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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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19317127 No.19317127 [Reply] [Original]

This is a Japanese language learning thread designed by and for those interested in traditional otaku media such as anime, manga, light novels, and Japanese video games.
If you have no interest in otaku media or want to request a translation, this is not the thread for you.

Read the guide before asking stupid questions.

Previous thread: >>19304231

"Never wrestle with a pig. You both get dirty but the pig enjoys it." -Steve Kaufmann

>> No.19317138

im the piggy w/ the rain booties cause i dont wana get dirty

>> No.19317150


>> No.19317155

you're the piggy w/ the rain booties because your mom wont let you get dirty but you know what you really want

>> No.19317168

these boots were made for walkin (thru yalls shit)

>> No.19317178
File: 80 KB, 487x384, Screenshot 2018-06-28 at 22.51.53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IDK how people can need to rely on such ridiculous mnemonics/stories to remember this Kanji, all I have to do is glance at it once and my mind immediately fills with the meme in pic related. The top half looks sort of like his sunglasses-wearing face, and the bottom part... It nearly looks like an American flag just like his shirt. so it's not difficult at all to go "oh, depression"

>> No.19317181
File: 374 KB, 665x665, 1526323576690.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have 10 seconds to explain why its ok that this kids better than you at nihongo


>> No.19317182





>> No.19317185

>hadn't seen 鬱 in readings yet
>but people here spam it all the time
>memorized it by using this thread as pseudo srs
thanks for doing all the work for me, virgins

>> No.19317194

>be exposed to kanji over and over again
>reading is a pseudo SRS

Congratulations, you figured it out. Now go read a 小説 or Wikipedia and stop drilling core decks.

>> No.19317203

>stop drilling core decks
dropped that shit after 2k; im just slow, lazy, and mildly busy. ill see 憂鬱 eventually

>> No.19317204
File: 72 KB, 661x620, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

special message to the flash card junkie boys


>> No.19317227

stop talking like an anime character

>> No.19317244
File: 10 KB, 319x237, donarudo2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be exposed to any of 30000+ words over and over
>be exposed to a small pool of words that you are familiar with over and over that slowly get pushed to longer intervals such that you aren't seeing words...
fuck it, you know what i'm getting at.

>> No.19317255

nihongos really easy once you learn it

>> No.19317330

What is the "出る" doing there? From previous text it's been paired with 気分, but I don't understand what "気分が出てる" meant either.

>> No.19317382

it means what you think it means its the japanese way to express the concept

>> No.19317390

in japanese feelings and emotions work with 出す and 出る, probably the most common usage of which is 元気を出せ

i guess in some sense feelings are things that you bring out

>> No.19317508

The mnemonics are for writing, not recognizing. Any idiot can recognize it.

>> No.19317610

Does anyone have a good resource for extremely easy children's books? I'm a fucking retard so I've been having a lot of trouble getting a good grasp on japanese grammar even after reading the guide 3-5 times and spending the past month trying to read yotsuba and play inazuma 11. I've been trying to use the neocities resource list, but even the easy and basic stuff on the list is taking me an hour to read like 3-5 sentences. Is this normal, or am I jumping in to things above my level?

>> No.19317670
File: 48 KB, 704x581, Soon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making stories become easier when you unshackle the autism in you. I just gotta reign myself back in when i'm done.

>> No.19317675

You're confusing simple and easy. Beginner level stuff is simple, but any foray into language learning is going to be hard.
Nothing will feel like it means anything at all, its just a joke to your brain, and it has no structure, no basis in reality. There is zero trust.
But all that will come, if you just keep reading and making an honest attempt at comprehension.

>> No.19317747


>> No.19317785

I'll keep going, but do you have a suggestion for some simple/easy level material that isn't yotsubato? The slang and dialect are really hurting my ability to properly look up words I don't know, and even some of the grammar is different because of it.

>> No.19317806

Manga isn't reading, and that isn't just a meme. The slang/grammar patterns seen in manga will fuck your life up, and there's not enough of it there to help you get good at it.

NHK EASY news is your best bet for the moment.

>> No.19317897


>> No.19317919

is using yomichan cheating

>> No.19317920

Wrong, you need to start somewhere and manga is a good way to get you used to kana and some useful kanji. It's nowhere remotely nearly as intensive as anything more text-based but it's more motivating for beginners to start with manga since you can actually finish a volume in an amount of time that doesn't just motivate you to quit asap. With LNs you'll probably give up after trying to wrestle through even a single chapter in a week. Also imo mining is more efficient with manga because you can associate new words with visual cues, but that may just be me. Eventually you do have to move on to things without furigana and images though, because they become crutches that slow down learning.

Also the 'slang' is a meme, particularly that in Yotsubato is just things like common contractions (like 'can't' vs 'can not' in English), you'll need to get used to it anyways if you want to ever read Japanese novels. It might help to read the sentences out loud as this will make it easier to recognize the similarities between these constructs and the ones you've learned about in grammar guides.

NHK EASY is decent but I always feel like the amount of articles I get per day is kind of low. Also, it won't get you used to many of the more complicated grammatical structures as it's all very descriptive and samey writing.

Try Ika Musume maybe? I think it has less 'slangy' constructs but again, Yotsubato isn't slang or dialect. It's just speech in text form.

>> No.19317925

let me clarify, i'm using it to read VNs, WNs and LNs and I store the words i dont recognize into anki. When I have time I try to recognize the words. it's just that, the words i store are so specific I doubt i'll remember them when I see them occurring again in the far future.

>> No.19317960


>> No.19317983

rikaisama for life

>> No.19317999
File: 60 KB, 1177x225, 56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this scientific?

>> No.19318026

If I see 射精る, is that supposed to be read as でる, with 射精 replacing 出 for lewd effect?

>> No.19318034


>> No.19318035

sounds like bs to me

>> No.19318036


>> No.19318043


>> No.19318047

Yeah, everything seems to be in order.

>> No.19318076

I'm going to do RTK, wish me luck.

>> No.19318081




>> No.19318170

>The slang and dialect are really hurting my ability to properly look up words I don't know, and even some of the grammar is different because of it.
If you want to feel some level of accomplishment, read some NHK easy news articles. They are necessarily devoid of slang, but do keep in mind, we both know you didn't come here to learn how to read the news.
The slang and contractions IS the language.

>> No.19318173

yeah this is just bullshit

>> No.19318175
File: 879 KB, 2048x1978, 0B09E73B-BCF9-474F-B613-386C805777EC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just bought this, gonna mine it for sentences and cute 2D girls.

>> No.19318176

Why am I learning Japanese? I just realized all interesting manga that I want to read are translated!

>> No.19318188

It just makes kanji that I'm already familiar with even more familiar. None of new complicated kanji latches on my mind besides some cool one like 撃

>> No.19318202

Isn't this futa?

>> No.19318234

To brag to your weeb friends of course.

>> No.19318270

hentai ofcourse

>> No.19318272

Oh i dunno I just read H-game and VN so I bought it... it was only $7

>> No.19318289

Bye then.

>> No.19318329

Anyone knows of an app similar to "Study Kanji"? I like you because of all the information on readings, radicals, vocabulary and the drawing function. But only 80 characters are available for free for "learning mode" and of course that sucks.
I like to study kanji during these empty moments at work and during comutes etc.

>> No.19318352



>> No.19318358

How come all these characters have pet bottles? Isn't that a weird kind of inanimate pet?

>> No.19318385


>> No.19318401

Woah there hold on a second buddy.
Manga isn't reading.
Not all manga are the same and even if yotsubato does have some stuff that would trip up beginners pretty much everything about it has been asked before so you can get good explanations if you look stuff up like the dreaded おいといて and you have to learn them sooner or later anyway.
>Also the 'slang' is a meme, particularly that in Yotsubato is just things like common contractions (like 'can't' vs 'can not' in English)

>> No.19318414

Another anon not learning japanese

>> No.19318419




>> No.19318440


>> No.19318465


>> No.19318500


>> No.19318508

please no

>> No.19318513


>> No.19318514

kanji isn't writing.

>> No.19318539


>> No.19318562

neither is alphabet

>> No.19318641

Kotae wa kokoro naka ni

>> No.19318672

rtk or bust

>> No.19318673
File: 8 KB, 766x139, koohii story.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19318686

What if I do like 200 words in Core while reading?

>> No.19318688

epic and upboated

>> No.19318702

This post brought a tear to my eye. We need more people like you.

>> No.19318760

W-Who want to study with me while holding hands?

>> No.19318768
File: 862 KB, 900x1394, d54d98a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19318781

Are there any nice Japanese-language games I can put on my smartphone and for which the .apk isn't too hard to find? What do the nips play?

>> No.19318782

you are cute...

>> No.19318812

nips play monster strike, puzzle and dragons, granblue fantasy.

>> No.19318845

You've been living under a rock for a few years, I see.

>> No.19318849

>The slang/grammar patterns seen in manga will fuck your life up, and there's not enough of it there to help you get good at it.
yotsubato was my first japanese material other than a few thousand hours of english subbed anime and skimming tae kim, and it was almost never an issue after one volume, maybe two

>> No.19318856

nips still play these games nigga, i dont know what you are talking about. granblue commercials are all over the tv

>> No.19318866

There are many other games that are more important and more widely played now.

>> No.19318937

what's the pitch accent of 模擬?
daijirin says [1]
forvo and yomichan pronounce [2]

>> No.19318940
File: 47 KB, 320x480, _YGj7ZCqDZSdxO14Zn8azMCM6geZlrQ__RqJOt1dOBs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pitch accent

>> No.19318943

>accent pitch

>> No.19318961
File: 11 KB, 599x263, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pitch accent is 1, binding form is C3 by unidic's classifications

>> No.19318966

>words only have one pronunciation
imagine being this dumb

>> No.19318981

>reading text in his mind with the wrong pitch accent

>> No.19318983

imagine being this dumb

>> No.19318985

Honestly I just 平板 over everything that isn't obvious from watching anime.

>> No.19318987

they have though

>> No.19318992

Fun fact を gives a different pitch accent than other case particles when it's emphatic.

>> No.19318995
File: 11 KB, 283x400, 8372759481.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19318996

No they don't. You should know that from English at least. Language isn't some robotic system where everything follows your dictionary to the letter.

>> No.19318998

you don't know japanese

>> No.19319007

新しいものを開発する can be pronounced in like three different ways depending on what it means in context.

>> No.19319008

it's easy to pick up if you just take the time to add the right pronunciation on you cards, but also easy to develop bad habits if you are lazy about it
I wish I did it for english, my pronunciation is terrible and will likely still be for many years

>> No.19319013

Just listen more. Prosody is not well-enough understood to study more than the basics in a deliberate way.

>> No.19319030

Prosody 101 (language-general)

>> No.19319035

that voice sounds like a man trying to pretend to be a woman

>> No.19319036

it's just a dude

>> No.19319037

if it's pronounced differently then it's another word.

>> No.19319039

words are a spook

>> No.19319041


>> No.19319047


>> No.19319070

you don't know how logic works do you
you need to show that there are no counterexamples, not that there are examples

>> No.19319085

Why the fuck would anyone care about speaking Japanese?

>> No.19319088

why the fuck would anyone care about reading eroge

>> No.19319095

Why the fuck would anyone care?

>> No.19319096

Normalfags that will soon give up

>> No.19319104

Why the fuck?

>> No.19319110

Does the audio part of creating cards with yomi actually work for anyone? I'm struggling to remember my mined words because I can't get the audio to work.

>> No.19319129

t. suicidal turboweeb

>> No.19319137


>> No.19319138


>> No.19319153

yo dude good shit

thats a healthy young mans game right there

>> No.19319296
File: 3.73 MB, 3648x2736, Kyoto_caution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19319305

Studying pitch accent is for retards.
Just pick it up naturally from anime.

>> No.19319318

studying pitch accent is for retards indeed but the second line is not agreeable

>> No.19319322
File: 34 KB, 702x338, 2018-06-29 09_22_16-Statistics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have mature cards but its not showing up here?

>> No.19319328

don't study, feel

>> No.19319345

>when you feel depressed about forgetting 10-20 cards in your 130 review stack that you procrastinate and take 2 hours to finish the reviews

>> No.19319347


>> No.19319353

because its anime

dont talk like the anime character

talk like real people if youre going to talk

>> No.19319359

Who cares about talking like an anime character if the only interaction you have with the language is anime.

>> No.19319364

then who cares about you

>> No.19319367

are you using anki or is anki using you
stop feeling depressed about a tool and take control of your life

>> No.19319374
File: 948 KB, 492x985, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first book i'll read now that i feel confident
thanks for all the help

>> No.19319375

I care about me

>> No.19319376

who cares about pitch accent if the only interaction you have with the language is anime

>> No.19319384

There are mature cards in your deck but they haven't come up for review yet since becoming mature.

>> No.19319387


>> No.19319393

What's the one next to the 'don't touch the geisha' one? No leaning on the fences?

>> No.19319398
File: 393 KB, 1280x720, [Hitoku] Kuromukuro - 26.mkv_snapshot_05.49_[2018.04.05_21.21.23].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck gaijin

>> No.19319469


>> No.19319502


>> No.19319511

Here is an exercise, fill in the blanks:

I want to fuck _________

>> No.19319524

your parents

>> No.19319529


>> No.19319539


>> No.19319578


>> No.19319595


>> No.19319599


>> No.19319643

Finally an intelligent post.

>> No.19319712


>> No.19319729

is this kanji elder sister

>> No.19319801

this word is あね

>> No.19319832

No, it means whore. You should be able to tell by the radicals.

>> No.19319838

rtk says woman and market combine to mean elder sister.

>> No.19319851

Are you blind? It says woman and market. You can interpret it, the woman offering herself on the market. It is indeed the town whore, did you really do RTK? Like this you will never real Japanese.

>> No.19319867

but RTK says the two kanji together should be associated with the keyword "elder sister"

>> No.19319868

It also means city. City + woman -> town bicycle(whore).

>> No.19319876

What? It must be a mistake. How does that make any sense?

>> No.19319898

why is everyone trolling this dude it's a city woman, like a woman that grew up in an urban environment instead of rural

>> No.19319903

fuck you man don't ruin the fun

>> No.19319910

Don't you know that your elder sister is the one gets sent to the market to do the shopping? Where were you retards raised?

>> No.19319916

don't worry, I know to trust Heisig over a bunch of retards on DJT. so I wasn't fooled.

>> No.19319933
File: 35 KB, 345x278, hold the aids plz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19319935

>the two kanji together

>> No.19319947

i'm copying this to a text file so that i can respond to you in a year when i learn japanese (still doing rtk)

>> No.19320012

you would've given up long before

>> No.19320026

if i have the patience to get through RTK then struggling through japanese will be easy

>> No.19320079

Here's your kanji bro 兕

>> No.19320083

you think doing rtk is the hard part? lol

youre gonna be fucked like every other retard baby when someone isnt telling you what to do anymore and you have to be responsible for yourself

"good luck cunt"

>> No.19320092

nuh uh i already know what to do because matt and DJT said to learn/reference tae kim while trying to read native material. and mine.

>> No.19320096

Doing RTK only takes two weeks, it isn't hard at all.

>> No.19320098

yeah have fun with that

>> No.19320104

and yea RTK is definitely the hard part because it's the most boring and disconnected part of the process.

>> No.19320110

The hard part is realizing not to listen to people who didn't actually learn Japanese in a reasonable amount of time and are bullshitting when they tell you to do RTK from front to back before doing anything else.

>> No.19320111

Can you guys reply properly so you get filtered?

>> No.19320113

welcome to /jp/ dude

>> No.19320114

Not that guy, but I haven't been to /djt/ in 3 months. Thank you for this post. It assures me that I'm not missing anything, and motivates me to stay away for longer next time.

>> No.19320127

this guy can learn nihongo ↑

>> No.19320131


>> No.19320136

normally i'd say good for you i hope you learn nihongo
but if you think this post is the bad part of djt then you're probably not learning nihongo even if you stay away from the dekinai trap

>> No.19320179


>> No.19320180

Literally all you have to do in order to learn Japanese in a reasonable amount of time is read native material for a few hours each day, how could anyone fuck that up?

>> No.19320185
File: 378 KB, 560x424, 1530037117724.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get your beginner's materials, start reading, and don't look back at DJT. There are too many people here who give advice despite not having started actually learning Japanese.

>> No.19320186

i read it as he assumed everyones still doing the same retarded shit as always and theres nothing here thats going to be useful to him

and hed be right

>> No.19320222

>how could anyone fuck that up?
stay a while and listen, you're in for a trip

>> No.19320236

Literally all you need to do in order to learn Japanese is to taberu your kawaii imouto's oishii unko

>> No.19320244

gross but true

>> No.19320253

how is it gross lol

>> No.19320258

unko means poop you know

>> No.19320265

your point

>> No.19320296

>who didn't actually learn Japanese in a reasonable amount of time
khatz did

>> No.19320300


>> No.19320305

im gonna give you 2 epic pieces of wisdom to help you in life generally

dont talk like the anime character

dont eat poop

thats it dude thank me later

>> No.19320308


>> No.19320311


>> No.19320312


>> No.19320315

most of those points aren't proof of "actually learning japanese" and half of the ones that could be proof could also just be him being treated well for being a black foreigner

>> No.19320324

isolated demands for rigor.

>> No.19320327

>Many people assumed (and continue to assume) that I had either been raised in Japan or lived hear for 10+ years.
yeah no

>> No.19320329

not isolated try again

>> No.19320338

That still leaves several points that are good proof of actually learning Japanese. He's just pointing out that khatz is padding the list with stuff that doesn't actually mattter.

>> No.19320347

youre just mad no one will ever think youre japanese

>> No.19320379

Don't take people who are trying to sell you something at their word.

>> No.19320386

no dude its customary to believe everything you read on the internet in 2018

>> No.19320403

I don't know, khatz sounds very convincing. He's black too.

>> No.19320419

^^^isolated demands for rigor.

>> No.19320422

he does sound convincing in that one video

guess you gotta pay him

>> No.19320423

youre just mad you can't eat ケーキ with お箸

>> No.19320427

I've decided I'm not going to listen to raw audio today because I've been doing it for a month and it still sounds like gibberish because I haven't learned vocab.

>> No.19320434

reasonable theory that a ton of input leads to language proficiency + video evidence of their proficiency = reasonable assumption they're telling the truth about reaching high levels of proficiency even if they didn't record it at the time.

>> No.19320438

be careful dude making your own decisions based on your experience is dangerous you'd be better off listening to a self-proclaimed expert who endorses untested methods as if all of his friends who studied for 2 years before trying them are a valid anecdotes

>> No.19320447

be careful about misinterpreting "reasonable" as "correct"

>> No.19320462

it's not an important distinction in practice.

>> No.19320467

now that's not even a reasonable assumption

>> No.19320471
File: 17 KB, 244x222, press 2 make ur yumes come true.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for the love of god just press this mother fucker

>> No.19320494

Is there any way to learn nippon without studying? idk like wire me with a computer than can transfer knowledge or something?

>> No.19320509

you dont have to study if you get in the shit >>19317204

>> No.19320522

how many hours of rap is equivalent to 10000 hours of anime, i'm wondering if it's a time saver

>> No.19320527

if youre gonna look at it that way decide for yourself

>> No.19320546

just kys, that would be a time saver for you

>> No.19320567
File: 181 KB, 640x400, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guys i got the nihongo right in here

all you have to do is open it

>> No.19320574

>constantly arguing about the efficiency of mattjatt
>can't discuss the efficiency of based methods

>> No.19320587

efficiency isnt a discussion this thread should be having since nobody has done it right the first time to begin with

>> No.19320603

wrong. i'm following the ajatt timeline to a t

>> No.19320609

えらいね : )

>> No.19320624
File: 78 KB, 719x1237, IMG_20180630_002041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19320631
File: 26 KB, 240x240, 9e242f59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to learn nihon so i can read JoJo from beginning to end

>> No.19320648


>> No.19320651

i wish i was reading jojos instead of summer pockets rn

>> No.19320653

what the fuck are you talking about
i learned kana 10 years ago and i've done 4 different language learning apps, half of kklc, half of rtk, half of kanjidamage, 1200 words of core, i mined a vn frequency list and i learned a word for every kanji i know, i'm currently finishing core10k and in 2 years i'll be ready to read
i'm sorry that you're jealous because you fucked up

>> No.19320663

Why isn't djt library getting updated? are there other places to get LNs in mobi or epub format?

>> No.19320665

>No leaning on the fences
Yes. They don't accept that shit in Japan.

>> No.19320669

hanashi demo shouya? ...i wish i know nip

>> No.19320668

>2 years
somehow i doubt you've learned japanese so quickly that you'll be able to begin reading in just another 2 years. post some video proof of you going through these apps or i call bullshit. you fucking scam artist.

>> No.19320684

truly 恐ろしい

>> No.19320725

/djt/'s final boss

>> No.19320729

if you walk around eating a giant burger and holding a selfie stick at the same time youll actually be shot by japanese keisatu (polize)

>> No.19320735
File: 93 KB, 772x525, dekinaieigo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19320752

fuck you slut

>> No.19320811

So is ankiweb down for everyone else. It had to happen on the one day I did reviews on my phone and now it won't sync to desktop.

>> No.19320812

Honestly, this thread is fucking bullshit. I wish you guys could talk about Japanese for once, about grammar, some complicated sentence or media to consume. Instead it's a constant stream of unfunny shitposts by people who know no Japanese or waste of space posts by people who don't read the guide. This goes to 90% of the people who posted in this thread, what the FUCK are you doing here?

>> No.19320819

and if its not that its whining posts like this guy ↑

>> No.19320821


Does anybody seriously believe natives confuse this man for another native when speaking over the phone?

>> No.19320833



>> No.19320835

Most of the posters here are trying to learn, if i can read/speak japanese why would i waste my time in this thread?

>> No.19320847


Here ya go, 分析 that shit.

>> No.19320851

When you feel a nice big shit comin this is the best place to dump it dont you think

>> No.19320852

synced a few minutes ago with no problems

>> No.19320864

I'm still doing RTK so why the fuck would I post about grammar or anything like that you elitist piece of shit?

>> No.19320866


>> No.19320869

i'll let you in on a secret
i try to be helpful to people who seem to have read the guide and post honest questions that i may be able to assist with
i exchange some bantz and shitpost a bit when the thread is a shitshow

>> No.19320878


>> No.19320899

i like that guy but has he ever been genuinely harsh on anyone before? kind of feels like 日本語が上手!

>> No.19320906

Over the phone? Abolutely.

>> No.19320921



>> No.19320927
File: 1.36 MB, 1280x720, 1529944468570.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes you just can't help it.

>> No.19320943


>> No.19320944

hes absolutely like that but at the same time djt is the polar opposite usually just making shit up because they have no actual experience in anything and just have a twisted and distorted view and understanding

you should trust the nice nihonjim because if hes happy then youre doing ok

>> No.19320957

he focuses on accent and prosody instead of how the individual sounds come out

>> No.19320965

regardless i'm not one of the people who says that they're bad at japanese, i just think that that doesn't necessarily mean their advice is as great as they think it is, even if there are definitely good things within it. and i think it's fine if you decide to listen to them as long as you don't start arguments about how great of a method it is.

>> No.19321013

Ok this was just a problem with my internet, pls ignore.

>> No.19321014

>the method of massive input mixed with idiosyncrasies like passively listening to content you already understand isn't as great as they think it is
what can even be criticized about it besides it being too much effort. be honest and just admit that ajatt is great if you can actually stick to it.

>> No.19321026 [DELETED] 


>> No.19321028

if you can stick to ajatt then you can stick to pure input without any of the other bullshit ajatt peddles too

>> No.19321033

you can learn nihongo without someone telling you how

>> No.19321037

I can't believe people unironically think it's harder to consume porn and games in Japanese than it is to go through textbooks or do any other kind of Japanese learning that doesn't actually work.

>> No.19321050

Matt only reads and active listens for two hours each per day. AJATT is not high effort at all.

>> No.19321052

The mistake you made was assuming that "AJATT" means "read and listen for X hours a day". It means so much more.

>> No.19321059

i think matt says you need to do 2 hours minimum of each but that personally he thinks you should read and active listen 4 hours each.

>> No.19321067

>ugh so much more
like what? sentence mining and passively listening to audio all day that you're already familiar with? that's basically still just listening and reading all day.

>> No.19321068

the state of this thread

>> No.19321075

Yeah that and also it's not.

>> No.19321149


>> No.19321151

to reiterate, AJATT isn't massive input. it's reading and listening a lot every day. you also have a mining deck in anki. some of your listening will be passive, with some of that passive audio consisting of stuff you've actively listened to.

damn. i can't believe people lie and claim AJATT is massive input. there's actually so much more than that.

>> No.19321156

a sentence mining deck to be specific

>> No.19321163

I thought ajatt was a cult.

>> No.19321175

mining sentences instead of words? and you're reading and listening for the rest of the day? i can't even wrap my head around it. it's just so much more than massive input.

>> No.19321184

The fact that AJATT guides tell you what to do after you start reading and listening is enough to make it impossible to say that it's just X amount of reading and listening.

>> No.19321186

/r/learnjapanese seems to be big on AJATT, that's the main reason I think it must be a scam of some kind.

>> No.19321195

they hate AJATT, khatz, and matt. they also dislike RTK and claim WaniKani and KKLC are better.

>> No.19321201

kklc is better but wanikani is not
let it be known: ajatt is saying that kklc is better than rtk

>> No.19321203

Is there any way I can hide these?

>> No.19321205

khatz and matt both recommend RTK and matt has explicitly disavowed KKLC.

>> No.19321206

just close the thread theres nothing useful here

though in about 10 more hours i might be able to tell you just how bad summer pockets truly is

>> No.19321209

but ajatt is whatever I say it is because ajatt isn't a fixed thing

>> No.19321211

Honestly anon has more say about AJATT than Matt does. Matt didn't start with AJATT so yeah.

>> No.19321216
File: 37 KB, 860x718, 44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, I meant to post a screenshot.
I feel like these things are kind of annoying so I wanted to hide them completely.

>> No.19321231

you dont grow into a well rounded strong man if you turn away from everything you dont like

>> No.19321234

oh then i say ajatt is so much more than mass input
matt only knows how effective ajatt is because he spent a year or two making no progress using shit like lazykanji.

>> No.19321237

.stub {
display: none;

>> No.19321239

that was after he started ajatt

>> No.19321241

There's a setting in 4chan x that allows you to hide stubs.

>> No.19321242
File: 112 KB, 1063x721, guys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




I have the best ide

guys listen

I have the best idea ever





guys listen here

I'll put SENTENCES... in my ANKI deck.

>> No.19321246
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>> No.19321252

oh yea you're right mb

>> No.19321253
File: 39 KB, 939x283, zen and the art of piss jug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19321255

Thank you.

>> No.19321261




I have the best ide

guys listen

I have the best idea ever


I'll put PISS



I'll put PISS
guys listen here

I'll put PISS... in my WATER gallon.

>> No.19321265

yes ha haha YES

>> No.19321272

What's the problem? When I mine a word, rikai also records the sentence it comes with. I rarely look at them, but sometimes it helps remember the meaning of a word.

>> No.19321277

It's hilarious this balding piss jug thinks that listening to and reading Japanese all day while spending an hour or two in Anki reviewing mined sentences - which I find to be less effective than mining words - will help people quickly gain proficiency in Japanese. Scam artist fuck. He's lying through his teeth. There's no way this method would work.

>> No.19321286

sentences are useful for grammar and remembering words that are used in a lot of ways

>> No.19321288


>> No.19321303

ah yes thats the stuff https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aA12D91dpD4#t=79

piss in that jug you bad boy

>> No.19321318

wtf why does he keep cutting his hair shorter
It only makes the baldness worse

>> No.19321339
File: 3 KB, 288x44, 2018-06-29--1530298686_288x44_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19321353

>talking to attractive female friend
>her: whatd you do today?
>me: oh i racked up the high score on my japanese flashcards
>her: *removes clothes and underwear*

>> No.19321355

I wish I wasn't so fucking dumb. I only get like 130 cards done in that time.

>> No.19321357


every time

>> No.19321363

whoops wrong site, I meant to post this on reddit sorry guys. how do i delete posts?

>> No.19321366

sorry, I don't touch white pigs.

>> No.19321368

alt f4 or actually in your case apple q

>> No.19321370

lmao I was studying more than 1300 cards a day in anki when I finally quit.

>> No.19321380

And in your case, hold the button on the side down for three seconds

>> No.19321392

How long have you been at it? How many reviews do you have in a day? I remember when it used to take me 90 minutes to do 180 reviews or so, but I got more efficient over time.
Thankfully I've only got three more days of new cards to add and I'll be done with Core 10k, and then I'll take a break from new cards for a month while I'm on vacation in Japan. When I get back I'll begin adding cards from the mining deck I've built up over the past year or so.

>> No.19321396

that just makes this pink capsule currently inside my butt vibrate

>> No.19321397

In your case, place a gun to your temple and pull the trigger

>> No.19321402

Only been at it a month. I have between 130 and 180 per day. Depends on how many times I hit "again" the previous day.

>> No.19321410


>> No.19321415
File: 52 KB, 262x260, 142354622346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19321444

its been a minute but uh


>> No.19321454

this isn't a chat room

>> No.19321455

Yeah, don't sweat it for now.

>> No.19321473


its whatever you want it to be

>> No.19321482

its just straight up fuckin gay like わたし

>> No.19321496

you dropped your wa haha

>> No.19321506


>> No.19321508
File: 2 KB, 276x67, Screenshot_2018-06-29 Matt【VS】Japan ( mattvsjapan) Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to follow Matt, but damn I realised he's a scumbag. I guess he has it too good now. The wonders of capitalism...

>> No.19321516

i'd assumed you were baiting for a few hours and ignored you but now you've got me fucked up, could he be for real? either way keep up the good work to be honest.

>> No.19321518

fight the good fight my retarded brother in red

>> No.19321519

white dude callin other ppl gaijin lmao

>> No.19321527

i saw that and i thought it was really cute
i never followed his advice but i thought he said more right than wrong and was interested in checking out what he had to say because of that, but now i think he's a dick

>> No.19321532

Why does the 溢 kanji look different on my phone vs my pc? Is there some place where I can find more info about it? Neither Jisho nor KanjiDamage says anything about this.

>> No.19321536

fix your font it's not japanese

>> No.19321542

look how much he gets talked about in this thread alone. imagine how many people must be messaging him with basic questions. he must be sick of people asking "how do I learn kanji" when he already has a video

>> No.19321547

there's a difference between "please don't dm me questions" and "if you want any chance of a response pay up boy"

>> No.19321548

is saying basically
>talk to me if you have money or fuck off
a solution though?

>> No.19321552

how does that make him a scumbag? notice how many lazy questions get asked in this thread and imagine one individual gets that x100.

>> No.19321555

stop ripping on the guy cause he tries to make a little dosh on the side piss jugs and hair transplants dont come cheap ya know

>> No.19321560

A lot of Kanji haven't been modernized, there is a few radical variation in Kanji that have been added to the 常用 list earlier and Kanji that haven't been added or were only added recently. Japanese has the character 益 which seemingly is the simplified right side element of 溢 but officially it's still 溢 so that's what you will see. Seems China has the same simplification so it may indeed be a Chinese font you are using.

>> No.19321587

you know what you don't have to have piss jugs and hair transplants to have a fulfilled life and i can judge his gratuitous spending habits if i please

>> No.19321594

Why is making a sentence card for each sentence of Tae Kim's grammar guide a bad idea?

>> No.19321599

because tae kim's example sentences are often very unnatural japanese that only serve to demonstrate a point and you should not be looking at a bunch of them daily for a month or so

>> No.19321614

>that only serve to demonstrate a point
that's the point of mining them. oh no i mined unnatural sentences for a month now i can't take what i learned about basic grammar and apply it to natural japanese matt ruined me!!!!

>> No.19321615

what did Matt try to accomplish with recommending doing that then?

>> No.19321646

if you can't use the gumball in your head to figure it out on your own you're not gonna be able to learn japanese

>> No.19321657

reviewing the same example dozens of times isn't a very effective way to get grammar down
apply flashcards to grammar, after all he is the king of sentence cards. the logic isn't unintuitive but he has misconceptions on efficiency and efficacy

>> No.19321687

the random anon is much more fluent than piss jug. anon even has video evidence. let's see it anon.

>> No.19321699

I'm still on kana. sorry to disappoint you

>> No.19321705


>> No.19321718

what's up with the piss jug meme

>> No.19321728

forced jamal meme #1153

>> No.19321732

it all started with a boy and his jug

>> No.19321740

joke's on you, 僕はまあ様

>> No.19321741

It's not Japanese? I saw it in this manga: https://exhentai.org/g/830553/79a92dd045/

The way it looks in my phone is as if there was two 八 radicals on top of each other with a 一 between them and then 皿 below everything, and water on the left. I'm trying to get a screenshot, but it's not working for some reason.

>> No.19321749

use this one more time and see what happens

>> No.19321750

thats not a manga thats a panda

>> No.19321753

why is the top box in 過 backwards from the way rtk taught me? did rtk lie to me?

>> No.19321760

You are retarded. You can neither make a screenshot nor link to the page you saw it on in a 150 page work. You expect us to go through it searching for the Kanji you saw? Fuck off.

>> No.19321762

ignore the delusional panda posters. they look at images of pandas so long they actually start to think they're looking at something else.

>> No.19321766

Japanese fonts often replace gay ass traditional forms with sexy 新字体

>> No.19321791

could be extended shinjitai which is essentially unofficial simplifications that improve consistency with officially simplified kanji, it's not standard though as far as i'm aware. how it looks on your phone is official, and the other form makes it consistent with 益

>> No.19321804

nobody is expecting anything from you, ask your parents

>> No.19321805

>You can neither make a screenshot

It used to be Volume Key + Power Key, but something must have changed and I'm figuring it out. I'm using Lineage OS.

>nor link to the page you saw it on in a 150 page work

I'm still looking for it. Calm down dude.

>> No.19321825

Had never heard of 新字体. I'm going to read on it, thanks.

>> No.19321827

There are barely any buttons on a phone if you cannot figure out screenshot through trial and error, than you can not learn japanese.

>> No.19321829

>don't force output too early because you'll form bad habits
>but drilling unnatural sentences from textbooks in your first month of comprehensible exposure to Japanese is fine
why does anyone take this clown seriously?

>> No.19321843

whats wrong with textbook nihongo

its a good baseline which is very functional and usable in all types of communication as a gaijin

and its also the foundation you need to grow into real nihongo as a gaijin living outside of japan

>> No.19321860

Here's the page (bottom panel):

>> No.19321864

Literally nothing. "Just don't get stuck on one thing, expand your knowledge, read a lot of diverse stuff, etc." is the probably the general sentiment behind the hate. It seems like a lot of learners are bad at learning and need to be told that for something like language learning doing X is the best way to get better at X and everything else is supplement.

>> No.19321871
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>> No.19321876

Anyone here got experience with ordering download codes for games on amazon.co.jp?

It worked without a problem before but on my latest purchase it's been stuck at "pending verification" for over a day now. (The page told me it could take up to 4 hours.)

>> No.19321883

I wonder why is Imabi never mentioned here? is it just shit and inferior to Tae Kim? is it too long?

>> No.19321888

resist the urge boys youre better than this

>> No.19321889

It's badly written and takes way too much text to explain very simple grammatical patterns. Some of the stuff in the very most advanced sections is useful, but that's about it.

>> No.19321891
File: 7 KB, 200x200, sataandagi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does とも mean here?

>> No.19321893

nobody here has the minimum iq requirement to understand it

>> No.19321896

it means what と and も mean

>> No.19321901


>> No.19321907

Careful, this is actually an elaborately designed "pull out the sub-N3s" post.

>> No.19321916

can you explain how poor output teaching bad habits that stick is analogous to poor input teaching bad habits that won't stick? sorry it's just that you've made this retarded comparison several times now and i'm waiting for your explanation (i know you don't have one).

>> No.19321923
File: 114 KB, 1920x1080, 260F159A2E554C3990A6332AAC49772C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19321942

They do stick though, why wouldn't they? That's why ESLs still use "an European" incorrectly. They drill a misleading grammar rule at the beginning of their English education (that "an" is always used before a vowel), it sticks, and tens of thousands of hours worth of natural input still doesn't correct it. Tae Kim is also filled with simplified and misleading information that is best not drilled so early on.

>> No.19321951
File: 56 KB, 583x435, 1517748702990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19321952

isnt it way more common that they just say "a" for everything

>> No.19321959

Anyone read that Senbonzakura Miku novel? Is it any good?

>> No.19321960
File: 7 KB, 583x435, 1142069420691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19321965

to my understanding 新字体 means official, extended shinjitai or 拡張新字体 means unofficial

>> No.19321968

This is very true. Even Sakubi has misleading/oversimplified stuff in it. The thing about Tae Kim and Sakubi is that they both tell you you're not supposed to memorize them, that you're supposed to learn from reading. (Tae Kim is less heavy-handed about this than Sakubi, but it does indeed say it.)

>> No.19321981

>"an European": About 3,210,000 results
>"a European": About 33,200,000 results
Do a google search yourself and see what kind of otherwise well-written articles by educated ESLs this incorrect usage of "an" is found in. This is the only argument necessary against drilling textbooks like a retard.

>> No.19321984

I used to get that wrong but it was because I thought yuropean was pronounce eh-u-ropean
it's not really a grammar rule issue but more like a pronunciation issue

>> No.19321988

its not an argument im just saying i listen to people talk a lot and they say just never say an and say a always

>> No.19321990

the problem with textbooks has little to do with the japanese that is in them

>> No.19322001

>because I thought yuropean was pronounce eh-u-ropean
I don't think I've ever heard a non Hispanic pronounce it like that here in America. Are you in Canada or something?

>> No.19322004

HOW LONG did it take you to go through Tae Kim's, /djt/? I want to feel like shit for "reading" it for months now. I was rereading Basics and Essentials like 3 or 4 times, now I just decided to go through it once and for all and then eventually refer to it.

>> No.19322006

What about "an useful"?
>About 1,210,000 results

>> No.19322008

>That's why ESLs still use "an European" incorrectly
never look up a grammar rule ever because you'll suddenly apply it in all situations forever and ever. wow thanks for the insight. basically you're bitching about someone who isn't getting enough input so that they acquire the actual rule, but piss jug's method involves mass input so i guess that's a non-issue.

>> No.19322010

I read it for like a week or two then dropped it because I realized I already knew everything else in it because of reading from manga.

>> No.19322015

My amateur opinion is that by the time the level of depth in imabi is useful to me, I'll just read about Japanese in Japanese anyway. A couple sections are okay but going through the whole thing seems like way too big of a time commitment.

>> No.19322017

even the stuff from the Advanced section?

>> No.19322018

Are you retarded? Stop reading it NOW. Tae Kim's guide teaches you bad habits. It's best to jump into the language and never consult a grammar guide or you'll be like ESLs who can't distinguish a/an.

>> No.19322021

Yeah, except like maybe a couple of the things from the very last two lessons, which aren't anywhere near as common as a bunch of stuff that TK is missing altogether. This was forever ago btw.

>> No.19322022

I don't think I've ever gotten that wrong, since the "U" in english is naturally pronounced like that
it's just that the "Eu" in european confused me

>> No.19322026

In this case it's kind of like もちろん except it comes at the end of the sentence.

>> No.19322027

>now I just decided to go through it once and for all and then eventually refer to it.
this is what you're supposed to do, i did it in i think two weeks and i thought i did it slow
also consider referring to hgjp or dojg instead but if you think you know where to look in tk then it's okay early on

>> No.19322028

grammar book that explained that "a" is used before a consontant (in pronunciation) was sufficient for me to know the difference
so yeah, even a book can teach you that

>> No.19322035

Petition to scrap the whole djt site and replace with a simple HTML page that says "If it exists, you can Google it"

>> No.19322036

I like how you can immediately recognise this as a shitpost because he said /djt/

>> No.19322040

No, just don't drill it from the first month like a retard. These people are getting enough input, the wrong grammar just sticks in them anyway. Look it up yourself, do a google search for "an European" and see what kind of well-written articles come up. These ESLs have clearly had tens of thousands of hours of English input, it didn't do shit. They could have saved themselves sounding like retards by simply not drilling misleading grammar rules in their first month.

making cards out of unnatural textbook sentences != reading through a grammar guide

>> No.19322042

Empirical research proves you wrong:
"Learning" grammar rules doesn't help you one bit. It just fucks you in the long run because you apply top-down rules in situations they don't apply. Languages naturally have many, many exceptions to these rules. This is why consulting a grammar guide is retarded, much less mining it for sentences. Not even months of natural input can save you from it.

>> No.19322050

>These ESLs have clearly had tens of thousands of hours of English input
>making cards out of unnatural textbook sentences != reading through a grammar guide
Can you explain the difference? Either way you're reinforcing bad habits. In the former case you're just better remembering the rules and further reinforcing them, which will destroy your long term ability to consume or even output.

>> No.19322054

consult a grammar guide after you get a japanese girlfriend and through your conversing in nihongo win over her oniisama and her oyas and not a minute before

>> No.19322059

i go thru Tae Kim's for 2 things:
1) to kinda understand what particular grammar does
2) to know there's such a grammar so i can get back to it if i need help

>> No.19322061

The purpose of a well-written grammar guide is to tell people what the really common grammar patterns sorta mean. You're not supposed to memorize them and you're not supposed to use them for production. Even Tae Kim says this.

>> No.19322067

>Empirical research proves you wrong
how did you determine that your examples are from people who read a grammar book in the first place
>"Learning" grammar rules doesn't help you one bit. It just fucks you in the long run because you apply top-down rules in situations they don't apply.
i agree with this but the same argument could be applied, oh man there are people who fuck up a/an i bet they didn't read a grammar book, empirical research proves it
>This is why consulting a grammar guide is retarded
while you shouldn't memorize grammar rules, this is ridiculous paranoia

>> No.19322070


>> No.19322074

You probably already know this but you appear to be one of the few people here with any mental capacity whatsoever.

>> No.19322081

>is to tell people what the really common grammar patterns sorta mean
That's the point of mining TK sentences. Obviously you're not supposed to think "this is a rule that should be strictly adhered to, and this is natural Japanese." You're just supposed to understand it and then move on. But that logic doesn't actually work, because if you mine TK your brain will automatically think these are hard set rules and your impression of these rules will never change. Not even with 8 hours of daily input of natural Japanese over the next 2 years.

>you're not supposed to use them for production
Yes of course. But like you said, ESLs confuse a/an because they strictly adhere to vague rules. The only difference between consulting TK and mining TK is that the strict rules you're adhering to will wear off quicker if you're merely consulting. If I had to guess, if you mine TK you'll reinforce bad habits for the next decade. If you read TK you'll reinforce bad habits for the next 5 years. Either way you're doing something inadvisable.

>> No.19322082

tyler kim does sort of a good job at telling you what stuff sort of means as well its sort of too bad he hasnt written more

>> No.19322090

You're like 70~80% of the way to a worldview that makes sense. Keep spinning that drill.

>> No.19322095

>But that logic doesn't actually work, because if you mine TK your brain will automatically think these are hard set rules
this is true
>and your impression of these rules will never change. Not even with 8 hours of daily input of natural Japanese over the next 2 years.
this is false
the question of whether or not to review TK cards for a month isn't if it will ruin your brain for life, it's whether it is worth your time at all, which it is not

>> No.19322096

It's really fun destroying your retarded argument against sentence mining a grammar guide. lol

>> No.19322100

the post he responded to was against sentence mining though
>If I had to guess, if you mine TK you'll reinforce bad habits for the next decade. If you read TK you'll reinforce bad habits for the next 5 years.

>> No.19322101

>isn't if it will ruin your brain for life,
The a/an empirical research proves you wrong.

>> No.19322113
File: 91 KB, 447x597, 1529949669438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seriously though why do you guys always prefer to retreat to this shit as opposed to wading into the depths of nihongo

>> No.19322117

Cool, manga isn't reading though.

>> No.19322120

That's funny, I don't think I said anything about reading manga. Did you misread "reading from manga"?

>> No.19322128

What did you mean by reading from manga?

>> No.19322129

can we make discussing a/an a bannable offense because it really brings out the dumbest people alive

>> No.19322130

small brains would rather argue over superficial shit than work hard to attain true knowledge

>> No.19322137

you laugh now but when i start learning japanese in 3 years i'll fucking blaze right past you by using the optimal shortcuts you can't even dream of

>> No.19322151

Reading the text in manga while consuming the manga.

>> No.19322168


>> No.19322174

bad post^

>> No.19322179

It seems to me to be incredibly easy to fix mistakes, at least if you have any level of proficiency. In my teens there were a few words that I spelled incorrectly on a regular basis for years, I was corrected one or two times, I slipped up 3-5 times in the next week and then I never made the mistake again. This also matches my experience in my hobbies and fields of interest, that you can do something wrong weeks, months, years, learn what you did wrong, and quickly fix it. Care to argue why this isn't possible in a foreign language?

>> No.19322183

Gotcha my bad, was a strange way of wording it.

>> No.19322195

this whole thread is bad faggot, i know and your shitty posts...you fucking live in these threads

>> No.19322196

Why fix mistakes when you can just not memorize misleading grammar rules and instead acquire the language naturally? But if you want to be studying grammar ten years in and always be conscious of correcting your bad habits then go right ahead.

>> No.19322197

When you take the argument:
>memorizing a grammar guide (aka memorizing some of its vocab and understanding its rules so you can actually understand what's going on) is detrimental to long term understanding
to its logical conclusion, you could say understanding a grammar guide in any capacity is proportionally detrimental to long term understanding. His go to example is ESLs misunderstanding when to use a/an. But that has to do with production. Why does he justify his assertion that sentence mining an incredibly basic grammar guide meant to get you on your feet so that you can understand real Japanese and learn the real grammar that way is bad based on ESLs outputting poorly through inaccurate grammar filters? Those people clearly don't have an intuitive sense for what's correct even though it would be incredibly easy to fix. You're not supposed to be outputting shit based on TK's guide. What is this retard even saying?

>> No.19322213
File: 145 KB, 1280x720, tyu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

l( . ) ( . )k at this shit

>> No.19322214

I'm not defending grammar cards, I think they're a complete waste of time. I just think that the idea that it will fuck you up for life is ridiculous. I'm not conscious of the mistakes that I used to make. I just don't make them. I've replaced the subconscious knowledge, and to my recollection, it never took any effort.

>> No.19322222

You're the one who claimed here >>19321916 that poor input won't cause bad habits to stick, which is false, as evidenced by the fact that ESLs use a/an incorrectly.

>> No.19322225

yeah it's horrible I know

>> No.19322227
File: 517 KB, 960x720, djt.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These threads are even worse now than they were in the old days. Holy shit.

>> No.19322231

tell us something we dont know

>> No.19322234


>> No.19322237

good quints

>> No.19322240
File: 65 KB, 1332x883, 23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about picture based learning?

>> No.19322246 [DELETED] 

that's what happens when you lock a bunch of mentally unstable weebs in a containment board

>> No.19322253

So, what's ます’s imperative negative form?

>> No.19322257

I would love to just put my face between those and *brrrrrrr*

>> No.19322270

"there isn't one"

>> No.19322280

You're right. I should have said that bad habits won't stick if you're not a retard and if you consume a very basic grammar guide for a month in order to be able to understand what's going on in a basic sentence and then abandon it forever.

>> No.19322283

a month at most*

>> No.19322285

personally i would love to just work hard every day at a manual labor job and save up the money i need to get her a breast reduction so she can live a more comfortable life and then have her leave me to worship a superior cock

>> No.19322288

they don't sag enough

>> No.19322296

You're right those things must be pretty cold being so distant from the heart, like your hands and feet in the winter.

>> No.19322299

Which is why making sentence cards (the whole purpose of which is to commit to memory) of unnatural sentences from Tae Kim is a bad idea.

>> No.19322304

Can you explain why?

>> No.19322305

we've come full circle and concluded the debate, wonderful

>> No.19322315
File: 72 KB, 728x546, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ESLs are the worst.

>> No.19322316

Because you said so yourself >>19322280
The purpose of a grammar guide is to consume and understand grammar, not memorize misleading grammar rules with SRS.

>> No.19322324

once i connect on a deep spiritual level with the nihongo im learning off my grammar cards well see who looks silly

>> No.19322328

>to consume and understand grammar
That's the purpose of mining it - so you can understand it and use that understanding to know what's going on in natural content.

>> No.19322342

no one's fucking talking about esls you fucking retard

>> No.19322343

1 and 2 are typos, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, and 10 are mistakes native children make far more often than ESLs, 5 and 8 are ESL

>> No.19322348

and you're supposed to mine them from real content instead of a grammar guide that's intentionally using them in an unnatural and misleading way

>> No.19322350
File: 182 KB, 500x302, 1511372096756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19322354

If you need to mine a sentence to remember that を marks the thing that's being affected or that ただ basically means "just" then you have serious problems.

>> No.19322355

You're not supposed to memorize the grammar points, though. In fact, you want to NOT memorize them, lest bad habits form through committing misleading information to memory. The purpose is to give you a very basic understanding so that you can begin to comprehend basic texts. Reading a grammar book without studying or memorizing is more than enough for that.

>> No.19322356

You're just trying to understand what certain particles mean though.

>> No.19322357

your mistake is thinking you should mine grammar at all
don't study, just read

>> No.19322360

yes and if you want to mine those particles you should do so from natural japanese instead of forced japanese
you should consume as little japanese produced by non-natives as possible until you're fluent

>> No.19322362

But you're memorizing those grammar points by consulting the guide.

>> No.19322365

That's not what memorizing means.

>> No.19322367

No, you're consulting the guide to give you understanding of a natural sentence.

>> No.19322368
File: 85 KB, 1280x720, mpv-shot0045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no you're consuming them

>> No.19322369

t. esl

>> No.19322371

>0. I could care less.
These are mostly mistakes natives make because they're to smart to think.

>> No.19322379

No, they're mistakes they make because the words stop meaning what the words mean and start meaning what the fixed phrase means.

>> No.19322382

You can only consult the guide if you understand what the guide is saying. You're memorizing the grammar point but then immediately applying it to real Japanese.

>> No.19322386
File: 399 KB, 1080x608, aristotle-last-quote-s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok, who advanced level here

>> No.19322388

Can you rephrase this? What you just said is incoherent.

>> No.19322392

0/0 care what you think

>> No.19322399

alternatively do everything say everything be everything because youre everyone and everything

>> No.19322400

are you still doing rtk and only theorycrafting about what learning japanese will be like, because that would explain a lot

>> No.19322409

then who was phone

>> No.19322412

and also you

>> No.19322414
File: 572 KB, 640x480, shinj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19322416

thats all well and good but it all falls under the umbrella of わたし

>> No.19322450


>> No.19322453

So, I've been grinding the 2k Anki deck for 40 days or so, and i can read the words i know easily, but when it comes to actually, like, making a sentence and using the words i learned i actually can't fucking recall them. Only when i see them written or hear them i know what they mean.

Is this normal in early stages or am i retarded? Haven't started reading yet, as i want to learn like 1000 words first, but i've been working through Tae Kim's grammar guide

>> No.19322463

take your flashcards burn them up like an asteroid they are never gonna fill the void

>> No.19322472

>but i've been working through Tae Kim's grammar guide
You've just completely fucked your ability to correct any subconscious misconceptions.

>> No.19322480

nobody said this, it was about making sentence cards out of unnatural sentences and committing them to memory.

>> No.19322482


>> No.19322483

Is it possible to request a translation of /pol/ illuminati stuff to Japanese?

>> No.19322484

>and committing them to memory.
An incomplete understanding that is committed to memory can never be refined and made more accurate through exposure to natural input. Thanks for the wisdom.

>> No.19322485

No, it was about recalling words without needing to trigger the memory by seeing it written or hearing it first.

>> No.19322487

don't try to make a sentence when you haven't started reading
yes it's normal, and you don't know words just because you review a flashcard, that just makes it easier to consume japanese and get an intuitive understanding of the words
500 words would probably be fine but you could do worse with delaying and at least you're reading tk
be ready to suffer, and know that you will improve very quickly especially in the beginning

>> No.19322492

>incomplete understanding
Tae Kim's grammar guide contains misleading and simplified information at best.

>> No.19322497

Simplified and misleading information can never be refined through exposure to natural input.

>> No.19322502

stop being baited

>> No.19322508

If Tae Kim is so shit, then why is it shilled in the DJT guide?

>> No.19322510

Reminder that pissing in jugs sharpens your nihongo learning capabilities.

>> No.19322513

Evidently not, or advanced learners wouldn't make elementary mistakes in their L2. It takes conscious effort to undo bad habits.

>> No.19322518

Also cutting your hair short when you're already balding

>> No.19322519

It isn't, for skim reading and developing the basic understanding necessary to start reading natural content it's an excellent resource. Just don't spend more than ~5 hours on it.

>> No.19322529

So because advanced learners don't undo some bad habits, they didn't undo their other bad habits?

>> No.19322542

The vast majority of people don't have the level of reading comprehension or education necessary to really start to approach interpreting and understanding Imabi on anything but a surface level.

>> No.19322544

If they didn't undo them all then it's not good enough. Why form bad habits if you don't have to?

>> No.19322552

>then it's not good enough
According to who?
>Why form bad habits if you don't have to?
If it's faster and you know the habit will be undone, why not?

>> No.19322556

As somebody who's just getting into learning the language, you shouldn't really be arguing about which grammar book is better. And if you're not just starting out and still arguing about grammar books, my fucking condolences.

>> No.19322557
File: 262 KB, 571x543, 彼.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related was me when I realized that おめでとう comes from めでたい

>> No.19322567

t. american who only speaks english and has never learned a secondary language before

>> No.19322569

>According to who?
Are you happy speaking in broken Japanese? Then go ahead.

>If it's faster and you know the habit will be undone, why not?
The habit won't be undone unless you make a conscious effort to undo it.

>> No.19322571

Now that's fucking hypocrisy.

>> No.19322576

you don't know japanese

>> No.19322580

this shit's a game and I don't got nothing left to lose

>> No.19322582

And now you also realize that おはようございます = 早い

>> No.19322600

and now you realize 神鳴り

>> No.19322601

>Are you happy speaking in broken Japanese?
Do you have evidence that committing TK points to memory can't be undone/refined? Disregarding the fact I know empirically that they can. The fact that some people retain some bad habits in their L2s isn't sufficient evidence, by the way.

>> No.19322609

How is it hypocrisy? English is not my mother tongue. My mother tongue is one of the most complex languages in the world and that's why i feel confident enough to tell you that it absolutely makes a difference which "grammar book" you read.

t. Had a glance at my japanese language partner's german textbook.

>> No.19322612

They can be undone, it just requires conscious effort. Mass exposure to natural input is not sufficient. I've already given you one such example in ESLs but I won't bother bringing it up again.

>> No.19322613

>いってきます comes from いう and くる
>literally means i'll say this and come back

>> No.19322614

>My mother tongue is one of the most complex languages in the world
every mother tongue is one of the most complex languages in the world

>> No.19322620 [DELETED] 

The point is that someone who actually HAS learned a fucking secondary language in their life before probably knows way more about learning a language than some mono lingual american cuckold.

>> No.19322625

go away and take your crazy pills

>> No.19322628

Yea but again you're citing one example of a kind of mistake that some ESLs haven't fixed. These ESLs may have taken English classes and ingrained all sorts of inaccurate rules that they consciously changed.

>> No.19322629

alternatively stop taking amphetamines

>> No.19322633

But I see it spelled like this a lot 行ってきます

>> No.19322635

name the language

>> No.19322639

Way to make an ass out of yourself. My native language is slavic and I haven't skimmed an English grammar book once in my life.

>> No.19322640

And if you're happy with making extremely basic mistakes then go ahead and memorize a textbook.

>> No.19322642

i already did, you troglodyte

>> No.19322643

you don't learn japanese basics in school though, stop being smug about learning english you dumb faggot

t. ESL

>> No.19322648

You're immediately diving into native materials for hours per day for the next several years so that doesn't matter.

>> No.19322651


>> No.19322657

>it just requires conscious effort.
under what definition of effort? caring enough to remember the next two times you do it and then never having to think about it again? the fact that some ESLs can't give enough of a shit to fix some of the easiest mistakes is not evidence that it is hard to fix

>> No.19322659

where? i don't see it. and dont' be mean wtf?

>> No.19322665

I don't see it either I think he's just shitposting.

>> No.19322672

It makes no difference, if it did then advanced learners who consume many thousands of hours of native material in their L2 wouldn't make basic mistakes.

It's evidence that mass input is not sufficient.

>> No.19322676

When i mentioned helping my japanese language partner with his german homework. The textbook was a fucking travesty.

>> No.19322694

it is not strong evidence because you have no evidence of these people's proficiency or level of input, or even how they acquired these mistakes, you are making assumptions based on the fact that they appear to you to be competent
considering there are examples of people who did become competent through mass input after originally learning mistakes on the other hand is evidence against your theory

>> No.19322703

It's not enough evidence because it doesn't prove that people haven't later fixed mistakes via input. Moreover even if you were correct it's just a minor point. Obviously if you're not consciously trying to fix mistakes then you don't care that you're making them, in which case there isn't a problem.

>> No.19322715

ok, I'm retarded, what the hell is wrong with 4

>> No.19322729

no capital my dude, do you even know english, this is a very severe mistake that only a dumb esl would make

>> No.19322735

mind blown

>> No.19322773

Hacks like Tolstoy and Nabokov sure are lucky, if Romeo wasn't dragged down by porn restraints and became famous people would realize how amateurish their writing looks like in comparison. 300 years from now on when VNs become mainstream and you can download languages into your brain people will celebrate Romeo, not those incompetents.

>> No.19322782

shut up retard romeos most widely known works have 0 porn

>> No.19322788

it's fresh copypasta from the eroge thread

>> No.19322791
File: 33 KB, 640x480, med_1482161322_image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know Japanese

>> No.19322795

who the fuck is romeo

>> No.19322800

our lord and savior

>> No.19322806

some guy he wrote some shit and he loves 16th century writers

>> No.19322809

Romeo "and Juliet" Tanaka

>> No.19322822
File: 210 KB, 1164x908, Memórias-Póstumas-em-japonês.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19322827

oh so he's some random fag who wrote some porn games and now the eroge general loves him

>> No.19322828

youre the random fag

>> No.19322832

I hear his name all the time, but never knew that's who you were talking about. This is my favorite Japanese writer. The guy who made cross channel, right?

>> No.19322841

no tanaka is a very common name in japan this was a different romio tanaka

>> No.19322842

If anyone has the big onyomi chart that has all of the readings of the jouyou kanji, if it's not too much trouble I'd appreciate someone posting it.

>> No.19322845 [DELETED] 
File: 38 KB, 645x729, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I learned katakana a few months ago and now that I'm starting to read I remembered that I completely forgot it. Will I be able to drone it out in a day or two now that my brain has become accustomed to remembering more complex characters without any semblance of context or use in the form of kanji?

>> No.19322850

Yep, that's him. The ultimate prose stylist.

>> No.19322853

Oh well. Still my favorite writer. Whoever this impostor is doesn't stand a chance against him.

>> No.19322856

well youre right about that

>> No.19322859

Don't lie to me again

>> No.19322864

Imagine thinking a fucking porn game writer is the best japanese author to ever exist

>> No.19322868

you live in the year of our lord 2018

the truth is what you want it to be

>> No.19322876

Imagine lacking the level of reading comprehension or education necessary to really start to approach interpreting and understanding Romeo's œuvre on anything but a surface level.

>> No.19322880
File: 679 KB, 1408x2101, onyomi chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already looked in the /jp/ archive but didn't think to go back and look in the /a/ archive. Luckily the image wasn't dead. There was an updated version of this at some point that was better but this is basically all I needed.

>> No.19322884

Yeah I agree you really need a high IQ to understand あ~あん~いくーいくうぅぅきもちいいいいいいいいい

>> No.19322888

I bet you I've read more Japanese in the past twelve minutes than everyone in this thread put together has in the past week.

>> No.19322893

you prolly havent because ive been reading summer pockets for *looks at casio g shock watch* about 8 hours now

>> No.19322899

What an embarrassing post. You would never dare to post this kind of trash if you had actually read (and understood) even a single one of ロミオ様's beautiful words.

>> No.19322900

I see you're one of the few with gifted IQ who are able to read >>19322884

>> No.19322906

Is it possible for a beginner to pass N1 after a year?
I get it I'm just curious if it's possible considering most normies seem to take like 4+ years to get to that level.

>> No.19322910

its a multiple choice test so yes undoubtedly and objectively it is possible

>> No.19322913

>Is it possible
Yes. It is. What now?

>> No.19322926

is the cor down or

>> No.19322942

Didn't know it was there, last time I checked the CoR many months ago I don't even remember there being a section for images. In any case I remember there was a version that had prettier visuals with colored textboxes and such but if no one has that then whatever, this one is fine.

>> No.19322959

Nothing really. I'll probably never take the JLPT. I'm purely curious how big the efficiency gap is between people who read lots of native material and people who use "learn japanese" websites and post on reddit.

>> No.19322999

N1 1.5 years here, passed with a 130-something. ~4 hours/day studying. 1 year is very possible, it's possible I might have even passed at my 12 month point but a little luck might have come into play. My best advice is to abandon all "learn japanese" websites. Including DJT, at least it's better than reddit but it sucks here too and sucks up your time.

>> No.19323002

Only in the last couple months really, starting with the blatant advertising of e-celebs organized from their discord, jamal, reddit pasting and 'manga isn't reading'. Reports do nothing, so mods and jannys have agreed that theres no problem with shitting up this thread, posting monkey noise music, 3dpd etc.

The /int/ thread is dead until the beginning of next year when all the new years normalfaggots show up, then we'll see if they feel like shitting up that thread for a change.

>> No.19323006
File: 6 KB, 240x240, 1450594964988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19323036

>mods don't care about the thread
>wojak posts get sniped with gorilla warfare precision 24/7
really makes me 考える

>> No.19323046
File: 10 KB, 650x650, 1520982989301.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19323062

stop crying and make me a good thread

theres only a few things you can do in this thread to get in trouble and you know what they are

>> No.19323080

>stop crying and make me a good thread
Well it wasn't me personally, but I agreed with Otaku daily thread. It aligned with the board, and tried to weed out the normalfags. Boy, did it catch a big one from /int/ as well.

>> No.19323150
File: 1.30 MB, 5066x6170, disappointed toyota man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19323199

stop talking like an anime character

>> No.19323203

stop talking

>> No.19323208


>> No.19323211


>> No.19323230

new yurufuwa gyang shit boys good day good day (to learn nihongo)


>> No.19323243

has anyone else thought about using srs when watching anime so you don't forget everything. especially for long running shows where there are long breaks between episodes.

>> No.19323253


>> No.19323263


>> No.19323275


>> No.19323286


>> No.19323289


>> No.19323292

use srs on naruto so you can memorize all of the ninja

>> No.19323300

way ahead of you my ninja


>> No.19323304


>> No.19323309


>> No.19323316


>> No.19323326
File: 74 KB, 200x240, 1524930588350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know all of the hand seals for every jutsu

>> No.19323335

とりあえず早く見ろって >>19323230

>> No.19323338

but the two most powerful abilities (talk no jutsu and sharingan/rinnegan) dont require seals

>> No.19323351

stop talking like anime characters

>> No.19323352

we're all rock lees anyways

>> No.19323357

speak for yourself im a guy

>> No.19323362

you should check out my talk to the me takin a selfie with the crowd jutu itll turn you into the tegowaiest aite


>> No.19323553


>> No.19323573


>> No.19323574


>> No.19323608

do they ever read anything good

like romeo?

>> No.19323613

>the blatant advertising of e-celebs organized from their discord
I'm not advertising for them.

>> No.19323623



>> No.19323632

Mostly free games. Romeo is above my listening level.

>> No.19323638

Is antimoon our guy?

>> No.19323651

DJT doesn't have "a guy." We do stupid things like that. Next time consider learning the culture before posting.

>> No.19323658

Literally who

>> No.19323664

Sorry but you're just one anon so I can't trust that you represent DJT.

>> No.19323665

don't do*

>> No.19323686

for some reason i like you

if you ever feel like entering the ring with the big boys check this out


its the beginning of a 160 or some shit part series full read through of romeos best work of all time

good luck

>> No.19323713

Why is it that more people who like visual novels learn Japanese than other types of fans.

>> No.19323729

Probably smarter on average.

>> No.19323733

Lack of translations.

>> No.19323764

Somehow I feel like if you haven't at least given them a try you're probably not invested enough to have real reason to learn Japanese

>> No.19323778

>ask for obvious resource assuming the CoR wouldn't have it
>it does
How much better would this thread be if retards like me weren't lazy.

>> No.19323788

I love visual novels I have already read 3 untranslated and plane on reading steins;gate soon. I would think LN fans would be learning japanese at a similar rate. If you look at the subreddits the VN sub is much more inviting to JOPs than the LN sub is.

>> No.19323823

lns are for middle schoolers and late blooming high schoolers much like animorphs

visual novels are for adults who like to do the jacking off while regretting their entire fucking life

>> No.19323865

if you know you fucked up you're better than at least half of the people posting

>> No.19323869
File: 60 KB, 627x627, 1495757327493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What can we do after achieving N1? We could never live in Japan, the government don't want us there and throwing everything away just to be an ilegall inmigrant doesn't feel right. I feel so depressed today after my reps.

>> No.19323871

There's no reason not to, there's plenty of untranslated content and it quickly gets to be enjoyable after the first couple hundred hours or so. You're basically doing what you would do anyway and getting a language thrown in for free.

>> No.19323876

It does depress me that I might achieve fluency better than most westerners living in Japan yet I'll never be able to live there because I'm a fucking failure with no higher education.

>> No.19323881

just go there on "vacation" and marry a gaijin hunter

easy fuckin life

>> No.19323885

>We could never live in Japan, the government don't want us there
they're okay with your presence if you have a degree, otherwise you can either marry a japanese woman or invest something like a hundred thousand dollars into a japanese business.
i know that none of these apply to you so i'm helping the misery set in but if it makes you feel any better, me too.

>> No.19323891

Do gaijin hunters bring home the big bucks? Because I don't.

>> No.19323899

i mean im just helpin you get in

what you do from there is on you

>> No.19323905

You only get 90 days. The Spouse Visa tramits take 5 months and only last for one year. Are you trying to fool me again?

>> No.19323906

I just downloaded Attack on Titan S2 for my listening practice. It is hardsubbed.

>> No.19323910

*slow claps*
*steps out of the shadows*
heh, not bad kid. your reading level I mean. most people don't make it to romeo. however the real big boys read classics Japanese like 万葉集. nope, there aren't any youtube videos of this one. and they're sure as he'll isn't any of that fap material all you weebs who think you know japanese enjoy so much. don't worry though, I'm sure you'll catch up one day.

>> No.19323915

>tfw barely did my anki reps, had to set new words to 0 too.
>didnt do any raw reading, grammar studies
midterms are fucking gay

>> No.19323920

Close your eyes and use your imagination based off the information given to you, that's real listening practice.

>> No.19323942

shut up you little nerd i bet that girl reading that romeo game for 80 hours or some shit would blow your mind on all the shit she can discern from the text that you cant and youd go into an existential crisis about whether or not you actually understand anything you ever read in japanese ever

*flies back up into cruising altitude*

>> No.19323955

Oi, stop having conversations with yourself

>> No.19323957

it's 1-3 years and it can be renewed and once you've been a resident for 10 consecutive years of which 5 of them you held a work permit you can apply for permanent residency

>> No.19323968

Hacks like Murasaki and Bashō sure are lucky, if Romeo wasn't dragged down by porn restraints and became famous people would realize how amateurish their writing looks like in comparison. 300 years from now on when VNs become mainstream and you can download languages into your brain people will celebrate Romeo, not those incompetents.

>> No.19323972

when i think back to >>19322399 i could say the same to you

>> No.19323977

>Just 10 ten years, bro.

>> No.19323990

I'm really scared anki's intervals are too long and I'm gonna forget all the kanji I'm trying to remember in remembering the kanji. What the hell do I do? If I fail this then I'm not cut out for Japanese. I'm already reviewing my new cards later that day by tagging them and doing a custom study.

>> No.19323993

if you get into the country and cant make things happen for yourself you were not meant to be there period

its きつい but its げんじつ

>> No.19324006

That fat fuck friend of Khatz called Tkyosam made a vlog saying how he applied for permanent residency before 10 years had passed because his friend did the same thing. They both got it. He said something about how the actual requirements are less strict than the "official" requirements, but you still have to make a certain income for a consecutive number of years and get a citizen to vouch for you or something, among other things.

>> No.19324007

Just hit hard until you're absolutely sure you memorized the word.

>> No.19324019 [DELETED] 

delete anki from your computer or mobile device for epic win and great justice

>> No.19324023

Yeah I already knew that one but thanks bby

>> No.19324025

I mean if you're not using the skill outside of Anki it's going to degrade. But if you're not using it outside Anki it also doesn't matter.

>> No.19324026

Put the 1 year maximun lapse.
90 days to make it happen. Sounds like a movie plot.

>> No.19324036

do you think i could get a few weeb megawhales to kickstart that as an anime project sorta like what yuasa does nowadays

>> No.19324051

>i permanent residence in japan
>i have to live in japan for ten years before i can get permanent residence what the fuck is this
please explain your feelings

>> No.19324070

basically this after a couple months


>> No.19324073

>90 days to make it happen.
brother if you run out of time just fly back to your country and then back to japan in a couple months or however long you have to wait, it's not like international flights are expensive

>> No.19324082

then maybe you should go stay for the 90 days you can do without needing temporary residency in the first place, get your fill of nippon, and come back to where you feel comfortable

>> No.19324109

truthfully its a lot more fun to just go to japan town and hang out than to go to actual japan

>> No.19324172

stop posting and learn Japanese

>> No.19324179

i know it
you dont

>> No.19324209 [DELETED] 
File: 16 KB, 923x713, 1529044752657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A japanese guy is using this thread to study english



>> No.19324225

I can't stop watching near death experience videos on youtube ;_; Is there a Japanese term for this so I can at least try and listen to Japanese?

>> No.19324234

I'm burnt out. I do all Japanese shit in the morning and then relax in the evening.

>> No.19324242

thats not doing all japanese all the time mister *cracks whip and pisses in a jug*

>> No.19324248

are you at least passively listening while shitposting

>> No.19324279

The easiest way to find things like this is to go to the English wikipedia page on the topic, and then look for the 日本語 link on the sidebar.


>> No.19324281

passive listening aggressive posting the most epic combo


↑ official theme song for make it happen in 90 days

>> No.19324283

the opposite actually. I'm passively shitposting while actively listening

>> No.19324286

Guys that's too hardcore. Maybe I'll try it when I have a larger vocab and I feel like I'm getting use out of it.

In the mean time you need to leave that cult. It's not healthy.

>> No.19324302

>The easiest way to find things like this is to go to the English wikipedia page on the topic, and then look for the 日本語 link on the sidebar.
I love you :3 I feel like this information should be part of the guide. This is way better than messing with google searches that may or may not be the most common name for it.

>> No.19324310


>> No.19324319

My bed time is in 3 minutes but I want to keep listening to the Giant AJATT Q&A video.

>> No.19324338

my bedtime is in 3 minutes but i want to keep reading all the great posts of the djt

>> No.19324341

I don't have a bedtime because I'm a free NEET without a single fucking worry in my life.

>> No.19324342

It's not just 10 years, it's 10 years MARRIED.

>> No.19324347

honestly after the first couple years its all the fuckin same

>> No.19324349

I'm a NEET too but I keep myself on a schedule or I get more depressed.

>> No.19324366

word of advice for all you loser boys out there suckin off mama and papa or the government

you should be awake during the day you are more likely to live longer if you sleep at night and be awake during the day

and get some sun on your skin you need vitamin d

oh and eat fruits and vegetables and exercise

and clean your fuckin room

and most importantly dont pee in fuckin jugs you lazy mother fucker

>> No.19324385

are you planning to get a divorce as soon as you get permanent residency? that's an expensive route

>> No.19324388

you guys are noobs

just trade green card for green card this shit aint new

>> No.19324390

>and get some sun on your skin you need vitamin d
how do i do this while learning japanese, i have a window is that okay, also does it work if the curtains are closed

>> No.19324391

take a shower using a gallon of sunny d

>> No.19324411

dont bathe in high fructose corn syrup guys you need the suns ultraviolet rays on your skin unimpeded for like 10 minutes a day every day

>> No.19324422

no yeah thats right scratch that just inject the sunny d

>> No.19324426

you're right but i'll try it next year

>> No.19324447

do people unironically pee in jugs. I thought it was just a meme.

>> No.19324452

Has anyone here been able to text hook Steins;gate? If so is there a code or something

>> No.19324480

it used to be limited to just truck drivers but now manchildren do it from the comfort of home

dont bother just read the quality jast translation : )

>> No.19324488

>from the comfort of home
detached basement, that's why they need bottled water and piss jugs

>> No.19324625

i meant detached garage, how silly of me

>> No.19324635

I thought it was too until I became a NEET for 3yrs. Although I guess just being a NEET doesn't do the trick, unless you're also a complete shut in.
I don't know how it happens exactly but it's like you just try it a few times and realize you really just don't give a fuck because nobody's ever entering your home anyway so you keep doing it. It's really convenient actually.
I'm no longer a NEET and I still do it. There's 12 bottles full of piss sitting right next to me as I type this.

>> No.19324648

do you keep track of which bottles have been pissed in or are you willing to fill them with water after you've rinsed them out

>> No.19324657

if you piss in a jug all you need is a little bleach and a little water and its safe to drink out of again

>> No.19324666

i didn't ask if it's safe, i asked if he cares

>> No.19324671

cares about what

>> No.19324672

It really takes no effort to keep track, and I just throw them away.

>> No.19324676

have you ever gotten a uti from peeing in jugs

>> No.19324681

No, nothing.

>> No.19324686

do you ever wake up at night having to piss and just rage piss into a jug being pissed that you woke up having to piss

>> No.19324695

you piss in jugs but you waste good jugs like that? do you at least recycle?

>> No.19324703

yeah i put them in the bin labeled もえるゴミ

>> No.19324725

yall dont even kno japanese doe

>> No.19324731

get the fuck out of here this is the matt ama thread

>> No.19324775

>only talks about a very few topics that aren't really about Japanese at all (just as rtk and matt). most of the time you can't find the exact same conversation in the same thread.
>half the post are shit posts
>only speaks beginner level or broken Japanese, and only on rare occasions.

>has very diverse conversations about Japanese culture and the Japanese language
>half the posts are well thought out
>regularly speaks intermediate to advance Japanese with native Japanese speakers

>> No.19324779

you can find*

>> No.19324792

>can't keep it up
>still need to tell everyone how hard we are

>> No.19324809

I was doing my raw listening practice and it was going fine, then I suddenly realized that I was understanding everything, when I usually understand very little. That is when I noticed I had left the subs on and was reading them without even realizing it. What a strange experience.

>> No.19324830

I had the opposite experience once. I was watching some Gundam shit or something and it was all good and I was understanding... then all of a sudden I had no idea what the fuck was going on. That was when I realized that the subs were turned off.

>> No.19324832

link me good japanese from int djt lol

they suck bad too but the difference is they are moving forward

>> No.19324844

Buy them in tablet form. Its the only vitamin thats not expensive urine, as all the others you get via food.

>> No.19324848
File: 25 KB, 148x129, f1e42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone please write this here for me?
I can't figure these out at all.

>> No.19324881


>> No.19324884


why do you guys let them win like this?

>> No.19324901

how is that winning

>> No.19324918
File: 89 KB, 960x544, 1511376699626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you anon!!

There was no way I was gonna see that.

>> No.19324919


>> No.19324922

because they are clearly getting better, while you are still discussing whether or not to do rtk, or asking if Matt is lying so you know the best way to start. Had you started 8 months ago it wouldn't even matter which way you went anymore.

>> No.19324923
File: 118 KB, 800x600, time advances.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aaah... Today as well, time advances.

>> No.19324924

good post

>> No.19324925

i dont discuss that shit

i shit on that shit

>> No.19324929

Nobody cares who else is getting better, the guide is the same. And your thread is dead, perhaps you should look into that friend.

>> No.19324931

What does "ああ" mean?

>> No.19324933


typically said before 気持ちいい

>> No.19324934


>> No.19324950
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>> No.19324971

>your thread is dead
This is false. We go and study for a few days and come back and share what we learn. You guys are constantly here and come back the next day to complain about what you didn't learn.

>> No.19324982

Ah, that explains all the desperate bumping :/

>> No.19325018

legit question, how can you tell if this ああ is "ah" or "yes"?

>> No.19325034 [DELETED] 

We've been over this. The int thread is for normies or extremely stupid beginners that want to ask retarded shit, we are all fully fledged dekirus here and we know the answer to 99% of everyones problems is simply "read more".
We just want blow some stress out from our hard labored nihongo benkyous by shitposting here. There's no need for actual discussions because our sainou is immeasurable.
Whoever you're referring to is probably pretending.

>> No.19325058
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>> No.19325098

Literally nothing but context (or tone of voice).

>> No.19325107


>> No.19325109

impressive mental gymnastics anon

>> No.19325110


>> No.19325132
File: 34 KB, 710x456, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19325135

the doesn't know what he's talking about. we know that you don't get better by using the same phrases over and over. only by reading and constantly learning new things can you improve.

>> No.19325137



>> No.19325145


>> No.19325150


>> No.19325153


>> No.19325158
File: 162 KB, 598x507, ひなん.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.19325159

Are you trying to recruit or what?

>> No.19325164



>> No.19325165


>> No.19325169

pipe down fgt

>> No.19325171

make me cutie

>> No.19325181


>> No.19325185

return "ah";
return "yes";

>> No.19325201




>> No.19325222


>> No.19325224



>> No.19325227


>> No.19325233

run now! don't take the train! or don't. either way is fine

>> No.19325243
File: 337 KB, 1300x903, B07315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19325247
File: 43 KB, 640x361, thumb_2c8e9083-b1e0-4a92-8ff9-04106971f5ff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.19325259

i dont make trash i moyasu it


>> No.19325265

took you that long for a retort? whats the matter old man?

>> No.19325319 [DELETED] 

of all the shitposts here mine gets deleted because I called /jp/ a containment for mentally unstable weebs
ayy lmao

>> No.19325321
File: 258 KB, 713x1048, gab_face_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19325330
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>> No.19325369
File: 52 KB, 640x480, 1521760215792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19325405

Just had a chat with the costumer service in Japanese.
Seems like they started to lock download codes to Japanese credit cards now too.

>> No.19325472

Just finished my Diff Eq midterm.. exhausted, brain barely functioning.. I guess I won't do any studying today..

>> No.19325481

I smashed that subscribe button bro

>> No.19325911

The vitamin D can’t travel through the window, only uv rays travel through, none of the good stuff. Open the window if you want it
