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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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17094831 No.17094831 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.17094842

I like dubstep

>> No.17094851

Headshot GG noob

>> No.17094853

Enjoying the music is cheating.

>> No.17095061
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>> No.17095073

cheating is cheating

>> No.17095077

how do i make the dao turntable looser

>> No.17095186

wax paper

>> No.17095295
File: 112 KB, 526x905, 198299_front[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this game good for a begginer?

>> No.17095376

Reminder to vote for the good songs in top 4, can't post the google doc link because 4chan thinks it's spam

>> No.17095400

How the fuck were you even supposed to play that on a PSP?
At least DJMAX is playable.

>> No.17095506

Alright, fuck it. Democracy doesn't work with you people. Voting doesn't work. I've run out of patience. You assholes have forced my hand with your shit taste.

Next time I see anyone playing BSB anywhere in real life, they're getting decked right in the fucking face. I don't care if I get arrested, I don't care if I get banned from R1. I have a duty at this point, to make you idiots realize just how shitty a song BSB really is. Even if it needs to be in a painful way.

>> No.17095556

lol u mad you can't scratch

>> No.17095621

BSB is a great song.

>> No.17095637
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>> No.17095676

You play the seven button mode on hyper

>> No.17096009

maybe if you're too bad to play 9 button

>> No.17096188

Just link to the site, there's a link to the ballot from there.

You think this is bad now? Just wait for the Omnimix Competition.

>> No.17096230

That poll was one of the worst things of the rhythm game community.
None of the iconic songs got in the top: RED ZONE (objectively the most popular song of iidx), Second Heaven, Evans, AGEHA, etc.

>> No.17096269


These retards can't understand the concept of judging a song by only its musical merit. I don't care if it's the Gatekeeper of kaiden, I don't give a shit if it's a fun song to play, I don't give a shit if the song has some lore behind it Just judge the song itself.

BSB is not a good song. It is an annoying, screeching nightmare of whistles and horns, it's just noise. Now because of meme, both BSB and Beat Juggling Mix, both of which are songs that aren't worthy of even being in two rounds ago, get elevated to some god like status.

This community is honestly mentally retarded. I hope Konami goes under and these games quit being made, I really do.

>> No.17096288


I have a reason to post this now

>> No.17096308

Iconic doesn't mean good.

I voted against BSB in 4 of the most recent 5 rounds, but at least it is rhythmically interesting, which some people value, myself included It's at least an 8/10 on my list. I get enjoyment out of listening to it outside of the game.

At the start of it all, people were invited to vote based on whatever criteria they wanted, so getting upset that people not only have different tastes than you do but also picked different criteria is silly.

>> No.17096319

Any rhythm games that have a solid rock soundtrack? And I already know of GH, RB, Guitar Freaks and Drummania.


>> No.17096472

Still want to date.

>> No.17096486

pop'n music have some good ones


>> No.17096737


playing 9key on a dualshock isn't hard and is probably the best thing to play on a dualshock.


yes and if you just stick to the party mode on the game board it will walk you through the easy stuff into the hard stuff. the song list and theme/art is great too.

>> No.17096788
File: 154 KB, 360x351, akko_annoyed3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can we stop people from having fun with rhythm games? Would removing all easy difficulties be a good start?

>> No.17096806

>Would removing all easy difficulties be a good start?

>go to round1
>a bunch of dumb kids are occupying the DDR machines
>they're all playing on basic
>won't leave for 2 hours because it's "fun"
fuck "fun"

>> No.17097165
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no way

>> No.17097256

yknow you can get them to get off it

also theres nothing wrong with playing lower difficulties

h*ck you

>> No.17097479


Well, just copy everything IIDX has done. It's the least fun activity a human can partake.

>> No.17097535


and that's why i love it

>> No.17097645

t. can't do ddr extreme 9s in 2017

>> No.17097829

i mean im not good but i have the 18 clear lamp, its still not right to bully new players

>> No.17098007

bullying someone who wants to get better and tries is wrong, but casual normos can go fuck themselves. they could have just as much fun with a ddr mat painted onto the floor and a ddr game on autoplay

>> No.17098037

thats actually true, im glad not many people come to my round1 that are like that. its mostly just shithead kids running across the pads and i can deal with that

>> No.17098056

>Iconic doesn't mean good

to be fair, meme doesn't mean good either. Sollid State Squad is a pretty good song. I'm sure iit lost to BDB bdcause "lol epic scratching so annoying my aaaarm xD"

>> No.17098082


I like it musically. it's not the best or second best song in all of IIDX but whatever, it's not really surprising how things went after seeing the results of the initial groups of 4. sorry to hear about your condition.

>> No.17098102

i don't find bsb very listenable (its great game music tho) but beat juggling mix is unironically a 10/10 song, chart and video

>> No.17098259

>sorry to hear about your condition.


>> No.17098322

He's calling him (or you) an autist.

>> No.17098360

nth for this community is garbage and I sincerely hope all of you and me kill ourselves real soon

>> No.17098367

you can always leave the community nothing stopping you

we probably didn't want you anyway

>> No.17098385

if you say this you probably don't interact with the right people

the osu! and mgh and avg r1-goer layer sucks, but there are some wonderful people if you dig deeper

>> No.17098463

Osu community is the worst community I've ever seen in my life, filled to the brim with memespewing 12 year olds and autistic manchildren, that game draws every inch of filth in the internet to it, it's actually amazing.

>> No.17098489

>I sincerely hope all of you and me kill ourselves real soon

Don't worry anon, I'm pretty close.

>> No.17098505


yea because with """"""songs"""""" like cosmic raise iidx is way above putting things in that are "just noise", right? the samples are horns and whistles because the game it was for was fucking beach party themed.

>> No.17098564


cosmic raise is incredibly good, bucko. bsb is good too, but it's a tier or two below for sure.

>> No.17098588

>memespewing 12 year olds and autistic manchildren
sounds more like the bemani community plus the furries and trannies

i hate osu but bemani is far worse

>> No.17098681

>sounds more like the bemani community plus the furries and trannies
That's just plus trannies, we already have pop'n.

>> No.17098711

the bemani community is full of friendly, intelligent adults they just don't concern themselves with mgh, sows forums, etc. because they have their own circles. if you're lucky and treat people well you can get into that world and its awesome

>> No.17099032

what do you guys think of the kickstarter from the gitaroo man guys? I don't know much about it and I don't think i'm the only one, doesn't seem to be getting a lot of buzz.

>> No.17099039

how do i transition from 6s to 7s

>> No.17099052

git gud

>> No.17099057


Scroll the song wheel a little further down to the 7s? I don't know what else to tell you. It's not a huge jump.

>> No.17099065

rhythm game good but i suck and can't improve no matter how much i play what do (all of them)

at least i have f-f-fun i guess

>> No.17099081

I'm there too. LR2 though. I just kept playing hard songs I couldn't pass. Some sections still destroy me but at least I can get As and not too many misses on them.

Still can't deal with fast chords, especially if scratch is involved.

>> No.17099087

they're pretty similar unless you're playing bullshit ass 7s like burning heat and 3y3s

>> No.17099351


are these legit piu maps

>> No.17099354


no, they're real charts though

go back to osu

>> No.17099358


>mfw RAW used to be an unbelievable chart

>> No.17099378


>> No.17099463

>being autistic about terms to a newfriend

Please stop my dude

>> No.17099468

>osu retard

nobody who plays osu is worth being nice to

>> No.17099505

I find it a pretty big jump personally. Although truth is I don't have too much playtime under my belt so maybe I went there too early.

>> No.17099515

6s to 7s for me were like "oh I actually have to try to get good now", but it's not really that much of a jump.

>> No.17099526

>anything less than AAA-ing 12s

>> No.17099607

playing sinobuz at home is great :^)

>> No.17099611
File: 258 KB, 688x905, 1491430488808.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is this the unfriendliest place on /jp/

theres not even any funposting to counteract the rudeness

please cease and immediately post your favorite thing about or favorite experience in your rhythm game of choice

i love the feeling in ddr you get when you finally feel good about timing and start to confidently hit fast 16ths with good accuracy. in both iidx and ddr hearing your own keytaps/steps with good timing is very satisfying!

>> No.17099647

I love the gimmicks in chunithm where you have to cross your arms over because of slide holds

>> No.17099648

>offline day 1 data

lmaoing @ u

>> No.17099650

i bet you're the same sperglord from the other thread who thinks people will actually judge you for not being able to aaa 12s

>> No.17099691


I want to know where. I looked on Bemanigirl's gay little site but found nothing. Is this a 1CC meme?

I really want to play Summer.

>> No.17099741

it's the secretest of secret clubs sry

>> No.17099744
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Most difficult part in Mei (SPA)

>> No.17099772



>> No.17099776
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>> No.17099786


pls smug, what will you have me do? I'm begging here.

>> No.17099805

it's not on sows if ur wondering

>> No.17099816

yeah it's neither sows or 1cc and i don't have the power to invite people or i would help anon here out

>> No.17099819


Oh, I know. It's the new fangled "fuck sows and fuck sekrit clubs" sekrit club.

What do I need to draw a picture of or cum on to get a taste?

>> No.17099829


I remember once seeing someone make the whole fascination maxx chart all the same bpm, I wonder what mei would look like with that

>> No.17099866

>i would help anon here out
This is exactly why you don't have that power.

>> No.17099871

They did have it, last I checked.

>> No.17099872

u rite

>> No.17099875

Just kidding, I'm not in the secret club

>> No.17099879

yeah i mean the objective reason is that i am not smart enough to source or crack games but i'm also too trusting of people

>> No.17100588

Red circle is most dangerous part but some people cannot be noticed.
Besides, after accelation, players who challenge mei with hard gauge have little health bar.
So they miss that double tabs easily, and failed.

>> No.17100647

just get in line to play or some shit, if they dont get off fucking tell them theyre fucking up or deal with it.

>> No.17100653

all of my non rhythm game friends are into rhythm games now and i like our trips to r1

>> No.17101174

I kept forgetting to ask, because I'm retarded.

GFDM. How do you get cooperative sessions to occur with both players playing the same song? There has to be something obvious I'm missing because I've never had it work, but that may well due to me being retarded. Any help? Thanks.

t. retard

>> No.17101437
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>playing online

>> No.17101585

>tfw want to make a super-cheap taiko controller
>buy those $0.25 piezos
>they break very easy

Also, this attiny85 is very laggy, fuck this shit.

>> No.17101902
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play the game and take your time

didnt take me too long to get into 7s but right now im getting into 8s and this feels like total bullshit at some songs. I have about 20-30 clears but this will take forever until im going to 9s

>> No.17101949

It's still on life support until August or whenever

>> No.17101996

To the guy who asked about Rhythm games on Stream. I was going to reply but captcha was broken before I could reply last thread.

Thumper is on Steam and it's very very neat and very fucking hard. It's the fasted paced game I've ever played in my life. Realistically, I'm probably too old to ever beat it. It's very reaction time based.

>> No.17102235

If you can clear over 30 8s you can probably clear miracle meets, the 9 that's actually easier than some 7s ( I'm looking at you, 3y3s)
Also it's not odd to struggle on 8s, some of them are quite bullshit. Still fun, but bullshit.

>> No.17102636

Not a true rhythm game, but Crypt of the Necrodancer has core rhythm game elements gracefully combined with RPG/Roguelike gameplay. Generally a great game.

Top tier soundtrack as well.

>> No.17102678


>Not a true rhythm game

I see a lot of people say that, but if a good sense of rhythm will greatly aid in the playing of a game, then it should rightfully be called as rhythm game. At least that's my opinion.

It's still worth mentioning and definitely worth playing. Sows has it but I could never get it to work.

>> No.17102687

i like museca and sdvx and ddr
although reading lasers in sdvx is too hard for me

>> No.17102852

Those 32nds into 4key+scratch look way more retarded from accuracy perspective.

>> No.17102998

Welcome. Not everybody here likes SDVX but I like it too.

>> No.17103004

You have to link up before even selecting your first song.

>> No.17103170 [DELETED] 


Is this chart the hardest of leg games ever?

>> No.17103181

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NGspR8dFe6U [Open]

Is this chart the hardest of leg games ever?

>> No.17103232


I'm glad at least PIU did something with breakthroughs pioneered by ITG. Unlike a certain stagnant dancing game.

>> No.17103301


What "breakthroughs pioneered by ITG" did that chart even feature.

>> No.17103319

>day 1 data

>> No.17103485

whats the most epic and cheap two dx controller


>> No.17103525

>You have to link up before even selecting your first song.
OK, so, how do I do that?

>> No.17103611

FP7 is the cheapest you can get without having a shit controller.

>> No.17103619


the fuck is this. as if pump wasnt stupid enough already.

>> No.17103628

Cheap? Make one.

Maybe get a koc if you have the console releases

>> No.17103790

Red zone is better than any of the songs that got in the top.

You know that if the poll was more popular those songs would have gotten in the top easily.

>> No.17103814

Quasar > SSS > RZ > TSP > BSB

Check it - I like that I can write a post like that preceding sentence here and other people can understand it.

>> No.17103900

There's a period after you enter your credit where you wait and see if the other person is joining. You can spam the start button to skip it if you wish.

If someone joins you during that time they'll link up with you and you get a shared lifebar I believe. Haven't played GFDM in forever so I don't know if this is still the case.

Oh, both the DM and GF machines must be locally connected.

>> No.17104051


if you're playing at r1, alot of their triboost machines are not linked even though theyre right next to each other

>> No.17104058

Can you guys simply ask them to link the mchines?

>> No.17104093 [DELETED] 

Legendaria removed their downloads, where can I get a copy of DDR 2014?

>> No.17104116

Leggendaria is gone, does anyone have a source for DDR 2014?

>> No.17104125

How does FP7 keyboard output work?

>> No.17104480
File: 40 KB, 462x353, 1348637997388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>decide to take hihumi fig out of its box after a few months
>top half of her face is more red than the bottom
>now have a fig that looks drunk at all times

Well thats annoying

I'm guessing this isnt normal?

>> No.17104517

Dude, i want a drunk fig now
get her some oni horn accessories and a gourd.

Or put her in a business suit for maximum OL

>> No.17104520


>> No.17104531

Should have expected that. Sharing is caring smartass.

>> No.17104539

it's the sekrit club, maybe you should've gotten your data from it in the first place :^)

>> No.17104559


if it's like the other daos you hold certain keys to switch between the 3 sorts of input modes and the lights flash to indicate which one you're in

>> No.17104587
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>> No.17108030

I found out that there is a Taiko no Tatsujin machine near me
Is it fun?

>> No.17108035


>> No.17108280

You should at least give it a shot, I found it fun!

>> No.17108424

Rhythm heaven is fun.

>> No.17108512

iidx is FUN

>> No.17108549

You don't have to lie to yourself, anon. The first step to recovery is admitting that you have a problem.

>> No.17108550

(not to be confused with fun)

>> No.17109181


as long as its in decent condition yes. its probably the most "fun" of all of them. it gets annoying as fuck on higher levels because the single lane gets super cramped but as regular player yes its very fun. plus its one you can play with your normie friends.

>> No.17109355

>tfw I pass my first 10
It is fucking crystallized fun. Like getting drunk but without the alcohol.

>> No.17109394

>tfw i pass my first 10
>it's elisha
>I feel nothing because it's actually an 8

>> No.17109415

sh-shut up, it says 10 so it's a 10 ;__;

>> No.17109422

>normie friends

>> No.17109615

Good to know I can't leave these threads for 2 weeks without people doing this

Post wasn't even me thanks

t. have now cleared 4 9s actually

>> No.17109642

Play mind mapping that was my first 7

>> No.17109667

Yeah I passed Elisha before I passed any 9s, even

It's an 8, and not even a particularly hard 8

>> No.17109699

what are the hardest taiko songs?

>> No.17109715

It's the unfriendliest place on /jp/ because rhythm gaming attracts a lot of sad, bitter elitists for some reason

Even though people have been really mean to me from the beginning, I still love rhythm games because seeing your own measurable improvement feels really great. I especially love passing "firsts", like I can't wait to pass my first 11 and 12 in IIDX and my first 15, 16, etc. once I have access to new DDR!

>> No.17109954

be positive! luckily rhythm games are a pretty solo activity so theyre easy to enjoy

ddr a is awesome, i hope more people get access to it
i kinda have an opposite problem where i dont do much and people wanna go to the arcade with me and i feel awkward having them around since they dont have an interest in rhythm games
that sounds fun, i wanna play chunithm. it woul be pretty cool if round1 in usa got it

>> No.17109958

t. can't clear sakura in 2017

>> No.17110033

Playing Mermaid Girl in IIDX.

>> No.17110135

https://www65.atwiki.jp/taikodifficulty/pages/18.html ranks charts by difficulty both in terms of clears and full combos.

幽玄ノ乱 is the hardest by far in terms of sheer difficulty, followed by 双竜ノ乱
ドンカマ2000 is the song that took the longest for someone to 全良 (didn't happen until 10 months after its original release iirc) but is difficult only because of scrolling gimmicks and some really fucked polyrhythms

>> No.17110367

is it possible to set a "green number" in DM?

>> No.17110368

So I fucking suck at holding charge notes of any kind while hitting other shit to tell, but do HCNs make Almagest easier or harder? I feel like they make it easier.

>> No.17110376

Any song with HCNs is easier due to how obnoxiously easy it is to fill up the bar with them.

>> No.17110499


Every song scrolls at the same bpm, so your green number is just whatever speedmod you use.

>> No.17110572

Think they'll nerf the recover rate at some point?

>> No.17110636

Scratch + anything else even remotely dense absolutely destroys me. What do? Does it get better in time? I'm on keyboard.

>> No.17110757

I think this is really just one of those "play more" cases, though if you aren't already I'd recommend having two scratch buttons (one on each hand), helps with hitting awkward scratch patterns.

>> No.17111583

t. 4 months into my DDR career, regardless of current year

>> No.17111902

>haven't regularly played rhythm games in about a year
>last time I played was when PnM eclale was just released, and played it for like a week or two

What have I been missing since then? I know that there's been a couple of new PSun replacements since then.

Also the only DDR cab with a bajillion miles of me vanished from the arcade like in February, so what DDR pad should I get for at home? I was playing 18s or so when I was last played.

>> No.17112333

playing on keyboard is cheating

>> No.17112833

>tfw I can't play even on keyboard (except 4k)

>> No.17112904

>rhythm gaming attracts a lot of sad, bitter elitists for some reason

1- Games on PC are free (Step, LR2, osu!).
2- Improvement in this type of game is easy if you have lots of hours of free time (aka, you're a neet) since each song is 2-3 minutes and you can imediately try again if you fail.

>> No.17112972

I was referring more to bemani people

>> No.17113044

>bemani people

They started playing DDR and IIDX on PS2 which is basically the same thing of Step and LR2 anyway. I can't imagine any pro player on each game playing only on arcades.

>> No.17113503

>playing on keyboard is cheating

how is playing on the harder input method cheating

>> No.17113536



>> No.17113875

Strings of scratches become jackhammers on keyboard.

t. keyboard chuuden

>> No.17113892

Being good at both kb and asc i can tell you playing on kb is toddler mode. Also using 2 fingers on scratches makes it a lot easier

>> No.17113899

>Playing chord heavy songs on pop'n
>Invitation from Mr.C on Museca
>Passing new songs in general

>tfw AAA failed that song once

>> No.17113916

How can you still fail Mermaid Girl if you're good enough to AAA it?

>> No.17113932

Botched up the ending chords and finished with 78%. From that day forward I use hard for that song.

>> No.17113954

You can map multiple keys to the turntable to turn them into rolls instead.

>t. keyboard chuuden
Surely you must be AC Kaiden since BSB was the only thing holding you back on keyboard, right.

>> No.17113996

AC 9dan. Sometimes I wish my keyboard IIDX skills would cross over to AC.

I have way more time playing on keyboard compared to AC in recent years.

>> No.17114700

Can watching other people play hepp you improve?

I feel like I got slightly better after watching some minites of Licht's streams. Like I can read a little better

>> No.17114745

Absolutely. Watching top rankers play (especially with physical key sounds clearly audible) pretty much always gives me a boost for that day.

>> No.17115429

playing on keyboard is easier, and less fun. i dont know why anyone would waste time learning it, unless they were too new/too poor for an asc. what are you gonna do, go up to a cab and try to open the door and plug your keyboard in to show off your skills?

>> No.17115437

Do I improve more by playing harder songs and passing them or playing easier songs and full combing them?

>> No.17115447

Harder songs, but only as long as you understand what you're doing. Mindlessly mashing does not improve your skill.

>> No.17115457

>no cabs anywhere in my whole country

well shit

also if you're learning just to show off you're doing it wrong

>> No.17115474

obv there's gonna be some amount of difference from setup to setup and cab to cab, but if you can't play on an average arcade cabinet your skills are meaningless

>> No.17115800

>the weird feeling that you are not controlling your hands and they're hitting the pattern on their own and you're afraid of intervening because you'll botch everything

I didn't ask for this.

>> No.17115826


>Play TITANS RETURN another
>Feels like I'm flailing and mashing just to stay live in some parts
>Still staying somewhat alive and only barely failing so I can't be doing shit incredibly wrong
>I hate this feeling
>Keep playing again and again trying to clear
>12 or so times later I finally do
>Felt like I was totally in control at that point

I think my mind was just catching up to my fingers. Kinda weird.

>> No.17115833

I hate that. I find it impossible to time well when that happens, even if I'm hitting everything.

>> No.17115845


>> No.17115850
File: 49 KB, 648x821, moYXP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>EXHC DORNWALD ~Junge~ SPA after dying in measures 79 and 80 several times

>> No.17116197

What benami song has the worst chart

>> No.17116205

all of them

>> No.17116207


>> No.17116209
File: 5 KB, 192x159, oh sue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.17116237
File: 76 KB, 600x1065, 1432531373379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well. I did it. I cleared an 11.

>> No.17116284

Can you fail a song in museca

>> No.17116294

Some really shitty IIDX DP chart probably. There are so many with impossible chord/turntable combinations.

Maybe broken stuff like Last Message CSP.

For whatever reason, I'm For Real in DDR stands out to me as being a harmless but still objectively bad chart since the steps at the beginning don't go to anything.

>> No.17116335


well if youre playing mission mode to unlock graphica and don't meet the objective yea you fail. but they still let you play the next stage anyway. and in normal mode or whatever its called im pretty sure you cant but ive never just stood there and not hit the buttons to see what happens soooo. but ive played some of the harder charts terribly and all that happens is you get a bad grade.

>> No.17116356

That's a cute loli

>> No.17116583

Gobble DPH.

>> No.17116595

Are precision dance pads really that bad? Should I just wait for Impulse Platforms?

>> No.17116670

>Dumb little girls can go and play IIDX while there are no machines in my country

It's not fucking fair!

>> No.17116738

yeah, definitely wait. theres only seconhand cobalts that a decent option for home play other than cabs

>> No.17116792
File: 423 KB, 1024x768, cab_delivered.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


what happened to cobalt flux anyway? i had one of their pads in high school and it was certainly superior to the arcade*. i ended up selling it for more than i paid for it a few years later. its hard to imagine how they would've gone out of business. their product couldn't have cost that much to make either, it was ingeniously simple and almost would've seemed cheap had it not worked so perfectly.

*(compared to the secondhand extreme/max2 machines of that era, at least)

>> No.17116810


I see what seems to be contradicting pieces of evidence all the time so I'm still not certain, but is the turntable texture for an arcade cab like a Dao's with that cross stitch like grip pattern, or is it smooth?

I guessing it varies on the age of the cab.

>> No.17116859

cross stitch is what I've seen, although it might've been an aftermarket replacement when the old one died.

>> No.17116860

trust me on this one. they're a waste of money. i was desperate and bought one. it didnt work on arrival, i had to repair it, it barely worked, then it broke completely and is currently fubar. its a huge piece of shit and the owner is a fucking jew that charges like $350 for mdf, lexan, velcro, foil and duct tape. his wires are fucking taped down or held in with popsicle sticks, he doesnt solder.

stepmaniax pads or impulse platforms will both be 1000x better

>> No.17116865

they have a smooth plastic as a base, but most of them have official stick on mats that resemble a dao tt

>> No.17116881

i've watched videos of the owner on youtube. does he legit have autism?

>> No.17116912

Are there any alternatives that are out now?

>> No.17116973

no, everything on the market rn is shit

>> No.17117223

I got 2 of them for 500€ seconhand, they're awesome but feels different than arcade (not worse or better, different).
I wouldn't pay full price + delivery for them though

>> No.17117388

Are there any BMS for Pendual and up? The BMS terminal only has up to Spada.

>> No.17117412

join the sekrit club xppp

If you don't like those, join the anti-sekrit-club sekrit club

>> No.17117442

How do join sekrit club

>> No.17117880

>that fan
This should be a mandatory option for IIDX cabs.

t. sweaty IIDX player

>> No.17118010

most of the world doesnt even have fans on every ddr machine

i did see a photo once of a jp arcade iidx cab with a little hand towel on it for you to dry your hands with, which would be nice since you know they replace/wash those on the daily

>> No.17118017

drop an email

>> No.17118098

The problem is the hands will start to get wet in the middle of a song. It's not like you can pause and wipe your hands.

>> No.17118105

i dont get that much, if anything slightly sweaty hands help me with anmitsu

>> No.17118918

It's for wiping the machine, not your hands

>> No.17119507
File: 75 KB, 477x530, Rin slut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its for wiping the cap Anon.

>> No.17119639

>SDVX Beta pricing came out
>0.99$ per standard start
>A dollar every three songs

Fuck me right in my broke ass.

>> No.17119697

Yes that's standard price Anon.
Technically cheaper.

>> No.17119826

I mean, yeah, this is how it is and how it always has been, I get it. It's just when you compare it to other pricing models of literally any other type of game this just comes out to be way more of an expensive interest; especially when you factor in getting a controller to actually be able to play the game as intended.

I know that isn't a problem for everyone and I'm probably venting about something by something that's pretty much wholly accepted at this point, but it's still kind of depressing that it's this inaccessible. Such is the life of having niche interests, I suppose.

>> No.17120680

>my 1100 playcount translates to ~330$

jesus fuck

>> No.17120988

It's not 'wholly accepted' at all. At least, I hope it isn't. Konami are trying to make playing at home more costly than playing at the arcade (even in the long-term).

That's unheard of, and frankly unbelievable, especially with the controller costing $300+. Infinitas' initial(?) $16 per month pricing was much more reasonable.

Part of the reason I'm still happy to pay to play at arcades is that I know I'm 'renting' use of the machine, supporting the arcade, and actually playing the game. $1 for three songs for a game that's installed on my computer and with a controller I've paid $300 for is crazy.

I honestly hope this model doesn't work out for them.

>> No.17120989

>Pay $400 USD for the KOC
>Have to pay a dollar for every round
I didn't know they could fuck up harder than Infinitass.

>> No.17121024


Japanese twitter isn't exactly lighting up, but the tweets that are there are not positive. 'Technically cheaper' isn't enough when you need to set everything but the game by yourself.

>> No.17121037


Konmai....finds a way

>> No.17121117

Start a New Day CSP is the definition of steps that don't go to anything
Whoever made it an Extra Stage song should be smacked hard

>> No.17121131

It's clearly overcharted, but at least the rhythms are simple. Stuff like I'M FOR REAL or 祭 (J-SUMMER MIX) is just nonsense, though.

>> No.17121137

DEAD END ("GROOVE RADAR" Special) and Valkyrie dimension are pretty bad.

>> No.17121148

>Charge hundreds of dollars on the controller
>charge for playing at home ss if you're on an arcace

This can't be real. Imagine the butthurtif some popular western developers did that shit here. Are the japanese too used to being buttfucked to rebel against this? What a shit company, jesus christ.

>> No.17121169

8s destroy me. And I thought 7s were hard couple days ago.

>> No.17121201

and this is why sekrit clubs exist

>> No.17121274


What's your issue with 祭 (J-SUMMER MIX)? There's nothing in that chart doesn't go to something.

>> No.17121305
File: 2 KB, 81x241, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mistake. I was actually thinking of 祭 JAPAN (FROM NONSTOP MEGAMIX).

>> No.17121323

Up until Empress IIDX cabs had a similar TT to 5key, with a smooth rubber surface

Post Empress they changed the TT design so it's a carbon weave style rubber mat inlaid into the TT similar to Daos but obviously less shitty

>> No.17121361

8s are not significantly different from 7s

>> No.17121471

some of them are. like insomnia sph, which is a hard 9

>> No.17121525


its not inlaid though. its a thing they lay & glue on top of the TT. it starts to peel wicked bad after awhile. and yes, this is on the post-empress "new style" machines.

>> No.17121671


Is that what's going on with that picture of a IIDX cab's turntable all covered in gunk? Someone peeled off the grip top part to replace it?

>> No.17121691

I'm assuming that it's leftover glue and shit and nobody ever bothered to take lighter fluid and a rag and clean it off.

>> No.17121791
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>> No.17122084

Get you a man who can do both.

>> No.17122750

Yeah, that's one of my favorite things. I love the exercise high I get during and after an intense set of DDR/ITG. My favorite thing about rhythm games is the continual improvement and goal setting. We never stop moving the bar higher.

>> No.17122833
File: 303 KB, 750x752, Apophis54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw failed a mission at 99%

>> No.17123071

A lot of old scale DDR 6-8 charts were very badly designed with their actual difficulty massively inflated by excess doublesteps. See Sexy Planet for an example.

>> No.17123705

is it a good idea for me clear all the songs in a level folder in DDR? I can probably do all the 13s

>> No.17123718


If you're autistic like me and really really want that lamp.

I can't stop myself from doing it in any game. I need that satisfaction.

Although if you're actually paying money to play then I'd only ever play songs I like/wanted to play.

>> No.17123733

>We never stop moving the bar higher
but using the bar is cheating

>> No.17123736
File: 56 KB, 425x386, 61b4SQ1xI9L._SX425_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noob here.

Just a doubt: what was the very first game of the genre? Which one was the first success in consoles? PaRappa the Rapper?

>> No.17123765

parappa was the first "hit buttons to music prompts"

beatmania was the first scrolling note game

>> No.17123967

Unless you're physically crippled in some way you should set passing all 15s as your long term goal, even if you play DDR casually. Charts of difficulty 14 and below are merely stepping stones to give you skills needed to pass 15s upward.
I'd suggest splitting your focus blocks into the one where you can pass at least the easier charts and the one where you can FC at least the easier charts. Split your training session between the two (starting with the easier charts you want to FC, then moving on to the harder ones). Once you're convinced you can pass/FC every chart in the block with minimal grinding, go up a rank. Rinse and repeat. Once you're legit good you can also establish the PFC block alongside FC and pass blocks.

>> No.17124062
File: 2.86 MB, 7000x3937, 1491253670448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is like complaining about old IIDX charts having jacks. Players these days are struggling with entire skill sets because of this mentality that old stuff is broken or bad instead of worth getting good at.

>excess doublesteps
>Sexy Planet
All of the 8ths in that chart can be done without double stepping or spinning other than the stylish spin in the last measure.

>> No.17124234

Anyone else have issues with LR2 completely shutting down your computer?

>> No.17124617

It's like breathing. Right now I'm on a level that when I hear any music my brain automatically invent a chart for it and my fingers start to "play it" automatically.

>> No.17124723

>sdvx eamuse alpha doesn't run in wine
God dammit.
Even though the beta price is a little much, I would gladly pay if it meant supporting konami. There isn't a single cab in the country so was really hoping it would work.

>> No.17124741

This is natural and happens to everyone automatically. You begin to start tapping out patterns whenever you hear anything.

>> No.17124800

buy a cheap hard drive/partition ur main one and dual boot cracked windows? its not that hard

>> No.17124961

this is what yall get for playing sdvx lmao

>> No.17125012

Superior non-random version


>> No.17125064


It took me like 45 seconds to figure out what was going on in this video with that smartphone. It looked like he was playing in front of an enormous screen with a tiny little FPS at home or something.

>> No.17125312

Is this the power of anmitsu?

>> No.17125597

An FC is an FC.

>> No.17125604

why aren't there more laser only gimmick chart sections

lasers are the best sound voltex thing and are very fun

>> No.17125614

Same. i want more shit like this

>> No.17125643


What do you do about the really quick lasers at the end? I always thought the knobby part automatically starts at the beginning of a laser. Been a while since I played though.

>> No.17125654

I would assume you don't touch the knob. It's just for aesthetics.

>> No.17125918


its frankly hilarious

>> No.17125966

i like dubstep

>> No.17125988

In pop'n sunny park there's a song that somewhere around the middle the sound goes back and forth between your ears, it's an upbeat electronicy song, anyone know what it is? Yeah real vague, but I don't have access to pop'n right now and I can't find it by myself.

Also isn't there a song called flowers or something? Pretty sure I liked that one too but all that comes up when I search for it is the meme song.

>> No.17126003

Bro this is my favourite song

>> No.17126020

>>Also isn't there a song called flowers or something?
The one by TERRA? Full title is 華爛漫 -Flowers-.

>> No.17126023

>people calling tracks nobody sings in "songs"

Am I the only one triggered by this? Where the fuck is the singer?

>> No.17126027

That'd be the meme song friendo

>> No.17126046

I thought the meme song was Flower.

>> No.17126059

Yeah it is I'm a retard

>> No.17126068

bsb sucks but beat juggling mix bumps

>> No.17126224

100 emoji
fire emoji
ok hand emoji

>> No.17126276

Is anyone aware of any machines I need to check out while in Portland, OR? I know there is a R1 like 2 hours north.

>> No.17126284


>> No.17126292

A whole lotta nothin. Thanks for the link. My life for some Initial D or Pop'n.

>> No.17128047
File: 515 KB, 500x281, 1464594393256.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was Groove Coaster ever dumped?

Or should I wait eternally for a dump of GC3

>> No.17128519

the only 15 i can do (and have tried) is max300

>> No.17128577
File: 26 KB, 480x270, 18893007_1370319219670224_7182256631390962854_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so I heard you like scratching

>> No.17128854

It's on mobile, boi.

And I very much doubt that you would have the means to make a controller for it if that doesn't suffice.

>> No.17128964

I just realized my computer created a blank folder called "up" whenever i launch copula. I-it's not spying on me right?

>> No.17128978

It is.

>> No.17129008


Yer goin' to jail, thief.

>> No.17129059

Open your eyes people! Why do you think they're called DJ"hackers"?

>> No.17129097

Is anybody else here having this feeling that some new music game can be showed at E3 this year? (then we can, maybe, get finally free from konami)

>7h Style

>> No.17129778

>wanting to play a music game by some western dev with casualized mechanics, no timing windows, shitty american music

neon fm is literally as good as western-made music games are ever going to get

>> No.17129991

I played the iidx cab at gg in ohio and it was fucking awful

light as fuck buttons and misfiring turntable
so much for my authentic arcade experience
i guess powerstancing on the bass platform was fun

>> No.17130401

misfiring tt is the arcade experience unless you go to japan and play on a cab with a new i/o

>> No.17130625

Should I be raising my hands at all when I'm playing with a keyboard or is that a bad habit? I've found it helps with scratch patterns. I'm just starting to tackle some 8s, so still new.
By raising I mean the wrist stops touching the table, and the arm assists during play, contrary to only fingers when the hand is down.

>> No.17130637

It's all about what's comfortable for you, personally I find it pretty exhausting to lift my hands while playing but if it works for you then it's fine.

>> No.17130670

Doesn't really matter. But assuming you're gonna get a controller at some point, it's a very good habit to create and keep.

>> No.17130732

fuck crossovers

>> No.17130850

>tfw Optiplex didn't arrive with the second hard drive caddy for my HDD data drive and have to wait for one to arrive

How jewish can you be to keep those?

>> No.17131025


neon fm is andamiro , how's that Western?

>> No.17131027

it's developed by unit-e you fuckin retard

andamiro designed the new cabs, added anime titty mascots, kpop and piu songs, but they didn't develop the game

>> No.17131545
File: 223 KB, 900x1200, DBYJiqbVoAAve_S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Konmai quality

>> No.17131954

>wanting to play a music game by some western dev
It's not like nip devs even care too.

>with casualized mechanics
Better than nothing.

>no timing windows
Literally autism.

>shitty american music

>> No.17131959

why the fuck are you even on /jp/ lol you belong in a youtube comment section, playing guitar hero and rock band

gaijins don't know how to make good music games

>> No.17131971
File: 218 KB, 500x499, 1496140389670.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why the fuck are you even on /jp/
>gaijins don't know how to make good music games

>> No.17132888

The game was literally made by some dude in Maryland, there's a reason the words "western stylish rhythm action" are plastered all over the cab

>> No.17134526

How to play BMIIDX on PC
no bully pls

>> No.17134528

At the bank I worked at we pulled the entire caddies rather than just the HDDs because it was faster and we needed to go through like 200 machines

>> No.17134537

tfw trying to play ddr with a boner

>> No.17134549


>> No.17134562


>> No.17134585


>> No.17134806

Tight pants showing your bulge or loose shorts making your boner flop all around?

>> No.17134825

I use tight underwear to hold it together but loose pants to keep it from being visible.

>> No.17135270

>to join sekrit clubs you need to have friends and connections
>thats the thing i'm worst at and i stragiht up have no friends either irl or online

>> No.17135275

post email, I can try to help you out :)

>> No.17135282

i am not sure if i can trust that smile
it is scaring me

>> No.17135286

fine, I'll reply without one if it makes you paranoid
not sure what exactly you're looking for, but I can be your friend
I'm awful at most games though

>> No.17135319


kind of placeholder

>> No.17135336
File: 71 KB, 720x602, 1443851858817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finally break into SDVX 14s
>arms actually get consistently tired after a few of these tracks

Thanks videogame, you've convinced me to get in shape.

>> No.17135480

Aren't SDVX buttons supposed to be softer than the IIDX ones?
You must be doing something wrong if your arms hurt with 14s.

t. anon who's never been to an arcade

>> No.17135492

button configurations vary cabinet to cabinet. some might be lighter while others might be heavier.
in fact, nearest arcade to me uses 160g switches/springs
oh and FX keys are also identical to IIDX keys, if you want to try comparing it based on that

>> No.17136160

find a freedomware BMS player.

Rhythm games need to move beyond arcades and proprietary software.

>> No.17136334
File: 207 KB, 850x1200, iidx13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


if you're really that new to it, just play this for awhile


its not even that bad of a version

>> No.17136384

good memes lad

>> No.17138181


>> No.17138185


>> No.17138574

i mean people still play FFR and no one complains about them :^)

>> No.17138628

That's because I didn't see someone post about it in the thread in a way that would make me care to find out what FFR is

>> No.17138700

Anyone else just have a strong desire to not play anymore after playing daily for years? I want to take a long break but I'm worried about the rust.

>> No.17138947

well if you arent enjoying it and u want to quit why do you care about staying good

just do something else for a while if you're burned out. i've quit otoge like 4 times and im currently better than i ever have been before

>> No.17138997


>tfw still autistically love iidx playing daily for over a year

Sometimes I get a similar feeling maybe but i just play easier songs and have fun with the music instead of pushing my limit with harder shit some days

>> No.17139534

Shakunetsu-kun pls go

>> No.17139745


are you 9 years old or just so much of a newfag youve genuinely never heard of ffr? i think youre in the wrong place

>> No.17139814

there are children playing sdvx and osu RIGHT NOW that have never played ffr

its a travesty

>> No.17139915

ITT: people trying to act like oldfags shaming others for not playing a legit shit rhythm game, webshit no less

>> No.17139996

*legit shit but almost universally known rhythm game

Fuck off back to SDVX kiddo

>> No.17140011

yeah, obviously it's shit but it's playable and BACK IN MY DAY there weren't alternatives unless you had the good fortune of learning about iidx/pop'n etc. and having the money + knowledge/connections/google-fu to import the games and controllers, or you lived near one of the few arcades in america that had iidx/pop'n etc. cabs

>> No.17140204


>> No.17140253


it crashes all the time but ive never had it power down my pc. are you running the 720p patched version? considering how lr2 has terrible memory management, I bet you have bad ram and only lr2 stresses it to the point it kills your machine. that would explain it fully powering down.

>> No.17140354

Could be graphics driver issues

>> No.17141034

Has .BMS Gone Too Far??!?


Is This Video Real Or Fake?!?

>> No.17141165


>there are people playing actual bemani that haven't played some shitty flash browser ripoff of a bemani game

I don't see a problem with this

>> No.17141698

That's cute anon

>> No.17141718

That shitty accuracy though. Do BMSfags even care about hitting shit on time?

>> No.17142184

Choose exactly one

>> No.17143165

bms windows are like 3x as large as iidx anyway lol

>> No.17143336

>keep GN
>Raise WN
>Score dramatically increases

Why ghe fuck did no one tell me WN also helps?

>> No.17143382

Someone makes this exact (or similar) post nearly every thread lmao

Sudden+ is fucking magic

>> No.17143453

Without Sud+ you track individual notes, which at the same time moves the judgement line up and down in your vision.
That's part of why timing in SDVX is tricky despite comparatively lenient timing windows.
I need a really fast hispeed in SDVX to time, but I do fine in IIDX with a slow 300/300.

>> No.17143515

BMS players are even more autistic than tryhard kaidens.

>> No.17143910

When only a single digit number of people can even pass the Overjoy course, it shouldn't be a surprise that someone playing a sped up version wouldn't be able to time it very well.

>> No.17143966

how do i know when i have to crossover

>> No.17143975

Let me guess, you play at 500+ BPM scroll rate and can't read 1x.

>> No.17143995

for the record clearing that looks mostly like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mk8NomkxlHc

>> No.17143997

Please help a retired IIDX player here. I haven't been really playing for the last months, trying to register on arcana now and I can't. I enter my card ID I've always been using on psun to register and it says it's invalid. What steps am I missing?

>> No.17144014

delete this post and then ask somewhere else, retard

>> No.17144146


shows that some people have no problem moving their middle and ring finger seperately. crazy that he just lets his pinky hang and do nothing though.

>> No.17144153

i have my green number set at 400

>> No.17144162

That's a big green number

>> No.17144175


>> No.17144186


for you

>> No.17144297

>decrease green number
>better accuracy
>miss count increases

>increase green number
>worse accuracy
>miss count decreases

Fuck this game.

>> No.17144318

Misses mean nothing unless you're trying to FC. Scores are the better way of showing your improvement

>> No.17144324

>failing songs

>> No.17144371

i lost my gf due to beatmania

>> No.17144441


>> No.17144554


I want to play SINOBUZ ffs

>> No.17144571

you mean you want to play IIDX 25 LAWNMOWER right

sinobuz was 24 silly

>> No.17144594

Ohh i see why you don't get it
... poor soul

>> No.17144598

Empress 2 when

>> No.17144613

i don't know what you're talking about man.. when iidx 25 comes out you won't be able to play SINOBUZ :^)

>> No.17144647

iidx is updated online, so once iidx 25 comes out you can't play sinobuz anymore, idiot

>> No.17144702

Heh. I'll let you guys in on my little secret

I have ways around that, if you know what I mean ;)

>> No.17144706

that's illegal, are you some kind of hacker

>> No.17144717

who would want to play old version when hot fresh iidx 25 is out

I bet you still play copula instead of sinobuz faggot :^)

>> No.17144724

How did you buy a IIDX cabinet?

>> No.17144743

come on dude both you and i know that every arcade with SINOBUZ is going to upgrade to 25. you aren't foolin me :^)

>> No.17144791

New thread

>> No.17144795

this aint /vg/ fuckboi

>> No.17144802

how to spot a newfriend 101

>> No.17144816

what a gat boi

>> No.17144821

even I waited until the thread 404d to make a new thread and I started playing iidx at the beginning of the year

>> No.17144856

spot the filthy crossboarder

>> No.17144857


Obviously not because it's not fucking 404'd faggot

>> No.17144874

goddammit learn to read
i said when i made the new thread a couple weeks ago i actually waited unlike the newfag

>> No.17145103

is piu better than ddr

>> No.17145115

I don't know
Could you repeat the question?
