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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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19563852 No.19563852 [Reply] [Original]

This is a Japanese language learning thread designed by and for those interested in traditional otaku media such as anime, manga, light novels, and Japanese video games.
If you have no interest in otaku media or want to request a translation, this is not the thread for you.

Read the guide before asking stupid questions.

Old guide site below.

Last thread:

#1976 - >>19550832
#1975 - >>19540419
#1974 - >>19532650
#1973 - >>19522694
#1972 - >>19513446
#1971 - >>19503423
#1970 - >>19485548
#1969 - >>19474409
#1968 - >>19467088

>> No.19563862
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>> No.19563872
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Tryin out different shapes

>> No.19563897


>> No.19563901

>not using graph paper to practice writing japanese

>> No.19563910

>writes much better than "graph paper practitioner"

>> No.19563921

genetickanji has by far the best order to learn kanji.
Prove me wrong.

>> No.19563931

keep telling yourself that

>> No.19563939

the best order to learn kanji is the order that you learn words that contain those kanji

>> No.19563943

i can't navigate that disgusting website but i already know RTK is the best order because of the component+story building.

>> No.19563954
File: 357 KB, 2069x969, hentai chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19563970

How difficult is 中二病でも恋がしたい!for a Yotsuba-only-fag?

>> No.19563987

what does that even mean

>> No.19564008

It means that I've only ever not-read Yotsuba, but the "manga isn't reading" meme got to me and now I want to read a LN, but the synopsis of キノの旅 sounds boring as fuck.

>> No.19564039

if youre determined to read that tripe do it

stop posting and do it

its the only way youre gonna get better

its the only way youre gonna be #1

>> No.19564061

rtk gotta write 'em all

>> No.19564095

how do i avoid falling in love with 3d japanese girls? it's happened 3 times now and ended badly with no survivors every time

>> No.19564102

wait how did you type this if youre not alive

>> No.19564111

this isn't living
i feel like i can never love anyone again

>> No.19564114

this threads full of 地縛霊s

>> No.19564122
File: 99 KB, 804x603, bitch plz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19564147

can't quite read all of that

best guess: connecting with girls, men who get those kind of feelings, have nothing but suffering?

if so, i agree, but how do i stop myself from doing it again?

>> No.19564153

Did this happen for real or on the internet?

>> No.19564161

not him but if the internet is all you know what is real

>> No.19564162

for real
i try to make lots of japanese friends to practice speaking with but in a few cases i fell hard for them

>> No.19564205

oh boy

stop bein a bitch or fall in love with a uggo who has no choice but to cling to your sorry ass

to a healthy man i would suggest conquering her heart and making her yours but this idea seems lost on the last couple generations of beta bitch boys

>> No.19564224

2 out of 3 fell for me too, but that's even worse, makes it so hard when they inevitably go back to japan

>> No.19564238

so go to japan and fight her dad

whats the problem

>> No.19564319

he's a neet who can't afford a flight let alone a katana
and now he's got two dads to fight for two girls who haven't yet fought each other

>> No.19564354

i mean hes got two shoulders

work epic arubaito to pay for the trip then fight dad #1 and then sling girl #1 over shoulder and head immediately to dad#2 and knock his natto eatin ass out and sling girl#2 over vacant shoulder and head directly back to the airport as is and get on the fuckin plane back to butt fuckin brussels or buffalo or whatever the fuck with your well earned wenches

>> No.19564361

butt fuckin new brunswick

>> No.19564371

have you been drinking too many animes?

>> No.19564378

actually anime is at a all time low in my life though still present daily

>> No.19564385

>all time low in my life though still present daily
You're fucking disgusting.

>> No.19564393

not as much as your face tho

>> No.19564454

What keyboard does /djt/ use?

>> No.19564456

logitech k120

>> No.19564464

Model M

>> No.19564485


>> No.19564486

logitech k260, basically the wireless version of k120

>> No.19564496

Ducky 死ね 6

>> No.19564503
File: 692 KB, 2080x1560, onetruejapanesekeyboard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get yourself one of these bad boys

>> No.19564507

something tells me the more expensive your keyboard is the worse at nihongo you are

>> No.19564513

>tfw nihongo god

>> No.19564530
File: 591 KB, 1282x383, Mm4NJR3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this bad boy

>> No.19564536

watch this video to become instantly better at nihongo


>> No.19564547


>> No.19564548

Fuck off, Nobita

>> No.19564559

Consider suicide.

>> No.19564561

You don't date foreigners.

>> No.19564569

you dont date

>> No.19564571

Botnet-free and available on F-Droid if you're concerned about that.

>> No.19564582

1) Read more
2) Don't translate 1:1 (Yeah, no shit).
Nothing new.

>> No.19564590

Bet you keep JS disabled, you paranoid fuck.

>> No.19564591

gotta love the djt trolls that spread misinformation

>> No.19564608

>implying that's a bad thing

>> No.19564637

How retarded you actually have to be to browse without a noscript extension?

>> No.19564654

How autistic do you have to be to use one?

>> No.19564659

Imagine your processor melting through your case because you decided to load up a news site.

>> No.19564663

Enjoy always being afraid on clicking unknown links and ads and facebook following you wherever you go.

>> No.19564668
File: 424 KB, 2000x1352, 28_kancolle082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're the one who's afraid, m8

>> No.19564674

shut up puter noobs

>> No.19564676
File: 27 KB, 512x384, osaka_internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not using umatrix

>> No.19564680

Imagine having a process so fucking old it can't load a news site

>> No.19564683

I bet you still use a "anti-virus software"

>> No.19564688

>reading news

>> No.19564692


>> No.19564700

my man, good choice right there

>> No.19564719


this post has been checked for viruses by avast antivirus software

>> No.19564720

please repeat this entire offtopic discussion in japanese ''kudasai``

>> No.19564728

いふ あい すぴいく らいく ちす うぃる じゃぱにいず ぴいぽる あんだすたあんど みい?

>> No.19564730


>> No.19564738


>> No.19564747

ぷろばぶり のっと です

>> No.19564752


>> No.19564760

Why do you say ichiman and not just man?

>> No.19564771


>> No.19564797

漢字カード is not a counter.

>> No.19564803

Can you really study Japanese using Anime? 4 realz?

I think you can. With a proper serious approach it can totally be done.

It's like losing weight. It is a lot more difficult than you think and most people won't do it... But that doesn't mean it can not be done ^^ The physics to make it happen are in place.

I made a series of videos attempting this or rather trying to share and show how I went about using Anime to study Japanese myself. - A bit of a Japanese with Anime Show.

Have a look:

https://youtu.be/1FwbyfYLHJs - https://youtu.be/GRRyNMWOThE - https://youtu.be/cOFT5e4mCtc

>> No.19564804

Doesn't same thing happen in English sometimes too? One hundred, one thousand.

>> No.19564818

But think of it for a moment. Anime has: Perfect pronunciation to copy. It has endless vocabulary incl. specialized vocabulary depending on the setting of the show. It has a lot of different kinds of characters to showcase different ways of speaking. It has loads of different kinds of grammar and finally the entertainment value to keep you attention for hours. In my experience even people who want to study can only focus for so long on a textbook but people are somehow able to focus on Anime for days. There should be a way to use this.

But you need more than just your favorite episode of Naruto ;) And just binge watching in it of it self will not get you far.

So what do we need?

- You need a show you really enjoy that has character who speak in ways and with voices you will not get tired of even after having listened to the same bit 100 times. (cause you will need to listen to it 100/1000 times in order to get your ears quick enough to keep up with the native level speech and speed).
- You need a grammar book. An Anime will only give you the verbs - it will not show you how to conjugate them ;) Any grammar book will do as long as it explains the rules in a simple understandable way.
- You'll need a dictionary. I recommend "nihongodict.com" and "jisho.org". Nihongodict allows you to slowly type in the words you are looking for letter by letter in both romaji, kana and kanji and Jisho has example sentences for reference after you find a new cool word.

>> No.19564820

not really

>> No.19564828

Anime isnt Japanese

>> No.19564838

You have your subtitles for reference when trying to figure out what is being said. Go through it scene by scene or pick a short scene to start with. Transcribe it and then listen to it over and over again while looking at the script you made to train your ear. Take the words you found to jisho dot org and check a few example sentences. Repeat and slowly fill out the puzzle that is 日本語 <3

Finally. Every now and then you go to Youtube and look up some random Japanese TV show and listen a bit just to help yourself remember what words and grammar are mostly only used in Anime and what pops up more in real life. A little reality check ;) It'll mostly be stuff like "jutsu", "fireball", "die you pig" and the likes ;) Anime is strange but most of it is just regular grammar and language. "Hey GodKing, pass me the magic sword". Just replace GodKing with... John and sword with spoon and you got yourself a bit of a dinner conversation ;)

Am I crazy here?

>> No.19564845

i like this one more than manga isn't reading
in fact let's also say that manga isn't japanese
just remember that manga is eating and anime is drinking and we're good man

>> No.19564847

imagine trying to learn english by watching the simpsons
hai caramba

>> No.19564855

is this guy writing the guide for his girlfriend

>> No.19564858

Hello everyone; I’ve began my kanji learning journey recently using WaniKani, and am loving it so far. However, there was something I was curious if others had some help: rendaku. It’s easy enough to remember a kanji reading through mneumonics and other tricks, but it’s frustrating when I miss a vocabulary word not because I didn’t remember the readings of the composing kanji, but because I didn’t get the rendaku correct. I was just wondering if there was any consistency to when rendaku shows up or if people had tips for helping memorize rendaku words. Thanks so much!

>> No.19564886

So I'm just reading a children's book and there's a sentence これはかみさまがさずけてくださった (apologies for lack of Kanji, I haven't learned it yet). So if I actually broke it down, さずける is to grant/teach and くださる is to oblige/bestow. However, for the translation given to me, it's "this is a gift from god". I'm slightly confused as to how these two verbs put together somehow became a noun? I understand it's not going to be a direct English translation but I feel like "grant" and "bestow" are almost synonyms in the English language and so I'm confused as to what the purpose of having both of them is.

>> No.19564892

hes finally cracked boys


>> No.19564907

Is there a Japanese equivalent to 4chan? Or some sort of site where people congregate and talk about random things but not necessarily like Reddit level trollness but a more wholesome / genuine online community??

>> No.19564914

No I don't think there is.

>> No.19564943

1st question: no

2nd question: lots of them

3rd question before you ask it: no

>> No.19564950

after a verb in -te form kudasaru means "to do for one" (honorific)
e.g. "please help me" たすけてください, literally something like "help, do for me"
so in this case god had done "grant something"

>> No.19564970

くださる is a more polite version of くれる, which means roughly "to give to me".

when you put a verb in the て form, and add くれる to it, it means someone has done the first verb for the benefit of the speaker. example: おとうさんが けいたいでんわを かってくれた (my father bought me a cellphone)

so これはかみさまがさずけてくださった。is more literally translated as "god granted/taught me that".

edit: some minor details and further information

>> No.19564971

and just saying さずけた would not be appropriately honorific to god, so くださった is used as an auxiliary verb to make it honorific

>> No.19564982

くださる as in "to kindly do for one", so the whole sentence is more like "This is a gift kindly given by god", at least in my understanding. Correct me if I'm wrong

>> No.19564992

why are you people falling for the posts I copied from reddit?

>> No.19564994

this is a really good one, i enjoyed it
so did three others i see

>> No.19564998

>I'm slightly confused as to how these two verbs put together somehow became a noun?
They didn't. That's just the English translation. In Japanese, the subject is "god", and the topic/object is "this", and the verb is "to honorably bestow".

what the purpose of having both of them

It's common to append くれる・くださる・いただく and other giving/receiving verbs to denote that the action was not only done, but that the action was something done honorably by the other party and that it helped someone (and they should be thankful for that).

So it's literally "God (honorably and kindly) bestowed this (upon me/us/him/her)".

>> No.19565029

come on you done with reddit already??

>> No.19565057

i learned english by watching the simpsons

>> No.19565083


>> No.19565149
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>live in Japan since 90s
>have a japanese wife and two kids
>can barely read kana

>> No.19565172

almost /djt/ levels of based

>> No.19565190

No you didn't

>> No.19565209


>> No.19565236
File: 224 KB, 1262x655, doujin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From when did they start to sell doujins in US Amazon?

>> No.19565243

Text hooker doesn't seem to work properly on nanatsuiro drops, guess I'm going in dry

>> No.19565247

they don't

>> No.19565248

youre gonna get prolapsed if you do that

>> No.19565254

nanatsuiro drops hook code

>> No.19565277

┐( ̄ヘ ̄;)┌

>> No.19565287

> Text hooker
What's that?

>> No.19565303

it love you long time

>> No.19565338

Shit don't work
I'll just go finish hanahira which doesn't require a hook code

>> No.19565347

You have to put it in the hook code box, press enter, get a new dialogue line, then open the new hook point in the dropdown of hook points.

>> No.19565355

is this the libble bubsters guy

>> No.19565377


>> No.19565392

im just picturing that guy falling deeper and deeper until he moves on with his life and abandons his nihongo dreams

>> No.19565411

my nihongo yumes will kanarazu come true

>> No.19565465
File: 60 KB, 720x405, nama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19565481

he looks so youthful

>> No.19565546

finally some fuckin new jin dogg


>> No.19565558

Is there something like the Alphabet song for kana?

>> No.19565561

Do you guys think it is useful to make a deck of kanji containing a single semantic radical, such as
etc. I often get them mixed up if they are similar looking.

>> No.19565615

You better get used to memorizing shapes and sounds through rote in preparation for the kanji.

>> No.19565635

no i dont

>> No.19565640

Do these kinds of jokes work in Japanese?

>> No.19565642

Worked for me, thanks. Didn't realize it needed one.

>> No.19565643


>> No.19565657

Today I learned the "gate" primitive in RTK, and some kanji which include it. After koohii, I call the primitive "Bill Gates" and I imagine Bill Gates in all my stories involving that primitive.

>> No.19565659

under what context do you mix those kanji up

>> No.19565661

no honor for charlatans and thieves
to the guillotines

>> No.19565679

Well, fast and slow for instance, or distant vs whatever else.

>> No.19565687

but when and where are you mixing them up

what are you doing where you actually get those wrong

i already know the answer so ill just give you your prescription now

finish up your 10000 hours of anime subbed in your native language and read more

>> No.19565698

So you're just fucking around with me. Anyone else have input?

>> No.19565705

Yeah, read more.

>> No.19565706

typical noob even with his head shoved down into the rivers water he will not drink

he would rather inhale

>> No.19565707

No I was just wondering if there was some fun song to sing.

>> No.19565714

desu all i can say is that i did rtk so i don't mix these guys up. they have their own distinct components, and those components form stories.

>> No.19565717

I feel like you think you're saying something intelligent and enlightened, when in reality you are spitting nonsense.

>> No.19565719

memorizing kanji through rote when you don't know japanese fucks up your ability to lump words with multiple spellings together under the same mental dictionary entry

>> No.19565724

and all youre doing is spitting that same nonsense back at me then

>> No.19565733

近く - anon shoved a nearby penis up his ass
遠い - anon took a distant relative's penis up his ass
送る - anon was sent a giant dildo to shove up his ass

Wow I did it thanks, I'll never forget them again.

>> No.19565741

isn't that the point of immersion

>> No.19565744

if you make stories like that all the time (i mean about phallic things and asses) i think rtk is a good thing to do

>> No.19565768

i like how you're using 近く instead of 近い or 遠い instead of 遠く really gets my noggin joggin

>> No.19565784

Because I copypasted from my open Anki deck. I know about dictionary forms.

>> No.19565786

they're both dictionary forms

>> No.19565802
File: 100 KB, 640x480, キャプチャ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guys none of my collegiate japanese friends could figure this out and suggested i come here to seek the sagely wisdom of the djt real ninjas

what do i do here

>> No.19565818

is her name hyakugouka?

>> No.19565827

you remembered the kanji didnt you

>> No.19565836

Wasn't there an online full version of dojg somewhere in the resources I can't find it
Send link kudasai

>> No.19565844


>> No.19565856

i skipped code gay ass because all the weebs chimpin out over it saying the gay memes turned me off extremely from watching it at the time

now that the dust has settled..

should i watch it

>> No.19565865

do whatever dude I don't care.

>> No.19565882

Sounds like a good /a/ thread mate, you should go post that over there and not here.

>> No.19565883

i mean im gonna but like

did you like it?

>> No.19565885

good ending, good ups, lots of downs.

>> No.19565890

i wanted a more otaku point of view because if i asked there id get 69 posts of >>19565844

>> No.19565901

It's shit.

>> No.19565906



>> No.19565912

we're not otaku we're just autistic

>> No.19565914

I mean there's the nostalgia factor and the great music, but that's about it.

>> No.19565918

oneself part

>> No.19565964
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>> No.19565986

generation world

>> No.19565993

He only knows 400 kanji despite living in Japan for seven years. Why does anyone take this clown seriously?

>> No.19565995

they don't

>> No.19566004

you only know 400 kanji but know who the nama whiteguy is


>> No.19566016

you seem to need an extra shove to realize the answer you've been given so here it is: read more and you'll stop mixing up all of the examples you gave and many more
they couldn't believe it was that simple and so they kept following memes but memes don't lead to your dreams you need to nippon to nippon

>> No.19566029 [DELETED] 

TADA68. Gateron clears, red legends. Comfy.

>> No.19566031

delete your name

>> No.19566039


>> No.19566042
File: 17 KB, 244x222, press 2 make ur yumes come true.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont let your dreams be memes

>> No.19566090

it truly is amazing though all the ways djt can find to stifle themselves


>> No.19566193

Wish there was a good way to practice nihongo on my phone but every pop up dictionary Ive found has been very obnoxious to use.

>> No.19566197

Reading makes it even less obvious of the subtle kanji differences. I'm not gonna be able to pick out 1 or 2 different strokes by encountering them in an article every now and then. That takes close examination on an individual level.

>> No.19566207

this is simply not true
don't give advice about things you haven't actually done

>> No.19566223

I have done it. I am not a beginner, otherwise I wouldn't be concerned about confusing kanji as that is a given before you really get into things. To be clear, I read a lot, every day.

>> No.19566231

having the first yotsuba open on your second monitor while you shitpost on djt is not reading

>> No.19566244
File: 205 KB, 759x817, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking gross dude

>> No.19566252

Fuckin ankidrones.

>> No.19566256
File: 415 KB, 764x797, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

much better

>> No.19566257

Anyone else constantly give up on learning further? Haha...

>> No.19566261

>i can't distinguish 遅い from 遠い in context but i'm not a beginner

>> No.19566263

no it's not better
the fat woman is better because she does not distract me from my studying

>> No.19566266


>> No.19566270

the fat 3d woman distracts me a lot, and not in a good way

>> No.19566282

you know what would be less distracting
no fucking images
no fucking sentence either
why do you have meaning before reading

>> No.19566291

yeah no
you're not going to learn japanese if prefer lying to yourself over throwing away your ego

>> No.19566299

look ive put in hundreds maybe even a thousand hours so dont tell me about japanese

>> No.19566304

Some people learn better with images. For instance I put an image of yuno from mirai nikki on "dairy" and I never forgot it. It is relative to the individual, associating new kanji with things you already know is really useful to me.

>> No.19566307

>only a thousand
yea kid do that ten times and you might not be a beginner anymore

>> No.19566312

Wow you crushed my dreams, how will I ever learn Japanese after reading this? Might as well just quit.

>> No.19566317

look ive put hundreds maybe even thousands of hours into anki so dont tell me about japanese

>> No.19566318

>not knowing "nikki" from "yume nikki" aka "dream diary"
get good kid

>> No.19566321

I don't watch crap

>> No.19566330

good because it's a game retard

>> No.19566342

I don't play crap

>> No.19566344

>thinking that yume nikki was a more foundational work in the history of japanese media than mirai nikki
is it good it's on my list of shit to play someday

>> No.19566345

but do you watch carp


>> No.19566363

well it's not strong in terms of gameplay but if you like exploring weird shit then you'll enjoy it

>> No.19566385

start actually reading
example sentences aren't reading
sentence cards aren't reading
anki in general is not reading
anime subtitles aren't reading
twitter is barely reading
forcing your way through visual novels that you don't understand by use of a parser is barely reading

you need to read actual japanese and force your brain to practice reading japanese text to get good at reading japanese text
spending two hours on five hundred lines is barely reading

training wheels are only acceptable at the very beginning or to make it possible to consume compelling content that is otherwise far above your level, and you should not be using training wheels for all your practice

as it happens, my reading speed, which is terrible, is like 200~250 characters per minute, so you should be reading at at least 100 characters per minute, not counting word lookups and rereads

if you seriously do actually read at high speed for great length every day and continue to have problems distinguishing 遅い from 遠い, you're lying to yourself about SOMETHING. are you actually reading what you're looking at? are you dyslexic but trying to suppress the fact that you are? are you exclusively consuming material that is far below your level? are you spending all of your clocked reading time shitposting on twitter or reddit or 4chan or discord? whatever it is, it's not normal, because "reads a lot every day and can't easily distinguish 遅い and 遠い" is not a thing that happens.

>> No.19566396

>reading isnt reading
also I wasn't talking about any of that shit. pretty sure I said "articles". what reason do I have to lie to myself? you're not making sense bro.

>> No.19566405

oh yeah
reading intentionally watered down sterile formal writing designed for the illiterate is barely reading

>> No.19566410

>reading is only exactly my narrow definition of reading
i liked the 10k anime meme more

>> No.19566416

you can't learn japanese

>> No.19566419

>>reading isnt reading
if that's all you got out of that post i'm afraid to say you're not gonna make it
i like this one more because it's just a bit more educational

>> No.19566423

>i'm afraid to say you're not gonna make it
I'm n3 and I've only been studying 2 months so I say I'm doing pretty good actually.

>> No.19566429

who would just go on the internet and tell lies

>> No.19566433

>only been studying 2 months
why didn't you say so, this changes literally everything
your brain is still rewiring itself, don't worry about not making progress on random stuff yet

of course, if you're just lying and have actually been studying for 2 years, fuck off

>> No.19566444

>if you're just lying and have actually been studying for 2 years
1 year if you count a semester worth of learning hirgana at a snail's pace and wasting 1000 dollars while getting nothing out of it, sure. But that doesn't count, I could have done that material in a few weeks.

>> No.19566445

10000 hours of anime isnt a meme

imagine how enriched your life will be if youve watched and enjoyed a shit load of anime

>> No.19566452

at least you are enlightened to the fact that the majority of modern academia is a scam

>> No.19566470

My actual degree was worthwhile, whether you blame that on the system or not. But the Japanese elective was worthless except for the credits.

>> No.19566474

why would you pay anyone money to learn japanese besides nobita sensei


this is the guy dude

>> No.19566475

as it happens the typical sentence or line is something like 15 or 20 characters long
so at 100 characters per minute you should be reading at something like 400 sentences or 300 lines per hour

>> No.19566481

degrees are indeed worth something but i'm not sure they're worth the forced throwaway credits they waste money on

>> No.19566508

seriously this dude fuckin spits the gospel


>> No.19566559
File: 39 KB, 438x295, キャプチャ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude look at this shit if you only pay the epically low price of 60 bucks to access all of nobita senseis epic nihongo content you can finally find out the answer to lifes biggest question

>> No.19566574

While on holiday in Japan I generally said thanks for things in shops, restaurants etc with 'arigatou gozaimasu'. Each time the servers would respond with a little chorus of 'gozaimasu'.

Is it like the Japanese way of saying 'you too'?

>> No.19566584

ill have you know its epicly

>> No.19566592

my 2 million friends on google say youre wrong

you almost had me tho

>> No.19566598

someone show me this happening on video ありがとうございます

>> No.19566601

he prolly just didnt hear the thing that was being gozaimassed

>> No.19566608

if youve watched 10000 hours of anime you can prolly fill in that blank tho

>> No.19566609

the utter state of humanity where epically is the more common spelling

>> No.19566667
File: 796 KB, 965x491, kanji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe I can finally learn this stupid language.

>> No.19566673

They should really just make glorified graded readers with full furigana and voicing.

>> No.19566674

Your vids are pretty good
instead of just doing a bunch of sentences at random your better of making a grammar guide and use sentences/conversations from anime kinda like Japanese the manga way. If you do this you'll probably have to shorten your explanations because you have too a) introduce the concept and b) present an example convo and break it down (preferably you'll have several conversations per grammar point too get show examples and exceptions) if you don't your videos will be like an hour long just to explain what wa does which is something no one will sit through

>> No.19566675

>try core 2k/6k/10k before doing rtk
>shit is hard, struggle to remember meaning and reading of most kanji you never saw
>sentences with this kanji don't help at all
>do 1400 kanji in rtk burned out at this point desu
>now core is easy as fuck, only have to learn reading
>sentences with this kanji are great help

thank you Mat-, I mean Heisig :))))

>> No.19566677

you could play that and learn presumably nothing or play this and learn presumably everything https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v9rv_cVvUSU

>> No.19566684

did you get to 人 before you burned out man

>> No.19566685

damn, I'm a newfriend

>> No.19566686

instead of posting questions here asking you guys how to translate a particular sentence because there's too many parts that i'm unfamiliar with do you think it's more efficient in the long run to just skip the sentence and come back to it when it's easy to figure out?

>> No.19566692

exercise those brain muscles for half a minute then move on
that's all it takes

>> No.19566697

its more efficient to read things that you can actually read and only encounter few new things when you do it

>> No.19566698

yeah, it's 1023 in 6th edition
also I lied, I got to 1358th kanji, 頬

>> No.19566707

I tried but the text is pixelated as fuck so I gave up

>> No.19566709

this isn't in the guide is it? i feel like it's a useful tip if it works. and it's not necessarily intuitive seeing as how people spend minutes if not dozens of minutes asking for help decoding sentences on forums.

>> No.19566713

the guide is bad, it was written by beginners

actually the guide was edited recently and also there's someone else's alternative guide in the op site now as well

>> No.19566715

yea it's introduced around 1000 and he got way further than that. but some of the most frequent kanji are still toward the end of RTK.

>> No.19566721

theres also https://nihongobyjamal.neocities.org/ thats literally going to change your life once i learn jquery

>> No.19566722

See? RTK genuinely does make it way easier to remember actual japanese words so I wish DJT didn't hate it so much.

>> No.19566723

paste it to jisho.org, that will divide it nicely in different parts of speech and then check if that's easy enough for you
if not, check what are those fuckers you don't understand, see if there's anything helpful in tae kim's grammar guide about it, and then I don't know, I don't know japanese, don't take my advice

>> No.19566725

jquery is a meme just use https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Document_object_model/Locating_DOM_elements_using_selectors

>> No.19566750
File: 52 KB, 741x500, キャプチャ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19566762

fuck katakana, katakana is shit, katakana is harder than kanji
fuck you katakana-sama

>> No.19566765

you did good to come up with something worse than graded readers but you didn't outdo the picture you're posting in response to so you're going to have to try harder

>> No.19566768
File: 196 KB, 382x346, 1465625400948.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>allowing js on jamal's playground

>> No.19566773

i cant even write anything in js dont worry lmao

>> No.19566774

>learned 1000 words so far
>but everytime someone says something in japanese it seems as though they only use vocabulary that i have never seen before


>> No.19566778

yea japanese is pretty bullshit

>> No.19566779

what did you learn them from

>> No.19566809

Why would voiced graded readers be worse than graded readers?
I think graded readers are great. They make you read real Japanese.

>> No.19566819

i dont have issues with anything i saw of the "graded readers"

read the shit love the shit

play aqua shit and jack your shit

>> No.19566823

core 2k/6k

>> No.19566824

matt says graded readers are trash because they're "japanese with training wheels".

>> No.19566831

you answered your own question
voiced graded readers don't make you read real japanese
keep your listening and reading practice separate for maximum gains

>> No.19566838

but they are japanese they just seem to cut a lot of fluff

theres nothing wrong with them that i saw but you shouldnt be like reading them for too long

baby steps

also fuck what a white guy who sits at home peeing in jugs all day has to say about japanese!!

>> No.19566862

matt thinks you should do multiple hours a day of listening to anime for your 3-4 months of rtk before skimming a grammar guide, and then you should spend months "reading" manga
if you think matt knows what he's talking about i'm sorry

>> No.19566868

Skip any sentence that isn't i+1 until it eventually becomes i+1

>> No.19566874

Is this a raid?

>> No.19566886

youve been raided

learn nihongo or die

those are your two options choose wisely

>> No.19566892

that's only for dedicated people who want a good accent and know how to look up words they hear. if you only care about learning to read then you can go ahead and do that whenever you want.

>> No.19566894

what's the difference

>> No.19566906

oh hey thats a really good anime accent you have there


>> No.19566913

急 adjectival noun
urgent, dire, pressing

Went up a steep hill


>> No.19566918

steep (dangerous) slope (hill)

>> No.19566930


oh fuck you Nihongo

>> No.19566935

you should know 急 from watching 10000 hours of anime and even hearing it used that way for the first time you should get it

noobs dont believe in anime but it will do what you need it do

>> No.19566939

maybe i would have watched 10000 hours of anime if there were more than 500 hours of GOOD anime.

>> No.19566944


>> No.19566948

theres more than 500 hours of good anime

like just one piece and naurto pretty much take care of that right there

>> No.19566967
File: 58 KB, 225x321, 78317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best anime ever. If you disagree you literally don't know anime.

>> No.19566968

the fact that you think it's an effective method for "dedicated people who want a good accent" shows that you are too far gone

>> No.19566970

i honestly can't recognize most Kanji in this PC browser jap font

>> No.19566976

well i can either trust your assessment or i can trust matt's...

>> No.19566978


>> No.19566987

note that "expression" doesn't mean "doesn't mean what the individual words mean", it means "phrase that is normal to use to describe something"

>> No.19566990

i dont know about best but i definitely recommend it to japanese learners

if it didnt fall off at the end the way it did it would have been up there but thats more of a anime exclusive issue

>> No.19566999

nothing about that is special
you were just looking at the wrong sense of 急な

>> No.19567013

it was literally the example sentence for Kyuu in Core 2k/6k

>> No.19567017

watching anime is a meme, no one who watches it ever learns above-shit level of japanese

>> No.19567018

I remember finding Yaoi shit with that kinpatsu guy back when I was a kid on limewire.

>> No.19567022

you should probably not trust the guy who preaches about how to become a nihongo master with an amazing accent when he talks like an anime character and says まあ every two seconds
but if you can't see the logic against his suggestions that's on you, enjoy your stay, the sooner you start arguing about rtk for hours the better

>> No.19567033

this is true of gaijin "otaku" mainly and look where we are : )

thats fucked but very likely

>> No.19567034

have you tried a fuckin dictionary
daily reminder that core is shit so read more and mine instead

>> No.19567038

yea but who has a better accent than matt and advocates the method that you advocate? i'm going to have to trust matt here.

>> No.19567041
File: 91 KB, 447x597, 1529949669438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19567049

I'm not otaku, baka

>> No.19567051
File: 44 KB, 1309x191, djt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19567058

matt doesnt teach tho he just sits there and pretends to be in tune with japanese and says lol pay me on patreon to talk to me

ill let you in on a secret once he starts making too much money on patreon im going to yakuza his ass so he better have gotten on the level by then or his house of cards is comin down

>> No.19567064

Anyone knows a good deck to practice Kanji use? As in, English words on the front, Japanese on the back, with a focus on the most common words.
Most entry level decks have a ton of Katakana and Hiragana words which are annoying to sift through.

>> No.19567074

>English words on the front, Japanese on the back

>> No.19567091


>> No.19567098
File: 276 KB, 762x1188, 1530334891030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea the only way to learn is by sleeping with a japanese virgin girl. Cracking open an authentic Japanese Monster in japan and breathing japanese air.

>> No.19567100

do you wipe back to front also smearing feces all over your taint and balls

>> No.19567104

oniichan, all you have to do is the same as in case of khatzunigger
just listen/read his advices and before you put them into your life, just think if it makes sense, or if it's just something that he doesn't even do, but "uh, it might sound counterintuitive, but it's really not, so do it and check my patreon for more"
mattzumoto often says some helpful stuff, you don't have to avoid him, just be mindful :^)

>once he starts making too much money on patreon im going to yakuza his ass
and that sounds like you want to become his bitch or something, pretty fucking gay if you ask me desu senpai

>> No.19567107

you dont want to have sex with a virgin

its way more fun when both partners are reasonably broken in and know what theyre doing

>> No.19567121

Of course, I'm just meme'in. The first thing you learn about wyminz if you aren't 'daft' is that virgin or not 'a girl is a girl'.

>> No.19567122

read first 2 chapters of Tae Kim's grammar guide before you do that

>> No.19567124
File: 586 KB, 616x875, help2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone please help me decipher the name of this Zoids?


>> No.19567129

his bitch? im gonna knock his noob ass out and take his viewer/patreon sub base all in one fell swoop with a well timed well made smear video properly put into view of all the little lemmings

itll be epic

but thats only if he doesnt pay me the protection funds he will be owing me when he reaches the certain threshold

>> No.19567130

Something like 10% of RTK1 is worthless.

>> No.19567140

Does anyone have a link to the nihongo subtitled anime pack someone posted here a while ago?

>> No.19567142

how much of rtk3 is worthless? and don't exaggerate. but don't be nice either.

>> No.19567145

No idea, sorry.

>> No.19567146
File: 47 KB, 800x533, sad-young-japanese-woman-studio-shot-white-background-66977755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you're immersing your english by lurking and posting here, but not your japanese
>tfw you're not good enough to post in jap-only threads
why live

>> No.19567151

you mean this?

>> No.19567153

redpill me on mining decks
how do you keep them from being 1000 words a day?
how do i properly manage it?

>> No.19567154

rtk isnt worthless but its worth less

>> No.19567157

Oh, my bad. That 10% is RTK 1 + RTK 3. RTK 1 is only like 3% worthless.

>> No.19567159

thanks man. i'll still do rtk3 to help build up my power level.

>> No.19567160

>im gonna (...)ck his noob ass and take his (...) all in (...) smear (...) put into (...) the little (...)
dude, that's fucking gay

>> No.19567163


>> No.19567164

yea actually it is

but not the sexual kind of gay

>> No.19567166

If you read a lot they are almost all good. But then again if you read a lot, they are not enough. You'd better just pick up kanji as you come across them after RTK1.

>> No.19567167

Dude, I'm not fucking new. I've done core for a year straight. I've probably read more than you.
My understanding is pretty down, I just want to be able to recall words.

Just as example, I can read 乾杯 no problem. No hard word, pretty common. But that the first Kanji of the word is same Kanji as for dry? Well, never paid attention to stuff like that up now.
So I want to use some time of my day to get an undestanding of what Kanji words are made of.

>> No.19567172

rtk order is fucking retarded, so rtk3 might have some important/more common kanji
it's still worth doing if you can

>> No.19567177

x is fucking retarded so xplus might have some important stuff in it

>> No.19567186 [DELETED] 

>I've probably read more than you
I'm sure you did, becaus I didn't read shit, but don't be a nigger and stop trying to eng-jap
just go jap-jap, this shouldn't be a problem at your level

>> No.19567188

dude im not fucking new

ill have you know ive done thousands of flashcards and spent a lot of time looking at text under the guise of reading it

my understanding is pretty downs i just want to be able to learn nihongo

>> No.19567194

you cant say that word on television

>> No.19567203

Help me! You guys suck!

>> No.19567205

Sure, I wouldn't mind a Hiragana-Katakana deck if you can find me one. Because I looked, and I couldn't. Which is why I'm looking for Eng-JP, seems more likely that something like that exist.

>> No.19567208

>But that the first Kanji of the word is same Kanji as for dry?

you didn't do rtk, did you?
huh, I wonder how you can make a cup dry? maybe fucking drink the content of the fucking cup?

>> No.19567248

i didn't advocate a method so tough call

>> No.19567256

all the more reason not to listen to you.

>> No.19567258

let's talk about all the unreasonably common kanji that aren't in rtk because they're not joyo or common components

>> No.19567261

do you have a list?

>> No.19567266
File: 18 KB, 337x235, キャプチャ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19567268

it's extremely easy to add them to your RTK deck since the method works on any new kanji you come across.

>> No.19567269

yes and it starts with 嬉
oh I was excluding rtk3 when I said that by the way

>> No.19567272

>to your RTK deck
RTK isn't designed for SRS though
don't call it RTK if you're not using RTK's method man

>> No.19567273

I fucking did the whole RTK first book around 5 years ago. Guess what? Because you fuckers recommended it.
And guess what? I forgot every last thing I learned in there in like half a year after I finished it actually started learning words. I had no time or interest to think about the meaning of each Kanji when I was doing 300+ reps each day. Not much, I know, but I didn't want to waste time so I just remembered the readings and meanings of the whole word, not of each Kanji.

But maybe I'm just stupid. Maybe I did something wrong. Maybe RTK really is the holy grail. For me it was only a waste of time though.

>> No.19567278

i'm not sure but i think it's りくおうこういちしき

>> No.19567283

>RTK isn't designed for SRS though
i'm not sure what this means because everything and nothing is "designed" for SRS.

also even if what you're saying was true you could just call it RTK+ and say it's based on RTK but better. i should sell books about it.

>> No.19567290


>> No.19567291

Rtk is really only for upping you visual memory skills. I know that personally I would have no chance seeing the difference between "使" and "便" if I hadn't done RTK. Maybe that's just me

>> No.19567292

go for it, anything to get people to stop recommending a bad resource by name without having very detailed instructions on how to make it not suck

>> No.19567293

Learning Kanji and their Readings individually
Learning Kanji readings from Vocabulary (which can result in you only being able to read Kanji in the context of the whole word)

First one is way more difficult
Second one has the drawbacks i mentioned, if you're a brainlet like me.

There's no right answer.

>> No.19567294

DJT hates RTK. also you if you had been using SRS you wouldn't have forgotten them.

>> No.19567295
File: 58 KB, 380x380, 1448697371657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>あれは用もないのに 押しちゃだめなのよ
I'm reading this as: "despite you having no business there, do not press the button", but I think its trying to say "You shouldn't press the button if you have no business there". Why? Isn't のに "despite / though"?

>> No.19567297

well if it only takes painless, free supplementary material to make it "not suck" then i don't see the problem. there's nothing else out there like it after all.

>> No.19567299

"Even though the button doesn't do anything don't press it" maybe

>> No.19567301

i actually did advocate a method but james took it off of the internet so you'll have to look in the archive

>> No.19567304

why the fuck did james do this to you? also who is james?

>> No.19567305

djt didn't hate rtk until the riot squad airdropped in to put djt back in its place

>> No.19567316

he's probably mad that no one liked his site when he put valuable information on it so he did it to spite everyone
james is the man who posts the rap

>> No.19567317

one of them has a sharp top edge, the other doesn't

>> No.19567320

instead of

>> No.19567327

Small correction: move the 「 bracket after あれは

>> No.19567331

? it got negative responses in the thread and i hadnt ever read it but the people who were sayin why seemed really convincing so coupled with how its also not a thing i wrote i decided to pull the content

dont worry when i learn how to become a web developer im going to make the best site ever for learning japanese

>> No.19567335

obviously it's easy to fucking tell them apart when they're next to each other

>> No.19567338

"(You) have no business there, though don't press the button." ? There must be something about noni that I don't understand yet.

>> No.19567340

notice it once and it will be drilled into your head each time you see them in words, forever

>> No.19567341

Disregard that, i misread your post.

>> No.19567343
File: 31 KB, 423x615, 1516877332695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to translate the author's introductory page of one of my manga, and I've been unsure if I'm understanding it correctly.


Which, by my reading, is:

" 「I wished you wouldn't draw manga like this.」
The first time I showed this manga, my father gave me words of gratitude. Disheartened, I persevere. Well, enjoy."

Something about that doesn't sound quite right. I'm sure I'm close, but I think it has something to do with that weird くじけず / 挫けず word. Why would he feel disheartened after his father gave ありがたいお言葉?

>> No.19567346

Come on guys, we all know that all djt has been discussing since its existence is whether rtk is stupid or not using rtk is stupid. It's been always the same stupid argument.

>> No.19567347
File: 31 KB, 739x441, visual novels word coverage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19567348

i think it says 戮王甲壱式

tip me on patreon

>> No.19567352

That's not what ず does, consult DoJG or Tae Kim or some other grammar resource.

>> No.19567353

I guess the point was that if you for some reason needed to write a word by hand, you might end up writing 使利 instead of 便利. Of course you will never mix them up in reading because they are used in totally different words.

>> No.19567355

>reading the extra pages
lmao faggot, just scroll past them as if you would a homeless man

>> No.19567357

no i'm new here and you guys absolutely HATE RTK.

>> No.19567358

i didn't see any criticism but it's understandable if you want to go solo

>> No.19567363

the ず negates くじける.

>> No.19567364

this will never be an issue unless you're forcing yourself to write things you can't mentally produce

>> No.19567365

idk there was a thread where i linked the page and a couple of people shit on it so i was like huh maybe its not proper

i still havent read it though so i cant say for sure

>> No.19567372

As someone that is trying to practice writing by hand, this won't happen as you'll notice such mistakes as you write them (words looking wrong).

>> No.19567378

Thanks, I should have realized that. I should have paid more attention to the root word.
I always wondered what it said. Now, I know.

>> No.19567382

please treat >>19567364 as an extension of >>19567372 as though >>19567372 responded to you first

>> No.19567383

dam u r hot AF

>> No.19567384

i saw people shit on the site but not my wisdom, maybe the tits were distracting because they weren't big enough

>> No.19567388

no it was absolutely about the text and not the titties

i mean at the end of the day its still djt shitting on it so considering the trends that means it prolly was sagely and wise

>> No.19567392

actually i have an idea hang on

>> No.19567397

Why is のに being used there then? All the other のに examples I can find are pretty straight forward but in that example it just seems out of place. She's trying to explain that you can't be pushing a button when you have no business, not "despite you having no business".

>> No.19567400

Here go the fucking nerds translating shit again.

>> No.19567412

here check out the site again and while i still havent read any of that text we can let todays thread kick the ball around >>19566721

>> No.19567422

i+1 brother. Don't worry about it.

>> No.19567430

Sorry I'm retarded and my post was bad. These are the correct brackets:
Hope this clears it up this time.

>> No.19567432

You're right. I don't understand one thing and get caught up on it for 30 minutes.

>> No.19567447

It's just saying that 'even though' (=despite) she doesn't have any business, she shouldn't push it. I don't see the problem.

>> No.19567462

Because it is the opposite of despite. Despite means inspite of. It's BECAUSE she has no business. Despite / even though is the worst word you could use, it's literally the opposite of that. I know it's not English but in this particular case the meaning is pretty close.

>> No.19567478

That being said I'll just ignore it for now and figure it out when I understand the grammar more.

>> No.19567499

i need to produce asap because im learning japanese for a real otaku purpose
to train as a 先手 and one day become a master 刀匠
i will engrave every masterwork blade i produce with my name 寿実守武来安 and the name of the blade
the name of the blade will be a work of its own using rare kanji that few have ever laid eyes on
to ask one to mentally produce them is an unreasonable task as some will have upwards of seventy strokes
some of those strokes do not even exist in other kanji as they truly embody the meaning of the kanji itself
so as is befitting of this goal i will need to practice every day to master these kanji
this is the true reason i have mastered 書道 as it was but a stepping stone along the path to 刀道【とうどう】 the art of 名乗り within 玉鋼 taken shape as 新作刀

>> No.19567509

as for わたし


>> No.19567515

Based ken-sama.

>> No.19567518

Well, I don't know the context of that line, but if you ask me the line sounds like the girl or whoever already pushed the button, or is about to push it, and the speaker is saying that she's not supposed to do it.
So she pushed the button despite having no business, which is what she should not do.

>> No.19567521
File: 40 KB, 7494x129, kanji missing from rtk 1 by frequency rank.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chart is cut off at the top 500 misses
i shall now take my leave from djt until a week from now
i'm going to check in on you guys to see if you got brainwashed by another eceleb again

>> No.19567530

i'm shaking with rage that you didn't do rtk1+3

>> No.19567534

enough people recommend against rtk3 that i feel this is fair

>> No.19567541

i don't understand that logic but regardless people recommend against rtk1

>> No.19567543

It makes more sense when you put it like that.

>> No.19567547

enough people that recommend rtk1 recommend against rtk3

>> No.19567552

why do people dick suck that youtuber guy (matt?) and then hate on RTK, which he endorses?

>> No.19567558

where does this happen? i suck his dick and defend RTK

>> No.19567590

Be careful you might become an expert in shitposting about e-celebs and not learn any japanese

>> No.19567594

i just suck dick

>> No.19567596

Wow I've been here for 3 months and still don't know any Japanese (doing RTK). I wonder how many people started back in May and have started reading VNs and stuff.

>> No.19567609

You don't learn any grammar at all? no reading at all?

>> No.19567613

I hope none cuz VNs are trash

>> No.19567614

ken-sama was a true friend and an inspiration
we are fortunate for his sacrifice
he protected millions of 日本人 from the 大台風 with his life
someday there may be a テレビアニメ reenactment
it will not do justice to the sight i had beheld

>> No.19567620

I'm very, very loosely skimming some grammar guides every now and then but other than that, no. RTK is a lot of effort and it's not fun at all so it drains my desire.

>> No.19567649

Since the maintainer of the new site has apparently finished editing their single-page copy of Tae Kim, why don't we edit it to fix the stupid parts?

>> No.19567658

>RTK is a lot of effort and it's not fun at all so it drains my desire.

>> No.19567667

with how bad the guide is i wouldn't be surprised if we managed to make tae kim worse
whatever you do, keep a backup of the single-page tae kim in case that happens

>> No.19567677

I've been doing RTK for 70 days in a row with no signs of stopping so the boredom makes things harder but I'm still doing the work. Boredom won't be an issue when I actually start learning the language.

>> No.19567692

You're not acquiring what you consciously learn if your affective filter is up, your RTK is a waste of time. You should start consuming compelling content.

>> No.19567702

Are you saying my 90% retention rate is fake or something? I'm not learning the language so there's nothing to acquire there. Not yet.

>> No.19567724

Fair enough, but for what purpose have you spent the last 3 months memorizing characters if not to learn the language?

>> No.19567738

Primarily to learn to write, with the side bonus of having better recognition. Then I'll learn the language.

>> No.19567773


for trolls

by trolls

but yet this is the story of one idiot boy who loved his hood more than any other ninja and proclaimed it to the world

>> No.19567843

>graded readers

>> No.19567851

matt's opinions on graded readers are based on graded readers universally being badly made, not the concept

>> No.19567861

you what else is fake? the words matt reads completely wrong in his muramasa vid lmao

>> No.19567888

btw anyone that thinks muramasa is hard its literally no harder than this >>19567124

>> No.19567912


>> No.19567931

yeah not gonna watch that

69 decides what im gonna watch next

>> No.19567934

the matt video i just linked where he calls out haters

>> No.19567974


>> No.19567975

What does "i" represent here?

>> No.19568002


>> No.19568004

everything you comprehend. +1 represents a small bit of information you don't understand, such as a word or grammar point.

>> No.19568012

In gamecenter cx this happens a lot. It's the "thanks" equivalent of responding to "good morning" with just "morning" as far as i can tell.

>> No.19568024

This is not true.

>> No.19568049


>> No.19568051

what's the difference between your interlanguage and your comprehension

>> No.19568053

i doesn't represent anything at all
someone else's post below:

Timestamp: 50 minutes
It might be somewhere else but that's somewhere he explains
>i+1 is a thing that happens when you consume comprehensible input that contains anything you're still learning.

>> No.19568058
File: 336 KB, 1291x728, 1526331377486.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19568094

You're the kind of person who he's talking about when he says that he accidentally made i/i+1 too vague and people were using the term but didn't understand what it meant.

>> No.19568098

no anon, you are

>> No.19568103

Name one (1) place where Krashen ever says or directly implies that i+1 is things with a small number of things you "don't understand".

>> No.19568119

he doesn't say that but what are some instances where you're ready to acquire a rule that isn't a small bit of information. too much information and you're not gonna acquire that shit or are you?

>> No.19568122

sorry i literally don't understand what you're trying to say

>> No.19568125


>> No.19568126

idk how else to explain it and i'm too lazy to think more about it

>> No.19568130

that just means you don't actually understand it

>> No.19568137

that's possible but it's also possible i've gotten lucky and i'm correct.

>> No.19568219

Rikuou Type-A1. I left Rikuou as is because it should be a proper noun.

>> No.19568261

Does anyone have a download link for the Genki textbooks WITHOUT romaji?

There use to be one on the old pastebin a long time ago, and I've long since lost the file.

>> No.19568276

it's called "anon edit"

>> No.19568278

romaji isn't going to kill your stupid ass

>> No.19568282

There's only roumaji for the first 2 chapters anyway, just fucking ignore it it's not a big deal.

>> No.19568309

Is it just me or is like 50% of what Tae Kim has to say about だ just plain bullshit?

>> No.19568330

Not me. Which part do you have a problem with, out of the ~10 lines that he has about だ ?

>> No.19568333

Is the A from Armored 甲?

>> No.19568344

Every part of it where he says or implies that だ is especially declarative by its very nature. There are also a bunch of writing errors in the English, like "We've now learned how to express state-of-being in all four tenses".

>> No.19568363
File: 17 KB, 640x480, 1531127986520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tae Kim is garbage
Wow more breaking news at 11.

>> No.19568367

It's not garbage. In fact I'm sure it's very useful and better than textbooks. But looking back on it, it's very embarrassing how many weird assertions it pushes.

>> No.19568376

It's garbage when you consider a high quality scan of Lammers exists which does the same thing Tae Kim is trying to do but not poorly.

>> No.19568382

To be fair, you need a very high IQ to understand Japanese: The Manga Way on anything more than a surface level.

>> No.19568390

and dont forget vjg shits all over both of them because its written by a native japanese bilingual linguist ftw

>> No.19568399

this is how much text you have to read or skip in order to reach Lesson 1 of japanese the manga way

don't get me wrong i'm sure it's a very high quality piece of informational literature, but the barrier to entry is very high

>> No.19568404

だ is a particle that adds a declarative meaning to a statement, or increases the declarative feeling of it, so there shouldn't be anything wrong with saying that it is a declarative particle.

>> No.19568405

It can but that's not its nature. だ adding extra declarativeness to certain statements should be considered its own grammar rule, and definitely not taught as the very first piece of grammar a reader learns.

>> No.19568409

its like you never read a how-to or informational or just a general book before

>> No.19568411

i have
fluff is bad

>> No.19568417

and to that i say *leans back*

~graded readers~

>> No.19568420


Woops! Looks like you can use this same really shitty argument against Tae Kim too!

>> No.19568425

If that's not its nature then can you show me an example where だ is not used to declare something? Or maybe you mean something else by "nature" but then I don't know what.

>> No.19568427

that includes actual lessons though

>> No.19568437

The first anon was disingenuous to include the guide to the writing system, so why should I be able to for Tae Kim?

>> No.19568438

imagine djt being however many years old and people are now literally losing at the first pages of tyler kim and japango the mango way lmao

>> No.19568449

Let me ask you a few questions first.
Are you a native speaker of English?
If yes, why are you intentionally ignoring "extra" and "especially" from my posts, and "more emphatic and forceful" and "more… well declarative" from Tae Kim's guide?

>> No.19568452

tae kim starts at the writing system as its first lesson
jtmw includes the writing system in its preface
this is a real difference. next

>> No.19568455

there you go my man

>> No.19568462

Just go watch 日本語の森 or use this for tons of sample sentences https://www.imabi.net

>> No.19568463

甲, 乙 and 丙 represent A, B and C respectively. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Celestial_stem#Current_usage

>> No.19568464

you shoulda said dattebayo to really make steam shoot out of his ears

>> No.19568474

I still remember the original threads had the misdirection of having RTK lessons in the OP.

>> No.19568489

>includes the writing system in its preface
>this is a real difference
Neither of these statements are correct. Next.

>> No.19568495

consider actually reading jtmw instead of skipping the before-lesson content

>> No.19568501

you mean bad kanji stories every op? lol

>> No.19568509
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>> No.19568518

why do you wanna troll over japango the mango way tho

conversely why do you wanna be trolled over japango the mango way tho

just fuckin play aqua blue and enjoy your last stretch of summer

>> No.19568527

Preface and front matter don't mean the same thing anon. Sorry to break it to you. There is a hard break between the actual preface and the information about the writing system. It also frankly makes more sense to not put the writing system guide in the "grammar lessons", which is why Tae Kim doesn't do it either.

>> No.19568539

That's a declarative statement in it's entirety, but even if you were to argue that it's not, the particle だ marks what comes before it as a declaration.

Sorry, I mistakenly thought you were arguing that it's not declarative by nature. But you're arguing that it's not extra declarative by nature. In that case I don't disagree with your complaint. But I don't think that page is bad either.

>> No.19568540

would you prefer that i use the proper term "exordium" or are you seriously getting your panties in a knot because i used a derivational compound to mean what the individual parts mean
fuck off with your semantics bullshit, it is a fact that the writing system information in jtmw comes before the lessons and this is in fact something i said in my very first post

>> No.19568552

>the particle だ marks what comes before it as a declaration.
だって is a "word" of its own and does not mark anything as declarative

>> No.19568565


>> No.19568571



>> No.19568580


>> No.19568590

>だって is a "word" of its own and does not mark anything as declarative
Not wrong, but that phrase doesn't contain the word だって

>> No.19568595

but it does

>> No.19568623

does google TTS have proper pitch accent?

>> No.19568624


>> No.19568632

longer answer: it approximates it per word but it makes errors and also is very bad at actual prosody, which affects pitch accent a great deal

>> No.19568656


>> No.19568681

there is futaba channel (the website 4chan is based off of) but it is very slow, and there is 5ch which is really active but its a text board so no images like 4chan.

>> No.19568689

5ch is also mostly dead and basically flooded with ネトウヨ (just like most parts of 4chan)

>> No.19568692

I thought futaba was an anime about girls with penises

>> No.19568704

>and basically flooded with ネトウヨ (just like most parts of 4chan)

>> No.19568724

I just looked into this out of curiosity. Isn't most of Japan conservative? What I'm seeing looks like a lot of western-like SJWs making fun of right wingers in a Hillary supporter type fashion.

>> No.19568731

That's futabu. Trust me I'm an expert on futa since I watched Angel Blade when I was 14.

>> No.19568850



>> No.19568875


>> No.19569119
File: 2.59 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180803-121120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19569129

Hey there!

My knowledge of Japanese is very basic, but I'd like to go to Japan some day even if I am not as good at Japanese as I want to be. A friend of mine just came back from Japan and they went to both Tokyo and one other major city where a lot of the restaurants and places they visited, did not speak English in the slightest.

So my question would be, how to perhaps tell a Japanese person that I dont speak Japanese and maybe even ask them if they speak English? The sentence I came up with was this, but I'm sure there is a better way to say it:


Thank you in advance!

>> No.19569146


>> No.19569165

gommen nasai watashino nawa kendesu

>> No.19569181

What is this gay adjective, noun, and verb on Tae Kim? All I need to know is "nai means negative." Bam, that dumb fuck could have saved me so much trouble

>> No.19569210

this whole thread is 日本語バラバラ事件

>> No.19569222
File: 281 KB, 770x514, tired.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost done. My first light novel is gonna be hell... Can anyone tell me a good LN to pick up every day use vocabs? I mean like EVERY DAY USE. I have nothing in my bank but the 11 years of anime vocab i picked up... which is next to nothing.

>> No.19569238
File: 75 KB, 778x764, Almost done.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong pick. I was talking about rtk

>> No.19569239

more like right pic because it's how rtk makes you feel

>> No.19569241

nanatsuiro drops but be warned i have no idea what i'm talking about

>> No.19569244

nanatsuiro drops is a vn and it contains some fantasy vocabulary
it is however one of the easiest things to read in the world, so

>> No.19569248

When you start reading and having fun I'll still be doing RTK3. Godspeed.

>> No.19569262


>> No.19569279

konosuba is written for retards and is super easy to follow if you've already watched the anime

>> No.19569295

that would explain why konosuba is retarded

>> No.19569302

lol that was what I was going for. I know its helping me greatly. I'm no longer overwhelmed every time I come across a kanji with 18+ squiggles. Free's up my brain to make even more connections later on. Its just... so long. My willpower kind of died 2 weeks ago but the habit I created for the last 2 months is whats kept me going. Habits are really scary. Requires no will power after a certain point. I'l be done this month and a week after that I'm deleting the deck. Wish me luck.

>> No.19569313

if only there was a lazykanji resource that didn't suck so we could actually deflect people who start and argue for rtk towards it

>> No.19569325

>and a week after that I'm deleting the deck
Then you'll quickly forget it all and RTK will have mostly been a waste of time. The reviews would quickly diminish so you might as well keep them up for months afterwards. Did you do keyword->kanji?

>> No.19569339




>> No.19569348

Keyword->Kanji from the start. I already know i'm going to forget most of these keywords since i'm going to be replacing/changing them when I learn vocabs. A good 70-80%(arbitrary guessing) is good as is, but the rest are more or less place holders for the real deal. I would just know the jist of the character before I learn its true meaning in context with vocabs. Its gonna relieve a lot of burden later on and thats what i'm going for.

>> No.19569355

The keywords are placeholders for actual vocab and that's fine but if you don't review you're going to forget your stories and thus how to write them. If you're OK with that then alright, but then I don't really see why you're going to finish RTK because you've already gotten all the "learn to discern the squiggles"-ness you can get out of it.

>> No.19569395


These are the (long) example sentences from the "anon who learned japanese from porn" grammar pastebin. I replaced a couple of them and fixed a couple of context problems, but I'm not fluent enough in Japanese (nor do I know enough about the games they're from) to verify or tweak all of the translations. It would be nice if someone else could skim down it and point out obvious problems.

>> No.19569413

Oh, and I removed the names because last time someone pointed out a problem with an example, someone started trolling about whether or not it was a game universe or writer specific problem, and I don't want to repeat that. If you actually know Japanese then you can point out problems (or probable problems) based solely on the translation.

>> No.19569452

I'm 1550 kanji and I've just learned 酉 kanji's last night(very easy) so i'm certain I'm missing a good junk of squiggles/primitives in the last 600 or so. It's actually fun to look at kanji now instead of being frustrated at trying to decipher it. Works for me so I'll keep going at it. I won't push it on to others though.

>> No.19569453

can someone romanize this for me?

>> No.19569473

All you need is:

>> No.19569476

Since I'm going head first into reading after this I won't worry about forgetting them since I'll be seeing them real soon and in butloads. I'll forget a good chunk after 2 1/2 months but by then I'll have a solid grasp on all the everyday vocabs.

>> No.19569495

the video is 4 seconds could someone please help me romanize it >u<

>> No.19569498

>so i'm certain I'm missing a good junk of squiggles/primitives in the last 600 or so
You are but it doesn't matter because you're going to quit reviewing them anyway. You're just wasting your time, but you seem OK with it so more power to you.

>> No.19569507

since everyone wants to argue on mt stupid again today looks like im on spoon feed duty

hensin ijime ikenainjyaa

>> No.19569513


>> No.19569524

I love you thank you

>> No.19569525

whats your issue

>> No.19569534

>I won't worry about forgetting them
You will. You'll have to relearn them in the context of real vocabulary. What you're doing with RTK is completely redundant.

>> No.19569538

This, honestly. Everyone know it should be zya. Embarrassing.

>> No.19569540

Is there an anki deki with words frequently used in J-J dictionaries?

>> No.19569550

zya is barely acceptable so i won't argue with you about that
the bottom line is that "jy" should never appear in any romanization of any eastern, western, or modern japanese, because it's not phonemic and it's not phonetic

>> No.19569558

no i already asked here 3 separate times

>> No.19569559

>barely acceptable
It's the officially recognized way of romanizing that sound.

>> No.19569561

it's not

>> No.19569566

noobs can even romanji lmao

>> No.19569567

>mixing Hepburn and kunrei

>> No.19569568

It is in my fictional country, and that's all that matters.

>> No.19569570

good answer

>> No.19569572

quit reviewing after a week yea, but I have to learn them first you know lol. I cant review something I haven't learned yet. I'm past the halfway mark so there's no way im giving up. Stopping never even occurred to me until I saw people on here saying they quit 400 kanji in. This and tai is the only prep I have for reading so it would be retarded to give up now. My route is already locked in and i'm almost clearing the 2nd checkpoint.

>> No.19569579


>> No.19569606

Nihon-shiki is the best romanization system and both Hepburn and Kunrei-shiki were mistakes.

>> No.19569613

I wont worry about forgetting them *so soon*. My stories aren't garbage it will hold through at least 2 months including the difficult ones. I have nothing left to do buy read so thats all I'll be doing everyday which will reinforce what I've studied.

>> No.19569614
File: 27 KB, 535x225, キャプチャ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19569628

>but I have to learn them first you know lol
You could do that by just using a dictionary. You could start reading now and learn kanji in the context of vocab on a need-to-know basis. I'm actually a fan of RTK but the way you're using it is pointless, which you'll realize yourself a few months from now. Don't say you weren't warned.

>> No.19569629


>> No.19569646

>My stories aren't garbage
can you share some of your not garbage stories

>> No.19569654




Transform, I am no bully superwoman.

>> No.19569678


>> No.19569682

I'm using RTK to help me decipher and distinguish kanji from similar looking ones. You can do it with radicals to a certain extent but there is ALOT and i mean a lot of things inside the kanji that are not radicals that i keep mistaking with others. Writing is a bonus but the real thing Im getting out of is stress relief and less burden in the future in memorizing. I'll let you know when I start reading if it was pointless all along.

>> No.19569689

what the fuck

>> No.19569702

It's only less of a burden if you remember what you learned in RTK which you won't because you're not going to review them. You'll see buddy.

>> No.19569706

Why is 料理 so fucking hard to pronounce? Is it just me? It is easy to say with English R but not with Japanese R.

>> No.19569713

ez as fuck for me, the trill master

>> No.19569715

Nothing hard about 料理. The real final boss is ら行 sounds after an ん.

>> No.19569722

Fuck. I don't know why it gives me so much trouble. Tongue gets tied trying to say it.

>> No.19569764

Don't underestimate the power of story mnemonics. I press hard if I take more than 5 seconds to conjour the image/story otherise I would have 99-100% reviews everyday. Because of that im confident I can hold on to the key words for a minimum of 2 months not to mention addition to seeing them every single day from reading. I'm good. I just gotta finish this fucking thing.

>> No.19569777

Waste of time.

>> No.19569935

Don't underestimate the power of reading either. 99% of the time when I encounter a Knaji I can't remember in a text or a news story, the context alone is enough to hint at what word it is. Since I also learn vocab along with the Kanji instead of "stories" I can also proceed to actually read the damn thing and move on instead of drilling pointless Heisenberg Memeonics. Occasionally I'll encounter a lone Kanji whose on-reading I know but the kun-reading is considerably less common, but at that time it suddenly becomes "worth learning" and bam, there it is.

RTKfags need to consider that they're wasting several months when they could have spent 1 month drilling vocabulary and reading NHK EASY, making more actual Japanese progress than in 3 months of drilling obscure Kanji which will be forgotten as soon as you actually start assigning readings to them.

>> No.19569955

You forgot manga isn't reading.

>> No.19569964

you don't know japanese

>> No.19569972

just read some epic naurto today

>> No.19569981

You should really keep doing your RTK reviews. You aren't adding cards so the daily reviews will go down pretty quickly. If you've already done the hard part, why not do the easy part to maintain your knowledge?

>> No.19569985

RTK is just a learning ease multiplier. By itself you learn nothing but when you actually do learn vocabs/readings its the silent multiplier that makes things easier. You don't need to it but it helps in the long run.

>> No.19570044


So is reading.

>> No.19570050

reading is the strongest easiness multiplier of all

>> No.19570052

Even まあtt says RTK probably doesn't actually help you in the long run if you don't care about writing by hand.

>> No.19570070

Does anki Android work as well as desktop?

>> No.19570072


>> No.19570079

the same まあtt who tells me people to meditate for month before picking up anything japanese? His credibility is long shot and dead. Scavage his remains to see anything good left but leave the carcass alone.

>> No.19570087

Yeah but only people dumb enough to listen to まあtt would be dumb enough to waste time on RTK.

>> No.19570101

RTK, Sentence mining and reading is all I got from him before I left. I carved the good meat out of all the poison surrounding it. I'm safe.

>> No.19570106

>I carved the good meat out of all the poison surrounding it.
Anon, I hate to have to be the one to break this to you...

>> No.19570109

Next someone is gonna unironically post that they thought 10000 hours of subbed Anime was legit advice.

Better off playing 10000 hours of Pokemon in Spanish with the goal of learning Japanese.

>> No.19570119

10k hours of anime is just the foreplay bro

>> No.19570134

With the way some people struggle with the simple slang in Yotsuba, maybe 10000 hours of subbed anime really is good advice.

>> No.19570152
File: 802 KB, 1280x720, safe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry the little poison that tainted rtk meat is on the 3rd book. I'm still safe.

>> No.19570155

No wasting your time at all on RTK is poison.

>> No.19570212

whelp I'll let the poison run its course. I'll come out stronger in the end.

>> No.19570221

once the poisons done running its course it becomes aids

>> No.19570234


>> No.19570262



>> No.19570280


>> No.19570284



>> No.19570293

anyone know where I can download some of these older VNs that aren't on nyaa anymore?

Most of the easiest ones in this >>19563954 recommended beginner VN picture seem to be older VNs like x-change

>> No.19570312


>> No.19570314
File: 157 KB, 800x600, 20170429181704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19570337

people say shit like animebites all the time try checking that out

i really have no other ideas atm because im still just wowing at the ownage

>> No.19570339
File: 69 KB, 720x960, 1532145833387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm deleting the deck

>> No.19570365

I can check if any specific stuff is on animebytes if you want.

>> No.19570398

thanks, is comic party and x-change 1, 2, and 3 there ?

>> No.19570438

Yes to all of them, though the X-Change games only have the 2013 version, not the original one.

>> No.19570439
File: 129 KB, 495x200, 1531042416856.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, I have a question.
That typical "T-take responsibility" in like every hentai ever made, it's 責任を取る, right?
I've just learned the word, I don't feel like going through hours of hentai just to find out.

>> No.19570469

>in like every hentai ever made
>I don't feel like going through hours of hentai just to find out

>> No.19570481

If I could be satisfied with a single example, I wouldn't have posted this question.

>> No.19570486

how often is animebytes open for registration?

>> No.19570504

No idea. Shoot me a mail and I can invite you.

>> No.19570641

does this make grammatical sense?

>> No.19570644

Any videos of cute JP waifus speaking basic japanese for hours?

>> No.19570649

Any anime.

>> No.19570656

I mean something kind of like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZyIqO33rnk except a cute asian chick instead of a blonde westerner. I must be immersed in my studies.

>> No.19570658

also the thumbnail is a lie, I was baited

>> No.19570660

Any anime.

>> No.19570662

Literally list one (1) anime that is a waifu speaking basic level japanese for half an hour with no plot, and no other characters. I don't want to watch an anime I want to improve my listening.

>> No.19570663

>Literally list one (1) anime that is a waifu speaking basic level japanese for half an hour
Every anime.

>> No.19570671
File: 7 KB, 578x179, anki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be honest with me bros, does it get a lot worse than this?

>> No.19570674

>wasting time on cloze cards
>wasting time on core
>playing fire emblem heroes
Nothing could be worse than this.

>> No.19570687

I have never touched the cloze deck and I picked useful stuff from games I play, smart ass. I'm talking about the number of daily reviews.

>> No.19570694

>I have never touched the cloze deck
Then why is it even there?

>and I picked useful stuff from games I play, smart ass
That doesn't excuse you playing fire emblem heros. Also you shouldn't be making decks for every individual source for mined content, Anki isn't designed to work like that.

>I'm talking about the number of daily reviews.
Your reviews are literally nothing.

>> No.19570696

>Your reviews are literally nothing.
Thanks for the only useful piece of information in your cancerous post. How much does Core 2k get up to? 300? 500?

>> No.19570710

>How much does Core 2k get up to? 300? 500?
I think you might be retarded

>> No.19570714

You just don't understand what I'm asking.

>> No.19570715
File: 659 KB, 1280x720, [VCB-Studio] One Room [03][Ma10p_1080p][x265_flac]_[00:02:18.721].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does "B" stand for here?
Is it a bad grade or something? She seems sad.

>> No.19570720

>Thanks for the only useful piece of information in your cancerous post
Jokes on you, my point that
>Also you shouldn't be making decks for every individual source for mined content, Anki isn't designed to work like that.
was actually way more useful than the other thing.

>How much does Core 2k get up to? 300? 500?
Depends on your retention. 200-400 is probably the range most people will fall in to at 20 new cards a day. Generally (10*new cards) is a decent estimate of reviews when new cards are actively being added. As long as you continue doing new cards your daily reviews will always increase (though typically with good retention the amount drops off pretty sharply after you get to around 10x the new card number). This holds true of any deck though and has nothing to do with what the deck is.

>> No.19570721


>> No.19570732

>was actually way more useful than the other thing.
I don't do that. FEH was an exception because I am playing with the Japanese interface and wanted to know some key terms, like units, armies, prince, etc. Turned out to be very useful as I learned a bunch of new vocab. I'm glad I did that. The other deck you see there is something I put 2 cards in and never touched. I only use 3 decks total, one for grammar (tae kim), one for vocab (core), and one for mined words (yomichan).

>> No.19570735

>and one for mined words (yomichan).
My point is that your FEH cards should have just been put in this deck.

>> No.19570739

I would have done that, but I only recently started using Yomichan. No point moving them over now because I've already learned them and see the vocab every day on the game. I should just delete that deck.

>> No.19570747

>when new cards are actively being added.
Not him but isn't this like, always? Does it not keep spitting cards at you until the deck is complete? I'm at around 1000 words now and it hasn't stopped.

>> No.19570755

>Not him but isn't this like, always? Does it not keep spitting cards at you until the deck is complete?
You literally answered your own question anon.

>> No.19570763

I thought maybe there was some algorithm that if you fucked up it would slow down the cards it gave you, who knows. The way you worded that part was odd, why not just say "as long as cards are being added"? Actively is not a needed modifier when there is only on or off.

>> No.19570767

>This holds true of any deck though and has nothing to do with what the deck is.

>> No.19570774

Why do people pay so much attention to e-celebs anyways? It's like this on every board. Every one of these generals has constant mentions of the same 2-3 Youtube 'stars' even though they're always terrible. They're just random people with just as much knowledge as you, only they want to make as much money as they can making their shitty vids.

The only way to stop them from influencing so many other idiots is to stop mentioning them every fucking day.

>> No.19570783

>English R

Are you pronouncing like 'rawry' or something? Because that's pretty cringy. Maybe your problem is just that the Jap R is not a sound you've picked up in childhood and so you need to practice and get it right.

>> No.19570784

>Why do people pay so much attention to e-celebs anyways
Objectively better than caring about regular celebs, aka talentless nobodies who happen to look pleasing in front of a camera. This general's obsession with that matt guy is kind of lame though, I'll admit that. It seems to just be 1 or 2 people that talk about him nonstop.

>> No.19570788

>Are you pronouncing like 'rawry' or something? Because that's pretty cringy. Maybe your problem is just that the Jap R is not a sound you've picked up in childhood and so you need to practice and get it right.
Rawry would be the English pronunciation, why would I be pronouncing it like that? And why would anyone have picked up the Japanese R sound as a kid that grew up speaking English? Your tongue never had any reason to touch that part of your mouth.

>> No.19570789

>"can you English OK?"

>> No.19570793

Has anyone here read Fate/Strange Fake? How hard would it be for a relative beginner to read it?

>> No.19570811

Depends on your definition of "beginner" but no. There aren't many things you can read as a beginner. Don't even try, it will be a waste of time.

You could technically force your way through it, but you would be taking every few lines to look up a new word. It would be obnoxious, I tried doing that in the past and it wasn't fun.

>> No.19570833

>talentless nobodies who happen to look pleasing in front of a camera

That's literally what e-celebs are though. They are not being 'real people' in front of their cameras they are playing a role. It's only the medium that's different.

It's not like RTKfags do only RTK for months before moving on to something else. The idea is to do 5-10 kanji per day, I think, on top of your normal studies.

I started with it months into learning Japanese and it's actually helping me retain some similar-looking characters better, as well as some rare ones. Also, it forces you to consider stroke orders and radicals which actually helps you break down new kanji.

It's not the only way to go, but it does add some structure to your learning.

I never understood why you need a sentence like 'Do you speak English' in another language. Just ask them in English, if they speak English they'll understand and if they don't they'll also realize that you're a dekinai because you're just babbling incoherent sounds at them.

What I would recommend is download an app that lets you look up stock travel phrases and use that, preparing yourself before you go and talk to someone. That'll allow you to place orders easily enough. Also, if you don't understand what a menu says you can always use your phone's Google Translate app and translate via camera.

>> No.19570841

>That's literally what e-celebs are though. They are not being 'real people' in front of their cameras they are playing a role. It's only the medium that's different.
They generally have to know more than real celebs though. They have to produce and edit videos, for one. Until they get big enough to hire people to do that.

>> No.19570849


>> No.19570850

I haven't read that particular Fate novel but the Fate series in general is really challenging. Nasu is a very verbose writer and much of his work is full of relatively uncommon adjectives, technical expositions of the mechanics of his universe, and pretentious philosophical babble. I doubt that a spinoff author like the F/SF author will write in a much more 'beginner-friendly' way.

>> No.19570855

>It's not like RTKfags do only RTK for months before moving on to something else. The idea is to do 5-10 kanji per day, I think, on top of your normal studies.
If this was actually accurate far less people would care about people doing RTK.

>> No.19570862

Not even him but nobody only fucking does RTK. That's a bad meme. Do you honestly fucking think some people downloaded Anki, did RTK for months before touching any other material? I would bet my house that not a single person has ever done that. RTK is always used as a supplement, whether its meant to be or not.

>> No.19570869

There are literally people in this very thread that have done this.

>> No.19570880

I don't believe it for a second. For people to be in this obscure general, have the knowledge of Anki, RTK, etc, have the willpower to learn this ass backwards language, and then just look at mnemonics for half a year? Not buying it, at all.

>> No.19570891

Are you supposed to stay on each sentence until you're sure that you completely and correctly understand everything about it or is it fine to just get the general meaning and move on?

I try to do that when I read, but it's exhausting and makes me hate reading. I feel like if I don't do that though then that's lazy and I won't learn anything.

>> No.19570892

>half a year
No you don't understand.

>> No.19570897

Whatever period of time it takes to get through it. Several months at least. Same difference, that doesn't matter.

>> No.19570905

You won't understand everything about it until you finish your grammar studies. Learn new words you encounter, though.

>> No.19570918

Look up words, try your best to understand everything, but don't sweat it too much. Some sentences aren't worth it.

>> No.19570925

reddit responding to reddit

>> No.19570938
File: 16 KB, 905x172, dumb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that's not true either. Some people have autism.

>> No.19570953

How is this about RTK? 10 hours of studying is not useful regardless, your brain can only retain so much new info at once. He's not gonna remember shit.

>> No.19570977

I fell for the "do rtk first" meme (well, kind of) and got through more than 1000 cards at 50 cards a day with like 96% retention or something like that. I dropped it because it was completely unenjoyable. The real bottleneck was coming up with good mnemonics, actually memorizing after that wasn't actually very difficult. I can definitely see it being possible to do the ~70/day that would be required to get them done in a month if you had the autism for it.

>> No.19571051

I don't know what's your history with gambling, but please, Anon, don't ever.

>> No.19571072

I did 70 a day until completion. Actually, on a day I've done like 350 a day because I've got days where I can't access internet at all. I've got up to like 99% maturity in a month, but then I start moving on to vocab decks (Core2k, then my own) and although I slowly build up the maturity rate on the vocab decks, right now on the RTK deck I've got like 94% maturity. One aspect is that the mnemonics I've made turns out to not last >6 months, but the bigger reason is that I can't give a shit about a kanji's individual 'meanings' anymore.

Like, if I know 愛称 means nickname or a petname, but I forgot that 称 is "appellation", does it really matter? I think not, so I don't spend as much energy in my RTK deck anymore.

>> No.19571080

I've gotten to the point where from context I know the meaning of the vocab, I remember how it's read and know its actual meaning, but I still have that lingering doubt and I have to constantly recheck if I'm right by typing in the words either in a dictionary or just a notepad. Most of the times I've got it right, but then there are times where I don't and that just increases the doubts I have. Anyone has this doubt? How do you move on past that? Will it just go away if I read more?

>> No.19571088

>Anyone has this doubt?

>How do you move on past that?
Watched anime.

>Will it just go away if I read more?
It might, but I found my insecurity on this kind of shit plummeted once I started doing listening.

>> No.19571112

What's the recommended path if you aren't in a hurry and want to understand the language?

>> No.19571116

where are you now?

>> No.19571118

Read a lot of Japanese.
Listen to a lot of Japanese.

>> No.19571127

>わ is a feminine expression
>only see males using it

>> No.19571129



>> No.19571132

Well anon when the only thing you read is yaoi I'm not sure what you'd expect.

>> No.19571133

>I can't give a shit about a kanji's individual 'meanings' anymore.

This is why most of us who know never bothered to do RTK.

Kanji individual meanings are largely pointless because ultimately, they mean whatever the fuck they mean in any given word. 連 = "take along" is the worst example I can imagine because while ONE of its meanings CAN be that, 99% of the time it's not that at all. 連続 連敗 連覇 連勝 連休 and SO many other words would like to have a word with your shitty "meaning" that Heisler tried to convince you was real.

We aren't memeing "read more" because we're trying to frustrate beginners, we're memeing it because it really works and provides solid context for word meanings where Heinz provided you none.

>> No.19571137

I'm reading message boards, unless they're full of women which I'm not aware of.

>> No.19571143

I just know hiragana.

>> No.19571144

>thinks Heisig intended the keywords to be primarily for determining the meaning
is this the power of reading what ignorant people say about something instead of going directly to the source?

>> No.19571145

I was just joking anon.
わ is introduced by textbooks and shit as being feminine because if you're a dude and you go throwing わ around willy-nilly you're going to sound like a trans. It's not actually "feminine" as such.

>> No.19571149

what does 『と』 imply when used with 『会う』?
for example , if I say 「アノンと会った」 does that mean "I met anon" or "I met someone with anon" (i.e , anon was with me too and he also met said someone) ?

>> No.19571165

The first one.

>> No.19571171

t. eop

>> No.19571176

Well perhaps they should teach you when it's feminine and when it isn't instead.

>> No.19571178

i dont know abbreviations anon plz

>> No.19571184

so it means the same as 『アノンに会った」?

>> No.19571185

Emae wa

>> No.19571186

Perhaps they should just beam a complete knowledge of Japanese right into your head while they're at it.

>> No.19571187

It means that you need to reevaluate your life.

>> No.19571189
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>> No.19571194

More or less, yes.

>> No.19571240

thanks anon

>> No.19571241

いつのまにか タイプ:ワイルド!
すこしずつだけど タイプ:ワイルド!
もっともっと タイプ:ワイルド!
つよくなるよ タイプ:ワイルド!

>> No.19571264

honestly, here's what you need to do
read around, e.g. the guide in the OP, and choose something you're going to study
you could choose tae kim's grammar guide, or rtk, or a core vocab deck, or some super simple reading exercises. it doesn't matter what you pick at this point because the point is your approach will almost certainly be wrong at first, but you can only find that out the hard way
just enjoy the process, then after you hit your first couple of road-blocks you'll get a feel for what is going to work for you, whose advice is total bs, and importantly, where you actually want to go ("I want to understand the language" is terribly unspecific), and a glimpse at the amount of effort it's going to take to get where you want to go

>> No.19571276


Honestly, this is the best post in the thread.

When I finish Japanese someday and move on to the next language (french more than likely) I'll know so much better how to approach learning it and will probably be native speaker tier in less than a year simply because I'll know what works vs what doesn't.

>> No.19571350

just listen to matt you retards

>> No.19571369

you mean steve

>> No.19571395

It totally depends on your retention rate and how much you add each day.
Right now almost half into 10k and get ~300 cards a day, with pretty good retention since I already know like 60% of words.

>> No.19571413


>> No.19571420

Interesting how the first kanji negated the usually ascribed meaning of the second kanji.

>> No.19571423
File: 27 KB, 204x259, skull.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember to keep reviewing those flashcards. You will definitely become good one day just like NukeMarine

>> No.19571432

>scores on tests are more important than real world ability

>> No.19571474

Are there any good grammar decks for anki?

I know 99% of my grammar practice should come from reading, but I'd like to have an anki deck that I can go through just to make the grammar feel more organized in my mind and focus in on the stuff that I have trouble with.

>> No.19571485

haven't used it myself but some here recommend

>> No.19571514

Don't be a faggot and use Tae Kim like everyone else. There is an Anki deck to go with the PDF.

>> No.19571532

Why doesn't he just do an hour each of reading and listening a day?

>> No.19571544

I think i am burned out.

Since i wanted to skip N5 and take N4 i have been self studying Genki,after coming across chapter 3 i think i faced a wall,i don't know if its a motivation issue or maybe i have been pushing too hard.Anyone had an issue similar to this,if so any tips ?

>> No.19571554

find compelling content
textbooks are not compelling

>> No.19571598




>> No.19571606

I like the Jtest5you.
It has a phrase with specific grammar on one site and the translation on the other side. Great to see if you understand the grammar correctly and if you can form it correctly.

>> No.19571619

>Anki deck
there's an official anki deck for tae kim?

>> No.19571629

>have the knowledge of Anki, RTK, etc, have the willpower to learn this ass backwards language, and then just look at mnemonics for half a year?
I don't know what to tell you if you don't believe me but this literally describes me. Except it's been two months and not six months. And I'll be done with RTK 1 in three months, and done with RTK 3 in four months.

It's not the keywords that matter. They help but they're ultimately going to be replaced by real words, and as you learn real words that use these kanji you can add those words to your RTK deck and smoothly transition from English keyword to Japanese keyword. What matters to me is just being able to recall the kanji and write them from memory.

>> No.19571631
File: 34 KB, 763x609, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure I just googled for it, maybe it was linked in OP I forget.

>> No.19571736




>> No.19571761
File: 133 KB, 935x987, 7 months and 4k hours of anime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's way too little time for answer in vocab and grammar sections.

>> No.19571814
File: 142 KB, 366x263, emergency-department.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>feel like dying
>can't sleep because anki reps would pile up
wish me luck bros

>> No.19571830

honestly this is the worst thing. when you have 200-300 reviews to do every day but you are so tired, it's 2am and you just want to sleep but you just have finish them

>> No.19571834
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>> No.19571845

why not do them in the morning or after work/class

>> No.19571855

well the next day i'll have 400 or 500 if i don't do them today
these days i do try really hard to do them in the morning, or at least as many as possible throughout the day on my phone (toilet break, lunch break, on the bus, etc)

>> No.19571865

>Why do people pay so much attention to e-celebs anyways?
It's the easiest way to both state facts and provoke other users.

>> No.19571884

Watching anime is reading.

>> No.19571939


>> No.19571996


One year of M__IA

>> No.19572022

Who /ankidroid/ here?

>> No.19572029

I identify as an ankidrone.

>> No.19572034


>> No.19572035

dev here

>> No.19572044

(well, one of the contributors to both anki and ankidroid)

>> No.19572060

good programs my dude

>> No.19572079

He's already better than mattat.

>> No.19572086

then why does he worship matt and claim he'll never be as good

>> No.19572093

Because he not only learned Japanese, but also became Japanese.

>> No.19572116

日本語をちょっと読むことができます, でも文法は難しい。あれは文の正しくないか?

>> No.19572126

Consider suicide

>> No.19572129


>> No.19572135

how do I enclose fields in boxes in my cards, ie. if I want the "expression" field to be surrounded in a box whose color slightly differs from the rest of the background

>> No.19572157

ask jamal, I heard he's gotten real good at html

>> No.19572168


>> No.19572177

>It's like losing weight
This is the worst simile for learning Japanese since Khatzumoto said learning Japanese is like peeing.

>> No.19572180

<div class="expressionbox">{{expression}}</div>

then in the css

.expressionbox {
background: #ff00ff;
padding: 50px;

>> No.19572187


>> No.19572189

>color differs slightly
here have some blinding magenta

>> No.19572199

No matter what colour was given it would be possible to be completely off. Might as well use the universal placeholder.

>> No.19572224


>> No.19572234
File: 2 KB, 203x35, Screenshot from 2018-08-03 23-58-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally finished, only half an hour past midnight this time

>> No.19572236

watasi dake wo
tada mitumete
hohoenderu anata

>> No.19572240


>> No.19572247

>Less than 4 cards per minute

>> No.19572261

minna genki?

>> No.19572266

actually it's much worse than that. because anki puts a 60 second maximum, in reality some new cards take me 3 or 4 minutes to research. i do 10 new rtk cards per day and this takes probably at least 30 minutes extra to what anki records

>> No.19572276


>> No.19572282

no real japanese study but we doing genki

>> No.19572286

Why are you "researching" cards during your reviews? What the fuck are you doing anon?

>> No.19572291

>some new cards
these aren't reviews

>> No.19572293


>> No.19572295


>> No.19572298

You shouldn't be doing anything during the review cycle (that includes anki first presenting you ""new"" cards) that requires "research". You're doing something wrong.

>> No.19572299

I can't imagine why.

>> No.19572306

What katakana deck do you recommend?

>> No.19572307

i am developing a new rtk deck, some cards require manual editing

>> No.19572313


>> No.19572316

>some cards require manual editing
Cards shouldn't be being edited during review cycles. That's something you do outside of the review cycle. The one exception is if you notice an actual mistake or something on the card that will take like half a second to correct.

>> No.19572317

there are decks in proper order that cover 1 and 3 that are keyword to kanji that have nothing else in them if that's what you're looking for.

>> No.19572347

i don't see why i shouldn't do it during the learn cycle. it has to be done at some point, and it gives me time to properly space out the learn steps
this is a new project with a few goals:
1. frequency based order but taking components into account
2. fixing all of heisig's poor keyword choices
3. additional japanese keywords for almost all kanji

>> No.19572352

he was saying its your japango bro that makes you 思う the 自殺 lol

>> No.19572366

he was saying it was bullies like you bro who put him down when he tries to say something cool in Japanese.

>> No.19572369

Lol you're retarded and you don't know Japanese

>> No.19572373

taking frequency into account might be cool. i could see the keyword thing going poorly depending on how you go about it because heisig often chose keywords based on the ease of visualizing them, or to avoid synonyms. but he probably made some poor choices.

>> No.19572378

>i don't see why i shouldn't do it during the learn cycle. it has to be done at some point, and it gives me time to properly space out the learn steps
Your "learn" cycle, especially with RTK, isn't supposed to be inside Anki to begin with, for one. Secondly, anki already mixes in your new cards with reviews by default to create gaps. Thirdly, somewhat related to the previous point, Anki actually does intra-review scheduling which you are making worse by introducing huge artificial delays between cards. Anki is in basically every conceivable way not designed to be used in the way you are using it.

>> No.19572393

its not really bullying its 事実

i want everyone to be happy and healthy nihongoers

>> No.19572410

time will tell, i intend to open source the keywords and data/scripts to generate the cards so people can submit patches for improvements
i think i know how anki works, thanks

>> No.19572449

毎日毎日、私は日本語を勉強する. そして、日本語の主人するなるんだ

>> No.19572459

Pretty funny, beats reddit pasta.

>> No.19572460

every day every day
huh imagine that...

>> No.19572491
File: 132 KB, 768x1254, 099.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This post is a further response to an anon who left feedback via the feedback page on the alternative OP site, regarding the below linked page

>In the DoJG, removing empty td fields made some tables difficult to read, specifically tables containing multi-line curly braces (⎨, ⎪, ⎧, ⎩).
I've correctly hopefully all of these instances, some were remade as images where appropriate. You'd have to check yourself to see if I understood what you meant properly.
>Some other tables looked better before as well, but are less important.
This is something I'd like to inquire about, if you are around. Which other tables were you referring to? I can change these as well if you'd like.

>> No.19572507

Can someone recommend me something to read that isn't weeb shit

>> No.19572510

Here's some feedback faggot: learn to fucking make web pages.

>> No.19572518

Harry Potter in Japanese.

>> No.19572526

only translated shit is "weeb"

>> No.19572532

How about you kill yourself

>> No.19572537

ask matt for some novels he'd recommend

>> No.19572541

I'll do my best

>> No.19572546

its good to have 大きな夢s dude

>> No.19572553
File: 54 KB, 339x500, 51M930K7BDL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

animorphs is ok too

>> No.19572586

>learn to
learn how to*

>> No.19572622

dont worry my sites coming along i just learned how to insert hyper links onto a webpage and add background music

>> No.19572649

How do I close the gap between Genki 2 and Tobira? I went through Chapter 1 of Tobira and felt extremely unprepared, as though Genki was not nearly enough.

>> No.19572662

by reading native content

>> No.19572664

glue them together and throw em in the trash

>> No.19572675

How do you translate "これから九條には頭が上がらないな。"?

>> No.19572681

you guys always say dismissive shit like this that makes me laugh

>> No.19572682

close the tobira and genkily jump out the mado

>> No.19572693

From now on my head will not rise to Kujo

>> No.19572741

I mean not in literal way.

>> No.19572788

He feels inferior to 九條 because he washed the dishes.

>> No.19572799

tis true though

>> No.19572848

What's wrong with his webpage?

>> No.19572870

Reading native content magically teaches you grammar? How?

>> No.19572980


>> No.19572981

You'd have to look up the meaning of unknown grammar terms or read the English translation side by side.

>> No.19573027

I could explain, but that'd be like playing chess with a pigeon. In short, it's bloated.

>> No.19573057

yeah no point in playing vs someone who'd whoop your ass then shit on you after

>> No.19573089

Why do you associate pigeons with getting your ass whooped?

>> No.19573111

like your gut prolly

>> No.19573145

> In short, it's bloated.
The Web is bloated. Nothing you can do about it

>> No.19573162

This is exactly the kind of defeatist attitude we need.

>> No.19573164

by encountering i+1 sentences in thousands of contexts

>> No.19573174

So you're saying Tobira is a bad idea?

>> No.19573251

Yes, reading compelling content is not only more fun than textbooks but also more effective. Students who read in language classes score better on grammar tests than students who drill grammar.

>> No.19573266

I'll explain since it's not hard to do so.
Remove the upscaling of japanese text on mouseover, it's disgusting. Maybe increase the default font size if you think that would help.
Remove the white highlight and random jumping around of text on table mouseover, it's disgusting and doesn't help.
Fix these two things and it will be a good page.

>> No.19573301

just reab grabed reabers

>> No.19573376

Not even.

>> No.19573660

who would win in a fight

は or が

>> No.19573682

Who would win a fight

日本語 or 中国語

>> No.19573748

>It seems to just be 1 or 2 people that talk about him nonstop.
I'm one of them but there's at least 2 others.

>> No.19573785

pretty sure chinese would beat up its retarded little brother

>> No.19573791

Should I read if im only yomifagging through it? seems kinda pointless because im not really reading.

>> No.19573801


>> No.19573811

Any language would beat those ugly lines

>> No.19573818

It's mostly circles, real ugly circles.

>> No.19573830

no that's fine. just try to understand the sentence before you use yomichan. make educated guesses first. i don't know japanese by the way so i could be wrong.

>> No.19573837

Really wish the Koreans kept using Hanzi isntead of those ugly things known as Hangul

>> No.19573867

It's good if you make a conscious effort to remember the words that you encounter, that is the kanji that they're written with and their meaning.

After a few times seeing a word you might be able to read it without mousing over. Same for every word until you don't need to mouse over any.

>> No.19573889

i didnt mean the adopted one

>> No.19573897

hanguls own theyre so cute and readable

>> No.19573920

They're ugly

>> No.19573937

theyre adorably cute

>> No.19573949

No they're pretty ugly
They should've stuck with Kanji

>> No.19573959


>> No.19573976

DJT is full of sub N4-3 retards. What did you expect? loving acceptance of a tried and true method that actually fucking speeds things up?

t. someone who went through RTK and finds tae kim to be piss easy

>> No.19574033

If your point of reference is tae kim you're also sub N4-3 my dude.

>> No.19574036

ty kim is definitely piss

>> No.19574043

After tae kim im jumping straight to native material because I hate the idea of being chained to core

>> No.19574075

You’re practicing grammar, at the very least.

>> No.19574091

thanks for making me laugh that was a good one

>> No.19574092

does that mean reading isn't practicing vocab?

>> No.19574123

If by yomifagging you mean idly scanning every word by habit like I still catch myself doing from time to time, then no.
That said, I honestly think my year or two of pure yomifagging did wonders for prepping my reading skills once I started anki.

>> No.19574138

What environment is best for you to do anki in?
No background noise?
Light music?

>> No.19574148

To the noises of your boyfriend's crotch slapping your butt.

>> No.19574158

P-please respond.

>> No.19574183

too retarded didnt read

>> No.19574325

Since i wanted to skip N5 and take N4 i have been self studying Genki,after coming across chapter 3 i think i faced a wall,i don't know if its a motivation issue or maybe i have been pushing too hard.Anyone had an issue similar to this,if so any tips ?

>> No.19574365

man at least change something here and there so it doesn't get direct results

>> No.19574445

I see a pattern on this subreddit about most of the posts coming from /r/LearnJapanese, which makes me surprised I haven't seen one of my posts yet.

I just took a look-see in Genki 1 Chapter 3. In his defense, chapter 3 is when they start talking about word order. It's when you stop using carved-in-stone phrases and start actually learning Japanese, total burnout material right there.

>> No.19574470

Let's remember to not be an elitist to fellow learners. Everyone is at different stages and improve at different rates. I've seen lots of stories hea here about being put down from friends about the interest in learning and people who keep it to themselves for that reason. It would be even more discouraging to be put down by those who should be your peers.

>> No.19574628
File: 46 KB, 750x502, matt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19574692

「溺愛家」how is the 「家」read here? Ka or ke or something else?

>> No.19574706

no idea since I don't know japanese.

>> No.19574722

then don't reply, the answer is ka.

>> No.19574723


>> No.19574728
File: 90 KB, 645x729, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does still finding the 3rd grade level trolling and cuntish behavior in this thread funny mean I'm a brainlet?

>> No.19574729

he was asking me a question and it'd be rude not to respond.

>> No.19574737

1. -ist; -er ​See also 政治家, used after a noun indicating someone's occupation, pursuits, disposition, etc.

>> No.19574754


>> No.19574767


>> No.19574796


>> No.19574813


>> No.19574823


>> No.19574827

nihongo wa muzukashi desu neeee

>> No.19574951

bruce lee's

>> No.19574954


>> No.19574964

Does anyone have recommendations for early reading material besides news that isn't Manga/Visual Novels? I don't really care about anime and the likes.

>> No.19574976

Hey, hey, HEY.

Manga isn't reading.

>> No.19574998

Today i sunk as low as 78% retention on my Anki grind. I think it might be time to start learning Kanji in isolation...

>> No.19575023
File: 124 KB, 670x504, 1525000116476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did you get here?

>> No.19575031

>nonlinear upscaling

>> No.19575033

So you don't like anime, manga AND vns, yet you're learning japanese, why?
If you have less than 90% retention on your mining deck you either started it prematurely or you're retarded.

>> No.19575097

>or you're retarded.
it's about time for the humble brag regulars on DJT to accept that most people have piss poor memory and without isolated study they will have very bad retention. unless they read all day they will simply forget most of it. good luck motivating people to read all day.

>> No.19575109

I only do Anki once or twice a week when I come home drunk and still have 85-90% retention. I don't know Japanese though.

>> No.19575118

Fuck off norman.

>> No.19575132

>implying I drink with other people

>> No.19575134

>yet you're learning japanese, why?
Because i live in Japan, also, a weeb probably wouldn't know, but Japan has other things to offer besides cartoons.

>> No.19575141

>moving to Japan without speaking the language at all
Dancing JET monkeys need to off themselves.

>> No.19575142

>but Japan has other things to offer besides cartoons.
Not really.

>> No.19575144

You obviously want to, since you do don't at home.

>> No.19575154

> since you do don't at home
Did I say that? I just go to the bar a few times per week for a change in atmosphere and since I'm more motivated to drone when I get back for some reason.

>> No.19575158


>> No.19575159

My work ""required"" me to move to Japan.
>Not really.

>> No.19575168

>Did I say that
>yes I did

>> No.19575178

I literally didn't though.

>> No.19575201

You don't know English.

>> No.19575210

No, that'd be you.

>> No.19575345

Can anybody understand this sentence?
