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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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15875977 No.15875977 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>15853191

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Sengoku Providence:

>> No.15875991

Tried to log into Nutaku FKG for some gatherings before work. They're doing maintenance to implement another stupid gacha again.

How have they not figured out the timed releases yet? DMM does not do this. Ever. This is stupid. They're stupid.

>> No.15876019

>Nameless Acolyte - Today at 10:31 AM
>There will not be a Player's Choice Gacha as we have not asked anyone to vote for it. A new Gacha will be launched today, tying in with the Stamina Compensations.
>Maintenance will begin at 9:00 AM (UTC).

Don't they always do maintenance on Fridays? Well, at least this time ( if the compensation is nice enough) it might be worth to wait a bit.

>> No.15876068

And there's another 5* guaranteed gacha on Nutaku FKG, 3 weeks early from my predictions of every 6 weeks. Now I just need 4 more FGs from affection as I spent all mine on the last guaranteed gacha.

>> No.15876084

Nutaku FKG is up with a free gold as compensation. Also guaranteed ticket gacha from the Banana Island girls.

>> No.15876090

Deep breaths, deep breaths. Will I finally catch gold or will this be my 14th 11-pull in a row with nothing... pray for my soul guys.

>> No.15876120

Fuck yeah, German Iris and Anthurium from my 50 pull and a Crytanthus dupe and Camellia from my guaranteed tickets.

I really love these guaranteed ticket gachas.

>> No.15876125
File: 291 KB, 962x640, Bohoho, my penance ends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And a Cymbidium and a dupe Cosmos from the tickets. Today was a good day.

>> No.15876263

>10 Bronze + 1 silver


I think I've only done this like 7-8 times and this is second time it's happened, I'm really thankful for these guaranteed tickets

>> No.15876284

Yes, but why? Why can't they just set these gachas up as timed releases like the DMM version does? Why do they need two maintenances each week? That's retarded.

And I'm not sure why it took them so long to figure out the compensation either.

I just can't really develop any confidence in their ability to handle this game.

>> No.15876408


>> No.15876513
File: 1.21 MB, 979x659, kamihime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anybody give some directions?
I have a couple of max level girls and I don't know what to do with them. Also, how do I unlock H-Scenes?

>> No.15876559

limit break your girls, you need lvl 25 for R and 35 for SR, I suggest taking a look at granblue cause its praticaly the same

>> No.15876571

This new majin is pretty annoying. I can't seem to clear lv5 no matter what, even though I managed to do it for all previous majins except for fyrfyr
How are you guys faring?

>> No.15876595

What is your problem? Tank or flying demon rush?
Post your units

>> No.15876627
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The demon rush, I guess. I also think my healers are severely underleveled, I see them dying to elementals when things get hot. Or maybe I place my attackers poorly and don't dispatch elementals fast enough

>> No.15876649

I don't know why you had trouble with these units

>> No.15876660

So in the 5 months I've been playing FKG on Nutaku, I've gotten 7 guaranteed golds, and 4 golds from pulls. Then I've got 11 event golds, making things all equal.
Thats 1 gacha gold and 1 event gold roughly every 2 weeks, how are things for you guys both on Nutaku and DMM?

Oh yeah, completely free player here.

>> No.15876691
File: 413 KB, 585x473, ss (2016-09-23 at 11.07.50).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DMM freemium player, 4 rainbows, 69 golds.

>> No.15876698

How much time playing?

>> No.15876699

Ok, but how long have you been playing, I wanna know the averages for the time played. Also is that 69 mixed or gacha golds

>> No.15876725

Playing since summer 2015, mixed events and gacha. I have every single event gold, so can get amount from wiki (+2 last events in present box)

>> No.15876747
File: 426 KB, 599x458, Mistletoe is the cutest midget.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 rainbows, 19 gacha golds not counting the dupes, 40 event golds. Tomorrow will be my 300th day of playing on DMM.
Meanwhile on nutaku, 0 rainbow and 7 gacha golds. Playing since game opening.

>> No.15876808

So 43 event girls and 28 gacha golds in 14 months playtime. Thats roughly 1 gacha gold every 2 weeks.

Thats almost the same, 1 every 2 weeks on DMM with your 19 golds in 10 months.
As for your Nutaku, thats 1 every 3 weeks. While you seem quite unlucky on nutaku, if you've done just one 10+1 pull on every 5* ticket gacha you'd have 7 gacha golds, though I'll bet you have atleast 1 dupe gold not that it matters since its not a new gold girl.

>> No.15876812

Not him, but I've been playing for a year and a month only buying special promotions, I have 59 premium golds(not including some dupes), most of which were free, some of them were from rainbow promotions, and I have 1 free rainbow, the rest were promotional.

>> No.15877031

Ugh. Text boxes in Aigis have been lag-inducing since the UI update, but I've never had it crash the game before today. Just happened twice. Once during Sabrina's intro, which isn't a big deal, and once in the endless fucking dialogue at the end of her third map, which cost me three stamina and some charisma.

The new UI is a bit laggy in general, but the text boxes are really bad, even when I've asked around. Never heard of anyone's game crash from them, though. Glad I get to be the first.

>> No.15877044

I don't like that UI becomes unresponsive until it loads the character sprite, makes leveling a chore if you misclick a unit

>> No.15877312
File: 411 KB, 557x1608, events_highlighted_red.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DMM Freemium player here. Around 310 days old I think. I have 69 golds. 24 from gacha (2 dupes) and 45 from events (3 dupes). I guess I'm the same as the others with the 2 weeks 1 gacha gold thing.

>> No.15877411

Been on DMM for about 120 days or so now. I have 21 event golds and if you count dupes I have pulled 21 gacha golds. I also have 169 gems currently I am waiting to use. Also am a free player same as you.

>> No.15877506
File: 355 KB, 743x809, porpoise boat at best.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DMM free player here. 8 rainbows (these shown plus a copy of Viola, note that Alstroemeria is a free rainbow), 38 gacha golds (these shown, plus copies of Tricyrtis, Cosmos (x2), Violet, Heliotrope, Lupine, Japanese Iris, Setaria) and around 70 event golds. I've been playing since the game began, though that rainbow count is still absurdly lucky, the average value is more like 2-3.

Essentially, DMM is better because you get more event golds (due to revivals), the freedom to choose which gacha golds you want to shoot for (since you aren't limited exclusively to gold ticket campaigns for them, and can actually use the rate-up gachas), a considerably higher chance for rainbows (since you get far more flower stones) and better paid campaigns (5000 DMM points for any rainbow of your choice, 490 DMM points for 2 guaranteed golds). But playing on Nutaku is a decent choice as well.

>> No.15877533
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Top ranking whales sure are on a whole different level compared to normal mortals.

>> No.15877659

Yeah its looking like DMM and Nutaku are the same in collecting gacha golds but DMM has far better chances for specific gacha golds, free rainbow chances are better and its easier to get more event girls.

Nutaku just doesn't get the flower gems needed for people to get rainbows.

If Nutaku did get more flower gems it'd be more far more skewed towards Nutaku for golds unless they cut the guaranteed 5* ticket gachas out.

>> No.15877770

Well, they did improve considerably, to give credit where it's due. Regular gold ticket campaigns are a respectable substitute for DMM's constant deluge of flower stones (though it seems like the latter would result in better user retention, since rolling the gacha is addictive), they just need to implement good paid options/get a regular schedule going for content updates and EN FKG will be set to go for a long time.

By the way, are they still taking suggestions for their store goods? FKG had some Comiket/DMM store goods like phone cases, character straps, a shirt and a Nazuna pillow, they may want to bring these over. Fumo-style plushies for the contest winners are another solid option and would be a good apology for that episode, though I don't know how expensive these are to produce.

>> No.15877969

It was curious seeing how people rank FKG knights one or two threads ago. Now that I actually got some golds for a change I was thinking it was time I reorganized the teams skill/ability wise.

If you guys had access to all the current pool, what would be your best gold or rainbow team? As in best synergy and battle prowess.

>> No.15878063

>Regular gold ticket campaigns are a respectable substitute for DMM's constant deluge of flower stones

I disagree. I know I don't -have- to roll them, but as a free player I need to spend my gems smartly. Unfortunately, it pretty much takes a full month to get 50 gems on Nutaku and that's about how often they do these, so I pretty much end up only rolling these gachas. It's nice to have a guaranteed gold, sure, but I don't get to roll for anything else.

>> No.15878091

Besides the standard attack up abilities, 70% damage reduction is very powerful. Dodge+lifesteal is also powerful if combined and even better if you can add skill chance up to the mix. I've found these to be the most beneficial combat abilities. Stuff like solar drive abilities and panel abilities feel weak. Damage reflection is kinda alright, and it can be fun to have 5 on a team together all reflecting damage on a boss that hits all your girls.

>> No.15878092

DMM free player here. 1 rainbow and 34 gatcha golds(surprisingly only 4 dupes). I just got my 300 day bonus yesterday.

>> No.15878095

We'll have to see if they add more like todays then, where banana island girls have boosted rates, there's no reason they can incorperate different boosts into it, they probably don't have much demand for it yet.

>> No.15878105
File: 191 KB, 772x413, ultimateteam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skill stacking and attack debuff stacking are the main routes here. A rainbow team like Maple, Iberis, Serissa, Broom and yukata Viola (with an optional Cymbidium over any rainbow) will have enough damage output to crash through most maps without taking damage, while a team with Cherry, Acacia, bride Oncidium, Snowdrop and miko Lycoris (with an optional Kerria) can stall for days due to 70% enemy attack reduction. As for golds, I'd go with something like Cymbidium, Justicia, Anemone (miko), Evening Primrose and Apple (skills); or Dahlia, Pitahaya, Greenbell, Stewartia and Cherry Sage (debuff).

Since ultimate maps are the only difficult portion of the game, area skills are also useful to have, and Lavender's "3x healing panel effectiveness" ability is pretty much a must when tackling them. For the record, this is the team I use for these maps, and I can handle the first 18 sets without much problem (didn't try the latest set yet). It is also possible to remove the rainbows entirely if you take your time to adjust your teams to each element.

That's a good point. There's also the fact that extra slots are much harder to get on Nutaku, while you can just drop 20 stones on storage and not regret it one bit on DMM.

Still, at least they're making an effort, which is more than what you can say about their Aigis.

>> No.15878166

Thanks for taking the time to explain. Can't say I've got many of those (from the ideal team rooster only Cymbidium and from your pic 5 excluding the dupe Lavender), but knowing what to aim for will be useful.

>> No.15878215

Which golds do you have? As long as it's someone with an area skill, skill up ability, or attack debuff, you can use her safely in ultimate maps.

Early event girls like Edelweiss and Lechenaultia are also solid investments, especially since the former now has a second evolution.

>> No.15878278

This is everything I have, Nutaku player mind, just wanted to stop simply automatically organizing the teams looking forward.

The fact that I can put everything in one sheet is a bit depressing. Just dumped them in no order. Iris and the rest of lvl 1s I got today.

>> No.15878285
File: 186 KB, 760x395, Fields of gold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Way to go, me.

>> No.15878325

You actually have a pretty solid team going. Iris, Convallaria and Chocolate Cosmos have 3-target skills too, and Cymbidium is a major boon to virtually any team. Maiden-Lily was also buffed pretty massively on DMM, her effective multiplier is higher than Flowering Peach's and she can do ~45k on weak enemies with enough ampules and attack buffs.

If you raise everyone, you should be able to take on the first few ultimates easily. I think I even brought silvers to my own runs, the initial maps aren't that tough if you have a good rainbow ally.

>> No.15878350

Great! Thanks anon. And speaking of DMM buffs, I should check around what second evo has brought to my girls.

>> No.15878424

Of the girls you have; Edelweiss, Lavender, Convallaria, Geranium, Cosmos, Southern Cross and Tricyrtis have second evolutions. Their post-evolution abilities are as follows:

Edelweiss: 10% recovery and 5% attack (to a maximum of 15%) to party when passing through pest nests, speed +50 to party
Lavender: 3x healing from naturally spawning recovery panels, 20% boost to Solar Drive, 10% attack to two party members
Convallaria: +20% light gauge at map start; 20% boost to Solar Drive; 12% attack to party
Geranium: Skill rate 1.2x to party, 10% defense to 3 party members, 10% attack to self
Cosmos: Shine crystal drop rate +15%, 12% attack and defense to party
Southern Cross: -10% skill rate to two enemies, 10% defense to 4 party members, 15% boost to Solar Drive
Tricyrtis: Team takes halved damage from small pests, 15% attack to 4 party members, dodge

You also get substantial stat increases, giving the gacha golds in particular similar stats to many of the weaker rainbows (and leaving poor Helenium even more in the dust).

>> No.15878446

Thanks, I see that most of them get slight atk boosts which are welcome, Tricyrtis getting dodge would make her even more tankier if it procs enough I guess.

>> No.15878543
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I guess I won Nutaku FKG. Here's my 10+1 and two tickets. May as well quit now because this will never happen again.

>> No.15878555

Nice anon, I was pretty happy getting 3 new golds and a dupe, I can imagine you are pretty pleased with 4 and a dupe.

>> No.15878646

>playing that event where 500 enemies come at you
>stupid archer that regens hp and flies around massacres my units

>> No.15878668

This is why you place you highest DEF unit last as a lighting rod for it.

>> No.15878669
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>> No.15878670

I thought dropping Sybilla in front of her would work but she just killed Sybilla.

>> No.15878690

What's her DEF? Either you need to raise her more or you need more healers in range of her.
I can drop Reshia(546 DEF) and she'll soak up that dmg easily.

>> No.15878730

only 392

>> No.15878795

Yea, That's gonna put some strain on your healers. Especially since said angel fires faster than a healer heals if I remember right. I'd suggest placing someone with at least 500 DEF as your lighting rod. Or If that's not possible place another healer in range before you place the Arrow Magnet.

>> No.15878969

Sybilla isn't much of a tank. Even Leanne could tank it better.

>> No.15879136

Holy fuck I got 7 Lolonees but not a single silver this event and there's 1 day left.
Thanks RNG.

>> No.15879152

Event lasts until the 27th

>> No.15879198

Events last until Tuesday EST.

>> No.15879323

I'd like more events like this one. Fighting all the bandits on the last stage is actually really fun.

>> No.15879325
File: 63 KB, 218x489, flat goddess in kamihime-pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like you guys already made a new thread.

Who's this hottie?

>> No.15879330

This might help for some basic questions

It's pretty outdated now though.

>> No.15879369

You'll see a few more. The current one on DMM even has a map where you fight the mages.

>> No.15879409

That's my wife.

>> No.15879416

Sol, apparently.

Are you man enough to conquer the Unconquered Sun with your dick?

>> No.15879438

As long as his wallet is as big as his boner.

>> No.15879743
File: 130 KB, 462x409, AS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did I miss something or is it just me?
Or is this about the "delay on receiving new cards" thing in the news

>> No.15879806

Holy fuck, I thought there would be break at nutaku aigis and didn't log in for a week.
Half of Rorone event missed. At least she's not that good.

>> No.15879883

You received multiple copies of your last gacha draws. Angelic Saga database pretty much broken.

>> No.15879932

Ah, well thanks Nutaku for your quality coding.

>> No.15880348

When is the release of the giant girls game in DMM?

>> No.15880437

atleast is a better bug of when the cards don't appear at all

>> No.15880555

Do any of the new R-18 DMM games have good gameplay? Hard to tell whether a game is auto only or actually gameplay and there's so many to check.

>> No.15880569

The Muv-luv game can be considered to have actual gameplay because the AI is too dumb to let it auto pilot through missions, but at the same time it's also a buggy mess at the moment.

>> No.15880686

Is there a good interface guide to DMM Aigis anywhere? Or a general guide. Can't read the JP wikis, the ULMF thread has over a thousand pages and the wiki seems to be for Nutaku only.

>> No.15880764

the new dmm interface is very similar to the old one. Just look at how things work in nutaku, and copy that in dmm

>> No.15881015

>Tempted to mincost Sabrina
>Threw 2 SC and get 4 dupes
>Feed her
>Nothing happened not even a skill up
Yeah fuck you too RNG

>> No.15881024
File: 32 KB, 431x415, 1256377067622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>run each map for the first time
>put 4 dupes into the 12 sta drop
>-4 5/10 skill
>mincost on next dupe

>> No.15881141

>want to play more Aigis
>no stamina or charisma
>don't want to spend SC since I can't reach the next milestone for this month

>> No.15881284

How should I go about skilling up Cloris on DMM?

>> No.15881299 [DELETED] 

I assume Dorania will drop from the Anya maps that will be available starting tomorrow. He has Attack Up III at base, so farm him.

He also has Attack Up IV at CC, if you have any units that need that.

>> No.15881300

rainbow fairies, or silver dragon soldiers

>> No.15881305

I assume Gadoras will drop from the Anya maps that will be available starting tomorrow. He has Attack Up III at base, so farm him.

He also has Attack Up IV at CC, if you have any units that need that.

>> No.15881323

Ok thanks.

>> No.15882044

Is there an easier way to skill up angels? I've fed maybe 40 rainbow fairies to sophie and she's not maxed yet.

>> No.15882052

Pray that they hand out another Fez soon

>> No.15882068

I'm finding better gameplay in the all ages section.

>> No.15882200

In Muv Luv, it looks like the affection rewards are tied to each card, so would it be possible to just limit break N dupes and mass level them for an infinite supply of crystals?

>> No.15882214

Apparently, that's what people have been doing.

>> No.15882869

>can only get 17 stars for the enchanter
Damn I hate this feeling. Will I miss not having her max skill or mincost?

>> No.15882885

why is she sitting like a slut?

>> No.15882889

Look up 2 star videos? Unless you just started you'll should at least be able to 2 star some of the higher tier maps.

>> No.15883011

Enchanters suck anyways.

>> No.15883107

How do I limit break weapons in Kamihime Project? I know I'm supposed to use two weapons of the same type but I don't know what buttons to push.

>> No.15883137

I'd imagine his barrier is the 100/2, where everything hits like a god damn truck as soon as the goblin queen boar thing comes out a second time.

even max level aw units melt in a matter of seconds if you don't kill enemies fast enough, and an easier map is behind it.

>> No.15883170

Yeah I'm stuck on that one. I was doing decently and was trying to 2 star but I messed up one part and my units got steamrolled after.

>> No.15883195

My max level units tanked it for a 3* first try, blind. Get good.

>> No.15883243

Try ranged burst units and a lot of meatshields, if you have Leshia or an angel you can put her down after everyone else to draw the queen's fire. Avoid melee units on the path of the jedi goblins and black archers, these things can down AW units in seconds but are fairly squishy themselves.

If you have Metus, skeletons will be your friend, but be aware that without AW, she gets oneshot by the queen if she gets into range.

What unit do you have that tanks 5000 damage without healer/hexer preparation?

I tanked her too, but I still needed to grab a bunch of healers and warpriests to sustain the healing.

>> No.15883252

You just need a two CC healers and a CC Angel(Or any 25MR unit) as a lightning rod. Once you get to the last wave pull everything back immediately(In order of placement unless said unit isn't in attack range) since by that time you'd have less then 10 enemy units alive.

>> No.15883395

Is it better to roll the left or right Aigis gacha?

>> No.15883412

Depens of what unit/class u want at the moment

>> No.15883537

I'm straight up not getting any rainbow crystals from 500% affection, other rewards like the CD's appear just fine though.

>> No.15883845

Deine with black Iris and Grace and Adele.

>> No.15884075
File: 65 KB, 457x115, WhatShouldIFeel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drew with 25 SC and got nothing of what I want. Also kind of confused about my first black unit, her art is eh, how should I put it? Not good? Is she a good unit at least? How is the pirate girl and the other two golds?

Also, I have Bandit Lyla almost maxed, is the new event bandit girl better than her? (Nutaku)

>> No.15884082
File: 39 KB, 600x600, leel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We know you're sugoi kakoii already.
Your team are shit compared to me so fuck off.

>> No.15884086

Been a while since I have been here. So any new good fun DMM game? What is Nutaku´s next game?

>> No.15884096

Black is black, she will help your Lyla tanks 5k2 golem in furture maps.
Pirate girl is good, will be top tier when skill AW come along
New bandit suck if you have Lyla

>> No.15884099

She is cute when aw'ed, and she will be best tank in the future especially in majin maps.
I have the pirate and always bring her, best non-black pirate.

>> No.15884101


>> No.15884112

Stat wise. Lyla beats her in everything but DEF. Which is a measily 20-30 difference. AW ability wise, Lolone has her beat since she's able to dodge physical attacks.

I'd still stick with Lyla though unless you really want a mincost platinum bandit.

>> No.15884116

That's weird, I deployed Uzume to speed up a bit the end of the current 90/12 map on Nutaku and units didn't reduce cost after deploying her. Are Front Tacticians bugged?

>> No.15884133
File: 667 KB, 800x1000, ElvesAreFor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone interested in making all 7 main Kuroinu girls? I´m trying my hands on the red headed warrior for now. Or did the nips already do it?

>> No.15884139

It did work when I deployed her first in Pastoral gate though, weird. Is it a gimmick of 90/12 maps? or did it bug after deploying her late.

>> No.15884162

What? Is there kuroinu dmm game I missed somehow or you just posted in wrong thread?

>> No.15884275

So I have two Lolonees now and I heard you can lower their cost somehow, how does one do this?

>> No.15884281
File: 42 KB, 400x400, 1325745278373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong thread?

>> No.15884298

because she's a slut

>> No.15884335

If you combine a unit with another one of the same unit you can decrease the cost by one.

>> No.15884346

The cost of the actual unit or just the skill cost? I never use her skill anyway.

>> No.15884367

Cost of unit. There's no such thing as skill cost.

>> No.15884373

What's a 'skill cost'? I've never seen anything like that. Do you mean skill level?

You can decrease the cost to put the unit on the field by one, this can be done several times until you reach the minimum cost for the unit..

>> No.15884429

I recommend you check the eng wiki, you'll find it quite well explained. They do a good work keeping it updated.


>> No.15884463


>> No.15884487

when revival is supposed to start?

>> No.15884494

26.09 00:00, says so right at the fucking banner.

>> No.15884632

nutaku revival that is?

>> No.15884645

Nutaku doesn't have revivals.

>> No.15884667


>> No.15884672

You already said it last year bruh

>> No.15884682

Don't be toxic, copypasting code is very hard, need several more years.

>> No.15884851

Do I bother with the dragon revival event if I already have an Anya?

>> No.15884854

Time. Fairy.

>> No.15884868

They often have the Break Week Revival.

>> No.15884910

>1 unicorn orb to awaken my Sybilla
Please, luck gods

>> No.15884962

>unicorn orb
Those aren't called like that, also remember that there are Brinhilds / valks that ride tigers...other than that, good luck getting those.

>> No.15884980

>valks that ride tigers
Don't remind me.

Poor tiger hermit. His only fault was that he was too good a father.

>> No.15885013

Bro trust me Nutaku is all over this shit we gonna get showered in SC, get exclusive units and events every fuckin' week just trust me and continue supporting Nutaku :^)

>> No.15885025

And Nurarihyon was killed too..the prince is a murderous tyrant under the flag of the cruel goddess. Now what will happen to our good ninjas, will they be able to combine the elements and overthrow the mad prince?

>> No.15885033

He will rape the hime and NTRing our beloved ninjabros

>> No.15885041

*rape hime

>> No.15885046

Not before transforming the goblin queen into a cute loli and sodomize her, hence NTRing all the goblin population.

>> No.15885177

Should I bother going for more than 24 stars? Do I get more rewards for going higher? Like those gold exp fairies.

>> No.15885203


>> No.15885205

For Anya revival, how is the drop rate of the crystal of each map?
Is the 12sta map a guaranteed drop?
What about map 7?

>> No.15885218
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>> No.15885250

No, 24 is the top, unless you wan that extra SC from 3* the map.
That's not a westernized futa dark elf, like the one nutaku dev wants in game.
12 sta map isn't 100% drop, more around 80%-90% and is around the same as the 7 sta map in therms of efficiency, so you should try the one that you can clear without problems.

>> No.15885267
File: 2.55 MB, 886x1389, 1464457198950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh man, I didnt know /jp/ had nutaku thread, I thought it'd be somewhere on /vg/ or something

Are you guys talking about Aigis here?
I've been playing the game some time now but I suck at it and need help if possible

>> No.15885299

Only took you 126 threads, no worries. Have you checked the eng wiki? What are you having problems with?

>> No.15885316

Tomb of Sorrow, I just cant 3* this fucking map.
i've been checking out on youtube for help and there are plenty of 3* clears but even though those guys have worse units than I do, I still can't do it
Everthing else pretty much goes smoothly, but when the wolves come and they rape all my units.
Yesterday and this day I've been farming the map before Tomb and leveling up my units as much as possible and I'll soon try again.

Should I swap my title? I was using the 20% attack title but some people have suggested I should go with defense or something

>> No.15885318
File: 1.38 MB, 1404x1750, 58719506_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

General tips:
If you plan to actually use a unit, CC it only at lv50, not below
Don't use silver+ units for exp
Don't roll 3SC gacha, or the 2000 gold one(unless you're rich with gold)

Units: You need a 50CC40 archer, soldier, healer and heavy armor as soon as possible. Generally people use Bashira, Iris, KT(Katie) and Leanne(best silver ever)

Also nutaku sucks, you better move to dmm if you like the game. You'll get more free stuff too, easier start

>> No.15885323
File: 245 KB, 578x408, team.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot image, here's my team

>> No.15885329

I never roll 3sc
I've rolled like +500 times 2000 gold and I've never gotten better than silver.
I've gotten 3 or 4 golds and one plat from like +10 5sc, which is bullshit, I really want Black chars, but the rates are REALLY abysmal

>> No.15885333

always use the descendant of the hero/hero/savior titles.

>> No.15885341

You should raise your team a bit, get an archer, Katie and a healer CCed at lvl 50. That alone will change your team immensely.

>> No.15885347

The ones that increase skill effects?
I never thought they'd be THAT useful, I am more of a guy who trusts numbers, but I'll listen to your advice and use hero title.
When does Saviour unlock? I am currently at lvl 47

>> No.15885353

What does "CC" mean :/

>> No.15885359

There are people here who played over a year and got no blacks at all. They're losers though
I'm a free player too, and in about a year I got 5 gacha blacks. The rates are indeed abysmal, but sometimes you get lucky, its part of the game's appeal.

>> No.15885361

Those are the best hands down, they buff EVERYONE more, Prince included, once he is deployed. Saviour unlocks at 64 if I don't remember badly.

I 1 starred tomb of sorrow back in the day. Next stage is return to ruins which is a fantastic map for you to farm and get your core team up.

>> No.15885371

When a unit reaches lvl 30, it can class-change to an upgraded version and keep getting stronger. Archers and healers get more range for example. They also get better skills if the are gold or better.

The thing is their levels go down to 1 keeping their pre-CC stat so always max them before doing CC.



>> No.15885372

I just rerolled for one. Have Despara on my Nutaku account and Sybilla on my DMM account because of this. The rates are pure trash, luckily Aigis isn't a game you need gacha on since event charas are more than enough.

>> No.15885379

The description doesn't really convey what it does.


Basically, the better the title and the higher your Prince's level, the bigger the attack/defense boost everyone on the map gets when he's deployed. These are easily the best Prince titles. There's another one on DMM that changes Prince's stats (and cost) significantly, but it also comes with a stat boost. Don't bother using anything but those five titles. Ever.

>> No.15885421

Alright, now the tomb was a cakewalk and I got 5sc, lets hope for something good, thanks for the advice people, but how should I proceed onto the Return to Ruins?

>> No.15885428
File: 204 KB, 912x630, pegasus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rolled this chick in 5sc
Should I add her to my team composition?
In what situations is she used?

>> No.15885429

Return to ruins is actually pretty simple, much more than tomb. I would farm it for a while if I were you. At least bring your archers, healers, witches and tank/katie to 30 while using the stamina for affection items.

>> No.15885435

She's a more costly Valkyrie, their skills allow them to take flight and hit in aoe around them while racking up cost points. Definitely not a priority. Stick to the Healers, archers and soldier/tanks.

>> No.15885479
File: 176 KB, 640x427, TO52C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would kill a nigga to get this hot stuff

>> No.15885503

Pretty cute, isn't she. I wouldn't mind having her myself. I did get Olivie so I'm happy enough.

>> No.15885614

Too bad she's shit.

>> No.15885621

I'm thinking of whaling a bit for Iris. Would $100 be enough to get her?

>> No.15885630

I... would advise against whaling for anyone. You are only going to get disappointed. You could spend a thousand and not get her.

>> No.15885663

The only possible improvement over that in terms of tankiness is having Aisha, which is just one black of difference. Post your supposed superior team.

>> No.15885912
File: 694 KB, 946x570, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only one playing this piece of shit?

It's a horrible game, yet I can't stop, so I guess it did something right

>> No.15885946

Yes you're the ONLY person playing this game. Congratulations.

>> No.15885966

Am I doing the right event? All these maps are just 3 stamina for all the maps.

>> No.15885983

It's just first part of Anya event. Dunno if they will add second part or not

>> No.15886001

It's a really old event, so that's just the way it was built. They added a 90/12 map at the very end, so just get to that one and farm it if you can.

>> No.15886148

Free player here but I managed to spend 150 sc on a gacha a couple months ago without getting a single featured character from said gacha.

I sure did get a lot of fodder silvers though!

>> No.15886997

With an extremely whacky strat I managed to clear 12stam map on 6th week of playing. So proud of myself.

>> No.15887087
File: 252 KB, 960x592, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone remember which quest was best for farming crystals? Was it Dragonewt? or Grand Invasion 3? I vaguely remember last revival that 12 stam map was shit in crystals-per-stamina ratio.

I only have 7 SC to work with so I'm trying to maximize the drops with a thief.

>> No.15887148

Math wise assuming 100% drop rate, the 7th map, Grand Invasion 3 drops the most at 3.33 per stamina compared with the last map that drops 2 per stamina.

>> No.15887241
File: 251 KB, 986x669, Giga Drill Break!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit bitches, look who I just rolled!

My first SSR

Also any idea who she's supposed to be? If I google カイザーゲイルドラグーン all I get are Kamihime sites.

>> No.15887247

So do none of these maps drop the dragon units I need to class change anya?

>> No.15887253
File: 210 KB, 960x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man Grand Invasion 3 drops x5 crystals. I thought it was x3 crystals. Misreading it twice (in-game and on the wiki) makes me feel retarded now.


>> No.15887281

But is it 100% drop rate?

>> No.15887283

Last map is best on average.

>> No.15887289

Ofcourse not. Expect 1.6 crystall per Stam on 3s and 1.8 on 12

>> No.15887451

dmm aegis, what items do i want from yellow crystal?

>> No.15887511

Dragon+fairy, Aria with copies, Shaman with copies in this order

>> No.15887522

so 500 cost one? wowsers thats a lot

>> No.15887532

800 of you count dragon. They needed for anya.
Go for Aria of you are low on SC

>> No.15887548

aria is just a soldier right? shouldn't i save for the next time they do this?

>> No.15887588

Aria is kind of obsolete. I don't advise getting her unless you just want her because she's cute.

>> No.15887609

>Aria is kind of obsolete
How so? She's still the only freemium unit who gives attack bonus to all your units.
I have mincost Kate and Lise, but going to mincost Aria too this time.

>> No.15887617

Her awakening ability is black tier. Also she is extremely easy to mincost due to double rates.
Who made her obsolete?

>> No.15887621

Black tier is more than 3 times as strong as that. I'd rather run platinum soldiers, but I guess you could use her as your 2nd soldier.

>> No.15887648

>Black tier is more than 3 times as strong as that.
Yeah, im pretty sure there is not unit other than prince who gives 5+ attack bonus. Stop spreading misinformation.

>> No.15887710
File: 467 KB, 960x640, Kikyo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that guy and I think Aria is useful unless you happen to be a pretty large whale, but Kikyo says hello.

>> No.15887728

I already have maxed Anya and two time fairies sitting in my barracks. Should I farm for a third? I mean, guaranteed CR is pretty good, but I never even used the other two

>> No.15887730

best girl

>> No.15887732

I'm sure you have non-mincost units you use. Stop being such pussy and CR some of them, and then get new time fairy and use her too.

>> No.15887775
File: 1.12 MB, 853x512, qts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Second evolution for Ume, Heliotrope, Laurentia and Dipladenia.

>> No.15887781

I've been sitting on my CR fairies too, what are the recommended unit types to CR?

>> No.15887785
File: 102 KB, 567x333, blacks and other broken units.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't decide who to CR though
I could mincost my Altia but I was thinking of using two of them together instead

>> No.15887792

There's more than one. Why are you asking people to stop spreading information when you don't know shit?

>> No.15887802

Maintenance Period
September 27, 2016 (Tue) 3AM ~
September 27, 2016 (Tue) 5AM (EST) (Estimated Completion Time)

Maintenance Details
Limited Time Event
- The Urgent Mission
"The Road to Becoming the King of Bandits" ends

Other Changes
- Changed the Unit boosted in Premium Summon

As expected, yet they could have implemented the daily boost at least.

>> No.15887833

You should be grateful for Lolonee and no mistranslations during her event :^)

>> No.15887837
File: 61 KB, 380x325, missions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know what these last 3 missions for Muv Luv are saying?

>> No.15887840

Craft an item, raise a skill level, and complete all the beginner quests. The last one seems to be impossible, I've completed all the others and can't claim it.

>> No.15887894

5th one, first row. Who's that?

>> No.15887895


>> No.15887943

How do you raise skill levels? Combine dupes for xp?

>> No.15887997
File: 346 KB, 548x344, fkg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there 4* girls with the same skill as 5* or 6* girls or should I just sell them and the ones I'll get in the future?

>> No.15888051

They have some of the same abilities (mostly basic stat boosts like attack up), but their effects are lower than 5* and 6* girls. They also won't have access to second evolutions, unless the devs eventually implement that.

You should at the very least raise them to 100% affection for the sex scene and the flower stone, but once you can build a regular team (20 girls) with only 5* and 6* girls they will be pretty obsolete for normal missions. The real value of 3* and 4* girls is in the airship battles, because in those you have teams of 8 squads (40 girls in total) and the airship's type depends on how many girls of a certain type are in the team (keep it balanced for a non-elemental airship, have one type in larger quantities than the rest for an airship of that type), so you can use 3* and 4* girls to tilt the airship towards the type you want.

>> No.15888279

>Ume gets the skill up ability
Now she can take her rightful place in the upper echelons of rainbow power rankings alongside her girlfriend. As expected from the idols of Blossom Hill.

Also, looks like we reset the rainbow counter. We've been getting more and more recent rainbows with each batch of second evolutions, and now we'll probably do the same until we get to a very recent girl again.

No, all 5* and 6* skills are unique. But there are a lot of cute 4* girls and storage space is really cheap, so you may as well keep them. They will be useful in nation defense quests if nothing else.

>> No.15888286

For fucks sake Ume! open your damn eyes!...or you can only open them when you are fucked?

>> No.15888310 [SPOILER] 
File: 79 KB, 1024x576, 1474892113682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On second thought, never mind. Please keep them closed.

Too bad we can see that her eyes are normal in her H-scenes

>> No.15888316
File: 207 KB, 650x800, Oh man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh, some of us will never see them.

>> No.15888369 [SPOILER] 
File: 70 KB, 430x330, 1474893257317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry anon.

>> No.15888400

what is happening here?

>> No.15888452

I met a knight-master from an obscure board.
Who said: "I once sought golds and rainbows in
The flower gacha. But near them, on the hoard,
In wait, prowled a half-naked devil, whose grin,
And hopeful eyes, and promise of vast reward
Unveiled her intention: No matter how she'd feign
Adoration for her lord, or dress in whites
This was a maiden who thrived on others' pain.
And if you paid the toll, this you would hear:
'My name is NAZUNANDIAS, ruin of knights,
Look upon your rolls, o Dancho, and despair!'
Nothing of worth is there. In the fell sway
Of that wicked maid, boundless and bare
The bronze and silver pots stretch far away."

>> No.15888556

Their abilities stack.

>> No.15888604
File: 214 KB, 864x636, sailor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this plat beauty when I leveled up to 50

Does she have any uses or is she just useless?

>> No.15888647

It's one of the rare cases where the plat is way worse than the gold one...to sumarize it:
She is a frail melee unit, that gets ranged attack (AoE if you awaken her) and she acts "faster" than other sailors, that speed change is barelly noticeable. Now if you SA her (thing that nutaku doesn't have right now), she is utterly crap.

Better get Marie in an unespected revival if you can, or the soon to come Reanbell, those are the really good sailors.

>> No.15888752
File: 317 KB, 960x640, a39a0f9be7fa14c4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do I get this motherfucker and his silver friend?

>> No.15889064

Did you stop to think that there might be a reason you're getting Kamihime sites as search results?

Either Gacha or wait for a Revival of the second half of Anya's Event. If you're lucky, they'll do it right after the first half ends. The Silver one also sometimes drops in other events, but there's no telling when it'll happen.

>> No.15889082

Where would you even need him?

I keep getting him and his silver friend from 2000 gold rolls.

>> No.15889103

To unseal Dorania, I suppose.

>> No.15889147

How many do you need for CC and AW?

>> No.15889218

For CC, 1 bronze/1 silver
For AW, 1 silver

>> No.15889536

On FKG, can you get gold elixir from the 80 stamina dungeon or it only gives rainbow elixirs?

>> No.15889548

You can get both. Drop rate is kinda shitty, though.

>> No.15889558

Ohh, her eyes aren't crossed.

>> No.15889722

I've been using a level 30 eunice and just got lolonee, is it worth to swap out? As far as I can tell shes basically the same but costs more.

>> No.15889745

Lolonee might arguably be the worst plat bandit but if you only have silver ones she has much more potential being able to awaken; getting more dmg against armored foes, passive and skill aw in the future, while having better skill from the get-go. And seeing how your Eunice isn't maxed or mincosted, I would definitely go for it.

>> No.15889756

also, if you haven't realized it yet, plat+ units get an additional stat boost from affection. Coupled with the fact that they already tend to get more bang out of it, the difference can be huge. Do not neglect affection! You'll see a huge difference. And blue men

>> No.15889775


>> No.15889783

I doubt I'll get a second one by the way, so she will be staying at 18 and with basic skill :(

>> No.15889860

Different anon here, but what's recommended for golds? 50 stam?

>> No.15889902

Cost will be an issue, but her skill can be upgraded with rainbow fairies should you consider it the best option. After CCing her and getting the upgraded version of course, since those who change skill after CC will lose any skill progression. ( As in Risk life II X/5 will "mutate" to Risk life III 1/5 no matter what).

>> No.15890000


That name still hurts so fucking much jesus christ.

>> No.15890013

Wait for the event Sailor, she IS good, or just continue using Marie.
Viera used to be slightly useful but after a rebalance her AW is so bad that she is even weaker than Marie.

>> No.15890034

Are rogues actually useful? I got Cypria but I'm not sure if they're actually useful or not.

>> No.15890040
File: 231 KB, 1366x728, bernaaw2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you have AW Berna, she tokenizes all of them.

>> No.15890048

I used to get a lot of use out of Cypria and their cost has been nuked to hell since. YMMV.

>> No.15890064

I don't have anything better than plat so far.

Stuck with Bashira, Cypria, Lolonee and Jessica.

Guess it can't hurt to try her out, then!

>> No.15890068

get spica

>> No.15890211

Man, I have her on Nutaku and I really can't wait for her to get her S.AW to start going full retard. I love her so much.




>> No.15890261

Oh man... I want her so much right now. Is there a premium summon event for her or something?

I just have Cypria. Got her 30% affection and the bitch didn't put out, just ran away. Same with phyllis...

>> No.15890306


Amazing isn't she? Yet in the end she's "just" black, every one is broken, just some more than others. In fact, many consider her and Clissa the weaker bunch. And on the other hand, here's the broken of the broken:


...and she gives your units +14% HP just by playing with her turtle.

Good luck anon, snatching a black isn't an easy feat.

>> No.15890336

Let him showing off his new black, Jim.

>> No.15890418
File: 317 KB, 646x220, nutaku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you localize a game and people still prefer to play the japanese version even not knowing japanese and missing all dialogues, there's something very wrong with your company.
I've played a lot of MMO's back in the day and absolutely ALL of them had something removed from the american company responsible for the localization. Like cosmetic items that were free in the original japanese or korean versions. I don't know why these companies HAVE to go full jew and cannot simply maintain the game like it originally is.
I don't know jack shit of japanese and I'm playing FKG on DMM, missing all the dialogues because I refuse to play on Nutaku, since they removed the daily free flower gems.
How would you fix Nutaku?

>> No.15890420

>How would you fix Nutaku?

Close it.

>> No.15890458
File: 1.17 MB, 1052x702, Screenshot 2016-09-27 08.40.57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did it! What do I do with her now?

>> No.15890467

Or the game could be completely dead like Kanpani and you have no other choice but playing on DMM, even if Nutaku hand out the 5* girls like candies to keep it afloat.

>> No.15890498

So she's only weaker when comparing her to other blacks? What about to plats and regular easy to get units?

>> No.15890522

If I wanted to fix Nutaku I would make them treat every game like FKG and then improve FKG a little.

FKG on Nutaku has the chance to fix its problems and has been doing so, FKG on DMM will never fix its problems for english speakers and you can thank Nutaku for that.

>> No.15890557

How strong is the black feng shui user? She's the cutest.

>> No.15890579
File: 234 KB, 962x645, 2016-09-27 060148-FLOWER KNIGHT GIRL ~X指定~ - オンラインゲーム - DMM GAMES R18 - Internet Explorer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woo, cost me 300 (free) cash points

>> No.15890624

Sell for 300 rainbows.

>> No.15890637

Skill: 60s; Range 1.6x; All allies in range have 60% chance to dodge physical attacks.
SAW: Range 1.8x, All allies in range have 30% chance to dodge physical attacks. Automatic activation; Infinite duration.
Ability: Can summon a token. When a friendly unit dies, Token is removed instead, and dying unit regains HP.

Her Aff bonus is a -18% atk cooldown too, so I'd say she's a very, very good support/healing unit, albeit lacking in the raw power department.

>> No.15890677

Apparently some units have a 3rd h scene now in Aigis? How do I get that?

>> No.15890713

good post

>> No.15890721

After awakening, you can complete a short mission from one of the options in the Bonding menu. Each mission is character specific, and 3* gives you a couple SC as well as a CR fairy of the unit's rarity (the scene is given for at least 1*). About 30 units have them so far, more are being added over time.

>> No.15890731

Dodge doesn't sound that great because it isn't reliable. is her skill basically useless?

>> No.15890740

Hardly. A roughly 2/3 or 1/3 dodge rate saves an incredible number of heals, allowing her to better keep the targets in her range alive.

>> No.15890760

The reason dodge isn't usually great is because it's normally only on units that have tiny HP pools and low defense that will get one-shot if you're trying to rely on dodge to tank bosses. Rinne's skill is great because it puts it on all units in her range, not just the squishy melees. And even then, it's not just adding dodge, that range boost is huge. Regular skill has a really long duration too, and if you care more about the range than the RNG dodge, there's the Skill AW on top of that.

>> No.15890941

Looks like next week in DMM Aigis is going to be boosted rates. I expected as much, and am quite grateful for such, during Anya's revival.

Also challenge maps for eastern story maps.

>> No.15890968
File: 8 KB, 298x169, Hagi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I look forward to stuffing Lolonee with my dick.

>> No.15890998

Lolonee is a jerk. I gave her over twenty copies of herself and she now has the cost of the Lyla I rolled from Gacha. I hate Unit Farming events :/

>> No.15891052

They just announced extra rainbow fairies and changes to mission clears where failure/giving up refunds you back half of your stamina/charisma too.

>> No.15891167

I would focus on quality over quantity
They spew out games every now and then and none of them are consistently good

Game like Aigis is really fucking flawed and could do a lot of fixing to its UI, grammar, gameplay, animations and to make some things easier, for example: If I have 100k gold and I want to spend it on 2k rolls, why do I have to open each individually and wait for 15 seconds of lazy animations to see that I just got a fucking shitty iron / bronze / silver until I can roll a new one
You should be able to open them in bunches, like 5, 10 or 20 at a time.

A good example of an actual good mobile game is probably Marvel Future Fight, NM keeps pushing out updates that fix a lot of issues in their game and never fail to deliver fresh and good content, and pretty much everything is accessible for F2P players, best part being that the end game content can not be accessed by throwing money at the game, but actually playing it.

>> No.15891248

>If I have 100k gold and I want to spend it on 2k rolls, why do I have to open each individually and wait for 15 seconds of lazy animations to see that I just got a fucking shitty iron / bronze / silver until I can roll a new one
Because chief game designer very explicitly said you must not threat units as cards and there will not ever be 10+ pull.

>> No.15891261

So it seems I would need to buy around 10 SC to start next month with 150 stamp-card. I saw there is offer for 1400 dmm points that gives you 14 SC and Alicia.
What does her class do? Is it HA just with 2 blocks?

>> No.15891265

What's important is that she boosts Prince when being in party with her AW ability.

>> No.15891269
File: 75 KB, 165x603, ring dream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even know what it's about but their ads are compelling

>> No.15891279

Skill - Inc Def IV: 45s; Def 2.0x;
SAW - Giant Killing: 50s; Attack speed down; ATK 3.0x.
Ability - Spear of Victory: When Alicia is in the team, Royal Guards/Valkyries/Pegasus Riders/Dragon Riders +5% ATK/DEF.

Are you sure? It doesn't seem to mention Ouji-kun.

>> No.15891296

Correction: SAW is ATK and DEF 3.0x.

>> No.15891317

Oh right, prince buff was from new black maid.

>> No.15891336
File: 337 KB, 456x439, Millennium War Aigis - Game Nutaku (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking Rorone doesn't want to CR, still at CR-3 and eating through SC reserves fast.
Still going to try mincost her for my bandit army.

>> No.15891368

Can anyone give a rundown of new features since the start of the year in DMM aigis? I notice daily revival.

>> No.15891419

Daily Revivals, Stamp Card had the Plat Ticket (Plat+ roll guaranteed, unaffected by rate-up) added, Pickup summoning (New 5SC gacha type with only certain classes within), Alicia for 1400 DMM points (see above), 3rd scenes for some units (see >>15890721).
I think that's everything. Not sure.

>> No.15891436

You forgot bond fairies.

>> No.15891516

The black dragon in the trade shop in Aigis is the one that you need the time fairy to CC into a girl, right? I only have 100 of those stones and I'm not strong enough to farm the last map, so I'm not sure if I want to spend all the SC I'd need to to get the dragon and the fairy.
But then again, I do have an awakened Rubinas with her dragon buff...why am I so bad at saving up SC like I'm supposed to?

>> No.15891578

Yes, you need that black dragon and time fairy.

>> No.15891828

So the nutaku Aigis banner has left out Flamel for some reason.


The taboo list gets more mysterious every day

>> No.15891831

A new shop feature on Nutaku FKG? Milking harder or something due?

>> No.15892059
File: 272 KB, 593x501, why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nutaku original.

>> No.15892076

So there is that black ninja in shop for 300 crystals, is she any good?
Looks like ninjas are pretty unpopular with players in general, why is that?

>> No.15892085

Ampy price is pretty overpriced, manyu price is eh. Could be worse.

I was expecting gold dragons though. Having experienced a 10+ run streak of no gold dragons at one point, it seemed like the logical thing to bait whales with.

>> No.15892176

hmm... no.

>> No.15892221
File: 313 KB, 932x583, most unfortunate princess desu wa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, who is replacing your Anna, /jp/?

>> No.15892231

Heh, went into Discord and the comments are pretty fun.

>it only costs a meager 1700 euros to max out a FKG's stats with ampies if you buy them with FGs

>random fun fact: at current store price max-ampying a knight from scratch costs 9.2% of the per capita GDP where I live

>alright .. 2400 fg for maxing a unit :) ok? :)

Greed overload.

>> No.15892245

Nobody in their right mind should pay these prices for fully maxing. But that's beside the point. I imagine Nutaku is doing this for nickel-and-dining purposes, which is at least more preferable to the bullshit that was bridal Cactus.

It's still overpriced, but on paper, it's not a bad idea.

>> No.15892268

And i tought the gacha was to much, not that i really care but people should stop whaling for every single shit Nutkau puts on.

>> No.15892279

Anyone who buys from that shop is without a doubt an idiot.

Leaving aside the fact that DMM players get around 5-11 of each ampule and 3-5 of each 100-year fairy with every event (so up to 324 flower stones in this absurd shop) , you'd get much better bang for your buck if you used your stones in stamina refills for the daily fairy dungeons.

That would be a logical, but slightly dickish, move. DMM solved its dragon problems by drowning everyone in them (I haven't done the dragon maps in months and still have something like 50-60 100-year dragons taking up space), but I guess 1 flower stone for a guaranteed dragon could be a decent deal in a pinch.

>> No.15892296
File: 648 KB, 854x480, you will never have this cute pirate as your imouto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>you'd get much better bang for your buck if you used your stones in stamina refills for the daily fairy dungeons.
Pretty much this.

>> No.15892309

My point is, I don't see an issue with whale bait if it's meant for impatient/stupid people, and not paywalling an actual premium like how it was for bridal Cactus.

Right now, the main issues with this shop are the prices and the fact that it's not actually selling anything worthwhile. Most people aren't hurting for more ampies. I'm short on blue mangy because of these events, but I wouldn't drop three gems for one either. One to one would be more reasonable, if still technically a ripoff.

But the idea as a whole has potential. Not having to wait a week for dragon RNG screwing you over, or people throwing around the idea of selling dressblooms is a good start.

>> No.15892323

That's true, the idea is solid. But given the patently ridiculous prices for common fodder like ampules and fairies, I have my reservations about how dressblooms and such would be priced. Let's hope that they will be more sensible about it next time.

And well, was bride Cactus paywalled? I was under the impression that she would be released as scheduled with the Robinia event, and that people were paying for early access to a mediocre gold.

>> No.15892337

Bridal Cactus is gacha unit on DMM, so she's "paywalled" by default.

>> No.15892340

Early access is kind of a stupid idea here, but yeah, that would be the more accurate term.

Still, for me, it was less about releasing her early and more about how it set a dangerous trend for future 5* variants. I was hoping people would nip that in the bud before Nutaku got any ideas for bridal Oncidium and whatnot, but for whatever reason, it feels like more people are outraged over this.

Then again, Nameless is actually online this time, so my rage-filled rants aren't lost to the abyss.

>> No.15892344

That's a good question. If she will be permanently under a paywall that would be a huge dick move, not like what they did wasn't already a dick move.

Fortunately I've got people on my ally list with full rainbow teams and I still have yet to see Bride Cactace, so at least there seems to be hope yet?

>> No.15892374

Does Acolyte even have the power to change things here? I thought that he was a sensible fellow and that things like the Cactus affair were the fault of greedy bigwigs that outranked him.

At the very least though, he can relay the community outrage and convince the rest of Nutaku that such blatant cash grabs are not a good idea.

Time will tell, I guess. Robinia event not having bride Cactus would be a good sign to abandon ship to DMM, if you haven't already.

>> No.15892379

Any new decent DMM game in last few months?

>> No.15892404

When I went into Discord i seem to recall him saying that the shop was not of his doing, it was from the "designers". Yet he reassured us that he would shout all of this into their ears and prepared a channel just to copy-paste all feedback so... hopefully they listen.

>> No.15892423

Acolyte is typical Nutaku faggot
Nameless guy is another person

>> No.15892442

Isn't Acolyte the guy who stoped working for nutaku and already said his good byes? or was another guy?

On a side note, it is know who is the girl who betrayed Dahlia in FKG?

>> No.15892446


>> No.15892476

Most likely its "no sexualization of religious symbols" shit that happened with Osawari.

>> No.15892492
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>> No.15892560

goblin blender
if enemy has less than 50 def she will shred them all

>> No.15892623

Kamihime Project if you like grinding, NTR, rape, and shitty gacha.
Muv-luv Strike frontier if you like erect nipples in skintight suit, mecha, clumsy control system, and bugs.

>> No.15892628
File: 984 KB, 957x643, fkg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, that was easy. I thought that event characters required some degree of grinding. Got her on my first event gacha.
Am I very lucky or it is indeed easy? I started playing yesterday.

>> No.15892660

The latter. Don't forget to get her blooms too.
The grindy part is cleaning out all the boxes for materials.

>> No.15892677

Sorry, but I'm a total newbie. What are material boxes and how do I give her blooms? I've already spent all my gifts to give her another thing, if you know what I mean.

>> No.15892683

Oops, meant to quote >>15892660

>> No.15892722

Why would you replace your qt secretary for this monstrosity?

>> No.15892727

Click this button on the gacha page, it'll take you to a list of everything in it. Each 'box' or page of the gacha has its own set of items you can roll for. There are 13 pages, and the item in red must be collected before unlocking the next one. You can switch freely bewteen them. The event girl is in Box 1, and the next 7 has her blooms, which can be fed to her like other fodder, for skillups and equip slots.

By cleaning out, I mean that you can collect everything else in the boxes after getting the event girl, which is fairly grindy.

By the way, what's your friend code? I have a bunch of open slots.

>> No.15892733
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>> No.15892786
File: 245 KB, 789x511, code.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it this one? Damn, I wish I knew japanese.

>> No.15892793

>hating on THICC
I don't know how this shit taste can exist.

>> No.15892798

Yeah, it is. Sent.

>> No.15892865
File: 501 KB, 785x515, mission.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone tell me what is this last mission?

>> No.15892898
File: 688 KB, 1082x1009, cutest_prinny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thicc please go. This is cute territory.

Make way for the cutest princess.

>> No.15892901

Evolve one of flower knights.

>> No.15892961
File: 892 KB, 706x625, 千年戦争アイギス R - オンラインゲーム - DMM GAMES R18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mirno for now, she's cutest one I have awakened.

>> No.15892986

Objectively best princess tier list




AW Immortal Karma

Not-actually-princesses like Imelia, Anelia, Shizuka, Grace, etc. go under Mid.

fite me m8s

>> No.15892990
File: 866 KB, 778x563, Baka Ja Nai No.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best midriff

>> No.15893003

Just rolled demon gun warrior zola. Someone convince me she is good before I cry please.

...knew I shoulda waited until the next event.... but I wanted those blacks so bad....

>> No.15893083
File: 807 KB, 999x714, b8b7103ac709dfa30e2046c736451ac7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's like a cheaper mage with physical damage and good range but smaller splash. Her skill also lets you deal with high-defence enemies effectively.

She's the only reason I'm able to clear Crystal Keeper X.

She's pretty nice so don't worry.

>> No.15893241

I'm expecting to see the next event in nutaku, because the next one following DMM schedule is Liana's event, I want them to implement it and stir some chaos on the people who rolled her already.

>> No.15893287
File: 267 KB, 981x651, 5lc8xi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just doing a little research here, so I want to ask you, /jp/:

1 - which games do you actively play?

2 - do you play them on Nutaku or DMM?

3 - which game is your absolute favorite?

>> No.15893289

you do not have spica nyanshira combo?

>> No.15893293

aigis and aigis and aigis

>> No.15893301

Too bad aigis isn't going to last another year

>> No.15893306

Aigis and FKG
Aigis is my favourite, though that might be the stockholm syndrome talking.

>> No.15893312

DMM Aigis
DMM ShiroPro
DMM Mononofu / Midnight Nurse / Soapland / Tokyo Exe Girls (when i need to waste some extra time and I'm out of stamina at games above)
Nutaku Aigis

Looking forward to Gochimusu and Symphony girls.

>> No.15893349

DMM Aigis and FKG on a daily basis, 99hime and Jurassic Girl sometimes. I also try out new games as they come, but they usually don't click with me.

I like FKG the best. It doesn't take too much time, the setting is refreshing (despite not being all that different than a generic fantasy world), and the devs and artists have done some really clever things with the character designs and flower themes. All in all a pretty relaxing game.

>> No.15893351

No I haven't gotten Spica yet. Bashira is nice and very helpful but she can't handle when the eyes come in huge swarms.
On the other hand Zola just gets rid of the whole swarm in one shot.

>> No.15893359

I got 1000 rainbow crystals. Should I get the fairy girl or the armor guy? Will they add more units soon?

>> No.15893396

Fairy really doesn't know what she wants to be, her SAW and cost are suitable for a midgame tank but her "+cost in return for attack/defense" ability is best used after you've deployed all melee slot units you want. She still enables tanking thresholds pretty well, and 13% attack/defense is nothing to scoff at.

The armor is a more universally useful unit, with a solid ranged SAW and the ability to halve enemy attack for 13 seconds as his regular skill.

>> No.15893399

What do you mean?

>> No.15893415

FKG and Kanpani
Kanpani, probably because it's the only game where I got a lot of nice stuff without spending.

>> No.15893438

Aigis, FKG.
Nutaku. Going down with the ship, baby.
Aigis, no question. Which fuels my Dev Tea hatred.

>> No.15893448


>> No.15893455

FKG , Kanpani

>> No.15893460

Seiken Manifestia
Kanpani Girls

All on DMM. I'm torn between Shiropro and X-Overd for favorite.

>> No.15893509
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Aigis on DMM, FKG on DMM and Nutaku.
Aigis is my favorite.

>> No.15893510

Kancollec, the only game i can get anything with my shitty luck
I dropped FKG

>> No.15893522


Looks like Gochimusu will open sometime today (28th).

>> No.15893525
File: 927 KB, 864x513, ss+(2016-09-28+at+05.06.46).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sasuga FKG devs, rolled only 3rd time and already got full of max rarity girls.

>> No.15893538

4* girl look uglier than 3*

>> No.15893549

I've had those same two since like the second day or so, but I haven't been able to get any 4* draws since. I want the ones with hats.

>> No.15893552
File: 878 KB, 825x529, quests.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why no more main quests are appearing? I already scrolled all the way up and all the way down and there's isn't a single main quest anymore, only raids.

>> No.15893559
File: 1.21 MB, 956x666, Screen Shot 2016-09-27 at 22.16.49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coincidentally, I want the two you got but haven't gotten any 4* pulls besides those two here.

>> No.15893562

Click on the red bottom on the top left and move to next town.

>> No.15893599

I'm jealous. Those are some classy ladies.

>> No.15893606

Now that I saw it mentioned, what happened to that Seiken Manifestia game?
That's the one some of you started playing back in January right? With some kind of gameplay?

>> No.15893647

His skill halves enemy attack in his aoe or all enemies?

>> No.15893653

1-Only FKG right now. I used to play Kanpani Girls until 1 or 2 months ago, but just gave up. The raid boss events were a total chore and I just couldn't muster the care to continue it. I got lucky and got two 5* girls in the last weeks I played, but even then I gave up since I wasn't doing anything except using the EXP house tickets so I could do something with my bread. I went and got another 5* with the celebration envelope from two weeks ago, but I'm not sure I'm actually going to ever make use of her.

I also played X-OverD for a few weeks when it was launched and found it pretty fun, but I was already busy with both FKG and Kanpani Girls and I didn't think I would have the patience to keep up with 3 damn gacha hells. I'm not sure it was a good move, but now I've missed a billion events. Oh well. I have also played a bit of Aigis and Seiken Manifestia.

I'll give Girls Symphony a shot when it launches. The current girl selection on the pre-registration page is a bit meh design-wise, but I'm willing to give it a shot. Worst that can happen is just never touching it again, anyway.

2-DMM exclusively. I tried FKG on Nutaku when it was launched for shits and giggles, but I didn't spend more than an hour or two in it.

3-FKG, definitely. I don't think anyone will argue that FKG's gameplay is more than a shitty number cruncher, whereas Aigis (as any regular of this thread will notice, there's constantly gameplay discussion about it) and Seiken Manifestia actually have you use your brain, but all I'm really looking for in these browser games is a simple mindless time waster, and FKG fits it perfectly with its colorful setting and loads and loads of cute girls with their own little quirks and personality.

This is probably part of why I'm bored with Kanpani Girls but not FKG: there just isn't much fluff, especially in combat since aside from personal weapons and 5* girls they all share the same attacks and outfits.

>> No.15893777

I'm running pirate princess amelia, so they kid of overlap a bit since shes me aoe armor clear at the moment. I'll level her to 50 or whatever and see though I guess... I still like my cyrus/valerie broship tho

>> No.15893849
File: 941 KB, 1130x632, Pervert Minister.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An underrated game on DMM. Gameplay is tough but fun, you need to take territories to power up your unit movement to quickly get to the enemy castle and destroy them while the enemy throws bunch of mobs that will try to destroy your castle. Sounds simple but there's lot of thinking and strategy depending which units you deploy. And there's time limit on each stage so quick decision making and deployment is important. You'll probably be screaming in frustration even in the first area. Fortunately the gacha in the game is really kind in giving you SR and SSR units. Event gives you Ex units which tends to be powerful. Game also gives you one free gacha ticket everyday. You'll need 5 tickets per roll in the premium gacha. SR units can also drops from normal gacha. So you'll probably be building and deploying a really strong group in a short time.

Also, game have bunch of nice lolis. Sure there's no h scene since it's not an r-18 game but you can still touch their boobs and butts and they'll be flustered, screams and complains. Good enough for me.

>> No.15893852

Got strangely addicted to Aigis ever since I checked it out to kill some time when I was away from my PC and on a laptop this summer.
I started playing on Nutaku and only found out it's inferior to DMM a couple of months after. It would feel like a waste to start all over, so I'm staying for now, as bad as it may be.

>> No.15893859


>> No.15893924

Sounds fun. Thanks for the info. We could use more challenging games, yet I wonder if that and not being r-18 might be the reason you don't see it mentioned around.

>> No.15894533

What's the gameplay like?

>> No.15894535

>Eastern Nation Port Town
Fuck this wall
Every guide for it is 'ayy dude just get level 90 mincosted AW Spica ez'
Can't even 1 star that shit and those FUCKING TENGU

>> No.15894613

These tengu only have a single attack, like the flying hammer demons. Get a necromancer and place skeletons to draw their fire.

Metus in particular destroys them like it's nobody's business, but any decent ranged unit wall should be able to take them on after that point.

>> No.15894618

Where are you even looking? The first half-dozen vids on youtube are silver/gold clears.

>> No.15894634
File: 67 KB, 630x420, shoot-suicide630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spend some cash to do the step up gacha in FKG
>first 3 pulls are bronze/silver
>last two guaranteed gold pulls are up next
>first pull is a copy of the ONLY gold girl I have
>second gold pull is a girl with shitty visual

>> No.15894643

Well, the bright side is that you lost all of $5.

Who was the new girl?

>> No.15894722

Looks like the Devils Kitchen game is coming out soon. Can't find an exact time on the twitter though.

>> No.15894725
File: 313 KB, 989x667, viritora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got barely enough items before the event ended to get Viritora so I know I can never level her past 40 but how was I supposed to? Grind for 2 copies? Or was one of the other items what I was supposed to get?

Just checking for future events like it.

>> No.15894727

Don't remember her name. I closed the game in a fit of rage. It was a sword type green kimono girl.

>> No.15894731
File: 255 KB, 983x667, otohime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Kancolle and Kamihime Project.

2. They are both only available on DMM

3. Kamihime Project

>> No.15894736

Nutaku - Aigis and FKG

DMM - Aigis and FKG, recently started Kamihime. Looking forward to Gochimusu and Girls Symphony.

Aigis is definitely my favorite, with FKG a close second (the DMM versions, anyway).

>> No.15894737

If it was Hop, imagine having shit taste as you.

>> No.15894823

Just Aeigis at the moment, sometimes I play FKG and Girls kingdom for a bit but I just can't stick with it.

Nutaku, because I don't speak Japanese.

>> No.15894825

Its up, appears to be sort of a turn based TD game.

>> No.15894879

FKG on Nutaku

After playing Dragon Providence (also on Nutaku, ugh) FKG's content feels refreshingly accessible. It also helps that I'm a fan of botany and the cute theme of the game.

People bitch about how DMM is better, but whatevs - I'm in it too deep and I don't feel like juggling between two versions.

>> No.15894909
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>> No.15895001

>server overload on Demon's Kitchen

I so wanted to play that game now and grab my 5 SR + 1 LR

>> No.15895243

1. Aigis and FKG
2. Both on nutaku because even if all the horrendous drama stuff, I still much prefer it being in "english", but I don't think I'll ever be able to bring myself give them any money at the rate things are currently going. Maybe a little for FKG
3. I like aigis more for gameplay but I really like that in FKG you really can just use whoever you want without too much setback from later maps, I'm kinda tied on them to be honest.

Although I started Grindblue recently so I guess that kinda steals the overall favorite f2p game

>> No.15895559

Holy fuck, you need 10 copies of same unit to max it in gochimusu.

>> No.15895658
File: 546 KB, 719x524, ss+(2016-09-28+at+05.43.01).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can actually remodel labyrinth as you like, and mages can shoot through walls. No wonder missions felt so fucking hard for me before.

>> No.15895726

What units are actually good against the red dragon mages in Aigis? I can beat the other dragon units fine but these guys are freaking annoying. Kept ruining my chance to 3 star a map.

>> No.15895749

Anything. Its important to position your units properly so only blocking melee unit is getting attacked by blasts.
I'm using prince + Spica + Bashira + Eterna + 2 healers for 12sta map with AW thief.

>> No.15895821

DMM just made me reset my password. Is this something I should worry about?

>> No.15895837

>Get a necromancer and place skeletons to draw their fire.
Damn, I hadn't thought about that. Skeletons dying won't count against 3-star clear. I was doing the place-and-retreat of Bronze units method and failing at it.
I completely forgot I have Memento... although she's not mincosted and her skill is at 8/10, couldn't handle the last mission of her event.
Still, Memento is pretty costly to place, I don't see where and when can I fit her in somewhere.
She and necromancers really need a personal buff, at least make them attack rate faster than a witch instead of slower.

>> No.15895839

Happened with me too, seems like they are forcing users to change passwords en masse.

>> No.15895842

Just got the same thing too, probably just their system acting up.

>> No.15895851

Ah ok thanks, I thought they were doing it for my account since they detected weird stuff on it or something like that.

>> No.15895853

Just confirming if you're a gaijin, getting ready for mass non-Japanese bans.
Better proxy up bruh.

>> No.15895865

I have 55 SC on Nutaku Aigis.
Convince me not to splurge it all in hopes of getting tits- I mean Deine in the current rotation.

>> No.15895873

Your chances of achieving it are less than 0,5%.

Go for it. Post results.

>> No.15895879

I had 35 SC and tried for Deine

I got Sabinne, 2 Fedoras, and 4 silvers. Now to stockpile for the next time she comes on rotation

>> No.15895882

Actually I think I'll wait for next month and try and get 100 SC spent in it for that Deluxe card. Seems like the smart thing to do.

>> No.15895888

There's slight chance of getting Liane next. Guaranteed mincost black healer vs non-existent chance of gacha black.

>> No.15895904

No chance of that for a while, any other event is 10x more likely.

>> No.15895906

As much as I would love it to happen, my best healers being Iris and Fedora, I don't see it possible while the devs have hold of the game. My money is on Nagi or another star/farm event.

Would love to be wrong. And who knows, maybe the soul that's in charge of the game this week doesn't even know Liana is in the gacha.

>> No.15895928

There's no way they'd put an event unit in that they used as a cash grab previously. Hopefully it's at least something good though with the last three events being worthless garbage.

>> No.15895957

How worthy of investment is Nagi by the way? Being black tier I'm kinda compelled to max her but I already have Saki and Hina. Both max cost though.

>> No.15895977

Thanks for the tips.

>> No.15896051

Honestly I use Saki more than I do Nagi, and I have Nagi at CC80 and I think -3. Nagi isn't bad thanks to her stat multiplying skill that you can use right away, I've seen her used as an early duelist on a number of maps. But, Saki is way better as a ninja if you plan to use them the way ninjas are normally meant to be used. (Melee slot ranged DPS to shred low-defense enemies, and maybe to assassinate.)

>> No.15896115
File: 193 KB, 2000x2286, 1474745324825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the hell can I get Class Evolution on male characters when it's impossible to find bonding items for men?
Why would I even use male characters when females are easier to make stronger?

>> No.15896137

The only thing that requires affection is Awakening, CCing a unit only increases the affection cap from 50% to 100%.

>> No.15896139

Today's your chance anon! Give the Wednesday daily a run or two.

Answering your questions, you don't need bonding items for class evolution, you need them at full affinity for awakening. And for your second one, if you have female alternatives they are kinda secondary. Unless Jerome or Gellius Christ which fulfill their roles spectacularly.

Even so, I used Cyrus, Valerie and Barbie a lot, and a mincost Julian can be nice.

>> No.15896300

Liana was a band-aid solution, not a cash grab. Pretty much anyone informed who rolled her consider her a waste of a black roll.

Assuming Nutaku takes over soon, there's a bigger chance of those people getting screwed over than everyone else not getting a free Liana.

>> No.15896523

Shit taste indeed, Hop doesn't have a kimono but is the only green sword girl I can think of, not to mention dodge+hp absorb combo, and a 15% boost to attack.

>> No.15896782
File: 67 KB, 630x623, oh boy, here we go.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Assuming Nutaku takes over soon
Every time
They said " soon" in August then "soon" in September, next month is pretty" soon" bruh

>> No.15896875
File: 650 KB, 945x533, box.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many storage upgrades should I buy? What is a good number for space?

Also, how can I farm more fairies to level up my girls? I can only find them when my party leader discovers an extra dungeon. Is there a specific dungeon for level up materials?
It's so annoying that units don't gain exp after combat.

>> No.15896945

Didn't happen to me.

>She and necromancers really need a personal buff, at least make them attack rate faster than a witch instead of slower.
If that happens, Metus and Agnes will rape everything they see. I personally think Memento is fine.

Manyu dailies are on Wednesdays and Sundays. Outside of that, only 80 stamina secret gardens are good (and maybe whaleship if you're desperate, but that's hard as hell).

>> No.15897000

You can either just keep it a bit above maximum, and buy more whenever necessary, or go straight to max so you don't have to worry about it for a long time. Since you're on DMM, you'll get more than enough Stones to do either. Up to you.

>> No.15897050

They said "hopefully by end of September", which obviously didn't happen, but maybe the usual weekly stream will offer some insight.

I fully expect that we'll be disappointed by next week either way, but meh.

>> No.15897278

1. - DMM FKG, Nutaku FKG, Nutaku Aigis; dropped DMM Aigis because I lost patience, I don't want to build my whole army from scratch
2. - already answered in 1.
3. FKG. It has virtually no gameplay, but it's the comfiest browser game at the moment.

>> No.15897305

I have 500 and still not enough, because evo dragons and second awakening mats.

>> No.15897322

> second awakening mats.
Feel nice to have more rainbow elixirs than I ever need in my lifetime.

>> No.15898002

So from now on, farm events will always have a 90/12 map and no "G" maps? It's nice to have a 100% chance but I'll miss the fairies and tin can.

>> No.15898012

12 sta map is God ("G") map, just different setup from previous events. Yes, its permanent change.

>> No.15898226

DMM? Literally as much as you want. You'll get more than enough stones to be comfortable in your storage and still be able to draw a bunch of girls.

>> No.15898480


Min/max mentality isn't limited to gamers. It's also what corporate overlords do. If they didn't, they wouldn't have set up a localisation company in the first place.




Within like 2 hours of releasing that shop, Nameless Acolyte made a new channel on Discord server: #we_hate_the_shop.

For a brief moment before it was deleted, there was a comment: "I spent 7 gems and got 0 ampys from my farm attempts. I like the shop, why does this channel exist? >=("


That's my impression too - "bigwigs demand moar revenue NAO, gotta prove to them this dick mandate isn't going to work".

>> No.15898568
File: 493 KB, 731x475, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why I can't sell those girls? They're not in any of my groups.

>> No.15898586

They're in your whaleship.

>> No.15898589

Empty your whales!

>> No.15898593


>> No.15898752

I hope that includes crashes, too. Losing 12 sta thanks to their fucking app hurts.

>> No.15898827

Kanpani content update when?

Also, how do I do that new 20 stone employee summon?

>> No.15898870

What is the difference between these two aigis logins?


The first leads to the usual page with a start button, problem is nothing happens when I press it. The second one leads to login screen, and after I login, I get transferred to the game. How do I access the direct login for the other games? The game start button way just won´t work no matter what game.

>> No.15898896

Had this happen before, it's some kind of bug. I think I just waited a while and it fixed itself. Either that or look up some links for the other games to find their direct link.

>> No.15898915

Been going on for over 6 month, cleared all stored browser data, nothing. I just gave it another go cause I wanted to try Kamipro, you don´t perhaps have a direct link to that dmm game?

>> No.15898949

Does this work for ya?

>> No.15898951

>Kanpani content update
"Weeks away".

>> No.15898975

No, leads me to the start button page and the button won´t do anything. Did you copy that link from a state where the game is running?

>> No.15899013
File: 1.66 MB, 1241x770, Screenshot 2016-09-29 09.29.06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's strange. That link leads me to here. Try this one I guess: https://www.dmm.co.jp/my/-/login/=/path=Sg9VTQFXDFcXFl5bWlcKGExKUVdUXgFNEU0KSVMVR28MBQ0LUgRUCgxK

>> No.15899085

Now it leads me to login, but after logging it, it boots me to the game start, and the same dance again. I tried using chrome, but all it does is reloading the same game start page after I press start.

Maybe I´m being blocked from playing anything but Aigis because of my IP? Thanks for helping though, I guess is Aigis and only Aigis till death.

>> No.15899126

Nvm, it works now. Weird as hell. Thank you mate.

>> No.15899194

Yeah I just had to wait a bit too before and it worked.

>> No.15899375

Try to turn it off and on :^)

>> No.15899393


Possibly something related to the very recent massive Yahoo breach disclosure.

Yahoo Japan is massively more successful than it's US offering, so a lot of people probably shared pw's between their yahoo and dmm accounts. Good security policy to issue a mandatory reset after major breaches.

>> No.15899502
File: 25 KB, 315x50, fkg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate it that every time I level up, it has to be on a Dragon day.

>> No.15899563

>aigis maint
Shit when does this usually end, my stamina.

>> No.15899573

'lil under 3 hours.

>> No.15899636
File: 396 KB, 988x671, event.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get all the girls in this next even so that I can have sex with them? Last event I maxed my girl out at level 40. Do I need two copies of each?

(yes I know this is the all ages version, I'm not actually interested in the sex, I just want my girls leveled)

>> No.15899745


Info about 2nd AW is out.
Looks like it won't be terribly expensive. That's good. Frankly, I'm most worried about gold.

>> No.15899792
File: 105 KB, 417x185, units.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are these?

>> No.15899798

Algeria. A fairy that gives 18k exp, can only be used on gold units, and can't be combined with other fairies (no 8x multi). 1 is enough to take a gold unit from lv1 to 50 pre-CC.

>> No.15899815

Seems like an awfully specific unit. Do people save them for anything or just feed to gold units you like?

>> No.15899825

Feel free to use them, they're being handed out pretty often. 8 from this event alone.

>> No.15899859

I have quite a few myself. It's sad that I don't have many gold units I'd want to use them on. Or if there is some it'd be a waste to use it on them since it's be overkill.

>> No.15899880

Thank god! I can finally stop stockpiling my plats.

>> No.15899908

When does the x1.5 gold ends in FKG?

>> No.15899930
File: 276 KB, 1255x1024, welcome to permian park.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So a perceptive fellow on 2ch stitched together the backgrounds for World 29 maps and, well, holy shit. Check out what's submerged in that lake (and for scale, look at the size of the house on the lower left - that centipede is a kilometer long at the very least).

Given FKG devs' love for planting hints about future content into the game, something big may really be coming. There are even claw marks across an entire ruined fortress on the 7th set of whale maps.

This Monday.

>> No.15899965

>that centipede is a kilometer long at the very least
Whaleship raidboss soon

>> No.15899973

new thread
