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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 262 KB, 1200x1200, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19659535 No.19659535 [Reply] [Original]

Download spreadsheet (unofficial): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRHCGQe8M1xeXsE0NaYMiX6xznN4EeYeaJVKWU2DzpwYLV667jesaHjLkIRkzRE_A6OxY94huFAgmUO/pubhtml
No thanking; no linking to 9jew, hikarinojew and jew.co; rips are usually showing up a week/two weeks after the event since most people aren't going to comiket personally.

>> No.19659557


>> No.19659612

i'm seeing like 5 different spreadsheets

which one is the most updated one? the one in OP?

>> No.19659664
File: 1.45 MB, 2600x1818, cover and atogaki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This doujin was funny and cute. Kind of reminded me of that one where Reimu wants to go to sleep (博麗霊夢は静かに床に就きたい), but different artist. Reading the afterword made me realize just how passionate these artists are. I could really feel his love for these characters and Touhou.

He has the chapters on his pixiv. Please read the afterword afterwards if you can. It might give you perspective!

>> No.19659672


It's good to see Tenshi and Shion duo get love from doujin content creators

>> No.19659678

what's the password to "REDALiCE - AKA.rar"

>> No.19659777

Try Nyaa

>> No.19659789
File: 116 KB, 1737x452, 1507891465213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19659816

The password is "Nyaa"

>> No.19659855

wow I feel dumb now, ty

>> No.19659878

>no genres
>no touhou/vocaloid/etc separation
This spreadsheet is no better than discord.

>> No.19659949

wtf are you talking about? it's a spreadsheet, why are you comparing it to a shitty botnet chat platform

>> No.19659966

Because they both are mere link dumps without any organization.

>> No.19659991

>shitty botnet chat platform
t. No friends. Not even on the internet.

>> No.19659997

What's up with chinks? It's been down for a while now.

>> No.19660038 [DELETED] 

reminder doujinstylers made their own shittier spreadsheet out of embarassment at /jp/ having a more complete collection.


this spreadsheet is the /jp/ collection, everyone has full write access, and it's the first one made. also it still has genre categorization and touhou tagging :v)

>> No.19660056

Is the whole thing on pixiv? What does the afterword say?

>> No.19660059

>also it still has genre categorization and touhou tagging

>> No.19660188
File: 50 KB, 807x201, 1518393723810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder to not be this guy
Seriously. There's no reason to either have the argument presented here discussed here or to thought-control the way others should feel based on your morals alone. This is a thread for ALL C94 related discussion, not yours alone.

Also I just woke up and I think about going back to sleep. There you have it.

>> No.19660200

You can't reason with these people, don't even try.

Also, you can be sure he didn't actually buy anything himself.

>> No.19660206

>reminder doujinstylers made their own shittier spreadsheet out of embarassment at /jp/ having a more complete collection.

God i fucking hate doujinstyle niggers
"Do it yourself" at every criticism but when people actually do it themselves they panic

>> No.19660218

>This is a thread for ALL C94 related discussion, not yours alone.
Well, if it's for ALL C94 related discussion, then that guy is free to have the argument presented and if you say he can't have the argument you're thought-controlling him.

>> No.19660221

I won't lie. The last touhou album I was remotely interested in was released more than a decade back.

>> No.19660234

>on your morals alone

>> No.19660267

Moralfags on 4chan needs to be shot at sight and made fun of publicly. It should be encouraged by everyone.

>> No.19660271

Without them there would be about 3 rips up.

>> No.19660278

Also stop acting like "doujinstyle" is one person, there's like 10,000 people in their discord, one random person without even a role made the spreadsheet.

>> No.19660304

If you love them so much then maybe fuck off /jp/ and go to their shitty spyware chat?

>> No.19660314

I'm just saying, you shouldn't bite the hand that feeds. Either buy your own shit and post it to /jp/ like the good old days, or stop whining about getting free music.

>> No.19660317

Where did that anon stated that he "loved them"?

>> No.19660320

>stop whining about getting free music.
No one is whining about getting free music though.

Are you retarded?

>> No.19660337

DS is a venue for people who want to be worshipped for enabling the piracy of other people's music to be elevated in status and importance above the artists who put such hard work into putting out releases.
there's 10k people in the discord in order to get the passwords for music rips, probably less than 100 people ever talk, and there are 10 people with brightly colored names who care more about the status of "mod on a discord" than about doujin works or communities.
all DS apologists in this thread are part of whatever self important inner circle runs their shitheap, and the OP to this thread was a DS operator that was personally embarassed by /jp/ outdoing them. literally nobody on earth thinks favorably of DS except for members of the DS clique

>> No.19660351

They're no different than the tripfags that were all over the old /jp/ download threads, everyone loved them though.

>> No.19660353

>for enabling the piracy of other people's music
Didn't read your rant any further.

>> No.19660381
File: 617 KB, 2000x1519, mokou doujin for janjan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are two pages at the end of the doujin that aren't on pixiv right now.
He was excited that Tenshi was appearing in Antimony of Common Flowers (touhou 15, 憑依華)... and thought that Shion+Jouon and Tenshi+Shinmyoumaru would make good combos, but then it struck him that Tenshi+Shion would make a great combo.

...for now, it's just 5 chapters, but he's still full of energy to continue writing. Afterwards, he wants to make it public on the web.

He chipped his molar on a fried potato.

...stuff about how people in his circle were excited to play th15.5, and about how cute Tenshi, Shinmyoumaru, and the sisters (shion/jouon) are.

...stuff about the individual personalities of the characters, like how pitiful Shinmyoumaru is, and how difficult it would be to live in the upside-down shining needle castle.

He wants to keep writing with this combination of characters, and so he would be happy to have people receive his next book. Then he says to take care in this hot weather, and to enjoy the final Heisei summer.
Obviously it loses a lot through my shitty "translation." Perhaps this is fairly standard fare for afterwords, although most of the ones I saw were short. In this Mokou one, the afterword mostly just says that he finished 25 minutes before the deadline, and so he has nothing to say! (and also an arigatou gozaimashita for reading his book).

Also damn, I want to fuck mokou-nee now.

>> No.19660535

>literally nobody on earth thinks favorably of DS except for members of the DS clique
I thought rather "highly" for a lack of a better word of the DS scene when it was a forum simply because of how organized everything was, and it seemed like the center point of focus. If you found a crossfade for something, you'd post it there for all to see. Nice and easy. It feels like it was an experiment to see if the style forum it was could convert to chatroom-based functionality, and all it did was prove that it failed.

>> No.19660544

Does this retard know I buy all the Active Neets CDs but they take fucking a month to arrive in Europe?

>> No.19660568

Also, I've noticed that the main arguments here and elsewhere in the doujin community are leeches. Are they really that much of a problem? You're bound to have leeches. It doesn't really matter. I'm not a fan of those whiny, entitled leechers but what can you do. You're bound to run into those people no matter where you are.

It's so surprising that there are still people around who don't understand how long it can take for an item to arrive in the mail. It's like they think something can go from Japan to your house on the other side of the world in just 12 hours. Maybe they're the same people who don't understand how timezones work.

>> No.19660611

>the OP to this thread was a DS operator that was personally embarassed by /jp/ outdoing them
What? I'm the OP (same with thread #2) and I'm an uploader/ripper from DS discord.

>> No.19660630

Maybe it's because I'm technology illiterate or something but I highly doubt "people who rip just need time to get back to their station" and "chink cartel" is the sole explication for the huge delay between certain releases that are ripped the very day of the event and others who take weeks to come when you have a lot of people posting loot pics containing those very releases.

>> No.19660641

It's much cheaper for chinks to fly over to japan than it is for westerners.

>> No.19660645

HADES and Your voice so.. are fucking great albums, is this the best comiket yet?

>> No.19660646

>>19660611 here, I don't mind leechers downloading whatever I upload/rip, I share because sometimes I'm in a tight spot financially too so I know how it is when you can't afford basic stuff, not to mention indie music that costs thousands of yen to import. But it does get tiring and frustrating when all you can see is people complaining about why there are no rips 0.2 seconds after the event started. Request channel got flooded with c94 requests before the event even began! All of the popular CDs will be ripped at some point so just please wait patiently until we get them ourselves or real life allows us to spend time on ripping or just buy it yourself. Don't be "that" leech guy.

>> No.19660660

Where games?

>> No.19660676

Just because people post a request doesn't necessarily mean they are impatient. They just want to make sure stuff doesn't get forgotten, especially since there has been a load of troubles recently with the "format war" that happened between the "muh internet speed/storage space" side and the "muh quality" side.
All it takes is for a lot of people to each post a request and it starts to look like flooding but it's just a natural thing.

>> No.19660682

I wonder if it has something to do with instant gratification. People expect everything to instantly fall into their lap nowadays. Of course there were whiny idiots back in the day too, who would post hurr where's socks or whatever immediately after Comiket would open to the public, but it feels like its gotten worse over the years. There's nothing wrong with waiting a little while... No one is going anywhere. No one here is in a rush. If something doesn't get uploaded then there's always the next event.

>> No.19660689

Did the post with the spreadsheet from the previous thread get deleted here?
It's a lot more readable than the OP sheet

>> No.19660692

Are you stupid? It's in the fucking thread.

>> No.19660697

>stop complaining
Stop projecting emotion on other people's posts.

>> No.19660698

Not sure if you're using a browser plugin to show deleted posts but it really isn't my dude

>> No.19660724

Anyone has the new COOL&CREATE stuff?

>> No.19660738

Reminder that this is the true /jp/spreadsheet

>> No.19660756

beat mario still lives?

>> No.19660761

Thank you anon.

>> No.19660793

well then enjoy 0 new albums by 2020 comiket, realize most these circles only do this part time

>> No.19660797

It's actually got deleted though.

>> No.19660800

it does take 12 hours...

pay for EMS shipping not airmail

>> No.19660808

Is comiket really worth it if you aren't looking for a particular dojin
I've read that you can show up and walk in without lining up after about noon

>> No.19660823

- Comiket's attendance is at one of its highest peaks
- so many circles that even Touhou circles are growing in number despite the fact that piracy has been a thing for YEARS
>dude, piracy hurts
You're not fooling anyone, you idiot.

>> No.19660844

You know it can cost thousands of dollars to produce CDs for events like these, right? Just because they're not doing is as their main job doesn't mean they can just throw thousands of dollars away. They still have have to at least hit even to continue making CDs, day 1 piracy affects that a lot.

>> No.19660898

I wouldn't bother arguing with people here regarding this topic. Some people just don't understand that products cost money to produce.

>> No.19661007

People enjoy C&C other than me? It's how I got into this genre of music.

>You know it can cost thousands of dollars to produce CDs for events like these,
Maybe they should stop focusing exclusively on the JP market if they truly cared for unauthorized sharing. But as it is not many people are willing to spend hours in line just for a music album they can order from amazon. We've been sharing comiket music for a decade now, you are really not convincing anyone with your little knowledge.

>> No.19661172

04. 秘匿されたフォーシーズンズ ~ Hidden Seasons will pass you by
is a yes reference, neat.

>> No.19661242

If you like enough series and don't mind extreme crowd surfing, sure, it's free entry afterall. And yeah, noonish the campers have made it inside so you just go in the front.

>> No.19661283

I thought you needed to buy the catalogue as a kind of "ticket" to get into the venue... or is that just Reitaisai? Or neither?

>> No.19661365

Not at all, that catalog is just a handheld guide to the circles. It's about as big as a textbook, so fuck hauling that. https://webcatalog-free.circle.ms/ is the online catalog so you can search for artists, circles, and series there.

>> No.19661386

DS has also been uploading cracked copies of the DVD catalog a few weeks before the event the last few Comikets as well, I find it more useful than the web catalog for looking over circles.

>> No.19661597
File: 377 KB, 2000x1197, Touhou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well yes, I do expect DIGITAL MUSIC to be right there when I pay for it. Look at this thing here. I never opened it do you want to know why? It took 47 days to arrive. 47 fucking days, thank good it took "only" 12ish days for someone to upload it.

Let's say I went to C94 and we have people here who do. And I enjoy Active NEET probably the most out of all the doujin groups, I'd rip it the same day. Why? Because I was in this situation for ages for 15 years now or more...

I still never went to a comiket because they're at dumb time of melting or freezing in Japan so there no point going just going for that, I wanna see stuff too so I usually go in september/october or april/may when the weather is nice and nature looks good too.

>> No.19661669

>I buy one CD an event so that justifies the entire doujin music piracy scene.

>> No.19661680
File: 14 KB, 220x174, Thinking Flan.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah in 15 years I only got one CD I mean why would I support independent artists I like right?

>> No.19661693

>moving the goalposts

>> No.19661827

>47 fucking days
>"only" 12ish
Yeah... 47 days suuuure is a long time isn't it? And 12 days? Damn man, that's some real shit right there.
>I'd rip it the same day
>no point going just going for that
Nice level of passion. "I could do something about my problem, but fuck weather."

>> No.19661881

>if you pirated once you're as literally as bad as chink rippers and you obviously support the entire piracy scene

>> No.19661900

Wasn't there someone on DS whose package got lost and it finally arrived after like 2 years or some shit? Besides, packages regularly get stuck in transit. It isn't uncommon for something to take 30-60+ days to arrive.

>> No.19662020
File: 230 KB, 297x609, 1514712018108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use the noscript captcha my friend, it's much faster.

>> No.19662080
File: 31 KB, 350x282, 1532408592118.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The captcha he has is literally 1 click 99% of the time.

>> No.19662112

Shitposters won't be able to comprehend this.

>> No.19662121

Only if you keep google cookies.

>> No.19662228

Not him, but I prefer non-JS because I can post without using my mouse, selecting the pics with the numpad is way comfier.

>> No.19662238

I move my mouse in a much more efficient way. Google can't comprehend this.

>> No.19662297

>selecting the pics with the numpad
"Dear diary, today I discovered something amazing."

>> No.19662312
File: 798 KB, 864x648, roll.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah let me fly to Japan and stay there for 1 week for 2500$ to get a CD on time.

>> No.19662355

>being this poor

>> No.19662359

That's 1 week of your life.

>> No.19662360

>What is cost-benefit

>> No.19662371

Buy cheap airfare, stay in a hostel. Or just stop whining.

>> No.19662377
File: 10 KB, 319x158, who are you quoting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19662477
File: 65 KB, 615x778, Hugo-Chávez.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beggars seething.
Most of the attendants go for porn or corporate, I've never seen a big queue for a wall music circle.
Even the small music circles have a very limited stock and I can be there an hour later and get everything I want, counting out a few exceptions for example minimum electric re-releasing the border.
They only reason they survive now is because they do lives I'm sure you've all seen the huge influx of live events.

>> No.19662480


>> No.19662486

Or I can wait for someone to upload it. And wait a month for my CD to arrive and then upload it myself.

>> No.19662516

Whom quote?

>> No.19662533

>buy cheap airfare
>it's cheaper compared to others so it's cheap
Not how it works buddy.

>> No.19662614

The post basically said "I do go to Japan, just not when Comiket is happening because weather." Which, just in case you're too stupid to figure out what that means (which I assume you are, given your response to me): they already pay money to fly to Japan, they can change when they go so that they can go to Comiket.
Yes, just waiting patiently is what normal people do. Again, this is as the other poster said "something to do with instant gratification."

>> No.19662663
File: 83 KB, 154x223, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is this, please upload it

>> No.19662700

No idea how this post relates to its context, but same. I just assume people who still enjoy Touhou stuff are newer to the scene.

>> No.19663324

jesus fuck

>> No.19663632
File: 26 KB, 552x518, yeboi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For whoever uploaded Sakuzyo's new album...

I owe you my life, fucking thank you.

>> No.19663991

What a kuso thread.

>> No.19664691

ah perfect idea anon, i'll pay 5x the price of the album to get something someone can get at the event for the normal price, all the while the extra money doesn't even go to the artist but goes on the shipping fees

>> No.19664743

>it does take 12 hours...
you're not getting a package that quickly thru EMS

>> No.19664971 [SPOILER] 
File: 891 KB, 2000x1580, 1534328901873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I said I'd do it, so here's some pics of the inside.

>> No.19665124


>> No.19665147



>> No.19665158

Be patient, acting like a petulant child gets you nothing

>> No.19665164

Please do not shout on /jp/. The album will be uploaded soon, please be patient.

>> No.19665173

I'm thinking of doing a diverse direct order and it'll be in that. If I decide to order and it's not up when it comes, I'll rip it to lossless, so just be patient.

>> No.19665246
File: 424 KB, 1000x1326, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are some shitty phone scans that took way too long to do.

>> No.19665259
File: 2.98 MB, 1500x6866, 1-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19665266
File: 3.08 MB, 1500x6729, 4-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19665272
File: 2.46 MB, 1500x6498, 7-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19665287
File: 2.66 MB, 1500x6696, 10-12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for the potato quality on the first page. It says:

>> No.19665293
File: 1.72 MB, 1500x5669, 13-15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19665314
File: 30 KB, 480x360, 1490148046958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19665501

>nude loli's unspoilered on /jp/

>> No.19665648

Feels good to have both the NEETs and USAO.

>> No.19665715

Anyone bought the ChelseaLip doujin?
Me likes some shota NTR

>> No.19665849

That is true for Reitaisai and (many) other events. Comiket is free entry. After 11:30-12:00 there's no waiting line at the entrance, but popular circles will have already sold out or still have their waiting lines. Less popular ones don't.

>> No.19666043

Small reminder to not entertain obvious crossboarders who like to act like retards and argue about everything for the sake of attention.
Only you can make /jp/ better.

>> No.19666241

That was just in reply to $2500, cause that seemed quite high.

>> No.19666465

still waiting for fgo jazz 2

>> No.19666763

Anyone got an idea when the new Touhou will be available in stores? I fucked up and didn't get it at Comiket...

>> No.19667075

Seems like it's going to be out at the end of the month.

>> No.19667574

[Post a Reply]

>> No.19668220
File: 8 KB, 263x213, dat ass 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoever uploaded Neets THANK YOU!

>> No.19668249

>wake up
>no felt
>go back to sleep
Oh just kidding, it's mp3 faggots that spite us purposefully.

>> No.19668354

Why do people still use mp3? I already encoded all my staff in opus for laptop with small hdd.

>> No.19668453

some of us can't find lossless songs so we grab whatever we can, which is often mp3

>> No.19668553

i enjoy mp3 files because i own a lot of bargain bin mp3 players acquired from tiny chinese firms

>> No.19668693

I use a crawler to get almost everything from VK.

Anyone else waiting for Wave?

>> No.19668914

The question was directed toward people who encode to mp3, seeing how anon was complaining about them.

>> No.19668935
File: 754 KB, 1700x1700, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(C94) LeaF - Doppelganger (FLAC/MP3 320K)

Download (FLAC): https://mega.nz/#!NmQV0aAT!Er_hTc8jPLb1fDwoDTOqFBhGFwz1W990RJPJ9rfyOqY
Download (MP3 320K): https://mega.nz/#!t7gxFZwb!V0l02EF3FZlOljFRNCBxfwy9NAVvL2Nd_4ONLA23wbE

>> No.19669096

Anyone else positively surprised about Pop Culture 9? Either it is pretty good or I had low expectations.

>> No.19669109

Terrible album but thanks anyway.

>> No.19669116

I like it. Unlike the other ones though, none of the tracks in particular really caught my ears.

>> No.19669505

>Anyone else waiting for Wave?

>> No.19669785

I'm the opposite. Can't say I liked any of the tracks

>> No.19669978

No Nhato, no care

>> No.19670778
File: 258 KB, 480x480, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new Felt is decent.

>> No.19670970

Is it this?
Cause I'm chewing on the walls right now

>> No.19671044

I bought a dakimakura directly off pixiv through a proxy service but it still hasnt fucking shipped.

>> No.19671076

Toast is really taking its time coming back online, isn't it?

>> No.19671123

Translate that afterwords weebs!

>> No.19671208

i'm getting cloud flare page now so they're probably getting ddosed.

>> No.19671213

Hopefully everything gets sorted out for them soon.

>> No.19671410
File: 661 KB, 1400x2126, Busty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Shion one by Ouma Tokiichi? I like that one, was tempted.

>> No.19671467

Can we agree that the new USAO album is the best release this comiket?
Like jesus. konami really fucked up mastering his songs in his games. They sound so much better on this album.

>> No.19671492

Why is she so healthy? This isn't correct.

>> No.19671740
File: 624 KB, 1349x2048, Smaller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right, that's why there's a different version more "correct". Though I can't personally stand seeing her rib cage like that.

>> No.19671802

I've been waiting so long for an Iku daki from him. That colouring is sex.

>> No.19671975
File: 36 KB, 690x626, 174638648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw your proxy fails you.


>> No.19672610


>> No.19672765

The other ones will be released later, won't they?

>> No.19672782

Nah, one is Syrufit - identity
Maybe temporarily sold out? That sucks.

>> No.19673120

>Cause I'm chewing on the walls right now
Are you saying that you can't stand it or that you can't wait for it? I don't know of this idiom.

>> No.19673156

Patiently waiting for MY WIFE STACK and her new album from 暁Records!!!

>> No.19673781

>wake up
>mp3s for FELT sound super shit as the flacs already sound awful mix-wise

>> No.19673801

where did you find flacs for c94 felt?

>> No.19673859

they've always sounded like shit

>> No.19673996

Where is my denpa

>> No.19674192

i didn't ask for that

>> No.19674280

I didn't ask for your input either yet here we are.

>> No.19674364

so you're autistic, got it

>> No.19675216

Just put in In my order for Phant 3 and Sakuyo. Now working to getting my WAVE thru a proxy service.so whenever they get ill rip in FLAC.

>> No.19675433

not every swiss can afford that, let alone americucks and the rest

>> No.19675620

and Wave is officially ordered now. So when they all arrive in about 2-3 weeks Ill rip them! Ill post links on the DS (i know i know) discord. since i dunno where else to put them

>> No.19675650

Put them here. The people from discord will just repost your links, they lurk here too.

>> No.19675811

Join astost and redacted and post them there. They are the best places for doujin music, with sows coming in at a distant third. Google "astost english" and "redacted interview" if none of those words mean anything to you.

>> No.19675864

>They are the best places for doujin music
RED shill in full force. Why do you keep coming here? RED isn't best for anything music related.

>> No.19675876

Oh that site that's down 90% time. Yeah great place indeed.

>> No.19675923

It's usually up, they're getting ddosed right now. Probably some autist from /jp/ mad about chinks hoarding doujin if I had to guess.

>> No.19675988

unfortunately, desperate people upload on RED, especially doujin music, because it's easy to build stats with it, which is the only way to survive on that shitty tracker

>> No.19676000

he could just get a seedbox and be done with the pyramid in a month and 5 bucks. He on the other hand decides to waste everyone's time and lie about an otherwise useless music tracker.

>> No.19676101

I don't know why you call others a shill when you get so upset over a mere recommendation. The Comiket 93 collage on RED has something like 100 albums in it. Your take on astost is also completely wrong -- they're being ddosed right now. Their uptime is usually quite good.

Do you want to keep well-meaning /jp/ users in the dark about resources that are available to them? Let them make their own decisions, angry anon.

>> No.19676150
File: 150 KB, 600x839, DixlABoUwAA0oOA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone scan this yet?

>> No.19676173


>> No.19676255

That Emilia doujin is not getting scanned at this point right?
And the artist seems to not be interested in selling it through Melonbooks.

>> No.19676632

Nobody needs you advocating either.
>Your take on astost is also completely wrong -- they're being ddosed right now. Their uptime is usually quite good.
My anecdotal evidence>your anecdotal evidence.

>> No.19676777

I'm scanning it now give me a bit

>> No.19676780

Seriously Anon? You would be my hero, thanks a lot man

>> No.19676877 [DELETED] 

Here you go: https://mega.nz/#!7Cpk2SqY!3gb_kM77g_3l2MXb3SODzJbLNB_Ldbjlk9_29KQx4eA

>> No.19676942

Found this. If anyone can grab it.

>> No.19676986

>The Comiket 93 collage on RED has something like 100 albums in it.
So? This number is not only very small it's also meaningless. Next thing you're going to tell me is how the Disco Biscuits made over 10% of RED"s albums because RED told you so right?

>> No.19677068

that's a virus though

>> No.19677105

Did Diverse System drop anything for C94?

Also, besides Spacelectro, does anyone have any instrumental EDM/psytrance/trance to recommend? I only recognize the old vocal/trance circles that have been around forever and vocals aren't doing it for me right now.

>> No.19677111

Good shit

>> No.19677165

is this legit?

>> No.19677187

winrar said the file is corrupted when I tried opening it inside a VM

>> No.19677196

lives are better financial as a whole. even amerika artists with big labels realized this. you can't download the venue experience.

this is a weird international niche for me so i don't complain about anything personally, but if it were more accessible to my gaijin ass I would probably pay for downloads

>> No.19677213

This is the dolphin porn I've always wanted to see, thank you Anon.

>> No.19677374

Still nothing about the new 鹿乃 album? Someone help this poor autistic faggot and upload her new album "two" please.

>> No.19677384

What do you mean "still"? Comiket happened barely even a week ago. Give it more time.

>> No.19677994

Would anyone happen to have HUNTINGφHERMIT from C81? It's from a couple years back but the only link around is expired and I can't find it in any torrents that aren't dead.

>> No.19678857

FELT always sounded like shit, they should record their shit at an actual studio.

>> No.19678892

That's why I want their flacs

>> No.19679334
File: 1.00 MB, 1920x1080, Sakuna_2018-08-17_13-32-25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here it is.
The C94 ver of Sakuna

>> No.19679344

Anybody to confirm it's safe?

>> No.19679545

It looks fine

>> No.19679812

You aren't Derek.

>> No.19680172
File: 582 KB, 1280x1835, G006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So are comiket orgies a real thing?

>> No.19680225

I've seen how fucking ugly even the cosplayer are,so i hope not.

>> No.19681410

Is this an early alpha demo? I couldn't seem to do anything once you reach the farming area.

>> No.19681802

Mostly the traps. But they're fucking while you're not.

>> No.19683792

where is my denpa

>> No.19683924
File: 56 KB, 354x664, 1532642441629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dead like the thread

>> No.19684643

Holy shit Phant 3 is good. The third track's start had me a bit worried about it being some generic drum & bass song but it turned out nice in the end. I really like the second track.

>> No.19684868 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.17 MB, 3000x2000, 1534532159240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally got around to sorting my loot, 88 books in total.

>> No.19684998

I wonder why the number of tracks halved between Phant 2 and 3.

>> No.19685056

Can't really see 75% of those. What's the point in posting this?

>> No.19687284

>link to bandcamp
>not free


>> No.19687400

I wish more artists on Bandcamp sold physical copies of their CDs. I would use that platform far more often if they did.

>> No.19687445

The number of named tracks in the Phant series is irrelevant in my opinion. For Phant 2 Taishi decided to split his track up into chapters. It could easily have been two tracks depending on how you interpret the music. This one simply returns to the original's structure of one each.

>> No.19687537

Are you me?
I love what bandcamp is doing for indie artists but I really wish more of them sold physical editions.

>> No.19687617

Wouldn't it be nice? Digital music is convenient but it's nice having a physical version as well. If the artists are worried about not selling enough they could always just do a smallish, limited run or something.

>> No.19687901

Reminder that importing loli doujinshi is stupid no matter where you are.

>> No.19688737

>this fucking Jerico album
Damn, this was a lot better than expected.

>> No.19689602


>> No.19689743

That sounds totally legit.

>> No.19689790
File: 167 KB, 630x630, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.19690371

still no tomato gummy

>> No.19690824
File: 54 KB, 600x600, Dko-ZutVsAEOOkm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's another WAVE album released on C94, this time in collab with avtechno.

>> No.19690974


>> No.19691021

the usual place

>> No.19691039

the fuck is that supposed to mean? RED? nyaa? spreadsheet?

>> No.19691169


>> No.19691470

just post the link instead of fucking teasing

>> No.19691473


>> No.19691481
File: 81 KB, 651x708, 1534591673138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19691648
File: 79 KB, 1280x720, IMG_20180818_133401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lost it.

>> No.19691662


>> No.19691833

I wish someone could destroy all these centralized web "apps". At least they're centralized, which in theory makes this easier.

>> No.19691911
File: 22 KB, 251x231, 1526723801401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls post the wave album

>> No.19691939
File: 907 KB, 1500x1500, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go, sorry for bullying


>> No.19692018
File: 289 KB, 800x1132, 20d4094c508423e9360ee4eb41b96582cbe3192d1884b6cac2a4b958b861f878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will they send WAVE album to europe if I buy from japanese amazon? I want physical

>> No.19692120
File: 309 KB, 1000x1412, censored.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone here bought this?
Care to share? If you're the guy from /h/ that has it scanned, please upload it!

>> No.19692146

Fucking hell you're annoying, Emilia-Anon. I'm rooting for you though, you persistent bastard.

>> No.19692361

Through a shopping/proxy service. That is what I had to do.
The album is great and I can't wait to get the psychical copy to enjoy. They did an outstanding job on this album.

>> No.19692378
File: 81 KB, 600x600, jk_AC_600_600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This other album of theirs lowers my heartbeat.

>> No.19692437
File: 2.82 MB, 913x1080, a8411217017adb33808082afd93ed0d39d5e021f67e30bd22e2d49b6506cee70.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>proxy service
I am not getting any WAVE album soon then. sad

>> No.19692449


>> No.19692464
File: 131 KB, 1280x720, 1526267870448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19692904
File: 315 KB, 1280x1280, folder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That one was great. This is still my favourite, though.

>> No.19693030

I really wanted to buy that one but I'm low on funds. Maybe next time.

>> No.19694704 [DELETED] 
File: 258 KB, 779x1100, Djlv0A5VsAAJUlx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19694805
File: 258 KB, 779x1100, Djlv0A5VsAAJUlx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone shared scans for this yet?

>> No.19694823

imizu needs to learn to draw different faces already. it's always these two, especially Tenshi's.

>> No.19695783
File: 346 KB, 1280x1280, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EXPAR'E VOICES "ELM'AZIORNE" ―我が娘へ贈る緋衣の歌― is so wonderful

>> No.19697151


>> No.19697162

Did anyone buy any games or do you all still just listen to touhou remix #99999?

>> No.19697298

not uploading them cause ur a cunt :^)

>> No.19699391
File: 18 KB, 384x366, ;^).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19699581

They concluded no one is harmed with loli doujin and he got all his doujinshi back though.
Switzerland sounds pretty based.

>> No.19699755

I love Stack!

>> No.19699966
File: 112 KB, 600x836, cfa54fbf81e5faa7e1b5669095b9e4f1dcbf0a5889900cbab9b4b865c6b79763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my wife can't have 3 husbands

>> No.19700644

>buying the 20th touhou remix game
Trap Tower 3 when?

>> No.19700922
File: 161 KB, 264x249, still need.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you still looking for? I need:

>Alstroemeria Records - BLACKLOTUS
>Amateras Records - Gratiful Days
>Digital Wing - Best 2018
>Yondervoice - ヴァイス・シュヴァルツ

>> No.19701541

How do akatsuki records manage to be so consistently good while bringing several new albums to every event?

>> No.19701659

I somehow missed this was being released at C94 (i thought it was going to be released at a different event) Its now on my list to buy when I can find a place to buy it from on my next paycheck. Looks like it'll have to be via proxy service. For now I hope that someone will post it eventually. avtechno is one of my favorite composers.

>> No.19702100
File: 140 KB, 247x242, 1510138824069.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what circle is this supposed to be?

>> No.19702136

>still no yassy

>> No.19702189
File: 8 KB, 719x86, second result in google.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm feeling nice. Next time try to find it yourself.

>> No.19702191

>still no good scans of that full color Flan YASSY book

>> No.19702230
File: 2.13 MB, 1920x1080, yassy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're missing out.

>> No.19702250
File: 192 KB, 890x497, 1534404670206.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why isn't it in the spreadsheet?

>> No.19702264

they remain doujin spirit

>> No.19702297


>> No.19702305
File: 142 KB, 717x709, jacket_SRLX-096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't have a problem with it. Whatever unpacker you used fucked up with non-standard symbols and misinterpreted them. I can post the correct names if you want. Here's the larger cover.

>> No.19702316
File: 93 KB, 889x699, 1533070242667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please do

>> No.19702334

01_微睡帰航(原曲:彼岸帰航 ~ Riverside View)
03_石竹色のこみち(原曲:春色小径 ~ Colorful Path)
05_三精四季と五行(原曲:六十年目の東方裁判 ~ Fate of Sixty Years)
06_花映ゆ彼岸の田園唄(原曲:ポイズンボディ ~ Forsaken Doll)

>> No.19702340

I'm glad you guys are enjoying this album! It's my favorite series to fall asleep to right now. Though nothing will beat Vol.1 for me.

>> No.19702349


>> No.19702352

Their filenames may be fucked up, but the metadata should be intact. Meaning that if you would just load them in foobar or whatever it would still show up properly.
Oh, as >>19702340 said, this is a great album and one of my favorites to come out of c94 thus far.

>> No.19702363

Yes, unfortunately it's how every rar file from dlsite acts, it's usually fine for me as long as I have my pc set to japanese locale.

>> No.19702379

Could you upload vol 1, 2 and 3?

>> No.19702401
File: 75 KB, 616x610, 616px-_Vol.2_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought only vol.2-4 for the moment.
Vol.2: https://mega.nz/#!d2x3FbaD!uhAtem-nu4hNtX6C4qrLxMP7K2zwTtMBNQccSuXR7Mo
Vol 3: https://mega.nz/#!g3BWEKqI!wOxxRlwg0RVJ05RFnq5Eswt9dedJAJ88ZR6Xy2t7l8I

Volume 1 should be easy to find.

>> No.19702461

Do they still release 2hu anime episodes?
How many are there?

>> No.19702922

There was the usual Gensou Mangekyou release.

>> No.19702972

Can't download it though. The helper is not working anymore?

>> No.19702983

What's the pass? I can try and up in on mega.

>> No.19702995


>> No.19703012

It's downloading, I'll up it asap.

>> No.19703059
File: 118 KB, 717x712, RJ205385_img_smp1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There you go. https://mega.nz/#!czxzCDgS!H28wcasEYTPstmEvuC4PRZ7HP4zsZWCnnMzuDkAEtBQ

>> No.19703356

Since there's no doujin music thread

Has Shibayan ever released another song as good as Fall in the Dark? I went through 3 other albums and haven't found anything even close, and the styles vary quite a lot.

>> No.19703394

Not really. I hope he'll do another electronic album which is as good as that one some day.

>> No.19703412

I think every Shibayan album is amazing, Bossa Nova isn't really for me but aside from that, they're quality over quantity. Their last non-remix album was in 2015 so we'll just have to wait.

>> No.19703415
File: 76 KB, 800x539, 00000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Did anyone buy any games


>> No.19703423

Every song in Supernova is superior to any of his other songs.

>> No.19703439

please upload xi-on

>> No.19703529

What do the chinks mean with 486? Their shitty slang is impossible to understand holy fuck.

>> No.19703569

This is why I still use cracked winrar instead of "superior" 7zip.

>> No.19703598

Any time I've unzipped something and the filenames have been fucked, WinRAR hasn't produced any different results.

>> No.19703603

You have the big torrent on Nyaa.

>> No.19703612

It's not 7zip's fault Chinks are computer illiterate.

>> No.19703646

Dude, most of the files I have downloaded so far have fucked up titles and I use WinRar too. It's just stupid chink insectoids at work.

>> No.19703722

I had an episode where 7zip fucked up filenames where winrar did not and I hasn't used it since. Anecdotal evidence yes.

>> No.19703724

Summer day's dream is still a mystery. Maikaze has been releasing drama CDs with a few rehashed music tracks for the past two comikets now, which is really sad because I like their style.

>> No.19703750

Get Bandizip, it has an option that lets you change the code page of the filenames, it's a must when dealing with chinese uploads of japanese stuff.
Unless you're a linuxfag and want to do it manually.

>> No.19703769

>drama CDs
>but no voices for the anime

>> No.19704000

Can you recommend other artists (or specific albums) in similar style to that one?

Nah. And not even because Nagi is a better singer.

>> No.19704043

Which 3 did you already go through?

>> No.19704049

I use a different piece of software but it also has this ability, it saves my ass all the time.

>> No.19704279

キセキインパルス Emotional Feedback
Adrastea (I liked the early 90s feel of some of the songs, stuff you'd hear in video games from that time)

>> No.19704309

Give RETRO FUTURE GIRLS a try, specifically Desert Years.


>> No.19704546
File: 214 KB, 496x384, 0BC1D775-F684-49EC-8707-AA613FC2744D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone lucky enough to get Clean Tears cd?

>> No.19704711
File: 411 KB, 563x500, cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does Follend en Abgrund from Cinnerth Quetlarie remind anyone else of Class::EXSPHERE_NOSURGE; from Ar Nosurge?

>> No.19704716
File: 289 KB, 512x384, patrick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19704728

I swear I didn't make any of those words up

>> No.19704899

That's why I like WAVEs albums, It reminds me of the soundtracks from the Ar Tonelico/Nosurge series.

>> No.19704913

since they're both by the same composer then it's natural to find songs that remind you of each other.
cause WAVE made songs for those games too.

>> No.19705292

After giving the album another listen I'm inclined to agree with you. There are pretty distinct "acts" in each song that could have been breakpoints as in Phant 2. I also liked it a good amount, there were some pretty solid segments in each song.

>> No.19705385

Did HTNT died? Just woke up and am seriously considering going back to back.

>> No.19705637

Well shit. And here I thought there was something I listened to that WASN'T connected to Ar Tonelico

But it's all connected to it. Literally everything I listen to is apparently. Akiko Shikata being a big part of that

>> No.19705981

They got that fixed in the latest version(s) of 7zip.

>> No.19706418

Where are all the cosplay ROMs?

>> No.19706532


>> No.19706629

Am I seeing some Kotoba Noriaki doujins there? Good taste anon, any Shima ones?

>> No.19707143

Same with Haruka Shimotsuki and Yoshino Nanjo, they did a fair share of songs too. Lily from WAVE provided chorus vocals iirc.

>> No.19709407

Did you not see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AUAlIyyJjr8

>> No.19709644

Not him but thanks for showing this, I don't really keep up with games.
I was also pleasantly surprised for it being on Steam.

>> No.19710390

Wow, another spineless metroidvania. I haven't seen those before? It's not like the franchise has like 20 entries alone. I see nothing this game does I haven't already played. Sorry.

>> No.19711978

Anyone got wavforme’s releases???

>> No.19713087

new thread?

>> No.19713190

Just want to point out the A-One albums are insufficiently tagged.
