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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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184565 No.184565 [Reply] [Original]

So what's the point of visual novels? If I want to play a video game I'll use my fucking wii. If I want to watch a story I'll download some anime. Visual novels = a fucking waste.

>> No.184575

>If I want to look like a stupid cunt I'll use my fucking wii.


>> No.184582


Not OP, but Wii is awesome.

is troll.

>> No.184595

To cry manly tears ;_;

>> No.184594
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>If I want to play a video game I'll use my fucking wii


>> No.184590

interaction/different outcomes

>> No.184602

Don't you like reading? Well, we do.

Voices are probably a significant selling point.

>> No.184614


>> No.184607

VNs are better than anime for story though

>> No.184629
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>> No.184699

lol, wiifags prove their stupidity once again.

Loads of awesome games have had awesome stories, Grim Fandango, Silent Hill, Deus Ex, The Longest Journey/Dreamfall, Fallout, Planescape Torment, FF9...

>> No.184716

Find me a game released in the last five years and we'll talk.

>> No.184726

Lost Odyssey had a good story and it was released last month.

>> No.184727


Bioshock and Mass Effect wiitard. NWN2 was pretty good as well, as was KOTOR 2, loads more I can't remember right now.

>> No.184732

Worth getting? I've heard good things and it's been ages since I've played a JRPG.

>> No.184739


I used to be a FF fanboy, but they haven't made a single decent Final Fantasy since FF9. The only non-weeaboo games I played lately are the Phoenix Wright series.

>> No.184741

It was, for me, most reminiscent of PlayStation-era JRPGs. If you liked those, you'll probably like it.

>> No.184736

For very low values of "good", I'll agree with that.

>> No.184743


I'll definately be getting it then.

>> No.184748

The things ive heard are as follows; HOLY SHIT EPIC INTRO, generic JRPG, following in FFs shadow and HAHA OH WOW 4 DISKS.

>> No.184753

You know what the last game I played and enjoyed was?

Fucking Golden Sun 2.

>> No.184755

Xbawkz 360?

Goddammit, I hate new gen consoles. I'm not going to waste a billion dollars just to play one or two games on each console.

>> No.184756


New thread >>6445396

>> No.184757
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>but they haven't made a single decent Final Fantasy since FF9

>decent Final Fantasy since FF9

>Final Fantasy

>> No.184759
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So what's the point of visual novels? If I want to play a video game I'll use my fucking wii. If I want to watch a story I'll download some anime. Visual novels = a fucking waste.

>> No.184766

Op is a troll,but i'll answer seriously.
I play VNs because i like variety in my games:if i have time and want to enjoy a usually interesting story,i play those. Otherwise i just load stuff like guilty gear and start kicking asses.

>> No.184771
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Some VN's actually have some pretty awesome gameplay

Pic related

>> No.184769

Welcome to /jp/! All content is related!

Lolz I'm hating a popular game series am I edgy and cool already? gb2/v/ with that stupid attitude.

>> No.184799

Visual Novels usually have better stories than books do.

>> No.184821


>> No.184823

Either a really bad troll or just uneducated.

>> No.184845

not trolling. i must have not read the great books you guys have, but there were some awesome books that blew away VN's, like Forrest Gump and Fried Green Tomatoes

>> No.184851

Heh, I thought that was an EVE-zzzzz argument for a minute.

>> No.184859

Visual novels are basically very good ANIME stories. Comparing it to a real book is kind of stupid, since they're massively different both in purpose and style.

>> No.184857


If you're reading shitty genre works, then sure.

>> No.184879

movies aren't books

>> No.184886

they were books first. i have them

>> No.184889

VN's are for people who don't have enough imagination to read a book.

>> No.184913

I can never get into books.
I've just never seen anything interesting to me.
If given the choice I'll always take a movie over a book.

Some people say reading a book is better because you can imagine it from your own point of view and see it as how you think it is, but I really don't give a shit.
If it's boring, it's boring.

After reading some VN's I probably could come up with a good idea of what would be good reading material for me in a book, but it'd likely just end up being all manga.
I don't want to try and imagine how something looks, I want to see how it looks, and that's the problem I have with reading normal books.

>> No.184949

I prefer books over VNs anyday, but they offer something else. I guess it's a sense of exploring the different storylines, making choices and seeing how it turns up. Going back to see what happens when you make anpther choice.
It's the childish thrill of exploration, and the emotional investment you get after a while.

Still, if I want a really good story, I'll open a good book.

>> No.185348

wich VN has the best plot then?
i have only played nasu's stuff and clannad.

>> No.185434

Depends on how "best plot" is defined. Personally I think that the best kind of plot in a VN is a plot that makes you ponder the events and charas and their motives outside the VN itself.

And there are few of these, mostly outside the usual "highschool hijinx" subject matter, such as Nitroplus' lineup and Bullet Butlers.

I think that in terms of 'form' VNs are related to male oriented genre fiction like thrillers and suspense novels, only it's "Here are the heroines. Bone them." instead of "Here's a crime. It gets solved." and what happens outside that is the 'content'.

>> No.185457


>> No.185466
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My body is made out of swords.
Iron is my blood, and glass is my heart.
I have overcome countless battlefields undefeated,
Without once retreating,
Nor once being understood.
Always alone, intoxicated with victory on the hill of swords.
Therefore, there is no meaning to that life.
This body is probably a sword itself.

>> No.185473


>> No.185474
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>> No.185490
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Posting the real King of Heroes in a visual novel thread.

>> No.185503

There are also Otome games...

Books, VNs and Anime offer diferent things. Of course, they are related, but the outcome is not the same, SPECIALLY if we compare VNs and books.

I find myself reading more Visual Novels than books nowadays, but both have their charm. Same goes for Anime/Manga.

>> No.185512
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>> No.185522

Trolls on /jp/?


>> No.185562

You can't really say which VN/book has the best plot, it's relative to taste. For me I really liked the world that Eien no Aselia managed to build and Cross Channel managed to build a really interesting web of relationship.

>> No.185834

I really liked Eien no Aselia. Surprised no one really mentions it here.

>> No.188346
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I like to think of VNs as RPGs without gameplay or leveling in which you have a greater influence on the outcome of the story.

Most gamers have played through tedious, sometimes unfun RPGs just to get to story bits. A VN's almost 100% story and that's what I think makes them appealing.

>> No.188397

This reminds me of the applejacks commercials with the cinnamon swirls.

you can't see the cinnamon swirls.

>> No.188429

The obvious answer of course is that you only need one hand to play a Visual Novel.

>> No.190260


I know you. Oh shit.

>> No.190301

Are there any good/decent VN's without porn besides Clannad?

>> No.190315

Translated? Ever17, faggot.

>> No.190325


>> No.190331

Narcissu, it's really sad its freeware on insani.org

>> No.190333


>> No.190351
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They should republish these as visual novels.

>> No.190360
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LOL@Wii hate while other console fanboys fall for a fucking obvious troll.

>> No.190365



>> No.190396

A true gamer would love all consoles..
