that no one has ever uploaded it.

If by some chance you find it, post links.

I believe Ghost9 was worth the challenge (although after I got stuck I had to use a playthrough video of the game to get past it). The closest thing you can get to Ghost92 would be Hack9Solid (I believe that can still be found somewhere), which I believe was a prototype for Ghost92.

Anyone try out the Hekatoncheir demo?

Grinding is still required (and at low levels it's still unforgiving), plane shifting is easy now (which is nice for combat, but troublesome for the platforming parts, especially over bottomless pits).

There seems to be some kind of auto-combo feature (think 'takedowns' in Deus Ex: Human Revolution), where pressing the first person view with (from what I can tell) bladed weapons prompts a 3D cinematic to happen, followed by multi-hit damage within certain radius from the MC (So the MC was Kitaooji, and also a trap).

Hope the full version comes out at C89.

>> No.13965139

Yeah looks like ghost92 just might as well not exist...hack9solid was an easy find though, and it seems to have its entirely own story?

Tried out the hekatoncheir trial a bit too but quickly figured I should just play the earlier titles to catch up with the plot. The freedom of movement was nice though.

And about that trap thing...I think it's more of a "man in a girl's body" type of a deal than crossdressing? well what do I know

>> No.13965315

Youjo sim was pretty fun for a minute. Interesting glitches.

Miniature garden's camera annoys me to no end.

The dyke STG is kinda too dykey for me to waste too much time on but it's interesting even if it's kind of shitty to make the other character move where you want.

TBK Cube is kind of interesting but I probably won't bother playing it again.

>> No.13965971

any progress on those cracks?

>> No.13967506

Anyone played Yurikago no Sora? I downloaded it because I thought it was one of the cool-looking ones but I have a feeling it's going to be one of those pesky games where you need to know Japanese.

>> No.13967670

Well Black Maria Overdrive was an interesting if finnicky game.

The final boss was an absolute joke though.

And the Penultimate one was way too easily cheesed by hitting the orb near the floor.
