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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1.53 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16808004 No.16808004 [Reply] [Original]

Post your living space here's my living room.

>> No.16808011

how is it so clean I mean why isn't there stuff on the floor

>> No.16808070

I clean like 3 times a day... OCD and what not

>> No.16808075
File: 199 KB, 1280x1024, Picture 82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not to be /a/ here, but Lucky Star is seriously a bad anime. I like your patchy, though.

Here you go anon.

My webcam is a regular piece of shit with no view angle part 1.

>> No.16808077

Is that a stack of game informers? Is this a picture from 10 years ago?

>> No.16808080
File: 213 KB, 1280x1024, Picture 83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Part 2.

>> No.16808086

Lucky Star makes me feel /comfy/

They still send them to me...

>> No.16808090
File: 1.43 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Op part 2

>> No.16808097

the cleanliness and organization is literally triggering me

>> No.16808101


I left my shoes on the floor...

>> No.16808118

Thanks friend. I love lucky star, great setup. Doesn't look like you've had friends over recently though, shame.

>> No.16808120


O-o-o-one friend came by to play smash bros... like yesterday

>> No.16808138

My wire shelving came in so I will take a picture of my collected shit-tier niwaka goods sometime this week. Please look forwards to it.

>> No.16808144


I cant wait to see! I love it when people share what they love!

>> No.16808199

Do you live by yourself? Very nice. I hope I can afford such a home one day.

>> No.16808408


Yup i live by myself

>> No.16808434

How old are you OP

>> No.16808445


>> No.16808473

>one shoe
>a mess
i smell a normie

>> No.16808476


Nah just OCD. My bedroom is much worse

>> No.16808487
File: 148 KB, 600x470, get out.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16808547
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>> No.16808559

looks good. can we get a close-up shot of your figures?

>> No.16808565
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>> No.16808571
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>> No.16808577
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>> No.16808649

nice. thanks.

>> No.16808720
File: 62 KB, 640x390, My_house.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16808917

It's nothing more than an old armchair in the corner of my patents basement, a sleeping mat and some pillows and blankets, and a makeshift table for my food.

>> No.16809530
File: 1.53 MB, 6000x4000, DSC_0009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had some issues with my dorm so I'm staying at my parents for the time being.

>> No.16812046

One of your monitors are really oxidised

>> No.16813206


i like it

>> No.16813300
File: 397 KB, 1024x1852, battlestation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Older pic of my desk since it's a little too messy for a photo now

>> No.16813303
File: 282 KB, 998x1330, figures.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Newer pic from my living room since I recently rigged up more display lights. The plushes are my SO's

>> No.16813324
File: 231 KB, 1247x935, comfystation2a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16813372

my dream is to live with /jp/ in a comphy mansion... i mean, i live in one already, but i hide in a dark hole in the corner to avoid my parents. i want to share ownership with other jpsies but i have no money being a socially retarded NEET in a 40% unem/underemployment economy...

>> No.16813373 [DELETED] 
File: 1.12 MB, 3264x1836, IMG-20170404-WA0000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My otaku place

>> No.16813374

i am also 26 but dont even have enough savings to buy a new computer let alone a car or house :( you must be incredibly lucky. i hope you dont think you're better than us just coz of this :( the most important thing in life is loving your friends. but you do look pretty normie ...

>> No.16813379

your gf is casual.

>> No.16813383 [DELETED] 

you have a copy of my struggle the facist how to manual next to an anon mask, the symbol of anti-facism.
i cant imagine your upbringing...

>> No.16813405 [DELETED] 

What the fuck.

>> No.16813415 [DELETED] 

I hava to listen every voice to decide what i prefer. Im a green square, but i study story at uni, so i have to read one of the most famous history book written by hitler

>> No.16813441 [DELETED] 


>> No.16813453 [DELETED] 
File: 66 KB, 640x370, 3943571309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16813457 [DELETED] 

u didnt need to delet it tho :(

>> No.16813461 [DELETED] 

History can t be cancelled. Our duty is to study it, and the best way is to read directly the source.

>> No.16813514

This looks ultra comfy I'm fucking jelly.
Country? How many hours a day do you work? How many money can you spend each month to buy stuff?
But your comfystation as an alarming lack of robots, buy yourself some Mortar Head kits or something

>> No.16814140

How do you get so much money while being an otaku ?
Having rich parents is cheating.

>> No.16814260
File: 3.27 MB, 5544x3544, r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's one from about a year ago. Not much has changed.

>> No.16814352
File: 179 KB, 600x450, 986137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do you get so much money while being an otaku ?
maybe they have a fucking job?

>> No.16814362

You can have a job and still not make fuck all. Working a full-time minimum wage job in America, you make below poverty. Don't make assumptions.

>> No.16814763


USA. I have a cushy office job with a high salary, but for various reasons I constrain my collection/gaming/movies budget to usually around $250/month. So that's not much different than something a teenager could afford if their parents cover all their food and housing.

>> No.16815019

>$250/month. So that's not much different than something a teenager could afford
dude u crazy

>> No.16815032
File: 1.42 MB, 4094x1000, BSTfull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not much, but I'm getting there. Will do some changes in the upcoming months.

>> No.16815038

Not just his gf.

>> No.16815144

That's like one day a week on federal minum wage.

>> No.16815200

I don't really want to take a picture but just imagine a dusty desk with a PC on it and a bunch of empty water/soda bottles.

>> No.16815204
File: 710 KB, 1562x1499, WeeabooDome 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never change anything.

>> No.16815260

I like the rental video store vibe and awesome lighting, looks really nice.

Your mouse is fucking gay though.

>> No.16815271

That's a nice setup, also nice Ran's and Tengu mask.

>> No.16815283
File: 2.18 MB, 4160x2340, tmp_23027-IMG_20170203_170813190_HDR437180818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen to me all of you. I'm sorry to say but you don't really belong here if your room is any different from this. Norps need to to fuck off. How about you make a post about your room on Facebook, and also write a long text about how tough life is, I'm sure your family and friends will like it, because for the userbase of this site it sure is a cocktail of bad feelings seeing this crap thread. You're taking space on the catalog with your dickwaving thread, you probably killed a decent thread wen making this one. Just go away and take all your life achievements with you, and I hope you suffer a lot. Realize you're wrong and apologize or else go fucking die.

>> No.16815298

That Ran shelf is practically a shrine. Very cute. And a desktop backgrounds as well. You really love Ran, don't you?

>> No.16815305

This is honestly what I picture when I imagine a real """otaku room""""

>> No.16815311

>Sch. Therapist
>Starch Collars

>> No.16815319

What's wrong with that room? It's a little messy, but that's just it's owner's fault, isn't it?

Is that a date on the computer monitor? Anon, are you shitposting? You cute little button.

>> No.16815326

Sch probably stands for schedule

he also needs to starch his bdsm collars I guess so they don't chafe too bad or something

>> No.16815350



>> No.16815380

Ran is really good.

I just wanted one that was yellow and I had bestbuy bux to waste

>> No.16815392

>all those volumes of Yotsubato
Great choice, Anon.

>> No.16815422

suck my cock dude

>> No.16815434
File: 29 KB, 216x344, 1374073202469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy your stay.

>> No.16815453
File: 100 KB, 252x249, 1369648866219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no you faggot

>> No.16815593

Otaku derives it's namesake from never leaving the house, right? The way I see it, if you're a shut in who spends all day in their room, why wouldn't one make that space their own place of luxury? I definitely don't keep my room clean for anyone else sake but my own. And it definitely doesn't come from a place of discipline either, I'm just very anally retentive.

>> No.16815712
File: 76 KB, 900x675, eJwFwVEOwiAMANC7cAAotRvtLmD88AwLYYTNbEKgfhnv7ntf8-mnWcyu2sbi3HaMVPtmh9YeS7al1nLm2I5hU71cVI1pv_Jbh0NizyJIQvONJmFyKCwefWAhAM-zgHs87yuCD0BAKyLIFOyrFfP7A5wUJE0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16815750
File: 112 KB, 1280x720, 1486599261324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's an excellent poster.
Sherry is still the best.

>> No.16815840

This is nice, homely.

>> No.16816360

First of all not, not cleaning your fucking room and being a pig is not related with being an otaku, you are just a lazy dirty bastard.
Second, you don't even have piss bottles you fucking casual.

>> No.16816519

>madoka poster or fig
Didn't know /jp/ has such a nice taste.

You are cool anon.

>> No.16816521
File: 229 KB, 1500x995, ☆41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Such atmosphere.

>> No.16816565


More like autist

>> No.16816810
File: 2.61 MB, 4048x3036, 14913561821751252257238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Part 1

>> No.16816814
File: 2.96 MB, 4048x3036, 14913562898781045603214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Part 2

>> No.16816817
File: 2.79 MB, 4048x3036, 1491356356915235429331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Part 3

>> No.16816883

All these pictures and no timestamp. You sure are faggots. At least search for better pictures on the internet. Faggots.

>> No.16816904
File: 2.29 MB, 3036x4048, 14913576538211854926104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy fag

>> No.16816918

Don't have a phone right now but my room is Showa Japan themed, specially the 1930s-1940s period.
Plenty of WW2 Japan paraphernalia, like a huge rising sun flag, guns on the wall, scale figure models of Yamato, A6M0, Ha-go, soldiers, etc.
I can take a picture later if you want.

>> No.16816937

Why do you even ask?

Take the damn picture quick

>> No.16816954

I hate these threads because I'm extremely poor and will never have a cool room like that, no matter how hard I work.
To have dakimakuras, to have shelves full of figures of your favorite girls, to have physical manga and doujin, to own a good PC, maybe even with dual monitors, to have your walls full of nice posters, and in the future, afford the wonderful world of VR - Virtual Reality.
That is something I truly envy you for, /jp/.
I praise you for your material wealth.

>> No.16816963

Mine all came from uni loans

>> No.16816969

We third worlders can't afford such luxury.

>> No.16816983

Why would you not keep a tidy room? Otaku with many figs of their waifu, having their waifu, don't you want to keep a clean place so she is happy? She would do it for you, jaypee.

>> No.16817015
File: 222 KB, 1623x1217, tenshi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope things turn around for you, anon. We have these vanity possessions as therapy for our empty lives, but your value as a weeb is on the inside.

>> No.16817073
File: 36 KB, 432x257, MOE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16817225

It's not all it's made out to be. Otaku is not what you own, it's what you hold in your heart! Also, very few people have the disposable income to magically buy all of these things overnight (and if they do, fuck them). It's a long and arduous path of saving and sacrificing for years to build a sacred place. Plenty of "otaku rooms" are little more than soulless exercises in consumption. I scrutinize fans who buy merch more than anything because their tastes and method reveal how they are as a person. I can tell you that many of them are posers trying to buy a piece of subculture, e.g., Danny Choo et al.

>> No.16817270 [DELETED] 

Where are all my pissbottle filth NEETbros at?

>> No.16817304 [DELETED] 

truneets are a dying breed anon.

>> No.16817331
File: 2.48 MB, 2320x2836, denpaden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My sanctuary, 6 years in the making, slowly growing and evolving over the years. You really can't see it but my desk and floor are stupid messy so I left it out. I've posted cropped pics here in the past, but I think this is the first time I've shared the whole room.

>> No.16817403 [DELETED] 

This: >>16817304.
Most of them already suicided.

>> No.16817546 [DELETED] 


i was thinking the same thing....why are all of these rooms so clean....

truneets are a dying breed :( this board has too many normies now

>> No.16817560 [DELETED] 

Actually, working people have much less time to clean than NEETS do, hence the old traditional family dynamic of working husbands having wives to do all the house work.

Don't be upset because you can't project your slobbishness onto everyone!

>> No.16817573 [DELETED] 

Exactly, hate how fat neckbeards think the only thing to being a neet is being disgusting

Fucking lazy slobs, you can play wow all day but can't take a 15min shower and spend 10 minutes picking up shit and putting it in a bag

>> No.16817606 [DELETED] 


er...i actually just enjoy looking at the dirty rooms....but yea you just failed due to assumption lolol, as did >>16817573

this is why we can't have nice things :p

>> No.16817738 [DELETED] 

>truneets are a dying breed
I am tru at heart! School and work are nothing more than means to an end. I will one day enjoy the NEET life once again...

>> No.16817777

You and I would be great friends, I assure you.

>> No.16817805

That's good to hear! I've yet to meet a person irl who I can fully connect with interest-wise. Plenty of people like anime/manga/games but few get into them the way I do. It feels terrible when I ramble and rant about inane things and people look at me weird and laugh it off like I'm joking.

>> No.16817826

>Otaku derives it's namesake from never leaving the house, right?
No, and the idea that otaku are shut-ins is a stereotype at best and a myth at worst. The guy who coined the term even did so at a convention.

>> No.16817843

>Otaku derives it's namesake from never leaving the house, right?
No it's an outdated term from post-WWII Japan to refer to a person but still retain social distance (e.g., "'Your house' just got a TV, right?"). The actual history of the term is apocryphal at this point, but it speaks to the awkwardness of otaku who are socially inept and thus maintain an excessive distance from others, even from those of their tribe. It's probably why they're also depicted as using other archaic and polite forms such as "de gozaru" in media. They're people who are most comfortable with fiction and media.

Also, I'm a slob, but keep my bed and myself clean for my lovely wife. She deserves that much at least.

>> No.16817965

Middle photo bottom row. That a skateboard deck?

>> No.16818016

Yes it is. I'm ashamed to say it's made by fakku, which I loathe, but it's also illustrated by Henreader who I love, so in a fit of irrationality I bought it (on sale). I don't even skate, nor do I like the idea of marketing to normalfags by throwing hentai on skate decks, but I'm a lolicon before anything else. I find at least a little comfort in thinking that some of that money went to the artist.

>> No.16818597

The most likely explanation for the use of the term among otaku I've heard is that some of the guys who made Macross (I believe it was) were excessively polite and used it in interviews, and the term was also used in Macross itself, and then it became a fad for a while among anime fans. Akio Nakamori, who invented "otaku," happened to be around when it was used.

The idea of otaku as socially dysfunctional retards seems to have no basis in anything except the media circus around Tsutomu Miyazaki.

>> No.16818707

>The idea of otaku as socially dysfunctional retards seems to have no basis in anything except the media circus around Tsutomu Miyazaki.
I don't think so. The stereotype of otaku, while a stereotype, is still rooted in real life tendencies in their behavior. The "excessive politeness" results from their social awkwardness. One possible origin I've read says the term was in common usage by housewives following the war and their children would pick this up and adopt it later.

At any rate, the stereotype of otaku doesn't come from nowhere, Anno has stated it's akin to a self-imposed autism. Eva exists to point out and confront the issue. The idea of the crazy serial-killer otaku is certainly extreme and overblown by the media, but it's not as if they're exactly well-adjusted either. The fact of being "obsessively" into socially unacceptable things carries a particularly unsavory connotation, whether it be pornography, eroge, lewd figures, children's anime, throwaway teen fiction, lolicon, moe, etc. It's not like they're fans of sports or something. It's a mix of them orienting themselves around "dame"/unacceptable and trivial things and the fact that they are an easy scapegoat. Otaku no Video is tongue-in-cheek with its portrayals and attempts to turn it into a positive, but its mock-documentary segments still communicate that "weight" and stigma and alienation associated with the label. While not a horrible thing, certainly not a good thing to be called. It's only recently that the term has been seen as "cool" by people largely uninvolved with the subculture. Older people seem more inclined to distance themselves from it, despite being otaku for all intents and purposes.

>> No.16818921

>One possible origin I've read says the term was in common usage by housewives following the war and their children would pick this up and adopt it later.
That would affect all children, not just those destined to become otaku. I'm sure I saw this in a book, where the author of the theory claimed "otaku children" spent all their time with their mothers, which is just a way of confirming an existing stereotype by working backwards from it.

>The idea of the crazy serial-killer otaku is certainly extreme and overblown by the media, but it's not as if they're exactly well-adjusted either. The fact of being "obsessively" into socially unacceptable things carries a particularly unsavory connotation, whether it be pornography, eroge, lewd figures, children's anime, throwaway teen fiction, lolicon, moe, etc.
The otaku sphere includes many interests (like trains, computers, electronics, airsoft, military, scifi), and even those into moe etc. attend conventions, have jobs, create doujin material together with other people, and work professionally in relevant industries. Some of them may be walking stereotypes, but there's no reason why most of them would be. It has just become something that's taken for granted. They're otaku so of course they're awkward, dysfunctional, autistic and "not well-adjusted." Everyone says they are.

>its mock-documentary segments still communicate that "weight" and stigma and alienation associated with the label
It was a satire of the way the otaku were perceived at the time, and its purpose was also to question what an "otaku" even is. It introduces you to a disparate group of people who are all said to be "otaku," and in the end the last person they try to interview is said to be a "true otaku" which implies the other ones may not have been. And of course they are never able to catch him.

>> No.16819975

Extraordinary taste.

>> No.16820584 [DELETED] 

Once I started taking meds I stopped doing stuff like that.
>tfw can't forget the smell of disposing those last piss brews

>> No.16820955

Honestly this is the average imageboard/textboarder room ive seen over the years on many different sites.
These figure collections pics belong on /a/ or mfc.

If you just own a bunch of wall scrolls and localized manga you are just a weeb.

I want to see shutin rooms or neet hovels because living in these is very fun and the innovation can be interesting.
It becomes an "otaku room" when 1 touhou figure is present.

>> No.16821130

Not all shut-ins are slobs tho.

I don't get where that came from, sure a lot of shut-ins are slobs but not all, just cause I don't like living in a shit hole doesn't mean I'm not a shut-in, maybe it's clean cause my ocd and autism kick in and i clean

>> No.16821146

Ah, a fellow AX regular.

Is that an Ever17 fan? Was it from a time when Hirameki was still around?

>> No.16821149

> Muramasa figures

>> No.16821150

/jp/ was created to be the figure board.

>> No.16821154

Stop trying to make yourself feel better. Nobody envies how much of an irresponsible slob you are, and nobody cares about what your standard for posting on jp is. In all sincerity though, solid bait.

>> No.16821163

That's a solid analysis, I agree.

>> No.16821165
File: 1.30 MB, 2592x1944, IMG_20170323_115208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe if I move out I'll have more room for figs and stuff

>> No.16821170

What's the significance of that red poster with what I assume are the hexidecimal codes?

>> No.16821174
File: 60 KB, 1080x720, IMG_1491438975465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a poster from the show Hidamari Sketch. The numbers are scene/production codes.

Here's the other side of the room.

>> No.16821176

>VA-11 HALL-A poster

Good taste.

>> No.16821193

What was the poster used for? Was it used in the show's production? Or is it just a print that lists production codes?

>> No.16821198

fake news, it was made for 2hu

I always wanted to copy some of the hidamari elements into my room, either the pictures, the posters, or the little things here and there.
I recognize your room from /g/.

>> No.16821203

It's just hung in her room as a random artistic thing. It changes colours/codes each episode.


>> No.16821215

Oh, that's pretty neat.

>> No.16821237

No, /a/ was tired of Touhou and VN stuff so they got moot to kick us out.

>> No.16821405

That seems to have been for the best, really, if you compare the quality of the two boards nowadays.

>> No.16821421
File: 1.25 MB, 2558x2160, P3290025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone else purposely and actively buy Chinese bootleg figures? Most of the ones I get are only slightly worse quality for much less money and I haven't died of counterfeit plastic poisoning yet.

>> No.16821427

I remember seeing your wallpaper years ago on /g/

>> No.16821454

Just how many shoes can one man need?

>> No.16821481

depends on the quality for me, if it looks like the character then yeah but if the face is like a generic one that looks like no character then i wont

>> No.16821542 [DELETED] 
File: 69 KB, 163x340, miku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What magical meds do you take?

>> No.16821549
File: 39 KB, 436x422, 16998995_1303389689741649_1270740879664206459_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should've left /jp/ a long time ago but I guess today is the day

This post made me mad fuck you OP

>> No.16821585

See you tomorrow, anon.

>> No.16821591

You really gonna just post low res cute anime girl faces like that in /jp/?

>> No.16821609

How'd it make you mad?

Just a nigga posting his room

>> No.16821808

>If you just own a bunch of wall scrolls and localized manga you are just a weeb.
How do those things make someone wannabe Japanese?

>It becomes an "otaku room" when 1 touhou figure is present.
Otaku does not mean Touhou fan.

>> No.16821813

>someone likes a certain type of anime or manga

Good logic

>> No.16821945

>Some of them may be walking stereotypes, but there's no reason why most of them would be.
No I think it's because of the way it has been collectively defined for them. Even if the stereotype is exaggerated, the otaku have never really been the ones to control that narrative (try as they might). Even within the otaku community the definition isn't fixed and it carries different connotations between individuals and generations. I agree that it's a broad group, but I don't think that there are "normal" otaku. Instead I have always understood it as implying a negative connotation, as opposed to "fan" or "mania." "Otaku" is that point where you step into social unacceptability. Even the more harmless ones like train ota or pc guys, your average person will think they're weird, and even other fans or maniacs might place some distance if they're "otaku." In fact, I remember seeing some chart taken from 2ch or futaba that positions train-ota at the "insane" end of the spectrum. Given only what I've seen only on the Western side of things, the stereotype is most definitely alive and well. They're obviously not serial killers, but almost all that I've run into are awkward and hard to get along with, even if we share the same interests. I think people feel the same about me with the things I'm personally really into. I've come to conclude that it's that "intensity" that defines them.

>> No.16821949

I only ever buy things I want to support financially. I'm also a stickler for details and I can't justify wasting money on something that might look bad and won't go towards supporting the people making the things I want more of.

>> No.16821977

>"Otaku" is that point where you step into social unacceptability
Which doesn't mean anything. Socially unacceptable can mean anything from watching late night anime to pissing on the sidewalk.

I would not draw any conclusions about otaku based on Westerners. A lot of self-described otaku in the West take completely seriously all the memes about otaku being basement-dwelling subhumans, and then try to live up to those memes for whatever reason.

Otaku is at the end of the day just the Japanese flavor of nerd/geek.

>> No.16822013

>Which doesn't mean anything.
Well no, it means that the social perception is crucial in defining "otaku." There are other terms to describe fandom and interest, but "otaku" implies a particular history and constellation of behaviors, stereotypes, and implications. Sure it changes with time too, so nowadays it's probably not so bad (though some people still distance themselves from the term). I'm trying to say that regardless of what anyone might think, the connotations have insinuated themselves into the meaning of the term whether we like it or not. Some of it comes from the media scapegoating, but a lot of it also comes from the otaku themselves.

>I would not draw any conclusions about otaku based on Westerners.
I don't mean the memers. I mean those obsessed people who come off as weird, off-putting, elitist, alienating, "autistic," etc. Otakii shouldn't be limited to Japan, and people more qualified than me have already spoken on this.

Also it's funny that you bring up "nerd" or "geek" because those terms haven't been very positive here until fairly recently, and the people now calling themselves "nerds" are sus.

>> No.16822061

>Well no, it means that the social perception is crucial in defining "otaku."
It's not.

>I mean those obsessed people who come off as weird, off-putting, elitist, alienating, "autistic," etc.
And that makes them otaku? Because they fit the Western memes about otaku?

>Also it's funny that you bring up "nerd" or "geek" because those terms haven't been very positive here until fairly recently
That doesn't mean there is anything wrong with being a nerd/geek, and nowadays the stigma is gone. Yet people continue thinking of otaku--essentially the same thing--as some kind of inhuman monstrosities.

You are just taking memes seriously and then attempting to rationalize them instead of questioning their validity.

>> No.16822551

really bright and beautiful

>> No.16822657 [DELETED] 

Clonazepam and Escitalopram

>> No.16823243

I save all these pictures as inspiration for what I want my room to look like someday.

>> No.16823394

Same... We need money for that though...

Gotta find a sugar daddy or something...

>> No.16823442
File: 703 KB, 3564x2469, DSC_1016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16823447 [DELETED] 


They need to implement basic income but that's not happening any time soon since we elected the orange manchild. Can't even play my Japanese games because I'm on a shitty laptop and I only own a New 3DS XL.

>> No.16823473 [DELETED] 

Let's try not to get too off-topic. But I'd invite you to check what basic income implies.
Since it can either be communism or what's happening in Finland.
If you give a small basic income, it's a way for the "owners" not to pay their employees as much and kill every claims from the employees. Since they get a basic income.

Anyways, it looks difficult to find a job that gives you enough money and time to indulge into your hobbies...

>> No.16823540 [DELETED] 

>Anyways, it looks difficult to find a job that gives you enough money and time to indulge into your hobbies...

Very. Being an otaku is suffering but I don't give up.

>> No.16823644

I don't have any otaku-ish collection. I feel sad.
Even if I do my room is too tiny for decorations.

>> No.16823668
File: 3.76 MB, 1843x1047, room.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still a work in progress.

>> No.16824595

>It's not.
Well you can say that but I think history has clearly shown otherwise with the media hijacking of the otaku narrative.

>And that makes them otaku? Because they fit the Western memes about otaku?
No, because they fit the general definitions of otaku from a variety of sources.

>Yet people continue thinking of otaku--essentially the same thing--as some kind of inhuman monstrosities.
I've been saying the stigma has been lessened though, but that the image and meaning of the word has been fractured within the community and public. The fact that we're arguing this right now on a Western imageboard is only testament to that. I think there have always been people who think like you do: that it's not a bad thing at all and that it's a bunch of bullshit after the fact, but I'm trying to say that that social "bullshit" has a real effect on the meaning of words. Words don't exist in a dictionary vacuum; they're actively shaped in the contexts they're used.

>You are just taking memes seriously and then attempting to rationalize them instead of questioning their validity.
You can call whatever you don't like a "meme" and be done with it, but I think I only have a more nuanced understanding of it. Why should I take your words as being more valid than everything else I've encountered, read, and know about the matter? Rather, aren't you just begging the question?

>> No.16824614

i hate timestamped pics. they always cover half of the image like here >>16816904

>> No.16824648

>40% unem/underemployment economy

where the fuck do you live mate? 40% is high as fuck

>> No.16824673

Doesn't your girlfriend or wife complain about that poster though?

>> No.16824681

Why assume that about someone?

>> No.16824712 [SPOILER] 
File: 370 KB, 744x1052, 1491513217761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>complain about that poster
It's a freaking cute Lucky Star poster. Why would a girl that likes anime or a guy that does, dislike it?
Lucky Star was like one of my first favourites when I became a little older.

>> No.16824723

Just someone assuming women can't be into it. Or that anon is straight. Or that anon can't find a partner who likes Lucky Star.
Or that anon has a partner at all.

>> No.16824729

That computer chair is the ass impaler

>> No.16824735

You forgot the most important and grave assumption: their gender.

>> No.16824736

Any and all of those things. It's a weird thing to assume after a person has already put it up in their space.

>> No.16824742 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 889 KB, 1200x900, 1491513636060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I moved into a new house and haven't unpacked my collections yet. Here's my bed though.
the blanket under the duvet is Ichigo Mashimaro.

>> No.16824748
File: 75 KB, 277x277, 1471482532118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the tissues next to the computer tell you all you need to know

>> No.16824777

fujo scum

>> No.16824801

I've been having this issue for a while so hopefully some of you anons can help, but do any of you know a place to get (relatively cheap) Japanese poster frames, particularly B2 (movie) posters. I have a gang of them I want framed, but I don't have the cash to get them all custom framed and all and most places I see online rape you with shipping fees.

>> No.16824857

Good taste. I'd get a drink with you.

>> No.16824877
File: 59 KB, 205x205, 1474988151431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

great room anon, I love it.

>> No.16824909

These are always some of the worst threads on /jp/ and they're getting worse and worse. They're full of geek chic otacool normalfags who slither out of their generals to stroke their e-penis, misuse the quote function and belong on /a/ and /soc/. And then when a truly relevant image like >>16823442 is posted it gets ignored. I don't even care about the soulless consumerism. If your living space appeals to anybody who isn't you, including other posters in this thread, you don't belong here.

>> No.16824975

Did your picture get ignored or something? I'd like to think /jp/ at the very least can distinguish between the two. There are some "geek chic" tryhards that pop up, sure, but most people seem genuine enough.

The telling signs are 1) Merch type, content, and age, 2) Organization/cleanliness, and 3) How it's displayed. There's a difference between the guy with a dedicated shrine and one with a gimmicky sparklebox for the flavor-of-the-month nendo/figma collection and framed meme poster.

I've only ever shared my space to close online friends and /jp/ because this has been my home board for so long and I feel like there are kindred spirits here. I also hate the "otacool" trend so I at least partly understand where you're coming from, but I can only say that as a person who rarely leaves his room, it's good to have this enclave of comfort and it's not really your place to police it. Time and taste will weed them out.

>> No.16825008
File: 26 KB, 480x360, P021466245_480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These threads are about two things: sharing your collection, and sharing how you live. The latter is charming, maybe, if you live in an abandoned bus or a degraded industrial basement with piss bottles stacked up to the roof. Other than that, though? It's about people sharing their hobby of collecting random shit with other people, a slice of what they like. If you don't collect shit, more power to you. Just write it off with any of the other threads about shit you're not interested in.

>If your living space appeals to anybody who isn't you, including other posters in this thread, you don't belong here.
Being antisocial is a trait of otaku, but it's not a requirement. People like to share the things they like with others.

>> No.16825231
File: 1.95 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_1140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on it

>> No.16825241

I sometimes (but rarely) buy merch and end up never displaying it.
I get the usual megami or nyantype magazine once in a while, but I always take them and leave them in my old room at my parents', same with figs.
For some reason I can't even bring myself to display anything, even people who come to my place say it looks too empty.
Maybe I'll get a gandamu as a companion in the desk, see how long it lasts there.

I guess my point was, don't you feel visually overworked with all the stuff in the room? I don't mean it derogatorily, honest question. I guess like as if I were inside a museum, I would get headaches from admiring way too many paintings the whole day.

>> No.16825262

So many great things. Other than the obvious cool merch, the signed drawings (or just signatures) are pretty great, the Akashi one caught my eye especially.
Also that skate deck is pretty cool, I now I wish I had bought it too.

>> No.16825270

>don't you feel visually overworked with all the stuff in the room?
Not at all really. You adapt to it. I'm just happy that I can wake up to all these wonderful smiling faces, and see my wonderful wife first thing in the morning and before I go to bed. The more you put in, the more rewarding it becomes. Every now and then I take a moment to flip through an artbook or admire something holy grail figure I spent years trying to get.

>> No.16825292

>the signed drawings (or just signatures) are pretty great, the Akashi one caught my eye especially.
Thanks. Those are my most precious things aside from a few key pieces (e.g., EoE and OnV poster) because you can't just buy them. It's a lot of sweat and blood over the years and putting up with terrible conventions.

>Also that skate deck is pretty cool, I now I wish I had bought it too.
That's my most ambivalent purchase. You're not missing much (the quality is pretty lackluster) and I think it's still available online. I've since promised to avoid giving any more money to fakku because I hate their business practices. Henreader has tapestries and posters on Mandarake sometimes, so I would suggest buying those instead. They look nicer anyway.

>> No.16825350
File: 149 KB, 640x640, url.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have always dreaded conventions, so I admire your dedication in order to get them (instead of buying them at auctions).
The deck, well it's because I skate, not so much for henreader (though it's a nice addition). The one I especially hate having missed is this one though, for some reason some guy decided to use a frame from Maison Ikkoku, dunno if ironically or because it's funny, but anyway it was a bit unexpected and I would have loved to get one... granted I can get it printed myself, but part of the experience is having the legit product, or so I (tend to) think.
And yeah those posters are also pretty great.

>> No.16825390

Eh, if it's not official licensed stuff I would avoid it or DIY it. The last thing I want to do is give money to an unscrupulous 3rd party. This is actually why I hate Fakku, even if they do direct some of those profits to the artists. I think their marketing strategies and business practices are some of the worst in the industry. Second only to maybe crunchyroll. Also if you actually skate then I would avoid the fakku decks altogether. I've only heard bad things about their quality.

>> No.16825482

Great taste

>> No.16825497

What's that black spot on the carpet next to chairs? You don't clean that often...

>> No.16825502

You mean the shadow?

>> No.16825507
File: 83 KB, 698x597, here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, this one.

>> No.16825515

This one is my favorite, I would love to have an apartment like this. What city are you in?

>> No.16825566 [DELETED] 
File: 740 KB, 799x680, melonpan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anyways, it looks difficult to find a job that gives you enough money and time to indulge into your hobbies
melon-pan works for UBS

>> No.16825583 [DELETED] 

Fuck melonpan. He's so incredibly obnoxious and he abuses his stuff just because he has that much disposable income. Fucking scumbag.

Anyway, to get back on topic, I live with my parents. I used to save up allowance to buy goods, but now I've fallen to freeter status. The sacrifice needed to get goods compounds the appreciation I think.

>> No.16825712 [DELETED] 

Are you the Fiverr guy?
Either way, fuck the ``gig economy''.

>> No.16825740 [DELETED] 

No, sorry. I don't know who that is. I hate having to work, but there's no other way to afford all this stuff...

>> No.16825807 [DELETED] 
File: 221 KB, 1172x1172, 5bde89801fd542f4aaae985ed2e888e8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't know who that is.
OP works for fiverr
pic related

>> No.16825818 [DELETED] 

Sounds like some awful bullshit. Why are they glorifying wage slavery and its unfortunate side-effects.

>> No.16825837 [DELETED] 
File: 108 KB, 564x1173, 67ac6c0e9c54b38ce97fe93710be68f6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wage slavery
They aren't, Platforms like fiverr and uber/lyft are a step lower, where silicon valley parasites lord over and feed off an army of permanent temporary contractors
I've done it myself to buy otaku shit and it's hell. You have no status, you're working for minimum wage, and you have to bend over backwards for every dumb client because if you have a spine and piss off ONE client, you get a one-star review and are almost guaranteed lost revenue or near-instantaneous replacement by 20 other temp drones

In the end I did get to buy a complete box set of haruhi blu-rays and fill out my manga collection with money to save for my japan trip, but it's hell for anyone making a living at it. Sorry for going off-topic but I fear this is the future for a lot of otaku NEETs

>> No.16825869 [DELETED] 

Oh jesus christ it's one of THOSE jobs. I didn't know. My condolences anon. Those are even worse than minimum wage slave jobs in both pay and lack of any growth opportunity (you can't even use it as a reference), but as you mentioned are growing due to parasitic bourgeoise fuckers.

I work at a local restaurant and they treat me well enough. I hope you can find something better. I pray for a future FALC utopia for the NEETs out there.

>> No.16825976 [DELETED] 
File: 115 KB, 670x671, 1463082478108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My condolences anon.
I only did it for a while to make some extra cash but yeah. Algorithms really do crack the whip
>FALC utopia
hell yes dudester

>> No.16825987 [DELETED] 
File: 311 KB, 437x260, ne travaillez jamais anzu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My condolences anon.
I only did it for a while to make some extra cash but yeah. Algorithms really do crack the whip
>FALC utopia
hell yes dudester

>> No.16826021

there are no girls on the internet

>> No.16826101

don't ever support the chinese. they are a bunch of dirty no good liars and a existential threat to japan.

>> No.16826152

there are they are just fujoshit.

>> No.16826372
File: 1.18 MB, 2560x1920, 0222170131a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bad pic, bad setup

>> No.16826384
File: 1.25 MB, 2560x1920, 0316172203a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

other half

>> No.16826393

oh I guess these pics are from different times, ohwell

>> No.16826679

>nothing but anime babes and Dilla

I like the retro theming too. Very distinctive setup.

I'm in a university dorm across the country from my hometown where all my figures and goods are so no picture.

>> No.16826725

Bronze is shit. I have no respect for western companies that do this when they know their fanbase doesn't care for the images being placed on the clothing or boards. Supreme is another example.


>> No.16826726 [DELETED] 

Bronze is shit. I have no respect for western companies that do this when they know their fanbase doesn't care for the images being placed on the clothing or boards. Supreme is another example.


>> No.16826768

I love "cramped" spaces like this with barely any wall showing. Feels like you're being enveloped by all the girls.

>> No.16826805
File: 2.20 MB, 4032x3024, whole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I too enjoy manga. Its a shame I'm running out of shelf room though.

>> No.16826808
File: 3.55 MB, 2688x4032, shelffull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the full shelf

>> No.16826977

Guys, how much do you pay for electricity?

>> No.16827098

The Miku beer is great, it made me laugh. Thanks.

>> No.16827166
File: 3.89 MB, 1400x4625, molester-kun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16828053

>Taking the fan off and letting a fan blow into the PC case.

I thought I was the only one who did this.

>> No.16828082

Looks really nice
Doesn't that just make your PC dusty as shit?

>> No.16828110


It did but it also kept my PC really cool.I wouldn't do it again personally but my PC was fucked and needed to be cooled.

>> No.16828151
File: 1.07 MB, 3264x1836, IMG_20170407_121724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OTAKU means ugly, stupid and killing God in Japan.

>> No.16828180


you got rid of your piss bottles? wtf man.

>> No.16828416

Love that freshly moved in look

>> No.16828702

I'm unsure if I hate or realy like that desktop background.

>> No.16828716

Chances are, I'd get busted if I got that deck shipped to Canada, right? Do you think getting it custom printed somewhere would be less risky? I've gotten pretty good at tracing and emulating art styles so if I had to I could try and put some clothes on them or something if that would be safest. It wouldn't be the real deal of course but I could deal with that.

>> No.16828726

What's up with those Yotsubas? You've got 1-6, then you've got 12. Do you just not like the ones in the middle or something?

>> No.16828759

>implying i live in a state with a shit minimum wage

>> No.16828810

ew furry

>> No.16828816

That's really gay of you to have rwby anything

>> No.16829047

Freshly moving out actually.


>> No.16829693

Yeah most likely. I hear Canada has very strict import restrictions. I wouldn't go as far as tracing the image. Just find a high-res picture that you like and get it custom printed. Worst case, use the waifu2x upscaler.

>> No.16830362

based flipping molester man

>> No.16830377

who are you quoting?

>> No.16830416

Cramped spaceless Japanese apartment been there done that I'll pass

>> No.16830530
File: 1.18 MB, 1804x2548, bst-dark-and-light-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who slither out of their generals to stroke their e-penis
True, I came from /g/ and occasionally visit /jp/ for the denpa threads. I was actually surprised to find a circle jerk blog thread in here. Not even /a/ allows these to exist, I guess that's why its the better board.

>I want to see shutin rooms or neet hovels because living in these is very fun
Fun in what way exactly?

>> No.16830590

>Not even /a/ allows these to exist, I guess that's why its the better board.

The thing is that /jp/ was created to be a containment board. A good chunk of the threads on /jp/ are just imagedumps or cancerous generals full of people that otherwise wouldn't come here. If anything, this thread is one of the better ones on /jp/.

>I guess that's why its the better board.
just isn't fair, because /a/ started out with an inherent advantage of being created with the intention to actually house discussion and not just be a trash can for touhou and other stuff, like /jp/.

The really unfortunate thing is that /jp/ occasionally does have it's moments where it's a genuinely fun place to be but moot/hiro will probably never let it escape containment board status.

>> No.16830650

Super cozy

>> No.16830696

Could be like me with haruhi, got 1-7 then found 15 on sale for about quarter the price so i just bought it

>> No.16830701

Student loans m8, living at home, cheap rent, gives me about 2000 to spend on what ever

>> No.16830775

Im a teleworking government employee that never has to leave the house for work.

Pay is pretty good too.

>> No.16830817

>around $250/month. So that's not much different than something a teenager could afford
Fucking bourgeoisie

>> No.16830848

Really beautiful room anon, I love it. I hope to have mine as nicely done as yours someday.

>> No.16830866

Hello my friend,
You have really atrocious taste

>> No.16830867

Pretty much >>16830696

Local comic book store sells for cheap, but never restocks as manga is pretty niche here. dont feel like paying full price for them atm. so I just go visit there and pick up whatever stuff is used for 1/3rd price

>> No.16830900

WHOA this thread is otaCOOL as HECK

>> No.16831067

anyone packing a kotatsu?

could really use one right now, cold as fuck for spring this week

>> No.16832125
File: 232 KB, 640x480, 1262839787100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jelly... Nice setup.

>> No.16832230

What kind of panties does the kurumi figure wear?

I can't seem to find a picture of it anywhere online, could you maybe take a picture of them please?

>> No.16832240

This is genuinely the first time I've seen one of these threads in months. Unfortunately /jp/ as of late has been invaded by a host of threads that got kicked out of other boards that the mods don't take care of even though they belong elsewhere (i.e. DJT) which is why you have this massive influx of people saying shit like "waifu" all over the place

>> No.16832241 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.08 MB, 4000x2250, 1491661938298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16832298

L-l-lewd senpai

>> No.16832315

Does sysadmin not browse jp?

>> No.16832354
File: 152 KB, 1200x900, fumo ran.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute fumos.

>> No.16832497
File: 155 KB, 900x1200, alice meido.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post more fumostations.

>> No.16832661

Could you give the file for that red poster? I want to print one.

>> No.16832758

>Donuts on the wall
my nigga

>> No.16832770

How could you have left /jp/ long ago if you just got here, facebook poster?

>> No.16832790

you beat off alot don't you?

>> No.16832836
File: 1.04 MB, 1600x1200, Image0081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Discreet and below the poverty line.

You boys with more disposable income than braincells sicken me.

>> No.16832952

ten years a trash can soon!
minna omedetou!

>> No.16832979

If your parents are taking care of you (like a teenager) you can easily make that much in a month working ten hours a week at the federal minimum wage. It's independent adults who have it tough.

>> No.16833324

Wrong thread mate. This is the otaku room general, not the neet shutin general.

>> No.16833604
File: 98 KB, 450x600, Flonyard_festival_2015-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amazon has started carrying them for about 45 each after shipping. You can also buy frames that are very close to the proper size at Walmart that are the Mainstays brand but be aware you have to order them site to store since it's an offsize and the stores dont carry them. BE SURE if in doubt get a size that is larger. I ordered a couple Mainstays that were supposed be almost the EXACT b2 size and it ended up not taking into account the edge of the frame in their calculations and the poster would not fit half an inch so get the ones that are 2-3 inches larger. Take the B2 cm measurements, convert to inches, and go off that.

>> No.16833688 [DELETED] 

Dude, come on. I know where you're coming from but this shit is comfy and pleasant. So far I don't see much dickwaving. It's just kinda nice peeking into other otaku's living spaces and heads.

I'm sure someone will come along and assblast us all with his 11/10 TurboNerd Set-Up featuring everything anyone could ever want and more AND THIS GUY WILL WITHOUT FAIL always be a douche bag in some way or another but let's just shit on that guy and not the whole thread, okay?

>> No.16833707

>Jay Dilla poster
the most plebbiest of plebs

>> No.16833754

Why would you talk shit on one of the most important hip-hop producers of all time? Take your inane shit back to /mu/.

>> No.16833774

>most important
wigga please..only his stuff from the 90's was kinda good, after that it all sounded the same..all this fetishizing of his beattapes that are really half assed attempts is sickening

>> No.16833787

>only his stuff from the 90's was kinda good, after that it all sounded the same
You clearly don't know what you're talking about. He's gone through multiple shifts in sound and the fact that his "half-assed" beat tapes shit all over most other producers' serious attempts is testament to his ability. The beatmaking landscape would be radically different had he not been around; he's up there with Pete and Primo when it comes to sheer influence.

And regardless of how you feel about him, Donuts is an incredibly important work for me personally, which is why it's up there. It's not up there to impress randos on the internet.

I'm not white.

>> No.16833799
File: 1.69 MB, 3264x2448, 1670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really into light during the day so I apologize for the light. I've got other stuff out but I don't really feel like taking more pictures right now. Maybe later.

>> No.16833812

Not a fan of dolls, but I like the cramped desk. For some reason I tend to like claustrophobic spaces so long as they're filled with 2D smiles.

>> No.16833822

That Sanae and Reimu... so fucking awesome.

>> No.16833889

I'm a NEET so I have no job, no money and thus almost no otaku merch. I have some audio equipment because I love music though, so my room looks more like a poor audiophile one rather than otaku.

/jp/ is not the board for NEET shaming, friend.

>> No.16833957

Cute Dino.

>> No.16834056

I couldn't care less about peoples lifestyles.

It's just that rooms like >>16833799 at least show some kind of obsessive behavior whereas >>16832836 just shows poverty.

Honestly, what would happen if you gave a true otaku more money? Would they really remain living inside an empty room like that?

>> No.16834707

I'd have to remake it if that's alright with you

>> No.16834803
File: 2.19 MB, 2448x3264, 1672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks. Yeah, I spend 99% of my time sitting in front of this area so I tend to fill it with happy faces and shit with sentimental value. I have some display cases for my figures and models but, like, I don't, like, hang out standing in front of them so...

Thanks, I got the whole set when they came out years ago but they're in my bedroom and I'm not there right now.

My room's kinda messed up. Here's another low-test shot.

>> No.16835155

$45 a frame is ridiculous...but I think I'll check out the Walmart ones. I don't mind if it's a little off if it means I can save a bunch of money since I have a LOT of posters I want framed. I also saw some on Rakuten for a decent price. I think you can save money on shipping if you buy multiple frames per order.

>> No.16835195

Your dolls are beautiful. Love the Sailor Moon shelf as well and all their poses.

>> No.16835306

>shiny chariot poster

>> No.16835314

Such a cute wonderful room anon.

>> No.16835477

poverty neets can have obsessive rooms too. Instead of posters I used to just print pictures out and plaster them over the wall, and I had some of those cutout papercraft things instead of figures.

>> No.16835497

list of those holes anon?

>> No.16835499

gay people are the worst

>> No.16835516
File: 3.72 MB, 4608x2592, IMG_20170409_154009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

currently painting my room so I've had to set up in a different room in my house

>> No.16835573

are those spider webs in the window?

>> No.16835574
File: 1.54 MB, 3824x1592, myroom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16835577

You see that film on the back of your monitor? Peel it off. That's packaging. You aren't supposed to leave it on.

>> No.16835585

Yeah, I have a lot of black house spiders around the place, golden webs and daddy long legs too. I don't like disturbing them because the do there job, but I should do something about the brown spots on the window shutter which is where snails have slept. It's just a bit annoying to clean.

Keeps it scratch free. Its only peeled off because of one my cats.

>> No.16835590

Looks uglier with it on than it would with just some scratches here and there.

>> No.16835589

supadry ma noggo

>> No.16835604

i wouldnt trust that figure tetris youve got going on there.

>> No.16835619
File: 1.36 MB, 1496x2648, jenga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've thought that same thing, but it's been working out pretty great.

>> No.16835620

Genos. Nice.

>> No.16835624

not too bad. Bin that funko pop though

>> No.16835759

Thanks man

>> No.16835774

What desk is that, I have gone through 3 desks now and they all suck.

>> No.16835783

then you wont want that desk, looks thin as fuck. What you want is something either solid or ply with ply core. Maybe make your own or dont shop as shitty places like ikea.

>> No.16835813

Unless your Japanese is good, how do you play and enjoy those Japanese Vita games?

>> No.16835822

My Japanese is decent enough. I don't have any troubles playing them.

>> No.16835823

You're on /jp/ and you ask such a question? Or has /jp/ changed that much in the past few years? Plus you don't even need Japanese to play most games.

>> No.16835834


>> No.16835874

is that aya hirano's autograph on your konata fig?

>> No.16835901

Good advice. That is where my current desk is from and it is wobbly as shit.

>> No.16835912

Furthermore you want hardwoods that have been ample dried (stops warping). Avoid shit like pine obviously but then of course that raises the price exceptionally higher than what most can reasonably afford.

I made my own out of wood I purchased locally at a timber yard (lumber?). Pretty easy and with the tools I purchased I used them to make other stuff around the house. I highly recommend it

>> No.16836109

>here snails have slept
That's really cute anon. I don't think I could stand the look of everything but understand you not wanting to upset the balance. Curtains would be a must for me.

>> No.16836187

I did have curtains until recently but they were pretty bad so I removed them from every room. I might get some new ones when I'm done painting but I sort of like the boldness that not having curtains brings.

>> No.16836388
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>> No.16836391
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>> No.16836395
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I have no idea how to take photographs so everything looks a bit dark

>> No.16836399
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>> No.16836419

nice set up, its an interesting room shape that takes a minute to envision. Might wanna get some glass for those figures and perhaps invest some cash in better speakers.

>> No.16836573
File: 1.41 MB, 3264x2448, 1674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, thank you. I just got through re-watching the original SM seasons 1-5 and it made this collection feel really worthwhile. I still have a couple S.H. Figuarts that I haven't unboxed. Maybe I'll do that and snap a new picture later.

>> No.16837669

Really nice room anon. Cohesive and clean. Like it lots.

>I just got through re-watching the original SM seasons 1-5
That's awesome. I only have Haruka. You should totally open the other girls up. I want Chibi and Hotaru someday.

I wish I knew people/had friends who liked these things irl, if I did I wonder if I'd be so odd.

>> No.16837683

Anyone here live by themselves in their own home/apartment/condo?

In a year or two, I plan to do that so I won't have to deal with people anymore.

>> No.16837741

I do, have my own house.

>> No.16838137

Aren't you worried aboout those two being in direct sunlight?

Overall super setup though.

>> No.16838154

Is it the 00s that make you feel comfy?

>> No.16838214

Thanks guys.

Altough it looks really bright in the picture Nico and Maki are never in direct sunlight while spreading joy to the neighbors. Should I be worried anyway?

>> No.16838230

I mean if they've been there a while and look okay it's probably fine. I don't have any firsthand experience with it happening since I've never put them in windowsills but I've heard it can cause yellowing with a lot of exposure.

>> No.16838392


>> No.16838400
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These are the other tapestries from the set.

>> No.16838473
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>> No.16838480
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>> No.16838486
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>> No.16838507

I like it

>> No.16839039

I want a bedroom like that so bad, it's so functional for an apartment.

>> No.16839065

i want to see pictures of degraded industrial basements with piss bottles stacked to the roof

>> No.16839246

Being poor and unemployed sucks.

>> No.16839533
File: 63 KB, 1920x1200, sae poster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From a couple of years ago now.

>> No.16842659

Hey /jp/ I'll be moving around October into a non furnished apartment and I want a bookshelf were doujins fit perfectly, is there one from Ikea or I should find one close to its measurements?

>> No.16842705
File: 271 KB, 1040x780, IMG_20170410_195011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Close up of >>16836391
Standard size doujinshi fits perfectly in this one and it's from ikea.

>> No.16842736
File: 76 KB, 700x613, IMG_20170409_082823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, I plan to use half of it for VNs and the other half for doujinshi and artbooks but I'll get a detolf for my figures.
There'll be some OC by the end of the year.

>> No.16846328 [DELETED] 

why do people call threads on x subject "x general"? don't we have enough real general threads here?

>> No.16846512 [DELETED] 

Because they're massive newfags that need to never post ever again.

>> No.16855123

I really adore your Kongou + Bucky poster, was it sold as part of a blu-ray set?

>> No.16855335

Can't wait to get my own place

Hopefully will be this year so i can customise it like i want and finally get a daki without feeling akward

>> No.16855345

Same, but unless you've got a nice job/sugar daddy/rich parents... It's gonna be hard to buy all the stuffs you want AND feed yourself while paying the rent.

>> No.16855356

I plan on saving up before moving out, I'm quitting uni at the end of may and will be looking for a job then

So far I've used uni loans to buy all my stuff

>> No.16855561

I see. Have fun with your otacool life anon ~

>> No.16858117

is it reaally otacool though?

also are these threaads frequent of /jp/? i dont think ive ever seen one

>> No.16859156

>I have no idea how to take photographs so everything looks a bit dark
shoot with sunlight to your back whenever possible, try not to shoot directly towards it

>> No.16859162

These threads should only happen every six months or so. Your room (and your life, for that matter) really can't change that much in six months and once it's too frequent you just end up with people talking about their lives.

>> No.16859865

on /g/ theres two a day, its really quite annoying

>> No.16865186 [DELETED] 


>> No.16870013

hi! sorry if this is a bit late, but that is from Nyantype March 2015. I don't think they print older issues, but you can buy the poster from here: https://www.amazon.com/Collection-KanColle-Witches-Charlotte-Lucchini/dp/B00WGEZLZ2

>> No.16870161

I like your room.
Being a true otaku has nothing to do with merch.
Specially nowadays with so many fake weebs...

>> No.16870205
File: 1.29 MB, 2000x1500, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who else is IKEA otaku?

>> No.16870276
File: 49 KB, 612x800, __ikea_tan_ikea_drawn_by_asasow__d69cde9f358c6905ece074b22eaaa0ca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My entire room besides the bed is furnished with IKEA products. The Detolf is a staple for displaying figures and the Expedit/Kallax shelves are perfect for doujinshi, though can feel empty with the smaller sizes of manga releases. Being able to buy a piece of furniture every year or so and keep a coherent theme is wonderful.

>> No.16870394

>post your rooms so i know what NOT to do if i wanna get laid

>> No.16870424

Who are you quoting?

>> No.16871928

Take that back or I'll suck your fucking cock, dude!

>> No.16872294

I really like this bed setup.
Especially on really slow mornings when you could slither out of bed onto the sofa.

>> No.16872314

no it isnt.

minimum wage is $7.25/hr -taxes-ss-mc = to about $39 a day.

>> No.16875648
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Kuromi-chan wasn't present at the time of this picture

>> No.16875652 [DELETED] 
File: 930 KB, 1456x2592, IMG_20160718_192710754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16875739

Cute miku.

>> No.16875838

Ooooh looks really nice

>> No.16876855

Not that anon, but I really like the Strike Witches side. Thanks for posting it.

>> No.16877777
File: 1.91 MB, 4000x2992, IMG_20160710_114258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My room from a few months back before I moved out. I miss it, having no room of my own now

>> No.16878746

my guy

where did you get that murakumo scroll

>> No.16879017

Thanks for the info+ Link.

>> No.16879887

It's by lilylilyrose but I bought it at some Kancolle doujin event directly, not sure if it's been ever sold by mail-order since but it's probably my favourity tapestry

>> No.16879930

wish you still had that room so i could see some close ups of it. why do you not have a room of your own atm?

>> No.16880385
File: 2.36 MB, 4000x2992, IMG_20160822_230541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have some other various photos from across different times (including cleaner walls before I moved out) so here's a few of the better ones.

I chose to leave my workplace to go full-time on a solo project and had to move back home for a while until my income was more stable, still trying to stabilise it now to get a new place.

>> No.16880636

Are those pillows blocking the vents on that CRT?

>> No.16881556

not gonna take ut back since rwby is fucking trash
better get sucking, cocklord

>> No.16882186
File: 59 KB, 313x286, 1f8a82c532404dbc7785c38a20eafc26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Those visible wires

>> No.16882293

who are you quoting?
