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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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14490460 No.14490460 [Reply] [Original]

Is yuri halal /jp/?

>> No.14494992
File: 648 KB, 1044x837, 62b250011a7478976c9461a5ecec2778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is yuri halal /jp/?
Most certainly not.

>> No.14495101


No, although Yuri"friends" are awful. It doesn't help that heteros get triggered every time the topic is brought up either.

>> No.14495128
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I'm hetro and I love 2hu yuri parings.
There's nothing better than seeing 2 cute girls being cute with each others.

The mere thought of a 2hu being with a man makes me sick! Cute girls should be with other cute girls.

>> No.14495144

No, haram.
Yurifags are not only shippers, but secondaries. No one is gay, or even hints at being gay. Yurifaggotry has it's foundations in secondary bullshit.

>The mere thought of a 2hu being with a man makes me sick!
It's a good thing you arent a man then.

>> No.14495156

Cute girls are good.
Yuri gives you a higher concentration of cute girls compared to not yuri.
Therefore, Yuri = Good.

>> No.14495160

Yuri is fine
Yurifags on the other hand are fucking obnoxious

>> No.14495166

>The mere thought of a 2hu being with a man makes me sick! Cute girls should be with other cute girls.
Doesn't make me sick but there aren't exactly many interesting men in Gensokyo. Yuri is fine too.

>> No.14495170
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Why would I want to see cute girls with a man, How does that make me any less of a "man"?

I don't want to see a disgusting man with my 2hus, and the "self insert" thing does not work on me. So I see no reason at all why a man should be involved.
I guess the "self insert" thing works on some people, but not me.

Like he said.

>> No.14495188

Basically the presence of men would easily ruin the whole thing the girls are having in Gensokyo, i.e. being like fully fledged human beings as opposed to your typical females irl who are shallow and whiny with half their topics being about men (feel free to get butthurt at this statement). The yuri fantasy is incidentally not canon, but allows for even deeper portrayal of the characters increasing the empathy you can feel for them. That's how it is for me anyway.

>> No.14495190 [DELETED] 
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Becuase yurifags are just cucks.
I mean that literally, you are getting off to someone other than you fucking your 2hu. Thats what a cuckold does.

True patricians fap to solo drawins, where a character is either masturbating or posing lewdly. However you justify it, you will always the the faggot getting off to watching someone else have sex with the person you want to fuck. A cuckold, and being a cuckold makes you less of a man.

>> No.14495202

>Basically the presence of men would easily ruin the whole thing the girls are having in Gensokyo
They already exist there, you just dont see them.

One even owns a fucking store.
Zun just doesnt want to upset waifufags and thinks danmaku is girly.
>They would talk bout men all the time
Oh yeah, I can totally see a girl who loves books to the point of not eating, spending all her time in her basement talking about men.
Just like the scheming gaphag shrouded in mystery would be obsessed with men, and then you have Kaguya who loves men so much she told them all to fuck off and gave them impossible marriage tasks.

>> No.14495237

Absolute based taste senpai

>> No.14495244
File: 1.39 MB, 1498x1278, Kissu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haram Haram Haram

>> No.14495253

Imagine Patche as the loner, weird and secretly sexually frustrated in the typically female way as would be realistic.
Yukarin would be all over the men, because in a normal world, men are in all the positions of power, and a powerful man is highly attractive.
Kaguya is fine.

I mean, this whole story ZUN has created gives VERY little importance to men. They're a bunch of nobodies.

In conclusion, I like both yuri pairings and self-insert hetero, so I shall defy all your attempts at putting me in a box!

>> No.14495259

That's L-lewd!

>> No.14495260

But I'm a girl.

>> No.14495263

jokes on you, i don't masturbate

>> No.14495274

This is why I fap to shipsluts. I actually hate KanColle, so I don't care if someone else fucks them.

>> No.14495335

>Yukarin would be all over the men, because in a normal world, men are in all the positions of power, and a powerful man is highly attractive.
Power is relative.
No men compete with Yukari, Yukari wont give a shit about men.

If Patchy were into anything sexual. She would just be like Kanbaru. Half of her books would be BL novels, and she just remains in the basement masturbating to them becuase she is a hikikomori and they never get laid.
She's an immortal female version of you, only without the internet. You cant meet men if you are a shutin.

>I mean, this whole story ZUN has created gives VERY little importance to men. They're a bunch of nobodies.
He just likes making cute girls. There are plenty of useless cute girl 2hu's given the large cast. Just becuase he doesnt mention them, doesnt mean they exist. Shinto has a fuckton of gods, we only see a handful in game. We dont even see the god Reimu serves. I bet hers could beat up Kanako and Suwako.

>> No.14495409
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>> No.14495450

That was a version of Gensokyo with significant male presence and normal gender dynamics, as would be depicted in doujins, no doubt. Men that are proficient at danmaku, comparable in power to the higher ups, etc.

I mean, sure there's a lot of invisible males in Gensokyo, but how many can you name with sex appeal? Rinnosuke? I like gender bending doujinshi for that reason, sometimes.

But I like this girl universe as it is. What is ZUN thinking, I must be thinking too.

>> No.14496424

Logically this applies to all hetero porn/hentai too, and you should only fap to 1girl art.

>> No.14496582

No. Yuri is shit and yurifags are pure cancer.

Get the fuck out, you aren't a true hetfag.

>> No.14496767

>Men that are proficient at danmaku, comparable in power to the higher ups, etc.
Again, that wont happen. ZUN says he see's danmaku as girl. Men would probaly just kill eachother like regular people, no spellcard bullshit or rules.

Exactly. I realized this, and fixed the issue.
My post even said, I only fapped to solo.

>> No.14496943
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But there's no dick in yuri, you goddamn yurifag. Non-penetrative sex is incredibly boring. And cunnilingus is boring as shit compared to fellatio. I love 2hu but words cannot describe how much I hate that it's infested with yurifags. Fuck.

>and the "self insert" thing does not work on me

Holy fucking shit. Why are you even on a board called "OTAKU Culture" then?

>> No.14496959

Here on 4chan, everybody is welcome.

>> No.14496968

thisfag is right

>> No.14497013
File: 575 KB, 655x642, 75fa7ea3ca47e96a2c87c1a91ee0db30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>words cannot describe how much I hate that it's infested with yurifags. Fuck.

I feel the same as well, comrade. If only all the disgusting yuri was wiped off, things would be so much better.

>> No.14497466

>>Non-penetrative sex is incredibly boring. And cunnilingus is boring as shit compared to fellatio.
Just because you think so doesn't mean it's a fact.

>> No.14497479

does futa-female count as yuri?

>> No.14497534 [DELETED] 

Yuri is a jewish scheme to destroy the white man
I hope my red-pill brethren have not been lured in by this tricky trap

>> No.14497577
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Fuck off back to /pol/

>> No.14497596 [DELETED] 

wow, /jp/ is yet another SJEW containment board
fuck this site, all the boards are infested with degenerates

>> No.14497722

Of fucking 'course.


>> No.14497725

The web is too tangled, I can't tell how many layers of irony there is in this shitposting anymore.

>> No.14497728
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>> No.14497731

>All the boards are infested with degenerates
welcome to 4chan newfriend.

>> No.14498013

Who says it has to be lewd Yuri?

Cute-Yuri is also good.

>> No.14498079

/jp/ is for otaku culture and not for discussing how jewish people are destroying white culture through yuri I like /pol/ but seriously they should contain their autism on a single board.

>> No.14498112

I mean yeah, it ain't happening.

>> No.14498153
File: 204 KB, 625x800, 10147733_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are enjoying a game with a full girl cast, doing pretty looking spells and being overall cute.

And yet you find it strange that people enjoy some 2hu yuri fantasies?

>> No.14498167


You people need to lighten up.

That clearly was a joke.

>> No.14498181
File: 61 KB, 435x596, 10745239608881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And that's one more reason men are so much shittier than women. I can enjoy both yuri and straight touhous while self inserting. Get fucked.

>> No.14498440

In the age of yuri
There is only war...

>> No.14498447


Hetrofags can procreate, yurifags can't.

yurifags btfo
