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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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16561916 No.16561916 [Reply] [Original]

▶ Prepatched AT2

▶ [FLAC] Kaleido Sphere
pass: gustt51

▶ [MP3] Firis Music
OST: nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=866700
Vocal Album: nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=866702

▶ Ar Tonelico for Lazy People Pack

▶ EXA_PICO Visual Collection
info: pastebin.com/UzwjkAUY

▶ Miscellaneous Translations
Flash Cosmospheres, Ciel\Ar novel, etc: ar-ciel.unit03.net/
Ciel Nosurge English Story Playlist: youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhWtcwZ5Bzm10RI1TElB3Dnf7kj9UoARJ
Ciel Nosurge Story Summary: unit03.net/view/Ciel_nosurge/Story

▶ Mega.nz Folder of Ar tonelico / Atelier goodies
Flash Cosmospheres, AT3 Yokkora fan disc and original /jp/ stuff.

▶ [FLAC] EXA_PICO Autistic Music Collection
Info: pastebin.com/Pc88NuEC

▶ [MP3] EXA_PICO Musical Collection
info: pastebin.com/aPxrK3zh

▶ [FLAC] C90 Nights of Azure selection CD
pw: jp1586331

▶ ion_anim gifs
Just gifs: mega.nz/#!rg4BxBDB!bQCUxB-mLkfORIKSf4ZSMxUzcIsACh2QVsKQoEtUE6k
Gifs, source mp4 and PSD files: mega.nz/#!u0B1ECSb!jo8YI2PaehAfrUB3jHHtqzRyNRAJ4wHI33k1HqQhrEU

▶ Updated OP:

▶ Outdated links:

▶ Previous thread

>> No.16562215

I just finished Nights of Azure yesterday and I am currently trying to unlock the true end. However I still have some questions I feel I should already know the answer.

Is the first saint the woman who killed the nightlord or who was first sacrified to seal him?

Is Corinne the demon who turned the candidat saints into statuts ? Wasn't she also the knight of the first saint ?

>> No.16562322

I don't get why the Ciel write-up is still in the OP when the video translation is already finished.

>> No.16563323


the ciel write up can be read through in a handful of hours.

the video translation is a significantly longer time investment

>> No.16563406

Yet the write-up has many omissions and errors, and the author himself has already said it's useless now the videos are complete. Plus, it doesn't cover any of the post-memory conversations or extras like the drama CDs.

>> No.16565206
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Unashamed fanservice the game.


>> No.16565235

I hope it gets localized.

>> No.16565252

What do I have to use in doll making to get some good outfit? Used some random items and got a swimsuit that I don't like

>> No.16565398

They tied to "cute, wise, brave, fool" parametres.

>> No.16566278
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I thought this one was the best. Can't remember what parameters you had to focus on, tho.

>> No.16571031

The true end is unlocked by first unlocking any of the other endings.

>> No.16571056

I changed the landing page to psych people out into either watching the video series or making due with lighthousekeeper1987/knightless's short summary.

They can dig in further if they really want to do the story writeup route.

I can't wait! It's going to be so much fun!

>> No.16571608
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Are you celebrating Valentine's day?

>> No.16571615
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>> No.16571702

I stopped using the customize feature after getting this since I figured it wasn't getting any better.

I believe its a combination of top and right but I could be wrong.

>> No.16573593

The event didn't trigger for me this year for whatever reason. ;_;

>> No.16576312

All compilations are finished. Sorting out links. Waiting for ARMS to release their last album. It will be a humongous update, after which I will probably move to Atelier Collections.

Unfortunately, no.

>> No.16576351

I'm new to Atelier franchise. How long is the gameplay from start until the end (if there's any)? For Sophie, in particular.

>> No.16576720

20h to beat, 50h to complete (70 if you're as bad as me).

>> No.16576789

Sophie is my first Atelier since playing Mana Khemia 3 years ago. About 35 hours in and I just unlocked the last recipe trees and I'm assuming I'm near the end now. If I want to finish all the recipes and do everything else, it'll probably be atleast another 10 hours

It's kinda fun though

>> No.16577530

Sophie and Nights of Azure were my first gust games and I have to say that I'm disappointed. I thought that compile heart games were unique in how low budget and poor they were. I was pretty excited for blue reflection but after playing these 2 games idk if I should be anymore. Why do the majority of jrpgs these days feel like that have no budget and were made by doujin circles?

>> No.16580545

I knew that. I got it a few days ago and then I watched the bonus one on youtube.

I still don't know who the fuck Corinne was the knight of.

>> No.16580563

the story doesn't really make sense and things just conveniently happen for no reason just to progress the game.

>> No.16580689

This. I absolutely gave up on comprehending the plot near the last chapter.

>> No.16582071

Because they have no budget? But fuck you for comparing them to CH trash. YnnK is one of Gust's weaker games and it's still miles ahead of most of Compile Heart's stuff. Omega Quintet was their only decent game and I'm convinced that happened by accident.

>> No.16582101

It's been a while since I played it but if I remember correctly:

The final boss lady was sick of humans constantly fighting each other, so she decided to summon the Nightlord to give people a foe to unite against. Except the Nightlord wasn't some crazy tyrant like she expected, and he ended up falling for her. She betrayed him and killed him, releasing the blood that created all the monsters. Humanity now had a foe to unite against like she wanted. They had preistesses or whatever stand against the monsters but it was really a ruse and they were never supposed to actually win. It was meant to be a perpetual war. Or something.

Like I said it's been a while but I remember it making sense when I played it.

>> No.16584575

I seriously question your opinions if you're trying to suggest that a technology demo cobbled together from an alpha build of the Neptune VII engine was a "quality CH" release.

I do get were you're coming from though, but I wouldn't consider Omega Quintet a win by any stretch of the imagination.

>> No.16585121

Best town theme.

>> No.16586008

It's far and away the best game they've made. It's not great but it's solid, which is a massive improvement over everything else they've done. The writing is poor but far better than the lolsorandom meme shit in the Neptunia games. The combat system is decent, the maps are actually fairly large and have multiple paths, and the music is solid. It's the closest thing to a good game that dev had ever gotten and likely ever will. OQ isn't great by any means but it's head and shoulders above their other stuff and not a bad game.

>> No.16586124

I really hope you're not judging the writing in Neptune based on NISA's translations. I only played the first game, but 90% of the LOLSORANDUMB humor wasn't even in the original text

>> No.16586207

Unfortunately I can't read Japanese too well yet so sadly that is all I have to go by. But really even with fantastic writing the games would still be bad. It's a shame because I love the concept and the character designs are great.

>> No.16587826

The biggest problem in nepu games is the actual gameplay. It would be better off if it was just a vn. I really dont know how compile heart gets away with recycling everything across so many games. Even fairy fencer F had assets straight from the neptunia games.

I wonder what made compile heart switch to UE4 for the new neptunia though.

>> No.16587870

Probably way easier to make good looking games and get good performance on ports while making the porting easy. Also because it seems everyone in Japan is moving to UE4 so they do it because senpais are doing it

>> No.16587905

Not Gust

>> No.16587914

gust games suffer from the low budget QUALITY experience most anime games still have.

I don't really know why most professional games with an anime aesthetic feel super doujin. I've played real doujin games that have kept my attention longer than most of these professional releases, and half the price too.

>> No.16588036

Blue Reflection has also taken less than a year to develop.

>> No.16588618

Basically this.

The thing is, I don't know if Corinne originaly protected the final boss or the first woman who was sacrified to her.

Also, you have two guys whi join you at the end of the secind chapter and one of them isn't supposed to be here. It's never reveled which one is the impostor.

>> No.16588807

i thought they cleared the two up because the scientist guy actually had the book about the lord of night. Which they NEVER bring back up again.

The trader guy was also either a pirate or a spy, he said arnice was half right when she called him both of those in the same sentence. He was also much more concerned about fulfilling his oath than actually fighting the night. If I remember correctly his oath had something to do with people in a foreign country so hes most likely a spy.

I honestly have no idea with Corrine and the previous priestesses. I don't remember the significance of the statues and those hidden rooms with the paintings. I feel that a lot of the game was never finished and the story had to be sacrificed due to budget.

Also I'm not sure how I feel about this. I want to play the game but I don't trust gust to do a good job with a game in such a short amount of time.

>> No.16588849

Damn, I forgot about the book.

Trader guy actually have severals fake names so I'm not sure he was truly from a foreign country or if he just bullshited whoever wrote him those debts letters.

The status are actually Saints turned to stone because Corrine drank their blood. Apparently being blood drained by a demon you love seems to turn you into stone. That mean Simon, the hotel guy was cucked by a half-demon lesbian.[\spoiler]

Man, now that I think about it the story was weird as fuck. At least it was entertaining. I wonder how NoA2 will turn out.

>> No.16588864

Well Yoruku2 has been delayed twice now (and the final release date is still unconfirmed) so I suppose someone in Gust convinced KT to give them more time.

>> No.16588885

I just hope the gameplay won't be as button mashy and that the love interest is actually likeable this time.

I liked the low level cap I hope they keep it

>> No.16588896

Well that still doesn't explain the paintings of the previous priestesses looking exactly like Lilysse and the end boss looking nothing like Lilysse. Also you found a map of another island inside those secret rooms. I think Arnice suspected it was another Curia place but the map is never brought up any other time in the game.

>> No.16589092

>not liking Trillion
If you liked Omega Quintet, you should give FFF a try.

>> No.16589928

For anyone who cares, there's an Arland atelier sale going on now at Japanese PSN.

>> No.16591668

I haven't been following the game too closely but depending on how similar it is to their other stuff a short dev cycle shouldn't be a big deal. If it uses a modified version of a previous game's engine and if they had the design doc and everything planned out before full development began it's not a huge stretch to get it done in less than a year. Gust games are usually pretty small in scope anyways and I doubt this will be any different. Like I said I'm not too familiar with the game but I'd have to assume it's just going to be an Atelier reskin with no alchemy and more cutscenes.

>> No.16592315

Yeah, Sophie immediately reminded me of Nep. They do look and feel very similar with super small non interactive maps, loading screens everywhere, everything but character models looking like early PS2 game and even basic dungeon controls: hit to start a fight with advantage, pointless jump button, x to pick up glowing shit on the ground and two moving speeds in a 3rd person game designed for fucking analog sticks. I wish you could change the party leader and run around with different characters like in Nep though.

And what was there in original? Lol random 2chan memes? Generic cgdct talk? God forbid - the plot stuff? In the only one direct comparison screen I've seen, there wasn't anything "important" replaced by those memes. I really don't believe Neptunia has good writing even in moon.
In fact, the lol random stuff is probably the main reason anyone buys them in the west, it's not like the games have any other gimmick than "cute girls, that are in fact game consoles, fighting a fucking console war".

>> No.16593271

Atelier is the only good series left. Everything else is garbage. Talk about CH trash somewhere else.

>> No.16594604

>Sophie immediately reminded me of Nep
I just finished playing Fairy Fencer F (which is just a Nep ripoff anyway). The biggest difference between Atelier and CH is OH GOD THE GRINDING. The areas in Nep games are also huge and empty, half the time is spent running around areas.

If you like Atelier chances are you won't enjoy Nep. Atelier "grinding" is item crafting to get the best items. You rarely have to grind components, and the item crafting is usually mentally involved (you have to keep track of all the items and the crafting path you're following). Nep is just pure grinding, grinding XP, grinding rare drops, grinding money, oh god the humanity.

The best part of Nep games are the characters and dialogue. The problem is that the game forces you to fight through dozens of hours of mindless grinding of various forms to get to the good parts.

I wish CH packaged all of their game's dialogues and cutscenes into a VN bundle or something.

But yeah, that's one thing Atelier has over most other JRPGS and even EXA_PICO to some extent. It doesn't ever feel like you're just grinding and grinding, you're always doing something new. Even when you're "grinding" components, you're usually going back to an old area, you're never sitting in one area stocking up on one type of item (due to the item limit and freshness in some games).

The level grinding you have to do in Totori is one of the lowest points in the series.

>> No.16594632

>The level grinding you have to do in Totori is one of the lowest points in the series.

What? I don't remember having to grind levels in Totori. Grinding money for the achievement though...so many Spring Cups

>> No.16594708

So hows the progress on the AT 2 retranslation? Will we get another iteration that fixes things or is the latest one good to go

That being said, is an updated iso uploaded anywhere
Havent been keeping track for a while now cause RL bs

>> No.16594766

If I remember correctly, during the first half or so you need to grind your adventurer level a bit because if you focus too much on alchemy level you'll hit monster walls and because of the time limit you need to plan out the grinding a bit.

>> No.16599141

The final version was released at the end of December. There's a link to the ISO in the OP.

>> No.16600071

Was anybody able to find a copy of the Ciel no Surge Last Message CD? If so mind sharing it please?

>> No.16603782

Is there some way to extract the speech from Atelier Iris 1? I want those audio files of the characters screaming "barrel!"

>> No.16603953

Turn off music and record it?

>> No.16604074
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Final as in they finished all the minor stuff and there's really nothing left to do, or final as in they made it as far as they got and that's it?

>> No.16604565

Try one of these.

>> No.16604601

You realise that you can just google "at2 retranslation", click the very first result and read everything about this firsthandly?

>> No.16605782

Why does /v/ hate Sophie?

>> No.16605822

Because it's objectively a mediocre game if you aren't into atelier and jrpg as whole and arguably mediocre game if you are.

>> No.16605951

You idiots might as well talk about shit games like tales games if we're gonna be out of topic

>> No.16607620

Because shitposting is louder. I'm not going to try and defend it every time some retard goes on with their shitty complaints. I thought it was excellent and I still think it's one of the only unique games left.

>> No.16607631


a mirror of a dead wiki that has no dates indicating when it was last updated isn't very helpful.

>> No.16607667

You are really lacking the brains department, you know?


>> No.16607689
File: 231 KB, 936x906, well, Google can go fuck itself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I didn't choose which results show up at the top.

>> No.16607701


and thanks for that link.

>> No.16607751

You're literally retarded.

>> No.16608491

>installed DLC on cracked Sophie
>new area with 9800 HP boss
Is that the last part of 100% completion? Looks like I have to get full-enhance, max-trait for all weapons and armors for that

>> No.16609106

Thanks a bunch, but I tried MFAudio and such and didn't get anything.

>> No.16609333

Firis prequel dlc for Sophie when? It's a huge dick move if they don't translate it. Firis releases here in two weeks and I'm getting eager to finally play it but we still haven't heard anything about that free dlc Japan got. I'd like to boot up my PS4 and play it before Firis releases.

>> No.16609534

>Is that the last part of 100% completion?
You wish.

>> No.16609681

Wait, Firis is getting released in English? Since when?

>> No.16609698

It's coming out early next month, PC included

>> No.16610002

Praise your god savior Aquagon.

>> No.16610008

You need to understand when not to use quotes on google search

>> No.16610341

>I wonder what made compile heart switch to UE4 for the new neptunia though.
Writing, debugging, maintaining, and keeping updated documentation of your homemade game engine can be a real nightmare. And that's before optimization and porting.

If you have the UE4 license, you're entitled to technical support from Epic Games, even if you have so thoroughly customized the codebase. EG also won't question why your game stars half-naked underaged anime girls.

I know this because I tinkered a lot with RPG Maker, myself.

>> No.16610474 [DELETED] 

This is my first atelier game and I'll list a few issues I have with the game.

My biggest problem with Sophie is game limitations brought on by handheld hardware. The limitations brought some really generic and empty gathering fields that are literally useless other than game padding. I would have preferred more larger fields with multiple sections.

The combat is also pretty terrible and you can get through most of the game just by spamming normal attacks in offensive. Maybe this is because I'm only playing on normal but even if the fights become "harder" it doesn't excuse the game for having really combat mechanics.

I currently have 30 hours on it and just about have 100% of the game. The crafting is the only reason why I was able to force my way through the game though. Hopefully the new atelier game will drop hand helds and we will get a much more involved game with larger maps and a lot more exploration. Seeing that Firis is also another hand held title I will probably be passing that game along with Blue Reflection. Of course I'll watch some gameplay videos when it comes out to get a better opinion on the games but as it stands I'm not a fan of llow production values that hand held

>> No.16610483

This is my first atelier game and I'll list a few issues I have with the game.

My biggest problem with Sophie is game limitations brought on by handheld hardware. The limitations brought some really generic and empty gathering fields that are literally useless other than game padding. I would have preferred more larger fields with multiple sections.

The combat is also pretty terrible and you can get through most of the game just by spamming normal attacks in offensive. Maybe this is because I'm only playing on normal but even if the fights become "harder" it doesn't excuse the game for having really combat mechanics.

I currently have 30 hours on it and just about have 100% of the game. The crafting is the only reason why I was able to force my way through the game though. Hopefully the new atelier game will drop hand helds and we will get a much more involved game with larger maps and a lot more exploration. Seeing that Firis is also another hand held title I will probably be passing that game along with Blue Reflection. Of course I'll watch some gameplay videos when it comes out to get a better opinion on the games but as it stands I'm not a fan of llow production values that handheld games force onto titles.

>> No.16610508

Oh I'd like to add that the music is wonderful too but its one of those games where it never plays long enough to actually appreciate any of it in the game.

>> No.16611099
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>> No.16611922

It's not a handheld thing, pretty sure all the games have had areas that you enter once and never come back, even on PS3.

>Maybe this is because I'm only playing on normal but
No buts, it is. You should've raised the difficulty right in the beginning. Though it's true the battles challenge your crafting more than your JRPG battle skills, crafting is the whole point of the series so that's intended.

>Hopefully the new atelier game will
It won't. They do not make major changes, especially not within one trilogy, and this one just started.

The low production values come from Gust being a small studio with a niche audience. Else we'd be having daily threads on /vg/ instead.

>> No.16612254


>> No.16618829
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>> No.16619000
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Shes a girl of age.

>> No.16623132

Is Pamela the same person in every game?

I mean Rorona found her in a dungeon, but she tells Sophie she's always lived in town. So unless Sophie is a prequel it doesn't make sense.

And if that's the case, how did she lose her tits? I thought ghosts didn't age or grow.

>> No.16623664

I have a weird problem with sophie. I've already synthesized the tier3 silver ingot, even unlocked the next one but Logy is stuck at crafting only tier2 stahlmetal weapons.

It doesn't seem like he has any event pending cause he's in the workshop even on weekends and talking to him does nothing.

>> No.16623946

Just keep playing.

>> No.16625028

No. Logy wasn't the same dude from E&L either.

>> No.16626281

So, which reseller should i go with? I'm thinking of getting a copy of The Finder while it's on reprint, but I've never used one before.

>> No.16631819

If you're referring to proxy services, your best choice is probably ordering directly at amazon.co.jp (not 100% sure, but I think they mentioned on the site that the book will be sold there as an alternative to the GUST store).

If that's not an option, you can check out the buyfag threads for proxy recommendations, but it'll most likely be more of a hassle and more expensive than amazon.

>> No.16631978

gonna ask you anons now that i have ps vita (im a poorfag and this PS Vita gave it to me since my cousin loves 3DS more)
Which Atelier would you recommend me to play. I was thinking the dusk series but i may need your suggestions in this one. Also should i go for JP PSN or the US PSN ones?

>> No.16632497

Start from Arland as you'll find one's gameplay atrocious after Dusk.

>> No.16632719

I have to agree there. When bosses only have "Attack highest HP character" and "Attack lowest HP character" as patterns, it gets stale really quick

>> No.16632946

Rorona Plus or Ayesha Plus. Both start a trilogy and are fantastic games. Unfortunately both are also the best in their respective trilogies, so it's all downhill from there. But I'd still recommend those two.

>> No.16633095
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>both are also the best in their respective trilogies

>> No.16633143

going from rorona+ to totori+ is really painful

it would be great if they release arland on pc with updated ports, but i doubt that would ever happen

>> No.16633927

Been playing Sophie and I'm currently only missing one item from creating the key of truth. I assuming I'm really close to the end of the game? Does the game just let me keep playing and finish all the side events even if I finish the main story? Does it even have new game+?

>> No.16633982

>implying it's not true

>> No.16634019

It's subjective since characters are a large part of these games. I like Meruru and Totori way better than Rorona.

>> No.16634053

I like Totori better than Rorona too but that doesn't change that her game is relatively weak.

>> No.16634096

Didn't feel weak to me.

>> No.16634099

I hasn't finished Totori and Meruru but none of the Dusk games are objectively better than other.
Ayesha had best story, Eschatology had best characters, Shallie had best gameplay.
My favorite was Eschatology because it had all the good and bad in equilibrium while Ayesha was painful to play and Shallie was painful to read.

>> No.16634265

>Ayesha was painful to play
But that's wrong. Ayesha, especially the Plus version, is probably the best playing out of all of them. The position based combat system was the best since the move to HD consoles and the world map layout and various routes between locations meant trip planning had some actual thought required. The only thing missing was item quality, but everything else was great. Ayesha also had the best environments to explore. Escha & Logy was a boring slog with worse combat and the item restocking bullshit, and Shallie had a retarded progression system.

>> No.16634478

Why is the UI such a step back in Sophie?

Want to sort/filter by color when synthesizing? Well you can't. Color isn't important at all right?

Used to being able to hold and drag-select multiple rows? Nope.

Gifting an item and want to filter by category or single out a specific item type? What, you don't like sorting by Encyclopedia and scrolling through pages looking for it. Oh, and we got rid of page down.

You've made SEVENTEEN games that have similar workflows at this point and several games have aspects that work a lot better than others. Why can't Gust finally make a consistent inventory system that is usable?

>> No.16634543

>Used to being able to hold and drag-select multiple rows? Nope.
It is actually possible, I've done it a few times. It just doesn't seem to work sometimes, no fucking clue how it is supposed to work

>> No.16634554

>play Sophie for two hours
>it randomly crashes
>realise I haven't saved once
Why the fuck doesn't this game have auto saves. Literally just killed any will I had to finish this game

>> No.16634585

UI in these games is flawed from the very beginning just because they are console games. It has filters, but ot use them you still need to scroll through million of categories/traits just to find the one you need. In any PC game it would be click "search", type few letters and get all items/traits highlighted.

>> No.16634723

Also I forgot you can't sort the synthesis list by name/level/knowledge or anything which even fucking Totori+ had.

>> No.16634755

Literally EVERYONE used to say to play Totori's game first before Rorona+ came out. Don't think it's weak

>> No.16634825

It is weak. Totori was my first game in the series, which I played back when Plus first hit the Vita, and it would have been my last if I didn't decide to try PS3 Rorona on a whim because it was cheap. Totori isn't a bad game but it's weaker than all the others, including vanilla Rorona. Totori is arguably the best protag but that doesn't make the rest of the game good, regardless of what literally EVERYONE said.

>> No.16634829

While the crashing sucks you're a fool for not saving during two hours of playing. You should be saving any time you make significant progress. This isn't classic RE or some shit, your saves aren't limited.

>> No.16634937

>tfw can't walk past a save point without sasving even if I just did 30 seconds ago

>> No.16635271

These days all games have auto saves or glowing save points all over the place so it's much easier to keep saving the game. In Sophie it's in the corner of your room that you never even look at because the cauldron is opposite from it.

Sure, it's my fault for not saving but there is no reason not to have auto saving every time you go back to your atelier.

>> No.16635421

You're in your room all the time, there's no excuse to not think "huh, maybe I should save my game" from time to time. Why just assume the game is auto-saving for you for no reason?

>> No.16635742

The save point is badly placed so you don't see it and remember you should probably save. I clearly know it doesn't have auto saving and it's partly my fault for not saving more often but you can't say not having auto saving is somehow good. There's no excuse for not having auto saving in your game if it came out within the past 15 years or so

>> No.16635811

I finally got around to starting Sophie. Why does everyone hate it again? Granted, I'm only about four hours in but it's been pretty good so far. My only gripe is that it's not always clear what you need to do to progress without going into the event page of the menu. I like the shape grid thing to determine alchemy bonuses. It's kind of simplistic but it's something that could be great if they fleshed it out.

>> No.16635832

I dunno man, saving when I get back to the atelier was just an instinctive part of my general game flow so I never worried about it too much. Agree there's not much reason not to include autosave, but this is a JRPG and honestly that feature is kind of rare in JRPGs.

>> No.16635856

>Why does everyone hate it again?

For the love of god this is not true. Also the alchemy is simpler at the start but will get more complex later in the game. They always start you off with very limited synthesis abilities but it will gradually open up as you go.

You really don't need auto save in Atelier. I like to manually save and reset anyways. I don't want it auto saving after I attempt to make some awesome item and realize that I need to reload and do something different. Saving frequently should be a habit for everyone here. It's your fault you forgot and not the games. Is this not only your first Atelier but first JRPG as well?

>including vanilla Rorona

You're full of shit. I haven't played any of the + games for any Atelier game. Just played all the regular PS3 games in order and Totori was a huge step up in both gameplay and charters in my opinion.

>> No.16635862

Autosave is for casuals. The only time it's a good thing is in something like Dark Souls where if you fuck up and die it saves immediately so you can't cheese your way out of the punishment.

>> No.16635877

>Autosave is for casuals
Go ahead and explain why you think that

>> No.16635886

Outside of Totori and Mimi the only good characters were returning from Rorona. And Totori's aimless structure and boring environments were trash. The game is a fucking ambien in digital form. The only thing it has over Rorona is graphics.

>> No.16635911

Because if you fuck up you should be punished, not load up a save right before the fight or whatever it was that ended your game. Save points guarantee that you don't lose too much progress (unless you neglect to use them, which is 100% your fault anyway) but are still faced with some kind of punishment for failure. Yes, it helps in the rare event your game crashes but those situations aren't frequent enough to justify removing all sense of punishment from a game, and really if you went two hours without saving you're a fool anyway.

>> No.16635946
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It had just as much structure as any Atelier game though and much better combat than original Rorona. Same thing with environments. Totori and Mimi alone make Totori and Meruru the best games too in my opinion. Gameplay and mechanics wise it's definitely a big step up from original Rorona. Characters are more subjective but I don't see how you can't see the jump made from original Rorona to Totori. The reason they remade Rorona was to bring it up to par with Totori and Meruru. Totori and Meruru's Plus version were just simple ports with DLC added in while Rorona was overhauled with combat/mechanics/etc. from Meruru. I didn't hate Rorona but the next two games were much better, especially Meruru.

>> No.16635962

>I don't want it auto saving after I attempt to make some awesome item and realize that I need to reload and do something different
It would obviously have normal saving on top of also having an auto save slot for auto saves.
>Is this not only your first Atelier but first JRPG as well?
I guess you don't play a lot of JRPGs if you haven't seen how they all have those big shiny save points scattered around reminding you to save. If they designed the house in Sophie better they could have had the save point be something you see every time you enter the house or do synthesis, reminding you to save. It's just bad game design, as is lack of auto saves

That type of thinking only works for games that have shiny big save points scattered around as you progress through the world. Those could all be auto saves because you are going to see it and save either way. The same can be said for going back to atelier, except they decided to hide the save point in a corner of the house you never even see if you don't actually plan on saving so there is no reminder to save, unlike with the save points scattered on your path

Also, this game has basically no punishment for dying, you only lose half of whatever materials you were carrying and you can spend 5 minutes to get them again. Literally no reason to not have auto saves when you enter your atelier

>> No.16635984

>It's just bad game design,

It's literally right there. Anon, just admit you made a mistake. It's fine but don't try to argue stupid shit. And yes, I've played plenty of JRPGs and know about shiny save points placed everywhere. Having something like that sitting there in the atelier wouldn't look good though.

>> No.16636002

are there any good jrpgs anymore? Why did the quality of games just drastically drop after the ps2?

>> No.16636031

Yes, Atelier.

>> No.16636039

There aren't any great AAA JRPGs anymore (unless you count the Xenoblade games I guess), and the gap between AA and AAA got significantly larger since the move to HD consoles. I don't think JRPGs have fallen off as much as everyone else seems to though. Outside of the original XIII I don't think any of the Final Fantasys have been less than decent, and like I said the Xenoblade games are pretty good. The problem is there haven't been any great JRPGs outside a handful of niche low budget ones.

>> No.16636069

my biggest issue with the atelier games are the really half assed stories and lack of interesting areas. I enjoy playing them but I wouldn't say they are anything special.

>> No.16636072

Yes, I should have remembered to save more often, but at the same time it's bad game design to put the only save into a corner you won't see when playing normally. I'm not saying the save point has to be some shiny beacon, I'm saying the save point should have been placed in a way where you will see it every time you go into your atelier. For example the save point could be on the wall opposite from the door and move the cauldron where the bed is and you are much more likely to save every time you enter your atelier because the save point would remind you

>> No.16636076

They're not half-assed stories at all. They're definitely special in my opinion since there's no other games like them.

>> No.16636091

Anon just stop. You're not helping yourself. Pretty sure they tell you in the beginning where to save too. We've all made dumb mistakes like this but the save point is perfectly fine where it is. There's no reason to needlessly nitpick.

>> No.16636097

The stories vary. Ayesha and Totori have decent stories, while the others are pretty poor. But the stories aren't really the focus, and the character interactions usually make up for the weak plots.

>> No.16636105

Are you seriously saying that Sophie had a good story? The entire main "story" was a train wreck. Lets have a 30 hour game with literally 5 minutes of story cutscenes and make a lot of things just conveniently happen to progress the story even though it doesn't make sense and then end it without a bang at all. I know its part of a trilogy but that doesn't excuse it for having nothing worthwhile happen or the huge lack of actual lore and world building.

>> No.16636130

It did. It's pretty much a nice relaxing slice of life game about a girl improving her alchemy and helping her town and that's what this series does well. If you don't like that fine but this is really the only series where I can get this. The games are largely about character interactions and not save-the-world plots with huge twists.

>> No.16636350

Berseria just came out and it's one of the best Tales ever made.
Hell no. I wouldn't call Arland story and characters decent but later games just CH tier garbage. People were mad at how lazy Shallie was written and then they just went on another level with Sophie. You can enjoy them all you want but they are objectively bad in this department.

>> No.16636459

i regret not getting berseria for $30 on the presidents day sale. I wonder when it will go on sale again.

>> No.16636466

Just pirate and wait for sale.

>> No.16636529

>Berseria just came out and it's one of the best Tales ever made.
After the pile of shit of Zestiria was, I seriously doubt Berseria is worth my time

>> No.16636556

Just play it you double nigger. It's a good game unlike zestiria.

>> No.16636614

You not liking them doesn't make it objective. I also strongly disagree about the comparison to CH as well and I'm not sure why you think that way. Maybe you simply like jrpgs with more traditional storylines.

>> No.16636698

Can you tell anything about Sophie's backstory outside of her having a gradma alchemist, and 2(3) childhood friends, and helping villagers? Can you tell anything about Oscar outside of him being fat, loving vegetables and having a mom? About Julio outside of him being a knight? Why Harol went so far in testing his guns he joined the fight with evil alchemist?
I can summarise any character in the game in half page paper which is in fact makes them objectively poor written.

>> No.16636838

You should have your parents take you to see a retard doctor, because I think you're retarded.

>> No.16637030 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.16637043

The characters were really forgettable in Sohpie. Margarette is the only character I liked and she didn't even have a cg.

>> No.16637709

Sophie crashed on me and I lost like an hour and honestly redoing things isn't even the annoying part. The problem is I have to figure out all of the things that I did to do them again.

I also feel like I should mention you can save from the system menu on the world map, so you don't even need to go back to the atelier to do it.

>> No.16637844

Does anybody have the password for the extra contents for Kaleido Sphere? I'd buy it myself but I'd have to spend like $50 for shipping and hours at my banana republic's customs just to get the CD.

>> No.16638966

Anyone got Shallie Plus ost yet?

>> No.16639991

Tales of Berseria
Kingdom Hearts 2.8
Digimon World: Next Order
Nier Automata
Persona 5
Ni No Kuni II
Valkyria Revolution
Tokyo Xanadu
Final Fantasy XII Zodiac Age
Kingdom Hearts 1.5 and 2.5 Remix
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Zelda Breath of the Wild

>> No.16640011

There were never AAA JRPGs, only popular Square series were and are AAA everything else is either AA or niche. But I don't really have problem with that since in the last couple of years I am more and more disappointed with AAA titles especially with FF XV which is half finished product, the only AAA game I really enjoyed in some time now is Witcher 3.

>> No.16640064

I'm talking about traditional style jrpgs with mostly turn based combat and lots of story. Some of those games are from the ps2 era, just because it had a rerelease it doesn't mean its a new game.

And your definition of jrpg is really loose, idk anybody that would describe the new zelda as a jrpg. I consider jrpg more of a genre than just a label from where a game is made.

>> No.16640126

I liked FFXV. It was definitely disappointing after all the hype and the many years of anticipation but it still turned out a decent game IMO. I liked Witcher 3 as well but it played like ass. The writing and world building were incredible but fuck that godawful combat.

>> No.16640134

Not him but back when jrpg general was still alive srpg and arpg that share elements which people play jrpg for such as characters, story progression and general aesthetics were considered jrpg as well. This is why Yoru no nai kuni, Etrian Odyssey and Ys are considered jrpg while DMC, Grimrock and Diablo are not.

>> No.16640146

Its not like XV had better combat, holding circle to attack and square to dodge is not really what you could say great combat system. Not to mention you can destroy any enemy by using muscle stimulant and magitek booster and then just spam warp strike endlessly that how I got around most difficult bosses.

>> No.16640147

>Digimon World: Next Order
He said good JRPGs.

>> No.16640158

XV's was easy to abuse but at least it wasn't entirely boring. Witcher 3 didn't have a single interesting fight. It's like a shittier Batman.

>> No.16640159

JRPG is RPG made in Japan, simple as that, it can be turn based, action, strategic, realistic, anime, cartoony etc. Only you old nostalgiafags are limiting yourself like than, that doesn't mean the rest of us are boxed in.

>> No.16640176

Well I had more challenge in Witcher 3 than with XV but that was because I usually went to kill enemies that were higher level than me. In XV I only had little problem with Ravus fight.

>> No.16640198

To be clear I do think Witcher 3 was better overall. The combat was the only aspect I disliked. XV's combat wasn't good by any means but I just found it less annoying to play. I wish FF had stuck to turn based or ATB but I guess that's a pipe dream.

>> No.16640225

There is always World of Final Fantasy.

I hope VII Remake will have good action combat if it ever comes out that is.

>> No.16640676

My bad. Haven't been keeping track and if it was mentioned before it was probably late 2016 when I was away.
So I guess just linking to unit03.net/view/Ciel_nosurge/Story works now.
I didn't know there was a password. I can't seem to find it so it is probably on the small promotional paper which sit on the side of the case when you get it. I am going to look for it tomorrow.

>> No.16640682

I seriously hope they make it turn based combat

>> No.16640724

it most likely wont be. cyber connect is doing it.

>> No.16640759

It's going to play like those old Versus XIII gameplay videos. So mediocre.

>> No.16640819

Sophie forced me to Alt+F4 the game. Dark maiden fight, both of us regenerated faster than the other one did damage, and you can't run away from a boss battle.

>> No.16640842

all the "difficult" fights are just gimmick shit. I wish the combat had more mechanics.

>> No.16640989
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Anyone else have the screen black out like this during some enemy attacks?

>> No.16641053

Happened to me during dlc mid boss fight. Boss had something like 10000% restoration from damage dealt while all of my party members had a traits for surviving with 1 hp and automatic resurrection on next turn.

>> No.16641076

I get it for some attacks too, not sure if it's actually supposed to happen

>> No.16641331

if you only play games on steam i could see why you'd think that

>> No.16641415

i got a ps3 a few years ago and played a few games at the time and was not impressed. honestly the only jrpg of last gen that i thought was really good was lost odyssey. Everything else was pretty forgettable or just bad.

>> No.16642211

Lost Odyssey wasn't even that good. Tales of Vesperia, Xenoblade, Resonance of Fate, Atelier Ayesha, Ar Nosurge, and Lightning Returns were all better.

>> No.16642349


>> No.16642983


Pandora's tower, the EO serie and radiant historia were also pretty good although I'm not sure you'll consider PT and EO traditional jrpg.

>> No.16643857

Is Rance VI worth playing?

>> No.16643954

NSFW of course: https://www.lewdgamer.com/2017/01/12/review-rance-vi/

>> No.16646022

Yes, it's supposed to be on the back of the obi.

>> No.16646705


>> No.16646945

Thank you, based Anon!

>> No.16646995

Anyone still have the nude patch for AT2?

>> No.16648160

Rate the atelier alchemist series from worst to best (excluding mana khemia ones)

>> No.16648471

This is a thing?

>> No.16648537

What the fuck is atelier alchemist series?

>> No.16648539

Like Kamidori

>> No.16649704

I've only played the Arland three and now Sophie. Are the others still worth playing?

Cause they all feel kind of same-y, and I don't care much for the cute; I just want good combat and a crafting system that ties into it well.

>> No.16649709

All three dusk games are better than Sophie, especially if you're thinking about combat/craft

>> No.16649862

Play Mana Khemia.

>> No.16650274


>> No.16650343
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>> No.16650412

Firis is a boy's name

>> No.16651195

Only a few more days until we finally get Firis. Getting excited.

>> No.16651218

I haven't even finished Sophie yet but I think I'm pretty close. I just met who I think is the last boss and was told to keep doing alchemy to progress. How much do I have left?

>> No.16651256

You're almost done.

>> No.16651792

I can't get the rumours for Light Elemental or Durak/Yasuk to show up.

I did enough of Julio's storyline to get the ore.

>> No.16654144

You need to be pretty close to the end of the story before the dragons and light elemental rumours show up.

>> No.16654150

They wont appear until postgame. You must also finish the rumor about strange rocks in Sun Moon Moor, ice/wind elementals and dragon in scar of the land.

>> No.16654151
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>still no steam page

>> No.16654159

False, I defeated the twin dragons before the final boss.

>> No.16654168

Well maybe I was just unlucky, but I'm sure about the rest.

>> No.16654181

Is this what Tsuchiya is doing now? Some awful electro music?

>> No.16654726

I can go fight Luard already.

Never seen the strange rocks rumour. Killed the dragon in a crystal in Scar before. Never saw the ice/wind elemental rumours until like an hour of just spamming piano/gifts/events/buying from Cory.

Seems like they are too strong for me right now so I guess i'll make my first upgraded equipment since the shit I made at the start of the game.

Why is despair so fucking easy?

>> No.16654766

>Why is despair so fucking easy?
it's the same as every previous game. Starting hard, then getting easier, then getting hard again in post game and dlc.
Prepare your anus for Evil King and DLC bosses.

>> No.16655561

>playing atelier on steam

>> No.16655574

I played all ateliers on ps2 and ps3 and I'm glad I don't need to buy ps4 to keep playing them.

>> No.16655679

Finally got the rumors for Durak and I'm still not quite prepared enough for him.

Went and killed Luard though who only did 1 damage.

>> No.16655809

Doesn't look too promising. The opening is really kinda boring, and I have no idea why would you take Tsuchiya to design everything and not immediately abuse him for all of your music, including the opening. If there's one thing Gust was always great at, it's music.
And honestly, I'm not too hot about the premise either. EXA_PICO was heavily dependent on its setting, and thus, all the games had interesting concepts from the start.
But I still want to believe in Tsuchiya, despite everything. The madman made Ciel Nosurge what it is from what was intended to be a low-budget companion to Ar Nosurge. He might be able to pull it off again. Or maybe not, but I think there is a possibility.
Though I'm a filthy EOP, so maybe I will never even be able to experience this one, I guess.

>> No.16655895

Honestly, I doubt that they put him into that project as director because they actually wanted his skill. The whole thing seemed more like a "we still have this free position, and it's not like you gonna have your own projects anytime soon, so take care of it" kinda thing. And since it's a joint with Toei, I doubt he has that much freedom in his decisions.

Maybe it was just a wrong impression on my side, but judging from the presentation live stream back during TGS, it didn't seem like he cared too much about the whole thing.

As for the opening animation ... yeah, it's quite boring, at least compared to the trailer for the anime side. That video seems to be the OP for the game/app tho, so maybe that on purpose. Have the action in the anime while the game is SOL stuff with girls eating cakes and giant strawberries.

>> No.16655920

After Ciel fiasco and the fact that KT doesn't give a shit about Exa Pico I doubt we'll ever see another real Tsuchiya game until he quit KT.

>> No.16656164

No loss for me here. I don't know why you guys jerk this guy off so much. Pretty sure Ciel/AT/etc is dead. KT should just let Gust focus on Atelier and stop doing things like whoring out costumes to DOA and characters to musou games.

>> No.16656193

Glad for you.

>> No.16656645

This rumour system is pretty ass when you need specific ones and they just don't show up.

>> No.16658951

>Maybe it was just a wrong impression on my side, but judging from the presentation live stream back during TGS, it didn't seem like he cared too much about the whole thing.
I thought the same thing. He looked dispirited even.

>> No.16658961

>He looked dispirited even

Post pics, i wanna see.

>> No.16659342

Is the ar tonelicon anime worht watching?

>> No.16659441

Its short so you can watch it for giggles.

>> No.16659897

The only thing that's worth it from that OVA are the songs unique to it, and they aren't even complete in it.

>> No.16660293

So, just who is the navigator in Ciel?
Is it the Nei Yuuki part of Ion's personality, or an entirely different entity altogether?

>> No.16660468

It's just a deeper level persona of Ion. There's nothing else to know about her.

>> No.16660924
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Ask and you shall receive

>> No.16660949
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Judging by screenshots 2d assests are again from Vita.

>> No.16662849 [DELETED] 

PC gamers get half-assed ports as they deserve.

>> No.16663267 [DELETED] 


>> No.16663285

Why does it have a Japanese title when there is no Japanese text in it?

>> No.16663409

What. Since when do we get PC releases before it's even out on PS4?

>> No.16663418

Same day on all platforms.
I unironically love English version of opening. Though the opening itself is the weakest since ps2 ateliers.

>> No.16663420

>Same day on all platforms.
Unless you're an yurofag, then you get it three days later.

>> No.16664462

What? The opening is the same as the JP one.

>> No.16664589

Eng http://store.steampowered.com/app/527290/
JP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGet02vXGzA

>> No.16664690


What did he mean by this?

>> No.16665068

Did they actually fucking dub the OP? How fucking useless can KT be?

>> No.16665620

What the fuck? The Japanese one will play if you have the audio set to JP, right? Who the hell wants an English dubbed opening? I better not have to cancel my amazon order.

>> No.16665973

Thank fuck I'm not this autistic.

>> No.16666584

It's not autistic to want the original. I thought they learned from the Ayesha fiasco not to do shit like this. Its already a dick move to not give us the Sophie epilogue dlc but they better at least include the original opening.

>> No.16666752

It's a video you'll likely watch once or twice and skip every other time. Just YouTube the fucking thing.

>> No.16666937

It's about principal. There is absolutely no reason to have the girl sing the song in Engrish and not include the original. Their job is to simply translate the text and not fucking change anything. Dubfags can have their shitty English dialogue/opening but goddammit it better have all the original audio as well. And yes that includes the opening song. You're on /jp/, you should be prepared for autism.

Hopefully I'm overreacting and the original will in fact be in the release if you change your language settings.

>> No.16667406

you mean "principle"

his "principles" prevent him from enjoying things. don't bother engaging further, zealots cannot be reasoned with.

>> No.16667478

Fuck yourself. I'm still going to buy and enjoy the game. I don't like shitty localization though.

>> No.16667495

>shitty localization
>not fucking change anything
you really don't get how translation works, do you?
You should take your own advice and fuck yourself. Retard.

>> No.16667517

No, I do. The only thing they're supposed to do is translate the text. Yes, language doesn't convert perfectly into one another and thus requires some liberties to be taken. They're supposed to not change any of the content of the game and do a good, accurate translation without losing the original meaning too much. Changing the opening song is indeed a shitty thing to do in my opinion. It's pointless and unnecessary. The point is to be minimalistic because the audience playing these games knows about Japanese anime/culture and doesn't need extensive localization done to it. And no, one song change is not extensive but still irksome nonetheless. That being said it's still unconfirmed whether the original actually is in it or not.

>> No.16668120

Its the principle of the thing. I like English dubs as much as the next person but dubbing over the music, especially when they can't even be assed to fully dub these games as it is is really shitty. Music is something that can't be dubbed and work because simply changing the voice changes the music. In addition, it gives off the possibility that the original version of the OP isn't in the game, and that's especially awful for anyone who wants to enjoy the music as it was. Sure, its only one small part of the game, but it is a part of the game all the same. KT fucks up enough things as it is. They don't need to add something else to the pile.
I'm hoping it means they intend on later adding Japanese text post-release. It wouldn't make sense otherwise

>> No.16668231

As someone who turning of voices in the games that don't unclude jap audio, I must say the english opening is actually bretty good. This is the second time I can appreciate english version since Vesperia's opening (which was originaly english). I thought it's the same VA just decided to sing in english for a second.
That said neither english or japanese are my native languages so I might see things differently.

>> No.16668370

English sounds like a much foreign language compared to japanese.

There is something definitely wrong with me.

>> No.16669869

So how was Firis on Vita? Playable as Sophie or did the open world kill the fps?

>> No.16671153


I didn't think it sounded THAT bad. Besides, I usually watch the opening once and skip afterwards.

>> No.16672703

It...it actually sounds okay

>> No.16673924


>> No.16674028

>I don't know why you guys jerk this guy off so much.
Maybe that's because Exa Pico world building is fucking amazing and these games always have top tier soundtrack? Waifu pandering is the icing on the cake.

>> No.16677291 [DELETED] 

So did western release Firis really didn't have a limited edition?

I was planning to scan the artbook from my jp LE but it's coming out for PC so I'll just keep it for myself

>> No.16677310

Does anyone know the name of that AT2 track that plays in some of the most emotional scenes. Can't remember exactly but I know it plays in the Phase 3 scene with Cocona for a very short time, the reveal scene at the end of the Level 4 Infelsphere and a few others. I tried looking through the music hall but can't seem to find it for some reason.

>> No.16677577

I think I found a video that had some of the tracks to the Last Message CD, sadly I can't understand what is being said so I can't confirm if it really is from the contents of the CD.

You'll need an account to watch though.

>> No.16677805 [DELETED] 

What does the artbook have to do with the PC release?

>> No.16678098
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>they added pre-purchase discount 10 hours before release

>> No.16678371

Holey shit KT actually responded to people this time.
>Japanese interface and subtitle will be added soon. Thank you for your patience.
Maybe they'll even read about low res interface and fix it

>> No.16678605

That video is just some voice mails you get.
He did say he might upload the last message cd if people want it but that account doesn't have a video for it and that video is from 2015

>> No.16678641 [DELETED] 

It means fuck pc players

>> No.16679203
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>Niche JRPG where nothing happens
>10% discount
>£49.99 down to £44.99

What an utter joke. I know TK are extremely well known for having stupidly overpriced titles on Steam but that's just silly. Sophie and Nights of Azure had a decent price point at £24.99 so I was expecting Firis to be around £29.99 or so but the fact they want nearly double the price of a fucking AAA game for a digital copy of a niche JRPG is absurd. It's hard to show my support when prices are this disgusting.

>> No.16679225

I agree, but see no better option.

It's a reasonable price for a niche PS title, and making the price lower on PC would make the console players equally angry, if not more.

>> No.16679272

Gotta blame pirates that nobody buying this.

>> No.16679309


Oh, the argument is no different for the physical and digital side for PS4 users, I'm well aware as I'm one of them too. I could have ordered a physical CE from NISA straight from America back in the day and gotten a copy of Gust titles for roughly that price TK is asking for. No goodies, no delivery from America, just the game itself (if you don't buy it digitally). If TK is wanting me to pay £50 for a digital copy they're sorely mistaken. I can easily pirate this and/or just wait until it goes on sale. I'm not supporting this kind of business practice. If it sells like shit it's entirely their own fault.

To put things into perspective:

PS4 physical copy of Firis: £49.99
Steam digital copy of Firis: £49.99 (with a £5 discount)
Nier Automata on PC, out next week: £30
Wildlands on PC, just released: £30
Shadow of War on PC, half a year left until it releases: £30
Idea Factory JRPGs on PC on release: £25-30
Bamco (known for also being pricey) Tales games on PC on release: £39.99 (a normal RRP).

>> No.16679362

That was too fast, I still haven't beaten light elemental.

>> No.16679419 [DELETED] 

That's dumb. Especially since one way or another, its extremely important for digital artwork to be available once books go out of print. I've had this happen too many times with imports. Its too early to worry about such things I know, but having suffered this to the point where now some OOP artbook imports go for hundreds of dollars used that haven't been scanned in any capacity, its not something I'd wish on anyone.

>> No.16679714


>> No.16679746

>PC version will have Japanese UI and interface options
This is new. Finally this won't be just a Western exclusive thing

>> No.16679851

Now to decide if I want to play it for reading practice and spend 100 hours on it or just go with the translation and finish in 50 hours

>> No.16679856

Go for reading practice. You'll get more out of it in the long run

>> No.16679919

I guess it's true that pcfags don't pay for things. 60 is the standard for new games, this isn't surprising at all. Just got my ps4 copy today which was around 70 with tax and 2 day shipping. I have no problem paying this much for Atelier.

>> No.16679930

I just didn't buy it since I already paid full price for Nier Automata and haven't finished Sophie yet. Its too much money to shell out in too short a time. I don't mind the $60 price tag. Its weird that people are getting up in arms over the price considering that's the price of every brand new game that ever comes out

>> No.16679978


I know you're just shitposting for the sake of shitposting but for you, in your country, it may be normal but £50 is not the normal price point for games. Most games sell around £39.99 and that's for large titles, not a small budget niche JRPG. £50 is approaching collectors edition territory and considering you get absolutely nothing with Firis it's hard to justify their decision for such a price. I'd gladly throw down that money, as I've done for EVERY Gust game prior, but there's no incentive to do so this time. No CE, no extras and overpriced for just the game and nothing else.

>> No.16680004

You should get used to $1 = £1 = 1€ now. Your currency isn't as strong as it was a year ago and prices will reflect that.

>> No.16680041


Except it doesn't. Nobody will deny the currency is weaker but it's nowhere near a 1:1 conversion rate. And no other games in recent memory have sold for that price except TK's stuff. Take a look at their catalogue yourself on Steam. They frequently pump out mediocre titles that are priced at £50-60. I'm honestly surprised Nights of Azure and Atelier Sophie weren't priced at £50 each too, now that I think about it.

>> No.16680051
File: 13 KB, 665x255, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's 59,99€

>> No.16680091


I'm aware it is. And funnily enough you're paying the most for it too.


Regardless you may be used to paying out of pocket for vidya but I'd say most people aren't going by other comments I've seen. If I'm going to be paying a premium, which I'm more than happy to do, at least give me a reason to do so.

Regardless of pricing it seems to run like shit similar to Sophie and Azure before they got patched so other Anon's may want to hold off until a fix appears. Seems to crash a fair bit too.

>> No.16680101

How is Firis? Is it worth the full price or should I wait for a sale?

>> No.16680118

It's been out for literally two hours.

>> No.16680142

Apparently the ps4 version has higher quality textures and assets. PC screwed over again.

>> No.16680177

Post source.

>> No.16680197


It seems to have lots of performance and crash issues as well. Typical KT giving us a half assed port but still asking full price for it.

>> No.16680351


>> No.16680380 [DELETED] 

Blame KT not me, or buy the LE yourself. Fuck PC players

>> No.16680413 [DELETED] 

Can you get back in /v/ with your platforme shitposting? Thanks.

>> No.16680451

I guess I'll have to pirate Firis and see if it even works at all

>> No.16680515

Just posting to confirm that the original opening is indeed not included in the ps4 version. It does at least change the part where Firis says "atelier firis" to Japanese if you have that language selected.

>> No.16680569

>intentionally wanting versions of a game to be worse than necessary

>> No.16680573

Sounds like a case of the "consoles". There is no cure.

>> No.16680579

I just don't understand why anyone would have malicious will towards others. It doesn't benefit anyone for KT to be incompetent. I'd rather not see this place suffer /v/'s platformwar shitposting

>> No.16680665

There's been one guy sitting around these threads trying to do it for months now. I recall asking about PC ports half a year ago or so and was instantly hit with "hurr durr shitty PC user" shitposting from one guy and it seems today is no different. Thankfully the vast majority of us are civil and don't care about silly stuff like platforms so it's not a huge problem. Just report the shitposter if you see him and move on.

>> No.16680673

i'm not really upset that the pc port is inferior but I am upset that they are charging full price for it. I'll wait for a sale. I'm sure Blue Reflection will suffer from the same issues.

>> No.16680820


on the bright side, by then some modders will fix the game by then so it's playable with a computer that's only 3x as powerful as the console it was meant for, and probably have a another mod for a HQ texture pack ripped from the console version.

>> No.16680854

I really hope there's a timeskip somewhere, she's just a little kid.

>> No.16680954


>Score: 65%

"The clumsiest Atelier title since Rorona, Atelier Firis lacks the heart, soul, and polish of its predecessors."

Are they right?

>> No.16680968

Sure seems that way right now, but I'm barely two hours in. It may be too early to tell.

>> No.16680996

>English PC port of Firis is out
>I haven't even started my Japanese Firis preorder
>I haven't even started Sophie DLC
I hate having a job sometimes.

>> No.16681102

>The clumsiest Atelier title since Rorona
But Rorona is best Atelier, that means something good.

>utterly forgettable soundtrack
Forget about it, this is guy probably didn't even play it more than an hour.

>> No.16681106

>But Rorona is best Atelier
Maybe, if you're referring to Rorona Plus. The original Rorona was trash, though.

>> No.16681180


It was kinda good.. at the time. It just suffered from Gust being inexperienced with their engine and working on the PS3. Thankfully the next entries made up for it.

>> No.16681183

I'm like 3 or 4 hours in and so far Firis and her sister are both annoying. Firis's seiyuu being a newbie is showing. I also hate the siscon archetype of Liane. They should've just made Sophie the protagonist again because her and Plachta are so much better. I'll keep playing and see if it gets better but Sophie was a lot better so far.

Also the huge open areas make it feel weird. It's a lot different from previous games. LP + the time limit really prohibit me from wanting to actually explore them. I think they spread their voice acting budget too thin as well. I defend Sophie and do in fact think it was excellent but right now Firis feels like it's starting off kind of weak.

>> No.16681209

Go play something else if you want older women.

>> No.16681396

You can't spell "disgusting" without "gust"

>> No.16681407
File: 303 KB, 578x471, firefox_2017-03-07_18-32-59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how Firis sales will compare with this.

>> No.16681425

I'd reckon they'll be about 40-50% lower because of that price. Other titles like NIER that are coming out soon will affect that negatively as well. Overall this is a very bad time to launch the game because it's very crowded with AAAs and hyped titles.
I hope they don't go bankrupt. How did the game fare in Japan?

>> No.16681435

They will definetly be lower

>> No.16681440

Yeah, this usually happens with ports. Especially from KT. There's games with decent ports like MGR but those are a diamond dozen. Run it on 1 core and pray it doesn't have dx problems like Sophie and NoA did.

>> No.16681445
File: 211 KB, 776x528, firefox_2017-03-07_23-01-20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Less than 100 people playing on launch day.

>> No.16681454

I take those numbers back then, that's just pitiful.

>> No.16681471

I'm still playing Hollow Knight and probably won't even bother with Firis until I'm done with Nier. Finished 50 hours of Sophie just a few days ago and I might just wait for the Japanese text for Firis too

Really bad timing to release, would have been better next month

>> No.16681487

First Atelier game on PC. Mostly decent launch (the CPU thing was fixed quickly, I believe?). Very acceptable price point. Compare that to a game that is 30GB larger for no reason, is crashing frequently, runs like shit for many people and is releasing with not only TWICE the price point but also in a release window that is laughable at best. Switch just released, Horizon getting a lot of hype, Nier is out on console and next week on PC. Why would the average Joe spend that money on Firis when he can buy Nier for nearly half the price?

You could argue "But Anon, those aren't JRPGs!" but on Steam alone we've had Sophie, Berseria, Fairy Fencer and Azure in the past month or so on top of everything else available. It pains me to say it but there's just no reason to purchase Firis in its current situation, at least not until they fix the performance issues and maybe drop the price point down a little.

>> No.16681502

>Mostly decent launch (the CPU thing was fixed quickly, I believe?)
How long did it take (including the user-based hack)?

>> No.16681509

Nier Automata, Zero Escape: The Nonary Games, Toukiden 2, Monster Monpiece, and Senran Kagura: Estival Versus are all coming out in the same month as Firis.

There's too much competition.

>> No.16681510


User based? I have no idea. Official patch? 4 days, according to Steam time stamps and the release date shown.

>> No.16681516

Firis isn't actually 30GB in size. Its about half that.

>> No.16681520

IIRC I saw thread in Steam page about DLL file fix before official patch. Used that and it ran much better.

>> No.16681653

That's because the main player base for Atelier games is on PS4. Nobody ever expected it to do great on PC. They're just cashing in on a few extra steambux because it's cheap to port.

>> No.16681665

I doubt the PS4 sales are too good either. Didn't Japs say the game is shit too?

>> No.16681667

It's better than Totori, Escha & Logy, and Shallie.

>> No.16681696

EL yes but the other two no. Totori is one of the best.

>> No.16681795
File: 115 KB, 850x774, happy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I played AT1/AT2 (retranslation and original localization) 100% and loved them, but I'm not a huge JRPG guy aside from those two games. Is Atelier worth getting into?

>> No.16681867

Is there a comprehensive list or spreadsheet for combing traits somewhere?

>> No.16681880


some of the things are wrong but it is pretty obvious

like the defense attributes follow the same pattern as everything else and they certainly don't require attack traits

>> No.16681925


>> No.16681938

Yeah open world does not fit this series. I hope they go back to the world map in the next game. The areas are way too needlessly giant.

>> No.16682012

i hear that the main problem with the big world is the time constraints. The game doesn't actually let you explore the world at all.

>> No.16682159


Expected, most people still haven't finished Sophie and people new to the franchise wouldn't buy a sequel without playing the previous game first.
And as said previously it's a bad time to release a game with both Nier and Senran Kagura releasing the same day on steam.

>> No.16682183

Lol at that RPG Fan article.
>"As a result of going bigger at the expense of attention to detail, Atelier Firis is a considerable step backward from Atelier Sophie."

I'm six hours into Firis, and it's ranking much better than Sophie. Firis actually feels like a lived in world than the Sophie's lifelessness.

>> No.16682187

>both Nier and Senran Kagura releasing the same day on steam
You mean ten days later.

>> No.16682190

It took less than one day I believe.

It was the only patch they released, there's still issues and they said they were monitoring them but there's currently nothing. Everything had to be fixed by modders.

>[Fixed by Koei Tecmo]

- 100% used CPU, causes overheating

- Sluttering, framerate drops when 3D models are shown

[Still not fixed]

- Missing DLCs (Thanks to Dandy Andy for the temporary fix)

- Framerate drop at menu and cauldron screens (Thanks to Lily for the temporary fix)

- Low resolution 2D assets

Typical KT behaviour if you ask me, they judged the current state of the game "good enough" so I doubt they will bother to release another patch.

>> No.16682359

It is expected how terrible this month is to launch a small budget game like Firis.

>> No.16682510

They're selling Firis at near full price, I don't really think it will do well.

>> No.16682543


Atelier is a different ballgame to Ar tonelico so if you're not a huge fan of JRPGs you're probably not going to enjoy it. Atelier is heavily focused on being the little girl, collecting items, making things and talking with your friends. It's extremely comfy but it's an acquired taste for sure.

Worst case scenario you could try Sophie for a few hours on Steam and then refund it before 2 hours of playtime if you're not enjoying it. Or pirate it, I suppose, though Sophie is reasonably priced.

>> No.16682554

Have you played recettear or kamidori? That's basically it +better crafting and worse combat.

>> No.16683224 [DELETED] 

Firis on PC looks worse than ps3 ateliers on PC. Outlines looks like like they are rendered in 480p and everything is blurry as hell. It's like they thought Sophie being a half decent port hurt their reputation so they had to compensate it.

>> No.16683234

Firis on PC looks worse than ps3 ateliers. Outlines looks like they are rendered in 480p and everything is blurry as hell. It's like they thought Sophie being a half decent port hurt their reputation so they had to compensate it.

>> No.16683440

Puni Mating Press

>> No.16683489
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Why is this allowed?

>> No.16683504

What's wrong with long ponytails?

>> No.16683590

Do you think Fritz modeled her anus and vagina? Or she's smooth down there?

>> No.16683592
File: 2.69 MB, 1920x2158, A17_2017_02_11_11_08_18_141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is texture comparsion. The game is straight vita port unlike Sophie.

>> No.16683609
File: 129 KB, 248x248, eyJ1cmwiOiJodHRwczovL2Rpc2NvcmQuc3RvcmFnZS5nb29nbGVhcGlzLmNvbS9hdHRhY2htZW50cy82MTc2MjAxOTQ0MjgyMzE2OC8yNjUwMDYxNjYxOTM2MDI1NzkvQ3ozdjgzSVVVQUFDY0hZLnBuZyJ9.uDPw2d1J0tfNyaM1PdChnKbyxzM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't remember do we have any scenes of her eating or drinking in Sophie? If yes then she should get it out somehow. And then he could also make her a vagina for symmetry.

>> No.16683623

>Leon asks questions about what kind of girl she is
>End result is a costume for a whore

>> No.16683630

There's this one scene where Sophie finds Plachta drinking tea at the cafe. Plachta can't taste but she can FEEL THE COMPOSITION of the tea so she gives the barman tips on how to improve it.

>> No.16683636

Current Firis issues on PC: http://steamcommunity.com/app/527290/discussions/0/135511027316089044/#c135511027316121070

1. Low 2d texture resolution - unfixable
2. GPU performance issues during synthesis - The gpu is clocking down during synthesis. This can be fixed in the nVidia control panel if you have an nVidia card. Funnily enough Sophie "solved" this by rendering the 3D world under the 2D UI at all times, so the gpu load stayed high enough to prevent downclocking.
3. High GPU usage - the game just seems to be rather heavy on the GPU side. The PS4 version doesn't fare too well either, so this doesn't look like a PC-specific issue.

The bad news on this one is, the temperatures are pretty high so it seems like the GPU usage is "real" usage, not the "fake" usage in Atelier Sophie, so the chances of an easy fix are very slim. I'd like to try GPU profiling it, but I don't have a copy of the game.

4. Shadow bug - this one is out of my league, I don't have graphics experience.

5. Other issues I've seen, but don't seem to be widespread:
Video playback crashing on fullscreen - probably 3rd party conflict.
Game won't start up - hard to fix without breaking the EULA.

>> No.16683653

Where do I find Levi/Revy? I made him the key and he offered to join, but I can't find him anywhere. Should I move to next location?

>> No.16683662

> 1. Low 2d texture resolution - unfixable
It can be fixed by making a mod with PS4 pro textures, there is no guarantee anyone will bother modding it though.
Also there is some shadow bug and outlines looks like they ignore the ingame resolution and renders at 544p or 720p.

>> No.16683687

Is there any way to forcefully anti-alias the outlines? They look extremely jaggy and it's very off-putting. I was thinking it was the AO not rendering properly but even after disabling that in nVidia it seems to be the same.

>> No.16683698

You can try apply FXAA but this will make the game even more blurry.

>> No.16683702

Yeah I tried that before and it made everything very muddy without actually fixing the outline problem.

>> No.16683922

No, the same day. Both Senran and Nier are releasing March 17 on Steam. They are releasing on the same day as each other

>> No.16683972

Why does Firis feel like a straight-up downgrade from Sophie? Not even talking about shit port with no graphics here.
The combat is even worse on top of having no fast-forward function, synthesis is too similar to how it was in Sophie(normally it feels completely different with each new game), locations are empty and lack detail. Especially the atelier tent, looks like empty shit compared to Sophie's comfy and messy atelier
I like the exploration gimmick, caves with no minimap would be fun if they were actually big(hope they get bigger later), but absolutely everything else is same or worse.

>> No.16684170

That's how it seems so far at least. The whole point of having an open world is to explore it but having LP on top of the time limit makes it tedious. The actual areas look nice though but it just doesn't feel like an Atelier game and I'm having a weird time getting used to the pace. Like I've only got one letter of recommendation so far but I've already burned a lot of days by just not knowing what I'm doing.

We'll see though, I don't want to be too overly critical just yet and I'm assuming things will improve after the timed portion is over. I honestly like this series with or without time limits but in this case it really feels like there shouldn't be one. At the very least, LP serves no good purpose. They should at least let you save at the bonfires instead of having to actually go into the Atelier every time. And the portable Atelier thing does feel lifeless too. They really just changed the game a lot by making it focus on traveling and exploration instead of having one or two well designed base-of-operations. I actually wouldn't be surprised if it was TK that made them go open world or something.

>> No.16684219

Firis feels like a much more likable protagonist than Sophie.

>> No.16684239

Are you kidding me? Sophie is way more likeable and better overall. They should've hired a competent seiyuu for Firis instead of handing out lead roles to people with no experience.

>> No.16684270

I'm not talking about seiyuu, though I agree in this part. Sophie was a very characterless protag.

>> No.16684292

I disagree, Sophie was one of the best characters in a while. Guess this kind of thing is always subjective no matter how you look at it.

>> No.16684384
File: 2.30 MB, 1920x2156, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I compared PC version to the video of PS4 pro version and it looks like PS4 pro has the same jaggy outlines and weird shadows. PS4 pro however have ssao and global elumination that PC is lacking. SSAO could be easily added but lightings are impossible to fix, which makes me very sad because it was one of the thing that I was excited to see in Firis.
I don't even remember seeng Sophie get very sad, or very mad, or very excited. If it wasn't for the game she is in, I would thought there going to be some twist with her actually not having emotions and just trying to act like a normal person because I act exactly like Sophie in real life.

>> No.16684387

I'd say that was a problem with Sophie (the game) in general, rather than of the individual characters.

To me, all the characters, as well as their interactions felt really shallow. Aside from their (short) side story elements (which were limited to Sophie x that one single person, except for the three friends), there wasn't really much to write home about. Just like how it didn't mater who you had in your party. Supposedly the whole cast was with you all the time, but you sure didn't notice anything of that aside those random comments on the map.

I don't know what it's like in any of the other recent Atelier games, but I thought that part was quite disappointing.

>> No.16684628
File: 1.69 MB, 1920x1080, A18 2017-03-09 00-43-31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I added some sharpness and ambient occlusion, now, I think, the game looks a bit closer to PS4 pro. Also it appears the textures are actually from PS4 or even PS4 pro and not from Vita, they just were blurred by HDR like everything this game and I'm glad I was able to fix at least this.

>> No.16684646
File: 1.50 MB, 1920x1080, A18 2017-03-09 00-53-49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vanila for comparsion.

>> No.16684689

I figured out the updated archive format and image format, but I'm too lazy to make a full extractor that no one would actually use.

So reply to this post if you would actually use the models/textures/data files/script for something.

>> No.16684775

How exactly did you fix this?

>> No.16684780

My main beef is with the cellshading jaggies, they're horrible. Even through all the blur, they're jaggy

>> No.16684792 [DELETED] 

Reshade injection. I

>> No.16684824

Reshade injection. I can tell you how to apply it if you want.

>> No.16684827

That would be great if you could, thanks!

>> No.16684842

Try somewhere else/ask again in the future, some people may be interested but now is not a good time since the game has to compete with many other release.

>> No.16684888

How did they mess Firis up so badly? Sophie was good but this is not an Atelier game.

>> No.16684904

I've been trying to pass through spam filter for 20 and gave up

>> No.16684908

20 min*

>> No.16684916

Is it one-time installation or do you have to start the program every single time?

>> No.16684928

One time for one game.

>> No.16685047

>Totori is one of the best
This meme needs to die. Totori is hands down the weakest Atelier since the series moved to PS3. You wanting to fuck Totori doesn't make her game good.

>> No.16685054

I don't want to fuck her though and I'm a yuri fan. Her game really was good though. I wasn't aware that thinking Totori was good is a meme now. The characters and setting were great and the soundtrack is one of my favorites. Didn't we already argue this already?

>> No.16685067

>I don't want to fuck her
Does anyone want to fuck Totori at all? Beside Mimi

>> No.16685271

Can we expect Gust/KT to fix that GPU problem in Firis?

>> No.16685285

There is no GPU problem, just shitty optimisation. Even ps4 run it at 720p.

>> No.16686308

Why the hell don't they let you warp to different areas on the world map?

>> No.16686527

"It's the user's fault that this game sold terribly." lamented Mr. Koei, while his tatami mat catches on fire from his video card and cpu simultaneously overheating trying to render the game's 720p graphics.

"This has nothing to do with us and everything to do with them. Well, we'll show them by never releasing another Atelier game on PC."

>> No.16686546


That's honestly the part that rustles my jimmies the most. They could have easily circumvented this scenario a number of ways but instead we have an overpriced, badly optimised, badly ported game that is releasing in the middle of not only a handful of other JRPGs but other GOTY contenders too. And they'll look at their shitty sales and wonder why they even bothered because it's apparently our fault, not theirs.

>> No.16686606

You should be vocal about this then. Tweet them or something

>> No.16686629

Don't bother explaining KT's reasoning, I'm sure they spend no more than few hours on whole thing, throwing it in public and never looking back unless there is some issue that could make them sued.
The whole reason they made this hybrid of vita, ps4 and ps4 pro was probably because copypasting resources consumed less time than writing code.

>> No.16686694


Well for one the damage is done. But be vocal about what exactly? The game is out already. The game itself is a vita port. The game itself runs like ass and, according to others, it's not a simple fix like Sophie and Azure were. The game released at possibly the worst time it possibly could. And Tecmo Koei will never budge from their pricing. It's essentially pissing in the wind trying to contact them. I'm aware that nothing will change if nobody speaks up but that only works if there's someone there on the other side to listen.

>> No.16686759

Does anybody else fucking hate Liane? She's so damn annoying.

>> No.16686817

>And Tecmo Koei will never budge from their pricing
Can confirm that.
Bladestorm was probably one of their worst port and it's still sold at full price.

>> No.16686821

So, it's better to buy the PS4 version?

>> No.16686835

It would be much cheaper for once.
Or you could pirate it and see if your computer can handle it if you really want it on PC.

>> No.16688018


It's hard to say. Cost is the same, at least in the UK. PS4 has much better graphical fidelity since the PC version is a Vita port. PS4 version also runs smoothly. PC has the benefit of small hacks and mods that can potentially "fix" and mod the game for the better but as it stands right now you'd have a much better experience on the console. Maybe give it a week and see if they fix the non-existent optimisation on the PC.

>> No.16688228

>PC version is a Vita port
See >>16684628
Also apparently the game runs in 720p on PS4

>> No.16688779


Not-Ar-Tonelico trailer. The UI looks suspiciously like the Blue Reflection UI (diamonds, simple white icons).

>> No.16688934
File: 2.15 MB, 1920x2160, A18 2017-03-09 22-08-07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wooden barn from outside
>stone house from inside
Alchemy is truly amazing.

>> No.16689266

How did Japanese players receive the open world? Do you think the next one will go back to the usual style or try open world again?

>> No.16690032

I can't get over the interface in Blue Reflection, it looks neat and all but that particular minimalism is outright invasive. I guess it fits the overall look and feel of the game but I personally think it's a tad overdone.

>> No.16690056

>get to the boat city and find Ren, a licensed alchemist
>entire time I'm there doing the events I keep wondering why they never mention the letter of recommendation
>finally get the boat made and expecting them to mention it before I board it
>only after you cross the water sprout does Firis finally mention 'hey, we forgot to ask Ren for a letter of recommendation"
>go back and she still tests you even though you just made a fucking boat

Not going to lie, this was pretty dumb. Firis might be clinically retarded. I can see why her parents were afraid of letting the little tard out into the world.

>> No.16690062

What else you expect from a result of inbreeding within a small village.

>> No.16691227

To be fair, most atelier protagonists hail from small villages with a good chance of inbreeding going on.
Firis' village is far more isolated though, so the chances are much higher.

On other hand, if we remember that in the Dusk series most alchemists are basically bred throughout centuries, with Altugles, Maliers, and possibly Argos' and Elminus' descending from ancient alchemist clans, maybe inbreeding is a mandatory requirement for cultivating talent in alchemy

>> No.16691244

Anyone figure out how the BGM DLC pack works on steam?


It launches the game like the other, but there is no DLC trigger in the Atelier saying its installed like the free costumes did.

>> No.16693591

I hope atelier sales went to shit so hard it won't get localized ever again

>> No.16693660


>> No.16694038

Here is Sophie afterstory DLC summary

>> No.16694121

New bread?

>> No.16694195

Fuck off.

>> No.16694338
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