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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 338 KB, 1280x720, sui.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17928210 No.17928210 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>17892865

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What have you finished? What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? You know the drill.

>> No.17928743

Currently waiting for new releases and thinking about what I should play in the meantime. Preferably something to cure my "being annoyed at the last game"-ness.

>> No.17928747

Did you play 月影のシミュラクル? It's short enough to finish in 3 days.

>> No.17928941
File: 253 KB, 1280x720, 21112017001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starting this, what am I in for?

>> No.17928949

A kusoge.

>> No.17928970

It's almost comdeic how much people hate C.A.

>> No.17929046

I hate inverted nipples they kill my boner so fast.

>> No.17929159
File: 135 KB, 1280x720, ルリのかさね_2017-11-20_00-06-28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally finished all Ruri routes. That was pretty heartwarming. And it's just around maybe 8 hours long which is mostly the complaints I've heard about for a full priced game. Also underage sex which kinda felt out of place because of the development between the two but, just, lol.

>> No.17929310


Yeah, I actually did. There really aren't that many somewhat short VNs.

>> No.17929344

all of them are short and interesting read

>> No.17929381

Which is better, Gin'iro Haruka or Hoshi Ori?

>> No.17929384

if you like big tits, then ginharu.

>> No.17929431

I wish there werre more doujin non porn novels that were worth reading.

>> No.17929458
File: 146 KB, 800x600, hitofuta_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There are probably enough. But finding them can be something else. I don't even remember how I stumbled over pic related, but it was quite fine as far as I've read. If you like crazy girls.

>> No.17929548

Haven't finished Ginharu yet, but I think it's a matter of preference of girls, as I think both are good on it's own if you like pure romance VN with minimal drama, although I like Ginharu more because of the growing up premise, the interaction between the circle of friends can be seen more than Hoshi Ori (because of the long timespan when the friends are still around), and more sprites for side characters even that most of those are females.

>> No.17929595

I know this isn't what you want to hear, but you should get into reading normal printed books. There's more good novels than you could read in a lifetime, and if you think about what you're looking for - good stories, interesting characters, actually relevant plot - you may find that whether the novel is visual or not has no relevance.

>> No.17929692

I read normal printed books, but I like stuff that uses art+music decently.

>> No.17929748

So anyone looking forward to Aoitori in three days?
I didn't play Amatsutsumi because everything seemed boring except for Hotaru. But I am determined to play this one, I hope it's better.

>> No.17929757

>this game I didn't play is boring so I'm gonna play it's spiritual sequel instead
Excellent post.

>> No.17929760

This one actually forces you to do whole routes before Akari, at least amatsutsumi skipped the couple of hours of couple stuff and even more porn.

>> No.17929867

anyone have pc version of https://vndb.org/v18915 ?

>> No.17929882

It's less than 500 yen on dmm.

>> No.17930016

2 days anon
and yes

>> No.17930083

Trying to get through marshmallow, but it's a bit boring. Thinking of just dropping it in favor of chronobox.

>> No.17930111

It''s the best moege this year

>> No.17930118

Drop it, not worth it.

>> No.17930156

It's a moege, what did you expect? Though Chronobox isn't the game to go to if you want something that isn't boring.

>> No.17930163

>if you want something that isn't boring
It's fairly to the point and generally interesting.

>> No.17930246
File: 107 KB, 800x600, 41366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read その光その翼~アザトースの遺産~

>> No.17930264

>sequel never

>> No.17930432

do you guys find reading while doing no fap is a better experience?

im not talking about all the weird no fap stuff people do, but just sort of intentionally not cumming for a few days while reading

is this a good idea to try? or is it more just annoying to do?

>> No.17930461

I don't understand. Do you mean not fapping to the game or not fapping at all? What is your goal?
I found not fapping for a while makes it easier to go through moege, but if you are sexually satisfied then you tend to get bored quicker with them.

>> No.17930464
File: 620 KB, 1280x720, キミの瞳にヒットミー_2017-02-02_08-29-32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a good idea if you're reading moege. 95% of the appeal of moege comes from wanting to bang the heroines, subconsciously or not. Nofap really improves this. Even the most bland of moege can become an engaging read if your male instincts are focused on getting to bang one of the heroines.

>> No.17930489

I'm going to try it with floral flowlove, I rarely even go a single day without cumming and it will probably take me like a week to read this so it should be interesting. Realistically I'll probably just give up, but I hope I don't.

>> No.17930677

Normally I'll try to not masturbate for a few days leading up to a release I'm really looking forward to, but that's it.

>> No.17930887

The first H-scene with a heroine is always a magical experience because of this. Then I get to the 7 almost-consecutive H-scenes after that and just skip them because I don't like to fap more than twice a day.

>> No.17931917
File: 443 KB, 1920x1080, kagura_r_2017-11-21_18-04-36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know why the text is like this for 神楽道中記・想? I'm already in Japanese locale, none of the other games I've played had this problem.

>> No.17932202

Didn't someone ask this exact question in the list thread?

>> No.17932239

I changed system region date format to Japanese and it works now. Thanks.

>> No.17932851

The ero really, really felt out of place. You can tell they didn't even really try.

>> No.17933225
File: 592 KB, 897x720, 1482167817227.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is WA2 Introductory Chapter really considered short like VNDB says? I think I've already spent over 10 hours and I've just now only gotten to the end of the school festival. Is my reading speed really this fucking shit?

>> No.17933237


>> No.17933277

And also the one before that.

White Album 2 ~introductory chapter~
0.50 MB

That's pretty short. But I guess it depends on how the game feels to you. AtlachNacha has like 0.60 and it felt long to me.

Also get ready
White Album 2 ~closing chapter~
3.33 MB

>> No.17933553


Enjoyment and voiced % can influence this.
-A 100% voiced VN would need close to an hour for every 30kb of text, if you'd listen to the whole voiced line. (i.e. auto mode "advance once voice is finished)
-Average reading speed is usually around one hour for every 60kb of text. Assuming a "normal" VN, being voiced around 20%-30% and people listening to some of the voice acting, but not necessarily to all of it.

Regardless of the latter, you can still need twice as long, if you just read relaxed and relatively slowly. Or need half the time, if you just read very fast without caring about voice acting. Or even faster if you are fine with just the gist of it.
For one thing, you can read something not voiced in a way, as if you'd read it out loud. Even if it's in your mind. If you'd do that, you'd naturally get closer to the time you'd need for a 100% voiced VN, as you essentially voice the rest yourself. But you also can just not do that. Much faster. Depends on people and on enjoyment.

Finally, EGS numbers are generally getting worse, the longer a VN is. The numbers are only for how much people spent time with it (on average), not how long it takes to 100%. For longer works it gets more and more likely for people to drop it, read only a few routes or end up skimming through parts of it. With that in mind, you can usually get a fairly accurate idea of how long a game will be. Exceptions exist. (i.e. games where literally nobody reads everything, or where the engine is a big part of the time you invest)
On the flipside this also means that short works (<16h) tend to be rather accurate in terms of length. Vndb is generally a gamble. Some playtimes are set by really slow readers, for example https://vndb.org/v21123 being a rather typical 20 hour game, some by fast readers like https://vndb.org/v12392, which is over 4mb of unique text based on tlwiki. A lot is correct as well though... but EGS is a better way to find out about length. Especially with the awful 10-30 hour category vndb has.

>> No.17933581
File: 17 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello VN. I was sent here by DJT.

I would like to play Kanon in Japanese.

There are lots of versions out there with different problems. I was playing on the PSP in Japanese, but all voice acting stops about 1/3 of the way through the game (a bug (?) that I've seen mentioned on Amazon.jp reviews). At my intermediate level of Japanese without text hooking this is a problem.

I also have a working PC version with English text and JP voice acting, but I can't for the life of me get voices working with Japanese text, even with the little Japanese voice patcher program.

Can anyone help me get a working version of Kanon with Japanese text and full voice acting? PSP or PC, either is fine. I believe there was another release of the PSP version, did this have voices all the way through? Does somebody have a correctly patched SEEN file for PC? Bonus points if you have Yuiichi's voice.


>> No.17933586

Just play something else, it's bad and outdated.

>> No.17933592

Be nice, this game clearly means a lot to them.

>> No.17933596

Why don't you just play one of the many voiced Japanese releases rather than messing around with janky patches and shit?

>> No.17933599

It's fine, I'm enjoying it.

Thanks anon.

>> No.17933602

Because ideally I would like it on PC with text hooking. PSP, DC and PS2 don't allow for that.

If you know a voiced PC release, a link would be super appreciated.

>> No.17933632

backup your install before applying the english patch and find out what files it replaces and restore them one by one while praying, if lucky you'll end up with jp text

alternatively, watch the anime instead, i promise you that's voiced

>> No.17933702

Hello, DJT friend. Try this. 音声化完全版 sounds just like what you want. The depositfiles links there are live.


>> No.17933705

I'm the opposite, I have trouble understanding without subtitles or text.
Same with English, I always feel like I have to put subtitles on movies or tv shows.

>> No.17933734
File: 590 KB, 1920x1080, 1920x1080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, I wasn't around when the YU-NO remake came earlier this year. Was it any good? Did it do well? How does it compare to the original?

(if anyone knows where to download it I would appreciate some help, PS4 and Vita VNs are impossible to find for download...)

>> No.17933737

>PS4 and Vita VNs are impossible to find for download...)

I'm shooting in the dark, but I would say that's because you can't only pirate rather old releases on both, which YU-NO isn't.

>> No.17933747

4chan delivers. That is exactly what I wanted. Sankyuu!

>> No.17933748

I managed to emulate a downloaded rip of Robotics;Notes Elite on PC, so surprisingly nothing nothing is impossible.

though I haven't figured out how to fix the sound... (which is possible according to to other ppl)

>> No.17933752

With what?

>> No.17933765

RPCS3. It can emulate vita as well now.

>> No.17933770

Shit, I didn't know that.

>> No.17933815

play the original

>> No.17934030

Prepare your tissue box.

>> No.17934039

Not him. How does it end? I.e. I'm not interested enough to read it, but enough to want to know what kind of twists they pulled.

>> No.17934124

It's a fairly short VN and I think it's worth reading with lots of heartwarming romance but anyways major plot spoilers MC is revealed to have the same disease as the main heroine. There's some drama with heroine's imouto believing that she has to fulfill her role as the 'spare' and sacrifice herself since she was a genetically modified baby created for this purpose. After a climactic heart to heart, they change the imoutos mindset and the MC + heroine, realizing their time is near vow to spend the last of their days together and leave her house. Happy times follow as they live by themselves at the MCs house like newlyweds. However, they soon begin their descent into the final stages of the disease with more frequent and painful attacks and eventually with the last of their strength, they make one last trip outside and pass away under the cherry blossoms. The epilogue leaves some hope as the imouto has matured and is dedicating her life to find a cure for the disease to ensure no one will have to go through the same thing.

>> No.17934131

Thanks. That's not something I'd expect.

>> No.17934222
File: 282 KB, 1280x720, dasaku_HD_2017-11-22_23-53-35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’d like to second the Dasaku recommendation, it’s an amazing VN. I’ve never read a pure-love moege with such amazing, well-developed, interesting characters, nor one with such a well-written, enthralling story. And it has extremely high production values, with very strong CG density, a voiced protagonist, and a wide range of high quality BGM tracks. Plus it’s very compact and well-formed, by not containing any unnecessary filler it manages to tell a story far better than most VNs in a much shorter space of time. Definitely worth your time.

>> No.17934254

>RPCS3. It can emulate vita as well now.

Wait what?
Can it go past 3.60 too?
There's no point for a vita then.

>> No.17934261

There never was to a bad port machine.

>> No.17934268

Wow, I hope Higurashi Sui works well.

>> No.17934269

There was a few decent games persona4g, soul sacrifice, GR1 (when it came out).

>> No.17934375
File: 57 KB, 458x151, inre_top_master2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miburo master up.

Will you be getting it?

>> No.17934395

I've seen the Dasaku memes about some certain scenes...is it really that good?

>> No.17934483

Plot summary of this please? I'm never gonna read it but the memes made me curious.

>> No.17934519

I'd strongly advise ignoring the "memes", avoiding spoilers, and simply reading it yourself. It's a unique work of art that's completely different from anything else I've ever read or seen before, and any plot summary I could give would completely fail to convey what it's like to experience it for yourself.

>> No.17934549

I thought Chronobox was the worst thing ever and people I trust also say Dasaku is a bad game, so it's not gonna happen.

>> No.17934646
File: 875 KB, 1285x745, shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can /jp/ help me out make the graphics better/resolution
I don't know much kanji so It's difficult for me to understand what any of this does and I don't want to experiment

>> No.17934656

There's nothing in there that allows you to change the resolution. Check the game folder if there's an standalone config exe.

>> No.17934659

Thank you friend
could you write down the kanjis for me so that I could understand what it says?

>> No.17934661

Learn Japanese.

>> No.17934664

but I am learning it

>> No.17934666

Download Kanjitomo and do it yourself.

>> No.17934667

alright I'll admit that was lazy of me
I am now going to leave this thread in shame

>> No.17934785

Alright, thanks. I guess I won't be reading the closing chapter right now because it would probably take me more than 100 hours to read at my pace. I'll try one of Maruto's shorter works instead.

>> No.17934864

How different are all of the routes in Sayooshi? Are they all worth getting?

>> No.17934868
File: 2 KB, 33x47, kanji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what kanji is this? please I can't just seem to remember it

>> No.17934873

Dude, that's 4 strokes, just look it up.

>> No.17934884

Please don't respond to obvious shitposts.

>> No.17934889

I am sorry

>> No.17934890

Sorry. Considering the DJT infestation I believed it to be genuine.

>> No.17934894

it was genuine, I am retarded. I will leave now

>> No.17934926

Even if it was genuine, especially because there's a DJT on /jp/ posts that belong there shouldn't be replied to here.

>> No.17934950

Not much, if you've done Mutsuki, you can call it a day.

>> No.17934978

is this for real

>> No.17935001

Can anyone who has played Doukyuusei 2 tell me what is up with Misa? Does she have an actual ending, because I'm not sure what you're supposed to do after she leaves right after you have sex

>> No.17935044

Alright. The guide I was using started with Nozomi and I was partway through that, but maybe I'll just switch over to Mutsuki instead now. I can always come back to this after if I'm still curious.

>> No.17935096

Doing Mutsuki first is best in my opinion because the ends are all pretty much the same so doing her last after you just read the same exact thing 4 times isn't nearly as enjoyable.

>> No.17936018
File: 1.68 MB, 707x1000, 1509159490897.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This looks like a generic bad game judging by company/writer/premise but I really like the title for some reason. Gives me Asairo vibes, and I guess the 和風 cover adds to that.

>> No.17936050
File: 1.29 MB, 1276x718, ss (2017-11-23 at 05.21.24).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the sequel hook at the end of Occultic;Nine is still there
[screams externally]

>> No.17936126
File: 155 KB, 1024x576, 171122_152535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I've been playing Kagura Doukuuchi. What does 'akan' mean? Ibuki says it constantly (mostly while being raped) but she talks in Kansai dialect and I have very little understanding of unique Kansai words.

Also since last time I played I've learned that letting the Mikos get impregnated is VERY important. If they get raped 3 times they get pregnant and forced to deliver a youkai child and the game ends.

>> No.17936131

>What does 'akan' mean?

>> No.17936277

Can you upload it? Getting vita and ps4 vns is really hard, as has been said here before.

>> No.17936307
File: 3.19 MB, 3840x2400, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you play Erika's game?

Its 10th annniversary is coming in 2 months.

>> No.17936322

mine is the ps4 version, don't think I can upload that

>> No.17936396

Nice. Didn't know they had Kansai dialect. I get so used to using Saiga I don't think to check other sites.

>> No.17936420

yes and it was boring like any august game before eustia.

>> No.17936612

She does have an ending, yes.
If I remember right, there's one more event for her on the last day before the ending at your house that you need to see to trigger it.
But I don't really remember how endings worked in Doukyuusei 2.

>> No.17938442

It's a low budget title with only one heroine. I probably won't complain about the premise since it's what I would expect from that price. Kinda like how I like feng's seiiki low budget titles.

>> No.17939689

Does the first Da Capo hold up at all? I never hear it talked about but it seems like people in Japan consider it a classic or something.

>> No.17939832

To the guy that posted the android version of レイジングループ a few threads ago:

Can you explain how do I get it working?
To use on android it's just to copy the files to the mentioned location and installing the apk right?

What about using it with Bluestacks? I coulnd't figure out how to get it working with it.

>> No.17939844

Install it normally, then copy the files into the proper files into the install folder.

>> No.17939873

can text hooking work through bluestacks?

tfw no one uploaded the pc port...

>> No.17939901
File: 80 KB, 800x600, YOU&#039;VE GOT THE TOUCH YOU&#039;VE GOT THE POWER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been reading Shirogane no Soleil. The first half had a lot of really boring comedy scenes that I had to ctrl through since they were all really awful filler with classmates commenting on the protagonist's relationships and all the girls fighting over him. The scenes that were only catfights between the girls were a lot better even though they were just as repetitive. I liked the ero a lot, I think the first half had a sex scene every 30-40 minutes, not counting all the bad end rape scenes. I'm now a few hours into the second half and that's pretty much what I wanted from the game. The boring school scenes are gone (the ero too) and the game focuses a lot more on plot and fights.

>> No.17939917
File: 93 KB, 1280x720, wa2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Second time I've tried to get into WA2 and I still can't do it. Almost done with the introductory chapter but I still can't bring myself to care about this love triangle or for the MC. Maybe it gets a lot better in the closing chapter so I might try to do at least one route there.

>> No.17939925

At the very least, you will probably care about Setsuna in one of the side routes.

>> No.17939927

>Maybe it gets a lot better in the closing chapter so I might try to do at least one route there.
Nah, IC is absolutely brilliant. If you don't like it then it's just not for you. Try Parfait instead.

>> No.17939964

I don't mind Setsuna. At least she seems to actively go after what she wants. Haruki and Kazusa just piss me off with their drama than actually get me emotional.

Yeah I was actually going to read that or Damekoi anyway. Maybe the drama there will be more suitable for me.

>> No.17939980

If you don't like the characters by the end of IC, then the rest probably won't be much different. Well, there is a chance you may like the side heroines in CC though. Personally, I thought the whole game was amazing.

>> No.17940370

So Aoi tori comess out today, do I have to finish amatsutsumi before it?

>> No.17940375

You have to finish it at least 3 times to be able to understand what the trials covered on a surface level, so probably.

>> No.17940382

Do you stop watching movies midway so you can go and watch the sequel instead?

>> No.17940389

vndb says it's not a sequel though, is it?

>> No.17940428

Not in the sense of the same cast or plot being continued, but spiritually and thematically it is.

>> No.17940590

I thought amatsutsumi was basically just a nukige.

>> No.17940598


And so is the new game. So if you like the boobies in the new game more, may as well just go with that.

>> No.17940615

If you're so new to eroge that you don't know Purple Soft maybe you shouldn't make assumptions without research first.

>> No.17940861

>but spiritually and thematically it is.
Not him but how so? I played through Amatsutsumi, but not the trial and haven't been following the release schedule.

>> No.17941065

What is it with purple soft and inverted nipples.
They look creepy in anime, not real life.

>> No.17941071

Inverted nipples are shit regardless

>> No.17941088


>> No.17941478

It's one of those bad nukige where they make the boring filler scenes in-between H-scenes really long for some reason.

>> No.17941547

Isn't it so your nutbladder has time to recharge?

>> No.17942289 [SPOILER] 
File: 572 KB, 1298x790, 1511509598953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally finished the Introductory Chapter of White Album 2 with my shitting reading speed and I have to say I'm impressed. That second half after the school festival was just some great drama. It hit me much harder than the anime did. I'm starting to understand why Maruto is held in such high regard.

I just wish my reading speed wasn't so shit that I could go through the Closing Chapter in a reasonable time frame. With my reading speed, it's probably going to take over 100 hours to finish it. I guess I'll just read something else before coming back to it.

>> No.17942338

Do you refere to characters by their firstname or last name in general?

>> No.17942347

most of the time by the name/nickname the mc uses

>> No.17942641
File: 175 KB, 800x600, 79044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17942646

It's not even a choice, you can tell it was made with dark in mind.

>> No.17942703


I use redhead, blonde or "that twin-tail". I'm bad with names, sorry.

>> No.17942774

Deciding what to read next is a pain.

>> No.17942838

Is Aoi tori uploaded yet?

>> No.17942867

not on anime-sharing at least.

>> No.17942958

Neither on sukebei.

>> No.17943010


>> No.17943019

Yes. Not telling you though, you sound like a loser.

>> No.17943199
File: 170 KB, 511x700, resize_image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Questions about this

I don't need to play the other two games in the series to enjoy sweet imouto marriage correct?

How are the other two games? Do they just jump into being married or is there buildup to the relationships first?

>> No.17943356

what does dramatic mode do?

>> No.17943403
File: 453 KB, 596x862, ee8b8c2a8e91c2cc092899afe9fb2585.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17943416


It's sad when Lucia and Sachi are that popular in a game like Noratoto.

>> No.17943431

maybe i should read her route

>> No.17943461

I keep thinking this is called みらめっこ for some reason.

>> No.17943463

You mean Shachi the most popular girl in the first game?

>> No.17943473


>> No.17943525


It's still the equivalent of a token loli in a big tits game.
That said, I guess those two have the biggest tits. Maybe it's just that and I'm overthinking this.

>> No.17943560

They ALL have big tits, barring Eu and Nobuchina, Shachi was just best girl in the first game, despite her route, but all of them were shit.

>> No.17943652

What's 100 hours if you enjoy them all? You won't become a faster reader by only reading baby shit.

>> No.17944051

maybe AB? i dunno, no AB account

>> No.17944054

Just wait a bit, it should appear.

>> No.17944123


It isn't on AB either.

>> No.17944238

2dkf or 2djgame maybe? id check the chinese sites, they are usually the first to get stuff

>> No.17944281

Imagine yourself reading a h-scene.

Current dialogue box has the girl moaning and saying some words.

1. If you go to the next box before she's finsihed, she stops and says the new dialouge if there is any.
2. If you wait for her to finish to go to the next box, chances are its a box that the mc describes what's going on. So there's no sound other than the BGM until the next voiced dialogue whcih might be more than one box.

What do you normally do? Assuming there's no background sex noises.
inb4 CTRL guy

>> No.17944450 [DELETED] 

Hi, one question, is there any way which I could translate japanese VNs with software or I have to learn lo read from zero?

>> No.17944453

Ask in DJT, not here.

>> No.17944461

The latter. There's lots of tools that make learning and looking up words you don't know very trivial though. If you're interested there is a more appropriate thread on this board.

>> No.17944718

When it's the mc who is doing the speaking or internal monologing, my self insert function reaches a peak. So that it would be particularly during times that I've for all intents and purposes become part of the game that the girl stops her pleasured moans and general sexual flirting, it would seem to in a way just fit and be strangely comforting.
Aside from that unless I'm especially listening to the whole line I'll maybe at least wait for natural pauses or breaks in speech before I go to the next line.

>> No.17944746

That's an interesting way of looking at it, though I'm not too sure if they intended that.

>> No.17946242

japan kusotaste as usual
nobuchika should be 1位

>> No.17946300

Interesting, what the sites upload new eroge after release? Usually they can even scan content (box, discs etc), but sometimes not. I love to see the scans. Ordering from Japan to other country is quite expensive...
Especially when I don't want to buy any eroge for full price (8800 yen, interesting, why is that calls "full price"? Sometimes I see other price like 9800 or 7800... interesting, what depends on it).

>> No.17946308

Jesus did you use google translate to post that?

>> No.17946339


>> No.17946388

Aoi Tori when

>> No.17946421

WA2 would have been a lot more better and realistic if setsuna or any of the heroines started cheating on haruki after all the bullshit he pulled

>> No.17946427

the pleasure of being cummed inside one time

also "first rank"

>> No.17946438

I know the "rank" part. I needed a translation of the English.

>> No.17946448
File: 1.88 MB, 1366x768, SiglusEngine_2017-10-09_12-02-21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cradles Tale sure was great, I'm glad I'm one of the privileged few who gets to read it.

>> No.17946454



>> No.17946466 [DELETED] 

Can I post about Chinese VNs in these threads? Or is that frowned upon?

>> No.17946480
File: 38 KB, 530x152, and it can sharpen more too.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kagura Douchuuki (想 version) was meh. Gameplay was fun for a bit but I didn't like the whole having to relevel every time you set out once I got the 霊山 starting point since the mobs would just kill me before I could level. So I put it on easy (from normal) and got overleveled before beating the game.

There was some fun strategy you could do I guess. It was a nice moment when I figured out how to beat those two bull guys, or some of the puzzles in the challenge list. But other than that it's like... well you better have anti rust on the final set of floors or you'll lose 15 sharpness on your swords or anti-silence on the first final boss or you might as well fuck off.

Also realized that it would take forever to unlock all the H-scenes since there's no warp/starting point for the final set of floors so you'd have to die twice (I think) to every type of monster with both characters. And each time you'd have to start from the mountain stage. That's why there are 100% save downloads online I guess.

That being said, it was short at least. So a nice change of pace from reading long vns. I guess I was looking for something similar in gameplay to Labyrinth of Touhou. Maybe I'll just play the +disk for that later.

>> No.17946576

I generally guess that if there are about 3 lines of only moaning and no actual words, there's about a 60% shot that the next line is the continuation of the mc describing shit. I make the leap of faith based on gut.

>> No.17946629 [DELETED] 

Make your own thread.

>> No.17946718


hopefully soon, dying for it

>> No.17946737 [DELETED] 

Isn't this an untranslated VN thread though?

>> No.17946743 [DELETED] 

OELVNs are untranslated too.

>> No.17946746 [DELETED] 

Read the OP.

>> No.17946755 [DELETED] 

Read the OP and then please leave.

>> No.17946772
File: 1.12 MB, 720x960, only worthwhile november releases.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eroge boxes sure look cool

>> No.17946791
File: 193 KB, 500x715, folder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are meant to be eye catching after all

>> No.17946801

I wonder what's supposed to be eye catching in this one hmm

>> No.17946813

Obvious it's the 3if

>> No.17946835 [DELETED] 

>read the OP
The thing is, I can't really read properly. That's why I asked in the first place.

>> No.17946837

Making*Lovers is up on anime-sharing.

>> No.17946851

Oh, thanks. Probably the only thing I'll play this month.

>> No.17946911

That feel when the one game you want every month is always one of the last ones to be uploaded.

>> No.17946916

gotta start playing norn and appetite

>> No.17946919

I'm just thankful it didn't take 5 months for >>17946791 to be uploaded like the last game

>> No.17946938

Still waiting on yoruboku to get uploaded. I hope it will be worth reading through since it seemed interesting.

>> No.17946953
File: 145 KB, 720x942, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a first that they have introduced attract females that don't have scenes.

>> No.17946988


While that doesn't need to say anything, that game is more or less a softhouse seal game. Keep that in mind. I wouldn't expect too much from nukige writers.

>> No.17946997

Has 円交少女2been uploaded? I hope it wont need a crack

>> No.17947004

Yes and it has a crack done.

>> No.17947026

>softhouse seal
Oh I didnt realize that till I looked into it that they are affiliated with them. Now im a little less interested but will still give it a shot.

>> No.17947032

Early reviews, as untrustworthy as they are, look neat so far.

>> No.17947048

Nice. As far as nukige go, the first game was really good.

>> No.17947113

>メイキング・ラバーズ -Making*Lovers- + Naked Patch
>Naked Patch
I'm worried about this, usually naked patch is a indicator of a terrible, lazy game.

>> No.17947142

How does one come to understand 乙女心?

>> No.17947161

You first need to be a ヤリチン. Everything afterwards flows like water.

>> No.17947172

give AoiTori

>> No.17947175
File: 1.19 MB, 3200x1798, roots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, they're really good to look at. I wish I have other things to spend my money on though.

>> No.17947257
File: 317 KB, 1280x720, newton_13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Read Newton's principia.

>> No.17947289
File: 15 KB, 397x147, making lovers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For what purpouse, Smee?

>> No.17947297

Tried the usual?

>> No.17947309

No... Is my English so bad? Sorry, I'm Russian :(

>> No.17947318

It's in the VIP section if mikocon

>> No.17947321

NTLEA works, but seriously it's kinda retarded to region lock it.

>> No.17947322

Cool, let's wait for a leak.

>> No.17947331

Anyone knows, maybe, someone uploaded the soundtrack for Otomelo Shirabe? I mean 3 songs from that page - http://ensemble-game.com/18.otomelo_shirabe/download.html.. I read ealier that someone just guessed the page name with file on WillPlus site, but I don't remember the usual name of link, so...
I really hope that someone will upload that.

>> No.17947374


>> No.17947380

Nobody's gonna leak their shit, the freenet uploader is going to upload his own

>> No.17947383


>> No.17947387

Whenever, uploads are playing the waiting game, aoi tori will be up relatively soonish because popularity and shit.

>> No.17947388

Or wait, not PULLTOP. Change it appropriately.

The main site is https://www.willplus-download.com that's important.

>> No.17947409

Can anyone help me get a crack of 星織ユメミラ?
all the links I found were 404

>> No.17947416


>> No.17947423

how did you find this? I would appreciate if you told me

>> No.17947431

It's linked in the descrition for the game's 2DGF upload at Nyaa.

>> No.17947441

but you guys told me to not use that site since it was run by the "cartel"

>> No.17947449 [DELETED] 

What the fuck are you blabbing about, idiot?

>> No.17947456

What about ToneWork's games attracts /a/ and/or /vg/ cancer like you?

>> No.17947457

He started uploading this month's games but Freenet is slow so it's going to take a few days to finish everything
Maybe A-S are going to upload their own too because they buy games sometimes

>> No.17947460

They're moege and only cancer reads moege?

>> No.17947474

I am sorry

>> No.17947620

That one on the left I'm thinking of buying.

That one on the right I'm thinking of waiting for an upload.

>> No.17947786

Guys I'm literally shaking right now. What if Aoi Tori doesn't get uploaded today...?

>> No.17948090

Is Shuffle actually any good? It keeps coming up in Oretsuba and I wan't to get the references...

>> No.17948173

I mean pretty much everyone in this thread can read it

>> No.17948180


What's the hcode?
I not getting the full text.

>> No.17948192

pls upload to mega

>> No.17948212

if that is illegible to you, then you're best trying to read something next year or skipping straight to the ero scenes.

>> No.17948219

Retard here.
No hcode needed, just max the text speed to get everything.

>> No.17948266

anyone the uses share know if there's a way to cache search results? since results come and go feels like if i don't stare at it all day i'll miss out, not really sure how this system works

>> No.17948271

Just buy the bluray

>> No.17948330

>Is Shuffle actually any good?

Not really. It is, probably, the most popular Navel's vn, though.

>> No.17948374

It's average but it's a old and popular title that a lot of people have played

>> No.17948557

2 days have passed and noone uploadede aoi tori except vip mikocon

>> No.17948580

How can a person whine so much, fuck.

>> No.17948637

If >>17946919 waited 5 months for a game to be released from the VIP you can wait a couple of days

>> No.17948680
File: 1.78 MB, 1300x757, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool imouto.

>> No.17948702
File: 661 KB, 1280x720, 水葬銀貨のイストリア_2017-09-10_16-58-20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17948748
File: 1.84 MB, 1300x757, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So as I understand it, this girl has no H scenes? She clearly needs it though.

>> No.17948752

It's cute. I play it when I'm bored, been through it some 15 times now. Sometimes I just have it running in the background while doing other tasks (like playing Factorio) so I can listen to the voices and listen to the music.


>> No.17948933

That doesn't excuse you, go learn some grammar

>> No.17948948

Install bluestacks and proceed with installation as you would on any normal Android device. Or I could just upload PC port, that's it.

>> No.17948953

>Or I could just upload PC port, that's it.
Do you mean the Steam version? If so yes please.

>> No.17949165

I would like this too please

>> No.17949176

is it any good? it kinda looks too real... real life is already full of idol-gravure-av-fuzoku trajectory

>> No.17949282
File: 778 KB, 800x585, gaijin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ye, fuck those brits and yankees

>> No.17949287


Here you go: https://mega.nz/#!YPhGnJZI!pRrom-eJ3yctSppzPT-DNi1hY3U5dtwsFsmVlhnIApg
Support the developers though, the vn is well worth it. Just grab it whenever it's on sale or something.

Does anyone have 蒼刻ノ夜想曲 and 想い出の彼方, btw? Couldn't find any way to get my hands on them other than buying physical copies and that's kinda pricey.

>> No.17949290

Can you please upload this somewhere?

>> No.17949305

Fuck Yura
Wait till the bad end.

>> No.17949367

yes i promise, thank you

>> No.17949786
File: 196 KB, 1920x1080, disclaimer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any idea how to adjust the window size?

also might you know the h-code

>> No.17949814

ah nvm i got it. just switch display resolutions and the game won't resize

>> No.17949946
File: 130 KB, 1598x898, nogoingback.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats a lot of pressure to put on a player

>> No.17950334

I'm debating wether to read ワルキューレAスレイブ or not.
I liked ワルキューレロマンツェ a lot so a whole game about sex with Celia sounds enticing, but since it's a doujin work and with a different VA I'm afraid it will tarnish my memories of the game.
Should be fine as long as I tackle it with a "it's a doujin" mentality right?

>> No.17950680 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.13 MB, 1136x669, 1511668010731.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love nude filters. I'll play just about anything if it has one.

>> No.17951044

Do you have a list of games with nude filters?

>> No.17951054

not him but https://vndb.org/g2422
Although if you were asking for his personal list of good games (assuming that exists) with nude filters, then that's another thing entirely

>> No.17951072

>Although if you were asking for his personal list
don't know why you would assume otherwise. and any kind of list like you linked will be severely incomplete, lots of games have had nude patches as preorder bonuses or available for a limited time like サノバビッチ for example that never get documented

>> No.17951221

Yeah I was hoping for recommendations but that list is fine too. Thanks.

To be honest I find nude filters more erotic than most hscenes, especially if there are other males on the same scene.

>> No.17951267

>also might you know the h-code

What's with everyone asking about H codes constantly? How about leaving the game for when you know Japanese? It's not like it's running away.

>> No.17951327
File: 583 KB, 1298x790, Chiaki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright anon. Because of you, I'm reading the rest of WA2 now. I haven't gotten far yet but this thing is already really addictive.

I'm really liking Chiaki so far but fuck I don't think I can go through more of hurting Setsuna. I really want to do the Mari route too since good older women routes are hard to find in VNs unfortunately. Anyway, I think I'll do Setsuna's route first before doing anything else.

>> No.17951433

I can get 想い出の彼方 and TRICOLORE from that brand, the rest are going to be tough

>> No.17951447
File: 352 KB, 1280x720, mekuiro_2017-11-26_18-12-04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, what a hard choice. Even funnier that I looked at the walkthrough and there's only two scenes where you get to pick choices.

>> No.17951449

Well?? Which one do you want to fuck the most?

>> No.17951473
File: 390 KB, 1280x720, mekuiro_2017-11-26_14-59-59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Either the 5 inch goddess or the green-haired chick. Can fug neither though.

>> No.17951478

I want to fuck the pizza.

>> No.17951590

Aoi Tori and Maigo Kyoushitsu is up on anime-sharing.

>> No.17951596

Great, I've read some really interesting opinions on Akari's route in aoi tori.

>> No.17951600

Nice, been looking forward to yoruboku

>> No.17951630
File: 38 KB, 998x587, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems well-recieved.

>> No.17951652

Niggers why didn't you tell me 眠れぬ羊と孤独な狼 trial is out?

>> No.17951666

>guy who admits he hasn't read it all
>guy who rates every single game extremely high
>guy with extremely bad taste
learn 2 egs

>> No.17951703
File: 248 KB, 1280x720, fortissimo_exs_2017-11-26_02-34-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd fill her up stomach if you know what I mean.

>> No.17951748

Is it worth reading Alice in Wonderland (the English book) just so I have a better footing with the seemingly endless amount of Alice-themed erogeemu? I enjoy comparing things like that, but I'm curious about you guys' opinion.

>> No.17951756

Nope, that's a silly reason. You should be interested in reading it on its own merits.

>> No.17951791

What do you mean?

>> No.17951886


We thought you already knew.

>> No.17951888


It would be really cool if you could upload 想い出の彼方 somewhere. I'm genuinely interested in 蒼刻ノ夜想曲 though, too bad it's so hard to get.

>> No.17951928
File: 17 KB, 256x300, daily dose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't fug the 5 inch goddess

>> No.17952021

I don't think any Alice related Japanese media go into anything that wasn't covered by the Disney movie.

>> No.17952058
File: 289 KB, 1024x720, 立ち/アリス/基本.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17952132

Not shitposing here, but I hear the vita is dying. Will VNs ports go to the switch or all go to the ps4?

I mean nintendo isn't known for VNs and some tend to be risque even for 15+. releases.

>> No.17952133

You heard wrong. Just look at the massive amount of VNs it got this year and it has several announced for next year.

>> No.17952134



>> No.17952198

>I find nude filters more erotic than most hscenes

>> No.17952200

Doesn't matter the PSP still got VN ports even after the Vita was out and the Vita will likely get Ports for a long time just not many new non-VN games.

>> No.17952246

Nude filters are becoming much more common too.
Yurameku Kokoro ni Michita Sekai de
Maho x Roba
and Making Lovers all released within the last week come with nude filters

>> No.17952262

I feel like an idiot I though H in H-scene meant Happy, Heart or even Horny, seeing as it was an English character.
Instead it means Hentai.

>> No.17952267

What's your favorite Happy-scene in eroge?

>> No.17952270

>Instead it means Hentai.
It doesn't, though. Continue feeling like an idiot until you figure it out, EOP.

>> No.17952283

I was going of this and chiebukuro post.
>その語源は変態 (Hentai) の「H」である[1]。古くは明治20年代から、性的な隠語として女学生の間で使われた[2]。大正時代には、同性愛者を意味する隠語だった[3]。

>> No.17952410

The newest Senran Kagura, which is all about feeling up the girls through the Switch's HD rumble, is number 1 on the eShop rankings. So not only is Nintendo no longer afraid of risque releases (also, let's not forget that Senran Kagura itsefl started on the 3DS), but the Switch install base seems quite open to these things.

There's also a few VNs already planned for the Switch, so I'm fully expecting it to replace the Vita eventually.

>> No.17952528

There's still psp games coming out.

Same for the vita
Might happen in the distant future but I don't think it'll happen soon.

That said most Vns have porn and I don't think Nintendo would associate itself with actual porn games even if it's all ages, they still haven't done one to my knowledge. Even when they could've done it one the wii and wiu,

>> No.17952531

>they still haven't done one to my knowledge

>> No.17952556

Oh my bad still it's odd they haven't done it on the wii and wiiu or if they did it wasn't as much as those two.
It's still quite a stretch to say it'll just push the psp and vita out just yet.

>> No.17952706

I don't think it's ninty being against it, just that people went for the vita because it can output better grafique than the 3ds.

>but the Switch install base seems quite open to these things
That's true. There's actually a surprising number of unironic weebs who has never seen a pair of anime tits before drooling over the whore in xenoblade 2

>> No.17952708

>before drooling over the whore in xenoblade 2

>> No.17952748


>> No.17952899

Homura and Hikari are both cute and I like my girls top heavy and slightly older.

>> No.17952959

/djt/ here, can anyone give me an estimate of how far off I am from being able to read Rewrite Harvest Festa? I know a little over 1000 kanji right now.

>> No.17952963


You only learn to read by reading. Djt should tell you that as well.

>> No.17952970

It's not that hard. Just go for it and stop if it's too much. Simple as that.

>> No.17952980

I haven't read Rewrite but I hear it has the most kanji of any other KEY game so I'm not sure if that's the best for a beginner.

>> No.17953032

Aoi tori is up

>> No.17953104

Kanji count is absolutely not a relevant measure of difficulty. at 1,000 he'll be looking them up constantly anyway.

>> No.17953153

Odd question, but it's happened to me pretty often.

Do you forget that most if not all characters in eroge are uncicumsized?
I sometime get shocked when they mention something like the penis poking out the foreskin. it's like a sudden realisiation.

>> No.17953157

Like most of the world outside of the muslim/jew influence?

>> No.17953162

I've probably read one VN so far where the MC wasn't circumcised so I've thought that Japs also circumcise everybody.

>> No.17953166

Just because you see them fully erect doesn't mean they don't have foreskin.

>> No.17953170

Three-quarters of American adult men are

>> No.17953174

Yeah but I rarely see dialogue indicating that the girl pulls back the guy's foreskin

>> No.17953175

>jew influence
About right?

>> No.17953183

>the girl pulls back the guy's foreskin
Foreskin retracts on its own as the penis gets hard, normally.

>> No.17953193

I remember when I was little I felt pretty weird when the H-manga I read had foreskinned men in it. But yeah, as the other guy implies, men in eroge are usually always seen with their willies being completely gorged with blood, so you can't tell.

>> No.17953234

Not him but most text in eroge don't really say anything like that, they just say things like; it became 'small' or 'hard and big'.
It seems to imply they are circumsized, I mean I've seen girls say that it looks cute when it's small or shrinks but not cute when it goes hides it's foreskin or anything like that, it really feels like a thing they would say is cute.
I've read shota x neechan or mom doujunshi stuff that do stuff like that though.

Or it might just be easier to draw when it becomes flacid.

>> No.17953237

Why would anyone do that? I just don't get it.

>> No.17953244

In japan, being normal, as in non-circumsized, is the standard, there's absolutely no need to mention it because it's a given.
It's like saying
>I saw her breasts
>they had nipples

>> No.17953247

>It seems to imply they are circumsized
No it doesn't, you're just projecting that.

>> No.17953257

They mention sucking on them.

Shota stuff mentions foreskin often.

>> No.17953267

Oh I wouldn't know because I have phimosis

>> No.17953272

Them as in the nipples, sometimes character focus on them during foreplay, also they show the nipples too.

>> No.17953311
File: 171 KB, 1280x720, yurauka_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This sure has some lewd casual outfits. Lemme guess, there won't be any sex with those actually being worn during it, huh? This is just for I don't know how many hours full of teasing... or something.

>> No.17953534
File: 144 KB, 1602x927, アオイトリ - 共通[4_5] -.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This woman should definitely be in prison.

>> No.17953760

Is Making Lovers crashing immediately after the OP for anyone else?

>> No.17953990

So, what Propeller chuuni game is the best? Ayakashibito?

>> No.17954021

That's their most famous, yes. All of Higashides pre-Tokyo Babel titles are considered good, probably best to just play them in release order starting with Ayakashibito.

>> No.17954037

Chuuou Higashiguchi's art from that period is not good.

>> No.17954039

Ok, thanks. Was TB really bad aside from the fact of it being an all age title though?

>> No.17954079

Alright famalam, Aoi Tori is gonna be my first JP VN. Wish me luck!

>> No.17954080

Cute. When things go wrong, ask in DJT, not here.

>> No.17954107

Bullet butler has better action scenes.
Tokyo babel has better characters dynamic and comedy, but suck at battles.
Evolimit has better romance, but some stuff are too repetitive in routes.
Ayakashibito is better overall. I strongly recommend to read psp version because it doesn't have retarded rape.

>> No.17954155

What about Chrono Belt? It sounds dope as fuck.

>> No.17954369
File: 682 KB, 980x560, top_img_main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does Mamiyakunchi no Itsutsugo Jijou compare to Kuranokunchi no Futago Jijou? I enjoyed Kuranokunchi

>> No.17954428

I'm on a 8 hour flight to Malaysia. How many sex scenes are in aoi tori's start? I plan on holding ctrl but how often should I expect them.

>> No.17954470

there are like 4 in the trial

>> No.17954520

What are some games with a good group dynamic? With the cast just interacting with the protagonist but with each other.

>> No.17954534

little busters

>> No.17954751

playing eroge on the plane... uhhhhhhh

>> No.17954774


-Noratoto. (switches around a lot)
-Daitoshokan to an extend. (one route is even more about the relationship between two of the heroines, rather than having much to do with the protag)
-omokage railback (it's kinda hard to call the protag even the protag)
-Sakahari (switches around a fair amount)

Most of the better works do actually some pov changes, as it's quite useful and one could argue necessary to really understand characters. And for group dynamics it's pretty much completely essential. So you can try looking into that direction. EGS has a tag for that, I'm pretty sure. Depending on how much you want this, you can actually find quite a bit.

>> No.17954821

Koi de wa naku, there are pov changes and development of relationship between the group, but it's very drama heavy work, so be prepared.

>> No.17954824

Also Bokunatsu from the same writer fits too.

>> No.17954889

This sounds like an awkward situation waiting to happen

>> No.17954982

i actually saw some douche doing this once. i wonder what the flight attendants (female) felt

>> No.17955014

There is top heavy, then there is the fugly "the bigger the tits the better the girl" modern trope. Past that there is the nonsensical attire design and the dull nice main girl personality. Almost all of the rare blades and other characters in the game had more class and substance than that. Hell, many eroge characters had more class and substance than that
Also I'm not stoked about seeing Angela Ballsack again so soon

>> No.17955067

So, what's the verdict on Aoi Tori?

>> No.17955072

it's hot

>> No.17955112

Got some hot pics? The ones on VNDB don't say a whole lot, though I do like the text box design.

>> No.17955498

Both have their respective upsides and downsides. I prefer the heroines and MC of Hoshi Ori but I feel like the setting and premise of Ginharu flows better due to the blander MC it has.

Ginharu went the "everyone is kyonyuu except token loli" route, with Hoshi Ori giving almost every heroine their own unique cup size, giving them a nice variety of sizes to choose from.

>> No.17955499

How is Making Lovers? I am hoping it will be half decent with the more 'mature' heroines but you never know.

>> No.17955506

Judging from the CG the H sucks

>> No.17955546

Care to share a couple of samples?

>> No.17955564
File: 50 KB, 1280x720, byp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks your path*

Hey you, doutei shounen. Gimme yer lunch money!

>> No.17955565
File: 139 KB, 1280x720, wtfarm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arms don't bend this way normally!

>> No.17955587

I'm only interested in the two blondes, the high school model girl and the girl voiced by Ushio (weather-girl?).

Anyone that has played it before, how are the heroines? I'm not expecting much from a moege but the non-high school setting is at least somewhat refreshing.

>> No.17955610

Haven't had time to play it much yet so these are just very light first impressions, but I just started Karen's route.

The main selling point was the whole "dating before properly falling in love" aspect but I was expecting and would've preferred if the lighter dating parts and messing up because of inexperience could've been drawn out much longer, since the proper confession of love and first sex in this route at least comes up very early. I'm also not getting vibes from the supposed other selling point of protagonist having to work up courage and actively pursue love of his own accord instead of relying on chance and cliche 運命的な出会い, because at least in this route that's pretty much exactly what happens: sure, one 合コン to which he gets invited by his Chad friend, then meeting Karen again and learning about her troubles by chance, followed by proposal of cohab.

I like the changing apartment and workplace thing though, in this route the protagonist becomes the IT guy for the flower shop Karen also works at. The okama employer even gets a sprite which is nice. Humor and silly protagonist so far seem to be standard Smee fare, which is good.

>> No.17955644

I'm trying to bend my arm that way and it hurts

*she sees your dick*

>> No.17955649

finished Saki and in the middle of Reinas route, so far enjoying it.

MCs Workplace workplace will change depending on the route so you get a decent variety of side characters and a change in setting, although some characters are shared between routes ( Kazama is one who is shared between reina and sakis routes.). Reina and Saki are quite different with one being a cheeky and assertive heroine and the other is well more mature and kinda reserved(they are like 10-9 years apart in age btw).

It doesnt really take long for the characters to start dating but i guess reina had to put more effort to get the mc to like her while the mc just straight up confesses to Saki like 5 minutes into the route and they start dating.

>> No.17955656
File: 35 KB, 212x89, status.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17955682

After reading the heroine's bios on vndb it seems like every girl was met by chance/cliche, one way or another.

Oh well, not that I mind very much. The hcg's don't look half bad and the seiyuu interest me, so I'll be playing it one way or another.

I'm on the fence about Aoi Tori, I really enjoy the art style purplesoft uses, but the supernatural elements are a bit meh to me. I've read Amatsutsumi so I have an idea of what to expect but ugh, I dunno. The main heroine does not do anything for me like Hotaru did, and the only girl I am interested in - Mary - is just a sideshow. Zzzzz

>> No.17955699 [SPOILER] 
File: 707 KB, 3150x1652, 1511764576020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of what happened in the Egg Bowl just the other day, only it was the foot instead of an arm.

Don't open the pic if you don't want to cringe! You've been warned!

>> No.17955728

WTF nononononononononononono

>> No.17955745
File: 914 KB, 1284x724, tasuku breaks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The after credits scene on Tasuku's route is really sad.

>> No.17955749

Akari is super interesting once she stops being a side character.
Thankfully the side routes are short.

>> No.17955821

Where did you dl this? It's not on AS or nyaa yet. Kind of interested with this one because it looks like a dumb moege and the music seems to be done by a kinda big doujin circle.

>> No.17955828

they bought it?

>> No.17955844

Its on AS, thats where I got mine.

>> No.17956109


I haven't seen on AS, you can sent link on AS?

>> No.17956114

I masturbated to the beginning H-scene, tried to read for another hour afterwards but realized I lost all interest in it after I nutted. The dialogue and writing itself is still quite boring. I'm going to indefinitely stall it.

>> No.17956119

Sounds like its gonna be like amatsutsumi for me, read 4 hour chunks every once in a while and finish it like a year later while playing other vns in between.

>> No.17956126

This is really the problem for Purple with me. The nukige aspects are great, but why are they tacked onto tryhard stories that amount to barely anything? Plot is simply not their forte.

I want them to embrace what's good about them and go full moege/nukige. Either one will do.

>> No.17956334

Truly a mystery. Chinks have it since they released the CG pack, but the game itself I didn't see on A-S.

>> No.17956341

Because way too many companies do just that and at least this time around, the actual core stuff is interesting to the point I don't get how purple gave an ok to a main route/heroine like that.

>> No.17956441

>lso might you know the h-code
did you figure this one out? i can read it without but i guess it would be handy to have

>> No.17956505

They can but it's odd, there's worse art in eroge though.

>> No.17956533
File: 1.29 MB, 1376x1444, fixed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17956573
File: 1.14 MB, 1165x690, main_image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess what's alive.

>> No.17956590


That'll be fun. Let's see how incomplete this one will be.

>> No.17956641
File: 315 KB, 1280x720, mekuiro_2017-11-26_14-24-26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did buy it. I'm not in any secret clubs but you should check out those VIP shit or something, maybe it's there or wait, I guess. And yeah, it's a good dumb moege with music done by Alvine. As for the VN itself, it's pretty much what I'd expect from a moege and I'm enjoying it so far. Just finished the common route and entered one of the girl's route now.

>> No.17956648

They're almost the same. Chances are, you'd also enjoy mamiya too.

>> No.17956761

How do you juggle always wanting to start different games?

>> No.17956772

I tried making a short list of games I wanted to play soon and ended up with a list of over 50 games. Shit's impossible.

>> No.17956957

I don't. When I want a break from what I'm reading I just go watch anime or play some game. If what I'm reading is boring I drop it.

>> No.17956997

Thank you friend. I think I'll actually buy it then.

>> No.17957014
File: 106 KB, 1024x576, 171122_042921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how his tree 'part' is censored. That's just overabundant silliness there. Since the image is highly pornographic it's best I post this on /d/


Have this image of an innocent dragon instead.

>> No.17957024


>> No.17957316

nope... I messed around a bit with ollydbg don't know what I'm doing....

>> No.17957546
File: 339 KB, 1280x720, yurauka_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunno if I just happen to read the "right things" recently, but I'm finding quite a bit of meta comments in VNs. Is that getting more or something?

>> No.17958233

I usually have something I want to read the most so I just read that

>> No.17959574
File: 117 KB, 1232x571, Oh boy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17959582

Drama again. What a surprise.

>> No.17959794
File: 1.65 MB, 1280x720, MakingLovers_2017-11-28_00-08-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After starting MakingLovers this heroine has started to grow on me and I haven't even met the other girls besides Ako yet. Speaking of which Ako really reminds me of the step-sister from Ginharu.

So because someone leaked the latest ANIM M&W game crack the mods got themselves worked into a frenzy? This is worse than that manga drama where some group went apeshit over people removing their retarded and completely unnecessary TL notes.

>> No.17959800

Would you recommend MakingLovers for babbys first VN?

>> No.17959801

Are they only talking about leaking games, cracks, or what exactly?

>> No.17959814
File: 1.81 MB, 1280x720, MakingLovers_2017-11-27_22-31-36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too early to say, although the music is awful. I'm only a few hours into the game and they have already used the "pump you up" track wayyy too much.

Unless Reina or Saki impress me during their intro scene I'll probably be doing Karen first, her sharp tongue and chemistry with the MC is nice.

Also backwards facing sprites!

>> No.17959817

I'm gathering that all VIP games will have a new crack system to help prevent leaks and publically released ones won't be effected, or at least I hope it's like that

>> No.17959824

Guess it's time to make a Mikocon account then. I suppose VIP costs money though.

>> No.17959827

Of course

>> No.17959837

>we earn money by riding the coattails of others by stealing their games, cracking them and then selling the crack
>pls stop stealing our crack we made by stealing a game

i swear Mikocon is full of narcissistic tyrants. reminds me of Qidian but for eroge

>> No.17959871

anyone? basically i want share to act more like PD and retain search results, i tried to download the plugins that sounded like they might do this but its been days now and i'm not getting anywhere

>> No.17959931

How to use Freenet and Amoeba to get muh vns, anyone?

>> No.17960049

Karen is #1

>> No.17960106



>> No.17960244

the irony of pirates drm always cracks me up
