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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2078810 No.2078810 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a reason because Japanese use ketchup as a topping for spaghetti rather than ragu or regular tomato sauce?
Namely, does it have any bearing on the steep prices on vegetables or it's yet anoter ill habit from USA (I know you guys are guilty of this too) which has unfortunately ended up rubbing off on them?

>> No.2078815

>ill habit from USA (I know you guys are guilty of this too)
haha no try germany

>> No.2078829

Euch. I tried that as a kid. It's way too much, all wrong. Ketchup does not belong on spaghetti, that's just nasty.

>> No.2078823

It's used specifically on something called "Napolitan". That's it.

>> No.2078830

I've lived in the US for quite a while now and I've never seen ketchup on spaghetti. I've seen it on eggs, pizza (along with mustard), crisps, and a ton of other dishes, but never pasta.

>> No.2078834

>from USA

I've lived here all of my life and I've never, ever heard of anyone putting ketchup on spaghetti until your post just now.

>> No.2078836

The important question is, did a bird cook that?

>> No.2078839

Japs like sweet things in their savory food.

>> No.2078840

>I know you guys are guilty of this too
Mercan here, and I can say that I have never in my entire life seen someone in the US eat spaghetti with ketchup.

>> No.2078845

>ketchup on spaghetti


>> No.2078856

I used to put ketchup on pasta and rice, but I ain't no american.

>> No.2078862

Ketchup on spaghetti comes from U.S. Army mess halls back in the day. They say the Neapolitan has it's origins during the American military occupation of Japan immediately following the end of WWII.

>> No.2078863

This is almost as disgusting as mayonnaise on fries.

>> No.2078871

I once knew someone that ate mayonnaise on hot dogs...

>> No.2078882

Same here.

>> No.2078895

>pizza (along with mustard)


Ever seen that WWII movie, "Band of Brothers" I think it was called? One of the soldiers went "This isn't spaghetti, it's just ketchup on top of noodles."

>> No.2078914

I used to eat French Toast with ketchup, until my friend told me that's disgusting.

>> No.2078916
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>> No.2078918

Delicious then?

>> No.2078924

Just because things are red does not make them similar. I've never even considered it on account of the fact that ketchup is more like tomato-flavored sweetened vinegar than a tomato sauce. And I don't eat vinegar on my noodles.

>> No.2078926

I've lived in America all of my life as well.
I've only seen poor people put spaghetti on pasta in documentaries as if to say, "Look at how poor these people are. Can't even afford some damn pasta sauce. Damn."

I'm surprised to hear this is a common practice, however. It doesn't at all seem appetizing.

>> No.2078920


But fries HAVE to go with mayonnaise.

>> No.2078940

To each their own, I suppose.

>> No.2078958
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The two things you should try that you might never think to try are hotdogs+peanutbuter and peanutbutter+jelly+baloney(no bread, just roll it up).

>> No.2078967


I do it all the time, over the regular sauce.

>> No.2078968

American red ketchup has vinegar. British red ketchup has less or none.

>> No.2078977

French fries with gravy are so good

>> No.2078987

I've been so used to salted French Toast the idea of putting syrup on it is strange to me.

>> No.2079014


i sometimes eat fries with mayonnaise too.

>> No.2079072

No, you don't.

>> No.2079087

did the flying spaghetti monster ever tell u about the japs there fucking crazy ketchup is forbidden

>> No.2079130

Ketchup is not as expensive due to the extreme prices for fruits and veggies in Japan. The average Japanese gentlenerd is too busy paying his yet another extreme price for an apartment, or even more expensive, a house, that all he eats is cheap noodles and condiments without the "fresh" status.

>> No.2079151

Ever heard of tomato paste? Hardly fresh and it can used to make sauce.

>> No.2079174

ketchup + spaghetti is extremely uncommon

fucking OP is from bizzaro world

>> No.2079176


>> No.2079186

>flying spaghetti monster


>> No.2079200

The common hot dog over here has mayonnaise.

>> No.2079202


>> No.2079230

Japanese are watching you, barbaric gaijin. Your misbehaviour makes Japanese xenophobia. It is your fault Japanese hate gaijin.

>> No.2079271

Banana ketchup (yes - banana, no tomato) on pasta?
(with hotdog slices)

Actually tastes nice to me.

>> No.2079276

Only slightly related, but I've found that sweet tea mixed with orange juice is rather good.

>> No.2079297

Ketchup can be conserved for months in a fridge.

For me at least it's a good reason to use it.

On anything.

>> No.2079311

Australian tomato sauce > American ketchup

>> No.2079322

/jp/ - Condiment ideas for food

>> No.2079325


Flip fag

>> No.2079332

Are the labels censored in Australia?

>> No.2079345

Heinz was here.
Masterfood sucks.

>> No.2079347

I have never once tried spaghetti with ketchup or even thought about doing so.
Ketchup is not spaghetti sauce, and I imagine that it's fairly disgusting.

>> No.2079350

That doesn't sound so unusual.

>> No.2079357

i once met this guy who put ketchup on his natto and i was like o.o;;; xD so kawaii desu ne~ n.n
