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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2154324 No.2154324 [Reply] [Original]

Am I the only one who would have no problem buying the loli whatever she wanted?

>> No.2154330

Yeah, because I'm poor as fuck.

>> No.2154331

Only if she repaid me in sexual favours

>> No.2154338

I don't usually have a lot of money, but if one walked up to me and asked for a drink at the vending machine, I wouldn't particularly mind.

>> No.2154347

I'd empty my wallet to give her what she wanted if needs be. Although I'd totally act cool and pretend its nothing and I have loads of money.

>> No.2154362

She's so small.

>> No.2154379

ojou-chan why do you want that cigarette?

>> No.2154393

It's good that lolis don't look so sweet in real life, because within that sweetness lies the power to ruin me.

>> No.2154411

The guy is gonna fall over.

>> No.2154446
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>> No.2154459

I-im only buying you something from the machine because your mom told me to.
I-its not like i l-like you or anything hmmpt.

On a serious note ಠ_ಠ

>> No.2154465

Would you like anything else?

My stillbeating heart perhaps?

>> No.2154479

It's so cute I don't even want to fuck it, just hug it and buy things for it...

>> No.2154480

I'd buy a loli a soft drink but then parents are so protective that if I get her something her parents don't approve of like maybe coke instead of punch then I'd have angry parents on my ass. Plus the whole issues with whether or not the loli is allergic (Buying snickers for a loli that's allergic to peanuts LOL) I'd rather just smile and say sorry go ask your mom first.

>> No.2154497

that's called paternal instinct

you'll need it when you never get married and have kids of your own

>> No.2154506

I try and help parents keep the "don't accept things from strangers" rule. So in general I don't give anyone anything.

Though the only thing I've ever run into that wanted me to buy anything was a bunch of 16 year olds who wanted alcohol.

>> No.2154507

I guess I wouldn't mind, it's already happened to me to have strangers come at me when they're lacking a few cents to buy food when I'm waiting in line at fast foods or stuff.
I guess I don't really mind, even though I'm probably getting screwed, it feels nice helping people sometimes.

>> No.2154512

Don't have to have my own kids to exercise paternal instinct. Friends and family have kids.

>> No.2154528

if i went to the laundromat, i'd give kids coins for the little toy machine things

that's about it

>> No.2154562

I once helped a girl (teenager) with money for the bus. I thought that since she walked up to me and asked I might as well help her out some. It was just small money anyway. She told me she'd pay me back, and I replied that I doubt it would happen since we know nothing about each other.

I should probably have asked her about phonenumber and name instead. Even if she'd give me a fake one, it would both enable a way to get money back and get closer to girls if it was the real thing.

Afterwards I of course started to wonder. The buses had stopped accepting money so she'd either have to charge her card (not sure you can charge it with less than 10 dollars, I gave her 2 dollars), or use SMS. So most likely she either wanted cash for candy/makeup, or she just wanted to get to know me and I screwed up.

>> No.2154565

A loli once bought me a carton of juice from the money she got from her parents. I cried.

>> No.2154570


>> No.2154577

Oh god, that's so juicy.

>> No.2154601

PROTIP: Females don't ask you for money if they want to get to know you.

>> No.2154608

When I was working once, 2 little girls offered me a tip from their own wallets for being nice to them.

They whispered it to their mom and had her relay their message to me.

It was so cute.
I declined, of course.

>> No.2154615

There are still people out there who actually appreciate it when you are nice to little girls and not just instantly brand you as a pedophile rapist? That's ...nice.

>> No.2154623

I accepted the juice and drank it with pride. Then I walked her back to her parents and she was so sad to see me go again, it was so adorable. ;_;

>> No.2154627

Oh, nice stories, here's mine-
I once found a little girl crying in the doorfront of a shop in an open shopping center, and offered to help her find her parents.
After a few minutes of searching, it just so happened that her mother saw us before we managed to see her.
She started screaming that someone is trying to kidnap her child.
I spent 3 fucking hours at the police station explaining i was only helping her find her parents.
The girl tried telling her mom as well, but it didn't really matter.

Being nice sucks.

>> No.2154629

It's nice when a little girl falls in love with you.

>> No.2154630 [DELETED] 

Damn, what did you do for her to grow so fond of you ?

>> No.2154635

shit sucks.

Too bad you were born male.

>> No.2154640

While I admire your good intentions, in a large place with lots of people the best thing you can do with a small child is take them to the security office. They'll make an announcement over the PA, and you don't run any risk of getting in trouble.

>> No.2154641

Sad part is, that would have never happened to you if you were a woman.

>> No.2154643

>>2154615 here. Any nice feelings the other post brought are now crushed.

>> No.2154650

The mother could still have seen him while he was going there and react the same way.

>> No.2154651

This is why i bothered to specifically mention: an OPEN shopping center, there's no PA there.
All you can do is leave a message for the clerk in the store in case the parents come back, and start going around searching, sometimes passing back by the store to see if the parents are there.

>> No.2154654

Sometimes this place feels like family. i.e. in threds like this.

Too bad 99% of this board is touhou roleplay and fate-stay debates.

>> No.2154672

You know if you were a woman this wouldn't happen.

>> No.2154675

Well, 2 things.
I was behind a counter, and I'm not a man.

Sorry for crushing you there.

Some mothers are a little more rational though, I hope?

>> No.2154676

I only come here for threads like this and to occasionally play Melty Blood. The sad part is that these threads usually get deleted at some point.

>> No.2154683

They always do, sadly.

>> No.2154695

Isn't threads like this what /b/ and /r9k/ is for? This isn't even /jp/ related

Not that I'm complaining though

>> No.2154698

All threads get deleted eventually. There is no such thing as permanence so must learn to live for the moment!

>> No.2154700

Loli is always /jp/-related. We are a directionless board of pedophiles after all.

>> No.2154701

I guess, but on those boards you don't really get anything good going other than pointless meme bullshit.

>> No.2154704

Nng. But isn't this a nicer audience for such threads?

I mean, there's a reason why most of us don't go to either of those boards.

>> No.2154721

Goddamnit, I can understand if you have to announce your gender to bring some clarity to a post, but do you really have to advertise it with your tripcode?

>> No.2154722

We're here for the shit that used to make /a/ tolerable. Nobody wants to read through girlfriend advice and camwhore circle jerks.

>> No.2154728

I agree. We need more off topic threads, since this is /jp/ - Touhou/VNs and most VNs aren't translated we don't have a lot to talk about which results in a decent userbase with little content. Even Japan culture threads are fine once in a while but they get reported and deleted.

>> No.2154738

I'm nice to kids whenever I'm working and the parents usually appreciate it. I guess it depends on where you live.

>> No.2154739
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This was a nice thread until the meta discussion started up. You're a faggot, moot.

>> No.2154745

Agreed on this too. Whenever someone reports for off-topic, that picture with the "no fun" sign pops into my head.

>> No.2154751

I would, but in Japan every attempt at being nice with a loli or attempt to communicate with one ends with a shitload of cops swarming you and taking you away.

>> No.2154759

>Every civilised nation

>> No.2154762

I mean, it's usually for a good reason, but I wish they could last...

>> No.2154849

Fuck this. I was thinking how awesome the fact that I worked in a place where you serve people was. Thought maybe I could also be nice to some lolis and stuff. Hell even to the whole family, why not?

But then I remembered I work in a bar... ;_;

>> No.2154876
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Just do me a favor- treat me like a bro, and never bring this up again.

>> No.2154893

just work in a supermarket then

>> No.2154944
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A bartender?

That can't be bad.

Oh no.

>> No.2154949

you guys act so persecuted for trying to be nice to loli, but by virtue of being on this board you clearly are a pedophile...so, the people you claim are making rash judgements about you are actually right...so, hurr.

>> No.2154951

That's the spirit.

>> No.2154962

Damn lolis think they can get anything anytime just cuz they're cute. I say we ignore them so they want us for our penises.

>> No.2154987

I'm actually not, I just act like it to fit in.

>> No.2154995

God no. I hope you burn in hell.

>> No.2155004

>act like a pedophile to fit in
I love this board, so much

>> No.2155032

How's it like being a bartender anyway? ..actually, is it a sophisticated bar like the one in Bartender or a place where normalfags go to get drunk?

>> No.2155077

Well, I'd be fine with people branding me as a pedophile if they saw pedophilia for what is was: A sexual orientation that is actually harmless as long as you have some self-control. Just because I fap to loli doesn't mean I feel the least desire to rape your kid.

>> No.2155081

nice cover

>> No.2155089

Nah, more of the normalfag place. But still ok because minimum age is 25 for some reason.

Oh well I gotta go. Work. ;_;

>> No.2155095

And then there's the difference between 2D and 3D.

>> No.2155115

That would be a delusion

>> No.2155126

Actually parents assume that anyone who is nice to their kids is a child molester, which I don't think most people here are. There's a difference between being attracted to kids and raping them.

>> No.2155131

Everything you view in the '3d' world is actually 2d.

Your mind fills in the gaps to create the illusion of a 3d space.

>> No.2155135

couldn't agree more

molesting kids = hurting them

wanting to hurt little girls is the LAST thing a girl-lover wants to do.

most convicted child molesters have also had prior convictions or accusations of molesting adults.

>> No.2155145

attracted to kids =/= girl-lover

I'm attracted to them, but they're annoying and I hate them. Just like I hate most females I'm attracted to.

>> No.2155157

You would be a girl-lover if you weren't such an adolescent "I hate everything" cunt.

>> No.2155160

lol overprotectiveness

>> No.2155179

Personally I love the concept of sweet, little girls, but acknowledge that these no longer exist in real life. It'd be most practical to say that I'm a girl-lover under these circumstances.

>> No.2155191

you clearly have not known very many little girls

some of them are perfectly sweet, charming, intelligent and nice.

>> No.2155256

If she was buying something like, say, cigarettes, I'd probably just keep walking.
But a drink or something? Sure, why not? I'm probably not thirsty anyway.

>> No.2155260


choose one.

>> No.2155281

>you clearly have not known very many little girls
Well... I can't really argue with that. Hard to meet little girls when you're a shut-in.

>> No.2155348

This thread has convinced me to take a teacher training course.

This time next year, 6 year old girls will be calling me sensei.

>> No.2155373
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>> No.2155387

I don't know if you'll get through the background check

>> No.2155433


You would be fired the first day after they found out that you were browsing 4chan's /jp/ and dig some information on it.

>> No.2155444

You know what's odd? You hear scandals of female teachers fucking their male students all the time, but you never hear about guy teachers going after the female students. I just find that strange. How do they stand it? All those school girls running around ...

>> No.2155456

It happens all the time

>> No.2155461


Because those teachers prefer boobs over dfc?

>> No.2155463

you probably don't hear much about them because men just get thrown in jail / exiled by the community if they are even accused, let alone convicted.
The only reason you hear about the female teachers is because they usually get a slap on the wrist compared to what male teachers get, and people think it is unfair.

>> No.2155470

It's taken as the norm for teacher-student fucking so it's not as shocking as when it involves a female teacher.

>> No.2155491

Female teacher fucking a male student is reported by the media as a comedic story. People just think it's funny and say things like "Man, what a lucky kid" whereas if it ever happens the other way around, it's a travesty of humanity and the male teacher is history's greatest scumbag.

>> No.2155515

I remember reading an article on a newspaper, about a female educator who molested most of her class. She was described as a poor lost soul in dire need of help and comprehension. A few months before that the same thing had happened with a male teacher, he was obviously described as a vicious monster.

>> No.2155519

Fucking women.

>> No.2155525

I'm absolutely terrified of interacting with little kids in any way. Every couple weeks, there's always a news story on my city's radio station that goes something like: "A suspicious man was seen watching children play outside of _____ elementary school. When police arrived the man was gone. If you have any information on this suspect please contact _____" And I'm like, wait what? He was just watching them? And that's enough to get the cops called on you and a news report? So you can understand my paranoia.

>> No.2155536

>I'm absolutely terrified of interacting with little kids in any way
I think we all are to some extent

It's sad really.

If I was walking past a group of children playing alone with a woman (use your imagination damnit!) and a little girl fell over and hurt herself, I wouldn't go over. I'd expect my female companion to though.

If I had no companion, I'd desperately want to go over and help, but I'd know better.

>> No.2155539

At least with my school, the male teacher on female student stuff was kept on the down low. We obviously didn't know about every instance, but the few that we did find out about we kept to ourselves.

No need to ruin a guy's career just because he's getting hot underage tail.

>> No.2155605


I support male teachers that get hot underage tail being imprisoned and condemned by society, out of jealousy.

>> No.2155800

I'm not even good with my 2 nieces. ;_;

>> No.2155809

I support giving them the same leniency as the hot female teachers doing the same thing. It would mean there's something to aspire to.

>> No.2155995

I'm sure that for everyone who feels sexually abused by a teacher, there is one person who envy them.

Just a shame we can't have some kind of website to get these people together for "illegal consensual happy sex".

I think the Japanese might be on to something. Some kind of Adult - Kid - Love Hotel business. You know, so it is somewhat supervised and no person is collecting lolis for their basement project.

These days it is probably more likely they make pedophile extermination camps though. Kids are just like nuns and monks. Completely unable to feel any kind of sexual feelings.

>> No.2156013

What about the high school teachers?

>> No.2156027

>Kids are just like nuns and monks. Completely unable to feel any kind of sexual feelings.
Horse shit. 10+, they're totally allowed to hook up with each other for shallow, childish sex. I hear that's how normalfags usually have their first experiences.

>> No.2156070

And where the fuck did this idea that nuns and monks don't have any sexual feelings come from? That's pure bullshit as well.

>> No.2157398

No one said that. In fact, monks and nuns probably have very accute libidos from having to suppress them all the time.

>> No.2157522

I'm just glad that people here are still relatively sane, in that they don't instantly accuse teenagers and up who interact with little girls pedophiles. They still believe people can be good at heart. Just the other day I was with my friend, and some kids were playing in the street and one little girl tripped and fell. He helped her up, and the mother who was watching nearby thanked him.

>> No.2157842

Actually, this is certainly true. I was consensually molested, repeatedly by a loli during one period of my life. She was later transferred away when it was discovered that daddy had taken some liberties.

>> No.2157851

Where do you people live? Where I reside there's nothing but rude ass nigger children with no discipline or proper upbringing. These little fuckers will stomp on your foot,call you a faggot and run to their parents pretending they didn't do anything.

I envy you.

>> No.2157884

This is how children everywhere act you permabaka

>> No.2157909

I realize you might be using the term ironically, but I still want to fight you in the head with bricks.

>> No.2157917

Yeah, made it up right on the spot. Nothing to go tripfag over though. One of my smaller accomplishments in life, really.

>> No.2157919

>fight you in the head with bricks.

I giggled like an idiot.


Not according to this thread.

>> No.2157937


Move out of the city, out on the country. There you'll find your sweet girls.

>> No.2157944

>Move to Japan

>> No.2158137
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>> No.2158154

Most kids alternate between being sweet and cute and being complete brats. It's just a matter of how often they are one and how often they are the other.

>> No.2158193

this is why we have morals to teach kids the do and don'ts in life

>> No.2158201


I'd teach her the dos if you know what I mean.

>> No.2158208

You know that nuns and monks are probably the most subject to perversions, are you ?
As Freud used to say, Junge Hure, alte Betschwester.

>> No.2158209

Just that morals are just the result of emotional manipulation. It doesn't teach them what's right or wrong, it teaches them to feel disgusted by the same things you are disgusted by.

>> No.2158226
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>> No.2158243


"Right and wrong" This doesn't differ much from morals.

>> No.2158276

I once won like 6 teddybears out of one of those skill tester machines.
When I turned around I noticed a loli looking up at me with big puppy dog eyes.... I gave her all my prizes ;_;

>> No.2158289


You should have flipped her a quarter, and declared, "USE IT TO CARVE YOUR OWN PATH" and walked off into the night.

>> No.2158292


>> No.2158296

>flipped her a quarter
When you do that in real life, you always end up clumsily dropping it, or flipping it in the wrong direction.

>> No.2158300

Once, I flipped a quarter.
It landed in the thrash can.

>> No.2158310

What? I can flip quarters fine.

>> No.2158405
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>thrash can


>> No.2158443

Sure you can, until you get into a situation where it would look really cool, then you suddenly fail miserably at it.

>> No.2158455

Yeah, It actually rolled and went to a rock concert, I'm that unlucky.

>> No.2159169
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>> No.2159368

Not a loli, but I met a 15 year old girl who plays VNs and likes all the same shit I do... I was sad. I hate being an old fart.

>> No.2159382

She's old, too.

>> No.2159410

Ug, that means she lurks or even posts here. No where else a kid has heard of on the internet discusses such things. Some damned idiot kid is using our conversations to form her world view. Why can't they leave us in peace? Why do they ALWAYS expect us to put up with the responsibility of being a role model by INSISTING on participating? Fucking selfish jerkwad brats.

>> No.2159447

I will need sauce on this

>> No.2159450


It's quite possible. She knew about all the patches and various hacks for getting VNs to run on her PC and PSP.
I was actually pretty impressed with her level of commitment.

>> No.2159461

That's not entirely true, some 15 year olds are childish and haven't developed psychically yet.

>> No.2159466

Just like everyone in /jp/!

>> No.2159469

I said physically, not mentally.

>> No.2159472

You know very well what I meant.

>> No.2159482

what? VN:s on PSP?

>> No.2159491



lol wut?

>> No.2159505

Everyone on /jp/'s an esper. Didn't you know?

Well, at least the older lurkers are.

>> No.2159511

I can extra sensorially perceive whenever someone is trolling me.
What's your power?

>> No.2159516

Physically. The horrors of dyslexia.

>> No.2159534

I can waste the entire day by reading an imageboard.

>> No.2159572

Man, I can do that too !

>> No.2159686

bump for sauce.

>> No.2159793

If kids were as cute as lolis i would.
However, they are not, and thats the difference between a lolicon and a pedophile.

>> No.2159863

Some of my brothers friends have out of wedlock children (some more than one >_>) I'm usually the guy who keeps them busy while everyone else smokes pot. BTW if you have a fear of children (like I once did), being high while playing with them makes it a lot easier. Helps you realize they don't give a shit and just want to play. I stay away from stranger's children though. Also, lolis are a lot more calm than shotas.

>> No.2159869


god fucking damn fuckdamn shitcunts, I'll rape you with a rake you goddamn pothead.

>> No.2159887

At the very least, they are more attractive than adults.

>> No.2159914

>if you have a fear of children (like I once did)
...What? ...Why?

>> No.2160040

pedophobia.. lol

>> No.2160044

Once I was walking along a semi-busy street, and there was this loli pushing a bike along (she looked tired from it too.)
Her mom asked why she didn't just ride the bike, and the loli responded with "But I don't want to hit anybody"

I d'aawwwwd in my head.

>> No.2160106
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Pedophobia is no laughing matter.

>> No.2160332

I always wish I knew a little girl that would sneak over to my house to watch anime and shit. Not 15 though, more like 9. That would be nice.

>> No.2160339

I'd buy her whatever. It'd make me feel good inside. Only if she was nice about it though.

>> No.2160821

you mean you raped her in your head?

>> No.2161324

Awright, here's my story. I used to play baseball in high school. I wasn't very good though, and was constantly afraid that I was on the verge of being cut from the team.

One night after supper, I figured I'd better practice. I didn't have any friends or siblings though, so I decided to head to the elementary school near my house. They had this big chain fence backdrop, so I could throw the ball at it, run over and retrieve it, run back and pitch again. Pretty annoying and inefficient, but it was the best option I had.

As I approached the school, I heard the sound of music coming from somewhere in the yard. It was pretty damn weird and haunting. I got closer to the sound, looked through the darkness, and perched on the creative playground was this girl who looked about 12 years old playing a clarinet.

I said something like, "Hey, what are you doing playing up there?"
She replied, "Um, my dad doesn't like the noise, so I come here to practice"
"Oh. Well I'm going over there."

So every night I'd practice pitching, in silence, while she played the clarinet. Baseball season ended and our team didn't win anything, so I got depressed and stopped practicing. A couple weeks later I decided to go to the school again, but the girl wasn't there. Never saw her again ...

>> No.2161348

She was a ghost.

>> No.2161362


>> No.2161371

What's with all the 3D hate?

>> No.2161376

Is this new to you or something?

>> No.2161384

No, I just never understood it.

It doesn't ring true to me. It seems forced.

>> No.2161392

Who the fuck are you

>> No.2161400

>It seems forced

Welcome to /jp/ hivemind.

>> No.2161418


>> No.2161431

The imperfections of reality obviously. It's not that hard to comprehend.

>> No.2161436
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Loli wants an adult video.

>> No.2161443

attraction is all about imperfections

the dimples, the sideways smile, the way her eyes wrinkle up when she smiles, that mole on her butt cheek

haven't you ever been in love Anon-kun?

>> No.2161451
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>> No.2161472


>> No.2161491

bad thread

>> No.2161500

holy lol i hope you're fakeposting

>> No.2161508
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>> No.2161512

All the lolis at the library stare at me when I work. I wonder if I'm funny looking.

>> No.2161519

>Am I the only one wh
Yes. Always.

>> No.2161523

Lolis always stare at me too, on account of me being 6'5" with dreadlocks.

I like it. I smile and they smile back. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.

>> No.2161525
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>> No.2161532


lol'd at the text.

>> No.2161563


This has to be the saddest story I have heard on 4chan in a long time.

>> No.2161604

>Kouhai says: How have your penis?

>> No.2161679

We hate whores. Every woman is a whore. Nothing agains little girls, except some guys here are pedos.
You can figure.

And don't defend women. It only causes shitstorms and more useless posts. /jp/ is like that.

Also, welcome to 4chan. I see you are new here.

>> No.2161697

/jp/ isn't a hivemind, get the fuck out

>> No.2162757

>Why do boys have dicks?

what is this?

>> No.2162784

All depends on what it is that she wants, if it's simple things like food and what not then yes.

>> No.2162802

>/jp/ isn't a hivemind

Hahahaha, wow. First day here, I see.

>> No.2163071
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>> No.2163080


>> No.2163129
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>> No.2163157
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>> No.2163218
File: 20 KB, 335x500, cute-little-boy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No love for little boys?

>> No.2163565
File: 349 KB, 976x1400, maximum-incest.1204511035913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not from us.

>> No.2163593

filename intrigues me

>> No.2163800
File: 345 KB, 1064x1518, fatherly-love.[SaHa] Kodomo no Jikan Ch.31 - 08.1198304669307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, that file name is my own invention.

>> No.2164104

Bump. Any more loli stories?

>> No.2164121

Holy fuck I don't know if thats supposed to be sad or creepy.

>> No.2164130

It's supposed to be scary. She is a ghost who was haunting the school.

>> No.2164158

I wonder if the "I'm gay" defense works if you help a loli and are called a pedophile...

>> No.2164164

What? Do you think all girls are ghosts or something?

>> No.2164182


No, just niggers.

>> No.2164201

Most people are too stupid to think that pedophiles can have a gender preference, at least in the US, so probably not.

>> No.2164935


She was a ghost. She just wanted somebody who would listen to her song. Her goal was finally fulfilled, and she vanished ...

>> No.2165482


>> No.2165482,1 [INTERNAL] 

I should never have stopped practising the trumpet. Now I can't play any kind of instrument. I suck.

>> No.2165482,2 [INTERNAL] 

Found the post for the other guy. It wasn't babysitting, it was a generic thread about dealing with children, so no wonder he couldn't find it.

I remember posting in this thread, but it turns out no one asked her directly. I also remember asking her a personal question way before I got this trip, I guess I was confusing it with something else.

>> No.2165482,3 [INTERNAL] 

/jp/ trumpet crew.

>> No.2165482,4 [INTERNAL] 

Hey guys, check out my imouto.

>> No.2165482,5 [INTERNAL] 

Ah, thanks. I can't believe I missed that post.

I'm blocking zip and going to take a break from /jp/ like you suggested. What started out as a running gag and harmless trolling escalated to something that is seriously messing with my brain.

>> No.2165482,6 [INTERNAL] 

You should regain your manliness by beating on barbie dolls with a toy hammer, that's what I did.

>> No.2165482,7 [INTERNAL] 

>I'm blocking zip and going to take a break from /jp/
That makes two of us. The only reason why I stopped unblocking zip is because of the ddos drama that occurred in the last week. Now that this whole ddos thing has been resolved I'm going back on my vacation from /jp/. Though, the novelty of this ghost board keeps reeling me back in.

>> No.2165482,8 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2165482,9 [INTERNAL] 

I tried that last winter. Good luck.
One day you'll go back just to check (just one page, it won't hurt at all, just for a second) and next thing you know you're spending all your time at /jp/ again.

>> No.2165482,10 [INTERNAL] 

I couldn't do it.

>> No.2165482,12 [INTERNAL] 

Just like that one time I deleted my whole PORN collection.
It's bigger now... shit suxs.

>> No.2165482,13 [INTERNAL] 

>that one time
I have no idea how many times during early adolescence I wiped my entire porn collection in a fit of guilt. Some of those images I can probably never find again :<

>> No.2165482,14 [INTERNAL] 

I did that once too. Among regular porn I don't miss that much, I lost a glorious video that featured a female friend of my ex-girlfriend's masturbating on the camera. I'll never be able to get that video again, lost forever.

>> No.2165482,15 [INTERNAL] 

I feel your pain.

>> No.2165482,16 [INTERNAL] 

I only did that once many years ago. After that I started deleting stuff right after I fapped to it. Only in the last year have I started rebuilding my collection. I think I'm up to around 30 or 40 gb.

>> No.2165482,17 [INTERNAL] 

But it's 3D, why would you want it back?

>> No.2165482,18 [INTERNAL] 

Porn of people I know in real life is always incredibly hot, even if the girls in question are pig disgusting.

I don't know why.

>> No.2165482,19 [INTERNAL] 

We should team up and find out where Pygma-chan lives.

>> No.2165482,20 [INTERNAL] 

Put up a website, trick Pygma-chan into viewing it (or posting a comment on it, if you're sneaky and into blogs), and have some fun with geoip.
I think you acting like a creepy stalker will probably be a turnoff for poor Pygma-chan, though. You saw how well she responded to her stalker-san.

>> No.2165482,21 [INTERNAL] 

I would rather obsess over buying little girls stuff.
