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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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189637 No.189637 [Reply] [Original]

We're fucked.


>> No.189698

I want to say I have a problem with this but frankly I don't. Ban that shit. It's not even 2D.

3DCP = Hard Fail.

Also, I have a problem seeing this passing the grade. Too much money in it, and too entrenched.

>> No.189699

They're also trying to ban 2d in japan...

>> No.189703

>But the Japan branch of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) urged Tokyo to beef up its laws by banning child pornography in MANGA COMICS, ANIMATED FILMS and COMPUTER GAMES as well as individual possession.

>> No.189705

Yeah, if not even GWB could pull of a LIMIT BREAKER BANHAMMER on 2D, how the fuck would the country that subsidies the INDUSTRY that produces them pull it off? Trust me, not gonna happen.

>> No.189710

ITT: Amerikkka still thinks it can make Japan give up lolicon. They're obv wrong.

I don't see why we need a thread.

>> No.189713

>>They're also trying to ban 2d in japan...


>> No.189714

Hahaha oh wow. I'd love to see them try.

>> No.189720

well, the fail is pretty obvious.

>> No.189723

It's UNICEF JAPAN. A small speck in a small organization stuck in a lumbering cross-continental carcass. And they "urged" as in Maude Flanders-urged "Tokyo" to beef up it's laws.

Not to slag you, but if you learn more about political reality and newsspeak this article isn't frightening at all.

>> No.189732

Oh, no, I understand that.
I just thought you missed out on the fact they were 'urging' to also ban 2D in your first post.
I also doubt it'll happen. Even if it did, I can count on 4chan to be my underground, right?

>> No.189734

what if they really can ban loli and such?

>> No.189741


Banning loli in Japan? lol no

>> No.189743

They will ban furry porn next.
And then plant porn.
And then mech porn.

>> No.189757

>>I can count on 4chan to be my underground, right?

Yeah cause 4chon is like totally under the radar of the internuts.

>> No.189762


ITT annoying tripfags can't read more than two sentences without ADD kicking in

>> No.189764

My first post was more about being supportive of a ban of actual 3DCP, since it's disgusting and exploitative. I also find it funny that Russia is in the same boat and NOBODY bags on Russia. Why?
Oil baby, oil.

>> No.189769

First they b& CP and I didn't speak up because I'm not a pædo...

>> No.189776
File: 18 KB, 450x288, uk.reuters.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else notice that their logo looks like a guy fucking a toddler?

>> No.189781


Oh dear God.

>> No.189786

>no official design


And you, you're a flunkout and your family hates you. No one takes you seriously.

>> No.189789

lol can't unsee

>> No.189801

hypocritic pedos in denial

>> No.189807

>>189710Oh, you'd be surprised. Everyone likes to say that Japan has a paedophiliac culture, but in truth, magazines with tentacles or 2D sketches of ass-fucked children are marginalized pornography. People there think those who have that stuff are freaks. I don't think most of the public will care.

/You cans still draw and own lolis in America.

>> No.189818
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>> No.189866

How much harder would it be to get loli online if it gets banned in japan? I'm starting to think about maybe collecting as much as I can NOW before it's too late.

>> No.189870


It's not gonna get banned in Japan you faggot.

>> No.189946
File: 89 KB, 695x377, NHK-v1p062.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.190093

Russia has nukes, Japan doesn't?

>> No.190097

you're a faggot for even thinking that. ever seen the so many loli cgs japanese sites there are? ever seen how much loli stuffs there's on dlsite? how could they even manage to purge that?

>> No.190108

The one reason I like Welcome to the NHK is its occasional ridiculous faces.
Otherwise, it's lackluster.

>> No.190110



>> No.190119

You're an idiot, it's an awesome manga.

>> No.190120

Well I didn't like it

>> No.190134

In truth, it makes up a VERY small part of Japan's porn consumption. Most people won;'t care, and the rest will get raided Yes, CP will live on in Japan, but people will no longer sign their names on it and sell it in stores. Pedocomics are already gone from places like 7/11, and most stores that deal in used panties are gone.

>> No.190151

They don't have to 'purge' anything. Just a few arrests here, a few beatings there, the people will get the message.

>> No.190163

lol@weeaboo who try to sound like he knows shit about japan

>> No.190166

I doubt 2ch would put up with that...

>> No.190169

given the fact that loli isn't even illegal in state like US is enough to say there's little chance for a ban on loli to happen. never heard of moot being arrested while he was still hosting loli, the only reason the /l/ section was removed was due to retarded donation system.

>> No.190174

>>pointing out that photo books and DVDs featuring small children in bikinis are freely available in stores and over the Internet.

i love japan

>> No.190185

"UNICEF also called on prosecutors and courts to apply current legislation more strictly, pointing out that photo books and DVDs featuring small children in bikinis are freely available in stores and over the Internet."

>> No.190203

Fuck the UN.

Let's nuke Iran, fuck what the UN thinks.

>> No.190216

not america stupid. it's asshole from all over the world. plus it was a british article, so it's got shit to do with them also.

Read the article you stupid fuck. they want loli out of manga and anime. WTF!!!???
unicef is big pity party and they'll exploit their name to get what they want.

Also Sauce OP!! is that from Life is Peachy???
best loli hentai evar. but needed more.

>> No.190227

>You cans still draw and own lolis in America.

SAFE act prohibits that.

>> No.190228

they didn't answer anything about the manga ban. also only unicef japan asked that, not the global unicef who obviously is more concerned by the fact possession of child porn is still legal there.

>> No.190238

please read it again it does allow it.

>> No.190242


i've read 2 volumes and i think it's great, but then again i'm a hikikomori. but yeah, the faces are the best since GTO

>> No.190259

If this comes to reality... bah.
Anyway, remember to stock up on loli while you still can, kids!

>> No.190284

Unichef needs to STFU

>> No.190287

UNICEF = baww

>> No.190295


No you're just fat and ugly thats not what it is at all.

>> No.190303



>> No.190312

They already banned it in America once only to have the Supreme Court overturn it because it's a victimless crime. If it happens again it'll just create another huge legal mess that will eventually reach the Supreme Court again and they'll do the same thing.

>> No.190336

I'm 100% for banning real child pornography, giving substantial aid to Russian Orphanages, etc. But fucking banning drawn, fantasy, victimless pornography is ridiculous.

>> No.190366

I'd give substantial aid to Russian Orphanages, if you know what I mean.

>> No.190373

Japan has been faggots lately. You can't even show panties and tits in anime outside of ova anymore. They'll eat this up. It's probably for the best though. They hit the border with things like Rizelmine and KnJ; with shit like ryofuko-chan they've stepped way over the line. This has to end somewhere.

Also, >>190312
America = Freedom of speech/press/cartoons

>> No.190385

No. It's good. Lolicon is a disease. I'm glad to see that the authorities finally looking into this seriously.

>> No.190392


Holy fuck, downloading at the speed of light!
Why hasn't someone told me about this before.

>> No.190397



>> No.190403

I'm sure we have, you just weren't around at the time. Most people didn't like it that much anyway, where as tons of people on /a/ follow Kojika.

>> No.190412

ryofuko-chan was the best anime ever created, please go suicide. the fact this anime exists proove that loli is going awesome mode!

>> No.190420

lol @ Google ads linking the article to sites selling baby monitors and child insurance?

>> No.190429

I do, all the time.

>> No.190444

I predict this will lead to more porn featuring "18"-year olds.

>> No.190447

What's with people loving KnJ anyway? When it was first being translated, only like one group cared and the stopped when it was licensed. Had to fucking barely get through raws. People mostly forgot about it after until that shitstorm happened and suddenly it's now the greatest shit OMG READING THIS IS LIKE KICKING ANSWERFAG IN THE BALLS must-read manga of /a/

This same shit happened with touhou, being the only one to know if it mostly until like last year.

Why must /a/ ruin everything by over posting/obsessing over it for the wrong reasons? Faggots better not fuck over sumire 16 when the show comes out. (Thank goodness it's a LA drama and not an anime, no one cares about those.)

>> No.190448

You think Ryofuko-chan is extreme? Go look up "The Story of Little Monica".

>> No.190468

I've watched it and other anime like that. That's porn, it's always been like that. Stuff that caters to perverts will never go away no matter how illegal it is.

Ryofuko isn't trying to be porn though, or even trying to be anything or have any semblance of story or redeemable value. It's just an excuse to have little girls shake their asses around and tease pedos by saying they're old men. It's disgusting pandering to otaku in the worst way.

>> No.190479

I don't see why you draw a line between them. Both are OVAs after all; the only difference is that one's softcore and the other is hardcore.

>> No.190487

>sumire 16
>LA drama


also BAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW i only like things that are 1337 so when too many people like them i stop liking them BAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW

>> No.190489

>don't see why you draw a line between them
>one's softcore and the other is hardcore
Not the anonymous you replied too but it is pretty obvious right there what the difference is.

>> No.190492

Loli is over? Good, maybe you fucks will start fapping to fully grown 2D wimminz and rejoin the human race.

>> No.190500

Yes, but I don't see why he's horrified by the the recent release of a softcore loli OVA but doesn't seem to care at all about the hardcore loli stuff that has already been out for a while.

>> No.190502

What is loli?

>> No.190514


>> No.190532

low power levels detected

>> No.190561

It's like comparing a little girl flashing her panties and thrusting her pelvis in some movie about junior high cheerleaders in a theater to child porn. Both are wrong. One is more underground and illegal and not really much you can do about it besides what police do, so no point worrying about it.

The other is being promoted as something of value when it isn't.

But more than that, on the anime side, I don't honestly care about 2d people one was or the other. I hate shameless otaku pandering. I hate excessive loli fanservice in the same way that I hate excessive anime and video game and meme references. I hate unnecessary moe characters. I hate forced tsundere leads.

I never said I didn't like them, I love the translations, and I love the fanart of touhou. It's just I'm fucking sick of people posting about it every damn second. It's not a matter of becoming popular, it a matter of becoming overrated and a fad. That tends to attract hate and also it tends to go away. Then the stuff you like becomes old shit no one cares about or associated with trolling.

>> No.190583

sorry but that anime had nothing left of loli unlike the game it was based off. all I see in that anime are dwarves with HUEG BOOBS.
Ryofuko-chan however is loli at its extreme and it's an AwEsOmE anime and only fags would disagree... Actually even them would agree as they're the yaranaika gay dudes in it.

>> No.190614

Does Ryofuko-chan actually promoted as something that doesn't center on fanservice? Because to me that seemed to be the OVA's focal point.

I'd say that both the blonde girl and the catgirl were lolis.

>> No.190670

in the game yes, in the anime no. the anime has no DFC whatsoever. they all look like ugly grandmas.
DFC isn't equal to less than F-cup. In the game I think only the green haired and blonde were lolis, the catgirl definitly not unless for you a loli is a girl who looks like she's below 18, in this case all girls in h-games and h-animes are lolis as they're all below 18 in term of look.

>> No.190703

Oh OK. It's been a while since I last saw it, so I can't remember the character designs that clearly. Still, that OVA does contain loli hentai since the blonde girl at least is a loli.

>> No.190711

People should always keep in mind the reasons the original laws were created. Real CP was not banned because it was "icky". It was banned because in order to produce it, you had to commit another crime - sexual abuse of a minor. I'm not sure what the rationale for its criminalizing its possession too was - perhaps to protect the reputation of the child "star", but that's not important right now.

Drawing loli comics, no matter how raunchy, does not require a live model. There is no crime involved in it, so it cannot be reasonably banned either. You can't ban things just because you find them disgusting. That's how a child thinks and acts, because a child thinks the whole world is made for him and needs to conform to his will. An adult should realize that for every thing that he hates, there is somebody who likes it, and in order to uphold peace, as many things should be allowed as is possible without creating total chaos. In particular, things that are disturbing but don't actually harm anyone (like loli cartoons) definitely should be allowed.

>> No.190720


>> No.190733

Of course, but that won't convince that many individuals. People will still campaign to have loli banned and I don't think too many people would want to oppose them since they'd risk getting branded as being 'pro-pedophilia'.

>> No.190739

Furry supporter

>> No.190807


>> No.190822

trust me the blonde was definitly not loli in that ova. in the game she was though. you might as well say all the girls in Girl Bravo are lolis that'd be as true as that.

>> No.190824


>> No.190832
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>> No.190847

I think what matters is that it's not gonna happen for the drawings.
see how long it took them to ban real child porn? and even now possessing it isn't a crime (yet).
so think about it and you'll figure out that even if they intend to ban drawings it'll take even longer and it might even be just a loophole where as long as you state they're 18 it's fine (like in japanese h-games right now)

>> No.190871

UN is de facto powerless, UNICEF even more so. They can "encourage" people to do random things because some people still erroneously believe they are important organizations.

Keeping in mind that 2D loli is a industry worth hundreds of millions of dollars in Japan, this shit has the same chance of going through as a bullet made out of butter. What's going to happen is that the Jappos will ban possession of REAL CP (which is fine) to appease them and leave anime and manga alone like they should.

>> No.190899


We should be more worried of our local politicians seeing this as an easy way to get brownie points. There are already a bunch of countries in Eurofagland who have banned cartoon CP (Sweden at least), so don't pretend it can't happen where you live. Find out which of your candidates are heavily pro-freedom-of-expression and write them a letter to show you care.

>> No.190963

yeh we had a politician like this in France, thanksfully the bitch didn't win the elections (she's the reason of the death of animes on public tv here, she hated anime 10+ years ago and she still does now and even harassed a Japanese minister about it a few months ago)

>> No.191032
File: 229 KB, 881x1236, lo10_070e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lolicon is a disease

>> No.191042


>> No.191056

it's their fault. to try and stop from getting any more urge to fuck them he buys more of those to use all his fapping on it so he can't get any urge anymore!

>> No.191065

Yes, it's the litter girl's fault her wants to fuck them.

>> No.191071

Yes, it's the little girls' fault he wants to fuck them.

>> No.191074

You do know they're talking about actual child pornography and not drawings?

>> No.191084

They are trying to get both banned, not like they have a chance.

>> No.191086

When was the last time you saw real child pornography in manga? Series name NOW.

>> No.191091

yeh but some think the 'unicef japan wishing for japan to also ban animes and mangas' being something that will happen for I dunno what reason

>> No.191107

Fucking read and take in the article you cock munching fags!

BTW I thought Rizelmine was fuck awesome. Especially the teenager who was into bear pantsu :)

>> No.191213

Well, it may be a good thing she didn't get elected, but the downside is we got worse than her. The one French fucktards ended up electing isn't any better as far as spewing the "Think of The Children" kind of nonsense goes, and he's a vile bastard accross the board.

>> No.191245

well he'd be too busy showing off his beautiful wife to think about such things, plus he's probably more concerned atm about the fact he has to find quickly a way to be what he promised to be.
but it's true he's pretty shit too unfortunatly.

>> No.191258

>fully grown 2D wimminz and rejoin the human race
NEVAR. If that happens i'll move onto traps or kigurumi or became a dollfag.

Oh wait i already like traps, kigurumi and dolls...

>> No.191699

>Japan is to bow to international pressure and ban the possession of child pornography, although the new law is expected to anger child welfare groups by exempting manga comics and animated films.

Let's see if Anonymous can read beyond the comma.

>> No.191961

Yahoo and Microsoft supporting the UNICEF campaign.

Better not fail me, Japan.

>> No.193691

UNCIEF's shitty campiagn isnt ganna work, virtual child porno is a release for those pedos in japan, by expressing their sexual desires through art, they can avoid committing sexual crimes... japan is ganna be a different land if they ban lolis, for example: no more weeaboos

>> No.193721

If they ban drawings, they should ban violent games, movies, TV shows and music too.

>> No.193726

That is already on "their" list.

>> No.193769

Cheers for Japan, the last country to cause a sensation by banning 3D child porns.

>> No.193781

UNCIEF's shitty campiagn isnt ganna work, virtual child porno is a release for those pedos in japan, by expressing their sexual desires through art, they can avoid committing sexual crimes... japan is ganna be a different land if they ban lolis, for example: no more weeaboos

>> No.193816

If they don't ban virtual child porn, a lot of innocent virtual children will get hurt.
Think of the virtual children.
Support human rights for virtual people.
Fight for virtual people suffrage.

>> No.193852

I don't see what the big deal is. Japan may be a huge producer of child porn, but it's mostly Asian children.

>> No.193857

Idiots, keep the 2D loli, it reduces the ACTUALLY HARMFUL 3D loli and shota incidents.

>> No.193861


>> No.193882

What? Asians aren't people.

>> No.195540

Yes we are you double faggot. >:U

>> No.195550

>>195540 we
Wow, you're sum hardcore weeaboo

>> No.195574

>>195540 >:U
No anonymous, you are the faggot.

>> No.195587

gb2 your shitty novel game, fgt

>> No.196762

and then he was a weaboo/pig disgusting
